2.the greek culture(to students)天津大学西方文化课件
4.an eye for an eye (to students)天津大学西方文化课件

Matthew effect
“For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." (Matthew XXV:29, King James Version.)
6th Century BC
The Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, Under the Command of Titus, A.D. 70
New Testament:
Matthew Mark Luke John
Jesus was Baptized by John the Baptist
The Last Supper
Betrayal of Judas
The Crucifixion
by Andrea Mantegna; Louvre, Paris
Christian h's Ark
Ham Shem Japheth
Ancient Babylonia
(Promised Land)
He fathered
Isaac &
representing Judaism & Islam.

天津大学考博英语翻译真题解析 The market share of international students enjoyed by British andUS universities has dropped sharply as Australia,Japan and NewZealand become increasingly popular destinations,according to aninternational comparison of education systems published yesterday.The latest edition of Education at a Glance,an annual auditpublished by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment,showed that although foreign students continue to beattracted to the two countries because of the English languageteaching and perceived quality of education,in relative terms theirposition is weakening.The Paris-based organisation reported that US market share fell2 per cent from 2002-3,while the UK suffered the fastest decline amongOECD members,falling from 16.2 per cent in 1998 to 13.5 percent in2003.(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ: 772678537) The most recent year used by the report is 2003 so the percentagesdid not include a 21.3 per cent fall in the number of Chinese studentsaccepted for university courses in Britain this year. Britain isincreasingly reliant on the higher fees paid by students from outsidethe European Union to help sustain its universities for domesticstudents.(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ: 772678537) The overall number of students studying outside their owncountries stood at 2.1m in 2003,an 8.3 percent annual average increasesince 1998.According to the report the international complexion of US campuses has changed strikingly since September 11 2001. The country''s universities have seen decreases of 10-37 per cent in students from the Gulf states,northern Africa and some south-east Asian countries.The report also concluded that despite continued,if uneven,growth in the number of graduates churned out by the rich world''s universities,the monetary value of a degree showed no sign of having been tarnished.Andreas Schleicher,head of the Indicators and Analysis Division of the OECD''s Directorate of Education,said there was no evidence of inflation of the labour-market value of qualifications and that graduates could expect to continue to earn considerably more than those without a degree.Assessing the performance of the world''s schools,Mr Schleicher said Asia was soaring while Europe remained level and South America had slipped into relative decline.一、全文翻译英美大学留学生人数骤跌据昨天公布的一项国际教育体系比较研究称,英美大学的留学生市场份额急剧下降,而澳大利亚、日本和新西兰日益成为受欢迎的留学目的地。

天津大学学术交流英语教材Introduction:Welcome to the Tianjin University Academic Exchange English textbook! This textbook aims to provide students with the essential knowledge and skills needed to effectively communicate in academic settings. Through various chapters, we will explore different aspects of academic exchange, from writing research papers to delivering presentations and engaging in scholarly discussions.Chapter 1: Academic Writing:In this chapter, we will delve into the fundamentals of academic writing. Students will learn about the structure, style, and language conventions specific to academic contexts. Additionally, we will cover techniques for paraphrasing, citing sources, and avoiding plagiarism. Through practical exercises and examples, students will be able to develop their academic writing skills.Chapter 2: Research Skills:Research is an integral part of academic exchange. In this chapter, students will be introduced to various research methodologies and techniques, including literature review, data collection, and analysis. We will also explore the importance of critically evaluating sources and synthesizing information effectively. By the end of this chapter, students will have the necessary skills to conduct independent research.Chapter 3: Presentation Skills:Being able to present research findings and ideas effectively is essential in academic settings. In this chapter, students will learn how to plan and organize presentations, capture audience attention, and effectively utilize visual aids. We will also discuss techniques for handling questions and engaging in academic discussions. Through practice presentations, students will gain confidence in delivering impactful presentations.Chapter 4: Academic Discussions:Engaging in scholarly discussions is a key component of academic exchange. In this chapter, students will explore ways to express opinions, ask questions, and contribute to academic conversations. We will discuss effective listening and note-taking techniques, as well as strategies for participating in group discussions and seminars. Through interactive activities, students will develop their ability to actively engage in academic conversations.Chapter 5: Academic Reading:Comprehensive and critical reading skills are vital for academic success. In this chapter, students will learn how to skim and scan texts, identify key ideas, and evaluate the credibility of sources. We will also focus on improving vocabulary and understanding complex sentence structures commonly found in academic texts. Through a variety of reading exercises, students will enhance their