外研版七年级英语上册授课课件:M7 Unit 1


外研版初一英语上册《M7 Unit 1》课件

外研版初一英语上册《M7 Unit 1》课件

宾语是名词时,可以放在中间也可以放在 考向二【易错点】
后面;如果是代词,必须放在中间。 eg:Please turn on the light. =Please turn the light on. 请打开灯。 I want to watch TV. Please turn it on. 我想看电视。请打开它。
Now number the instructions as you hear them. a) Write your homework. 2 b) Print your document. 5
c) Open a new document. 1 d) Save the document.
Tony: That’s the keyboard.
Ms Li: That’s right. And what’s this? Tony: The m how does it work, Daming?
Daming: First, connect the screen to the computer. Ms Li: OK, good. What’s next? Daming: Connect the keyboard and the mouse to the
Lingling:What about some paper? Betty: Oh yes,of course ❹ ! You put the paper ❺ in there first!
Everyday English
· Is this it? · What's next? · Of course!
Ms Li: Good. And finally...? Daming: Finally, turn on the computer. Ms Li: Right. Turn on the computer.

外研版七年级上册 Module 7 Computers Unit 1 (共26张PPT)

外研版七年级上册 Module 7 Computers Unit 1 (共26张PPT)

turn on 打开 turn off 关上
Listen and answer the questions.
Where does Lingling want to write her homework? A.on the book B. on the computer C. on the notebook
3. How many emails do you c) I write three or write every week? four emails. 4.Who do you write to?
d) I write to my friends
Work in group and talk about what else you can do on the computer and how to use it.
Match the answers to the questions.
1. Where do you save your a) I save my homework in a homework? document. 2. When do you use a b) I use my computer computer? after school.
n. 键盘 n. 鼠标 n. 屏幕 v. 连接 打开 n. 文件 v. 点击 v. 保存 n. 对话框 v. 打印
n. 打印机
hard disk
bluetooth speaker
i pad
mobile phone
U disk
ear phone
How to write the homework on the computer? First, open a new docuin the new document. write a name and click “save”

七年级英语上册(外研版 课件)M7U1

七年级英语上册(外研版 课件)M7U1

3.turn v. 转动
【常用短语】 turn on打开; turn off关闭 turn up调高(音量等) turn down调低(音量等)
【易错点】宾语是名词时,可 以放在turn 与on/off/up/down 中间,也可以放在后面;如果 是代词,必须放在中间。
Please turn on the light.=Please turn the light on. 请打开灯。
请同学们在 课后参照《 巴蜀英才•英 语》P70的内 容进行复习

e v. 使用
为及物动词。 use sth. for/to do sth.使用某物 来做……。
You can use it for washing (/to wash) your hands.
I want to watch TV. Please turn it on. 我想看电视。请打开它。
【辨析】turn on与open
turn on一般指把没有通电的电 器调到通电的状态,如打开电 灯、电视等,其反义词组是 turn off;open一般指用手打开 的门、窗等,其反义词是close。
Hale Waihona Puke v. 转动 打开 v. 学习;学 n. 文件 v. 点击
new words
use v. 使用 save v. 储存;保存; box n. (计算机屏幕上
new words
finally print paper
adv. 最后 v. 印刷;打印 n. 纸;论文
请同学们在 课后参照《 巴蜀英才•英 语》P69的内 容进行复习

外研版七年级英语上册Module7 Unit 1优质课课件

外研版七年级英语上册Module7 Unit 1优质课课件

Write your homework in the new document. Use the keyboard.
5 Read and answer the questions.
1. How do you open a new document? Click the mouse on “new document”. 2. Where do you write your homework? Write it in the new document.
Listen and answer the questions.
1. What does Lingling want to do on the computer?
She wants to write her homework.
2. Can Betty use the computer?
Yes, she can.
Open a new document. Click the mouse on “new document”.
5 Read and answer the questions.
1. How do you open a new document? Click the mouse on “new document”.
New words
Mouse 鼠标
Keyboar d 键盘
Screen 屏幕 Printer 打印机
print 打印
box es 文本框
save 保存
save the document
turn on 打开 turn off 关闭
2 Label parts of the computer.



