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❖ Verbal behavior: behavior reinforced through the mediation of other persons ( Skinner 1957:14). … emphasizes the individual speaker and …specifies behavior shaped and maintained by mediated consequences( ibid:2).
❖ He proposed that Whitehead was unconsciously expressing a fear of behaviorism, likening it to a black scorpion that he would not allow to intrude into his philosophy (Corballis 1999).
斯金纳的生平及贡献(3/4) 主要著作
1938 1948 1953
《有机体的行为:一种实验分析》 《沃登第二》 《科学与人类行为》
1957 Schedules of Reinforcement
1957 《言语行为》
1959 Cumulative Record: Definitive Edition
❖ The black scorpion was a metaphorical response to the topic under discussion. The black scorpion was behaviorism.
(ibid: 458)
《言语行为》简介-No black
Enjoy Old Age: A Program of SelfManagement
Upon Further Reflection
Recent Issues in the Analysis of Behavior
❖ “教学机器之父”。 ❖ 1958年美国心理学会授予他“卓越科学贡献奖” ❖ 1968年他荣获美国国家科学奖章,这是美国最高级
术语-Stimulus control
❖ Prior stimuli in a three-term contingency of reinforcement: in the presence of a given stimulus, a given response is characteristically followed by a given reinforcement. Such a contingency is a property of the environment. When it prevails, the organism not only acquires the response which achieves reinforcement, it becomes more likely to emit that response in the presence of the prior stimulus. (ibid: 31)
《言语行为》简介-No black
❖ There was no black scorpion falling on the table.
❖ The response was emitted to make a point… out of the blue. … meant to be a poser just because it was not obviously controlled by a present stimulus.
❖ Men act upon the world, and change it, and are changed in turn by the consequences of their action( ibid:1).
❖ The extent to which we understand verbal behavior in a “causal” analysis is to be assessed from the extent to which we can predict the occurrence of specific instances and, eventually, from the extent to which we can produce or control such behavior by altering the conditions under which it occurs( ibid:3).
❖ He (Whitehead) brought the discussion to a close with a friendly challenge: “Let me see you,” he said, “account for my behavior as Iorpion is falling upon this table.’” the next morning I drew up the outline of the present study (Skinner 1957:457).
❖ 1922年进入汉密尔顿学院,专修英文 ❖ 攻读生物学,胚胎学、解剖学、中枢神经系统生理
学,读了华生和巴普洛夫的著作 ❖ 1930年获哈佛心理学硕士,1931年获哲学博士学位。
留校从事研究 ❖ 1936-1944明尼苏达大学任讲师、副教授 ❖ 1945年人印第安纳大学心理系教授、系主任 ❖ 1948哈佛大学心理学教授至1974年退休
1968 1969
The Analysis of Behavior: A Program for Self-Instruction 《教学技术》
1971 1974 1976 1978 1979
1983 1987 1989
Particulars of My Life: Part One of an Autobiography
—— 解读斯金纳的 《言语行为》
❖ 斯金纳的生平及贡献 ❖ 《言语行为》简介 ❖ 《言语行为》第4,6,13,17章解读
❖ 1904-1990 ❖ 美国在世的心理学家中最有影响的,
在人类行为科学中最引起争辩的人 物。——美国《时代》周刊 ❖ 即使弗洛伊德也没有引起赞同者和敌 对者完全不同的两个对立的阵容。 ❖ 不管是怎样看待斯金纳的工作,把他 看成人类的救星或奴役者,我们都没 法否定他对现代心理学的影响。—— 《现代心理学》作者舒尔茨
别的科学奖励 ❖ 1971年美国心理学基金会授予他一枚金质奖章 ❖ 1990年8月10日美国心理学会授予他“心理学毕生
《言语行为》简介-No black scorpion
❖ 《言语行为》研究的起源
❖ In 1934, in a casual discussion with Professor Alfred North Whitehead at a dining table…
术语 Generalized conditioned reinforcer
❖ Any event which characteristically precedes many different reinforcers can be used as a reinforcer to bring behavior under the control of all appropriate conditions of deprivation and aversive stimulation (ibid: 53).
❖ 对言语行为的说明是斯金纳行为主义理论体系的重要方面。 他的《言语行为》一书历时23载才完成从写作到出版的过程, 据此可见他在这一领域所耗费的心血。另一方面,却恰恰是 这个领域,让斯金纳遭到了无力反击的攻击,也可以说是他 的行为操作强化理论受到重大伤害的一个突破口(乐国安 1999)。
❖ Skinner once said that his most important work was Verbal Behavior, and he suggested that, in the long run, it might have the greatest impact on psychology of any of his ideas (Lattal 1992).
❖ Part I: A Program ❖ Part II: Controlling Variables
Verbal behavior under the control of verbal stimuli Special conditions affecting stimulus control ❖ Part III: Multiple Variables ❖ Part IV: The Manipulation of Verbal Behavior Grammar and syntax as autoclitic processes ❖ Part V: The Production of Verbal Behavior Self-strengthening of verbal behavior
❖ S-R-R
术语-Stimulus control
❖ By reinforcing with candy we strengthen the response Candy! … Subsequently we control the response, not by further reinforcement, but by depriving the child with candy (ibid: 31).
❖ I hope that he will agree that the analysis has shown respect for human achievement and that it is compatible with a sense of dignity- in short, that no black scorpion has fallen upon this table (ibid:460).
❖ Example: approval
❖ Six operants: ❖ Mand ❖ Tact ❖ Echoic, textual, intraverbal, autoclitics.
❖ A mand may be defined as a verbal operant in which the response is reinforced by a characteristic consequence and is therefore under the functional control of relevant conditions of deprivation or aversive stimulation( Skinner 1957:36).
❖ The response may have been weakly determined, but it was not necessarily free.
❖ The stimulus may not have been much, but in a determined system it must have been something.
Reflections on Behaviorism and Society
The Shaping of a Behaviorist: Part Two of an Autobiography《一个行 为主义者的塑造》
A Matter of Consequences: Part Three of an Autobiography《后果 问题》