academic reading skills.Chapter 6: Academic Vocabulary:A strong command of academic vocabulary is essential for effective communication in academic contexts. In this chapter, students will explorestrategies for expanding their academic vocabulary, such as using word families, collocations, and context clues. We will also discuss common academic terms and expressions. Through vocabulary-building activities, students will enhance their ability to express themselves accurately and precisely.Conclusion:Congratulations on reaching the end of this textbook! By mastering the skills and knowledge presented in this textbook, you will be well-equipped to excel in academic exchanges. Remember, practice is key to improvement, so continue using these skills in various academic contexts. We hope this textbook has provided you with a solid foundation for successful academic communication. Best of luck in your future academic endeavors!。

1 When the romans invaded Britain around the year 43A.D,Britain was a land of the Celts.2 Which of the following is not one of the three Germanic tribes that come to be the basis of modern English race the Viking Dances3 In 43A.D,Roman Emperor,Claudius,evaded Britain.4 Christianity was introduced into Britiain by the Romans.5 Who was killed in the Battle of Hastings Harold Godwinson6 For much of the Middle Ages,Britain was ruled by a French-speaking aritocracy.7 Which of the following words were not regarded as the luanguage of the upper class in the Middle Ages Deer8 In the 14th century English became dominant in Britain again.9 Which of the following English poets is known as "the Father of English literature" W.Shakespeare10 Normans under William the Conqueror invaded England from France, defeating the Saxon king Harold at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.11 The full name of the United Kingdom is?The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland12 The two largest islands of the British Isles are Britain and Ireland.13 All the kings of the Middle Ages in Britain spoke French as their mother tongue, and after the Hundred Years’ War, the English language took its place.14 What are the main consequences of the Norman Conquest?The significance of Norman Conquest lies in the following aspects: the foundation of aristocracy, the final unification of England, the great administrative process, and a link to France.15 The ancestors of the Welsh are the Celts.16 The historical Arthur is believed by most historians as a ____ warrior.A. Celtic B Anglo C Saxon D Norman1 Which is the name of the series of children's horror fiction novellas by R.L.Stine Goosebumps2 Which novel is known as the most famous vampire novel ever Dracular3 Which fictional figure is not a derective Holden Gaulfield4 At what age is the Harry Potter introduced to the wizarding world 115 Which animated figure earns the most for Walt Disney Company Winnie the Pooh6 What is Ten Little Niggers entitled when it was published in the United State And Then Three Were None7 Which fiction is most likely to be chosen as the bedtime story Winnie the Pooh8 Someone who knows nothing about witchcraft or wizardry is called a Muggle in Harry Potter9 Which novel is most likely to be grouped as literary fiction A Tale of Two Cities10 One of the following took place during the Elizabethan age:the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navy11 In England, the monarch, King Henry VIII, declared that the Pope was no longer head of the Church of England.12. Three of the following were characteristics of the Elizabethan age. Which of the four is the exception?Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right and quarreled with Parliament.13. Victorianism was characterized by the following except It was an age when the Battle of Hastings was won by the Duke of Wellington.14. The Origin of Species was written by Charles Darwin15. All English official documents bear the initials OHMS which stands for On Her Majesty’s Service16. In Britain, the executive power is in the hands of __________.17. Queen Victoria takes the credit of the longest reign in British history.18. In the “Grab for Africa” Britain got the lion’s share, which confirmed its supremacy.1 Which of the following was discovered by the Virginians Growing tobacco in Virginia2 Which of the following states is called "the Old Colony State" Massachusetts3 Virginia is an American state named in honor of Queen Elizabeth I4 Which of the following is the 50th state admitted into the US Hawaii5 Which of the following is not the motive of English Puritans who went to New England as immigrants They believed the the Church of England was not Catholic enough6 Thanksgiving Day was originally celebrated by people for harvest7 Benjamin Franklin was the only Founding Father to sign The Declaration of Independence,The United States Constitution,The Treaty of Alliance with France,and The Treaty of Paris.8 The Confederacy was the government formed from 1861 to 1865 by 11 Southern states of the United States of America that had declared their secession from the U.S.9 The famous "this government of the people,by the people,for the people"was from The Gettysburg Address1 The world's first commercial motion picture was exhibited in the year of 18942 The name "Hollywood" was coined by H.J.Whitley3 In Old California was known as the first film ever shot in Hollywood.4 Strongheart was the first of three dogs to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame5 Which of the following is the oldest award ceremony in the media The Oscar Awards6 How many Oscars did Walt Disney win 267 Which of the