Contaflex和ZEISS IKON单反相机产品说明书
A sensation in performance and price
If photography is yourfavourite hobby, if what you want is not just to preserve memories, but also to experiment and solve professional problems with your camera, then the ICAREX 35 is ideal for you! It is extremely versatile, especially in the close-up range,
Reflex Advantages
Both models have one thing in common : you see the subject through the lens. The image in the finder exactly corresponds to what the camera will take even with interchangeable lenses and close-ups. The CdS
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You can take pictures up to three times the natural size, revealing details invisible to the naked eye. Ideal for hobby and professional work.
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尼康镜头说明if和ed是两个特性指标,具体介绍见下面尼康(nikon)镜头标识的含义ai: automatic indexing自动最大光圈传递技术发布于1977年,是nikon f卡口的第一次大变动。
nikon f2a、f2as、nikkormat el2、ft3和fm是第一批获益于这项技术的机身。
代表镜头:nikkor ai 50/1.4 ai-s:automatic indexing shutter自动快门指数传递技术在1981年,nikon对全线ai镜头卡口进行了修改,以便使它能够与即将投入使用的fa高速程序曝光方式完全兼容,这些修改后的新镜头就是ai-s卡口nikkor镜头。
当ai-s镜头用于nikon fa机身时,它能够根据自身的焦距向机身提供信息以选择正常程序或高速程序,在快门速度优先自动曝光方式时,它们能够在非常宽的光照范围内提供一致的曝光控制。
代表镜头:nikkor ais 50/1.4 af-s: silent wave motor静音马达代表该镜头的装载了静音马达(silent wave motor,s),这种马达等同于佳能的超音波马达(ultrasonic motor),可以由“行波”(traveling waves)提供能量进行光学聚焦,可高精确和宁静地快速聚焦,可全时手动对焦。
可支持af-s 镜头自动对焦的相机有 f5 ; f4; f100;f90x;f90;f80;f70;f65;d1;d1x;d1h;d100,其余的机身可以接用,也可以测光,但不能自动对焦。
蔡司 ZEISS Axiocam 105 color 使用说明书
使用指南ZEISS Axiocam 105 color 型号 R2ZEISS Axiocam 105 color原版指南译文Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbHCarl-Zeiss-Promenade 1007745 Jena德国********************/microscopyCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbHCarl-Zeiss-Promenade 1007745 Jena德国文件名称: 使用说明书 ZEISS Axiocam 105 color订单编号: 426555-7011-112修订次数: 2语言: zh-CHS生效日期: 09/2022© 2022 未经 ZEISS 事先书面同意,本文件或其任何部分不得以任何形式或手段(包括电子或机械方法),通过影印、录音或任何信息或存档系统,进行翻译、复制或传播。
软件程序应完全属于 ZEISS 的财产。
未经 ZEISS 事先书面同意,不得向任何第三方披露程序或其后续升级,也不得以任何其他形式进行复制或再现,即使这些复制或再现仅用于客户的内部使用,唯一的例外是一份用于存档的单一备份副本。
目录1关于本使用说明书 (5)1.1介绍 (5)1.2文本惯例与链接类型 (5)1.3警告消息和附加信息说明 (6)2安全 (7)2.1预期用途 (7)2.2常规安全信息 (7)2.2.1对操作人员的要求 (7)2.2.2安全操作条件 (7)2.3危害预防 (7)3技术数据和符合性 (9)3.1Axiocam 105 彩色 R2 (9)3.1.1光谱灵敏度 (10)3.2适用的标准与法规 (10)4装运 (11)5连接相机 (12)5.1安装接口卡 (12)5.2将相机安装到显微镜上 (12)5.3将相机连接到 PC (12)5.4功能指示灯 (13)6安装软件和驱动程序 (14)7保养和维护 (15)7.1光学系统 (15)7.2清洁红外滤光片或防护玻璃 (15)8故障排除 (16)8.1相机未出现在可选相机的菜单中 (16)8.2在屏幕上看不到相机图像 (16)8.3图像的颜色与通过目镜看到的视觉印象不对应 (16)8.4相机性能不一致或太慢 (16)9弃置 (17)1 关于本使用说明书 | 1.1 介绍ZEISS1关于本使用说明书本说明手册(以下简称为“文档”)是显微镜相机(以下简称为“产品”或“相机”)的一部分。
佳能镜头 EF24-105mm F4L IS USM 使用手册 PDF
请确保在进行对焦之前完成变焦工作。在对焦完成 后变动变焦环会影响对焦。
4. 图像稳定器
1 将STABILIZER(稳定器) 2半按快门按钮时,图像稳 Y 定器将开始工作。 开关置于 (开) 。
¡ 如果您不打算使用图像稳 定器功能,请将此开关置 (关) 。 于 ¡ 请确保取景器中的图像稳 定,然后完全按下快门按 钮拍摄照片。
1. 安装和卸下镜头
有关安装和卸下镜头的详细说明,请参阅相机的使 用手册。
镜头安装部位具有加强防水和防尘性能的橡皮环。 该橡皮环可能导致相机的镜头安装部位出现轻微的 磨损,但这不会带来任何问题。如果橡皮环老化或 损坏,可以在佳能服务中心自费更换。
¡卸下镜头后,将镜头后端朝上放置,以避免划伤 镜头表面和电子触点。 ¡如果电子触点被弄脏,划伤或沾有指纹,可能会 导致腐蚀或接触不良。相机和镜头就可能无法正 常工作。 ¡如果电子触点被弄脏或沾上指纹,请用柔软的布 将其擦净。 ¡取下镜头时,需要装上防尘盖。要正确安装防尘 盖,将如图所示的防尘盖上的○标记对准镜头安 装标记,并朝顺时针方向转动。要取下防尘盖, 则朝逆时针方向转动。
9. 增距延长管(选购件)
您可以将滤光镜装在镜头前端的滤光镜安装螺纹上。 您可以安装 EF12 Ⅱ或 EF25 Ⅱ增距延长管进行放 大拍摄。拍摄距离和放大倍率显示如下。
相机至拍摄主体 的距离(mm) 近
EF12 ll 24 mm 105 mm 24 mm 280 574 177 326
放大倍率 近
0.60x 0.40x
¡如果遮光罩安装不当,可能会挡住部分图像。 ¡安装或拆下遮光罩时,持住遮光罩的底部旋转。为防止遮光罩变形,不要抓住它的外缘部分旋转。
AgfaPhoto OPTIMA 105 数码相机用户手册说明书
用户手册目录前言 (3)关于本手册 (3)安全与使用注意事项 (3)使用本菜单 (4)简介 (5)系统要求 (5)主要特征 (5)包装明细 (6)相机视图 (7)相机按钮 (8)导航控制 (9)相机存储 (10)开始使用 (10)连接相机吊带 (10)安装电池 (10)插入SD/SDHC 存储卡 (11)为电池充电 (11)打开/关闭电源 (12)初始设置 (12)模式 (12)使用液晶显示屏 (13)液晶屏幕布局 (13)更改液晶屏幕显示 (18)录制照片、影片和语音 (18)拍摄照片 (18)使用防抖功能 (19)设置变焦控制 (19)使用闪光灯 (20)设置对焦模式 (20)使用功能菜单 (21)使用录制菜单 (24)设置场景模式 (24)使用录音功能 (32)录像 (37)播放 (39)单个导航模式查看 (39)查看缩略图 (39)缩放图像 (40)播放影片 (41)播放录音 (42)播放语音备忘录 (42)删除照片/视频/音频 (43)播放菜单 (43)使用设置菜单 (52)设置声音 (52)设置节能方式 (52)设置LCD 节能 (53)设置日期时间 (53)设置语言 (53)设置文件编号 (53)设置电视输出 (54)设置LCD 亮度 (54)设置内存工具 (54)全部重置 (55)建立连接 (55)连接相机与电视 (55)连接相机与计算机 (55)连接相机与打印机 (57)设置打印模式菜单 (57)附录 (59)关于文件夹和文件名 (59)故障排除 (59)规格 (60)客户服务 (64)前言关于本手册本手册旨在帮助您使用新的数码相机。
© 版权所有2010符合联邦通信委员会(FCC)规范经测试,本设备符合FCC 规则第15 部分对B 类数码设备的限制规定。
尼康专业摄影装备说明书 Nikon Pro 04.11 07
nikon pro 04.1107che garantisce la sicurezza delle gallerie, segnalando la presenza di eventuali incrinature o altri danneggiamenti strutturali. L’azione congiunta dei due sistemi facilita l’ispezione e l’analisi non solo delle gallerie, ma anche di ponti, sottopassaggi, pali, pareti, rami e vari altri ostacoli che potrebbero impedire il passaggio del treno.Il sistema viene montato sulla testa di un particolare treno diagnostico e utilizza cinque fotocamere speciali ad alta velocità e dieci obiettivi NIKKOR non modificati (cinque AF DX Fisheye-NIKKOR 10,5 mm f/2.8G ED e cinque AF NIKKOR 28 mm f/2.8D), che acquisiscono immagini mentre il treno è in corsa. Mermec ha scelto specificamente gli obiettivi NIKKOR per la loro qualità ottica estremamente elevata e la loro capacità di rispondere bene ai requisiti ottici necessari, decisamente particolari. Il T-Sight 5000 genera grandi quantità di dati: vengono infatti misurati 4 milioni di punti al secondo e le fotocamere sono in grado di acquisire immagini dati da 80 megapixel. Grazie a un sistema a infrarossi (per non interferire con la visuale del conducente), le riprese delle fotocamere vengono riflesse Non c’è da sorprendersi che, data la conformazione rocciosa del terreno svizzero, il sistema ferroviario nazionale comprenda numerose gallerie. La rete, lunga 3.011 km, ne conta 307, per un totale di 259 km. In passato, ispezionare lo stato interno di queste gallerie era un lavoro lungo e faticoso. I dati venivano raccolti mediante strumenti di misurazione manuali a ritmi lentissimi, tenendo occupate tratte che avrebbero potuto essere utilizzate dai convogli passeggeri. Sulle linee occupate con alti picchi di traffico, effettuare queste ispezioni in sicurezza e senza interruzioni era una continua sfida. Oggi, invece, in parte grazie agli obiettivi NIKKOR, questo è diventato di gran lunga più facile.Mermec, azienda italiana specializzata in soluzioni tecnologiche per la manutenzione delle reti ferroviarie, ha sviluppato il T-Sight 5000 High Performance Clearance Gauge and Tunnel Walls Inspection System, attualmente utilizzato, tra gli altri, dalle Ferrovie Federali Svizzere. Il sistema utilizza la tecnologia laser e ha due funzioni: la misurazione della sagoma limite, per assicurare il libero passaggio dei treni nelle gallerie, e l’ispezione delle pareti, GALLERIA CON VISTA MENTRE I PRODOTTI NIKON CONquISTANO uNA POSIzIONE DI SEMPRE MAGGIOR RILIEvO NELLE APPLICAzIONI INDuSTRIALI, GLI ObIETTIvI NIKKOR FuNGONO DA APRIPISTA PER LE FERROvIE SvIzzERE Sinistra: il sistema T-Sight5000, con funzioni dimisurazione della sagomalimite ad alte prestazionie di ispezione delle paretidelle gallerie, montato sullatesta dello speciale trenodiagnostico. Si riesconoa vedere gli obiettivi AFDX Fisheye-NIKKOR 10,5mm f/2.8G ED, mentregli AF Nikkor 28 mmf/2.8D sono nascosti.Destra: il sistema èin grado di catturareun’immagine ogni 7 cmquando il treno viaggia a200 km/h, generando unmodello reticolare in 3D.Prima foto a destra: ilT-Sight 5000 in azioneper la rete delle FerrovieFederali Svizzere. articoli di attualitålateralmente di 90° tramite cinque specchi montati sul rovescio della calotta frontale. Le immagini di tutte e cinque le fotocamere vengono quindi montate insieme per formare una vista a 360° della struttura circostante. In aggiunta a ciò, l’altro gruppo di obiettivi genera un modello reticolare in 3D che viene registrato insieme alle immagini. Fotocamere e obiettivi lavorano a velocità incredibili e sono in grado di catturare un’immagine ogni 7 cm quando il treno viaggia a 200 km/h. Ciò significa che il fastidio per i passeggeri è minimo e che la società ferroviaria non perde profitti con la sostituzione di treni che generano ricavi. Si prevede che questo sistema rivoluzionerà la diagnostica dei trasporti su rotaia, a vantaggio soprattutto dei sistemi metropolitani urbani e sotterranei. Per saperne di più sul sistema T-Sight 5000, visitare il sito Per ulteriori informazioni sugli obiettivi NIKKOR, visitare il sito 。
