Test for Interpreters of Level 3Speeches for Consecutive Interpreting Part ⅠListen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese; interpret it into English by speaking into the microphone. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in English; interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only once. Now; let’s begin.下面你将听到的是一段有关中国古代海洋文化展的讲话..Q:I heard that an exhibition opened recently in Beijing that showcases the remains of an ancient sunken ship. I wonder if you tell me something about it. //A: 好啊..这艘船叫华光礁一号;是一个渔民于1996年在南中国海发现的..这条船在大海里已经沉睡了近800年;充满了神秘色彩..这是一艘商船;船上载满了瓷器和青铜器皿..//Q:I have a keen interest in underwater cultural heritage; so I want to go and see this exhibition to find out how the ship sank and how the underwater archeological work was done in recovering it. //A:展览分五个部分来介绍这艘船的情况;包括它最早起航时的状态..从沉船上打捞出来的文物都摆放在展厅里;以重视它们在海底被发现时的场景..//Q:Is it China’s first national survey on underwater cultural relics It must be a landmark accomplishment for China’s underwater cultural heritage protection. //A:其实;这条海船在历史上是一条非常繁忙的国际海上贸易通道;有时也叫海上丝绸之路..古代中国商船就是通过这条海路把中国的瓷器、丝绸和其他物品远销海外..所以这条海路上其实有不少沉船..对华光礁而言;对它的勘察和保护的确是非常成功的..//Q:So I see. What has China done to ensure that underwater cultural relics are protected //A:中国政府非常重视海底文化遗址保护;已经把它作为中国海洋战略的一个重要部分..在这方面20年来我们已经取得了很大进步;1987年建立了国家海底考古研究中心;培养了80多位水下考古潜水员..现在我们有一整套法律;法规和措施来保护海底文化遗址.. //Part ⅡInterpret the following passage from English into Chinese; Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passage only once. Now; let’s begin.下面你将听到的是一段有关塑料袋产生的环保问题的讲话..Plastic bags are very popular with both retailers and consumers because they are cheap; strong; lightweight; as well as a hygienic means of carrying food and goods. But even though they are one of the modern conveniences that we seem to unable to do without; they are responsible for causing pollution; killing wildlife; and using up the precious resources of the earth. //Billions of single-use plastic bags are given out for free each day all over the world. But; as the old saying goes; nothing comes for free. Here are some facts to illustrate the high costs paid by our environment and society for the unlimited and free use of plastic bags. To see the real costs; we must look at the multiple impacts and the effects of each phase of a plastic bag’s life. //For phase one; we look at the production cost. The production of plastic bags requires oil and often natural gas; both are non-renewable resources. Oil is vital for our modern way of life. Without viable alternative sources of energy yet on the horizon; if the supply of oil were to be turned off; it would lead to; practically; the entire world grinding to a halt. And to make plastic; about 100 million barrels of oil are needed every year around the world. Additionally; prospecting and drilling for these resources contribute to the destruction of fragile ecosystems around the world. // In the second phase; there are consumption costs. When retailers give away free bags; their costs are passed on to consumers in form of higher prices. In the U.S. along; for example; annual cost on plastic bags to retailers is estimated at US$4 billion. When one considers the economies and populations of the whole world; including China and India; for example; the number can be staggering. // Finally; the problem is disposal and litter costs. Once plastic bags become litter; they find their way into our waterways; parks; beaches; and streets. Hundreds of thousands of see-turtles; whales and other marine mammals die every year from eating discarded plastic bags mistaken for food. On land; many cows; goats and other animals suffer a similar fate. And; if plastic bags are burned; they fill the air with toxic fumes. So; they create a major environmental problem. Such “white pollution”will affect not only our generation; but many future generations to come. // So; what can be done Well; if we have the will; we can start reducing their use in small ways. Try to use alternatives to plastic whenever and wherever possible. A paper or cloth bag can make good substitute for holding the shopping. While governments should be working out ways to lessen the impact of plastic bags on the environment; each of us should also shoulder some of the responsibility for this problem. //Part ⅢInterpret the following passage from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passage only once. Now; let’s begin.下面你将听到的是一段有关茶文化的讲话..很高兴出席“中国茶文化展”开幕式..感谢亚洲之家主办这一活动;感谢你们为促进中英两国人们相互了解所做出的努力..中国是茶的故乡;早在大约三千年前;中国就是世界上第一个种茶、饮茶的国家..茶叶被视为继造纸术、印刷术、火药、指南针四大发明之后;中国人对人类的第五个重大贡献..//茶和威士忌一样;最初是用于治疗疾病的;后来为上层人士所青睐;而后又日渐走进寻常百姓家;成为中国人社会和文化生活的重要组成部分..茶和丝绸、瓷器一样;增进了中国与世界各国间的交流与了解..17世纪初期;中国茶远销欧洲各国..英国人在茶中添加牛奶和糖;调制成可口的“英国茶”..英式红茶转而风靡全球..// 在英国;饮茶成为社会生活中不可或缺的部分..一位英国朋友曾风趣地告诉我;英国绅士一生三分之一的时间是在饮茶中度过的..以下事实可见一斑:英国是世界上最大的茶叶消费国之一;而“立顿”红茶如今成为全球第一大茶叶品牌..// 中国虽是茶的故乡;但现在还缺少国际品牌..我很高兴;这次茶文化展为英国喝茶的人士了解中国茶提供了良好的机会;相信双方都可以从相互交流中获益良多..//。