following Disney theme park was designed and built under the direct supervision of Walt Disney himself Disneyland8 Tokyo Disney Resort is the first resort complex outside the United States9 How many theme parks does Hong Kong Disneyland consist of ?one1 The Victorian novelists include the following except Willam Wordsworth2 Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare? Othello3 The most outstanding Victorian novelist in the aspect of literary merits was Charles Dickens4 "To be or not to be"is the question from which play by Shakespeare? Hamlet5 Which fictional character is not created by Charles Dickens? Herzog6 Shakespeare lived under the reign of Queen Elizabeth I7 Charles Dickens lived under the reign of Queen Victoria8 Which statement about Shakespeare is not right? Shakespeare has a profound influence on the Christmas celebration nowadays.9 Which statement about Dickens is not right? Dickens is ignored during his life time but earns recognition afterwards.1 Which university is usually considered the first university in the world? University Of Bologna2 What is the motto of Harvard University? Veritas3 So far,how many US Presidents have been produced by Yale University? 54 Which of the following US universities is NOT the member of the Ivy League? MIT5 Oxford University began growing rapidly in 12th century6 From which university did John Harvard graduate? Cambridge University7 What was the result of the first Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge? Oxford win8 Which university was the site of the first practical electron microscope? University Of Toronto9 According to Asian University Rankings,2009,which university ranked the highest in Asia? University Of Hong Kong1 The nickname for the USA national flag is Old Glory2 The state of Virginia was named in honor of Queen Elizabeth I.3 As US national motto, “E Pluribus Unum” means out of many, one4 The meaning of Mississippi is great waters / father of waters5 Some Puritans, called the Pilgrims, crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.6 The writer O. Henry called Thanksgiving the one holiday that is purely American.7 The first shot in the American War of Independence was heard at the village of Lexington on April 19, 1775.8 In May, 1775, the 2nd Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.9 On June 14, 1776, the second Continental Congress officially appointed George Washington as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.10 Thomas Jefferson was instructed by the Committee of Five to write the Declaration of Independence.11 The Independence Day of the United States is on July 4th12 On January 1, 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which granted freedom to all slaves in areas still controlled by the Confederacy.13 The famous “that this government of the people, by the people, for the people” was from th e Gettysburg Address14 The 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights granted the American people the right to keep and bear arms15 The most extreme form of Jim Crow violence is lynching16 The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 serves as the first in US history to ban a specific racial group from entering America.17 The term “Father of Waters” is used to refer to the Mississippi River18 Which of the following was not first grown by Native Americans?cabbage19 George Washington served two term(s) as US President.20 The author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin was Harriet Beecher Stowe21 Angel Island was destroyed by a fire in 1940 and was never reopened.22 Which Act removed the last barriers to Chinese immigration initiating a new era in the history of America’s melting pot? The Immigration Act。
天津大学 英美文化 答案版

Unit 5I. Blank-filling1. The nickname for the USA national flag is “_____Old Glory________________”.2. The state of ____Virginia______ was named in honor of Queen Elizabeth I.3. As US national motto, “E Pluribus Unum” means _____out of many,one__________5. As pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain means ___Mark number two_______.6. The largest state in terms of area is ___Alaska_______ and the largest state in terms of population is _____California_____.7. The meaning of Mississippi is “_____Father of Waters___”.8. Some ____Puritans_______, called the Pilgrims, crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower andsettled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.9. The writer O. Henry called ____Thanksgiving Day _______ the one holiday that is purelyAmerican.10. The first shot in the American War of Independence was heard at the village of______Lexington_____ on April 19, 1775.11. In May, 1775, ______the 2th Continental Congress______ met in Philadelphia and began toassume the functions of a national government.12. On June 14, 1776, the second Continental Congress officially appointed __GeorgrWashington___ as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.13. ___Thomas_Jefferson_ was instructed by the Committee of Five to write the Declaration ofIndependence.14. The Independence Day of the United States is on _____July_4th_______.15. On January 1, 1863, President Lincoln issued the ____ Emancipation Proclamation___________, which granted freedom to all slaves in areas still controlled by the Confederacy.16. The famous “that this government of the people, by the people, for the people”was from___the Gettysburg Address_______17. The 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights granted the American people the right to keep andbear ____Arms______.18. The most extreme form of Jim Crow violence is ____Lynching______.19. ___Chinked-out_______ is a new musical style created by Lee-Hom Wang, which blendsChinese traditional music with Western hip-hop rhythms.20. ____The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882______ serves as the first in US history to ban a specific racial group from entering America.II. Multiple-Choice21. Which of the following states is called “the Old Colony State”? BA. PennsylvaniaB. MassachusettsC. DelawareD. Georgia22. The term “Father of Waters” is used to refer to __________. CA. the Amazon River C. the Mississippi RiverB. the Nile River D. the Hudson River23. Which of the following was not first grown by Native Americans? BA. potato C. pumpkinB. cabbage D. corn24. The first colony at Jamestown in Virginia survived because the colonists discovered a way to earn money. Which of the following was discovered by the Virginians? BA. shipping cotton to EuropeB. growing tobacco in VirginiaC. making a profit by fishingD. growing cotton25. Three of the following were the motives of the English Puritans who went to New England asimmigrants. Which was the exception? AA. They believed that the Church of England was not Catholic enough.B. They believed that the Church of England was too Catholic in religious practices.C. They were persecuted in England.D. They wanted to established a colony based on their own religious ideals.26. Thanksgiving Day is originally celebrated by people for _____. DA. healthB. safetyC. freedomD. harvest27. _____ was the only Founding Father to sign the Declaration of Independence, the UnitedStates Constitution, the Treaty of Alliance with France, and the Treaty of Paris. CA. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. Benjamin FranklinD. John Adams28. The following words of wisdom were given by Benjamin Franklin except _____ BA. A penny saved is a penny earned.B. All for one, one for all. ([法] Dumas pére大仲马)C. Time is money.D. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.29. George Washington served _____ term(s) as US President. BA. oneB. twoC. threeD. four30. The author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin was ____________. CA. Thomas PaineB. Barbara SmithC. Harriet Beecher StoweD. Mark Twain31.The following people played a great role in Civil Rights Movement except _____. CA. Emmett TillB. Rosa ParksC.Oprah WinfreyD. Martin Luther King, Jr.32. Angel Island was destroyed by _____ in 1940 and was never reopened. CA. an earthquakeB. a thunderstormC.a fireD. a flood33. Which Act removed the last barriers to Chinese immigration initiating a new era in the history of America’s melting pot? CA. The Chinese Exclusion ActB. The Chinese Exclusion Repeal ActC.The Immigration ActD. The Walter-McCarren Act34. Which of the following is not a slur word? AA. blondeB. chinkC.niggerD. round-eyeIII. Question35. What is the significance of the Second Continental Congress? 大陆会议的重要性有3点37. What social problems did the American Civil War solve? 2点38. What are the contributions of the Civil Rights Laws of the 1960s?IV. True or False39. The first English colony was set in Delaware. F40. The bald eagle was chosen as the representative of the United States. T41. Geographically the United States can be roughly divided into three parts—the western part, the southern part and New England. F42. The Appalachian Mountains are the backbone of North America. F43. Fishing and hunting were only a way for American Indians to survive.44. Totem poles were used as the objects of worship.45. Pilgrim Fathers settled at Plymouth in 1607. F46. The purpose of the First Continental Congress was to seek independence from Britain. F47. Benjamin Franklin was the first to celebrate the American Dream. T48. Under the Articles of Confederation, the 13 states were united under a strong centralgovernment.49. US Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787.50. The Bill of Rights ensured the efficient central authority of the federal government. F51. Mount Rushmore is famous for the faces of four American Presidents, who are G. Washington,T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, and F. Roosevelt. F(Theodore Roosevelt)52. The Battle of Gettysburg was fought on July 1 and 2, 1863 and is considered the turning pointin the Revolutionary War. F(应该是内战Civil War)1. The ancestors of the Welsh are ___a__.A. the CeltsB. the RomansC. the AnglesD. the Normans2. Which of the following is not one of the three Germanic tribes that came to be the basisof modern English race? __a___A. the Viking DanesB. the AnglesC. the SaxonsD. the Jutes3. The historical Arthur is believed by most historians as a __a__ warrior.A. Celtic B Anglo C Saxon D Norman4. For much of the Middle Ages, Britain was ruled by a(n) __b____-speaking aristocracy.A. EnglishB. FrenchC. GermanD. Gaelic5. Normans under William the Conqueror invaded England from France, Defeating theSaxon king Harold at the Battle of ____Hastings_______ in 1066. Hastings6. The full name of the United Kingdom is ____ The United Kingdom of Great Britain___7. The two largest islands of the British Isles are __ Britain __ and _ Ireland ___.8. All the kings of the Middle Ages in Britain spoke ___French__ as their mother tongue,and after the Hundred Years’ War, the __English____ language took its place.9. What are the main consequences of the Norman Conquest?The significance of Norman Conquest lies in the following aspects: The foundation of aristocracy,the final u nification of England ,the great administrative process,and a link to FranceUnit 11 The ancestors of the Welsh are ___A__.A. the CeltsB. the RomansC. the AnglesD. the Normans2 Which of the