⾄于Z镜头发展线路图上“50mm微距”和“105mm S微距”早已赫然在列。
今年6⽉2⽇尼康按计划正式发布Z MC 50mm f/2.8和Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S两款微距镜头。
其中Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S⾪属于S-型(S-Line)系列,定位为可应⽤于⼴泛场景的中长焦微距镜头。
在尼克尔镜头中尼康曾推出过AF-S VR MC 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED,⽽在全画幅⽆反系统中,索尼早在2015年推出过焦距接近的FE 90mm F2.8 Macro G OSS,去年适马则发布了105mm F2.8 DG DN MACRO Art,今年4⽉佳能也推出了RF100mm F2.8 L MACRO IS USM。
同为“百微”各家⼜有什么差异?为了更直观了解Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S,我们将它与AF-S VR MC 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED、105mm F2.8 DG DN MACRO Art、RF100mm F2.8 L MACRO IS USM进⾏纸⾯规格对⽐:四款“百微”规格对⽐(点击查看⼤图)四款“百微”镜头结构对⽐ 从规格上看,Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S在四款“百微”中第⼆长,仅次于佳能,重量则是四者中最轻的,与AF-S VR MC 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED相⽐,尼康通过⼀系列“减重”设计重量减少了约16%。
另外,这款镜头滤镜尺⼨为62mm,与AF-S VR MC 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED通⽤。
此外,采⽤⼤直径⾮球⾯镜⽚作为后部元件,并将其放置在靠近图像传感器的位置(是105/2.8G 的1/2),可有效抑制场曲,保证画⾯边缘也能清晰。
尼康照相机1、照片效果=像素+解像力2、1024768分辨率=每条水平线上都有1024个像素,共768条水平线+76.8万像素3、对焦点是数码单反摄影中最为重要的技术之一,对焦点多,覆盖的取景区域就更为密集;拍摄运用的景物有优势;4、点测联动,测光点可以跟随对焦点移动,对焦位置既是测光位置5、尼康出众的感光度适合拍摄夜景6、佳能相机拍出的照片色彩更为浓烟,尼康则是清新、淡雅;7、尼康数码单反相机分三个系列1高性价比的入门机型D3000、D3100、D5000、D5100、D90、D7000等;相机机身多采用强化塑料的材质,重量相对较轻,各项功能的最高品质不足,例如入门级单反相机的ISO感光度最高可扩展为12800,而当前最高的ISO感光度已经达到20万以上;机身塑料耐用度不够,手感稍差;连拍速度、最多可连拍张数、最高像素数、画质、画面视角等都不够完美;2强大的准专业机型 D300S告诉连拍功能,适合拍摄运动及体育类器材、D700全画幅机型的典范;一般为金属机身,较比顶级机型缩减了某些功能或降低了某些成本;3顶级的专业机型D3X高达2450万像素、D3S超过10万的感光度顶级机型属于超前产品,一般情况下在若干年内不会被低端机型超越;8、镜头上A与M为自从对焦和手动对焦的调节按钮;A为自动;有些机身配有马达,需将机身上的马达开关也设定到“自动”开的状态,才能实现自动对焦机身上的AF、M9、尼康的三中对焦模式1AF-C连续对焦适用于拍摄运动对象;2AF-S单次对焦适用于拍摄静止对象;3AF-A自动伺服自动调节对焦模式;运动时自动调节至AF-C,静止时自动调节至AF-S;对焦模式调节方式:按住相机身上的“AF模式”按钮,然后转动主拨轮,即可在这3种模式间转换;10、超焦距泛焦技法:在拍摄大场面的风光画面时,大多数情况下要求画面有更大一些的景深,使远处与最近处拉进附近的景物都能清晰地表现出来;这种情况下,只能设定很小的光圈,才有可能实现则个要求,但有时却无法实现,因为再小的光圈也不可能保证所有距离内的景物都非常清晰;例如,假设用24-70mm这款镜头,以一篇草丛或岩石为前景,拍摄大场面的风光,对焦点在无限远处或较远处的某个景物上,因为要获得最大景深,我们设定这款镜头的最小光圈F22,但这时会发现前景的草丛或岩石仍然是模糊的,超出了景深范围;这段模糊的距离范围,就是“超焦距”,如果将对焦位置放在超焦距距离处,则可以发现画面中所有的景物都变得非常清晰,这便是“泛焦”,也成为“超焦距法”;正常来说我们在拍摄时没有必要严格执行超焦距法,如果发现超焦距内的模糊前景影响到画面的效果,那么可以稍微往近一点的位置对焦,只要能够保证所拍摄的画面内景物都非常清晰即可;11、追踪对焦技法:要表现主体运动的效果,可以使用追踪对焦法进行拍摄;拍摄时,要使运动的主体时刻保持在取景范围内,并且对主体连续对焦,相机视角就必须追随着主体转动,这时运动的主题对相机来说如同静止一般,而实际上静止的背景对于相机来说则变为运动状态;根据主体运动的速度而设定中慢快门,则最终拍摄的画面中,运动主体是清晰的,但背景却因为相机的转动而变为运动模糊状态;12、光圈的两个作用:1通过进光量的多少来控制摄影时的曝光程度;2通过改变光圈大小来调节拍摄照片的清晰与虚化效果;13、光圈大小的选择:一般情况下风光题材的照片要求画面中远处与近处的景物都非常清晰,需要景深较深,应使用F7.1以上的中小光圈;对于人像、微距等题材,要求人物非常清晰,而背景要虚化,因此可使用F5.6以下的大光圈拍摄,获得较浅景深的效果;此外,夜晚或光线微弱时,可使用较大光圈使更多的光进入相机;14、最佳光圈:最大光圈与最小光圈都无法表现出最好的画面效果,而使用最佳光圈却能够将镜头的性能发挥到极致,表现出细腻、出色的画质;最佳光圈是针对镜头而言的,是指使用某只镜头时能够表现出最佳的光圈;一般情况下,对于变焦镜头来说,最佳光圈范围是F8.0~F11.0,要注意,所谓的画质最佳,是针对焦点周围的画面区域而言;由最佳光圈的数值可以看到,使用最佳光圈时,既无法表现出足够大的虚化效果,也无法获得很大的景深效果,所以使用最佳光圈要选对时机,不能仅仅因为对焦点周围画质出众而盲目使用;15、测算光圈值:光圈数值有F1.2、F1.4、F4.5、F6.3等,那么为什么没有F2.1、F3.1、F5.1等光圈数值呢最初镜头生产厂商定义了10个级别的光圈,分别为F1.4、F2.0、F2.8、F4.0、F5.6、F8.0、F11.0、F16、F22.0、F32.0,并且后一个级别的光圈孔径大小是前一个级别光圈孔径大小的一半,即F2.0的光圈实际孔径大小是1.4的一半,依次类推,F32.0的光圈大小是F22.0的一半;在计算这些光圈数值时,可以假设光圈空面积为π/2,由圆面积公式π/2=πRr的二次方可知,孔半径变为r=1/根号2=1/1.414,约为1/1.4,此时定义光圈为F1.4;将光圈孔面积减少一半为π/4,则孔半径变为1/2,定义光圈为2.0,然后以此类推,即可得到正级数组;由此可见,光圈数值其实是光圈孔半径的倒数;这也就不难理解为什么F 后面的数值越大,光圈越小了;16、光圈大小之间的联系:F5.6一下的光圈为大光圈,F6.3~F9.0的光圈为中等光圈;F10.0以上为小光圈;17、恒定与非恒定光圈:恒定光圈与非恒定光圈是衡量镜头性能的指标;先看两款镜头上的光圈标注;一般情况下,恒定光圈镜头档次较高,价格也相对较高,尼康的金圈镜头大多为恒定光圈,即摄影者所称的“牛头”;非恒定光圈镜头档次较低,成像质量稍差,当然售价也比较低廉,也就是许多摄影者所称的“狗头”;镜头上标志为1:2.8,镜头下标志为1:3.5—5.6,这分别表示镜头的最大光圈为F2.8和F3.5—F5.6,左图的定值2.8即表示该镜头的最大光圈为恒定光圈,无论镜头焦距怎样变化,最大光圈始终为F2.8;右图表示该镜头的最大光圈为非恒定光圈,随着焦距的变化,最大光圈会在F3.5~F5.6之间发生变化;18、景深预览功能:在拍摄照片是,单纯靠想象无法对景深大小有一个直观的认识,可以使用景深预览功能来提前看一下最终拍摄画面中景深的大小;拍摄时,设定好参数,通过取景器观察拍摄的画面,此时按相机正面的“景深预览”功能按钮,即可看到要拍摄画面的景深效果;在设定的光圈很大时,往往无法从取景器中看到景深预览的效果,只有在设定的光圈较小时,才能看出景深预览的效果;19、影响景深的3个因素;光圈、焦距和物距对于景深的影响可以用以下三句话来概括:光圈越大,景深越浅,光圈越小,景深越深;焦距越大,景深越浅,焦距越小,景深越深;物距越大,景深越深,物距越小,景深越浅;20、ISO感光度与画质的关系噪点是怎样产生的,曝光时,ISO感光度的数值不同,最终拍摄画面的画质也不相同;ISO感光度发生变化,即改变感光元件CCD/CMOS对于光线的敏感程度,具体原理是在原感光能力的基础上进行增益如乘以一个系数,增强或降低所成像的亮度,使原来曝光不足偏暗的画面变亮,或使原来曝光正常的画面变暗;终究会造成另外一个问题,在增加图像亮度时,同时会放大感光元件中的杂志噪点,这些噪点会影响画面的效果,并且ISO感光度数值越高放大声读越高,噪点越明显,画质就越粗糙;如果ISO感光度数值较小,则噪点就会变得很弱,此时的画质也比较细腻出色;例,为获得较快的快门速度,设定高ISO 感光度拍摄,但这样画面中不可避免会产生噪点,且ISO越高,噪点越多;21、包围曝光,包围曝光是一种非常实用的曝光技巧,也成为阶梯曝光法;在对曝光没有把握或所处的光源环境比较复杂时,以及相机不易正确测光的场合,采用包围曝光法可以较好地解决这个问题,以确保得到正确的影像;实用包围曝光法时,先按照测光值曝光一张照片,然后在其基础上增加和减少一定的曝光值后各曝光一张照片,即拍摄3张等差曝光量的照片,一般是以+0.5EV或者-0.5EV的包围程度来设定,也可以按照级差1/3EV、1EV等来调节曝光量,每张照片的曝光量均不相同,这样在拍摄结束后,就可以从一系列的照片中挑选出一张最令人满意的照片;包围曝光主要适用于程序或版程序控制的模式,如光圈优先A、快门优先S,自动模式P等;情境模式及手动模式M没有包围曝光功能;22、曝光锁定AE—LAuto Exposure Lock拍摄时,对拍摄主题进行测光后,然后会移动相机视角,以便构图形式更为完美;但这样曝光数据会发生变化,主题曝光就不再准确了,在这种情况下,可以使用锁定曝光的功能;首先要明白一点,锁定曝光锁针对的主要模式为点测光及中央重点测光;具体操作为,对要曝光的部分进行点测光,半按快门后确定对焦,同时相机会进行测光,然后按下相机上的曝光锁定键进行曝光锁定,它的功能是锁定拍摄主题的测光数据,将测光值暂时记忆下来,避免重新构图时收到新的光线的干扰,造成曝光值变化;无论画面的其他部分如何,只要锁定了之前测光得到的曝光数据,被拍摄主题的曝光是不会发生变化的;最后按下快门完成拍摄;按钮于取景框旁边23、相机内部自带的拍摄信息直方图,直方图表现的是一幅图像中所有像素的亮度分布图;以横坐标X表示像素的亮度;纵坐标Y表示相同亮度的像素数量;这样就能完整地表示出一幅图像的亮度统计图,图中左侧表示纯黑部位,右侧表示纯白部位;通过控制画面纯黑与纯白位置像素的数量,鸡可控制画面的明暗,也就是曝光的程度;直方图也叫色阶分布图; 24、尼康的三中测光模式1矩阵测光:矩阵测光为尼康的专用称呼,在其他品牌的机型中可能被称为平均测光、评价测光等;在这种测光模式下,相机会将取景画面分割为若干个测光区域,每个区域各自独立测光后,所得的曝光值在相机内进行平均处理,得出一个总的平均值,这样既可以达到整个画面正确曝光的目的;可见矩阵测光是对画面整体光影效果的一种测量,对各种环境有很强的适应性,因此用这种方式在一般环境中均能够得到曝光比较准确的照片;使用矩阵测光模式不必考虑测光问题,基本上都能得到曝光准确的画面2中央点测光,当画面出现高反差或色彩迥异的情况时,相机会对多个区域进行测光,并根据拍摄者的需要对某个区域进行重点测光,然后进行加权平均,这样,所获得的图像会很少有某个区域欠曝,或过曝的问题出现,但对于一些重点主体部位,图像却能很清晰地进行反应,因此,中央重点测光模式适合拍摄主体位于画面中间的照片,所以在拍摄人像照片时使用最多,另外,在风光、微距、舞台中也较为常用;3点测光,点测光模式是一种非常准确的测光方式,是指针对拍摄画面中极小甚至为点的区域进行测光,测光面积约占画面负面的2.5%,在这一区域内的测光和曝光数值非常准确;25、是否所有测光模式都需要寻找测光点在了解了尼康的三中测光模式之后会明白,无论怎样选择测光点,使用矩阵测光模式在拍摄时,画面明暗程度是不会受影响的,因为矩阵测光是对画面的整体进行曝光后取平均值;而其他两种测光模式,只有测光点位置的曝光时最准确的,如果要同时保证其他位置的曝光也准确,那么需要选择能够代表画面整体明暗情况的位置进行测光;26、怎样寻找测光点其实测光点的选择比较简单,只要寻找环境中反射率接近测光标准的18%反射率的位置即可;一般情况下,在都市内拍摄时,水泥墙体、发灰的马路表面、绿色植物的叶片反射率均接近18¥,可以作为测光点使用;外出拍摄风光时,绿色植物的叶片是很好的测光点,如果环境中没有其他反射率接近18%的景物,也可以伸出自己的手臂,对手背测光,这虽然是一种无奈的应急之举,但却会获得较好的结果;27、为何要“白加黑减”所谓“白加黑减”主要是针对曝光补偿的应用而言的;即使使用评价测光的模式,有时也会发现拍摄出来的照片比实际偏亮或偏暗,曝光不是非常准确;这是因为在进行曝光时,相机的测光是以环境反射率为18%为基准的,那么拍摄出来的照片整体明暗度会靠近普通的正常环境,即雪白的环境会变得偏暗一些,呈现出灰色,而纯黑的环境会变得偏亮一些,也会呈现出发灰的色调;要应对这两种情况,拍摄雪白的环境时为了不使画面发灰,就要增加一定量的曝光补偿值,称为“白加”;拍摄纯黑的环境时为了不使画面发灰,就要减少一定量的曝光补偿值,成为“黑减”;28、使用灰卡测光;29、色温:在摄影领域,早晨或傍晚拍摄的照片通常泛淡淡的红色,其他时段拍摄的照片可能会呈现出其他颜色,这就是因为各时段测温不同造成的;30、色温与白平衡的关系:白平衡模式与色温是一一对应的关系,即表示各种白平衡模式是在不同现场实际色问下测试得到的,并被定位了相机的日光白平衡标准;31、尼康相机白平衡模式的使用①自动白平衡由相机根据现场光线进行白平衡设置,适用范围很广,在一些都市夜景灯光下比较准确;②晴天白平衡约5200K色温适用于晴天室外的光线③背阴白平衡约7000K 黎明、黄昏等环境④阴天白平衡约6000K 适用于阴天或多云的户外环境⑤白炽灯白平衡越3200K 适用于室内白炽灯光线⑥荧光灯白平衡越4000K 适用于室内荧光灯光线⑦闪光灯白平衡使用闪光灯时可以设定这种模式32、设定较高色温的白平衡拍摄黑白照片,拍摄的画面也会偏红。