设计意图: 此环节充 分体现信 息技术的 辅助功能, 利用两个 交互功能
语 单 词 过 关 游 戏
当中获得 了乐趣, 英 使学生的 语 学习事半 猜 功倍。 谜

播放flash卡通动画 本卡通片演示了韩梅的 电脑问题,引导学生自 己编一个对话。 设计意图:通过动画演 示,让学生学以致用, 把书本学的东西用到自 己的实际中去。
1.创设情境、交际法。情景教学法的优点在于形象、直观,它能激活 学生的想象力,拓展思维空间,充分调动学生的多种感官,积极参与 课堂活动,从而提高兴趣,活跃气氛。而交际法则体现了学习英语的 目的,满足了交际的需要。因此,根据学生的实际需要,以学生为中 心,合理组织教学,在教学过程中设置一定情境,让学生用所学的语 言形式,根据自身的真实情况和想法,来自由表达自己的思想。我认 为这是实现语言知识向语言能力转变的必经之路。
课题: Computers unit 1 How do I write my homework on
the computer? 教材:外语教学与研究出版社
Module 10 Computers unit 1



流 程

1. 教学内容分析 本模块以电脑为主题,对话内容主要是呈现相关词汇,阅读则以 被采访者回答问题的 实录形式向学生介绍世界不同地方人们使用 电脑的情况。题材新颖,内容也很吸引学生,有利于激发学生的 兴趣;同时还可以开阔学生的眼界,并有助于学生加深对计算机 方面的了解和使用。在教学过程中,教师应充分利用在电脑方面 的知识来促进英语的学习;特别是对词汇的掌握。


print my document
What about paper?
of course
You put the paper in
there first
1. First, connect the screen to the computer.
connect在这里作及物动词, 意为 “连接”, 常见搭配有: connect A and B表示 “连接 A和B”;connect A to / with B表示 “把A连接到B上”。
This road connects Nanjing and Shanghai. 这条公路连接南京和上海。
What connects the two cities? 是什么连接了这两座城市?
Please connect it to / with the laptop. 请把它连到笔记本电脑上。
Put the paper there first and then click “print” and “OK”.
write my homework on the computer
open a new document
Click the mouse
2. do, on, you, what, usually, Saturday, do
3. go, and, use, online, first, they, the, do, to, their, Internet, homework, next (先做家庭作业 再上网) _T_h__ey__f_ir_s_t_u_s_e_t_h_e_I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t_t_o_d_o__th_e_i_r_____ _h_o_m__e_w_o_r_k__a_n_d_n_e_x_t__g_o_o_n_l_in_e.



what where when who how
什么 什么地方 什么时候
谁 怎样
1 We are 13 years old. How old are you? 2 This is a mouse. What is this? 3 They go to school by bike. How do they go to school? 4 Tony writes his name in the box. Where does Tony write his name? 5 I play computer games at home. What do you do at home?
Read these sentences. How do you open a new document? Where do you write your homework? How do you save the document? Where do you write its name? What do you do next? How do you print it?
They play computer games on the computer.
they do on the computer?
Where do
they play computer games?
I like this computer. Which compued computer is on the desk.
Listen again and fill in the blanks
use First, ________ open a new document. So, _____ the mouse and click ____ “new ducument”. write your homework in the Next, you _______ new document. save the document,______ use Then, you _______ write a name for it . the keyboard and ______ print the document. Finally , you ______

统编外研版七年级英语上册优质课件 Module 7 Unit 1

统编外研版七年级英语上册优质课件 Module 7 Unit 1

document n.文件
n. (计算机屏幕上的)框;盒子
finally adv.最后
paper n.纸
Read the words loudly.
Watch the cartoon
Watch and answer.
How do you do your homework on the computer?
First, _c_li_c_k_ and _o_p_e_n_ a new _d_o_c_u_m__en__t .
Next, use the _k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d_ to write your homework.
Betty: Click “print” and “OK”. Lingling: What about some paper?
Betty: Oh yes, of course! You put the paper in there first!
Everyday English
• Is this it? • What’s next? • Of course!
Betty: You click “save”, and write a name for it.
Lingling: Where do I write the name? Betty: Write it in the box. OK, then click “save” again.