following is not one of the three Germanic tribes that came to be the basis of modern En glish race? AA. the Viking DanesB. the AnglesC. the SaxonsD. the Jutes3 The historical Arthur is believed by most historians as a _A___ warrior.A. Celtic B Anglo C Saxon D Norman4 For much of the Middle Ages, Britain was ruled by a(n) __B____-speaking aristocracy.A. EnglishB. FrenchC. GermanD. Gaelic5 Normans under William the Conqueror invaded England from France, defeating the Saxon king Harold at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.6 The full name of the United Kingdom is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .7 The two largest islands of the British Isles are England and Ireland.8 All the kings of the Middle Ages in Britain spoke French as their mother tongue, and after the Hund red Years’War, the French-English language took its place.9 When the Romans invaded Britain around the year 43 A.D, Britain was a land of B .A. The PictsB. The CeltsC. The Angles10 Which of the following is not one of the three Germanic tribes that came to be the basis of modern English race ? AA. The Viking DanesB. The AnglesC. The Saxons11 In 43 A.D. ,Roman Emperor, C , evaded Britain.A. Julius CaesarB. Augustus CaesarC. Claudius12 Christianity was introduced into Britain by CA. The CeltsB. The GermansC. The Romans13 Who was killed in the Battle of Hastings ? BA. Edward the ConfessorB. Harold GodwinsonC. Harald Hardrade14 For much of the Middle Ages, Britain was ruled by a(n) AA. French-speakingB. English-speakingC. German-speaking15 Which of the following words were not regarded as the language of the upper class in the Middle A ges? AA. DeerB. MuttonC. Pork16 In the C century English became dominant in Britain again.A. 12thB. 13thC. 14th17 Which of the following English poets is known as “the Father of English literature”? AA. G. ChaucerB. J. MiltonC. W. Shakespeare10 What are the main consequences of the Norman Conquest?The significance of Norman Conquest lies in the following aspects: the foundation of aristocracy, the fi nal unification of England, the great administrative process, a link to France, a great influence of French on English.Unit 21. One of the following took place during the Elizabethan age: BA. the making of the Magna CartaB. the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navyC. the rule of Alfred the GreatD. the defeat of King Harold by France2. In England, the monarch, D , declared that the Pope was no longer head of the Church of England.A. Bloody MaryB. Queen Elizabeth I.C. King Henry VD. King Henry VIII3. Three of the following were characteristics of the Elizabethan age. Which of the four is the exception?AA. Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right and quarreled with Parliament.B. Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith.C. This was the age of literature when Shakespeare lived and when English literature blossomed.D. This was the age of adventure on the sea.4. Victorianism was characterized by the following except DA. It was in an age of imperialismB. It saw the great progress in sciences with Charles Darwin as a prominent figure.C. It was the age when the great progress was made in the field of communications.D. It was an age when the Battle of Hastings was won by the Duke of Wellington.?5. The Origin of Species was written by Charles Darwin .6. All English official documents bear the initials OHMS which stands for On His/Her Majesty's Service .7 In Britain, the executive power is in the hands of Cabinet .8. Queen Victoria takes the credit of the longest reign in British history.9. In the “Grab for Africa” Britain got the lion’s share, which confirmed its supremacy.1. The first colony at Jamestown in Virginia survived because the colonists discovered a way to earn mo ney. Which of the following was discovered by the Virginians? CA. Growing cottonB. Making a profit by fishingC. Growing tobacco in Virginia2. Which of the following states is called “ the Old Colony State ”? BA. PennsylvaniaB. MassachusettsC. Virginia3. Virginia is an American state named in honor of AA. Queen Elizabeth IB. Queen Mary IC. Queen Victoria4. Which of the following is the 50th state admitted into the US? CA. ArizonaB. AlaskaC. Hawaii5. Which of the following is not the motive of the English Puritans who went to New England as immigra nts? AA. They believed that the Church of England was not Catholic enoughB. They were persecuted in England.C. They wanted to establish a colony based on their own religious ideals.6. Thanksgiving Day was originally celebrated by people for AA. HarvestB. SafetyC. Freedom7. C was the only Founding Father to sign The Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, The Treaty of Alliance with France, and The Treaty of Paris. CA. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. Benjamin Franklin8. The Confederacy was the government formed from 1861 to 1865 by B Southern states of the United States of America that had declared their secession from the U.S.A. 10B. 11C.129. The famous “this government of the people, by the people, for the people” was from AA. The Gettysburg AddressB. Emancipation ProclamationC. The Mayflower Compact10. What were the main features of the Elizabethan age?The Elizabethan age is often remembered by two things. The first is literature, especially the literature o f William Shakespeare. It was at the age that Shakespeare lived and English literature blossomed. The s econd is adventure on the sea The victory of English fleets marked the beginning of an English naval tra dition.11.Explain the atmosphere of Victorianism.Victorianism was an age