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Ace: The best or the highest quality. 。

Apex: The top or the summit.
Adore: To love or to admire deeply. 。

Agile: Easily maneuverable or quick to adapt. 。

Alive: Being active or full of life.
Aloft: High in the sky or raised up. 。

Amour: Love or affection. 。

Apt: Suitable or appropriate. 。

Brave: Possessing courage or having strength. 。

Boon: A blessing or a great benefit. 。

Bright: Brilliantly shining or full of light. 。

Calm: Peaceful or serene. 。

Cherish: To hold dear or to nurture. 。

Clair: Clear or lucid. 。

Clear: Apparent or obvious. 。

Climb: To ascend or to go up. 。

Credo: A set of beliefs or a code of conduct. 。

Crest: The peak or the highest point. 。

Crown: The highest honor or an apex. 。

Daunt: To intimidate or to overwhelm. 。

Dawn: The beginning or the first sign of light. 。

Dire: Extremely serious or direful. 。

Doubt: To be uncertain or to hesitate. 。

Dove: A symbol of peace or tranquility. 。

Dream: An aspiration or an ambition. 。

Echo: A reflection or a reverberation. 。

Elan: High spirit or enthusiasm. 。

Eloquent: Expressive or articulate. 。

Ember: A small burning piece of coal or wood. 。

Engage: To entice or to captivate. 。

Evoke: To call forth or to bring about. 。

Fear: To be anxious or to dread. 。

Fervor: Enthusiasm or intense passion.
Fete: A festival or a celebration. 。

Forth: Forward or onward. 。

Fresh: Cool or invigorating. 。

Friend: Someone close or an ally. 。

Garb: Clothing or apparel. 。

Gleam: To shine or to sparkle. 。

Great: Magnificent or grand. 。

Guide: To direct or to lead. 。

Halo: A spiritual light or a sign of holiness. 。

Haste: To hurry or to rush. 。

Haven: A safe harbor or refuge. 。

Heave: To lift or to heave. 。

Hope: To have faith or to desire strongly. 。

Ideal: Perfection or excellence. 。

Idyll: A romantic or peaceful scene. 。

Joy: Delight or pleasure. 。

Keep: To protect or to maintain. 。

King: A monarch or a ruler. 。

Lark: A playful or mischievous activity. 。

Laud: To praise or to acclaim. 。

Leap: To spring or to bound. 。

Lift: To soar or to rise. 。

Light: A source of illumination or brightness. 。

Lift: To elevate or to soar. 。

Live: To exist or to experience. 。

Luxe: Luxury or opulence. 。

Might: Strength or capability. 。

Mint: Freshness or newness. 。

Mirth: Joyousness or hilarity. 。

Muse: To ponder or to reflect. 。

Myth: A legend or a folktale. 。

Neat: Clean or orderly. 。

Nice: Kind or pleasant. 。

Nook: A cozy corner or alcove. 。

Nose: To sniff or to inhale. 。

Oath: A solemn promise or a vow. 。

Omen: A sign or a portent. 。

Orate: To speak eloquently or passionately. 。

Owl: Symbol of wisdom or knowledge. 。

Peace: Harmony or tranquility. 。

Plain: Clear or straightforward. 。

Plant: To seed or to sow. 。

Pledge: To promise or to vow. 。

Pride: An uplifting feeling or joy. 。

Proud: Joyous or honored. 。

Pure: Unblemished or clear. 。

Quest: To seek or to search. 。

Quiet: Still or peaceful. 。

Realm: A territory or an empire.。