外研版七年级英语上Module7 Unit1课件

外研版七年级英语上Module7 Unit1课件

Remember to use words like first, next and finally when you talk about a sequence of activities. Notice where the comma goes.
Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
2. Where do you write your homework? _Y_o_u_w__r_it_e_i_t_i_n_t_h_e_n_e_w__d_o_c_u_m__e_n_t_. __
3. How do you save the document? Y__o_u_c_l_ic_k__“__sa_v_e_”__.___________
Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer?
connect switch on
Complete the sentences with the word and expression from the box.
finally first
home open
Ask and answer questions about computers.
A: What’s this? B: It’s the keyboard.
A: How do you write your homework on the computer?

9、 人的价值,在招收诱惑的一瞬间被决定 。21.7.6 21.7.6T uesday, July 06, 2021



homework on the computer?
Watch and answer
1 What does Lingling want to do on the computer?
A play computer games B write her homework. C surf the internet(上网).
Now, you’ve known how to write your homework on the computer. Let’s repeat the instructions by showing the pictures.
Open a new document. Click the mouse on “new document”.
1.First, ________ open a new document. Click _____ the mouse on “new ducument”. write your homework in the 2.Next, you _______ new document. save the document 3.Then,you _______ write a name for it . click “save” and ______ you______ print the document. 4.Finally , you ______
[ maus ]
turn on First, connect the screen to the computer.
Next, connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer. Finally, turn on the computer.

新外研版七年级英语上册Module 7 Unit 1教学课件

新外研版七年级英语上册Module 7 Unit 1教学课件

6. 使用键盘
________________ use the keyboard
7. 点击新文件
8. 写下你的作业
click the new document _____________________
___________________ write your homework _________________ save the document
一般疑问句 ?
特殊疑问句 = 特殊疑问词(What, Where, When, Which, Who, How …) + 一般疑问句 1. How do you open a new document?
(How 怎样)
2. Where do you write your homework? (Where 什么地方) 3. How do you save the document? (How 怎样)
8. Who is you English teacher?
(Who 谁)
对划线部分进行提问。 1. We are 13 years old. How old are you? 2. This is a mouse. What is this? 3. They go to school by bike. How do they go to school? 4. Tony writes his name in the box. Where does Tony write his name? 5. I play computer games at home. What do you do at home?
A. 重要短语: connect … to … 1.把 …连接 …_______________ 2. 打开电脑 switch _______________________ on/ turn on the computer 3. 在电脑上________________ on the computer 4. 建立一个新文件___________________ open a new document 5. 使用鼠标______________ use the mouse