of national development and national optimism. Tremendous social reform took place. The greatest one of all was made in the field of communications. Victorianism family life had the quality of stability and the victorias were extremely religious. It was also an age of imperialism.Unit 5I. Blank-filling1. The nickname for the USA national flag is “ Old Glory ”.2. The state of Virginia was named in honor of Queen Elizabeth I.3. As US national motto, “E Pluribus Unum”means “ Out of Many,One ”5. As pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain means Mark Number Two .6. The largest state in terms of area is Alaska and the largest state in terms of population is California .7. The meaning of Mississippi is “ Great Waters ”.8. Some Puritans, called the Pilgrims, crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymo uth,Massachusetts in 1620.9. The writer O. Henry called Thanksgiving the one holiday that is purely American.10. The first shot in the American War of Independence was heard at the village of Lexington on April 19, 1775.11. In May, 1775, The 2nd Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and began to assume the functio ns of a national government.12. On June 14, 1776, the second Continental Congress officially appointed George Washington as co mmander-in-chief of the Continental Army.13. Thomas Jefferson was instructed by the Committee of Five to write the Declaration of Independe nce.14. The Independence Day of the United States is on July 4th .16. The famous “that this government of the people, by the people, for the people”was from the Gettys burg Address17. The 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights granted the American people the right to keep and bear ar ms .1. The Victorian novelists include the following except AA. William WordsworthB. William ThackerayC. Charles Dickens2. Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare? AA. OthelloB. The TempesC. Twelfth Night3. The most outstanding Victorian novelist in the aspect of literary merits was BA. Jonathan SwiftB. Charles DickensC. Charlotte Bronte4. “To be or not to be” is the quotation from which play by Shakespeare? CA. OthelloB. MacbethC. Hamlet5. Which fictional character is not created by Charles Dickens? CA. Oliver Twist.B. ScroogeC. Herzog6. Shakespeare lived under the reign of AA. Queen Elizabeth IB. Queen Mary IC. Queen Victoria7. Charles Dickens lived under the reign of CA. Queen ElizabethB. Queen Mary IC. Queen Victoria8. Which statement about Shakespeare is not right? CA. Shakespeare is a great master of the English languageB. Shakespeare started his career as an actorC. Shakespeare has a profound influence on the Christmas celebration nowadays9. Which statement about Dickens is not right? BA. Dickens incorporates autobiographical elements into his fictionB. Dickens is ignored during his life time but earns recognition afterwardsC. Dickens’ writing style is florid and poetic, with a strong comic touchII. Multiple-Choice21. Which of the following states is called “the Old Colony State”? BA. PennsylvaniaB. MassachusettsC. DelawareD.Georgia22. The term “Father of Waters”is used to refer to ____C______.A. the Amazon River C. the Mississippi RiverB. The Nile River D. The Hudson River23. Which of the following was not first grown by Native Americans? BA. potato C. pumpkinB. cabbage D. corn24. The first colony at James town in Virginia survived because the colonists discovered a way to earn money. Which of the following was discovered by the Virginians? BA. shipping cotton to EuropeB. growing tobacco in VirginiaC. making a profit by fishingD. growing cotton25. Three of the following were the motives of the English Puritans who went to New England as immigr ants. Which was the exception? AA. They believed that the Church of England was not Catholic enough.B. They believed that the Church of England was too Catholic in religious practices.C. They were persecuted in England.D. They wanted to established a colony based on their own religious ideals.26. Thanksgiving Day is originally celebrated by people for ___D__.A. healthB. safetyC. freedomD. harvest27. ___C__ was the only Founding Father to sign the Declaration of Independence, the United States C onstitution, the Treaty of Alliance with France, and the Treaty of Paris.A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. Benjamin FranklinD. John Adams28. The following words of wisdom were given by Benjamin Franklin except _B____A. A penny saved is a penny earned.B.All for one, one for all. ([法] Dumas pére大仲马)C. Time is money.D. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.29. George Washington served ___B__ term(s) as US President.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four30. The author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin was _____C_______.A. Thomas PaineB. Barbara SmithC. Harriet Beecher StoweD. Mark TwainIII. Question35. What is the significance of the Second Continental Congress?In May 1775, the second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions o f a national government. It founded a Continental Army and Navy under the command of George Washi ngton.On June 11th, 1776, the second Continental Congress appointed a committee of five men to draft a Declaration of Independence.The young Thomas Jefferson was chosen by the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence, which the congress adopted on July 4th, 1776.37. What social problems did the American Civil War solve?The war resolved two fundamental questions that had divided the United States since 1776.It put an en d to slavery, which was completely abolished