(我们真是久别重逢啊,所以,找个地方喝一杯。 )
(我马上就来,你就在这儿等我。 ) 研修生
18、 力、dX元力*^h^( )L^X^Lto
19、X<5总力・LT£、乙乙忙feXt^TO ^X^^( )o
20、肚一儿总0^0力*X^^h XX^Tfeo
日语三级试题(正文)第一部分:语法和词汇理解(500字)1. 下面句子中选择正确的一项填空。
1) この本は A. 高い B. 高く C. 高さ D. 高さに2) アパートの北に公園があります。
A. 隣 B. 旁 C. となりD. 近く3) さくらマンションにあさって引っ越します。
A. おとといB. 未来C. あさってD. 来週2. 下列汉字中选择读音正确的一项。
1) 業 A. ごう B. ぎょう C. ぎょく D. ごく2) 借 A. しゃく B. しゃっく C. せき D. しゃけ3) 雨 A. ふう B. う C. あめ D. ゆ3. 下面句子中选择与括号中的词意思相符的一项。
1) 明日の天気は晴れる( )。
A. 予定 B. 曇り C. 天気 D. 降る2) お金がなかったので、友達に借りました。
A. 贈り物 B. お礼C. 一緒D. 借りる3) あまりおいしくなかったですが、全部食べました。
A. 遅い B. 高い C. 眠い D. 美味しい4. 下列句子中选择一项含有语法错误的句子。
1) メアリーさんは毎日スポーツがします。
A. メアリーさん B. 毎日 C. スポーツが D. します2) 新しい車は高くて、買えないです。
A. 新しい B. 車は C. 高くて D. 買えないです3) 一番安い本を買いました。
A. 一番 B. 安い C. 本を D. 買いました第二部分:听力理解(500字)根据所听到的对话或问题,选择正确的答案。
1. A: 田中さんのお誕生日は何日ですか?B: 9月12日です。
A. 9月2日B. 9月12日C. 9月22日D. 9月25日2. A: 日曜日に何をしましたか?B: 映画を見に行きました。
A. ピクニックに行きましたB. 映画を見に行きましたC. ゲームをしましたD. 勉強しました3. A: 北川さん、このパンどうですか?B: とてもおいしいですね。
A. おいしくありませんB. まずくありませんC. どうですかD. おいしいですね4. A: チケットはいくらですか?B: 大人は1500円、子供は1000円です。
三级翻译资格考试口译试题附参考答案2017年三级翻译资格考试口译试题附参考答案It is at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest, but there is seldom any money in them. 以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年三级翻译资格考试口译试题附参考答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业考试网!part 1The Asian economic crisis has put many companies on the edge. Many have been forced to change the way they do business. The old attitude that employees follow instructions and are unable to make de cisions or act on their own initiative① leads to underused② people.The key to increasing employee productivity is through effective management. Managers must recognize that getting employees involved in the solution boost morale③。
The decision making process should be pushed down the ladder. The focus of future organizations will shift to employee involvement,rather than power and control.难点提示①主动地②未充分利用的③士气参考译文:亚洲金融危机使很多公司面临崩溃的边缘。
当事者の?h明によると、「つまり基本的に日本茶は、お金がかからないという先入?Q念があるから、?V?T にはつながらないのでしょうな」しかし、?g?Hには日本茶も、?t茶やコ?`ヒ?`同??に、相?辘谓U?Mがかかっているのである。
全国翻译资格证书日语三级笔译综合能力考试(2005年)一、語彙(10点)A〜D①選択肢力、乙正一O選人^、解答用紙忙記号疋記入(1点X 10=10 点)(1)人总動力、歹壬召気、行動力、乞L疋入________________ O生吉方^ToA. 考慮B.思考C.促進D.想像(2) ^>夕一木少卜力外国爲替O_________ 力■調^5^§oA. 相場B.目途C.見本D.総合(3)組織運営O方針总、高X能力七_____ 总有人材总育成•確保A. 認識B.常識C.面識D.見識(4)吉弐人七____ 七向若者力.増元m、^oA.面B.顔 C.頭 D.刖(5)窓总開疗召七、山O空気力•入oT吉尢。
A. TgXB.*9o^^LX C.T^T^LX D.的兰减LX(6)3年経o尢今問題解決O力•立oTX^X<〉A.B.C. D.(7)20 年fe使oTXT IT力.、私大切肚帽子^O^ToA. O6O6B.C.C-O^OD.泾O泾O(8)粽力■伝;t5nr^§oA. S/UWB.C.xey-ED.□2卜(9)逃L尢处大吉X。
A.魚 B.鳥 C.馬 D.船(10)三人寄料泾文殊O oA.才知B.知性 C.知恵 D.知識二、文法(40点)A〜D O選択肢力、乙正LXfeO总一O選人^、解答用紙忙記号疋記入L^^^o(1点X 40=40 点)(11)電車壬駅疋、人目抱吉合o^^^XL^^T^力、小)皿激増LTX^oA.feL5TB.fe^^^TC. fe^^^ D . fe力、力比5于(12)仕事总L全国总旅思oTX尢。
A.T^B.尢去去C. D . ^^5(13)夢力•実現吉召力、乂刁力、总、本人O努力全国翻译资格证书A. QQB.U 疗C.D.Q 力、老©、何十時間考元尢 B.七力、C. mD.^T時間力■許歹、乙①去去議論总続疗尢思X 去歹。
将来①乙七肚予測疋吉召 ___________ o A. 3花B .老咏C. m約束L 尢 ____ 守"詐。
口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷14(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 5 per litre in Vietnam, about three times as much as the price of cheaper oil imported from Thailand. Despite the high price of its product, Castrol claims it is gaining share in Vietnam as its branding strategy wins converts. Castrol has had to tailor its distribution strategy to Vietnam’s unique conditions. In most countries where it operates, Castrol divides the country into regions and has a single distributor in each region.正确答案:正如在其他地方一样,嘉实多公司在越南也采取了溢价保险价格战略,这与其要在全球树立高品质品牌形象的努力是一致的。
涉及知识点:英译汉11.Ladies and gentlemen, To talk about the importance and effectiveness of the global human resource management, I would like to take Coca-Cola Company as a quintessence. The Coca-cola Company is one of the most successful multinational enterprises. With operations in close to 200 countries and nearly 80 percent of its operating income derived from business outside the Unites States, Coca-Cola is typically perceived as the quintessential global corporation. Coca-Cola, however, likes to think of itself as a “multi-local” company that just happens to be headquartered in Atlanta but could be headquartered anywhere and that presents the Coca-Cola brand with a “local face” in every country where it does business. The philosophy is best summarized by the phrase “ think globally, act locally,”which captures the essence of Coca-Cola’s cross-boarder management mentality. Coca-Cola grants national businesses the freedom to conduct operations in a manner appropriate to the market. At the same time, the company tries to establish a common mind-set that all its employees share. Coca-Cola manages its global operations