外研七年级英语上册Module7 Unit1 课件

外研七年级英语上册Module7 Unit1 课件
1. Let me do it a_g_a_in_. I’m sure it will be OK.
2. Please s_w_i_tc_h_ on the lights. I can’t see anything.
3. The p_ri_n_t_e_r_ is to print the document. 4. Where do you wr_i_t_e the name? 5. You c_li_c_k“save” and write a name for
open print save use write
open a new document 1 use t_h_e__k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d 2 write y_o_u__r_h_o_m__e_w_o_r_k 3 savet_h_e_d_o_c_u_m__e_nt 4 print _m__y_d_o_c_u_m__e_n_t_
44..4我. W在h哪er里e d写o I名wr字ite?the name? 55..5我. H如o何w d打o 印I p我rin的t m文y件do?cument?
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.
3. How do you save the document? Click “save”, and write a name for it.
4. Where do you write its name? Write it in the box.
5. How do you print the document?
You made my day!
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Daming: First, connect the screen to the computer. Ms Li: OK, good. What’s next? Daming: Connect the keyboard and the mouse to the
computer. Ms Li: Good. And finally...? Daming: Finally, turn on the computer. Ms Li: Right. Turn on the computer.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.
finally learn paper print save 1 I want to __l_e_a_r_n__ how to print a document. 2 __S_a_v_e___ your document and write a name for it. 3 Put some __p_a_p_e_r__ in there to print your document. 4 Click “___p_r_in_t__ ” and “OK”. 5 __F_in__a_ll_y_,go and get your document.
Listening and vocabulary Listen and number the words as you hear them.
keyboardBiblioteka 2mouse 3screen
Ms Li: This is our computer. Tony, can you help me, please? Tony: Yes, Ms Li. Ms Li: What’s this in English? Tony: That’s the screen. Ms Li: OK, and this? Tony: That’s the keyboard. Ms Li: That’s right. And what’s this? Tony: The mouse. Ms Li: Good. And how does it work, Daming?
Now number the instructions as you hear them. a) Write your homework. 2 b) Print your document. 5 c) Open a new document. 1 d) Save the document. 3 e) Put some paper in. 4
5 paper/'peɪpə/n.纸
eg:Please put some paper in there. 请把一些纸放在那里。
考向一 作不可数名词,意为“纸”,如果表达 “几张纸”则需要借助piece。 eg:a piece of paper 一张纸 two pieces of paper 两张纸
Listen and read. Lingling:How do I write my homework on the computer?
Can I learn? Betty: Sure! First,open a new document. Click the
mouse on “new document”. Lingling:What's the mouse? Is this it? Betty: Yes. Lingling:Where do I click on “new document”? Betty: On the left of the screen...there!
知识点 3 box/bɒks/n. (计算机屏幕上的)框;盒子 eg:Can you write your name in this box? 能把你的名字写在这个框中吗?
考向一【重点】 box的复数形式为boxes。
典例 There are two big __b_o_x_e_s__ (box) in the room.
turn on turn off turn up turn down
打开(电视、电灯、收音机等) 关闭(电视、电灯、收音机等)
调高(音量) 调低(音量)
典例 —It's time for the weather report. Could I
____A____ the TV,Dad?
—Go ahead,please. I also want to know about
the weather for tomorrow.
A.turn on B.turn off C.turn down
考向二【易错点】宾语是名词时,可以放在中间也可以放在 后面;如果是代词,必须放在中间。 eg:Please turn on the light. =Please turn the light on. 请打开灯。 I want to watch TV. Please turn it on. 我想看电视。请打开它。
A.Of course not B.My pleasure
C.Yes,please D.You are welcome
【点拨】此题用交际法。A项意为“当然不(介意)”;B项 意为“不客气”;C项意为“是的”;D项意为“不客 气”。根据问句句意“你介意我打开窗户吗?”可知选A
【点拨】此题用题眼法和删除干扰部分法。根据句中的 are可知there be句型的主语是可数名词复数,排除A项和 B项;D项是一个干扰项,细看此项,它是一个错误的表达, 借助piece of时,paper是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 故选C。
Answer the questions. 1. How do you open a new document?
Module 7 Computers
Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer?
Module 7 Unit 1

堂 导

课文 呈现
知识 讲解

堂 …小
堂 练
后 作

How much do you know about the computer?
知识点 4 of course当然
考向一 of course用在表示肯定回答的答语中,含 有非常情愿做某事的意思,与sure同义。
考向二 Of course not.表示“当然不(介意)。”
典例 —Would you mind (介意) my opening the window?
4. Where do you write its name? Write it in the box.
5. How do you print the document? Click “print” and “OK”.
Learning to learn Remember to use words like first,next and finally when you talk about a sequence of activities. Notice where the comma goes.
computer. 3 Finally,_tu__rn___o_n_ the computer.
知识点 1 turn on 打开
eg:Please turn on the radio,Mike. 迈克,请打开收音机。
考向一【重点】辨析turn on,turn off,turn up,turn down
考向二 作可数名词,意为“报纸;试卷;文件”,其复
魔法 记忆
piece of来帮助;报纸、试卷或文
There are ____C____ on the desk. A.some paper B.a piece of paper C.some papers D.two pieces of papers
知识点 2 save/seɪv/v. 保存;储存 eg:Please help me save that document. 请帮我保存一下那个文件。
考向一 save v.挽救;救 eg:Help! Save me! 救命啊!救救我!
考向二 save v.节省;节约 eg:We should try to save water. 我们应设法节约用水。
Label the parts of the computer.
screen keyboard
Complete the sentences with the word and expression from the box.
connect turn on❶
1 First,__c_o_n_n_e_c_t the screen to the computer. 2 Next,__co_n__n_e_ct_ the keyboard and the mouse to the