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stand trial受审
put. . . on trial审判某人
uranium enrichment program铀浓缩计划nuke nonproliferation核部扩散
suspect,arrest,detain,in custody被囚禁on human rights abuse charges反人权罪名HIV positive HIV阳性
illegal drug trafficking 毒品贩运
pirated products盗版产品
fake goods假货
bloody tyrant 血腥独裁者
execute / execution处决
death penalty死刑
my predecessor / successor 我的前任/ 后任
diplomatic solutions 外交解决方案
hot spot 热点
take hostilities toward 对……采取敌对态度ethnic cleansing种族排斥
refugee,illegal aliens 非法移民
national convention国民大会
fight corruption反腐败
corrupted election腐败的选举
peace process 和平进程
give a boost to. . . 促进
booming economy促进经济发展
mutual benefits / interests双赢
impose / break a deadline 规定/ 打破最后期限国际事务一
negotiations / delegate / delegation / summit n. 峰会
charter n. 特许状,执照,宪章
promote peace 促进和平
boost economic co-op加强经济合作
make concession / compromise 作出妥协
pass a resolution通过决议
veto a bill否决议案
break the deadlock打破僵局
a scientific breakthrough科学突破
an unexpected outcome出乎意料的结果
diplomatically isolated country在外交上被孤立的国家
coalition forces联合军队
on high alert 处于高级戒备状态
rebel forces叛军
sensitive,hostage,kidnapped French nationals被绑架的法国人rescue,release invade,US-led invasion美国领导的入侵
right-wing extremists右翼极端分子
warring factions交战各方
topple the government 推翻政府
suicide bombing 自杀性袭击事件
resume 继续
coalition party 联合政党
post-war reconstruction战后重建
pre-war intelligence战前情报
spying activity间谍行为
electronic warfare 电子战争
chemical/biological/nuclear warfare化学/生物/核战争
military option军事解决途径动用武力
escalating tension 逐步升级的局势
military coupe 军事政变
forced from office被赶下台
step down / aside下台
on the brink of war 处于战争边缘heavy fighting激战
genocide 种族灭绝
relief effort 救济工作humanitarian aid人道主义援助end the bloodshed结束流血事件special envoy 特使
peace-keeping forces维和部队guerrilla war 游击战争
border dispute边境争端
armed conflict 武装冲突reconciliation调解
civil war 内战
cruise missile 巡航导弹
come to a conclusion达成一致经济类
cook the book 做假帐fluctuate 波动
merger 并购
pickup in price 物价上涨monetary policy 货币政策foreign exchange 外汇
quote 报价
contract 合同
floating rate 浮动利率
venture capital 风险资本
global corporation 跨国公司consolidation 兼并
take over 收购
on the hook 被套住
financial crisis金融危机Federal Reserve 美联储
real estate 房地产
share 股票
stock market 股市
shareholder 股东
macroeconomic 宏观经济
go under\bankrupt 破产
pension fund 养老基金
government bond 政府债券
budget 预算
deficit 赤字
intellectual property 知识产权
opportunistic practice 投机行为
entrepreneur 企业家
UNESCO=United Nations Educational,Scientific And CulturalOrganization 联合国教科文组织
IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织
ASEAN=Association Of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟;“东盟”
GATT=General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade 关贸总协定
WTO=World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织
OPE=Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织;“欧佩克”
PLO=Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织;“巴解”
IOC=International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会
NASA=National Aeronautics And Space Administration 美国国家宇航局
WHO=World Health Organization 世界卫生组织
NASA= National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国国家航空航天局
Topic 44 Money First or Knowledge First?
Everyone knows the importance of money and knowledge.Everyone must have money to fulfill their necessities andknowledge to make them respectful and help them gain mone y.But which one should be put in the first place in the particularcollege time? Some colle ge students set up their own business,some speculate in the stock market, and some sta rt their ownstudios.
Undoubtedly, those students will not only earn enough money to fend for themselves, bu t alsobecome fledged in the real world. However, I think college students should always
concentrate onacquiring knowledge instead of seeking fortune in the particular state of o ur lives.
Firstly, though knowledge can help you gain money, money can not buy you knowledge. For themajority of us, college time is a golden time for acquiring knowledge. Once we mi ss the goldentime, we will not be compensated in the future. In this particular episode of our lives, we receiveallowance from our parents, are not disturbed by the chores of hous ework, and are assisted byexperienced teachers and classmates. And I can not imagine which stage of our lives is morefavorable than this episode. The golden time for studies c an be best illustrated by a conversationwith an elder friend. He established a training sch ool years ago and did make a fortune. But healways takes me into confidence that he wa nts to tear himself from the business and furtherstudies in graduate school. He also adm onishes me that I should work harder and harder,otherwise I will regret one day. Secondly, while college students can make some money in college time, they can not abs orbthemselves in their business wholeheartedly, which means that they are less likely to succeed in thecorporate world than those who need not worry about studies. According t o college curricula,students have to finish some compulsory courses and selective course s. They have to pass allrequired courses before getting diplomas. For some students fro m particular departments, theyhave to make more efforts than students pursuing other d egrees. Accordingly, if college studentsrun business, they will not only bear pressures im posed by studies, but also face the fiercecompetition in the market. Besides, college stud ents are unfledged in comparison with otherseasoned businessmen. Is it wise to take the risk of running business in college?