through 25 operating divisions that are organized under six regional groups: North America, the European Union, the Pacific Region, the east Europe/Middle East Group, Africa, and Latin America. The corporate human resource management (HRM) function is charged with providing the glue that binds these various divisions and groups into the Coca-Cola family. The corporate HRM function achieves this in two main ways: (1) by propagating a common human resources philosophy within the company, and (2) by developing a group of internationally minded mid-level executives for future senior management responsibility. The corporate HRM group sees its mission as one of developing and providing the underlying philosophy around which local businesses can develop their own human resource practices. For example, rather than have a standard salary policy for all its national operations, Coca-Cola has a common salary philosophy —the total compensation package should becompetitive with the best companies in the local market. Twice a year the corporate HRM group also conducts a two-week HRM orientation session for the human resource staff from each of its 25 operating divisions. These sessions give an overview of the company’s HRM philosophy and talk about how local businesses can translate that philosophy into human resource policies. As much as possible, Coca-Cola tries to staff its operations with local personnel. To quote one senior executive: “We strive to have a limited number of international people in the field because generally local people are better equipped to do business at their home locations. “ However, expatriates are needed in the system for two main reasons. One is to fill a need for a specific set of skills that might not exist at a particular location. The second reason for using an expatriate is to improve the employee’s own skill base. Coca-Cola believes that because it is a global company, senior managers should have had international exposure. The corporate HRM group has about 500 high-level managers involved in its “global service program. “Coca-Cola characterizes these managers as people who have knowledge of their particular field, plus knowledge of the company, and who can do two things in an international location —add value by the expertise they bring to each assignment and enhance their contribution to the company by having international experience. Of the 500 participants in the program, about 200 move each year. To ease the costs of transfer for these employees, Coca-Cola gives those in its global service program a US-based compensation package. They are paid according to US benchmarks, as opposed to the benchmark prevailing in the country in which they are located. An ultimate goal of this program is to build a cadre of internationally minded high-level managers from which the future senior managers of Coca-Cola will be drawn. The above is my observation of Coca-Cola’s HRM. Thank you for your attention.正确答案:女士们、先生们:我想把可口可乐公司作为一个典范来谈谈全球人力资源管理的重要性和有效性。
日语中级口译-3(Japanese intermediate interpretation -3)Lesson 3 stars of tomorrow training word bookSchool of education A 1Japanese to Chinese1.Two semesters (Instrumental)两学 stage system2.Classroom teachers simply refers to the fullest.Team supervisor3.Class, which was developed as well.级委员 group4.(thanks to)Go on, not realEntrance examination techniques (with Technique) 应试 craftsmanship6.Club activities (on)On the small company 团活,组活 on 兴趣7.Pressure-free Education (education allowance.轻松 education ,宽松 Education8.The scholastic ability improvement (with)Study of high 习成绩9.Different grades (but must develop the monk.In exchange, 沟通级间进行 differential10.Bilingual education, language education to stay.Dual education system11Naughty, naughty boy.顽童12The principal (the principal)The first school principal of elementary school principal neutralization takanaka, the finger.13Transfer (てんこう)转校14Fly (fly)跳级15Model? School (school Model)试点 schoolChinese - Japanese1.义务 EducationCompulsory education; education ぎむ.2.Public schoolPublic schools in the school boasts 3.Public 开课Public class is to do this.4.课余 hoursTime for extracurricular time.Professor, school 负同Bullying6.毕业 liturgyThe graduation ceremony of the threshold to be.7.Department of 习积极性Learning motivation of those as well.8.Education for the giftedEducation of gifted education threshold EI.9.罚 bodyI feel awkward corporal punishment.10.BoardingBecause of the nature of boarding bridge.11级 residueIf you fail the camel.12单亲 homeSingle parent family or home or family13TutorThere is a tutor of kyoshi?14School boys and girlsCoed but no you in my15课程 tableSchedule of lessons.BSchool of Education (2)Japanese to Chinese1.Industry-university cooperation (also studied under sontei) 产学 with binding partners2.Education; education of packing) packingTo 鸭式 Education3.