高中英语Module 2 My New Teachers (1)

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sal盐 1. salt salty adj. 2. Salad 3. Salary 4. Sauce 5. Sausage
don给 1. Tradition traditional Eg. By tradition, children play tricks on April 1.
It’s traditional in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. The festival is traditionally held in May. 2. donate Eg. He donated thousands of pounds to charity. All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections.对所 有捐献的血液都要进行艾滋病和其他传染病毒检测。 3. Donation n. to make a donation to charity向慈善事业捐款; a generous donation 慷慨的捐赠; organ donation器官捐献 4. Donor or后缀表示人--捐赠者,捐赠机构
sh开头的单词有遮蔽遮盖的意 思
1. shoe 2. Sheet 3. Shield 4. Shelter 5. Shell 6. Shame shameful Eg. Shameful behaviour 同义词disgraceful 7. Shape
fin边界 1. final finally adv. 2. Finish 3. Finite Eg. Coal and oil are finite resources. 4.Infinite Eg. The universe is infinite. 著名的汽车品牌英菲尼迪就是这个单词
hum泥土 1. Human 2. Humble 3. Humiliate Eg. I didn’t want to humiliate her in front of her friends.
Eg: He gave a great performance,but he was very humble. 他的表演非常出色,但是他却很谦虚。 He came from a fairly humble poor family. 他来自于一个地位低下的贫困家庭。
5. Apartment Eg. Her apartment is tidy and clean. 6. Depart Eg: He wait until the last guest had departed. 7. department the English department the children's department 8. Parcel 9. Participate Eg. She didn’t participate in the discussion.
dict说 1. Predict Eg. No one can predict the future. 2. Prediction 3. Predictable 4. Unpredictable
5. Dictionary Eg. You can borrow this dictionary from the library. 6. Indicate
八年级上册 Unit7 Will people have robots?
1.Pollution Eg:The air pollution is so serious here.
Pollute Pollutant
Eg. The river is full of pollutants, it is seriously polluted.
We have to learn to handle stress.我 们得学会调节压力。 4. Handful 一把的量 a handful of rice 5. Handsome 6. Hold v.拿着,抓住,抱住,支撑, 容纳,包含,控制,保持
7. Help 8. Hunt 9. Hunger
cept抓住,常见的变体有cap cip ceiv 1. Accept 2. Receive Eg: I received his invitation,but I won't accept it. 3. Except 4. Escape
vis看 变体有view 1. Invite inviting adj.诱人的 ; invitation Eg:The food is inviting. 食物看来很诱人。
Eliza accepted Charles' invitation to a house party. 伊丽莎接受了查尔斯发出的参加家庭晚会的邀请。
A bus appeared around the corner.一辆公共汽车出现在拐角处。 She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance.她从来不怎 么注重自己的外表。
han发音的单词含有抓住、手的意思 1. hang 2. Hand 3. Handle Eg. She is good at handling her patients.她对待病人很有办法。
serv服侍 1. serve service n. 2. Servant 3. Reserve
4. Preserve Eg. We must preserve our natural resources. 5. Safe
fac做,常见的变体有fic,fig, fect, feat 1. Fact 2. Factory 3. Office officer, official 4. Difficult diffuclty n. 5. Perfect 6. Defeat
sp开头的单词含有喷、撒之意 1. Spread
2. speak 同源词speech;spell 3. Spring 4. Spider 5. Space 6. Speed 7. Spend 8. Spot Eg:A leopard can't change its spots.
A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 一个人可以被毁灭,但是不能被打败!
பைடு நூலகம்
grat高兴,变体为gree 1. Agree 2. Greet 3. Grateful 4. Congratulate 5. Agreeable Eg. We spent a most agreeable day together.
[不可数名词](art 美术) the arrangement of people or objects in a painting or photograph (绘画、摄影的) 构图
Unit8 how do you make banana shake? sh开头的单词含有削切劈砍之 意
1. shake 2. Sharp sharpen v. sharpener 3. Ship 4. Short shorten 5. Shore 6. Share
7. Dictate dictation 8. Dictator eg: Hitler is a dictator.
Pla 平坦 变体plat 1. Plant 2. Plain Eg. He made it plain that we should leave. 3. plan 4. Plane 5. Planet 6. Plastic 7. Plate 8. Place 9. Explain 10. Complain 11.Plateau
astro星辰 1. astronaut Eg:YLW is the first Chinese astronaut. 2. Astronomy 3. Astronomer Eg: An astronomer is a scientist who studies the stars and planets. 4. Disaster Eg:Earthquake is a natural disaster
He is an agreeable boy. She was agreeable to the project. 6. Grace
sit坐下,常见变体有sid,sed,sess 1. side 坐下,在--旁边,一边,方面,支持, 赞助,偏袒
Eg. The left side of the brain Turkey sides with Azerbaijan against Ammenia
1. part 部分,片段,成员,部件,零件,
Eg. We parted at the airport. 2. partner Eg: Come to the new yeat party and bring your partner. 3. Party 4. Impartial
Unit9 can you come to my party? pear出现 变体pare
1. prepare preparation n.
Eg. I am preparing a report for the meeting. 2. appear appearance disappearance 消失 Eg. They appeared not to know what was happening.他们似乎不知道正在 发生的事情。
pieces performed in the order of their composition 按作曲顺序表演的作品 [不可数名词] the art of writing music 作曲艺术
to study composition 学习作曲艺术 [可数名词] a short text that is written as a school exercise; a short essay 作文;小论文
the chemical composition of the soil 土壤的化学成分 the composition of the board of directors 董事会的组成 [可数名词] a piece of music or art, or a poem (音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品
one of Beethoven's finest compositions 贝多芬最优美的音乐作品之一 [不可数名词] the act of composing sth 作曲;创作
2. Inside insider 知情人 3. Outside Eg.the outside of the building needs painting. 4. sideway 5. Situate 6. Reside resident n. ent后缀表示人--居民
Residential. 7. President 8. Settle
pos放置,摆放,常见的变体有 pon,pound 1. Pose position n.放置的位置--位置, 职位 2. Preposition 缩写为prep. 3. Compose
[不可数名词] the different parts which sth is made of; the way in which the different parts are organized 成分; 构成;组合方式
2. Visit visitor 3. View viewpoint 4. Review preview 5. Vision television 6. Video 7. Advice 8. Survey Eg: A recent survey showed that most people were against the plan.