
owl know feather need
paint a fence刷篱笆clean the bedroom收拾卧室
go to the supermarket去超市cut the grass剪草
make the bed整理床铺wash the dishes洗盘子
go shopping购物go for walks散步
go to the movies看电影play games玩游戏
clean the room打扫房间how about如何,怎么样
next day第二天get out of here离开这儿get to到达
look behind向后看start to do开始做某事
1. <Old MacDonald>
2. <Go Marching>
3. <In the jungle>
<City mouse and country mouse>
<Why the owl says,”Who”>
1. Kill two birds with one stone.
19.She never drives a car.
20.What a good idea!多好的主意啊!
1.<Hello. Good morning.> (P2-1)
2.<Nothing to Do> (P19)
<Look at the time>

朗文少儿英语第三册小故事ContentsUnit 1 My Activities Little Stories: The Ant and the Grasshopper Unit 2 Family Activities Little Stories: The Two BrothersUnit 3 City and Country Little Stories: City Mouse and Country Mouse Unit 4 Animal Homes Little Stories: Why the Owl Says "Who"Unit 5 The Weather Little Stories: Can We Go to the Beach TodayUnit 6 The Five Senses Little Stories: The Princess Can't LaughUnit 7 The Foods I Eat Uttle Book: The Three WishesUnit 8 Health Habits Little Stories: A Healthy GirlUnit 9 TV and Movies Little Stories: TV In Two LanguagesUnit 1: Little Stories: The Ant and the GrasshopperAnt lives next to Grasshopper. Ant says, "I like to work and go to school every day."Every day Ant gets up at 7:15. She finds food before school. She reads and writes. AAfter school she plays soccer. Ant works and works. Grasshopper doesn't like to work.One day Grasshopper gets up at 10:00. She says, "I like to hop and sing every day."She gets dressed and eats breakfast. After breakfast she hops and sings and watches TV.At 11:45 she goes back to sleep.Ant walks home at lunch. She sees Grasshopper and says,"Hello!" Grasshopper opens one eye and asks, "What time is it?"Ant says, "It's 12:45." Grasshopper sits up and smiles. "Is it time for lunch?" she asks. "Yes," says Ant, "but you don't have any food."Grasshopper looks at Ant's food. "Can I eat some of your food?" she asks.Ant says, "I work every day. Y ou hop and I sing and play."Grasshopper says, "After lunch, I can work." Ant gives Grasshopper some food.After lunch Grasshopper hops and sings and works!Unit 2 Little Stories: The Two BrothersIn a town in the mountains there is a little family. The father is a doctor. The mother is a doctor. The two brothers in the family say, "We don't want to be doctors.""What do you want to be?" asks the father.The brothers say, "We always go for walks in the mountains. How about shepherds?"The next day the two brothers go up the mountain. They find a shepherd with his sheep and he teaches them. "We can be shepherds!" they say.After they eat lunch, they go to sleep under a tree.A horn pokes Big Brother in the arm. He jumps up and says to Little Brother, "Get up! Let's get out of here!" T hey do not look behind and see the sheep with horns.They start to run down the mountain. Horns poke into them from behind. They cry."Help!" They get to a river and swim.When they get home their mother asks, "Do you like being shepherds?"Big Brother says, "No! We can fight fires, fix teeth, help sick people, and teach sports.""But we never want to be shepherds," says Little Brother.Unit 3 Little Stories: City Mouse and Country MouseOne day City Mouse takes a bus to the country to see his cousin. Country Mouse. He sees cows and horses in the fields. He sees ponds and fences and birds. The bus stops at a farm.But soon City Mouse is not happy. "I'm hungry. There is no food! And it's cold here in the barn," he says. "Let's go to the city. Y ou can live in my apartment. There's food and it's warm."Country Mouse touches his cold nose. "Y es, let's go!" he says.The two cousins take the bus to the city. They see a restaurant, a skating rink, and a museum. Country Mouse says, "Here's our stop!" They get off the bus and go into the apartment. There are milk and cheese on a big table. City Mouse and Country Mouse are happy.But before they can eat, a big cat comes in. The cat wants to eat them! They have to hide behind the refrigerator. Country Mouse says, "Now I'm hungry, and a cat wants to eat me! I'm going back to the country!"Unit 4 Little Stories: Why the Owl Says "Who"There are many birds in the forest. Birds with red and green feathers sing in the trees. Birds with yellow and purple feathers come from the plains.But there is one bird in the forest who has no feathers. She sits in a tree and cries and cries, "I have no feathers!"The birds in the forest say, "Let's help the bird with no feathers." The parrot gives her a red feather. The owl gives her a brownfeather. Soon the sad bird gets five feathers, ten feathers, twenty feathers! She laughs, "I don't need you. Now I have many feathers." And she flies out of the forest.The owl is mad. He wants to find that bird. He wants his feather. He flies out of the forest.He asks the monkey, who jumps in the jungle, "Who who who has my feather?" The monkey doesn't know. He asks the whale, who swims in the ocean. "Who who- who has my feather?" The whale doesn't know.He asks the crocodile, who crawls in the river. "Who who -who has my feather?"The