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Chapter 3 The Ricardian Model
Multiple Choice Questions
1.Countries trade with each other because they are ___ different ____ and
because of __ costs ____.国家彼此交易,因为他们是_____ 不同___ 和__ 成本___。

A. different, costs
B. similar, scale economies
C. different, scale economies
D. similar, costs
E.None of the above.
2.Trade between two countries can benefit both countries if
A.each country exports that good in which it has a comparative
advantage. 每个国家的出口好在它具有比较优势。

B.each country enjoys superior terms of trade.每个国家享有优越的贸

C.each country has a more elastic demand for the imported goods.每个

D.each country has a more elastic supply for the supplied goods.每个国

E.Both C and D.
3.The Ricardian theory of comparative advantage states that a country has a
comparative advantage in widgets if
A.output per worker of widgets is higher in that country.
B.that country's exchange rate is low.
C.wage rates in that country are high.
D.the output per worker of widgets as compared to the output of some
other product is higher in that country.
E.Both B and C.
4.In order to know whether a country has a comparative advantage in the
production of one particular product we need information on at least
__four__unit labor requirements
5. A country engaging in trade according to the principles of comparative
advantage gains from trade because it
A.is producing exports indirectly more efficiently than it could
B.is producing imports indirectly more efficiently than it could
C.is producing exports using fewer labor units.生产出口商品使用较少

D.is producing imports indirectly using fewer labor units.
E.None of the above.
6.In a two product two country world, international trade can lead to increases
A.consumer welfare only if output of both products is increased.
B.output of both products and consumer welfare in both countries.
C.total production of both products but not consumer welfare in both
D.consumer welfare in both countries but not total production of both
E.None of the above.
7. A nation engaging in trade according to the Ricardian model will find its
consumption bundle从事贸易的国家根据李嘉图模型会发现其消费束
A.inside its production possibilities frontier.
B.on its production possibilities frontier.
C.outside its production possibilities frontier.其生产可能性边界外
D.inside its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.
E.on its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.
8.In the Ricardian model, if a country's trade is restricted, this will cause all
except which?在李嘉图模型中,如果一国的贸易限制的这将会导致,除

A.Limit specialization and the division of labor. 专业化和分工的限制。

B.Reduce the volume of trade and the gains from trade减少贸易量和贸
C.Cause nations to produce inside their production possibilities curves导
D.May result in a country producing some of the product of its
comparative disadvantage可能会导致在一个国家生产一些竞争弱势
E.None of the above.
9.If a very small country trades with a very large country according to the
Ricardian model, then
A.the small country will suffer a decrease in economic welfare.
B.the large country will suffer a decrease in economic welfare.
C.the small country will enjoy gains from trade.
D.the large country will enjoy gains from trade.
E.None of the above.
10.If the world terms of trade for a country are somewhere between the domestic
cost ratio of H and that of F, then
A.country H but not country F will gain from trade.
B.country H and country F will both gain from trade.
C.neither country H nor F will gain from trade.
D.only the country whose government subsidizes its exports will gain.
E.None of the above.
11.If the world terms of trade equal those of country F, then
A.country H but not country F will gain from trade.
B.country H and country F will both gain from trade.
C.neither country H nor F will gain from trade.
D.only the country whose government subsidizes its exports will gain.
E.None of the above.
12.If the world terms of trade equal those of country ,F then
A.country H but not country F will gain from trade.
B.country H and country F will both gain from trade.
C.neither country H nor F will gain from trade.
D.only the country whose government subsidizes its exports will gain.
E.None of the above.
13.The earliest statement of the principle of comparative advantage is associated
A.David Hume.
B.David Ricardo.
C.Adam Smith.
D.Eli Heckscher.
E.Bertil Ohlin.
14.If one country's wage level is very high relative to the other's (the relative
wage exceeding the relative productivity ratios相对工资比率超过的相对生
产率), then
A.it is not possible that producers in each will find export markets
B.it is not possible that consumers in both countries will enhance their
respective welfares through imports.
C.it is not possible that both countries will find gains from trade.
D.it is possible that both will enjoy the conventional gains from trade. 有

E.None of the above.
15.The Ricardian model is based on all of the following except
A.only two nations and two products.
B. no diminishing returns.
bor is the only factor of production.
D.product quality varies among nations. 在国家之间不同的产品质量。

E.None of the above.
16.According to Ricardo, a country will have a comparative advantage in the
product in which its
bor productivity is relatively low.
bor productivity is relatively high. 劳动生产率是相对较高。

bor mobility is relatively low.
bor mobility is relatively high.
E.None of the above.
17.Assume that labor is the only factor of production and that wages in the United
States equal $20 per hour while wages in Japan are $10 per hour. Production costs would be lower in the United States as compared to Japan if
A.U.S. labor productivity equaled 40 units per hour and Japan's 15 units
per hour. 美国劳动生产率合计每小时40 单位和日本的15 单位

B.U.S. productivity equaled 30 units per hour whereas Japan's was 20.
C.U.S. labor productivity equaled 20 and Japan's 30.
D.U.S. labor productivity equaled 15 and Japan's 25 units per hour.
E.None of the above.。