(working student.Special poverty students4.(the scholarship.领奖 Metallurgical Science Students5.The reduction or exemption of tuition fee (there was one) 费减, pardon6.Enrollment rate (sawdust)Enrollment rate7.Intern? シーソプ (Internship)实习 system8.Curriculum Curriculum)All 课程 doctrinal studies 计划,课程NineVery industriousThe lecturer (betterMy daughterYou do this.External lecturerTen(with Guest Professor Chan Was the lecture today)Visiting professorElevenCredit system (merely)For the system.12ErieJapanese (Elite)Top students13Open Campus(开放校园)开Open CampusFourteenRemote education (forms of cancer Go today.Open Education15(day students.读生 runningChinese to JapaneseOneGraduating studentsGraduates of diplomatic core.2.Department of 习指导方针ScienceOf course, as the leadership of those special field.3.College dropoutHe dropped out of College in UniversityI want to be.4.Knowledge 识分 childIntelligence and intelligentsia channel (intelligentsia. 5.找 toolHow to しゅうしょ job search and job hunting of oxalic and yet.6.On the 业指导员Job Counselor (Counsellor) 7.VideosNot winning.8.榜生 dropRonin -- to.9.Listen to the student body Student health of paper.10.Public 开讲 seatIn the course of this? "Listen to the skillsClass and class observation12招生Student recruitment of sawdust was blamed myself.13College PrincipalPresident of the presidency.14School tripSchool trip in sawdust sliding agent.15Key universitiesTop University College (one's) aneurysm.Ctraining trainingJapanese to Chinese1.Knowledge-based society (society foundation terms. 识型 knowledge society2.Training (of the tendon.New media 训3.Eggs (egg ぎじゅつしゃの)术员 tips4.Driving school (today しゅうしょ moritaro)驾校5.(job title)职称6.Adult education; education of SEI. Adult Education7.Night school (kettle)Night school8.Community College (College Community) Community School9.Culture Center (Culture Center) Cultural Center10.Vocational aptitude because (a)On the 职业适应 property11(Feed feed back pack.馈 reaction12Lifelong education will help today.终生 Education13Open University (College)TV University14Department of general attributes (such as this. Common 讲座15The paper? Driver (driver Japanese English paper.From the tribeChinese - Japanese1.补习 groupOf those school juku cram school.2.Study on the 资格试Qualification examination qualifications test.3.Self 费 abroadStudy abroad with aneurysms in the jaw.4.归 seaBut this was a home abroad ERI.5.际能 AC powerCommunicative competence6.适应 propertyAdaptive fault and orpiment7.协调 propertyToday, because of its cooperation. 8.Self-learningS self-education of sawdust.9.读书 ZhouA habit of reading week long lasting.10.People 办学 schoolThe private school was removed.11Department of 农Study of crop to be drilling comb.12Study planA case study? (Case study)13囊团 Satoshisink tank (tank Think)14BeginnersBeginner use space.15Each onInter action (Interaction)DUse the words of othersJapanese to Chinese1.Experts (and)The person has 见识2.All-round education leads to you today.(known as the body, the entire educational development, etc.)3.Bully)Others, on the one 负同4.Bullied childOthers, who received 负的 schoolmateEducation level (pale today)Culture and education about the horizontal ,6.カンニHowever, the English of cunning cunning cunning is cunning, but not the meaning of Japanese words to cheat cheating, cheating in Japanese).Our work7.Double ball doctrine (examination)A study on the changing , generation8.Play truant from school to school play truant.逃学9.The juvenile training school (sheath)Boy boy 劳教 Education Institute , tube institute 10.Ma EducationEducational suishin mother pivot11Prior investment (with)资 throw in intelligence12Padding (I was in school.额入, super13A fool (fool's specialty.书呆 child14The potential to dig up (with ほりおこす)挖掘 latent power15On the Symposium)专题 meeting, discussChinese - Japanese1.专科 schoolCollege of school.2.选修 skillsHe may be one of elective courses.3.Required skillsDepartment, of how the required circle may fold.4.The contents of the house in a raceA runaway of the in.5.Satoshi derangementIntelligence disorder with camphor ofpeople.6.Case lawCommunication education; education of communications.7.Research studentsIt was because of the student or graduate student of refers.8.New blackberry, Takashi sunaoApplication of sawdust in central serous cancer9.Bad boyJuvenile delinquent bad boy10.IlliterateThe illiterate of already.11Research Type UniversityResearch Institute of university study.12Student percussion worksUniversity students (德语 Arbeit)13TakaoBecause of the doctrine of the examinee.14课外 by categoryExtracurricular homework or other's homework.15Study on the category, has 关升导 fingerWhat stages of career guidance.EName service agencies and phaseJapanese to Chinese1.Confucius.Confucius2.Chinese language proficiency test (HSK.Study on the horizontal 试 goddess in Japanese Shinto, HSK) 3.Japanese language proficiency test (Japanese has itsBased on 语能试TOEFL or TOEFL.Study on the 试 receptacle (TOEFL fortune.5.International Science Olympiad (international air Olympics)One country, two 际科 okubayashi okubayashi 际中 Masaru Masaru 竞赛 country students6.The Ministry of Education (on one's return.The Ministry of Education7.10 million students plan招收 10 万名留学生计划8.Common language, common policy refers to wipe your hands. 