crocodile doesn't know. He asks the camel, who walks in the desert, "Whowho—who has my feather?" The camel doesn't know.To this day the owl says, "Who who—who." He is always looking for his feather.Unit 5 Little Stories: Can We Go to the Beach T oday ?Chile is south of the equator. Canada is north of the equator. In Chile, it is summer in December. It is winter in June. But in Canada, it's the opposite. It's usually cold and snowy in December.Do you like lo go to the beach'Y ou can go to the beach in July in Canada. And you can go to the beach in December in Chile.Do you like to play in the snow? Go to Canada from December to March. Go to Chile from June to August. Bring your jacket, hat, gloves, and skis!Tropical countries are near the equator. In tropical countries, there is usually no Spring or Fall. There is a rainy season and a dry season. Go to tropical countries in the dry season. Y ou can go in the rainy season, but don't forget your umbrella, raincoat, and boots!Unit 6 Little Stories: The Princess Can't LaughY esterday Princess Eva was happy. She went to a carnival. The weather was sunny, and the food was delic ious. There were clowns and a band. But there was a bad magician at the carnival.Princess Eva saw the magician and she laughed. The magician didn't laugh. He touched her mouth with a wand. He said. "From now on. you can't talk. Y ou can't laugh. And Princess Eva couldn't make a sound.Princess Eva could feel, and hear, and see. and smell, and taste. But she couldn't talk. She couldn't laugh. A doctor came and looked at her fingers, her ears, her eyes, her nose, and her tongue. She wasn't sick. But something was wrong. Even a clown couldn't make her laugh!But then one day, a nice man came to town. He had a band of animals. His dog, his cat. and his horse sang for the princess. They made loud noises. They sounded bad! The princess started to laugh and laugh. "Look! I can laugh! I can talk!" she cried. It was a happy day.Unit 7 Little Book: The Three WishesOne day a farmer goes to cut down a tree on his farm. The tree says, "Oh, farmer, please don't cut me down." The farmer stops.The tree says, "Thank you! I am giving you and your family three wishes. Y ou can have any three things you would like."The farmer runs into his house. His father is putting breakfast on the table. There art4 eggs, slices of tomato, toast and butter, and orange juice. The farmer says, "We have three wishes from a tree!" his father doesn't listen. "Sit down and enjoy your breakfast," says his father.The farmer sits clown and says, "Oh, I'd like sausages with my breakfast." Poof! And there is a bunch of sausages on his dish.The father gets mad. "Y ou wish for sausages?" he asks. "I'd like to see those sausages on your nose!" Poof! And the sausages are on the farmer's nose.Then the farmer and his father hear the mother at the door. "Use wish number three!" the father says."I'd like the sausages to disappear," the farmer says. Poof! The sausages disappear, along with the three wishes.The mother comes in. "Good morning/' she says. "It smells like sausages! Can I have some?"Unit 8 Little Stories: A Healthy GirlMai-Lan is from V ietnam. She lives in Chicago. Every day she eats fish and chicken. She likes rice and vegetables. And she loves salads. Her favorite fruits are apples and oranges. And she likes ice cream—chocolate ice cream!Mai-Lan likes to ride her hike. She loves to swim and go to the beach in the summer. On the playground, she jumps rope and plays games. Mai-Lan gets a lot of exercise. She's a healthy girl.Usually Mai-Lan eats healthy foods, but yesterday she didn't. She ate a lot of candy. Usually she drinks milk and juice, but yesterday she didn't. She drank pop. Usually her bedtime is 9:00 P.M., but yesterday she didn't go to bed at 9:00. She stayed up past midnight!Mai-Lan doesn't stay up late all the time.She did one time in the past year. Y esterday was the New Y ear celebration. Mai-Lan wanted to celebrate the New Y ear. She wanted to shout "Happy New Y ear!" with her family at midnight. And she did.Unit 9 Little Stories: TV In T wo LanguagesHello! My name is David. I live in Miami. My parents moved here when I was little. They're from Guatemala, and they speak Spanish. A lot of families in Miami speak Spanish. So there are a lot of Spanish TV shows.Last night I reviewed some TV shows for my school newspaper. I watched four kinds of shows. On the schedule at 7:00 was a comedy. I he story was boring, bul one charat ter was funny. I awarded the comedy show one star.Then there was a game show in Spanish. II was ext iting and funny. I awarded il three siars. I'm happy I can speak Spanish and English. I can review a lot of shows! After the game show was a nature show. Il was interesting enough. I awarded il two stars.Then I watched a catoon show.Why?Because cartoons are my favorite shows! I awarded the cartoon show three stars.there was a scary movie at . I he IV reviewer awarded it tour stars. But I didn't get to watch it. I did my homework. Then it was time tor bed. In a few more years, I can watch late TV shows!。

