李德志 中考英语复习教学中的问题和反思
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• 词块通常由多个词项组成,且整体存储在记忆中,使用时 直接提取,无需语法生成和分析(Wray, 2002)。 • 词块划分为四类: (1)聚合词 如by the way,upside down; (2)搭配词 如absolutely convinced, quite impossible; (3)习惯用语 如That'll do, if I were you... (4)句子框架和引入语 如Firstly...Secondly...Finally... Lewis (1993, 1997)认为:教学的重点是搭配、固定表达、 句子框架这样的词块,词块被认为是语言教学的中心。 提高阅读速度、提高听力、提高书面表达的文字质量。
一老太太走在街上,她的手里拿 着提包。一男子骑车过来,抢走 她的提包。老太太呼救、追赶。 一男孩从学校出来见此情景,拿 出一盒图钉洒在路上。坏蛋车胎 被扎破,被抓住送去公安局。
1. An old lady was walking in the street. 2. She had a suitcase in her hand. 3. A man came up by bike. 4. The man snatched her case. 5. The lady shouted for help. 6. She ran after him. 7. A boy came out of school. 8. He saw that. 9. He took out a box of push-pins. 10. He threw them on the road. 11. The bike tyres were punctured. 12. The man had to stop. 13. They caught the rascal. 14. They sent him to the police.
(Just as the boy expected), the bike tyres were punctured (by the push-pins on the road) (and) the man had to stop.
One possible solution to this problem now being discussed is sustainable development. Sustainable development is long-term planning which focuses on the environment and topic sentence preserving natural resources. It is all about creating better health care, education, housing and improved standards of living for everyone. This is a simple idea, but one which is hard to put into practice. However, it is something that we must do because without sustainable development, our future and the lives …
Topic Sentence Supporting Sentence Supporting Sentence Supporting Sentence Topic Sentence Supporting Sentence Supporting Sentence Supporting Sentence Topic Sentence Supporting Sentence Supporting Sentence Supporting Sentence
1. 重分数和名次,轻调整反馈 2. 重练习的数量,轻选材的质量 3. 重标准答案,轻对学生错误的分析及 补偿性训练和落实
1. 精选练习,老师事先一定要先做。 2. 对待学生的错误采用 “顺藤摸瓜”的办法, 由点到线到面。 3. 根据学生的问题及时调整教学 4. 指导学生,不能就方法讲方法 练习必选,做了必改,改了必评,评了必纠
3. 狂轰乱炸,泥沙俱下
依据考纲, 抓住考点 理清易混点,薄弱点 不求面面俱到
《考试说明》、《课程标准》、教材罗列的 内容是知识点,而不是考点。知识点的教 学要全面,准确。考点教学要深化,多变, 设计变式训练,注重落实。
• 哪些内容是常考点? • 这些常考点是怎样考察的?应该训练 到怎样的深度? • 应该采用什么样的方法进行复习?
9. He took out a box of push-pins. 10. He threw them on the road.
He (immediately) took out a box of push-pins and threw them on the road.
11. The bike tyres were punctured. 12. The man had to stop.
none -thing等
2. 动词 时态语态 短
情态动词 非谓语动词 动
3. 句法 宾语从句 状语从句 4. 交际英语,固定句式和搭配
表达性的词汇(可考性强的词) 接受性的词汇(不影响阅读的词):
• Forget,sure,uncles besides,等极具可考性 • take place,happen,come about 可考性较高 • teacher,student 不会成为考点,但在写作部分 能用到的词汇 扩大词汇量和阅读量,以适应中考的要求
语法复 冠词(不讲) 2. 名词 (不讲) 在平时的教学中积累 3. 数词(不讲) 4. 反意疑问句/感叹句(不讲) 5. 形容词 副词(抽讲)
... …
主项:1. 代词 one, that, those, neither, either, both, all,
I believe English is more important than other foreign languages for many reasons. First of all, English is spoken by a large number of people, and these people are the most widely spread across the world in a great many countries. Secondly, English is the most widely used language on the internet. It has become an on-line language. Thirdly, the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in our country and English will be very useful. Lastly, …
1. An old lady was walking in the street. 2. She had a suitcase in her hand.
(One day), an old lady was walking slowly in the street (with a suitcase in her hand).
问题一 备课质量
存在问题: 1. 缺乏具有研究意义的教研活动 2. 备课质量参差不齐 3. 以练习册(教辅)代替备课
• 增强责任意识 • 备课要研究真问题(目标,内容,方 法,资料)
问题 二
1.没有教学目标,跟着感觉走(教案里 没有目标) 2.目标定位模糊,缺乏针对性(定位过 高,一切向满分看齐,过难,过全) 试卷包括容易题,中等题和难题, 其中以中等题为主。
Concluding paragraph
• 英语科公共邮箱.doc
• • • • • • • • 初中英语科公共邮箱 gzsjysczyy@ 密码8223350808 高中英语科公共邮箱 gzsjysgzyy@ 密码8223350808 个人邮箱 xgldz@
The old lady shouted for help and ran after him, (but couldn’t catch up with the bike.)
7. A boy came out of school. 8. He saw that.
(Just then), a boy came out of school and saw (what happened).
结构 Pattern
Paragraph: Topic Sentence Supporting Sentence
Supporting Sentence
Supporting Sentence Concluding Sentence
Essay: Introduction paragraph
Body paragraphs
3. A man came up by bike. 4. The man snatched her case.
(Suddenly) a man (riding a bike) came up and snatched her case (fiercely).
5. The lady shouted for help. 6. She ran after him.
• 接受性词汇:见到能理解意思就可以 • 表达性词汇:会读、会拼写、 词义词性、搭配
• 词汇的掌握是一种能力。中考对词汇的考察体 现了知识和能力的结合。 • 词汇复习要重视语篇的支持。离开了语篇,词 汇就是孤立的。保持新材料的输入。 构词策略(利用构词法) 语境策略(把单词置于有意义的句子或语篇中) 记忆的间隔效应(复现)
3.时态语态正确 4.词数符合要求 5.大小写、标点正确 6.书写整洁规范
3.能用较为高级的词汇(2分) 4.能用得体的习惯用语和较为地道的固定短语 (2分) 5.逻辑严密、布局合理(2分)
• 听一点 • 读一点 • 背一点 • 写一点 有实实在在的收获。
• 教学效率的最优化与所选择的材料密切相 关。不是给学生的练习越多、越难,学生 的水平就越高。关键的问题是学生是否能 够真正理解和运用。
基本分值评价项目 (15分)
中考英语复习教学中 若干问题的反思
李德志 赣州市教研室
• • • • • • • 词汇量 阅读理解能力(速度) 语音敏感性 语言准确性 思维逻辑性 心理素质 学习习惯
• 应该设立怎样的目标? • 实际的增长点究竟在哪里?
• 具体,落实 • 考纲、考点的把握
问题三 重点
1. 试图把所有知识都一网打尽, 这是一 种不切合实际 的教学理想。“地毯式 轰炸”,“拉网式搜索”,每一节课 都试图不漏掉一个知识点。
2. 局限在知识层面,缺乏能力提升。