推广 ordinary 话政 measuresLiteracy movement (who)扫盲 EMDR10.(ごらく four-pass variation.Elementary study of 时则每天 only sleeping on ,每天sleeping early elementary 时则 dropName-plate11Credit transfer system (us only)Minutes of each 换制12Harvard University (Harvard (2)哈佛 (University)13Oxford (Oxford) College EnglishOxford University (UK)14Cambridge (Cambridge) College English 剑桥 University (UK)15Yale University (Yale) of riceYuya 鲁大 (beauty)16An able and virtuous (as けんび)德才 and 备17He is a prodigy (with you)He is a prodigy18Lack of ability was ひさい)疏才, superficial19Past (Hello)Past, present and future 20Taiki bansei (Draft) Taiki 晚成。
(1)魚1こめ 2さかな3にく 4やさい(2)夕飯1ちゅうはん2ゆうしょく3ゆうはん4ちゅうしょく(3)使った1つかった2つくった3はいった4はかった(4)料理1りょり 2りょうり3りより 4りようり問2田中さんのお兄さんはあの建物の出口のところに立っています。
(1)お兄さん1おにいさん2おにさん3おねえさん 4おねさん(2)建物1けんぶつ2けんもの3たてぶつ4たてもの(3)出口1でるぐち2でくち3でるくち4でぐち(4)茶色1くさいろ2ちゃいろ3みずいろ4きいろ(5)服1きれ 2かさ 3ふく4くつ(6)着て1ついて2して 3きて 4はいて問3その有名な写真家は、世界のいろいろな鳥や動物を写しました。
(1)有名な1ゆうめいな2ゆめいな3ゆうめな 4ゆめな(2)写真家1しゃしんや3しゃしんか3さしんや 4さしんか(3)世界1せいかい2せかく3せいかく4せかい(4)鳥1むし2しま3とり4うま(5)動物1しょくぶつ2どうぶつ3せいぶつ4こうぶつ(6)行われて1さそわれて2いわれて3あらわれて4おこなわれて問4わたしの住んでいる町は、海に近くて、自動車工業がさかんです。
(1)住んで1しんで2すんで3つんで4こんで(2)海1かい2いけ3うみ4かわ(3)近くて1ながくて 2とおくて3みじかくて4ちかくて(4)工業1こうぎょう2こうごう3こんぎょう4こんごん問題Ⅱ次の文のことばは、漢字(漢字とかな)で、どう書きますか。からいちばんいいものを一つえらびなさい。
口译三级综合能力模拟试卷29(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART 1 2. PART 2 3. PART 3 4. PART 4PART 1 (20 points, 10 minutes)SECTION 1 (10 points)Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.听力原文:Mr. Hooper, I have been with this company now for seven years. And I’ve always been very loyal to the company. And I feel that I’ve worked quite hard here. And I’ve never been promoted. It’s getting to the point now in my life where, you know, I need more money. I would like to buy a car. I’d like to start a family, and maybe buy a house, all of which is impossible with the current salary you are paying me. You told me to earn a raise I need to take more initiative and show more enthusiasm for the job. Maybe I could show a little more enthusiasm. I still think that I work hard here. But a company does have at least an obligation to pay its employees enough to live on. And the salary I’m getting here isn’t enough. I can barely cover my expenses. And it’s absolutely necessary for me to have a raise or I cannot justify keeping this job any more.1.Mr. Hooper has been with the company for seven years.A.正确B.错误正确答案:B解析:特定信息的找寻和判断。
口译三级综合能力模拟试卷34(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART 1 2. PART 2 3. PART 3 4. PART 4PART 1 (20 points, 10 minutes)SECTION 1 (10 points)Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.听力原文:How do you fancy living in a smart city with which you can interact? It is a city that acts more like a living organism. It is a city that can respond to your needs. Around the world such cities are already being built, from Masdar in Abu Dhabi to Songdo in South Korea. Now the chaotic city near you may be in line for a makeover. In the future everything in a city, from the electricity grid, to the sewer pipes to roads, buildings and cars will be connected to the network. Buildings will turn off the lights for you, self-driving cars will find you that sought-after parking space, and even the rubbish bins will be smart. But how do we get to this smarter future. Who will be monitoring and controlling the sensors that will increasingly be on every building, lamp-post and pipe in the city? And is it a future we even want? Technology firms such as IBM, Siemens, Microsoft, Intel and Cisco are busy selling their software to solve a range of city problems, from water leaks to air pollution to traffic congestion. In Singapore, Stockholm and California, IBM is gathering traffic data and running it via algorithms to predict where a traffic jam will occur an hour before it has happened. Meanwhile in Rio, it has built a Nasa-style control room where banks of screens suck up data from sensors and cameras located around the city. In total, IBM has some 2,500 smarter cities projects around the world and has even trademarked the term “smarter cities”.1.A city that acts more like a living organism is said to be a smart city.A.正确B.错误正确答案:A解析:根据原文“It is a city that acts more like a living organism”,可知题干表述正确。
