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Un dergraduate Program for Specialty in
Microelectro nic Scie nee and Engin eeri ng
I . Program Objectives

This program trains advaneed talents with basic knowledge, theory and experimental skills n ecessary for Microelectro nic Science and Engin eeri ng. These tale nts can be en gaged in various works in microelectro nic materials, devices, packagi ng, test ing, in tegrated circuit desig n and sy stem as well as the scie ntific research, educati on, tech nique developme nt, engin eeri ng tech no logy, product ion man ageme nt.
n . Learning Outcomes

The program requires that the learners have the knowledge and abilities listed as follows:
1. Have solid foundation in natural scienee, basic fine knowledge in humanities and social sciences and good foreig n Ian guage skills;
2. Master wide branch of fun dame ntal theoretical kno wledge of this specialty, which mai nly in clude the solid state physics, semic on ductor physics, microelectr onic materials, microelectr onic devices, in tegrated circuit desig n and so on. Master the ability to con duct scie ntific research in the
field of this specialty ;
3. Have good trainings in engineering practice, master the analysis, design and fabrication
methods of differe nt kinds of microelectro nic devices and in tegrated circuits, have the fun dame ntal ability to in depe nden tly deal with the performa nee an alysis of microelectr onic materials and devices, integrated circuit design and microelectronics processing. Master the ability of engineering developme nt and orga ni zati on man ageme nt ;
4. Have the knowledge of the latest developments and prospects in this specialty, have the kno wledge of the curre nt situati on of microelectro nic in dustry.
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川.Program Highlights

Based on micro-/nano- electr onics materials and process ing, tak ing micro -/nano- electr onic devices and integrated circuits fabrication as the core, oriented in integrated circuit design and its system applicati on, this program in sists on the comb in ati on of scie nee and engin eeri ng, values the theoretical foundation and emphasizes the practical skills. By training the ability of comprehensive and lateral thi nki ng with the comb in ati on of basis-to-applicati on 〞and devices-to-system 〞, this program aims at cultivating scientific and engineering talents with good scientific quality, capability in in tegrated desig n of micro -/nano- electro nics material-devices-circuits-layout-processi ng-systems, as well as the ability of research and orga ni zati on man ageme nt.
IV. Main Discipline
Electr onic Scie nee and Tech no logy
V. Program Length and Degree
Duratio n: 4 years
Degrees Con ferred: Bachelor of Engin eeri ng
W . Credits Hours and Units

Minimum Credits of Curricular(Compris ing course system and inten sified intern ship practical training) : 162 credits.

Major-related basic courses and core courses cannot be covered using credits from other courses in the program

Minimum Extracurricular Credits : 3 credits.
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Practicum Credits
Extracurricular Credits
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deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level.
Vfl . Main Courses
量子力学Quantum Mechanics、固体物理Solid State Physics、半导体物理Semiconductor Physics、微电子材料Microelectro nic Materials 、半导体器件物理Physics of Semico nductor Devies、纳电子器件Nanoelectronic Devices、微电子工艺学Microelectronic Process 、CMOS模拟集成电路CMOS An alog In tegrated Circuit 、数字集成电路根底Fun dame ntals of Digital IC 、微电子圭寸装与测试Microelectro nic Packag ing and Testi ng、微电子器件可靠性技术根底Fu ndame ntal of
Microelectr onic Devices Reliability Tech no logy.
忸. Practicum Module (experiments included)
新生专业认知实践Professi onal Cogn iti on Practice for Freshme n、电工实习Electrical Engineering Practice、软件课程设计Course Project for Software Design 、集成电路课程设计Course Project for ICs、微电子工艺课程设计Course Project for Fabrication Process of Microelectronic Devices、微电子器件建模课程设计Course Project for Modeling of Microelectronic Devices 、微电子专业实验Experiments of Microelectronics Specialty 、专业实习Professional Social Practice、毕业
设计Undergraduate Thesis.
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School 〔Department〕: School of Optical and Electronic Information Specialty: Microelectronic Science and Engineering
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