Type of camera Single-lens reflex digital cameraLens mount Nikon F mount (with AF coupling and AF contacts)Effective angle of view Nikon DX format; focal length in 35mm [135] format equivalent to approx. 1.5x that of lenses with FX-format angle of viewEffective pixels 24.1 millionImage sensor 23.5 × 15.6 mm CMOS sensorTotal pixels 24.71 millionDust-reduction system Image Sensor Cleaning, Image Dust Off reference data (optional Capture NX 2 required) Image size (pixels) • DX (24×16) image area: 6000 × 4000 [L], 4494 × 3000 [M], 2992 × 2000 [S] • 1.3× (18×12) image area: 4800 × 3200 [L], 3600 × 2400 [M], 2400 × 1600 [S] • Photographs with imagearea of DX (24×16) taken in movie live view: 6000 × 3368 [L], 4496 × 2528 [M], 2992 × 1680[S] • Photographs with image area of 1.3× (18×12) taken in movie live view: 4800 × 2696 [L],3600 × 2024 [M], 2400 × 1344 [S]File format • NEF (RAW): 12 or 14 bit, lossless compressed or compressed • JPEG: JPEG-Baselinecompliant with fine (approx. 1:4), normal (approx. 1:8) or basic (approx. 1:16) compression(Size priority); Optimal quality compression available • NEF (RAW)+JPEG: Single photographrecorded in both NEF (RAW) and JPEG formatsPicture Control System Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome, Portrait, Landscape; selected Picture Control can be modified; storage for custom Picture ControlsStorage media SD (Secure Digital) and UHS-I compliant SDHC and SDXC memory cardsDouble slot Slot 2 can be used for overflow or backup storage or for separate storage of copies created using NEF+JPEG; pictures can be copied between cardsFile system DCF (Design Rule for Camera File System) 2.0, DPOF (Digital Print Order Format), Exif(Exchangeable Image File Format for Digital Still Cameras) 2.3, PictBridgeViewfinder Eye-level pentaprism single-lens reflex viewfinderFrame coverage Approx. 100% horizontal and 100% verticalMagnification Approx. 0.94x (50 mm f/1.4 lens at infinity, -1.0 m)Eyepoint 19.5 mm (-1.0 m; from center surface of viewfinder eyepiece lens)Diopter adjustment -2 to +1 mFocusing screen Type B BriteView Clear Matte Mark II s creen with AF area brackets (framing grid can bedisplayed)Reflex mirror Quick returnDepth-of-field preview Pressing depth-of-field preview button stops lens aperture down to value selected by user (A and M modes) or by camera (other modes)Lens aperture Instant return, electronically controlledCompatible lenses Compatible with AF NIKKOR lenses, including type G and D lenses (some restrictions apply to PC lenses) and DX lenses, AI-P NIKKOR lenses, and non-CPU AI lenses (A and M modesonly); IX-NIKKOR lenses, lenses for the F3AF, and non-AI lenses cannot be usedThe electronic rangefinder can be used with lenses that have a maximum aperture of f/5.6or faster (the electronic rangefinder supports the center focus point with lenses that have amaximum aperture of f/8 or faster)Shutter type Electronically controlled vertical-travel focal-plane shutterShutter speed 1/8000 to 30 s in steps of 1/3 or 1/2 EV, bulb, time, X250Flash sync speed X=1/250 s; synchronizes with shutter at 1/320 s or slower (flash range drops at speedsbetween 1/250 and 1/320 s)Release modes S(single frame), C L(continuous low speed), C H(continuous high speed), Q(quiet shutter-release), E (self-timer), M UP (mirror up); interval timer photography supported Approximate frame • JPEG and 12-bit NEF (RAW) images recorded with DX (24×16) selected for image area: advance rate C L 1 to 6 fps, C H 6 fps • JPEG and 12-bit NEF (RAW) images recorded with 1.3× (18×12)selected for image area: C L 1 to 6 fps, C H 7 fps • 14-bit NEF (RAW) images recorded with DX(24×16) selected for image area: C L 1 to 5 fps, C H 5 fps • 14-bit NEF (RAW) images recordedwith 1.3× (18×12) selected for image area: C L 1 to 6 fps, C H 6 fpsSelf-timer 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s; 1 to 9 exposures at intervals of 0.5, 1, 2 or 3 sRemote control modes Delayed remote, quick-response remote, remote mirror-up(ML-L3)Exposure metering mode TTL exposure metering using 2016-pixel RGB sensorMetering method • Matrix: 3D color matrix metering II (type G and D lenses); color matrix metering II (other CPU lenses); color matrix metering available with non-CPU lenses if user provides lens data• Center-weighted: Weight of75% given to 8-mm circle in center of frame; diameter ofcircle can be changed to 6, 10, or 13 mm, or weighting can be based on average of entireframe (non-CPU lenses use 8-mm circle)• Spot: Meters 3.5-mm circle (about 2.5% of frame) centered on selected focus point (oncenter focus point when non-CPU lens is used)Metering range • Matrix or center-weighted metering: 0 to 20 EV(ISO 100, f/1.4 lens, 68°F/20°C) • Spot metering: 2 to 20 EVExposure meter coupling Combined CPU and AIExposure modes Auto modes (i auto; j auto [flash off]); programmed auto with flexible program ( P );shutter-priority auto ( S ); aperture-priority auto ( A ); manual ( M ); scene modes(k portrait; l landscape; p child; m sports; n close up; o night portrait; r nightlandscape; s party/indoor; t beach/snow; u sunset; v dusk/dawn; w pet portrait;x candlelight; y blossom; z autumn colors; 0 food); special effects modes (% night vision;g color sketch; i miniature effect; u selective color; 1 silhouette; 2 high key; 3 lowkey); U1 (user settings 1); U2 (user settings 2)Exposure compensation Can be adjusted by -5 to +5 EV in increments of 1/3 or 1/2 EV in P, S, A and M modes Exposure bracketing 2 to 5 frames in steps of 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 1, 2 or 3 EVExposure lock Luminosity locked at detected value with A AE-L/AF-L buttonISO sensitivity ISO 100 to 6400 in steps of 1/3 or 1/2 EV; can also be set to approx. 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1 or 2 EV (Recommended Exposure Index)(ISO 25600 equivalent) above ISO 6400; auto ISO sensitivity control availableActive D-Lighting Auto, extra high, high, normal, low, offADL bracketing 2 frames using selected value for one frame or 3 frames using preset values for all frames Autofocus Nikon Advanced Multi-CAM 3500DX autofocus sensor module with TTL phase detection, fine-tuning, 51 focus points (including 15 cross-type sensors; the center point is available atapertures slower than f/5.6 and faster than f/8 or at f/8), and AF-assist illuminator (rangeapprox. 1 ft 8 in. to 9 ft 10 in./0.5 to 3 m)Detection range -2 to +19 EV (ISO 100, 68°F/20°C)Lens servo • Autofocus (AF): Single-servo AF (AF-S); continuous-servo AF (AF-C); auto AF-S/AF-Cselection (AF-A); predictive focus tracking activated automatically according to subjectstatus • Manual focus (M): Electronic rangefinder can be usedFocus point Can be selected from 51 or 11 focus pointsAF-area modes Single-point AF; 9-, 21- or 51-point dynamic-area AF, 3D-tracking, auto-area AFFocus lock Focus can be locked by pressing shutter-release button halfway (single-servo AF) or bypressing A AE-L/AF-L buttonBuilt-in flash i, k, p, n, o, s, w, g: Auto flash with auto pop-upP, S, A, M, 0: Manual pop-up with button releaseGuide number Approx. 