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Less on 3 The Advertis ing Game
_______________ 课时过关即时巩固、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子
1.If you want to sell your product well you ' d better a ____________ it.
< 2.To a c___________ extent it was our own fault that we lost the game.
答案:certai n
®3.This programme is nots __________ for children.
< 4.How much will that cost?We have to take our __________ (预算)into
con siderati on,you know.
J 5.In Utopia(《乌托邦》),Plato describes hi ___________ (概念)of an ideal society.
答案:con cept
W6.V ___________ in formation is carried from the eyes to the brain by the nerves.
J 7.My grandmother didn' t have much sense of ____________ (幽默),and she could never un dersta nd what we were laugh ing about.
8We will be exploring different a _________ to gathering information.
:・9.The Coca-Cola bottle is one of th ___________ (经典的)desig ns of the last cen tury. 答案:classic
< 10.Ma ny young people prefer to wear clothes and shoes witb ___________ n ames,such as Nike and Adidas.
<.I.The house has six bedrooms .It would be suitable to for a large family.
< 2.Life does not consist with the days that have passed but of the days that we remember.
答案:with —of
•3.Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educate their childre n compared with that of their pare nts.
答案:educate^ educat ing
4.The new road sig ns sta nd for aga inst dark backgro und.
答案:for —out
f ・5.Several local bus in esses have made con tribute to our schools new teachi n
g buildi ng. 答案:con tribute — con tributi ons
< I.Our sportsmen were __________ competition ___________ those from other Asian coun tries.
答案:in ;with
2.Steel is produced by combi ning iron
3.The wi nd was stro ng and the waves were big,so he had to give up _______
(attempt) to swim across the cha nn el.
答案:attempt ing
j 4.Youn gsters must ___________________ (educate) on the dan gers of drugs.
答案:be educated
'j 5.I th ink every one has his own way of relax in g.Perhaps the most popular way is to participate __________ sports.
J 6.Bill suggested ____________ (hold) a meeting on what to do for the next Expo during the vacati on.
答案:holdi ng
•7.He told us whether ____________ have a picnic was still under discussion.
< 8.As a new driver,I have to practise ___________ (park) the car in my small garage again and aga in.
答案:park ing
For all of the people who keep wait ing for things to get bette—stop.Stop wait in g.You ' re 1 time,whether you are enjoying this mome nt or no t.This is it.It is all you have,so 2 and live.
I know people who have spent the past two years overwhelmed不知所措)by stress and
3 ,a nd at the end of it,what do they have?Two lost years.Let s
4 it:Th ings aren' t looking good sometimes.But,
5 you don' t find fulfillment in this day,it means nothing to you.You' ll be a day older,then a year older,then ten years older,and you will have
6 precious time.
No matter how 7 your circumsta nces are,life is happe nin g.Do you take time to see how much you 8 eve n as you deal with some un pleasa nt cha nges and what you may have lost?I love the quote by Fran ces Rodma n that say“ust thi nk how 9 you would be if you lost everything you have right now and then got it 10 again. ”
The things that have changed have hit your feelings.But there is much more to this mome nt of chaos tha n crisis 危机).This is a time to 11 your health,family,a nd friendships.Those things matter most of all.Seriously,if you lose any of them,you will 12 know despair (绝望).
You may be experie ncing real pain 13 you have lost a job,or a home.But,whe n all is lost,you 14 have the prese nt mome nt.You can fill it with sorrow or an ger or fear or any other 15 emotio n. Or,you can fill it with life.
Put on your shoes.Go for a walk.Hug your 16 ones and know how 17 you are to have them.Co unt on your friends and be 18 they are there.See the 19 in n ature.
But 20 ,not exist,no matter what.
< 1.A. telli ng B.los ing
C. maki ng
D.gai ning
解析:由上文的“keep waiting for things to get bette—stop.Stop waiting.可推断,被动地等待情况好转就是在浪费(los ing) ”时间。

•2A get up B.give up
C.sit up
D.wake up
解析:作者奉劝那些盲目等待的人认清真相(wake up)”,充分享受生活的乐趣。

•3.A.fear B.disease

:.4.A.face B.ig nore
解析:由下文的Things aren' t looking good sometimes可推断,此处是说让我们面对(face)”现实吧:事情有时会不尽如人意。

!.5.A.as B.un less
D.u ntil
解析:如果(if) ”你今天没有收获,那么今天对你而言就没有任何意义
< 6A spent B.found
D.ow ned

< 7.A.personal B.normal
C.stra nge
解析:由下文的you deal with some unpleasant change可推断,不论环境有多么困难(difficult) ”生活还得继续。

匕8A earn B.have
C.n eed
D.wa nt
9.A.happy B.sad
解析:由下文的 “.if you lost everything you have right now and then got it...again 可推断, 现在拥有的东西失而复得,你会感到很高兴(happy)”。

< 10A dow n B.in
解析:由上文的 “.if you lost everything you have right now and then..可推断,此处是说把 失去的东西找 回来(back)”。

