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Controlling the Furnace Process in Coal-Fired Boilers
The unstable trends that exist in the market of fuel supplied to thermal power plants and the situations in which the parameters of their operation need to be changed (or preserved), as well as the tendency toward the economical and environmental requirements placed on them becoming more stringent, are factors that make the problem of controlling the combustion and heat transfer processes in furnace devices very urgent. The solution to this problem has two aspects. The first involves development of a combustion technology and,accordingly, the design of a furnace device when new installations are designed. The second involves modernization of already existing equipment. In both cases,the technical solutions being adopted must be properly substantiated with the use of both experimental and calculation studies.
The experience Central Boiler-Turbine Institute Research and Production Association (Ts KTI) and Zi O specialists gained from operation of boilers and experimental investigations they carried out on models allowed them to propose several new designs of multicell and maneuverable—in other words, controllable—furnace devices that had been put in operation at power stations for several years. Along with this, an approximate zero-one-dimensional, zone wise calculation model of the furnace process in boilers had been developed at the Tsk Ti, which allowed Tsk Ti specialists to carry out engineering calculations of the main parameters of this process and calculate studies of furnaces employing different technologies of firing and combustion modes .
Naturally, furnace process adjustment methods like changing the air excess factor, stack gas recirculation fraction, and distribution of fuel and air among the tiers of burners, as well as other operations written in the boiler operational chart, are used during boiler operation.However, the effect they have on the process is limited in nature. On the other hand, control of the furnace process in a boiler implies the possibility of making substantial changes in the conditions under which the combustion and heat transfer proceed in order to considerably expand the range of
loads, minimize heat losses, reduce the extent to which the furnace is contaminated with slag, decrease the emissions of harmful substances, and shift to another fuel. Such a control can be obtained by making use of the following three main factors:
(i) the flows of oxidizer and gases being set to move in the flame in a desired aerodynamic manner;
(ii) the method used to supply fuel into the furnace and the place at which it is admitted thereto;
(iii) the fineness to which the fuel is milled.
The latter case implies that a flame-bed method is used along with the flame method for combusting fuel.The bed combustion method can be implemented in three design versions: mechanical grates with a dense bed, fluidized-bed furnaces, and spouted-bed furnaces.
As will be shown below, the first factor can be made to work by setting up bulky vorticisms transferring large volumes of air and combustion products across and along the furnace device. If fuel is fired in a flame, the optimal method of feeding it to the furnace is to admit it to the zones near the centers of circulating vorticisms, a situation especially typical of highly intense furnace devices. The combustion process in these zones features a low air excess factor (α< 1) and a long local time for which the components dwell in them, factors that help make the combustion process more stable and reduce the emission of nitrogen oxides .
Also important for the control of a furnace process when solid fuel is fired is the fineness to which it is milled; if we wish to minimize incomplete combustion, the degree to which fuel is milled should be harmonized with the location at which the fuel is admitted into the furnace and the method for supplying it there, for the occurrence of unburned carbon may be due not only to incomplete combustion of large-size fuel fractions, but also due to fine ones failing to ignite (especially when the content of volatiles Daff < 20%).
Owing to the possibility of pictorially demonstrating the motion of flows, furnace aerodynamics is attracting a great deal of attention of researchers and designers who develop and improve furnace devices. At the same time, furnace aerodynamics lies at the heart of mixing (mass transfer), a process the quantitative
parameters of which can be estimated only indirectly or by special measurements. The quality with which components are mixed in the furnace chamber proper depends on the number, layout, and momenta of the jets flowing out from individual burners or nozzles, as well as on their interaction with the flow of flue gases, with one another, or with the wall.
It was suggested that the gas-jet throw distance be used as a parameter determining the degree to which fuel is mixed with air in the gas burner channel. Such an approach to estimating how efficient the mixing is may to a certain degree be used in analyzing the furnace as a mixing apparatus. Obviously, the greater the jet length (and its momentum), the longer the time during which the velocity gradient it creates in the furnace will persist there, a parameter that determines how completely the flows are mixed in it. Note that the higher the degree to which a jet is turbulence at the outlet from a nozzle or burner, the shorter the distance which it covers, and, accordingly, the less completely the components are mixed in the furnace volume. Once through burners have advantages over swirl ones in this respect.
