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Should Kids Have to Do Chores?
Hi, my name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you about something that kids my age have very strong feelings about - chores! The question is, should kids have to do chores around the house or not?
In my opinion, I don't think kids should have to do too many chores. Here's why I feel that way...
First of all, being a kid is basically like having a full-time job already. We have to go to school for 6-7 hours every weekday. And school isn't just sitting around doing nothing - we actually have to use our brains and work really hard! We have lessons, homework, tests, and all sorts of hard stuff to deal with.
By the time I get home from school, I'm beat! My brain is fried from concentrating so hard all day. The last thing I want is more work to do around the house. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind doing a couple little things like cleaning up my plate after
dinner or putting my clothes in the laundry. But I don't think I should have to do big chores like mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms, or doing loads of laundry. That's just too much for a kid!
Another reason kids shouldn't have too many chores is that we need time to play, use our imagination, and just be kids. Playing isn't just fun and games - it's actually really important for learning social skills, creative thinking, and all that kind of stuff. If I have too many chores, it really cuts into my play time and time to just chill out and be a kid.
I have friends who have lots of chores, and I see how stressed out they get. They have to spend hours every day cleaning and doing housework after school instead of playing outside, riding bikes, or just hanging out. It's not fair - childhood is such a short period and we should be able to enjoy it without too many responsibilities.
Now I know what parents might say - that having us do chores builds good habits and responsibility. And yeah, I get that doing a reasonable amount of small chores is a good way to learn skills. But I think parents can go overboard sometimes.
Like at my friend Jack's house, he has a giant list of chores to do every day - clean the bathroom, vacuum, fold all the laundry,
load the dishwasher, and more. His parents say it's "building character" but come on! That's just taking advantage of free labor if you ask me. We're kids, not unpaid housekeepers!
I think a better approach is to have us do some chores, but keep it limited to what's reasonable for a kid our age. Maybe alternate bigger chores each week instead of huge lists every day. And pay us for doing extra chores as motivation instead of just piling more and more on for free. That way we're learning responsibility but not being overwhelmed with too much boring housework.
Another thing is, childhood is supposed to be fun and full of playtime, not all work and no fun. What's the point of being a kid if you have as many chores and responsibilities as a grown-up? If I wanted that, I'd just get a full-time job instead of going to school!
So in conclusion, while I do think kids should help out around the house some to learn good habits, parents need to be reasonable. Going overboard on chores takes away our childhood and playtime which is really important. We're kids, not servants or housekeepers. We already have the full-time job of being students and learning. Having us do too many housework chores on top of that is just cruel and unusual punishment if you
ask me! A couple chores here and there is fine, but let kids be kids. That's my take on the chores debate. What do you think?
Should Kids Have to Do Chores?
Hey there! My name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. My teacher asked us to write about whether kids should have to do chores around the house. It's a tough question because there are good points on both sides. Let me share my thoughts!
On one hand, I can see why parents might want their kids to pitch in and help out. Running a household is a lot of work! There's cleaning, laundry, yard work, cooking, and so much more. With both parents working these days, they could probably use an extra set of hands. Plus, giving kids chores teaches them responsibility and life skills they'll need when they're older and have their own place.
I'll be honest though, as a kid, I don't always love doing chores. After a long day at school with classes, homework, and activities, I usually want to come home and relax by playing video games or watching TV shows and movies. Chores just feel like more work on top of everything else. And a lot of chores are
kind of boring and repetitive, like folding laundry or washing dishes. Who really enjoys that stuff?
Some of my friends have told me horror stories about their chores too. One friend has to clean his family's whole bathroom, including scrubbing the toilet, every single week. No thanks! Another friend gets nagged by her parents constantly about doing a perfect job making her bed with tight hospital corners every morning. That just seems excessive to me.
However, I do think it's fair for parents to expect some help around the house from their kids, within reason. Simple stuff like clearing our dishes, tidying up our rooms, and taking out the trash don't seem too burdensome. We made those messes, so we should pitch in to clean them up. It's when parents go overboard and treat their kids like full-time housekeepers that I think it becomes unfair.
There's also the question of whether kids should get an allowance or payment for doing chores. Personally, I don't think so. To me, pitching in around the house is just something you do as part of being part of a family, not a way to earn money. But I know other kids who disagree and feel they should get paid for their work, just like their parents get paid at their jobs. What do you think?
At the end of the day, I guess I land somewhere in the middle on this debate. I don't think kids should have to take on the bulk of household chores or spend hours every day cleaning. We're still kids afterall! But I also don't think we should just be lazy blobs who make messes and never help out either. A few simple, age-appropriate tasks to pitch in here and there seems pretty reasonable to me. It's all about finding a balanced approach.