Chapter 3 Our school events3A重点单词:event事件,大事O pen D ay 开放日,接待日P arents’ D ay 家长开放日S peech D ay 演讲日the school picnic学校野餐日the school fair学校市场,学校博览会the school concert学校音乐会S ports D ay 运动会the swimming gala 游泳比赛Boys’ Day 男孩节Girls’ Day 女孩节(蓝色字体部分为扩充内容,也需掌握)3A重点句型:1.When’s the school picnic? 学校野餐是什么时候?2.It’s on the seventh of November. 它在11月7号。
3.When’s Sports Day? 运动会是什么时候?4.It’s on the second of May. 它在5月2号。
3C重点单词:Picture 1 : both 两个都invitation邀请Picture 3: them他们(宾格)Picture 4: feel 感觉quickly迅速地stick粘贴together一起Picture5:month月份later以后Picture8: still 仍然return 回来3C句型:Picture 1:Ricky and Kitty both have an invitation for Parents Day at their schools.Ricky 和Kitty 两个都有一张他们学校的家长开放日邀请卡。
Picture 3:Let me give the cards to mum and dad.让我把邀请卡给爸爸妈妈吧。
Picture 4:The children feel bad. 孩子们都感觉很糟糕。
They quickly stick the invitations back together.他们迅速将邀请卡粘贴到一起。

3. Write(写):①完成第三单元语法练习卷。
1. Listen(听):CD1的第21-24曲,每天15分钟。
2. Read(读):大声朗读作业单上已学的内容,朗读3遍以上。
3. Write(写):①重点短语×4英1中
4. Remember(背):①重点短语(课堂听写)
department store
skating rink
swimming pool
2.You can (go to the movies) in the city.
3. You can (fish and swim) in the ponds and lakes.
4.-What do you have to do every day?
-I have to get up at 6:00 every day.
traffic light交通灯bus stop公共汽车站