by the 13th Amendment to the constitution in 1865.It also decided, once and for all, that American was not a collection of semi-independent states, but a single i ndivisible nation.IV. True or False39. The first English colony was set in Jamestown in Virginia40. The bald eagle was chosen as the representative of the United States.41. Geographically the United States can be roughly divided into three parts—(The Atlantic Seacoast and the Appalachian Mountains in the east,the great Mississippi River Basin in the middle and the Rockies west to the Pacific Ocean)42. The Rocky Mountains are the backbone of North America.45. Pilgrim Fathers settled at Plymouth in 1620.46. The purpose of the First Continental Congress was to 放宽高压政策.47. Benjamin Franklin was the first to celebrate the American Dream.50. The Bill of Rights ensured the individual liberties.51. Mount Rushmore is famous for the faces of four American Presidents, who are G. Washington, T. Je fferson, A. Lincoln, and T. Roosevelt.52. The Battle of Gettysburg was fought on July 1 and 2, 1863 and is considered the turning point in the Civil War.1.which university is usually considered the first university in the world? BA. University of ConstantinopleB. University of BolognaC. University of Oxford2. What is the motto of Harvard University? AA. VeritasB. Lux et veritasC. Mens et Manus3. So far, how many US presidents have been produced by Yale University? CA. 3B. 4C. 54. Which of the following US universities is NOT the member of the Ivy League? CA. Yale UniversityB. Princeton UniversityC. MIT5. Oxford University began growing rapidly in A century.A. 12thB. 13thC. 14th6. From which university did John Harvard graduate? CA. Harvard UniversityB. Oxford UniversityC. Cambridge University7. What was the result of the first Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge? AA. Oxford wonB. Cambridge wonC. It ended with a dead heat8. Which university was the site of the first practical electron microscope? BA. Stanford UniversityB. University of TorontoC. Australian National University9. According to Asian University Rankings, 2009, which university ranked the highest in Asi a? BA. Beijing UniversityB. University of TokyoC. University of Hong Kong美国枪支泛滥君主立宪制。

4分二、简答题(共10分)1、文艺复兴人文主义4建筑师在教堂设计中崇尚怎样的平面形式?2、巴洛克建筑艺术2对古典建筑构图法则采取了什么态度?3、17世纪下半叶的巴黎歌剧院是哪种近代风格的典型?4、工艺美术运动7对建筑工业的基本态度什么?5、19世纪末欧洲流行的新型装饰泛称什么风格?6、“形式追随功能”3是谁提出的著名口号?7、流水别墅造型体现了赖特对钢筋混凝土哪中结构特征的偏爱?8、格罗皮乌斯的建筑教育思想怎样把握工艺和艺术的关系?9、为什么说沙利宁2的肯尼迪机场TWA空港造型有象征主义特征?10、波普艺术(pop art)是哪种建筑思潮兴起的基础之一?三、简述题(共8分)1、“高技派2”建筑的基本定义和主要建筑特征四、述评(共22分)1、古罗马拱券结构对建筑内部空间发展的作用。
2、“现代主义”7建筑中的“人性”与“非人性”中国建筑史部分(共50分)一、名词术语解释(每题2分,本题10分)1、台明2、收山和推山3、雷公柱4、挑金5、叶头二、问答题(每题10分,本题40分)1、试述北京天坛2在建筑上反映的中国传统文化的内涵及其建筑成就2、试述中国北京四合院2的建筑艺术特点及在住宅发展中的承传关系3、试述南北朝时期遗存的建筑实物所反映的建筑特点及外来文化在建筑上的表现4、中国城市的由来?通过北京城(明清北京城2)说明中国封建都城的特点及王城制度的体现考试科目:建筑历史中国建筑史部分(共50分)一、名词术语解释(共5题,每题2分,本题10分)1.递角梁2.采步金3.连楹4.戗脊5.溜金斗拱二.从现存建筑实物看元代木构建筑同宋代的差异(10分)三.从现存建筑实物看宋代高大砖石建筑成就(10分)四.结合现存塔8、阁说明辽代的木构建筑技术和艺术成就(10分) 五.试述清代9皇家园林---北京颐和园的总体布局和建筑特点(10分)外国建筑史部分(共50分)一.绘简图(每题3分共9分)1.罗马凯旋门典型立面构图2.拜占庭式帆供豉座穹窿组合形体3.包豪斯校舍形体3二.简答(每题1分其1 1分)1.西方古典柱式2产生于哪个历史时代? 、2.哥特式大教堂屋顶结构同“骨架式”这一称谓一致的特征是什么?3.近代巴黎万神庙中央屋顶音部分模仿了哪一意大利文艺复兴建筑的造型?4.1851年英国伦敦的哪座建筑以其新颖性引起极大轰动?5.新艺术运动9特指发生于哪两个国家的建筑艺术变革?6.风格派6艺术家在建筑中是否强调历史或者地方风格?7.科布西耶6的新建筑五点体现了以哪种结构形式为基础的建筑特征?8.雅典宪章是哪一个国际组织的文件?9.哪位第一代现代建筑大师最强调先进工艺技术的艺术力量?10.阿基格拉姆斯(archigram)小组是哪一建筑思潮的倡导者之一?11.“激进的折中主义6”是詹克斯对哪一简直思潮的评价?三.简述(8分)赖特草原式住宅2的建筑特点四.评述(共22分)1.巴洛克风格特有艺术手法下的建筑内部空间特点(10分)2.二次大战后的所谓“偏情”建筑思潮对现代建筑“理性2”的变革(12分)天津大学研究生院1998年招硕士生入学试题考试科目:建筑历史外国建筑史部分(共50分)一简绘题(共9分)1、巴西利卡式教堂典型平面3分2、体现于维琴察巴西利卡立面上的帕拉第奥母题(一间) 3分3、罗马小体育馆造型。

第三册1 . 第三册U4 1. His parents did not approve of his plan to go and study abroad with a girl they had never met, but he went ahead and got to New York with her. 2. It is said that the painter used his aunt as the model in the painting whose fa ce represented suffering yet strength. 3. The real Ken did not like the three-dimensional Barbie dolls, which were describ ed as having the appearance of “a woman who sold sex”. 4. The novelist instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of Good- bye, My D ear, a novel inspired by his experience with a girl on his older brother‟s farm. 5. After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political cartoons, and soon became American‟s most popular symbol.6. The painting shows a serious-looking man and a woman standing alongside him i n front of a farmhouse, their models being respectively the painter‟s dentist and sist er. 7. In order to have the buffalo on the other side of the nickel, he went to the Cen tral Park Zoo to sketch an aging buffalo which was later killed for a wall decoratio n. 8. One story says that “US” was short for “Uncle Sam” whose real name was Sam Wilson who had once worked with a man who had signed a contract with the gove rnment to provide meat to the US Army. 1.19世纪70年代中期,法国艺术家弗里德里克—奥古斯特—巴托尔迪正在设计一个大项目,名为“自由照耀世界”。