For example, maybe during the school week kids just have one daily room-tidying task. But then on weekends, we can spend an hour or two helping with some deeper cleaning or yard work as a family. That way we're still helping out, but not feeling too overloaded on top of school. And we can have our parents inspect our work and give us feedback to make sure we're doing a thorough job. Teamwork makes the dream work!
Well, there's my take! I'd love to hear what you all think about whether kids should have chores. Are your parents fully embracing child labor with crazy long chore lists? Or are you footloose and chore-free living a life of leisure and leisure activities? Let me know!
Thanks for reading my essay. I give myself...an A+! Okay, maybe my teacher will disagree, but hey, at least I got my
homework done on time for once instead of playing video games right up until bedtime. Baby steps, right? Laters!
Should Kids Have to Do Chores?
Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you about something that kids like me argue about a lot - whether we should have to do chores around the house or not. It's a pretty big debate with good points on both sides.
On one hand, I can understand why parents want us to pitch in and help out. The house is where the whole family lives, so maybe it's only fair that we all do our part to keep it clean and neat. Plus, I've heard parents say that giving kids chores teaches us responsibility and life skills we'll need when we grow up and have our own homes someday.
But on the other hand, us kids are already super busy! We have school all day long where we have to pay attention and learn lots of stuff. Then when we get home, we have piles of homework to do. Not to mention all the sports, music lessons, and other activities that take up our time too. Having to do chores on top of all that can feel like waaay too much.
Another reason some kids don't like chores is because they just aren't very fun. Personally, I don't mind making my bed or clearing my dishes after a meal. But jobs like vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning bathrooms? No thanks! Those are just plain boring and kind of gross. If I have some free time, I'd much rather be playing outside, riding my bike, or hanging out with friends.
My parents sometimes say "Well, we pay all the bills and do lots of hard work to give you a nice home, so it's not too much to ask that you kids pitch in too." I get that, but I'm just a kid! Kids are supposed to have fun and enjoy their childhood. Having too many grown-up responsibilities like chores can make us feel stressed out. And stress isn't good for kids.
However, I do understand that learning to do chores teaches important skills. Like learning how to cook healthy meals for myself. Or learning to keep my living space clean and organized. Doing laundry, yard work, and other basic household jobs are things I'll definitely need to know as an adult. So maybe having some chores as a kid isn't such a bad idea after all.
Plus, I've noticed kids who don't help out around the house at all often seem kind of spoiled and lazy. They expect their parents to do everything for them. I don't want to be like that!
Okay, so now I'm getting a bit mixed up on whether I think kids should have chores or not. Why don't I make a little pros and cons list to help me decide?
Pros of Kids Doing Chores:
Teaches responsibility
Learn important life skills
Fair for everyone in family to contribute
Prevents laziness/entitlement
Cons of Kids Doing Chores:
Adds more work to our already busy schedules
Some chores are super boring/unpleasant
Childhood should be about having fun, not more responsibilities
Hmm...looking at that list, I can see good points on both sides. But I think I've decided that overall, having some chores isn't such a bad thing for kids. As long as the chores are reasonable and age-appropriate, and we have plenty of free time for fun activities too.
Maybe a good compromise is that kids aren't given tons of chores, but we all have a few basic jobs to do around the house each week. That way we're contributing, but not feeling overwhelmed. And parents need to make chores more fun for us by giving us rewards or letting us listen to music while we work.
Chores also shouldn't be totally unbending rules. Like if I have a really big test to study for one week, maybe my parents could let me off the hook from chores that week. Or if my brother has an important game, maybe I could do his chores for him that day.
The main thing is that there needs to be open communication, reasonable expectations, and a spirit of teamwork between parents and kids. Because at the end of the day, we're all family working together to keep our home in order.
So in conclusion, I don't think kids should be totally excused from doing chores. But I also don't think we should be given huge, unfair workloads either. A little bit of chores is okay as long as we're still given lots of time to be kids too. It's all about finding the right balance!
Thanks for reading my thoughts on this! Even though you're an adult, I hope you can understand where kids are coming from on this issue. Let me know what you think in the comments!
Should Kids Have to Do Chores?
Hey guys! Today I want to talk about something super important - chores. Ugh, I know, just saying that word makes me want to run away and hide. But stick with me, this is gonna be good!
I'm just a regular kid, so of course I don't really like doing chores. Who does? They're boring, they take forever, and they stop me from playing video games or hanging out with my friends. I'd much rather be outside riding my bike or playing basketball than stuck inside cleaning my room or taking out the trash. Wouldn't you?