口译三级实务模拟试卷23(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Dialogue 2. English-Chinese Translation 3. Chinese-English TranslationPART 1 Dialogue (20 points, 10 minutes)Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or a short passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only ONCE. Now let’s begin.1.下面你将听到一段关于尼日利亚搜寻活动的对话。
您能否将最新情况告诉我们?那些是什么?是谁的飞机?驾驶员是谁?//B: Let me give you a couple of updates on Nigeria. The search is ongoing, as you all know. The Nigerians continue to be in the lead. We’re playing a supporting role and bringing our capabilities and expertise to bear in supporting their efforts and complementing their efforts. // Our entire interdisciplinary team is in place on the ground at the Embassy to provide military and law enforcement assistance as well as intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support. We’ve provided commercial satellite imagery and are flying manned intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance aircraft over Nigeria with the government’s permission. // We’re also working closely with international partners, including with the United Kingdom and France. As you know, of course, this is a difficult mission, and we’re looking for the girls in an area roughly the size of New England. //A:你能告诉我们使用的是哪种飞机吗?//B:They are manned DOD fixed-wing aircraft.//A:不止一架吗?//B:I believe SO.I don’t have any details.//A:能告诉我们至今已执行了几次飞行任务?//B:Probably not,but I’ll check and see if there’s more detail.//A:在那些飞行任务中是否有尼日利亚队伍参加?我的意思是,是单单美国军事人员在飞,还是有……//B:I’m happy to check and see if we’re going to get into any greater level of detail than what I’ve just laid out.//A:如果尼日利亚开始与博科圣地谈判的话,你是否会支持尼日利亚人?//B:I addressed this yesterday.Go ahead.//A:你是否说了这些飞机的来源?或者说他们来自哪儿?什么国家?//B: No, I didn’t get into that level of detail. I don’t think we’re going to. More on Nigeria? Go ahead. // 正确答案:A: I wondered if there was any update you could give us on the search for the school girls. Yesterday a senior Administration official was saying that there are manned assets which are being flown over Nigeria with the government’s permission. Could you give us a little bit more update on what those are, whose planes, who’s flying them?B:让我就尼日利亚情况提供两条新进展情况。
翻译专业资格考试(三级口译实务)模拟试题及答案(五)试题下载翻译专业资格考试(三级口译实务)模拟试题及答案(五)Practice 1【录音材料】下面你将听到的是一段新年致辞。
参考译文Ladies and Gentlemen,Comrades and Friends,The New Year bell will be rung soon. At this key moment of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new,I'm very happy to extendYear greetings to Chinese people of various ethnic groups,including our compatriots Newin Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Macao Special Administrative Region and in Taiwan,as well as all overseas Chinese people,and friends from various countries in a message broadcast byChina Radio International,China National Radio and China Central Television.This year is the key time for Chinese people to continue to carryout the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and realize the 10th Five-Year Plan. We shall continue to make economic construction the central task and stick to the pursuit of comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable development. We will continue to deepen reforms;open wider to the outside world;and maintainsteady,rapid,coordinated and healthy development of the national economy. We shall improve our social undertakings in a comprehensive manner and continue making efforts to push forward the building of a well-offsociety in an all-round way and to open a new chapter for a socialist cause with Chinese characteristics.We shall continue to steadfastly implement the policy of "one country,two systems",Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong,Macao people governing Macao and a high degree of autonomy. We shall handle things in strict conformity with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region and support the governments of the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions to govern according to law. The Chinese mainland shall strengthen economic and trade ties with Hong Kong and Macao to help maintain long-term prosperity and stability there.Practice 2【录音材料】各位来宾、女士们、先生们:1试题下载“国际有机食品与可持续农业研讨会”今天开幕了。