It is was proposed that the extent to which once through jets are mixed as they penetrate with velocity w2 and density ρ2 into a transverse (drift) flow moving with velocity w1 and having density ρ1 be correlated with the relative jet throw distance in the following way
Where ks is a proportionality factor that depends on the “pitch” between the jet axes (ks= 1.5–1.8).
The results of an experimental investigation in which the mixing of gas with air in a burner and then in a furnace was studied using the incompleteness of mixing as a parameter are reported in 5.
A round once through jet is intensively mixed with the surrounding medium in a furnace within its initial section, where the flow velocity at the jet axis is still equal to the velocity w2 at the nozzle orifice of radius r0.The velocity of the jet blown into the furnace drops very rapidly beyond the confines of the initial section, and the axis it has in the case of wall-mounted burners bends toward the outlet from the furnace.
One may consider that there are three theoretical models for analyzing the mixing of jets with flow rate G2 that enter into a stream with flow rate G1. The first
model is for the case when jets flow into a “free” space (G1= 0),the second model is for the case when jets flow into a transverse (drift) current with flow rate G1 G2,and the third model is for the case when jets flow into a drift stream with flow rate
G1<G2. The second model represents mixing in the channel of a gas burner, and the third model represents mixing in a furnace chamber. We assume that the mixing pattern we have in a furnace is closer to the first model than it is to the second one, since 0 <G1/G2< 1, and we will assume that the throw distance h of the jet being drifted is equal to the length S0 of the “free” jet’s initial section. The ejection ability of the jet being drifted then remains the same as that of the “free” jet, and the length of the initial section can be determined using the well-known empirical formula of G.N. Amphibrachic [6] :S0= 0.67r0/a, (2)where a is the jet structure factor and r0 is the nozzle radius.
At a = 0.07, the length of the round jet’s initial section is equal to 10 r0 and the radius the jet has at the transition section (at the end of the initial section) is equal to 3.3 r0. The mass flow rate in the jet is doubled in this case. The corresponding minimum furnace cross-sectional area Ff for a round once through burner with the outlet cross-sectional area Fb will then be equal to and t he ratio Ff/Fb≈20. This value is close to the actual values found in furnaces equipped with once through burners. In furnaces equipped with swirl burners, a= 0.14 and Ff/Fb≈10. In both cases, the interval between the burners is equal to the jet diameter in the transition section d tr , which differs little from the value that has been established in practice and recommended in [7].
The method traditionally used to control the furnace process in large boilers consists of equipping them with a large number of burners arranged in several tiers. Obviously, if the distance between the tiers is relatively small, operations on disconnecting or connecting them affect the entire process only slightly. A furnace design employing large flat-flame burners equipped with means for controlling the flame core position using the aerodynamic principle is a step forward. Additional possibilities for controlling the process in TPE-214 and TPE-215 boilers with a steam output of 670 t/h were obtained through the use of flat-flame burners arranged in two tiers with a large distance between the tiers; this made it possible not only to raise or
lower the flame, but also to concentrate or disperse the release of heat in it [1]. A very tangible effect was obtained from installing multicell (operating on coal and
open-hearth, coke, and natural gases) flat-flame burners in the boilers of cogeneration stations at metallurgical plants in Ukraine and Russia.
Unfortunately, we have to state that, even at present, those in charge of selecting the type, quantity, and layout of burners in a furnace sometimes adopt technical solutions that are far from being optimal. This problem should therefore be considered in more detail.
If we increase the number of burners nb in a furnace while retaining their total cross-sectional area (ΣFb=idem) and the total flow rate of air through them, their equivalent diameters deq will become smaller, as will the jet momentums GB, resulting in a corresponding decrease in the jet throw distance Hb and the mass they eject. The space with high velocity gradients also becomes smaller, resulting in poorer mixing in the furnace as a whole. This factor becomes especially important when the emissions of Box and CO are suppressed right inside the furnace using staged combustio n (at αb < 1) under the conditions of a Fortinbras nonuniform distribution of fuel among the burners.
In [1], a quantitative relationship was established between the parameters characterizing the quality with which once through jets mix with one another as they flow into a limited space with the geometrical parameter of concentration = with nb = idem and GB = idem. By decreasing this parameter we improve the mass transfer in the furnace; however, this entails an increase in the flow velocity and the expenditure of energy (pressure drop) in the burners with the same Fb. At the same time, we know from experience and calculations that good mixing in a furnace can be obtained without increasing the head loss if we resort to large long-range jets. This allows a much less stringent requirement to be placed on the degree of uniformity with which fuel must be distributed among the burners. Moreover, fuel may in this case be fed to the furnace location where it is required from process control considerations.