But recently, my parents have been making me do more and more chores around the house. And you know what? At first I totally hated it, but now I'm starting to see that maybe, just maybe, having chores isn't so bad after all. Hear me out!
For one thing, doing chores teaches you to be responsible. My mom is always saying "Calvin, you can't just play all day. You need to learn to take care of yourself and your things." And she's kind of right. If I just left my room a mess forever, it would be pretty gross. Same if I never did my laundry or cleaned up after
myself in the kitchen. Part of being a mature person is taking responsibility for your own messes and belongings. Doing chores gets you into good habits.
Chores also teach you skills you'll need as an adult. Like how to do laundry, wash dishes, clean a bathroom, and all that
not-so-fun stuff. If I just played video games all day, I wouldn't learn any of those important life skills. And then when I grow up and move out on my own, I'd be totally lost! Nobody wants to be a grown adult who can't do basic cleaning and cooking. Trust me, those kinds of adults are laughed at a lot. I don't want to be laughed at, do you?
Another good thing about chores is that they teach you the importance of hard work. My dad is always saying "Calvin, you have to learn that nothing in life comes for free. You have to work hard for the things you want." And doing chores is kind of like working hard, but for the nice clean house and clean clothes that we all want. If I just expected my parents to do everything for me, I'd become spoiled and lazy. Doing chores keeps me active and motivated.
Plus, and this is a big one, doing chores makes you appreciate everything your parents do for you. Keeping a whole house clean, the laundry done, the dishes washed, that's a lot of
work! Before I started doing chores myself, I never realized how much effort goes into all of that stuff. Now I see why my parents seemed so tired at the end of the day. Taking care of a house and family is hard! Doing chores gives you a whole new respect for your parents.
And you know what else? When I put in some hard work doing chores, I feel really good about myself after. There's a sense of accomplishment, like "Yeah, I did that! I vacuumed the whole living room!" It's a nice feeling to look around and see the results of your hard work. Your room looks cleaner, the house smells fresher, your clothes are neatly folded. Doing chores makes you feel productive and proud.
Now don't get me wrong, chores aren't my favorite thing in the world. I'd still waaaay rather be outside playing with my friends. And some chores are just plain nasty, like cleaning hairballs out of the shower drain. Yuck! But overall, I can see how having chores is a good thing for a kid. It teaches you responsibility, gives you life skills, shows you the value of hard work, helps you appreciate your parents more, and gives you a sense of accomplishment.
So as much as it pains me to say it, I think kids should have at least some chores to do around the house. Maybe not a ton,
we're still just kids after all. But enough to learn those important lessons about being a responsible, hard-working, clean human being. Doing chores gets you ready for the real world.
Trust me, I'll still complain about chores every single day. That's just how kids are! But deep down, I know doing chores is getting me ready to be an awesome grown-up someday. And that's a good thing, right? Alright, I've rambled on enough about chores. Who's ready to go outside and play!
Should Kids Have to Do Chores?
Hi, my name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to talk to you about a very important issue that kids like me face - chores! The big question is, should kids really have to do chores around the house or not? In my humble opinion, I think chores are absolutely terrible and kids shouldn't have to lift a finger. But I know some parents and teachers might disagree with me. So let me explain my side with some very good reasons.
First of all, being a kid is already hard work in itself! We have to go to school for several hours every single day, and let me tell you, paying attention in class and doing all that homework is no easy task. By the time we get home, we're exhausted! The last
thing we want is to be forced to take out the trash, vacuum the floors, wash the dishes, fold the laundry and all those other boring household jobs. Kids deserve to relax and have fun after a long day at school. Chores just add more hard work and stress to our already busy schedules.
Speaking of fun, that's another big reason kids shouldn't do chores - it takes away from our playtime! Playtime is super important for kids to be creative, use our imaginations, and just be kids. Whether it's running around outside, playing video games, doing arts and crafts, or whatever, we need that unstructured play to grow and develop properly. But if we constantly have chores looming over our heads, it really cuts into those fun activities. Chores are basically just stealing precious playtime away from us!
Another reason chores aren't for kids - we're just not responsible enough yet. I'll be the first to admit that us kids can be forgetful, sloppy, and kind of lazy at times. That's because our brains are still developing and we lack discipline. We're definitely gonna miss spots when cleaning or maybe even break stuff by accident. Household chores require a certain level of maturity and care that's hard for us kids to consistently have. Isn't it just easier for parents to do it themselves instead of having to nag us
and re-do our sloppy work? Chores are really just a grown-up responsibility.