39/12, 39/12 with manual flash (ft/m, ISO 100, 68°F/20°C)Flash control TTL: i-TTL flash control using 2016-pixel RGB sensor is available with built-in flash andSB-910, SB-900, SB-800, SB-700, SB-600 or SB-400; i-TTL balanced fill-flash for digital SLRis used with matrix and center-weighted metering, standard i-TTL flash for digital SLR withspot meteringFlash modes Auto, auto with red-eye reduction, auto slow sync, auto slow sync with red-eye reduction, fill-flash, red-eye reduction, slow sync, slow sync with red-eye reduction, rear-curtain withslow sync, rear-curtain sync, off; Auto FP High-Speed Sync supportedFlash compensation -3 to +1 EV in increments of 1/3 or 1/2 EVFlash bracketing 2 to 5 frames in steps of 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 1, 2 or 3 EVFlash-ready indicator Lights when built-in flash or optional flash unit is fully charged; flashes after flash is fired at full outputAccessory shoe ISO 518 hot-shoe with sync and data contacts and safety lockNikon Creative • Advanced Wireless Lighting supported with: SB-910, SB-900, SB-800 or SB-700 as Lighting System (CLS) a master flash and SB-600 or SB-R200 as remotes or SU-800 as commander; built-in flash can serve as master flash in commander mode• Auto FP High-Speed Sync and modeling illumination supported with all CLS-compatibleflash units except SB-400; Flash Color Information Communication and FV lock supportedwith all CLS-compatible flash unitsSync terminal AS-15 Sync Terminal Adapter (available separately)White balance Auto (2 types), incandescent, fluorescent (7 types), direct sunlight, flash, cloudy, shade,preset manual (up to 6 values can be stored, Spot White Balance measurement availableduring live view), choose color temperature (2500 K to 10000 K), all with fine-tuningWhite balance bracketing2 to 5 frames in steps of 1, 2 or 3Live view modes Live view photography (still images), movie live view (movies)Live view lens servo • Autofocus (AF): Single-servo AF (AF-S); full-time-servo AF (AF-F) • Manual focus (M)AF-area modes Face-priority AF, wide-area AF, normal-area AF, subject-tracking AFAutofocus Contrast-detect AF anywhere in frame (camera selects focus point automatically whenface-priority AF or subject-tracking AF is selected)Movie metering TTL exposure metering using main image sensorMovie metering method MatrixFrame size (pixels) • 1920 × 1080; 60i (59.94 fields/s)/50i (50 fields/s)* • 1920 × 1080; 30p (progressive), 25p, and frame rate 24p • 1280 × 720; 60p, 50pActual frame rates for 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p and 24p are 59.94, 50, 29.97, 25 and 23.976 fps respectively; options support bothH high and normal image quality*Available only when 1.3× (18×12) is selected for image area; sensor output is about 60 or 50 fpsFile format MOVVideo compression H.264/MPEG-4 Advanced Video CodingAudio recording format Linear PCMAudio recording device Built-in or external stereo microphone; sensitivity adjustableMaximum length 29 min. 59 sMonitor 3.2-in./8-cm, approx. 1229k-dot (VGA; 640 × 480 × 4 = 1,228,800 dots), TFT monitor withapprox. 170° viewing angle, approx. 100% frame coverage and brightness adjustment Playback Full-frame and thumbnail (4, 9 or 72 images or calendar) playback with playback zoom, movie playback, photo and/or movie slide shows, histogram display, highlights, photo information,GPS data display and auto image rotationUSB Hi-Speed USBHDMI output HDMI mini connector (Type C)Accessory terminal Wireless remote controller: WR-1 and WR-R10 (available separately), Remote cord: MC-DC2 (available separately), GPS unit: GP-1 (available separately)Audio input Stereo mini-pin jack (3.5-mm diameter; plug-in power supported)Audio output Stereo mini-pin jack (3.5-mm diameter)Supported languages Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian,Persian, Polish, Portuguese (European and Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish,Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, VietnameseBattery One EN-EL15 Rechargeable Li-ion BatteryBattery pack Optional MB-D15 Multi-Power Battery Pack with one EN-EL15 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery or six AA-size alkaline, Ni-MH or lithium batteriesAC adapter EH-5b AC Adapter; requires EP-5B Power Connector (available separately)Tripod socket 1/4 in. (ISO 1222)Dimensions (W × H × D) Approx. 5.3 × 4.2 × 3.0 in./135.5 × 106.5 × 76 mmWeight Approx. 1 lb 11.0 oz/765 g with battery and memory card but without body cap; approx. 1 lb 7.8 oz/ 675 g (camera body only)Operating environment Temperature: 32 to 104°F/0 to 40°C; humidity: 85% or less (no condensation)Supplied accessories EN-EL15 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery, MH-25 Battery Charger, DK-5 Eyepiece Cap, DK-21 (may differ by country or area)Rubber Eyecup, UC-E6 USB Cable, AN-DC1 BK Camera Strap, BF-1B Body Cap, BS-1Accessory Shoe Cover, ViewNX 2 CD-ROM• The SD, SDHC and SDXC logos are trademark of the SD Card Association.• PictBridge is a trademark.• HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface aretrademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing, LLC.• Products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks oftheir respective companies.• Images in viewfinders, on LCDs and monitors shown in this brochure aresimulated.Nikon Digital SLR Camera D7100 Specifications• Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/4G ED VR • Image quality: RAW (NEF)• Exposure: [M] mode, 1/500 second, f/11 • White balance: Direct sunlight• Sensitivity: ISO 100• Picture Control: Standard©Koji NakanoTake advantage of the agility and high-performance features built into the compact and lightweight DX-format body of the D7100. Enjoy the kind of breathtaking, high-resolution images that are only possible when the EXPEED 3 image-processing engine is paired with a powerful CMOS image sensor unit that’s designed without an optical low-pass filter. Now you can have all the mobility, resolution and power you need to close in on your target and capture it exquisitely — all yours, via the Nikon DX format. The D7100 is ready to go wherever inspiration calls you. Your hunt for spectacular images starts here.T H E P OW E R A N D A G I L I T Y TO L E A P F O RWA R D• Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/4G ED VR • Image quality: RAW (NEF)• Exposure: [M] mode, 1/180 second, f/8 • White balance: Direct sunlight • Sensitivity: ISO 100• Picture Control: Landscape ©Koji NakanoWith Nikon’s newly developed Advanced Multi-CAM 3500DXautofocus sensor module featuring a high densityof 51 focus points (including 15 cross-type sensors), the D7100 can focus sharply on some of the most elusive of subjects. This AF system also achieves a wider AF detection range down to -2 EV* and faster initial detection, just like that of the D4. The center cross-type sensor is compatible with f/8, which means that you can autofocus on distant subjects even with an effective aperture of f/8 when a 2.0x teleconverter is attached to a telephoto NIKKOR lens with a maximum aperture of f/4.In addition to the regular DX-format size, that enables shooting at an angle of view equivalent to approx. 1.5x*1 lens focal length, the D7100 also has a 1.3× crop of DX option, which instantly provides an angle of view equivalent to approx. 2.0x*1 lens focal length, while delivering a sufficient image resolution of approx. 15.4 effective megapixels. In this mode, the 51 focus points cover almost the entire frame, realizing extremely high capturing power. Add to this approx. 7-fps continuous shooting*2, and you can see how the D7100 captures fast and erratic subjects with greater efficiency.*1 When converted to 35mm format.*2 In 1.3× crop of DX mode with JPEG/12-bit NEF (RAW).The optical viewfinder, that features clear viewing with approx. 