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Significant facilities consolidation opportunities
Distribution consolidation and improvement required changing the business model and the mindset
— Standard lead times
10、 阅 读 一 切 好书 如同和 过去最 杰出的 人谈话 。15:20:4915:20:4915:206/27/2021 3:20:49 PM
11、 一 个 好 的 教师 ,是一 个懂得 心理学 和教育 学的人 。21.6.2715:20:4915:20Jun-2127-Jun-21
12、 要 记 住 , 你不 仅是教 课的教 师,也 是学生 的教育 者,生 活的导 师和道 德的引 路人。 15:20:4915:20:4915:20Sunday, June 27, 2021
50 manufacturing, research, and technical facilities worldwide
Sales in 100 countries, totaling $4 billion annually
Company B
1848, founding
Largest and most recognized business for a particular consumer product
“Already, the company has achieved a $100MM annual run rate in cost savings ahead of schedule…” — Janney Montgomery Scott
“The integration process is running smoothly and in fact better than expected achieving a $100 MM lower run rate…” — J.P. Morgan Securities
15、 一 年 之 计 ,莫 如树谷 ;十年 之计, 莫如树 木;终 身之计 ,莫如 树人。 2021年 6月下午 3时20分 21.6.2715:20June 27, 2021
16、 提 出 一 个 问题 往往比 解决一 个更重 要。因 为解决 问题也 许仅是 一个数 学上或 实验上 的技能 而已, 而提出 新的问 题,却 需要有 创造性 的想像 力,而 且标志 着科学 的真正 进步。 2021年 6月27日 星期日 3时20分 49秒 15:20:4927 June 2021
Latin America and AsiaPacific Region Operations: 10% of sales 20 manufacturing facilities 10 distribution sites
Some manufacturing processes and technologies were incompatible between the two companies
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/2
Background of company
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/3
Company A announced their intended merger with Company B in 1999
Company A
Began in 1909 as a partnership between an innovative chemist and a businessman
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/5
While the potential source of the synergies were somewhat clear, smooth and timely integration of the two companies was less assured
Today’s discussion…
Background of Company Company IT Overview Cause for Action IT Strategy Approach Application Architecture Technical Architecture Establish the IT Program Office Organizational Effectiveness and IT Alignment Summary
“The integration efforts continue to track ahead of plan…” — Deutsche Banc Alex Brown
“Considering the steep increase in raw material costs, the new
company was able to meet expectations with its rapid integration of
Pioneering work in leather tanning
Best known for expertise in acrylic chemistry
Essential component to detergents, diapers, cell phones, industrial coatings, and more
Combining two companies with both direct product overlap
Acquiring company was more of a “intermediates producer” and the acquired company was more of a “formulator”
— Standard service levels
Significant customer overlap
Significant EH&S issues needed to be addressed, competing away scarce capital resources
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/6
Major supplier of basic inorganic chemicals derived from salt
Essential ingredients in CDs, newspapers, magnetic tapes, sports equipment, and more
36 mining and processing facilities, 68 chemical manufacturing, research, and technical facilities worldwide
the acquired company’s operations…”
— Brown Brothers Harriman
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/7
9、 要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生 学的知 识,教 职员躬 亲共学 ;要学 生守的 规则, 教职员 躬亲共 守。21.6.2721.6.27Sunday, June 27, 2021
A.T. Kearney was asked to structure, drive and manage the entire integration process for what would become one of the largest specialty chemical companies
After an accelerated integration program, the merger was deemed a success by the CEO as well as the analyst community
“By the end of 3Q, the new company had achieved cost reductions of $100MM on an annualized basis, three months ahead of schedule.” — Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
13、 He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁 把 握 机 遇 , 谁就 心想事 成。21.6.2721.6.2715:20:4915:20:49June 27, 2021
14、 谁 要 是 自 己还 没有发 展培养 和教育 好,他 就不能 发展培 养和教 育别人 。2021年 6月27日 星期 日下午 3时20分 49秒 15:20:4921.6.27
• Drive the short-term value • Exceed the market’s expectations
Develop and communicate a shared strategic agenda
Define organization structures, key business processes and technology platform/architecture
Select leaders and staff positions Develop metrics and budgets Integrate the business
• Integrate day-to-day operations • Position for the future growth
Achieve Business Value Goals as Quickly as Possible
Integrate the Organizations as Seamlessly as Possible
Achieve $200 million of savings within 12-18 months (running rate by 2001) — Ensure customer retention — Corporate Center rationalization — Administrative overhead reduction — Sourcing/Procurement savings — Product line and operations rationalization — Manufacturing productivity and supply chain improvements — Reduction in technology costs
North American Region Operations 60% of sales 60 manufacturing facilities 230 distribution sites(1)
European Region Operations: 30% of sales 40 manufacturing facilities 60 distribution sites
Sales total $2.5 billion annually
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/4
The focus of the integration was to quickly achieve operational synergies while combining the organizations to support top line revenue growth
IT Strategy
Case Study of a Recent Client Experience
February 24, 2000