朗文英语3A全册教案Unit 1 Weather and seasons 单元教学总目标:1.Describe the weather2.Describe what people do regularly and when they do it3.Express likes and dislikes第1 课时第2 课时第3 课时第4 课时第5 课时第_6 课时Chapter 2 Festivals We Like单元教学总目标:1.Describe the festival2. Students are able to use the sentence structures to talk about their favourite festival,the relevant festival and the activities to do at these festivals.3. Enjoy the story.第 1 课时第 2 课时第 5 课时第_6 课时Chapter3 Our school events 单元教学总目标:1.Pupils can express the date accurately2 To master the cardinal numeral and ordinal numeral3.Pupils can write down invitations by themselves.第1 课时第2课时第3课时第4课时第 5 课时第6课时Chapter 4 At the school fair 单元教学总目标:1.Pupils learn the names of some items sold at the school fair.2 Pupils learn to ask and answer questions about the prices of these items.3.Pupils can role-play a conversation between a stallholder and the customers.第1课时第2课时第3课时第 4 课时第5 课时第6课时Chapter5 Things at home单元教学总目标:1.Pupils can master the names of some commonly found objects2 pupils can know the texture of different objects3.Pupils can develop their reading skills and stimulate their critical thinkingability第 1 课时第2 课时第3课时第4 课时第5 课时第6 课时Chapter 6 A trip to the beach 单元教学总目标:2.Describe the activities done at the beach.2. Students are able to talk about what they like or do not like doing at the beach.3. Pupils can write something about their experiences at the beach.4、enjoy the story.1 课时第第 2 课时第 3 课时。
新思维朗文3A chapter3 - 答案

朗文3A Chapter 3一、Phrases1.___our___ school __activies___ 我们学校活动2.the school __fair___校园义卖3.__Open__ Day开放日4.__Sports__ Day 运动会5.__Parents’_ Day 家长会6.the school ___concert___ 校园音乐会7.__Speech___ Day颁奖典礼8.the school ___picnic___ 校园野餐9.__ninth_ ___November____11月9日10.___on___ the __second___ of May 在5月2日11.___feel____ bad 感觉糟糕12.___from___half __past____ two ____to___ three o’clock 从两点半到三点13.invite __you___ __to__ our _school__ 邀请你来我们学校14.__from__ nine o’clock __in_ the morning __to__ two o’clock _on__ the afternoon从早上九点到下午两点二、Sentences1.Sally _is__ ___helping___ Peter __make___ a webpage.Sally正在帮Peter制作一个网页。
2.__When’s___ the school __picnic__?It’s __on___ the __seventh__ of __November____.校园野餐是什么时候?在11月7日。
3.__When’s__ ___the___ ___Sports__ Day?It’s __on__ the __third__ __of__ May.运动会是什么时候?在5月3日。
4.Ricky and Kitty __both___ have __an__ invitation.Ricky和Kitty都有一封邀请函。

<Old MacDonald>
1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟)
Student Book: P22,P23
Unit3 City and Country(城市和乡村)(2)
paint a fence刷篱笆clean the bedroom收拾卧室go to the supermarket去超市cut the grass剪草make the bed整理床铺wash the dishes洗盘子water the plants浇花feed the (bird)喂(鸟)
1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟)
Student Book: P27,P28
have to / has to必须,不得不
do you have to do every day
I have to get up at 6:00 every day.
does he have to do every day
He has to feed his bird, cat, and fish every day.
does City Mouse want to go
do the two cousins see in the city

香港朗文3A Chapter3 单元测试卷Name:____________ Class:________________听力部分(40分)一、听录音,将下列图片排序。
(10分)1.()2.()3.()4.()5.()6.()7.()8.()9.() 10.()二、听录音,判断选给图片与所听内容是否相符,正确写A,错误写B(10分)1.()2.()3.()4.()5. ()6.()7.()8.()9. ()10.()三、听录音,选择正确的应答句(10分)( )1. A.It's in October. B.It’s in June C.It’s in July ( )2. A.It’s in May. B.It’s in September. C.It’s in March. ( )3.A.It’s on the second Sunday of June.B.It’s on the second Sunday of April.C.It’s on the second Sunday of May.( )4. A. I like Easter. B.I don’t like Sports Day.C. I like the school fair.( )5. A. Yes, I can. B.Yes, I do. C. No, she can’t.四、听音,完成句子,每空一词。
(10分)1. ______ school _______ is in January.2. Father’s Day is on the ________ Sunday of ___________.3. _______is Parents’ Day?4. Thanksgiving Day is on the ________ Thursday of ___________.5. Children can get _________ on Children’s Day.6. I send a ______ ______ Christmas.笔试部分(60分)五、选出以下单词中不同类的一项,填序号。
香港朗文3A Chapter3 - Chapter 6 知识点