For illustration purposes, we will estimate the effect the number of burners has on the mixing in a furnace at = = idem. schematically shows the plan views of two furnace chambers differing in the number of once through round nozzles (two and
four) placed in a tier (on one side of the furnace). The furnaces have the same total outlet cross-sectional areas of the nozzles (ΣF b) and the same jet velocities related to these areas (wb). The well-known swirl furnace of the TsKTI has a design close to the furnace arrangement under consideration. According to the data of [1], the air fraction βair that characterizes the mixing and enters through once through burners into the furnace volume beneath them can be estimated using the formula βair = 1 – (3) which has been verified in the range = 0.03–0.06 for a furnace chamber equipped with two frontal once through burners. Obviously, if we increase the number of burners by a factor of 2, their equivalent diameter, the length of the initial section of jets S0 and the area they “serve” will reduce by a factor of Then, for example, at = 0.05, the fraction βair will decrease from 0.75 to 0.65. Thus, Eq. (3) may be written in the following form for approximately assessing the effect of once through burners on the quality of mixing in a furnace:βair = 1 – 3.5f nb ' ,where is the number of burners (or air nozzles) on one wall when they are arranged in one tier both in onesided and opposite manners.
The number of burners may be tentatively related to the furnace depth af (at the same = idem) using the expression (5)
It should be noted that the axes of two large opposite air nozzles ( = 1)—an arrangement implemented in an inverted furnace—had to be inclined downward by more than 50° [8].
One well-known example of a furnace device in which once through jets are used to create a large vortex covering a considerable part of its volume is a furnace with tangentially arranged burners. Such furnaces have received especially wide use
in combination with pulverizing fans. However, burners with channels having a small equivalent diameter are frequently used for firing low-calorific brown coals with high content of moisture. As a result, the jets of air-dust mixture and secondary air that go out from their channels at different velocities(w2/w1 = 2–3) become turbulence and lose the ability to be thrown a long distance; as a consequence, the flame comes closer to the water walls and the latter are contaminated with slag. One method by which the tangential combustion scheme can be improved consists of organizing the so-called concentric admission of large jets of air-dust mixture and secondary air with the fuel
and air nozzles spaced apart from one another over the furnace perimeter, accompanied by intensifying the ventilation of mills [9, 10]. Despite the fact that the temperature level in the flame decreases, the combustion does not become less stable because the fuel mixes with air in a stepwise manner in a horizontal plane.
V ortex furnace designs with large cortices the rotation axes of which are arranged transversely with respect to the main direction of gas flow have wide possibilities in terms of controlling the furnace process. In [1], four furnace schemes with a controllable flame are described, which employ the principle of large jets colliding with one another; three of these schemes have been implemented. A boiler with a steam capacity of 230 t/h has been retrofitted in accordance with one of these schemes (with an inverted furnace) . Tests of this boiler, during which air-dust mixture was fed at a velocity of 25–30 m/s from the boiler front using a high concentration dust system, showed that the temperature of gases at the outlet from the furnace had a fairly uniform distribution both along the furnace width and depth . A simple method of shifting the flame core over the furnace height was checked during the operation of this boiler, which consisted of changing the ratio of air flow rates through the front and rear nozzles;this allowed a shift to be made from running the furnace in a
dry-bottom mode to a slag-tap mode and vice Versace. A bottom-blast furnace scheme has received rather wide use in boilers equipped with different types of burners and mills. Boilers with steam capacities ranging from 50 to 1650 t/h with such an aerodynamic scheme of furnaces manufactured by ZiO and Bergomask have been installed at a few power stations in Russia and abroad . We have to point out that, so far as the efficiency of furnace process control is concerned, a combination of the following two aerodynamic schemes is of special interest: the inverted scheme and the bottom-blast one. The flow pattern and a calculation analysis of the furnace process in such a furnace during the combustion of lean coal are presented in [13].