In sum, college years is the golden period for studies in one’s life, and no one can afford to miss it.While college students have to make efforts to earn credits, and turn out to be unfledged, theyhad better concentrate on studies.
Topic 43 Will Your Confidence Be Affected byExternal Facto
Confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of ourlife. It is said that confide nce is often the single ingredient thatdistinguishes a successful person from someone les s successful.Yet many people only govern their behaviors based on whatother people thi nk, stay in their own comfort zones fearingfailure and so avoiding taking risks, and oftent imes work hard tocover up mistakes and pray that they can fix the problem before anyon e wiser. For those low-confidence people, they bear in their mind that some people are
more competent, more beautiful,much wealthier than them, and hence they are reduced to frustrations.
However, confidence should not be affected by those differences in terms of appearance, wealth,and family connections. Firstly, people can not improve their financial situations a nd change theirappearances overnight, they are likely to change their mindset to become confident. For thosewho believe that confidence is based on wealth, appearance, and ot her external factors, theirconfidence is measured by external factors. In line with this beli ef, we can assume that only thewealthy, the beautiful, the handsome and the famous ar e confident. I think this is not the case. Inour daily lives, there are people who earn mea ger salaries but still are confident of their futures whohave counted days due to terminal cancers but are still confident of fulfilling their childhooddreams. If those people base the ir confidence in current situations, they are doomed to livegloomy and sad lives, for the p erception of oneself has an enormous impact on what they will do intheir daily life. There fore, confidence is built from within instead of external factors.
Secondly, despite that people always are in lack of something, they are likely to learn an d buildconfidence step by step. No matter how average they are, they have achieved so mething in theirlives to date and have strengths that they are not aware of. Tragically, h uman beings are always inpursuit of what they want, but neglect what they have possess ed. This also explains why theybase their confidence on external factors. Because those external factors only exist in their mind inthe near future, they are not real and solid. Wh en people determine to set the journey to buildconfidence and carry things through by b asing their confidence on what they have achieved andtheir strengths, no one can take it away, for they are real and solid. Gradually, confidence is buildon and success is readily available, which will in return make people more confident.
In sum, confidence is built from within instead of from external factors. People can learn to beconfident by appreciating what they have achieved and their unique strengths. In th is sense,confidence should not be affected by external factors such as fame, wealth, pow er, and etc.
Topic 42 Delivery Ability Matters or theContents?
In college, it is claimed that students are given the right to selecttheir courses in line wit h their personal preferences. But, inactuality, college students have to take some compul sorycourses and some required selective courses. On thoseoccasions, professors will find in their lectures students areabsent-minded and hence interactions with students in class cannot be easily achieved. Some people think that if professors are eloquent enough an d haveexcellent delivery ability, their class will be interesting. For these students, the con
tents ofprofessors’ lectures seem less important. However, we can not simply assume tha t which one ismore important than the other. We should make specific analysis. Firstly, what matters is undoubtedly the contents for students. In compulsory courses or selectivecourses, students are required to acquire basic knowledge or want to learn what interests them. Itis ridiculous to suspect that professors are disqualified. When professor s can stand in front ofstudents and are giving lectures, they are experienced and know m ore than students after yearsof research and teaching. For college students, they are req uired to attentively listen to professorsand take notes so that they can improve themselv es. In this sense, when students are busyabsorbing what professors are instructing in cla ss, they will become less fussy about professors’delivery skills.
Secondly, for professors, it is their responsibility to have a full preparation for lectures an d to delivereffectively the contents of their lectures to student. While the contents can ful fill students’ needs,excellent delivery skills will arouse students’ interest and hold their att ention for a long time. Giventhe fact that students can not select their favorite courses ac cording to their own interests andpreferences, professors should make more efforts to pr epare for lectures. Of course, eachprofessor has formed his own style after years of teac hing. But students in different periods havedifferent characters and needs; professors ca n not simply apply their styles to all students. Whilestudents in the past might regard pro fessors’ delivery style funny, current students are likely todislike the style and consider it outdated and manipulative.
On all accounts, as we can reach different conclusion from different perspectives, we can notsimply determine delivery ability mattersmore than the contents or vice verse. While i nterestingteaching styles and content-loaded contents make professors popular among st udents, collegestudents should not forget that they are required to acquire knowledge in class.
Topic 41 The Relationship between Historical Grandeur and the Future Greatness
Given to the humiliating history of last two centuries, Chinese people always make efforts to build a powerful China. In the recent debate over the rise of China, some grass-root scholars argue that since China had achieved grandeur in ancient times, Chinese people are likely to lead the world again. The logic seems plausible, but is there any causal relationship between historical grandeur and China’s future greatness?