3A Chapter3 Our School EventsWordsJan (January ) 一月Feb ( February ) 二月Mar (March ) 三月Apr ( April ) 四月May (May ) 五月Jun (June ) 六月Jul ( July ) 七月Aug ( August ) 八月Sep ( September) 九月Oct ( October ) 十月Nov ( November ) 十一月Dec (December) 十二月School fair 学校义卖会Open Day 开放日School concert 学校音乐会Speech Day 演讲日School picnic 学校郊游Sports Day 运动会a.m.上午p.m.下午1st(first) 第一2nd (second) 第二3rd (third) 第三4th (fourth) 第四5th(fifth) 第五sixth第六seventh第七eighth第八ninth第九tenth第十*eleventh 第十一*twelfth第十二*thirteenth第十三*fourteenth第十四*fifteenth第十五*sixteenth第十六*seventeenth 第十七*eighteenth第十八*nineteenth第十九*twenty-second 第二十二*twenty-third第二十三*twenty-fourth第二十四*twenty-fifth第二十五*twenty-sixth第二十六*twenty-seventh 第二十七*twenty-eighth第二十八*twenty-ninth第二十九*thirtieth第三十*thirty-first第三十一*calendar 日历*attention注意、留心concert音乐会*event事情fair ( n.) 义卖会,展览会*gala节日、盛会invitation 邀请、招待invite邀请、招待*later 较晚的、以后的let让、允许may 可能、也许Parents’ Day 家长日*pay支付picnic野餐quick快的、迅速的*still仍然、还有Chinese New Year 春节Christmas 圣诞节Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节Easter 复活节Dragon Boat festival 端午节Sentences1) A: When is the Open Day? 开放日是什么时候?B: Its on the twenty first of May(21st of May). 在5月21号。

(完整版)香港朗文英语3A测试卷1-3单元(20210105171248)三年级朗文英语(3A)测试题Chapter1-3Listening Part (50%)一、Listen and choose the right answer.听录音,选择正确的答案。
(10%)( ) 1. A. foggy B. windy C. cloudy D. rainy( ) 2. A. winter B. summer C. spring D. autumn( ) 3. A. cold B. warm C. cool D. hot( ) 4. A. 15th July B. 5th June C. 25th June D. 25th July( ) 5. A. weather B. where C. when D. what( ) 6. A. June B. July C. May D. December( )7. A. third B. first C. fourth D. fifth( ) 8. A. three B. free C. feel D. frog( ) 9. A. sweet B. cake C.weak D. make( ) 10. Open Day B. Speech Day C.Sports Day D. the school fair二、Listen and write the capital letters.听录音排序,写上大写字母编号。
(8%)( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、Listen a nd “T”,”F”. 听音,判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。
(6%)1. 2. 3.( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. 6. Sports Day( ) ( ) ( )。
(12%)四、Listen and choo se the right answer, write “A” or “B”( ) 1. A. Spring is warm and wet. B. Spring is warm and foggy.( ) 2. A. I plant flowers in spring. B I plant flowers and go to the park in spring. ( ) 3. A. Can you come to our school fair? B. Can you come to our school concert? ( ) 4. A. Which season do you like best? B. Which festival do you like best? ( ) 5. A.It’s on the 21st December. B. It’s on the 22nd December. ( ) 6. A. In summer, it is hot and sunny, I go swimming.B. In summer, it is rainy and sunny, I go swimming.五.Listen to the questions, choose the right answer, write A or B. (9%)( ) 1. A. It ‘s hot and sunny. B. It ‘s cold and windy.( ) 2. A. We eat chocolate eggs. B. We eat moon cakes.( ) 3. A. I plant flowers. B I fly kites.( ) 4. A. I like spring best. B. I like Spring Festival best.() 5.A. It’s 9th October. B. It’s on 10th September.。