口译三级综合能力模拟试卷30(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART 1 2. PART 2 3. PART 3 4. PART 4PART 1 (20 points, 10 minutes)SECTION 1 (10 points)Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.听力原文:The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all directions. Since part of this re-radiation is back towards the surface and the lower atmosphere, it results in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of the gases. Solar radiation at the frequencies of visible light largely passes through the atmosphere to warm the planetary surface, which then emits this energy at the lower frequencies of infrared thermal radiation. Infrared radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases, which in turn re-radiate much of the energy to the surface and lower atmosphere. The mechanism is named after the effect of solar radiation passing through glass and warming a greenhouse, but the way it retains heat is fundamentally different as a greenhouse works by reducing airflow, isolating the warm air inside the structure so that heat is not lost by convection. If an ideal thermally conductive blackbody were the same distance from the Sun as the Earth is, it would have a temperature of about 5. 3 degrees Celsius. However, since the Earth reflects about 30% of the incoming sunlight, this idealized planet’s effective temperature (the temperature of a blackbody that would emit the same amount of radiation)would be about —18 degrees Celsius. The surface temperature of this hypothetical planet is 33 degrees Celsius below Earth’s actual surface temperature of approximately 14 degrees Celsius. The mechanism that produces this difference between the actual surface temperature and the effective temperature is due to the atmosphere and is known as the greenhouse effect. Earth’s natural greenhouse effect makes life as we know it possible. However, human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests, have intensified the natural greenhouse effect, causing global warming. 1. All thermal radiation from a planetary surface absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases is reradiated directly back toward the planet.2. Re-radiation results in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be without the gases.3. Scarcely can solar radiation at the frequencies of visible light passes through the atmosphere.4. Greenhouse gases can re-radiate much of the energy of infrared radiation to the surface and lower atmosphere.5. The mechanism and the way it retains heat is of the same with that of the greenhouse.6. If an ideal thermally conductive blackbody were the same distance from the Sun as the Earth is, it would have a temperature of about15. 3 degrees Celsius.7. About 30% of the incoming sunlight can be reflected by the Earth.8. The greenhouse effect and some other factors produce the difference between the actual surface temperature and the effective temperature.9. Earth’s natural greenhouse effect makes life impossible.10. The burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests have intensified the natural greenhouse effect.1.All thermal radiation from a planetary surface absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases is re-radiated directly back toward the planet.A.正确B.错误正确答案:B解析:根据原文“…in all directions…part of this re-radiation…”可以推断本陈述错误。
口译三级综合能力模拟试卷18(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART 1 2. PART 2 3. PART 3 4. PART 4PART 1 (20 points, 10 minutes)SECTION 1 (10 points)Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.听力原文:My story began in the years following World War II, when men like my father who had served their country returned home to settle down, make a living and raise a family. It was the beginning of the Baby Boom, an optimistic time. The United States had saved the world from fascism, and now our nation was working to unite former adversaries in the aftermath of war, reaching out to allies and to former enemies, securing the peace and helping to rebuild a devastated Europe and Japan. Although the Cold War was beginning with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, my parents and their generation felt secure and hopeful. American supremacy was the result not just of military might, but of our values and of the abundant opportunities available to people like my parents who worked hard and took responsibility. Middle-class America was flush with emerging prosperity and all that comes with it —new houses, fine schools, neighborhood parks and safe communities. Yet our nation also had unfinished business in the post-war era, particularly regarding race. And it was the World War II generation and their children who woke up the challenges of social injustice and inequality and to the ideal of extending America’s promise to all of its citizens. My parents were typical of a generation who believed in the endless possibilities of America and whose values were rooted in the experience of living through the Great Depression.1.My father served in World War II.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:A解析:理解推断。
