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Resource Management
三 、 资 源 管 理
是否评估执行相关教育训练后之有效性?(6.2.2) Does the organization evaluate the effectiveness of training courses?
是否实施适当设施设备保养?(6.3) ◎14 Does the organization determine, provide and maintain the infrastructure needed to achieve conformity to product requirements? 工作环境所需,是否达成符合产品品质/HSF要求?(6.4) 15 Does the organization determine and manage the work environment needed achieve conformity to product requirements? M323-028-02-A 第1页 共4页
1 quality/HSF /HSF management system 一 、 品 质 / H S F 管 理 系 统
2 3 4 5 ◎6 7
Management Responsibility
8 二 、 管 理 阶 层 责 任
公司是否已建立适当的内部沟通流程?(5.5.3) 10 Does the organization ensure that appropriate communication processes are established within the organization? 管理代表是否经授权,并定期执行管理审查,管理审查的记录予以维持?(5.5.2&5.6) 11 Has the management representative been authorized? Does representative execute management review at planned intervals? 是否对于会影响产品品质/HSF工作之人员实施必要的训练?(6.2.2) ◎12 Does the organization implement training to personnel whose performance may affect product quality/HSF?
Advantage/Disadvantage and Commwnts
Actual Score ( 0 / 0.5 / 1 )
Customer-related processes
四 、 顾 客 相 关 过 程
பைடு நூலகம்
五 、 采 购
Production and service provision
◎26 六 、 生 产 和 服 务 提 供
是否使用适当的方法对产品的状况加以鉴别,包含产品监督&量测的状况?(7.5.3) 29 Does the organization identify the product by suitable means throughout product realization? 顾客提供作为使用财产,是否加以识别、查证、保护及防护?(7.5.4) 30 Does the organization identify, verify, protect and safeguard customer property provided for use? 在内部过程中和交货至目的地期间,组织是否保护产品的符合性。防护必须包括标识、搬运、 包装、储存和保护?(7.5.5) 31 Does the organization preserve the conformity of product during internal processing and delivery to the intended destination? M323-028-02-A 第2页 共4页
Audit Item 产品有关要求之决定与审查结果及审查产生措施之记录是否与以维持?(7.2.1&7.2.2) 16 Are records of the results of the review and actions arising from the review maintained? 当产品要求变更时,是否确保相关文件已加以修订,以及将变更之要求知会相关人员?(7.2.2) ◎17 Does the organization ensure that relevant documents are amended and that relevant personnel are made a 是否决定及实施有效的安排以进行顾客沟通? (包含产品信息、合约/订单之处理/修订及顾客抱 怨等) (7.2.3) 18 Does the organization determine and implement effective arrangements for communicating with customers? ( Product information, Enquires, contracts or order handling, Customer feedback) 是否维持工程变更审查结果及任何必需的行动之记录?(7.3.7) 19 Does the organization maintain records of the results of the review of changes and any necessary actions? 是否建立供货商选择、评估及再评估之标准?(7.4.1) 20 Does the organization establish the criteria for selection, evaluation and reevaluation for supplier? 供货商评估结果及评估所产生之任何必要措施的记录是否加以维持?(7.4.1) 21 Does the organization maintain records of the results of evaluation and any necessary actions arising from the evaluation? 组织是否在与供货商沟通之前,确保明订采购要求的适切性?(7.4.2) 22 Does organization ensure the adequacy of specified purchase requirements prior to their communication to the supplier? 组织是否建立和实施检验或其它必要活动以确保采购产品符合明确采购的要求?(7.4.3) 23 Does the organization establish and implement the inspection or other activities necessary for ensuring that purchased product meets specified purchase requirements? 是否适当管制描述产品特性之信息的可取用性?(7.5.1) ◎24 Is the availability of information that describes the characteristics of the product under control? ◎25 是否适当管制工作指导书的可取用性?(7.5.1) Is the availability of work instructions under control? 制造现场实际作业是否遵循相关作业规范执行?(7.5.1) Are standard operation procedure followed? 制造现场实际作业参数条件是否遵循相关规定设定?(7.5.1) Are standard operation conditions followed? 是否实施必要之量测与监控?(7.5.1) Does the organization implement necessary monitoring and measurement?
供应商品质系统评鉴表 Supplier Quality/HSF System Survey List
NO. Audit Item 是否建立品质/HSF管理系统并与国际标准要求一致?(4.1) Does the organization establish, document, implement and maintain a quality/HSF management and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of this international standard? 公司是否已制定书面叙述的品质/HSF政策及订定品质/HSF目标? (4.2.1&5.1&5.4.1) Are statements of a quality/HSF policy and quality/HSF objectives documented? 是否制定书面化文件管制作业程序?(4.2.3) Is the documented procedure established? 文件发行前是否经过适当权责的批准、更新&审查?(4.2.3) Are documents approved, reviewed and updated for adequacy prior to issue? 是否适当管制外来文件?(4.2.3) Are the documents of external origin identified and their distribution controlled? 使用场所是否取用相关版本之适用文件?(4.2.3) Are relevant version of applicable documents available at points of use? 是否制定书面记录管制作业程序?(4.2.4) Is the control of records procedure established? 品质/HSF政策及目标是否在公司内被沟通及了解?(5.3) Are the quality/HSF policy and objective been communicated and comprehended within the organization? 是否界定及沟通公司各部门之职责及权限?(5.5.1) Does top management ensure that responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated within the organization? Advantage/Disadvantage and Comments Actual Score ( 0 / 0.5 / 1 )
NO. Control of monitoring and Measuring devices
Audit Item 是否对监督&量测的仪器的校正或查证加以管理,确保监督及量测可加以完成 ?(7.6) Does the organization establish processes to ensure that monitoring and measurement ◎32 can be carried out and are carried out in a manner that is consistent with the monitoring and measurement requirements? 监督&量测的仪器的校正或查证是否可追溯至国际或国家量测标准之量测标准?(7.6) 33 Are the calibration and verification of devices traced and met international or nation measurement standards? 34 是否维持校正及查证结果之纪录?(7.6) Are the records of calibration and verification of devices maintained? 是否加以识别监督&量测仪器的校正或查证的状况?(7.6) Are the calibration and verification status of devices identified?