100% frame coverage and magnification ratio of 0.94x*, supportscomfortable and precise composition. The high-intensity, high-contrast, energy-saving organic EL display element, newly employed for the viewfinder information display beneath the image area, also contributes to the excellent visibility. The response of the display in low-temperature conditions has been further improved.Thanks to its new RGBW alignment, the newly employed, large, high-resolution LCD monitor features improved brightness. Combined with the integrated glass-and-panel structure*, it greatly enhances visibility, even under bright conditions.*Equivalent to that utilized in the D4, D800 series and D600.Exquisite Full HD video qualityUsing an image sensor unit with 24.1 effective megapixels, designed without an optical low-pass filter, and employing the EXPEED 3 image-processing engine, the D7100 records Full HD video with exquisite detail reproduction. Y our cinematic potential is expanded further with D-SLR shooting advantages such as the wide range of interchangeable NIKKOR lenses. For the smoothest recordings of fast-moving subjects, use 1280 × 720 at 60p, or try the movie image area based on 1.3× crop of DX with 1920 × 1080 at either 60i or 50i. The D7100 also has a built-in stereo microphone. The file size is compressed in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC format, providing you with a maximum recording time of 29 min. 59 s for a single clip*.*20 min. with H high image quality.Multi-area mode Full HD D-Movie with movie image area based on 1.3× crop of DXThe D7100 offers you two movie image areas: one based on the DX format and the other on the 1.3× crop of DX. Using the 1.3× crop of DX delivers an angle of view equivalent to approx. 2.0x* lens focal length — an amazing amount of reach to the subject. Also helped by the agility of the compact, lightweight DX-format system, you can boldly get closer to even smaller, more distant subjects.*When converted to 35mm format.GET MORE INTIMATE WITH YOUR SUBJECT WITH FULL HD D-MOVIE1. Compact and lightweight body, lighter than the D7000, adopts durable magnesium alloy and superior weather and dust sealing2. High-speed, highly precise sequential control mechanismThe driving mechanism, that powers aperture and mirror independently, enables continuous shooting of up to approx. 7 fps*1, 2, a release time lag of 0.052 s*1 and smooth, quiet live view photography. Incorporating a mirror balancer has contributed to a more stableviewfinder image during high-speed continuous shooting.*1 Based on CIPA Guidelines.*2 In 1.3× crop of DX mode with JPEG/12-bit NEF (RAW).3. Highly accurate and durable shutter unit that achieves shutter speeds up to 1/8000 s and tested over 150,000 cycles on a fully assembled camera4. Your shortcut to frequently used settings: the convenient P button [NEW]When viewing playback images or in viewfinder or live view shooting, the new P buttonalways gives you direct access to frequently used functions.5. Built-in flash with a commander function supports Advanced Wireless Lighting6. Double SD card slots compatible with UHS-IThe D7100’s double SD card slots compatible with the SDXC UHS-I standard support smooth handling of the shooting data. 7. MB-D15 Multi-Power Battery Pack (optional) [NEW]Supports EN-EL15 Rechargeable Li-ionBattery or AA-size alkaline, Ni-MH or lithium batteries.8. Advanced multifunctional, WR-1 Wireless Remote Controller (optional) [NEW]The WR-1 (transceiver) is an advanced multifunctional remote controller thatallows you to view the status of or change settings*1 of the D7100. Utilizing radiowaves, the communication range between WR-1 units is up to 394 ft/120 m*2. Fifteen channels are available. You can not only remotely control a camera with a WR-1(used as a receiver) attached by operation of another WR-1 (used as a transmitter)*3, but also perform simultaneous or synchronized release of shutters on several cameras using the WR-1*4. Furthermore, there is a wide variety of options for remote shooting, which includes dividing remote cameras into groups and controlling each group separately, and Interval Timer Photography. Remote shooting by combining the WR-1 with WR-R10/WR-T10 is also possible*3.*1 Functions limited.*2 Approximate range at height of about 4 ft/1.2 m; varies with weather conditions and presence or absence of obstacles.*3 This requires pairing of the WR-1, WR-R10 and WR-T10 units in use. Maximum number of controllers that can be paired: 20 (WR-1) or 64 (WR-R10).*4 Only a camera with a ten-pin remote terminal can be employed as a master camera for Synchronized Release.24.151High-density 51-point AF system that widely covers the frameGlass pentaprism optical viewfinder realizing approx. 100% frame coverageThe 1.3× crop of DX lets you get closer to distant subjects and achieves fast continuous shooting of up to approx. 7 fps [NEW]Newly employed, wide-viewing-angle, 3.2-in./8-cm, approx. 1229k-dot, LCD monitor with an RGBW alignment for enhanced visibility [NEW]*50mm f/1.4 lens at infinity, -1.0 m -1.Other features:Optional ME-1 Stereo Microphone compatibility/External headphone connector/Flicker reduction function/In-camera movie editing functions/Uncompressed HDMI output of movie live view data12561.3×MB-D15 Multi-Power Battery Pack attached to the D7100WR-1 Wireless RemoteController attached to the D7100*ISO 100, 68˚F/20˚C.。
12.1 Megapixels for stunning prints as large as 20 x 30 inches 3.5x Optical Zoom-Nikkor Glass Lens – quality optics provide exceptional images VR Optical Image Stabilization minimizes the effect of camera shake Incredible, Bright 2.5-inch High Resolution LCD and Optical Viewfinder make it easy to compose and share your pictures Program, Aperture, Shutter and Manual Exposure Modes give you greater creative control over camera operation Auto adjusts up to ISO 3200 (5MP or lower) – keep shooting, even in lower light Available Telephoto and Wide Angle Converters expand the camera’s capabilities, along with your own Hot Shoe for i-TTL compatible Nikon Speedlights
Power sources:
Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL5 (supplied), AC Adapter EH-62A (optional)
CANON FX105专业摄像机使用手册
Set your own standard: Professional,file-based Full HD. you canHD recordingOUR HERITAGEUNRIVALLED CAPABILITIES ERGONOMIC DESIGN THE XF RANGEExceptional image qualityMPEG-2 FULL HD (4:2:2)RECORDING CODECOffering a unique blend of broadcast image quality, workflow integration and versatility, these are the first Canon camcorders to utilise an MPEG-2, 4:2:2 recording codec. A 50Mbps data rate, the minimum requirement for many HD broadcast productions, guarantees high levels of image quality – whilst keeping file sizes manageable to reduce storage and archiving costs.Canon have chosen to adopt the widely used, open-source Material eXchange Format (MXF) to ensure integration with existing workflows.The MXF file is a wrapper for the MPEG-2 data stored inside, but has the advantage of being able to support metadata, as well as video and audio.Taking advantage of limitations in thehuman visual system, 4:2:2 colour sampling provides twice the vertical colour resolution of 4:2:0 (used in HDV and other codecs). This enables better gradation, finer detail, and smoother diagonals as well as helping to remove the threat of jagged edges, fringing and unwanted artefacts during chroma keying.COMPACTFLASH CARD RECORDINGThe XF Range uses non-proprietary CompactFlash (CF) memory cards. CF cards are fast, robust, widely available and relatively inexpensive enabling up to 160 minutes of 50Mbps footage to be stored on a single 64GB CF card.Each