三年级朗文英语(3A)测试题Chapter1-3Listening Part (50%)一、Listen and choose the right answer. 听录音,选择正确的答案。
(10%)( ) 1. A. foggy B. windy C. cloudy D. rainy( ) 2. A. winter B. summer C. spring D. autumn ( ) 3. A. cold B. warm C. cool D. hot ( ) 4. A. 15th July B. 5th June C. 25th June D. 25th July ( ) 5. A. weather B. where C. when D. what( ) 6. A. June B. July C. May D. December( )7. A. third B. first C. fourth D. fifth( ) 8. A. three B. free C. feel D. frog ( ) 9. A. sweet B. cake C.weak D. make ( ) 10. Open Day B. Speech Day C.Sports Day D. the school fair二、Listen and write the capital letters.听录音排序,写上大写GAGGAGAGGAFFFFAFAFGAGGAGAGGAFFFFAFAF 字母编号。
(8%)( ) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( )( )二、 Listen and “T ”,” F ”. 听音,判断对错,对的写T ,错的写F 。
(6%)1. 2. 3.( ) ( )( )4. 5. 6. Sports Day( ) ( )( )四、Listen and choose the right answer, write “A” or “B”。

香港朗文英语3A测试卷1-3单元三年级朗文英语(3A )测试题Chapter1-3Listening Part (50%)一、 Listen and choose the right answer . 听录音,选择正确的答案。
(10%)( ) 1. A. foggy B. windy C. cloudy D. rainy( ) 2. A. winter B. summer C. spring D. autumn( ) 3. A. cold B. warm C. cool D. hot( ) 4. A. 15th July B. 5th June C. 25th June D. 25th July( ) 5. A. weather B. where C. when D. what( ) 6. A. June B. July C. May D. December ( )7. A. third B. first C. fourth D. fifth( ) 8. A. three B. free C. feel D. frog( ) 9. A. sweet B. cake C.weak D. make( ) 10. Open Day B. Speech Day C.Sports Day D. the school fair二、Listen and write the capital letters.听录音排序,写上大写字母编号。
(8%)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、 Listen and “T ”,” F ”. 听音,判断对错,对的写T ,错的写F 。
(6%) 1. 2.3.( ) ( ) ( )4. 5.6. Sports Day( ) ( ) ( )四、Listen and choose the right answer, write “A” or “B”。
(12%)( ) 1. A. Spring is warm and wet. B. Spring is warm and foggy.( ) 2. A. I plant flowers in spring. B I plant flowers and go to the park in spring.( ) 3. A. Can you come to our school fair? B. Can you come to our school concert?( ) 4. A. Which season do you like best? B. Which festival do you like best?( ) 5. A.It’s on the 21st December. B. It’s on the 22nd December.( ) 6. A. In summer, it is hot and sunny, I go swimming.B. In summer, it is rainy and sunny, I go swimming.五.Listen to the questions, choose the right answer, write A or B. (9%) ( ) 1. A. It ‘s hot and sunny. B. It ‘s cold and windy.( ) 2. A. We eat chocolate eggs. B. We eat moon cakes.( ) 3. A. I plant flowers. B I fly kites.( ) 4. A. I like spring best. B. I like Spring Festival best.( ) 5.A. It’s 9th October. B. It’s on 10th September.( ) 6. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can.六、听录音,判断句子对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。

Chapter 1 Weather and seasons一、重点词汇:1.seasons: spring summer autumn=fall winter季节春天夏天秋天冬天2.weather: warm foggy rainy sunny windy天气温暖的有雾的多雨的晴朗的大风的cloudy wet cool hot cold dry多云的潮湿的凉爽的热的冷的干燥的Phonics(语音单词): they that down Dad他/她/它们那下来爸爸反义词:hot-----cold warm----cool dry----wet二、重点句型1.What’s the weather like today? It’s rainy.今天是什么天气?今天是多雨的。
2.What’s the weather like in spring? It’s warm and foggy.春天是什么天气?它是温暖和有雾的。
3.What’s the weather like in summer? It’s hot and sunny.夏天是什么天气?它是热的和晴朗的。
4.What’s the weather like in autumn? It’s cool and dry.秋天是什么天气?它是凉爽的和干燥的。
5.What’s the weather like in winter? It’s cold and windy.冬天是什么天气?它是冷的和有风的。
熟读内容一、词汇:plant flowers go to the park eat ice cream go swimming 种花去公园吃冰淇淋去游泳fly kites go hiking wear a scarf eat hotpot放风筝去远足戴围巾吃火锅二、句型:1.How many seasons are there in a year? There are four.一年有多少个季节?有四个。

