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As a third grader at HuLu Art Club, I have learned a lot from our club classes. 作为葫芦画社团的三年级学生,我从我们社团的课程中学到了很多。

One of the most meaningful aspects of our club classes is the opportunity to experiment with different art mediums. 我们社团课程

In our classes, we have had the chance to work with watercolors, colored pencils, and even clay. 在我们的课程中,我们有机会使用水彩、彩色铅笔,甚至是黏土。

This has allowed us to discover which mediums we enjoy working with the most, and has also expanded our artistic horizons. 这使我们

Furthermore, our club classes have provided us with a space to express our creativity and imagination freely. 此外,我们的社团课程为我们提供了一个自由表达创造力和想象力的空间。

We have been encouraged to think outside the box and to create artwork that is meaningful to us. 我们受到鼓励去突破常规,创作对我们有意义的艺术作品。

The freedom to express ourselves through art has been incredibly empowering and has helped us to develop our own unique artistic voices. 通过艺术表达自己的自由让我们感到非常有力量,并帮助我们发展出自己独特的艺术风格。
