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1.The __________ (历史的存在) affirms our heritage.
2.What is the opposite of "strong"?
A. Weak
B. Powerful
C. Mighty
D. Robust
3.How many sides does a pentagon have?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
4.The process of dissolving a solute in a solvent is called _____.
5.I saw a ladybug on the ________.
6.After school, I play video games with my ________ (朋友) online. It’s so much
________ (乐趣).
7.The _____ (sky/ground) is cloudy.
8.What is the capital of Kuwait?
A. Kuwait City
B. Salmiya
C. Hawalli
D. Jahra
9.The ________ blooms in many colors.
10.If it rains, we will play __________ games inside. (室内的)
11.How many colors are in a typical rainbow?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8C
12.What do you call a baby tegu?
A. Hatchling
B. Kit
C. Pup
D. Calf
13.What type of animal is a dolphin?
A. Fish
B. Amphibian
C. Mammal
D. ReptileC
14.What is the capital city of Belarus?
A. Minsk
B. Brest
C. Gomel
D. VitebskA
15.The discovery of America is attributed to ________ (哥伦布).
16.Which season comes after winter?
A. Fall
B. Spring
C. Summer
D. Autumn
17.The _______ (Cold War) was a period of tension between the US and the Soviet Union.
18.My mom likes to go shopping for ____.
19.We will have a picnic in the ________.
20.The concept of black holes was popularized by ______.
21.My ________ (玩具名称) is a great way to unwind.
22.What is the name of the telescope used to study exoplanets?
A. Hubble
B. Kepler
C. Chandra
D. Spitzer
23.My school is very ______.
24. A small ___ (小鸟) built a nest in my tree.
25.My uncle is a __________ (国际贸易专家).
26.My ________ (玩具名称) is available in many colors.

28.I have a toy _______ that lights up and brings happiness to my day.
29.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on the nature of matter?
A. Dmitri Mendeleev
B. John Dalton
C. Albert Einstein
D. Niels BohrA
30.What is the name of the fairy in "Peter Pan"?
A. Tinker Bell
B. Wendy
C. Cinderella
D. ArielA
31.What do we call a person who repairs vehicles?
A. Mechanic
B. Engineer
C. Technician
D. ElectricianA
32.The __________ (绿叶) produce oxygen for us to breathe.
33.We have _____ (很多) friends.
34.The movie is ___. (funny)
35.The kitten loves to play with a _______ (小猫喜欢玩_______).
36.Metals are usually ________ conductors of electricity.
37.She is _____ (planting) flowers.
38.The sun _____ in the sky. (shines)
39.What is the name of the famous mountain in Asia?
A. Mount Everest
B. Mount Kilimanjaro
C. Mount Elbrus
D. Mount DenaliA Mount Everest
40.The weather is ________ today.
41.How many colors are there in a rainbow?
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Eight
42.What do you call a person who explores uncharted territory?
A. Adventurer
B. Explorer
C. Traveler
D. PioneerB
43.My brother is __________ (富有想象力).
44.The __________ (农业) is important for our economy.
45.The owl hunts for _________ at night. (猎物)
46.________ (植物生长监测) aids research.
47.We are going to the ________.
48.I like to play ______ (video games) on weekends.
49.Planting _____ (环境友好) gardens can help our planet.
50.The country known for its pyramids is ________ (以金字塔闻名的国家是
51.What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?
A. Bishkek
B. Osh
C. Jalal-Abad
D. Talas
52.The ____ is small and collects nuts for the winter.
53.Metals tend to lose ______ in reactions.
54.htenment thinkers challenged traditional ________ (权威). The Enli
55.My uncle is a fantastic ____ (gardener).
56.My sister is ______ (learning) to play the piano.
57.The ancient civilization of ________ is celebrated for its technological innovations.
58.The _____ (车) is parked outside.
59.What do you call the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly?
A. Metamorphosis
B. Transformation
C. Evolution
D. DevelopmentA
60.My teacher has a lot of __________ (耐心) with us.
61.She likes to ______ with her friends. (play)
62.The sun is ______ over the mountains. (rising)
63.The ______ teaches us how to be creative.
64. A __________ (分子结构分析) reveals information about compound properties.
65.The _____ (fireworks) are colorful.
66.The capital of North Korea is _______.
67.The ________ can be found in the forest.
68.I have a friend named ____.
69.The __________ is essential for protecting water sources.
70.I love my _____ (毛绒玩具) for cuddles.
71. A ______ (海狸) builds dams with sticks and mud.
72.My ______ enjoys reading and sharing books.
73.I like to ________ (experiment) with ideas.
74.The __________ shows the distribution of different rock types.
75.Do you prefer __________ (玩具名) or __________ (玩具名)?
76.The capital of Nepal is _______.
77.I love to collect _________ (玩具士兵) for my army.
78.The dog is ___ in the backyard. (playing)
79. A _______ is used to measure the pressure of gases.
80.The _____ (grass/flower) is green.
81.The _______ of an object can be tested with a balance.
82. A ____(settlement) is a community of people living in one place.
83.What do you call a place where animals are kept?
A. Zoo
B. Farm
C. Park
D. Garden
84.I enjoy riding my ________ (滑板) at the skate park.
85.The __________ (历史的延续) defines narrative.
86.My best friend is my loyal _______ who stands by me no matter what.
87.What do you call the process of taking care of a garden?
A. Gardening
B. Landscaping
C. Farming
D. Planting
88.The ancient Greeks had a rich tradition of ________ (戏剧).
89.I like to watch ______ movies.
90.My ________ (玩具) has many moving parts.
91.I enjoy playing ______ after school.
92.The flowers are _____ (beautiful/ugly) in spring.
93.She is a pilot, ______ (她是一名飞行员), flying across the sky.
94. A chemical reaction that produces gas may cause bubbling or _____.
95.__________ are substances that absorb heat in a reaction.
96.I can draw inspiration from my ________ (玩具).
97.The puppy is ______ (barking) at the mailman.
98.The lemur is known for its large ______ (眼睛) and social behavior.
99.One of my hobbies is __________, and I spend a lot of time __________. 100.The _______ of a flashlight beam widens as it moves away from the source.。