camcorder includes two cards slots for continuous filming without interruptions. Archiving video or ingesting for editing is effortless, simply connect a camcorder or CF Card reader to a computer to transfer your files.XF100 and XF105 camcorders offer double slot recording – recording on two cards simultaneously – for added security. UDMA certified CF cards with a writespeed of at least 40MB/s are recommended for all recording modes. Please refer to for the latest information on card compatibility.Unique Canon technologies and know-how enable the XF range to deliver a new benchmark in imaging performance for handheldcamcorders. Native 1920x1080 Full HD image capture and 4:2:2 colour sampling enables exceptional detail and outstanding colour resolution.4:2:04:2:24:4:44:2:2 colour sampling stores twice as much colour information as 4:2:0.R-Y(Pr)Colour Difference Signals22:04YBrightness Signal444B-Y(Pb)2:0423Co U D 2G Bm p a c t F l a s h RM A32G BC o m p a c t Fla s h RU D M APixels with information to be read Pixels with information to be skippedCANON L-SERIESHD VIDEO LENSDrawing on decades of lens innovation plus feedback from professional users, the XF300 and XF305 incorporate Canon’s outstanding new L-Series HD Video lens. Delivering superb optical quality from the wide to tele ends of the zoom, its lightweight design makes it ideal for use in professional handheld devices. The zoom and focus rings have physical end stops when used in manual mode, for fast, repeatable operation. An independent iris ring allows control of aperture, while two rocker controls are available for manual zoom control. Technology gleaned from Canon broadcast lenses – never seen before in a camcorder – helps minimise chromatic aberration. This High Index, Ultra-low Dispersion (Hi-UD) glass is placed at the front of the lens and combines with UD and UA elements to deliver exceptional levels of detail. The new L-series lens also incorporates glass ND filters for 1/4, 1/16 and 1/64 reductions in bright lighting conditions, and has a metal six-blade iris.Offering superb optical capabilities but with a reduced zoom capacity, the XF100 and XF105 feature a fast, wide angle Canon HD Video Lens (F1.8, 30.4mm) with 10x optical zoom.IMAGE STABILISATIONThree Image Stabilisation modes aresupported. Complementing StandardIS, a Dynamic IS is ideal for suppressingvibration while walking. The Powered ISfunction is used to steady images whenshooting at full tele-photo, providingextremely strong shake correction for shotswhen the camcorder is stationary.AUTOFOCUS MODESCanon’s unique Instant AF focusing systemuses dual sensors to achieve ultra fast andaccurate autofocus.Face Detection enables immediate focusingwith the added ability to select a facemanually in scenes with more than oneperson. Sophisticated face trackingmaintains focus even when subjects turntheir heads.DIGIC DV IIIDesigned specifically for Canon HDcamcorders, the next generation DIGIC DV IIIImage Processor ensures natural, lifelikecolours with excellent black reproduction.Tonal gradations and shadow detail arecaptured with remarkable accuracy. TheDIGIC DV III Image Processor enables CanonFace Detection, which is ideal for tracking aface in a crowd. Additionally, DIGIC DV IIIworks to minimize power consumption,resulting in longer battery life.FULL HD CMOSNewly developed for the XF range, Canon FullHD CMOS sensors provide native 1920x1080image resolution with exceptional colouraccuracy, a wide dynamic range and lownoise. Slow and fast motion shooting issupported, and these sensors scan at twicenormal speed, minimising the skew effectoften associated with rolling shutters. TheXF300 and XF305 incorporate 3 CMOSsensors for independent capture of RGBcolour information. XF100 and XF105include a single sensor with Bayerpattern filter.RECORDING VERSATILITYThe XF range incorporates a number of alternative shooting modes for seamless workflow integration. As well as the 50Mbps data rate, 35Mbps and 25Mbps 4:2:0 recording modes enable simple compatibility with other HD workflows and equipment (eg. HDV).CREATIVE OPTIONSXF camcorders feature a range of Special Recording Modes to expand your creative vision.Relay recordingContinuous recording is possible thanks to the dual card slots.Pre-recordContinuously caches 3 seconds ofcontent, appending it to the start of your video when recording begins. Never miss the crucial moment again.Interval recordingInterval recording – or time lapse – can be used for unmanned shooting, for example the observation of daily weather patterns. A choice of 25 different intervals can be selected.Slow and fast recordingChoose from a variety of frame rates – 12fps to 50fps – and immediately review footage on set at the correct speed.3D Shooting AssistXF105 and XF100 feature new 3D Shooting Assist functions – OIS Axis Shift and Focal Length Guide – to help you to precisely align two camcorders during stereoscopic 3D shooting.Infrared Shooting ModeXF105 and XF100 also include a new Infrared (IR) Shooting Mode. New lens coating provide twice the IR sensitivity of previous Canon professional camcorders.EXTENSIVE CUSTOMISATION Custom PictureAssume complete control over the lookand feel of every shot. Custom Picture allows users to fine tune more than 90 image parameters, including Gamma, Knee,Colour Matrix, Saturation, Sharpness, Master Black, Skin Tone and more.Up to six Custom Pictures can be saved in the camera, with three additional preset configurations provided.Gamma CurvesSix preset gamma curves are included in XF camcorders – an easy way to give footage the required ‘look’.Compact yetextremely powerfulA host of innovative features and advanced recording capabilities are packed into these file-based devices. With a high resolution, user-friendly LCD and customisable external buttons, everything is designed with the user in mind.Normal 2 & 3 & 4O U T P U TINPUTNormal 1Cine 1Cine 2Normal 4Normal 3Normal 1 & 2Normal 1Recording Bit Rate50Mbps; Constant Bit Rate (CBR)4:2:21920x108050i/25p 1280x72050p/25p 35Mbps;Variable Bit Rate (VBR)4:2:01920x108050i/25p 1280x72050p/25p 25Mbps;Constant Bit Rate (CBR)4:2:01440x108050i/25pRecorded frame rate (fps)121518202122232425262728303234374245485050Mbps 1920x108025p YESNO1280x72050p/25p YES35Mbps 1920x108025p YESNO 1280x72050p/25p YES25Mbps1440x108025pYES NOCUSTOM FUNCTIONS, DISPLAY AND BUTTONSIn addition to fine-tuning image set-up,XF camcorder operation is also highly customisable.Custom Functions can be used to configure selected controls, for example iris ring direction, and Custom Display allows precise control of information shown on the LCD screen. One of 30+ functions can be assigned to 13 and 10 buttons respectively on the XF300- and XF100-series bodies. STORE CAMERA SETTINGSAll user-specific configurations (Custom Picture, Function, Display and Buttons) can be saved to SD memory card and transferred to other XF camcorders – ideal for matching a particular visual style or ensuring multiple cameras have the same set-up.