11.A.discover B.exam ine
解析:由上文的 “.there is much more to this moment of chaos than crisis 可推断,当生活中 有变故时,你应该感激(appreciate)"你的健康、家庭、友谊等最重要的东西。

:・ 12.A.slowly B.gradually
C.ge nerally
解析:如果你失去了健康等最重要的东西,你就会 真正(truly) ”懂得什么叫绝望。

:・l3 A before B.because
D. rememb er C.though
解析:“.you have lost a job,or a home.与 be experiencing real pain之间是因果关系,故选because
!.14A still B.even
C.o nly
解析:当一切都失去了你仍然(still) ”拥有当下。

< 15A deep B.dark
解析:由上文的sorrow or an ger or fear可知,此处指任何其他悲观的(dark)”情绪。

< 16A honest B.brave
D.lo ved

•仃.A.afraid B.serious
C.lo nely
解析:拥抱你的所爱的(loved) ”人并懂得拥有他们,你是多么幸运(lucky)
• l8.A.patient B.tired
解析:由上文的Count on your friends可知,你应该为朋友们的陪伴而感到高兴(glad)”。

•佃.A.beauty B.light


< 20A bear B.live
解析:由下文的not exist可推断,无论如何要充分享受生活的乐趣(live) ”。

Hello,every on e! I' m sure you will be in terested in what I' m going to talk about.1. _ You probably think you will never be one.However,this is not necessarily so.Anyone can become a top student if he or she wishes to.Here are some tips for you:
2. ____ When pla nning your work,you should make a list of things that you have to do.After making this list,you should make a schedule of your time.First,arrange your time for eati ng,sleep in g,dress in g,etc.The n decide on a good,regular time for study in g.D6 nt forget to leave yourself eno ugh time for your hobbies.
Find a good place to study.Look around the house for a good study area.Keep this space,which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room,free of everyth ing but
study,concentrate全神贯注)on the subject.
Make good use of your time in class. _____ Liste ning carefully in class means less work later.You also n eed to take no tes in class,because it will help you remember what the teacher says.
Study regularly.Whe n you get home from school,go over your no tes,review the
importa nt points that your teacher is going to discuss the n ext day,a nd read that material.4. [ I If you do these things regularly,the material will become more meaningful,and you ll remember it Ion ger.
Treat the tests correctly.The purpose of a test is to show what you have lear ned about a subject.They help you remember your new knowledge.The world won t end if you don' t pass a test,so do n t be worried.
5. ____ You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.
A. There are other methods that might help you with your studies.
B. Plan your time carefully.
C. Use the class time to liste n to everyth ing the teacher says.
D. No one can become a top stude nt uni ess he or she works hard.
E. Maybe you are not a top stude nt.
F. Make full use of the class time to take no tes of what the teacher says in class.
G. This will help you un dersta nd the n ext class.
答案:1~5 EBCGA
In many coun tries,1. ________ i s not unu sual for families of differe nt backgro unds to live together in the shared space.2. _______ ,in the Un ited States,this idea may still be
con sidered odd.
But this type of housing,3. ________ (call) co-hous in g,is gaining 4 ________ (popular) in the Un ited States,too.Co-housi ng complexes are popp ing up across the coun try.For many people,this way of life is 5 ____________ relief to the busy moder n
lifestyle.There is ofte n a com mon house with a kitche n and dining room,meeti ng room,a nd maybe a workshop of library or music room in a co-housing community.About 25 co-housing com mun ities 6. ________________ (build) in rece nt years,a nd 150 more are pla nn ed.
last,I went to the blackboard.She praised me for I had done. A co-hous ing complex is a place 1. ________ r eside nts shop,cook,a nd eat
together.Reside nts of a co-hous ing complex like its sense of shared commu ni ty.Childre n have
other kids to play with,which many families like.The feeling of living in a village ” is 8. _______________________________________________________________________ other residents money tha n they would pay 10. ________ n earby apartme nts.
答案:1.it 2.However 3.called 4.popularity 5.a 6.have been built l.where 8.what 9.less 1O.for
Never shall I forget the first En glish less on givi ng by Miss Liu.O ne Mon day mornin g,whe n she en tered the classroom,we found that she was a young or beautiful lady.Then she
introduced herself and said they shouIcfn t call her Teacher Liu but Miss ter,she asked us to go to the blackboard and said something about ourselves with English in turn.When it was my turn,I felt so shyly that I didn ' t dare to say anything.She went up to me and said kindly, Don ' t afraid.1 believe you can do them well ”t the last,I went to the blackboard.She praised me for which I had done. 答案:
Never shall I forget the first En glish less on
mornin g,whe n she en tered the classroom,we found that she was a young beautiful lady.The n she in troduced herself and said ——should n' t call her Teacher Liu but Miss
ter,she asked us to go to the blackboard an — someth ing about ourselves -----
English in turn.When it was my turn,I felt so ------ that I didn ' t dare to say anything.She went up to me and said kin dly , Don ' t afraid .I believe you can do ------ well. ”t
(little) by Miss Liu.O ne Monday。