Now some of you might be thinking - "But Jamie, doing chores builds character and teaches responsibility!" Yeah, I've heard that one before from parents and teachers. But here's my issue with that argument - we're already learning plenty of important life lessons just by being kids and going to school. Sharing toys with others teaches us how to be generous. Waiting our turn on the playground teaches us patience. Doing well on tests and assignments teaches us discipline and responsibility. We don't need chores to learn that stuff too. Plus, there's plenty of time to learn domestic skills like cleaning, laundry, yard work and all that when we're older teens and adults. No need to hurry it!
Finally, and this might be my biggest reason, chores are just straight up no fun at all! Cleaning, scrubbing, washing, sweeping - does any of that sound even remotely enjoyable and exciting to a kid? No way! Those are chores that even a lot of adults try to avoid. Why would we willing want to do something so
mind-numbingly boring and tedious? It's basically just unpaid work and labor for us. If we're going to work, we'd much rather get paid for it than do it for free at home. No kid wakes up and
says "I can't wait to do chores today!" We want to live out our childhoods doing activities that spark joy and laughter, not drudgery.
So in conclusion, I think I've made a pretty airtight case here for why kids should be exempt from chores. Between school, homework, extracurriculars and just being kids in general, we've got enough responsibilities already without adding more tedious housework to the mix. Chores steal away our playtime, require a level of maturity and discipline we haven't reached yet, and quite frankly, they're just not fun at all for kids! I get that parents have to do all those household tasks, but that's exactly why you guys are the adults and we're the kids. For now, let us be carefree kids while we still can. I promise we'll be ready for chores, cleaning, and all that grown-up stuff when we're older. But for now, let kids just be kids!
Should Kids Have to Do Chores?
Hi there! My name is Alex and I'm 10 years old. Today I'm going to give you my opinion on whether kids should have to do chores around the house. It's a topic that a lot of kids disagree with their parents about!
Chores are the little jobs and tasks that need to be done to keep a house clean, organized and running smoothly. Things like making your bed, washing dishes, folding laundry, taking out the trash, and feeding pets. My parents are always nagging me and my little sister to do our chores. But to be honest, I really don't like doing chores at all! They take up my free time when I'd rather be playing video games or hanging out with my friends.
However, my parents say that having chores is really important. They explain that Everyone who lives in the house needs to pitch in and do their part to keep it nice and tidy. If no one did any chores, our house would quickly become a total pigsty! There would be messes everywhere, dirty dishes piling up, smelly laundry on the floor - it would be so gross. Yuck!
My parents also say that doing chores teaches important life skills like responsibility, discipline, and a good work ethic. Those are qualities that will help me be a successful adult someday with a job, maybe even my own house to take care of. They say if I don't learn to do chores as a kid, I'll be a lazy slob when I grow up. Double yuck!
I can kinda see their point, even though I still don't love doing chores. It does feel good when my room is clean and organized. And there's nothing better than climbing into a bed
with fresh sheets! So I guess doing chores isn't all bad. It just feels like so much work when I'm already tired from school and other activities.
What do you guys think - should kids have to do chores around the house? Or should parents hire a maid or housekeeper to do all the cleaning and chores for the family? Here are some of the main arguments on both sides:
Reasons Why Kids Should Have Chores:
It teaches responsibility and life skills they'll need as adults.
It builds discipline, a good work ethic and sense of contribution.
It keeps the house clean and organized for the whole family.
Doing chores gives kids a sense of ownership and pride in their living space.
Working together on chores brings families closer.
Reasons Why Kids Shouldn't Have Chores:
Kids are already tired from long days at school and activities.
Chores take away from precious free time to rest, play and be kids.
Parents can just pay someone else to do the housework and cleaning.
Kids inevitably do a poor job on chores compared to professional cleaners.
Having an overly messy space isn't the end of the world.
Personally, I think it's fair for kids to have some basic,
age-appropriate chores. It's good practice for the real world. But the workload needs to be reasonable and leave time for other important things like studies, sports, hobbies and relaxation.
Maybe a system where kids earn an allowance or rewards for doing chores would make them more motivated. Or parents could set a good example by doing chores themselves instead of making kids do everything. Perhaps there could be a chore rotation, where each family member is only responsible for a couple tasks that change every week.
At the end of the day, we're all part of a family unit that needs to cooperate and support each other. If everyone does their small part, it lightens the overall workload so no one person is overburdened by all the chores. And working together creates warm memories and brings families closer.
So in my opinion, yes - kids should have reasonable chore expectations. It teaches good habits and makes your home a happier, healthier place! But there needs to be fairness, balance, and parents showing the same effort too. What do you all think? I'd love to hear your perspectives! Thanks for reading my essay. Stay clean, brothers and sisters!。