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They arc important to the history of Song—Ming Li hsueh.Cheng Hao disputed to learn something word by word and didn’t set up a system of sch001.In addition to his earlier

-I—— 一山东大学硕士学位论文
ontology ofmind and nature.Cheng Hao believed man must know what is benevolence
and he wanted to get to the ideal realm of nature and man舔an integral
or the fish in the basin is lively.All the things in the earth can’t exist without heaven’S
principle,which Was supposed by both of the brothers.But,they eouldn’t agree on the
benevolence was the whole and others were four parts.So nature can be interlinked with
Hao,and then you Can know about the background of his living time,so you will knOW
the problems he faced and had to solve.which were pondered by the prominent people
study of Cheng Hao’S idea t0 a higher step.and bring a truer Neo—Confucianism to the

In the foreword,the paper firstly introduces the status quo of the study of Cheng
US regard the two brother’S school as One,and Cheng Hao played an unimportant role in
history.The paper wants to attract more scholarsjoin in research ofCheng Han,put the
本文引言部分,首先扼要叙述了当前学术界对程颢思想研究所形成的几种主 要观点,继而由程颢所牛活的时代及学术背景入丁.,揭示其所面临和需要解决的 问题。本文认为,宋初统治者为维护统治,实行“杯酒释兵权”政策,严重削弱 了军队的战斗力。而经济上,由于土地的兼并和集中,社会矛盾曰益激化。加之 少数民族政权并立,内忧外患使得一些有识之士力求改革,希望以此改变国家积 贫积弱的局面。程颢之学即是积极回应时代的产物,有着同时代儒学的共同特点, 同时也体现了自己鲜明的特色。用牛命体贴天理、观照万物,这种特色正是程颢 哲学之新境界所在。
known,at that time.As well
the beginning of Song'Dynasty,the rulers seized the power
of the leaders,and the army was weakened at the same time.And in economy,the
本文第一部分围绕天理问题展开。程颢描绘了以天翌}}为终极根摹根据的总体 宇宙图景,无论是台阶下的小学还是盆中小鱼,都充满了牛机和乍意,天地万物 的生生不息、大化流行都是依天王!{!展开的。二程兄弟虽然都以天理为终极根据, tu.在理气关系上却持有不同的观点:程颐认为理气是分隔的;而程颢则认为理气 不可分离,并通过道器关系来确证两者的分位。天理又称为天道或道,天道下贯 到人道、天理落实到人身上便为仁。
relation between principle and ether:in Chang Yi’S opinion,principle was separated
from ether,while Cheng Hao attempted to approve that Principle and Ether eouldn’t be divided,and value their status through discussing the relationship between matter. Heaven’S principle can be called Tao too,and Tao exists in heaven and human being.
日 期:e』:£::‘
■__-■_-_●__●_____●j-_-■__--__●_山 ●_东E-大_E_学_-硕●士 日_学-_位-__论_|文-_●_●___-___●---一I__●___■■--●●l
程颢是北宋时期著名的理学家,与其弟程颐并称为“二程”,分别影响了后世 “陆王心学”和“程朱理学”两派,在儒学发展史上具有重要地位。由于他不丰 张著书立说,反对寻行数末,加之去世比较早,因而流传下来的著述很少。而程 颐则留下了相对较多的著作,弟了对其文章、语录的整理也相对丰富,“二程”的 思想常被视为一人之学,程颢成了程颐的配角。本文力图在前贤研究的萆础上, 通过对程颢思想及其生命智慧作一番粗浅的探讨,以期还宋明理学一更为清晰的 面貌。
The fist part of the article is about heaven’S principle.In his theory,heaven’S
principle is the final causes ofthe whole universe,and either the grass at the foot ofstep
benevolence.He demonstrated the importance of mind in the course of appreciating
heaven’S principle by showing the relationship between mind and principle.Cheng Hao said that benevolence,duty,propriety,wisdom and faith were all nature,and
本文第四部分丰要论述了做定性诚敬的修养功夫的最终日标,即成就超拔决 然之圣贤人格。同众多儒者人牛价值追求一样,程颢以成就圣贤人格为其人牛的 终极目的。通过变化气质,涵养德性,就可以明晓天理,达到浑然与物同体,乐孔 颜之所乐,达于“活泼泼”的圣人境界。程颢之学是对时代的积极回应,所以, 他所倡导的人格是体用兼备的大人气象。在程颢看来,圣人是可学而至的,每个 人都应当有历史担当感,以突显出人在宇宙中的丰体性地位,并最终落实到人文 化成。这种超然的人牛应然之追求,正与手流中国哲学的摹本内容相契合。
contradiction became sharpened for the land Was divided and plundered.Further more,
some minorities set up their OWn regime.Some people wanted tO change the poor and
Benevolence appears when a man understands what heaven’S principle iS.
So in the second part,with an explanation of Benevolence,the paper points out his
度。在他看来,仁、义、理、智、信这五者,都是性,其中,仁是全体,其他四 者是四支,都为仁所统摄,这样,仁与性便相通了,性即仁。他以孟了的性善论 为基础,借用《中庸》的“天命之谓性”的说法并赋予全新之意义,讨论了人性 的善恶问题。
第二部分则着重探讨了修养功夫论。只就性本身而言,是没有善恶之分,纯 然至善的,只是由于气禀的不同而呈现出善恶表现之不同。fu人是可以通过涵化 气质,改变偏驳的气质,以诚敬之心待之,使之恢复到原初之性。从《识仁篇》 中可以看出,他的修养功犬丰要为诚敬。程颢认为,如果只足过分的强调敬畏, 就会过于拘禁,束缚人做工大的丁J脚。那么如何才能实现人的内心的安宁与平静, 他在答张载的“定性节”中提出,定性的境界不只是只静不动或不接外物,丽是 “所谓定者,动亦定,静亦定,无将迎,无内外”。
whole.Benevolence iS not only“existence'’,but also“active”results in mind which has
existed since a man wss hem,and the mind can thoroughly know heaven’S principle and
关键词: 天理仁定性诚敬和乐

Cheng Hao is a famous philosopher of Song Dynasty,who and Chang Yi is called
“THE BROTHERS CHEN0”.Lu chiu.yuan’s School of Mind(Hsin hsueh)and Chu His school of Principle(Li hsueh)were influenced by the two brothers respectively.
death than his brother,few articles ofhim were passed down.On the contrary Chung Yi wrote some books and what he said were also written down by his students,SO most of
本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独 立进行研究所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不 包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的科研成果。对本文的研 究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明 的法律责任由本人承担。
论文作者签名:丑毕日 期。
weak situation by reformation because of the crisis.The doctrine of Cheng Hao is the
result of the time and reflected证just like some others’theory.While.there is some difference in his doctrine·looking into heaven’S principle and alI the things by mind—beyond the former.
所以,本文第二部分着重论述了以“来自体”为核心的心性本体论。在程颢看 来,学者首先要识得仁体。孔予学说即依仁而展开,其核心为“己欲立而立人, 己欲达而达人”。孟了进一步发挥了仁的思想,将仁视为人心的安身立命之所,这 里,仁已经有了心性本体的意味,程颢则推进了一步,将仁提高到了本体论的高
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