Below, two other techniques for controlling the furnace process are considered. Boilers with flame–stoker furnaces have gained acceptance in industrial power engineering, devices that can be regarded to certain degree as controllable ones owing to the presence of two zones in them . Very different kinds of fuel can be jointly combusted in these furnaces rather easily. An example of calculating such a furnace
device is given in [2]. As for boilers of larger capacity, work on developing controllable two-zone furnaces is progressing slowly . The development of a furnace device using the so-called VIR technology (the transliterated abbreviation of the Russian introduction, innovation, and retrofitting) can be considered as holding promise in this respect. Those involved in bringing this technology to the state of industry standard encountered difficulties of an operational nature (the control of the process also presented certain difficulties). In our opinion, these difficulties are due to the fact that the distribution of fuel over fractions can be optimized to a limited extent and that the flow in the main furnace volume has a rather sluggish aerodynamic structure. It should also be noted that the device for firing the coarsest fractions of solid fuel in a spouting bed under the cold funnel is far from being technically perfect.
Centrifugal dust concentrators have received acceptance for firing high-reactive coals in schemes employing pulverizing fans to optimize the distribution of fuel as to its flow rate and fractions. The design of one such device is schematically shown in [9]. Figure shows a distribution of fuel flow rates among four tiers of burners that is close to the optimum one. This distribution can be controlled if we furnish dust concentrators with a device with variable blades, a solution that has an adequate effect on the furnace process.
有着丰富经验的机组研究和生产协会( TsKTI )和齐奥专家取得锅炉操作和实验进行了调查,他们的模式使他们能够提出一些新设计的混和机动性,换言之,可控炉装置已在发电站投入使用多年,与此同时,一种近似零一维,锅炉炉膛燃烧进程总线计算模型在TsKTI 已经研制成功,这一模型允许Tsk-ti 专家获取计算这一进程中的主要参数,计算研究炉膛采用不同技术时的发射与燃烧方式。
Ks是相称的因素,取决于射流轴线之间的距离(Ks= 1.5至1.8)天然气与空气在炉中混合,然后在炉中使用不完整的混合技术的实验研究结果作为一个参数在[5]报告。
第一种模式是喷射流入“自由”空间的情况( G1= 0 );第二个模型是喷射流入横向(漂移)的情况下,当前的流量G1 G2 ;第三个模型是当喷射流入漂移流的情况下,此时流量G1<G2。
即将拥有的混合模式更接近于第一种模式,因为0 <G1/G2 < 1 ,我们将假定喷射的漂移距离h等同于自由喷射的初始长度S0.正在漂流的喷射的弹射能力等同于自由喷射的长度,初始喷射的长度能够用众所周知的公式确
G.N.Amphibrachic :S0 = 0.67r0 / a,在这里,a代表喷射结构因数,r0代表喷嘴半径。
在a= 0.07时,喷嘴的初始喷射圆长等同于10倍的r0,喷射过渡段(在初始喷射结束时)的半径等同于3.3倍r0.集中喷射的流量是这种情形的两倍。
带有旋流的锅炉燃烧器,a = 0.14和Ff/Fb≈10。
对于控制蒸汽产量为600吨/小时TPE-214 and TPE-215 型锅炉进程,更多可能性是通过在两个距离较大的层面上采用平面火焰燃烧器。
如果我们增加炉具数量,同时保留其总截面积(ΣFb =idem)和通过他们的空气总量,他们的等效直径deq将变得越来越小,而喷射动量Gbwb 也会减小,导致喷射距离的相应减少和集中退出。
fΣFb/Ff, nb=idem,Gb=idem。
该炉具有相同的喷嘴区域总出口横断面(ΣFb )和相同的喷射速度联系着这些区域(wb)。
显然,如果我们增加燃烧器的数量到因数2,其当量直径,初始喷射区域的长度S0和他们所“服务”的区域因数将减小2,例如,当a=0.05,分数βair将由0.75减少至0.65 ,因此,在通过对经过燃烧器进入炉内混合的质量的影响进行评估后,上述公式可以写成:β
air=1-3.5f nb,在这里nb是在一面墙上燃烧器(或空气喷嘴)的数量,当它们被安排在一样或相反的方式上。
结果,以不同的速度喷射空气粉尘混合物和从各自不同通道出去的二级空气(w2/w1 = 2–3),这些喷射物形成漩涡从而失去可以远距喷射的能力。
蒸汽能力从50--1650吨/小时这样的气动方案锅炉已经被ZiO 和 Sibener gomash制造,并在俄罗斯等一些国外的发电站得到应用。