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刘公自幼酷爱书法艺术,又师从名家, 二十岁便名声大振。

公:对长者的尊称mister, revered Mr. Liu 自幼 a) from his childhood b) since his childhood c) since/when he was small d) since /when he was young e) since/when he was a child f) from his infancy

刘公自幼酷爱书法艺术,又师从名家,二十岁便 名声大振。但从不乱题乱画,及至晚年更是惜墨 如金,所见手迹多在典雅之堂。一日,其妻去书 社购一唱片,倾其囊,差三分钱,面带难色,曰: 差三分,算了吧?店主答:不可,我乃薄利多销, 差三分,无利矣。其妻转身欲去,忽见墙上刘公。 “妙趣横生”题字,便说:吾夫为你题字,差三 分不可,太小气矣。店主曰: “你刘夫人耶?失 敬失敬!那三分钱罢了。刘公闻言,怒目圆睁, 赏夫人一名家, 二十岁便名声大振。
又: 可以译成and,besides,and later, 也可以不译。与全面的句子分离。 师从: 1.have… as one’s teacher 2.learn from a teacher 3.benefit from the guidance of a famous teacher
刘公自幼酷爱书法艺术,又师从名家, 二十岁便名声大振。

酷爱: 1. have a strong love for; 2. be very fond of 3. be enthusiastically fond of 4. be keen on 5. have an ardent love for

但从不乱题乱画,及至晚年更是惜墨 如金,所见手迹多在典雅之堂。
及至: 1.not … until 2.up to 3.by the time of 4.by the time when… 晚年: one’s late years,old age,sunset of one’s life
但从不乱题乱画,及至晚年更是惜墨 如金,所见手迹多在典雅之堂。

但从不乱题乱画,及至晚年更是惜墨 如金,所见手迹多在典雅之堂。
题 : (题字) write, inscribe, pick up a writing brush 画:draw a painting 他从不乱题乱画: 1.He never picked up his writing brush or paintbrush at random. 2.He never took liberty to write or paint. 3. He never gave his calligraphic works or paintings to people upon request.
但从不乱题乱画,及至晚年更是惜墨 如金,所见手迹多在典雅之堂。
但:but, however。后面需要增补主语 he 从不:never 乱:[随意,随便;任意, 胡乱地,无目标地] arbitrarily,indiscriminately,at random胡乱地,无目标地,upon request,at will,without careful thinking,as one likes/pleases
刘公自幼酷爱书法艺术,又师从名家, 二十岁便名声大振。
便:不译。 名声:fame,reputation,infamy, popularity,publicity 名声大振: 1. one’s reputation skyrockets 2. be very popular 3. gain great popularity 4. make a name for oneself

刘公自幼酷爱书法艺术,又师从名家, 二十岁便名声大振。

名家: 1.the School of Logicians∶先秦时期以辩论 名实问题为中心的一个思想派别 ,重视“名” (概 念) 和“实”(事) 的关系的研究。 2 . famous expert∶在某种学术或技能方面有 特殊贡献的著名人物 3.influential family∶名门 4.well-known calligrapher 5.accomplished master of calligraphy 6. Master calligrapher

刘公自幼酷爱书法艺术,又师从名家, 二十岁便名声大振。

Mr. Liu had a strong fondness of calligraphy at an early age. As he learned from a master calligrapher, he became well-known at the age of 20.
刘公自幼酷爱书法艺术,又师从名家, 二十岁便名声大振。
书法: 1.calligraphy 2.penmanship 3.handwriting 艺术: art, 此处指书法本身可译成 calligraphic art;the art of calligraphy或直接译成calligraphy。

惜墨如金 : (of a writer, calligrapher, painter) be economical in the use of ink as if it were gold regard one’s ink as if it were gold be extremely prudent ( 谨 慎 的 ) about one’s calligraphic handwriting or painting abstemious(节约的)of his use of ink be reluctant to let others have one’s works of art