口译三级综合能力模拟试卷25(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART 1 2. PART 2 3. PART 3 4. PART 4PART 1 (20 points, 10 minutes)SECTION 1 (10 points)Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.听力原文:The reason my husband Bill and I bought a video camera eight years ago when our first daughter Jane was born was that we could relive every moment of our kid’s lives. Until Annie’s first dance recital when the camcorder had a sudden breakdown, I never realized how little of their lives I was experiencing when I had a camcorder in front of my face. So I decided to try life without one. At first, I felt neglectful not filming birthdays or the first day of school. But when soccer season started, instead of “directing”my kids so I could get good video, I cheered when Jane, the goalie, made a save or when Annie charged ahead with the ball. Don’t get me wrong -- we want to document the girls’ childhoods. I write in memory books, save drawings and take plenty of still photos. With video, you’re a passive viewer, and events are recorded as is, with no room to embellish. But leafing through albums together and asking my kids “Remember when.9”triggers a dynamic collaboration. I ask them, then offer my own recollections, and before we know it, we’ve turned an event that’s ho-hum on video, like a trip to the zoo, into something spectacular.1.My husband and I bought a camcorder when we had our first kid.A.正确B.错误正确答案:A解析:词义理解题。
口译三级综合能力模拟试卷32(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART 1 2. PART 2 3. PART 3 4. PART 4PART 1 (20 points, 10 minutes)SECTION 1 (10 points)Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.听力原文:If you don’t travel too often, you may not know how to make a hotel reservation. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your hotel meets your needs and expectations when you arrive. First, check rates and book a hotel reservation as far in advance of the departure date as possible. Hotels tend to raise rates as availability declines. Second, use an online travel website to identify hotels in the city you are visiting or near a specific attraction, address or airport. Third, determine whether you need a standard room, one-bedroom, two-bedroom or something larger. Fourth, identify what amenities you need. The in-room conveniences to consider include disposable slippers, high-speed Internet, a refrigerator, and a TV. The out-room amenities might include an indoor or outdoor pool, fitness center, business center, restaurants and room service. Fifth, enter your arrival and departure dates as well as how many adults and children will be staying in the room. Sixth, narrow down the list to one or two hotels with the amenities you need and the best rates, and then go to those hotel websites to check rates there. Seventh, pay attention to what is included in price and what is stated in reservation policy. You might take into account whether a free breakfast is included. If something is not stated in the policy of reservation, it means an extra cost will be charged, such as drinks, beer, gums and taxes. Eighth, look at the photos and virtual tours available online to get a feel for what the hotel and its rooms look like. You may need to call the hotel to get specific information, such as check-in/check-out times and cancellation policy. Ninth, book the hotel room online or by phone. You can pay for your reservation upon arrival in hotel using cash or credit card. Tenth, print or write down your confirmation number and bring it with you on the trip. If online confirmation is delaying more than a couple of hours it would be wise to contact hotel directly and confirm our reservation via phone.1.Tourists don’t have to book a hotel reservation in advance.A.正确B.错误正确答案:B解析:根据原文“Check rates and book a hotel reservation as far in advance of the departure date as possible.Hotels tend to raise rates as availability declines”的信息,推断题干是错误的,应该将“don’t have to”改为“have to”。
a 述是强化我们记忆力的一个不可或缺的重要训练。
3视译(tJ■彳卜・卜77.1^—m A)视译是一种常见的翻译形式,就是一边看原文一边出声翻译出译文的翻译形式会议常采用这种翻译形式,也是非常好的练习方法。
第一课東京案内原宿(l±bCH)<)竹下通9秋葉原賑初刁雑貨才一/:>力7工軒艺連相召—見((/'•□(■fA;)雑然LCtz原宿裏原宿情報+-v電気街7-^・=1S'><7専門店厅一厶関連専門店才夕<7 0聖地歩行者天国X 九新宿案内新宿①地図总使x 、皆様I 二新宿总芒案内新宿駅I 农一日1二3 5 0万人力£乗降本0 —(7)夕一^扌儿駅疋丁。
駅構内(©人(©多 混雑Id :東京駅艺凌老、初新宿駅总訪相亡人瓜人(D 多異様诊雰囲気总感 Lx *p o地盤力£堅固疋高台ICfe>S 新宿駅X 駅構内(D 地下力£開発Ktb 、地下道七地下街,発達07: l^t'o“新宿駅” (tUoTt 各線構内外(D 周辺怎散在J 、各線共I 二新宿駅七称07: 不馴tl (D 人leto<li 地下道戸惑L'Sro 歩二東西南北(D 方角力£ 全<分新宿(D 大開発力幷亍t?n<.最初I 二建築高層tzJHi 京王Lfco 乞①次々七 高層一躍新宿/日本一(D 高層tf 儿街<7XlC^o/c0(i 東京都庁-CUfco東京駅(D 東口 西口总結恳地下通路处新宿3 丁目方面力、5東京都庁辺U$r<ts 歌舞伎 町界隈帯I 二歹召大規模肚地下街<t^o<u^ro歌舞伎<D 界隈怎飲食店七風俗店力£密集urfcu 、夜通j 賑t?o<u^ro 裏路地总一人 歩 昼間客引吉 I 二声 間違 t?^^ck5lc 注意 0■C 歩 ^SUck9o西口正面(D —角電化製品(D 格安量販店I 止“m力 Q”本店r-To 力"、 2卩、才一亍'彳才、家庭電化製品(D 販売=淀橋(D 名前总全国1二知o 電化製品$•買lz\求EJ 、方寄刃•■<■ < 南口側(二高島屋.東急百貨店、紀伊国屋、bX b^>街力〈笳9、>3 '>力£楽 乗降:CJ ;5Z5上下车^-S±;b :交通枢纽U0C 超过,凌驾Cl^地盘,地面ItXy-坚固構内不馴th :不熟悉戸惑9 : 迷惑,找不到头绪方角:方向京王7^+f :(t^fc9 7^+f 京王购物广场一躍:1^^>< 一跃btr'><7 :话题歌舞伎町:歌舞伎町界隈:力'l/'tH' —带夜通U :彻夜裏路地:小巷 凌<。
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