Rob Trollinger, Principal, Dallas Chris Wisler, Manager, Alexandria Kimberly Brown, Associate, Alexandria
Distribution consolidation and improvement required changing the business model and the mindset
— Standard lead times
10、 阅 读 一 切 好书 如同和 过去最 杰出的 人谈话 。15:20:4915:20:4915:206/27/2021 3:20:49 PM
11、 一 个 好 的 教师 ,是一 个懂得 心理学 和教育 学的人 。21.6.2715:20:4915:20Jun-2127-Jun-21
12、 要 记 住 , 你不 仅是教 课的教 师,也 是学生 的教育 者,生 活的导 师和道 德的引 路人。 15:20:4915:20:4915:20Sunday, June 27, 2021
50 manufacturing, research, and technical facilities worldwide
Sales in 100 countries, totaling $4 billion annually
Company B
1848, founding
Largest and most recognized business for a particular consumer product
“Already, the company has achieved a $100MM annual run rate in cost savings ahead of schedule…” — Janney Montgomery Scott
“The integration process is running smoothly and in fact better than expected achieving a $100 MM lower run rate…” — J.P. Morgan Securities
15、 一 年 之 计 ,莫 如树谷 ;十年 之计, 莫如树 木;终 身之计 ,莫如 树人。 2021年 6月下午 3时20分 21.6.2715:20June 27, 2021
16、 提 出 一 个 问题 往往比 解决一 个更重 要。因 为解决 问题也 许仅是 一个数 学上或 实验上 的技能 而已, 而提出 新的问 题,却 需要有 创造性 的想像 力,而 且标志 着科学 的真正 进步。 2021年 6月27日 星期日 3时20分 49秒 15:20:4927 June 2021
Latin America and AsiaPacific Region Operations: 10% of sales 20 manufacturing facilities 10 distribution sites
Some manufacturing processes and technologies were incompatible between the two companies
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/2
Background of company
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/3
Company A announced their intended merger with Company B in 1999
Company A
Began in 1909 as a partnership between an innovative chemist and a businessman
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/5
While the potential source of the synergies were somewhat clear, smooth and timely integration of the two companies was less assured
Today’s discussion…
Background of Company Company IT Overview Cause for Action IT Strategy Approach Application Architecture Technical Architecture Establish the IT Program Office Organizational Effectiveness and IT Alignment Summary
“The integration efforts continue to track ahead of plan…” — Deutsche Banc Alex Brown
“Considering the steep increase in raw material costs, the new
company was able to meet expectations with its rapid integration of
Pioneering work in leather tanning
Best known for expertise in acrylic chemistry
Essential component to detergents, diapers, cell phones, industrial coatings, and more
Combining two companies with both direct product overlap
Acquiring company was more of a “intermediates producer” and the acquired company was more of a “formulator”
— Standard service levels
Significant customer overlap
Significant EH&S issues needed to be addressed, competing away scarce capital resources
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/6
Major supplier of basic inorganic chemicals derived from salt
Essential ingredients in CDs, newspapers, magnetic tapes, sports equipment, and more
36 mining and processing facilities, 68 chemical manufacturing, research, and technical facilities worldwide
the acquired company’s operations…”
— Brown Brothers Harriman
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/7
9、 要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生 学的知 识,教 职员躬 亲共学 ;要学 生守的 规则, 教职员 躬亲共 守。21.6.2721.6.27Sunday, June 27, 2021
A.T. Kearney was asked to structure, drive and manage the entire integration process for what would become one of the largest specialty chemical companies
After an accelerated integration program, the merger was deemed a success by the CEO as well as the analyst community
“By the end of 3Q, the new company had achieved cost reductions of $100MM on an annualized basis, three months ahead of schedule.” — Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
13、 He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁 把 握 机 遇 , 谁就 心想事 成。21.6.2721.6.2715:20:4915:20:49June 27, 2021
14、 谁 要 是 自 己还 没有发 展培养 和教育 好,他 就不能 发展培 养和教 育别人 。2021年 6月27日 星期 日下午 3时20分 49秒 15:20:4921.6.27
• Drive the short-term value • Exceed the market’s expectations
Develop and communicate a shared strategic agenda
Define organization structures, key business processes and technology platform/architecture
Select leaders and staff positions Develop metrics and budgets Integrate the business
• Integrate day-to-day operations • Position for the future growth
Achieve Business Value Goals as Quickly as Possible
Integrate the Organizations as Seamlessly as Possible
Achieve $200 million of savings within 12-18 months (running rate by 2001) — Ensure customer retention — Corporate Center rationalization — Administrative overhead reduction — Sourcing/Procurement savings — Product line and operations rationalization — Manufacturing productivity and supply chain improvements — Reduction in technology costs
North American Region Operations 60% of sales 60 manufacturing facilities 230 distribution sites(1)
European Region Operations: 30% of sales 40 manufacturing facilities 60 distribution sites
Sales total $2.5 billion annually
A.T. Kearney 1/8510Color/4
The focus of the integration was to quickly achieve operational synergies while combining the organizations to support top line revenue growth
IT Strategy
Case Study of a Recent Client Experience
February 24, 2000
Rob Trollinger, Principal, Dallas Chris Wisler, Manager, Alexandria Kimberly Brown, Associate, Alexandria