* Up to 20 Custom Picture configurations can be saved to one SD card.REFINED ERGONOMICS AND DESIGNThe XF305 and XF300 are designed from theground up to maximise shooting comfortand usability. New users and users switchingfrom other products will find the buttonlayout, camera menu system and cameracontrols familiar and easy to use out of thebox. The well balanced design allows theoperator to comfortably contol the cameraand easily maintain a steady shot whileminimising arm fatigue.EASY OPERATIONHigh resolution LCDEvery XF camcorder features a highresolution LCD to help set up each shot.The XF300 / XF305 models utilise a 10.1cmscreen with a superior resolution of 1.2Mdots for unparalleled clarity. This foldout LCDpanel is positioned towards the front of thecamcorders, underneath the carry handle.It can be swivelled to the left or right formaximum flexibility in all shootingscenarios. The panel is also rotatable andcan be angled 35 degrees further forward –ideal when operators are unable to positionthemselves directly behind the camcorder.The more compact XF100 and XF105models incorporate a side-mounted 8.8cmLCD with 960k dot resolution.Waveform monitorA built-in Waveform Monitor (WFM)provides an analysis of image brightness tohelp set up your shot. Alternatively an RGBPareto chart can be used to display therelative brightness of red, green and bluecomponents.VectorscopeThe built-in vectorscope aids hue andsaturation balancing as well as offeringan additional check for white balanceconfiguration (XF300-series only).Edge FocusThe Edge Focus function uses the WFMfor fine-tuning focus – the larger the peakson the display, the more sharply edges arein focus.Image inversionThis enables captured images to be ‘flipped’horizontally or vertically – ideal for creatingfilmic footage using 35mm lens adaptors.* C ustom Picture files cannot be transferred between XF300-seriesand XF100-series camcorders.XF300-series s e r i e sThe quality standardThe perfect blend of image quality, connectivity, user customisation, straightforward workflow andwide-ranging editing features, mark the XF305 and XF300 out as the latest quality benchmark.Highly versatilePortable and mobile, the XF305 and XF300 offer shoulder mounted production credentials in a hand-held device. The broad feature set and adaptability of these camcorders allows users to shoot in almost any situation and for any given purpose, from independent filmmaking to commercial broadcast.• Records MPEG-2 MXF fi les to CF Cards at up to 50Mbps (4:2:2 colour sampling)• Comprehensive NLE support; Canon fi le management utility supplied • 18x wide angle Canon L-series lens, with low dispersion and wide aperture (F1.6 max)• 3 x 1/3 type Full HD (1920 x 1080) Canon CMOS sensors• 10.1 cm LCD (1.23M dots) with focus assist and waveform monitor; 1.3 cm (1.55M dots) EVF (100% view)• Variable frame rate recording (12-50 fps)• DIGIC DV III image processor • HD-SDI, SDI and TimeCode output, Genlock input (XF305 only)• Independent audio control with XLR inputs• Extensive customisation: 30 functions assignable to 13 buttons • Canon Professional Services video supportFEATURES23571864includes additional studio connectivity:1 HD/SD-SDI output2 T ime code input/output3 G enlock input123The XF100 series High performance in a more compact bodyXF100XF300Lightweight and compactDelivering the incredible capabilities of Canon’s XF300 series, the XF100 and XF105 are designed for professionals seeking broadcast quality production from a lightweight, versatile palm-sized video camera.Small but powerfulXF100 and XF105 are the first compact video cameras to feature a 50Mbps, 4:2:2 MPEG-2 codec. Packed with shooting features and customisation options, they are designed for seamless integration into all sorts of projects and workflows from education to broadcast.FEATURES• Records MPEG-2 MXF fi les to two CF cards at up to 50Mbps (4:2:2 colour, simultaneous recording possible) • Lightweight palm-sized design; pro audio functions include handle-mounted XLR inputs• 10x zoom Canon HD Video Lens (30.4mm, f1.8), with control ring and 8-blade iris • 1/3 type Full HD Canon CMOS sensor• HD-SDI, Timecode, Genlock terminals and 3D Assist Functions• 8.8cm (3.5’’),, 920k dot LCD with waveform monitor; 0.6cm (0.24”), 260k dot EVF• Variable frame rate recording • Infrared shooting mode, with built-in IR lamp• Extensive customisation: 34 functions assignable to 10 buttons • Canon Professional Services video support• Canon XF Utility and NLE plug-ins supplieds e r i e soutstanding image quality in a compact, versatile package, thanks to a broadcast-standard codec.1 2 3456789108437651091includes additionalstudio connectivity:1 HD/SD-SDI output2 T ime code/Genlockterminal (switchable)12 2Seamlesssoftware integrationAll XF camcorders are supplied with Canon’s XF Utility software for simple clip management, and plug-ins for Apple Final Cut Pro and Avid Media Access.With industry standard MXF files, CompactFlash and a variety of shooting modes, the XF range is designed for seamless integration with major file-based workflows.Plug-ins• Apple / Avid• Basic playback • Backup• Metadata settings•O n-air-ready video contents • Editing • Playout • ArchivePost ProductionXF UtilityNLE• Final Cut Pro• Avid Media Access • Premiere Pro •E DIUS ProA do b e G r a s s V a l l e y XF UTILITYThis easy to use software is designed to allow management of recorded clips where full-blown NLE software isn’t required. Both Mac and Windows versions are supplied.Key features• Back-up CF card contents (entire card)• Transfer selected clips from CF card to computer• Playback clips in Full HD resolution • Edit selected metadata fi elds • Add ‘shot marks’• Copy clips back to CF cardNLE SOFTWARE COMPATIBILITYCanon MPEG-2 MXF files are supported bymajor NLE software manufacturers, including Apple, Avid, Adobe and Grass Valley.Plug-ins for Adobe and Grass Valley software are not supplied, but Canon MXF files are supported by these vendors.The following table details compatibility of Canon MXF files with major NLE software.For the latest information on software compatibility visit NLE NameVersion Final Cut Pro (Mac)6.0.3 or later7.0 or later Avid Media Access-compatible applications (Windows and Mac)Avid Media Composer 4.0.5or laterNewsCutter 8.0.5or laterPremiere Pro (Windows)Premiere Pro (Mac)CS5CS5EDIUS Pro5.5PCMACOSWindows XP SP2, SP3 (32-bit only); Windows Vista SP1,SP2 (32-bit or 64-bit);Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)Mac OS X 10.4; Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard; Mac OS X 10.6Snow Leopard;CPU Intel Core series equivalent;Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz or higher recommended; SSE2compatible processor required Intel processor; Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz or higher recommended; Not compatible with PowerPC processorsRAM 1GB or more; (2GB or more required for 64-bit Windows 7)1GB or moreHard Disk Space 80 MB or moreDisplay 1024 x 768;16-bit colour (High Colour) or better1024 x 768;332,000 colours or betterLanguagesUser interface: Japanese/EnglishInstaller: Japanese / English / French / German / Italian / Spanish / Russian / Chinese (simplifi ed)XF Utility System RequirementsNLE Compatibility tableAccessoriesBattery Pack BP-975Wide ConverterWD-H58WZoom Remote Control ZR-2000Video Light VL-10Li IIBP-930 / 945 / 950G / 970G ✓✓BP-925✓✓BP-955✓✓BP-975✓✓BATTERY CHARGER CA-920✓✓CA-930✓✓DC COUPLERS DC-920✓✓DC-930✓✓CH-910✓✓CB-920✓✓WA-H82✓WD-H58W ✓FILTER SET EOS 58mm filters ✓TELE CONVERTER TL-H58✓VIDEO LIGHT VL-10Li(requires BP-9XX series battery)✓✓VL-10Li II(requires BP-9XX series battery)✓✓REMOTE ZOOM CONTROLLER ZR-2000✓✓ZR-1000✓✓CABLES DTC-1000✓CTC-100 ✓CTC-100/S ✓STV-250N ✓✓TRIPOD ADAPTOR TA-100✓✓TB-1✓✓SHOOTING BRACE SBR-1000✓✓Tele Converter TL-H58Tripod AdapterTA-100Tripod BaseTB-1Wide AttachmentWA-H82Stereo video cableSTV-250NWide Converter WD-H58W TA-100Wide Con WD-H5Tripod Adapter1. 50Mbps CBR mode, HD-SDI off, using EVF.2. 50Mbps CBR mode, using EVF.All data is based on Canon’s standard testing methods. Specifications are subject to change without notice. TM and : All company and/or product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers in their markets and/or countries.Professional Camcorder rangeCanon Inc.Canon Europe English Edition 0148W009© Canon Europa N.V. 2010 (1010)Canon (UK) LtdWoodhatch, ReigateSurrey RH2 8BFTelephone No: 01737 220000Facsimile No: 01737 220022Canon IrelandArena Road, Sandyford Industrial EstateDublin 18, IrelandTelephone No: 01-2052400Facsimile No: 01-2958141canon.ie。
