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1 反应堆:nuclear reactors
2 辐射: nuclear radiation
3 核灾难;nuclear catastrophe
4 核燃料:nuclear fuel
5 溶化:meltdown
6 发射性尘埃:radioactive dust
7 压力容器:containment vessel
8. 核泄漏:/nuclear leak/leakage
9. 微西弗:millisievert(辐射强度单位)
10 东京电力:Tokyo Electric Power
11 氢气爆炸:hydrogen explosion
12 团队精神:esprit de corps :
13 撤出人员:evacuate
14 切尔诺贝利:Chernobyl
15 污染:contamination
16 大量辐射扩散to spew huge amounts of radiation
17 核暴露:radiation exposure
18 核引起的疾病,包括恶心、呕吐、腹泻和血液病,极易感染。
radiation sickness, with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and dropping blood counts that left them highly vulnerable to infections.
19. 反应堆芯:reactor core
20.国际原子能机构:International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA)
22 浓缩铀:enriched uranium
23. 钸:plutonium
24 三里岛事件:Three Mile Island Accident
25 释放阀:relief valve
26 人为错误:human error
27 压水反应堆:pressurized water reactors
28 美国核监管委员会:The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
29防毒面具gas mask
30防护服,防护用具protective gear
31 太空毯space blankets
32辐射检测仪radiation detection gadget
33碘化钾片potassium iodide tablets
The commission will be responsible for drafting national energy development plans, reviewing energy security and coordinating international cooperation, it said yesterday.
能源安全energy security主要是指一国的能源储量、能源生产和能源供应安全
业内人士Industry insiders
能源消费国energy consumer
国家能源委员会National Energy Commission
能源短缺energy shortages
能源部门energy sector
可持续发展sustainable development
战略石油储备strategic oil reserve
原油对外依存度oil dependency
成品油定价机制fuel-pricing mechanism
碳减排)carbon emission reduction
可燃冰flammable ice
新能源new energy
清洁能源clean energy
Only 20 percent of the country's salt comes from ocean and most salt on sale is rock salt, which is mined, according to China Salt.
岩盐rock salt是用地下开矿的方法开采的。
海盐sea salt以海水为原料、用煎煮法或日晒法制成的盐
湖盐lake salt亿万年前由于地质变化,被封闭于内陆的海水蒸发后形成的露天盐矿
井盐well salt在地上凿井,汲取地下的盐水,再用锅熬制提炼而成
粗盐crude salt
精盐refined salt
碘盐iodized salt
Major suppliers of pills that provide protection from radiation say they're out of stock due to panic buying, even though experts say that the Japanese nuclear catastrophe poses no health threat to Americans.
恐慌购买、疯狂抢购panic buying/purchase一般指由于担心涨价、断货、限购等因素而大量购买
抢购风buying spree。
紧急状况panic stations
应急按钮panic button
购买力buying power
冲动购物impulse buying
Any governmental department that fails to fulfill its duty should be seriously punished. Responsible persons concerned with late, left-out and concealed reports onfood safetyaccidents will be called to account.
The Ministry of Agriculture dispatched an inspection group on Tuesday to look into the illegal use of clenbuterol, which is better known as "lean meat powder" in China. The powder is added to pig feed to lower the fat content.
食品安全food safety
农药残留)pesticide residues
非法食品添加剂illegal food additives
乳制品dairy products
随机抽查random check
婴幼儿配方baby formula
液态奶liquid milk
地沟油swill-cooked dirty oil
瘦肉精lean meat powder
猪饲料pig feed
加速肌肉生长speed up muscle building
脂肪燃烧fat burning
健美猪lean-meat pig
恶性肿瘤malignant tumor
社会保障体系social safety net/system。