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1.The Great Wall is located in __________.
2.The sheep provides us with ______ (羊毛).
3.Which animal can fly?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Bird
D. Fish答案: C
4.Energy from the sun is called ______ energy.
5.My favorite subject in school is ________.
6.What is the capital of Kenya?
A. Nairobi
B. Kampala
C. Addis Ababa
D. Dar es Salaam答案:A
7.She has a _____ (dog/cat) in her bag.
8.The Earth's surface is shaped by both ______ and natural events.
9. A ______ is a geological structure that rises steeply.
10.The _______ (Pharaoh) was considered a god in ancient Egypt.
11.The bear has thick _____ fur.
12.The porpoise is related to the _______ (海豚).
13. A _______ is a reaction that produces light and heat.
14. A rabbit's fur is very ______ (柔软).
15.The ______ (繁茂的) vegetation is beautiful in the spring.
16.The crocodile lives in the ______ (河流).
17.The symbol for palladium is _______.
anic chemistry is the study of carbon-containing ______.
19. A ________ (蝴蝶) flutters around and is very colorful.
20.I like to ride my ______ (bike) after school.
21. A newt is a type of _______ (两栖动物).
22.My aunt loves __________ (画画).
23.I love my _____ (玩具飞机) that flies high.
24.My brother is my best _______ because we laugh together.
26.The ______ helps maintain the balance of nature.
27.On rainy days, I like to ______ (动词) with it indoors. It always makes me feel ______ (形容词).
28.What is the name of the famous bridge in San Francisco?
A. Brooklyn Bridge
B. Golden Gate Bridge
C. Tower Bridge
D. Sydney Harbour Bridge答案:B
29.The chemical symbol for thallium is ______.
30.The mountains are ________ (高).
31.The __________ is the measure of how much matter is in an object.
32.What do we call a creature that lives both in water and on land?
A. Fish
B. Amphibian
C. Reptile
D. Mammal答案: B
33.The __________ (重大事件) often lead to societal shifts.
34.The ancient Romans established ________ to govern their territories.
35.The parrot is _______ (colorful).
36.I want to learn about ________ in science class.
37.This girl, ______ (这个女孩), loves to sing in the choir.
38. A ________ (植物观察小组) shares knowledge.
39.My __________ (玩具名) is a great __________ (名词) for my imagination.
40.Which season comes after summer?
A. Spring
B. Winter
C. Fall
D. Autumn答案: C
41. A __________ is a natural resource-rich area.
42.I need to ___ (finish/start) my homework.
43.The ______ (生态学) studies plant interactions.
44.The _______ blooms in the spring.
45.The Earth's crust is essential for supporting ______ life.
46.My brother is a great ________.
47.She has a beautiful ______ (花园).
48. A chemical reaction can change color, produce gas, or form _____.
50.Acids taste _______ and can be sour.
51.Kinetic energy is energy of ______ (motion).
52.What is the capital of the Marshall Islands?
A. Majuro
B. Ebeye
C. Arno
D. Kwajalein答案: A. Majuro
53.The __________ is the area around a volcano.
54.Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing them?
A. Guitar
B. Violin
C. Piano
D. Drums答案: C
55.The chemical formula for chromium(III) oxide is ______.
56.My favorite snack is ______ (水果). It is healthy and very ______ (好吃).
57.What is the term for a young cheetah?
A. Cub
B. Pup
C. Kit
D. Fawn答案:a
58.My grandma is a wonderful __________ (导师).
59. A solution that can conduct electricity is called an ______ solution.
60. e their ______ (舌头) to smell. Snowflak
61.Gardening can provide fresh ______ for your meals. (园艺可以为你的餐点提供新鲜的食材。
62.What do we call the time when flowers bloom?
A. Winter
B. Spring
C. Summer
D. Fall答案: B
63.The kitten is ______ with a ball of yarn. (playing)
64. A __________ is a reaction that involves a change in temperature.
65. A __________ is a measurement of the earth's age.
66.The ancient Greeks used ________ (戏剧) to explore human emotions.
67.What is 10 7?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5答案: B
68.I like to _______ puzzles on rainy days.
69.What is the capital of Italy?
A. Rome
B. Venice
C. Florence
D. Milan答案: A. Rome
70.Chemistry is the study of ______ and their interactions.
71.What is 7 x 3?
A. 21
B. 24
C. 18
D. 27答案: A
72.Bunnies eat lots of _________. (胡萝卜)
73.My teacher is very __________ (有创意).
74.What do you call a person who fixes computers?
A. Technician
B. Engineer
C. Programmer
D. Developer答案: A
75._____ (温带) plants can survive seasonal changes.
76.The duck swims in the ________________ (湖).
77.Objects that float in water are ______ than water.
78.What is the capital of the United States?
A. New York
B. Washington D.
C. C. Los Angeles
D. Chicago答案: B
79.The __________ (历史的动向) shapes our journey.
80.The _______ (小肉桂) has a distinct smell and flavor.
81.I enjoy sharing my ________ (玩具名) with others. It brings us closer together.
82._____ (种子传播) helps plants spread far and wide.
83.The _______ (The Civil Rights Movement) sought equality for African Americans.
84.The ancient Greeks studied ________ to learn about the universe.
85. A _____ (蝴蝶) has colorful wings that flutter.
86.The fish is _____ swimming in the tank. (quickly)
87.I saw a _____ (毛毛虫) crawling on a leaf.
88.an Revolution led to the rise of ________ (苏联). The Saha
89.How do you say "谢谢" in English?
A. Please
B. Sorry
C. Thank you
D. Hello答案:C Thank you
90.The ______ (植物) kingdom includes trees, flowers, and bushes.
91.I enjoy ______ new places. (exploring)
92.My cousin is a ______. She enjoys solving problems.
93.The rabbit is ___ (hopping) through the grass.
94.The smallest particle of a compound is a ______.
95.My cat enjoys watching birds from the ______ (窗户).
96.My favorite game is ________ (棋).
97.I have a _____ (toy) that talks.
98. A ______ (蜗牛) carries its home with it wherever it goes.
99.The ________ (农业生产模式) reflects innovations. 100.I like to _______ (write) stories.。