•如果 DTM- 502 系列仪器使用时受潮受湿,应立即拭去潮湿,待把它完全晾干后,才可放回到装运箱内。
•不要把 DTM- 502 系列仪器存放在湿热的地方,尤其应注意:必须把电池存放在低于 30°C 的温度下。
如果帽不够紧或当您使用数据输出 / 外部电源输入接头时,仪器不能防水。
BC-80 电池是镍氢电池。
仪器设置 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
简介 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 概述 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 基本测量屏幕 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 选择屏幕 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 测点式寻边器 (取景屏)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 插入电池 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
功能 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13
概述 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 计时器- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 计算器- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13
Nikon COOLPIX L15数码相机 说明书
使用合适的连接线 将连接线连接到输入和输出插孔 时,只能使用尼康提供或出售的连 接线,以符合产品要求。
谨慎操作可移动部件 注意手指或其它物体不要被镜头盖 或其它可移动部件夹住。
CD-ROM 不可用音频 CD 设备播放本装置附带 的 CD-ROM。在音频 CD 播放机上播 放 CD-ROM 光盘可能会导致听觉损 伤或设备损坏。
有毒有害物质或元素标识说明 表示该有毒有害物质或元素在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规 定的限量要求以下。
✕ 表示该有毒有害物质或元素至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准 规定的限量要求。但是,以现有的技术条件要使相机相关产品完全不含有上述有毒有害物质 极为困难,并且上述产品都包含在 《关于电气电子设备中特定有害物质使用限制指令 2002/ 95/EC》的豁免范围之内。
相机及相关产品中有毒有害物质或元素的名称、含量及环保 使用期限说明
环保使用 期限
1 相机外壳和镜筒 (金属制) 相机外壳和镜筒 (塑料制)
2 机座和机械元件 3 光学镜头、棱镜、滤镜玻璃 4 电子表面装配元件 (包括电子元件) 5 机械元件,包括螺钉、包括螺母和垫
圈等 6 无线发射器和遥控器*2 7 交流适配器、电池充电器、电池匣和
• 请仅使用规定于本产品的电池 (A 12)。请勿混用新旧电池或 不同品牌/类型的电池。
• 如果另外购买了尼康 EN-MH1 NiMH充电电池,请将它们作为一 组进行充电和使用。请勿混用不 同组中的电池。
• 按照正确方向插入电池。 • 请勿使电池短路或拆卸电池,或
者试图取下或破坏电池绝缘层或 外壳。
三次元大光定尼康105mmf1.4E试镜三次元大光定尼康105mm f/1.4E试镜发表时间:2017-05-04 来源:色影无忌作者:walkmannn 责任编辑:梁爽尼康公司于2016年7月27日,发布一款兼容尼康FX格式数码单反相机的大光圈中远摄定焦镜头AF-S尼克尔105mm f/1.4E ED。
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 105mm f/1.4E ED 开发者访谈(前篇)- 描写 & 结构(三次元,其实就是3维、3D的意思)我们听取了公司内外用AF-S NIKKOR 58mm f/1.4 G的印象,得到有认为这样的特性就很好的回答,但也听到了有人觉得它最近对焦距离时的锐度很差。
比起作为出发点的AF-S NIKKOR 58mm f/1.4 G,现在这颗新镜头会更偏向锐利一点。
一样基于三次元Hi-Fi考量的镜头里,AF-S NIKKOR 35mm f/1.4 G、AF-S NIKKOR 58mm f/1.4 G、AF-S NIKKOR 105mm f/1.4E ED 这三颗镜头虽然有着不一样的味道,35mm是当时初期阶段的过渡期产物、58mm则是人为的做过头。
尼康D物语篇一:摄影的路上你总要有一支人像镜:AFDC-NIKKOR105MM1:2D中焦镜头尼康D物语篇一:摄影的路上你总要有一支人像镜:AF DC-NIKKOR 105MM1:2D中焦镜头前言(美女)人像是爱好摄影的朋友们喜闻乐见的一种拍摄题材,特别是拥有女神或者公主的朋友们,拍摄的作品不但被要求赏心悦目,同时也不能脱离实际。
* 为什么需要定焦镜?通常来说,作为变焦镜大三元中的一员,70-200MM1:2.8规格可以胜任大部分人像拍摄场景,使用灵活,画质出色,既是许多爱好者的首选镜头,也是各大厂商的必争之地;不过俗话说,狗定胜牛变,定焦头往往拥有自己独特的优势,比如更大的光圈,更好的畸变控制,更奶油的虚化以及玄学方面的色彩、氛围感、层次感等等;新锐的专业定焦镜往往在解析力的硬指标上面也全面超越变焦镜,所以对于许多专业人士来说,大三元也仅仅停留在二流水准;另一方面,70-200MM1:2.8规格镜头是大三元中身材最彪悍的,通常身高在20CM左右,体重则在1.5KG上下,手持拍摄确实是一个体力工作,我曾经用腾龙A009给我的妹子拍摄孕妇照,在公园里外拍了3个小时左右,那感觉的确十分酸爽...当然,作为普通爱好者的我们,大三元镜已经是镜中贵族,大光腚简直就是高山仰止了...因此,一支价格美丽,风格甜美,虚化温柔,苗条轻便且“跑分”能力不逊于大三元的美人镜才是符合张大妈精神的选择。
* 为什么是105MM?85MM-135MM属于中焦镜范畴,被认为是拍摄人像的理想焦距段。
1. 器材概览1.1 主体(相机)1.2 镜头1.3 电池1.4 存储卡1.5 三脚架2. 准备工作2.1 电池的安装与充电在使用相机之前,您需要确保电池已正确安装。
2.2 存储卡的使用选择合适的存储卡,并将其插入相机的存储卡槽。
3. 基本操作3.1 开关机与休眠模式通过在相机上的开关按钮进行开机和关机操作。
3.2 自动与手动对焦您可以选择自动对焦或手动对焦模式。
3.3 曝光与快门速度调整曝光和快门速度以获得所需的拍摄效果。
4. 拍摄技巧4.1 光线与白平衡充分利用不同光线条件下的拍摄效果。
4.2 焦距与景深通过调整镜头焦距和光圈大小,来调整图像的景深效果。
4.3 镜头选择与拍摄场景根据不同的拍摄场景选择合适的镜头。
5. 后期处理与存储5.1 图片传输与存储将拍摄的照片传输到电脑或其他存储设备。
5.2 后期处理软件利用后期处理软件对照片进行编辑和修饰。
6. 常见问题解答6.1 为什么照片模糊?可能是由于手持相机不稳造成的。
尼康105 2.5镜头
不朽的经典3————NIKON 105/2.5说起NIKON105/2.5镜头的历史可以追溯S系列Leica螺口Nikon相机的年代。
第一支Nikkor-P 105cm f/2.5是1949年(昭和24年)由胁本善司设计的,发表于1954年(昭和29年)。
与1948年(昭和23年)发表的Nikkor-P 85cm f/2同样享有盛誉,奠定了它在中焦镜头市场上的领导地位。
这个优秀的光学设计一直延续大Nikon F时代。
[attach]21894[/attach]105/2.5最初的设计采用5片3组的Sonnar结构(Sonnar的光学设计用在Zeiss 的50mm/f1.5的大光圈镜头,解像对比极高,据史料记载德军在二次世界大战时曾对Zeiss,Leica,Schneider的镜头作测试后向Zeiss,Schneider 定购镜头),虽然此光学设计解像极高,但近距离像差变化较大而且生产质量不易控制。
[attach]21916[/attach]1971年尼康公司对这只畅销镜头进行了改良并于同年上市,新的Nikkor Auto 105mm f/2.5由清水义之设计。
清水是胁本的学生,参与过Nikon早期镜头直到AI Nikkor,以及Nikon显微镜等大量镜头的设计工作,105mm f/2.5的设计于1966年冬季完成。
这支最受欢迎的中焦镜头历经三次重大改进,从Nikkor Auto 到New Nikkor,从AI Nikkor到Ai-S Nikkor。
由于这个镜头优秀的光学性能中国在70年代生产珠江S201相机的时候由河南星火仪器厂原封不动的照搬过来[attach]21917[/attach]1. 镜头结构与特性AI Nikkor 105 mm f/2.5光学结构以Xenotar结构(5片4组)为基础,中间一片厚凸透镜,对称结构,与Sonnar结构有所不同。
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尼康镜头说明if和ed是两个特性指标,具体介绍见下面尼康(nikon)镜头标识的含义ai: automatic indexing自动最大光圈传递技术发布于1977年,是nikon f卡口的第一次大变动。
nikon f2a、f2as、nikkormat el2、ft3和fm是第一批获益于这项技术的机身。
代表镜头:nikkor ai 50/1.4 ai-s:automatic indexing shutter自动快门指数传递技术在1981年,nikon对全线ai镜头卡口进行了修改,以便使它能够与即将投入使用的fa高速程序曝光方式完全兼容,这些修改后的新镜头就是ai-s卡口nikkor镜头。
当ai-s镜头用于nikon fa机身时,它能够根据自身的焦距向机身提供信息以选择正常程序或高速程序,在快门速度优先自动曝光方式时,它们能够在非常宽的光照范围内提供一致的曝光控制。
代表镜头:nikkor ais 50/1.4 af-s: silent wave motor静音马达代表该镜头的装载了静音马达(silent wave motor,s),这种马达等同于佳能的超音波马达(ultrasonic motor),可以由“行波”(traveling waves)提供能量进行光学聚焦,可高精确和宁静地快速聚焦,可全时手动对焦。
可支持af-s 镜头自动对焦的相机有 f5 ; f4; f100;f90x;f90;f80;f70;f65;d1;d1x;d1h;d100,其余的机身可以接用,也可以测光,但不能自动对焦。
代表镜头:28-70mm f/2.8 ed-ifaf-szoom-nikkord型镜头:distance 焦点距离数据传递技术代表镜头可回传对焦距离信息,作为3d(景物的亮度,景物对比度,景物的距离)矩阵测光的参考以及 ttl 均衡闪光的控制。
代表镜头:28-105mm f/3.5-4.5d af zoom-nikkor crc:close range correction近摄校正采用浮动镜片设计,保证近摄时光学素质不下降,例如ais 24/2.8、af 85/1.4dif之类均采用了crc技术。
dc : defocus-image control 散焦影像控制尼康公司独创的镜头,可提供与众不同的散焦影像控制功能。
目前尼康只有2支dc镜头:af dc 105mm f/2d、af dc 135mm f/2d ed : extra-low dispersion超低色散镜片是指这支镜头内含 ed 镜片,最大限度降低镜头色差(chromatic aberration),从而保证镜头有优异的光学表现。
代表镜头:80-200mm f/2.8d ed af zoom-nikkor g型镜头与d型镜头不同的是,该种镜头无光圈环设计,光圈调整必须由机身来完成,同时支持3d矩阵测光。
代表镜头:28-80mmf/3.3-5.6g af zoom-nikkor if : internal focusing内对焦技术所谓内对焦是指镜头在对焦时,前后组镜片都不移动,而由镜头内部的一个对焦镜片组(focus lens group)的浮动来完成对焦,对焦时镜头长度保持不变。
代表镜头:85mm f/1.4d if af nikkor ix镜头 1996年nikon为aps相机pronea发布的价廉、紧凑的镜头。
micro : 微距镜头是指这只镜头是微距镜头,或有微距拍摄的功能。
代表镜头:105mmf/2.8d af micro-nikkor n:new 新型 nikon一些改进型镜头的标志,例如著名的af80-200/2.8d ed(n)n/a:全时手动对焦与佳能的ftm一样。
目前只有3支p型镜头:500/4 if-ed、1200-1700/5.6-8 if-ed和45/2.8。
pc - shift:移轴镜头移动镜头光轴调整透视的镜头。
rf : rear focusing 后组对焦技术与if不同的是,rf镜头由后组镜片(rear lensgroups)完成对焦。
代表镜头:85mm f/1.8d af nikkor s:slim 轻薄 nikon一些薄型镜头的标志,例如ais 50/1.8s。
sic:super integrated coating 超级复合镀膜 tc :teleconvertor 增距镜vr : vibration reduction 电子减震系统 nikon防手震镜头的代号,可用于手持摄影在低速快门时,增加画面的稳定性。
能支持vr的机身有 f5、f100、f80、f65、d1、d100。
代表镜头:80-400mm f/4.5-5.6d ed vr afzoom-nikkor篇二:尼康d90使用说明书篇三:尼康d90使用说明书(手册) 尼康d90使用说明书(手册)尼康d90作为2008年8月新发布的数码单反相机,附带高清摄像功能,吸引了广大摄影爱好者的注意力。
今天在杭州看到,商家将d90单机和尼康af-s 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6g vr防抖镜头搭配销售,价格是10380元,送8g卡,包等一些附件。
尼康原厂af-s dx vr18-200mm镜头拥有不错的光学素质。
从事摄影活动业余使用过的器材d300 操性:4.5功能性:4.5美观性:5.0趣味性:5.0耐用性:5.0性价比:4.5解像力:4.5色彩还原:5.0一、视频拍摄注意事项作为全球首台可录视频数码单反,拥有720p、24fps高清视频拍摄功能的尼康d90在这个方面表现得还算不错,毕竟是世界第一台,但手动对焦让人比较遗憾。
当手握住该机时,绝大部分和皮肤接触的地方,不是橡胶蒙皮就是实实在在的镁合金,这非常明显的提升了相机的握持手感!图为:尼康.d7000 图为:尼康.d7000热靴双卡槽,并且可以自定义功能笔者经常使用的是:第一张卡jpeg,第二张卡raw 隐蔽的对焦模式按键和d300s非常相似的驱动模式拨盘虽然外形上和d90基本上一样,但是在机身细节上,尼康.d7000却暗藏玄机,就比如切换对焦方式和对焦点模式选择,如果您不看说明书,相信非常难以找到如何调整。