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这是基于Android平台的一款软件,使用Android Studio开发。
应用此软件的用户可以使用番茄钟来提高自己的办事效率、减轻时间焦虑;可以在App 内购买促健康的各种商品;可以连接手环,实时监测身体健康指标;可以使用App交友等。
%By analyzing the current situation and existed problems of App for promoting personal health, an App for promoting personal health is introduced. The software is developed with Android Studio. The users of the software can use the Pomodoro timer to improve their work efficiency and relieve time anxiety; can buy all kinds of goods of promoting health in the App; can connect the bracelet to real-time monitor the health indicators; and can make friends. The software has practical significance for the promotion of personal health.
【作者单位】浙江农林大学,浙江临安 311300;浙江农林大学,浙江临安311300
1.个人健康投资能促进就业吗?——基于CHNS的实证分析 [J], 周孝;冯中越;孙珊
2.Android平台移动图书管理App的构建与实现 [J], 孙华林;夏利青
3.基于知识服务的中医药个人健康知识库构建研究 [J], 黄炜;程钰;李岳峰
4.Android平台上的移动图书馆APP构建研究——以福州职业技术学院为例 [J], 林永照;林群
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