《朗文英语3A》复习提要Chapter 3I.经过第3章的学习,下面的新单词我们不仅要准确无误地读,还要知道如果你觉得序数词记起来有困难,下面这个歌谣或许可以帮助你找到基础词变序数词的规律哦:基变序有规律,词尾加上th;(例如:four th, six th, ten th…)一二三特殊记,词尾字母t、d、d;( firs t, secon d, thir d)八减t,九去e,f来把ve替;(eight-eighth; nine-ninth; twelve-twel f th)单词ty作结尾,ty变成tie ;(twenty-twent ie th; thirty-thirt ie th)若是碰上几十几,只变个位就可以( twenty one-twenty-first; twenty two- twenty-second)III.第3章中,我们还学习了一个很重要的句型,我们一起来巩固一下吧~--When’s the school picnic? 学校野餐在什么时候?--It is on the seventh of November. (7th November) 学校野餐在11月7日。
如12月25日,写为25th December,读作the twenty-fifth of December。
在学完第三章的A&B部分,你来回答老师几个问题吧:When is your birthday?When is your mum’s birthday?When is your dad’s birthday?When is Christmas?When is Teachers’ Day?把日历打开,看看今年一些重要的节日在哪一天吧:When is Dragon Boat Festival?When is Mid- Autumn Festival?When is Halloween?When is Chinese New Year?IV.C部分学完后,小朋友们,你们要达到以下的要求哦。
朗文英语3H3Unit 3精美课件

•Mum:他听不见你说话了。我觉得他是想 到那个城堡去。
a woman:嘘!安静点!一个巨人住在这 里呢。
Jack:真的吗?我好害怕啊!那个巨人现 在哪儿啊?
a woman:他在卧室里面。来,和我走…
a big castle 一座大城堡 three butterflies 三只蝴蝶 an old house 一座破旧的房子 the beanstalk 豆茎 cloud 云朵 tree 树 No.2 How many people are there in the picture?(3分) 图上有几个人?
1 4 7
3 6 9
2 4 7
3 6 9
1 4 7
6 9
1 4 7
6 9
3 6 9
7 8
1 4 7
3 6
1 4 7
Байду номын сангаас
8 9
1 4
3 6 9
1 4 7
3 6 9
What do they want to do? 他们想去做什么? ——They want to make a cake.
Warm up song 热身歌曲
、 Listen and say you see? Look :EWhat can 看一看:你能看见什么?