Personally, I do not agree with this opinion. Firstly, the argument assumes that they can predict the future by finding evidence in the course of history. This mistake was criticized by Karl Popper in his influential book The Open Society and Its Enemies. In the book, he lenientlessly attac ks ’historicism’,which means an approach to make historical predictions by discovering the patterns that underlie the evolution of history. In other words, precedent can not be used to explain what will happen in the future. In China’s case, undoubtedly, i t reached the historical peak in Tang Dynasty. At that time, China was preponderant in the world, for no countries could successfully challenge its superiority. Now consider the world situation at that time. The world was separated
by oceans, mountains, and deserts, for the communications means were so retarded that China enjoyed a relatively safe environment except the threats from neighboring countries. Nowadays, is it reasonable to predict that China’s greatness in the future is based on Tang Dynasty’s preponderance when the world is becoming smaller and more intermingled?
Secondly, indicative of finding evidence in the course of history is China’s current weakness. Though China has surpassed Germany as the third largest economy, its per capita income still ranks in the developing country category. There is still a wide gap between China and the developed countries in terms of science and technology, education, military strength, and etc. Given that China is still a developing country, it is understandable that we can gain inspiration from the historical grandeur, but we can not use it as evidence to support our goodwill. What matters a great China in the future is the efforts we are making at present.
In conclusion, we can see that there is no causal relationship between China’s grand history and its future. Historical grandeur can only serve as inspiration to urge us to make more efforts. As one proverb goes, many hands make light work. Chinese people will build a great nation in the future with combined efforts.
Topic40 The Importance of Hope in One’s Life
There are many occasions in our lives on which we may feel likegiving up, such as accide nts, losing the beloved one, terminalillness, failing in an important exam, losing a job, an d so on.Those life changing events can strike us without warning,oftentimes several at a time, seemingly layer upon layer,weighing us down. It seems that the seas of life are so r oughand stormy that we are likely to get weary trying to keep ourlittle boat from sinking. However, if we have hopes, we will not let those life changing events get the best of us a ndsuccumb to helplessness. Firstly, though hope is not an objective existence, it can arou seoptimistic feelings for the future. As many psychologists’ research indicates, reflecting on one’sfailures is generally good, but when it takes too much time, it is dangerous, for it soon becomes aself-fulfilling prophecy that will quickly break every slice of confidence th at we have in ourselves.That is how those who do not have hopes deal with these ups an d downs. However, if people havehopes and always look forward to the future, they are a ble to envision a subjective picture ofbrightness in their mind, and take different measure s to live a happy life.
Secondly, having a hope helps people get rid of doubts and fears of day-to-day life and t hechallenges they must overcome to stay on an even kee. This can be best illustrated in clinics.Medical practitioners are always sensitive to the effects of their words so that their words might beacceptable to state the facts in such a way that they do not take away all possibility of hope. Evenif the patient does die, the time that he or she is given will be s
pent better if the patient has beenallowed some hope, as opposed to spending the remai ning lifetime in a state of perpetual fear thateach day is supposed to be the last.
On all accounts, indicative of having a hope is the optimism of our lives. So long as we st ill havehopes in our heart, we will always look forward to the future. Hope can also help us remove doubtsand fears in our daily lives. In any sense,
“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things”, asAndy Dufresne said in the Shawshan k Redemption.
Topic 39 On the Importance of Self-disciplined
There are many college students who are bad at keepingthemselves in line. When they a re required to finish someassignments, they will barely bother to do it unless they deemt hat they may be criticized by their teachers. Instead, theyspend their time play ing compu ter games and watchingepisodes of TV programs, as well as chatting with friends on MS Nor QQ. They oftentimes procrastinate so terribly that they havedone nothing before the y go to bed. Despite the fact that every day they tell themselves that itwill be a fresh star t, they just succeed in repeating their procrastination. Undoubtedly, thesestudents have not realized the importance of self-discipline in their lives.
Firstly, the world is full of temptations to live an undisciplined life. In today’s society, the y live in aworld where temptations are almost everywhere. There are a variety of TV pro grams that temptthem into knowing what have become of the hero and heroine in the la st episode. There arevarious occasions on which they find it hard to decline their friends’invitation. Though they makeefforts to focus on professors’ assignments, they usually sur render themselves to the mercy ofentertainment activities and tell themselves to put the homework later on only to find out that thehomework is not finished at last. In conseque nce, they have no respect for themselves. In fact,they hate themselves for being like this . But whatever they aim for a change, they just fall backinto their old ways. This is what their lives will be like if they do not possess self-discipline.
Secondly, as various interviews given by most of the successful people in the world show , self-discipline is one of the qualities that help people succeed in their chosen fields. Peo ple who have theability to reject instant gratification in favor of something better, to follo w actions by overcomingaddictions, procrastination and laziness, to resist temptations an d distractions, are more likely toattain aims and goals. On the contrary, lack of self-discip line leads to failure to reach goals, evenminor ones, and to loss, health, obesity and othe r troubles.
In sum, self-discipline is one of the essential qualities that contribute effectively to a man ’s progressand development. While the world is teeming with temptations and distraction
s, one can onlysucceed by learning self-discipline.。
