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【摘要】目的:探讨阿奇霉素门诊治疗急性支气管炎的有效性.方法:选择142例门诊急性支气管炎患者,分为两组,青霉素组应用青霉素静脉640万单位/d静滴,阿奇霉素组应用阿奇霉素500mg加入0.9%生理盐水250mL静滴,Qd,1个疗程时,比较两组患者临床症状改善时间,确定患者临床痊愈时间和影像学痊愈时间,评价患者治疗效果.结果:阿奇霉素组咳嗽咳痰时间以及咽痛改善时间明显快于青霉素组,呼吸困难和发热改善时间差异无统计学意义,阿奇霉素组显效率明显优于青霉素治疗组,阿奇霉素组临床痊愈时间和影像学痊愈时间均明显优于青霉素组.结论:门诊急性支气管炎患者,应用阿奇霉素起效迅速,对咳嗽咳痰和咽痛改善明显,总临床疗效优于青霉素.%Objective: To investigate the azithromycin effectiveness of acute bronchitis outpatient.Method: 142 patients with acute bronchitis each were divided into two groups, penicillin group received intravenous penicillin 6.4 million units each day intravenously 500rug azithromycin were added into 250mL 0.9% saline infusion, Qd, 1 course of treatment, the Comparison of clinical symptoms improved time to determine the clinical recovery time and then evaluated patient outcomes. Result: The time of azithromycin and sore throat, cough and expectoration improve the time was faster than the penicillin group, dyspnea, and fever to improve the time difference was not statistically significant, the efficiency of
azithromycin group was significantly superior to penicillin treatment group, clinical cure azithromycin group and imaging time recovery time were significantly better than the penicillin group. Conclusion: The patient with acute bronchitis,the application of azithromycin rapid onset of cough and expectoration and sore throat are significantly improved, the total clinical effective are more valider than penicillin.
1.阿奇霉素在社区门诊治疗急性支气管炎的临床疗效及意义 [J], 叶文杰
2.阿奇霉素门诊治疗急性支气管炎的临床疗效评价 [J], 田艳荣
3.阿奇霉素门诊治疗急性支气管炎的疗效分析 [J], 毛芬琴;赵丽英
4.阿奇霉素在社区门诊治疗急性支气管炎的临床疗效评价 [J], 王夏玲
5.布地奈德、阿奇霉素联合特布他林治疗小儿急性支气管炎的临床疗效分析 [J], 肖力