Unit 3 This Is Our House (这是我们的房子)(1)四会词:bathroom 浴室 bedroom 卧室 diningroom 饭厅kitchen 厨房 living room 起居室三会词sofa 沙发stove 炉灶 TV 电视 bed 床 bathtub 浴缸1 .Where are the sofa and the TV?沙发和电视在哪里?SentencesThe sofa and the TV are in the living room.沙发和电视在起居室里Revision 复习Unit 1,2 ,并做部分习题。
2 Listen, read and say:( 要求:每天 15 分钟) Student Book: P223 Work Book: P174 Write the words:( 要求:每天两遍,不写汉语 意思。
)bathroom bedroom dining room kitchen living room4大声朗读作业单,每天两遍。
WordsHomework (作业)Unit 3 This Is Our House (2)Words 四会词:lamp 台灯sofa沙发三会词:bookcasetable 桌子书架TV 电视chair 椅子stove 炉具SentencesHomework(作业) plant 植物户curtains子kniferug窗帘地毯windowspoon 勺子窗fork 叉刀plate 盘子sink 洗涤槽refrigerator 冰箱Where is the lamp?There is a lamp in the living room.否定句在is后面加上“not'表示否定There is not a lamp in the kitchen.1 Listen, read and say:(Student Book: P222 Write the words:(要求:每天15分钟),P23要求:每天两遍,不写汉语意思lamptablebookcase TV sofachair stove3根据例句将四会词分别造句Unit 3 This is our house(这是我们的房子)(3)Living room:clock (钟)sofa (沙发)bookcase (书架) rug (地毯)TV (电视)lamp (台灯) Dining room:table (桌子)chair (椅子)window (窗户)curtain (窗帘)Kitchen:refrigerator ( 冰箱)stove (炉具) Bathroom:sink (洗涤槽)tub (浴缸)toilet (马桶) Bedroom:bed (床)blanket (毛毯)dresser (梳妆台)phone (电话)Page 1:Father,Mother, and Baby Bear are in the kitchen.(熊爸爸,熊妈妈和熊宝宝在厨房里.)Mother Bear puts milk on the table.(熊妈妈把奶放在桌子上.)“ It ' s too hot, " says Baby bear!(宝说:"牛奶太热 了!。
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4.When Country Mouse see City Mouse, what does he say?
5.Why is City Mouse not happy?
6.Where does City Mouse want to go?
7.What do the two cousins see in the city?
traffic light交通灯bus stop公共汽车站
1.There are many different kinds of (animals) in the country.
巩固级A Unit3 City and Country(1)
department store百货商店fountain喷泉
skating rink滑冰场swimming pool游泳池
③写一篇作文“My City”(参考学生用书P22,24,29的段落)
巩固级A Unit3 City and Country(5)复习课
1. Listen(听):CD1的第21-23曲,每天15分钟。
2. Read(读):大声朗读作业单上已学的内容,朗读3遍以上。
3. Write(写):①四会词×4英1中;②三会词×2英;
4. Remember(背):①四会单词(课堂听写)
paint a fence
clean the bedroom
go to the supermarket
cut the grass
make the bed
wash the dishes
water the plants
feed the (bird)
get on
get off
go into
1.There are many different kinds of (animals) in the country.
2.You can (go to the movies) in the city.
3. You can (fish and swim) in the ponds and lakes.
4.-What do you have to do every day?
-I have to get up at 6:00 every day.
2. Read(读):大声朗读作业单上已学的内容,朗读3遍以上。
3. Write(写):①完成第三单元语法练习卷。
1. Listen(听):CD1的第21-24曲,每天15分钟。
2. Read(读):大声朗读作业单上已学的内容,朗读3遍以上。
3. Write(写):①重点短语×4英1中
4. Remember(背):①重点短语(课堂听写)
3. Write(写):①四会词×4英1中;
4. Remember(背):①四会单词(课堂听写)
巩固级A Unit3 City and Country(4)
department store
skating rink
swimming pool
get on上车get off下车go into进入
< City Mouse and Country Mouse>
1.Does City Mouse go to the country by train?
2.What does City Mouse see in the fields?
5.-What does he have to do every day?
-He has to feed his bird, cat, and fish every day.
“Old MacDonald”
< City Mouse and Country Mouse>
1. Listen(听):CD1的Unit3部分,每天15分钟。
-I have to get up at 6:00 every day.
2.-What does he have to do every day?
-He has to feed his bird, cat, and fish every day.
I like the (city), because I can (play in the snow and make a snowman).
“John&Ana” (SBP29)
1. Listen(听):CD1的第26曲,每天15分钟。
2. Read(读):大声朗读作业单上已学的内容,朗读3遍以上。
8.What are on a big table?
9.Why do the two cousins have to hide behind the refrigerator?
10.Does Country Mouse like the city?
I live in (Harbin). It’s a (big city).
There are (tall buildings, movie theaters, and department stores in the city).
It is usually(cold) in winter. I often wear (sweater and pants).
教师上Βιβλιοθήκη 时间班号授课进度巩固级A Unit3 City and Country(3)
be different from不同于
e.g. His ruler is different from my ruler.
go to the supermarket去超市cut the grass剪草
make the bed整理床铺wash the dishes洗盘子
water the plants浇花feed the (bird)喂(鸟)
have to/has to必须,不得不
1.-What do you have to do every day?
2.You can (go to the movies) in the city.
3. You can (fish and swim) in the ponds and lakes.
“Old MacDonald Has a Farm.”&“Old MacDonald Has a House.”
巩固级A Unit3 City and Country(2)
paint a fence刷篱笆clean the bedroom收拾卧室