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Russian morpheme analysis(俄语词素分析)
Morpheme analysis method refers to the modern Russian view into all the living that morpheme, semantic analysis part of all the words, such as root, prefix, suffix and infix and suffix suffix, etc.. Especially in some Russian words, the structure is longer, learners generally reflect memory difficulties, such as can take it apart, indicating its connotation, memory difficulties will be solved, so as to achieve the purpose of shorthand. However, when we analyze morphemes in words, we should pay attention to the following points:
(L) before you analyze a word, you must first determine the lexical meaning and grammatical meaning of the word. For example, when the die is moving with the E are long (DP has long die are from me, me t pie) and nouns (P and C and E are long. The energy-saving stove, the Russian die) classification is different.
For example, when k increased, a long. "Said kappa a bone" is a derivative, is increased by kappa, die (bones) derivative, we can draw from our suffix - (alpha) K. But when it comes to "the hard core of fruit", it is a non derivative word, and naturally there is no suffix. In a series of P C, C were the same to me and are a c c e Le m from the scene of a society from allus m (Moonlight, everything is beautiful) in a sentence, the use of C were from a neutral word, describe short tailed form words, from me, were from von x that is the ending - - C. In the scene of a t e had to alpha kappa alpha kappa PI C allus o, C, C, C were (never so good) in a sentence, the use of C to C were adverbs, - C - is part of the stem and the suffix. A word that is written exactly the same, and has different methods of
division because of its different meanings. If m e, alpha Pi Pi t y p e me long energy-saving in 3. The state from me (to the metallurgical plant in 3). The state of C and T, and me to use energy-saving. C 3, C pgfla to m (you can wind up toys) in 3. C to the state. The former is the original words in modern Russian, namely non derived words, while the latter is composed of 3. To me, and a die (first) remove the suffix - me, die structure, and can be divided into 3 alpha and root prefix to a state.
(2) the decomposition of a word, should first remove the suffix (if any) and stemming. But there is one point to note that changes the word generally have a suffix, and does not change the word is not ending, and into the stem, and are like pgfla, C (coat), and the state, which were (up), and from the scene (down), and long (Advanced Studies. Yesterday, etc.).
(3) if we remove the suffix, and then remove some morphemes, you can gradually find the root, but also reached the limit of derivative classification. Finding a root is the last link in the whole process of morpheme decomposition.
(4) morphemes that represent grammatical meaning may sometimes have no outward representation. As to m (house), to o (P to o p < > allus in the kind of short tailed), kappa (kappa, alpha, alpha, from me, from me. "" second painting complex lattice) etc. the grammatical meaning of the word (gender, number and case) is said in the case of no suffix, this phenomenon we call zero tail word.
(5) the suffix may also be zero. As to the same 3 permitsat root
morpheme, verb past tense forms of suffix - pi here disappeared, only in the state. The state has 3 PI, PI C E 3, the state has not only appeared in the scene of pi.
(6) an effective way is divided between cognate morphemes. This approach is very helpful for us to divide the living morphemes. For example, in our analysis of the C C studies. - kappa alpha, die (shortening), can be compared to their cognate studies. The kappa kappa me (in short), analysis o y p - E - E, C, - from the scene can be compared (kappa petrels) by cognate words y P and E C (storm) and the state, deals (news). This article comes from:
(7) in morphological analysis, be sure to do well, must not be mindless, mechanical division. For example, at first glance, to raise a series of 3 long (little star), alpha kappa alpha kappa pi from the same long (small spruce), and C to long kappa (the boat),
the swallow (燕子) 和сорочка(衬衫) 同属一种构词模式.但这是感觉上的相象; 在звёдочка一词中, 后缀为 -
очк(a), 试比较звезда; 在ёлочка一词中, 可划出两个后缀, 一个是 - och, 一个是 - (a), 因为俄语中有ель
和ёлка.而在лодочка一词中只能划分出后缀 - (a), 因为在现代俄语中有лодка一词, 而无лода.但
ласточка和сорочка在现代俄语中已无同根词, 故而均为非派生词.
(8) 通过去掉词素, 一级级找出最近的亲属词, 也是分析词汇的一种重要方法.比如, 我们试着分析一下учительство(教师们) 这个词:
第一步: 从учительство中划出词尾 - on;
第二步: 划出具有集合意义的后缀 ing -.
第三步: 划出表人名词后缀 tel;
第四步: 划出动词后缀 n, 该词便被划分成учand tel pts - о.找出词根yч, 也就完成了该词的词素分析.
(9) 无论在俄语中, 还是在世界其它语言中, 外来词与国际通用词占有重要地位.在解析这些词时, 须注意: 转自:
第一, 应从俄语的构词结构出发, 而不是从它的原生语言的构词结构出发.因为任何外来词进入俄语后, 都会受到俄语规律的约束.
第二, 应该把某些外来河或国际通用词作为独立的单词或词根来看待.如лингвист (语言学家), doctor (博士),
професср (教授) 等词在俄语中为非派生词, 尽管它们在来源语中为派生词.因为俄语中没有带有词根, лингв -, state - 的词.
但是, 有一部分外来词及国际通用词也是可以划分的.如авто- a portrait (自画像), astro - physics (天体物理学), aero fleet (民航) 等.因为这些词的后半部分是独立的俄语词.
(10) 词在历史发展过程中, 会发生一些变化.从现代俄语的角度和用历史的眼光去划分会得出不同的结果.有些词在历史上是可以划分的, 但在现代俄语中却不行.如народ (人民), природ(自然), country (祖国) harvest (收成) 等词, 如进行历史分析, 均有词根род, 但在现代俄语中却当作异根词处理, 它们都拥有
(11) 在分析单词时还应注意, 并非所有的前缀和后缀都同样常用.一部分词素积极参与构词过程, 而另有一部分却相反, 构成的词很有限.这样, 词素又分为能产型司素和非能产型词素.比如, 俄语中用以表示男性的名词后缀有50 多个, 而最能产的只有4 个: man "(buck), ir (nick), ec, east.
(12) 俄语单词中的一些词素存在变体形式.有词根变体: to bear with me - - bohr; 后缀变体: collection - man "- years - buck; 前缀变体: - бирать- is about to take in бироать.词素变体间意义相同, 发音不同.
总之, 学会对单词进行词素分析, 不仅可以帮助我们认识词的构造, 了解词的含义, 正确地书写单词, 而且将大大提高我们记忆俄语单词的速度和质量.。