科技进步与社会发展的双刃剑In the era of rapid technological advancement, the impact of technology on society is becoming increasingly profound. This paper will explore the dual nature of technology, discussing both its positive and negative effects on social development in Tianjin, China, with a focus on the context of the 2024 Tianjin Vocational College Entrance Exam.Firstly, let's delve into the positive aspects of technology's influence. Technology has significantly accelerated the pace of social development in Tianjin. For instance, the widespread adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has facilitated more efficient and convenient communication among individuals and organizations. This has led to improved productivity, increased economic growth, and the emergence of new industries and job opportunities. Furthermore, technological advancements in healthcare have led to improvements in disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, thereby enhancing the overall health and well-being of the population.Moreover, technology has played a pivotal role in promoting cultural exchange and education. The internet and social media platforms have broken down geographical barriers, allowing people from different cultures and backgrounds to interact and learn from each other. This has fostered a more inclusive and diverse social environment in Tianjin, promoting mutual understanding and respect amongits inhabitants.However, the negative impacts of technology on social development cannot be ignored. One significant concern is the growing digital divide between those who have access to technology and those who do not. This divide can lead to disparities in education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, exacerbating social inequality. Additionally, the overuse of technology can have negative effects on individuals' mental health and well-being, leading toissues such as addiction, stress, and anxiety.Another concern is the impact of technology on privacy and security. With the increasing use of digital devicesand online platforms, personal information is constantly being collected and shared. This raises concerns aboutprivacy violations and the potential misuse of personal data. Furthermore, cybercrime and cyber-attacks have become more frequent and sophisticated, posing a significantthreat to individuals and organizations.In conclusion, technology has brought about bothpositive and negative changes to social development in Tianjin. While it has facilitated communication, economic growth, and cultural exchange, it has also created new challenges such as the digital divide, mental health issues, and privacy concerns. It is crucial for society to strike a balance between harnessing the benefits of technology and mitigating its negative impacts. This requires a concerted effort from individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that technology serves as a force for positive transformation in Tianjin and beyond.**科技进步与社会发展的双刃剑**在科技飞速发展的时代,科技对社会的影响日益深刻。

2020天津高考英语作文题目English:The 2020 Tianjin Gaokao English essay topic was about the importance of cultural exchange programs in promoting mutual understanding and cooperation among countries. Students were asked to discuss the benefits of participating in such programs, including opportunities for cultural immersion, language learning, and the development of global citizenship skills. They were also encouraged to explore how these experiences could contribute to building bridges between different cultures and fostering peace and collaboration on a global scale. Additionally, students were expected to reflect on their own perspectives and experiences regarding cultural exchange and to offer insights into how these programs could be further enhanced to maximize their impact on international relations and intercultural communication.Chinese Translation:2020年天津高考英语作文题目是关于文化交流项目在促进国家间相互理解与合作中的重要性。

近年天津关于传统文化的英语作文题Tianjin's Treasured Traditional CultureHi there! My name is Xiaoming, and I'm a 10-year-old student from Tianjin, China. Today, I want to share with you some of the amazing traditional cultures that have been preserved and celebrated in my hometown over the past few years.Let's start with the Yangliuqing New Year Paintings. These are beautiful woodblock prints that have been a part of Tianjin's culture for centuries. During the Spring Festival, which is the Chinese New Year, these intricate and colorful paintings are hung up in houses to bring good luck and prosperity. I remember visiting the Yangliuqing Town with my parents a couple of years ago, where we saw skilled artists creating these paintings using traditional techniques passed down for generations.Another fascinating tradition in Tianjin is the Yangliuqing Wood-Engraved New Year Pictures. These are incredible works of art carved into wooden blocks, and then used to print vibrant images depicting scenes from ancient Chinese folklore and legends. The level of detail in these engravings is trulyremarkable, and it's incredible to think that this art form has been practiced in our city for over 600 years!One of my favorite events is the Tianhou Palace Fair, which takes place every year on the 23rd day of the third lunar month. This lively fair is held at the Tianhou Palace, a magnificent temple dedicated to the Goddess of the Sea, Mazu. During the fair, there are colorful processions, traditional performances, and all sorts of delicious street food to enjoy. My friends and I always look forward to trying the famous Tianjin-style snacks, like the crispy Guobacia (a type of fried bread) and the sweet, sticky Luzhu (a traditional snack made from maltose).Speaking of food, Tianjin is also famous for its unique cuisine, which has been influenced by various cultures over the centuries. One of the most iconic dishes is the Goubuli Baozi, which are steamed buns filled with a savory mixture of pork and vegetables. These delicious buns have been a part of Tianjin's culinary heritage for over 200 years, and you can find them being sold by street vendors and restaurants all over the city.Another culinary tradition that has been preserved in Tianjin is the art of making Luzhugan, which are intricate sugar sculptures. These delicate creations are crafted entirely from maltose, a sweet syrup made from fermented grain, and theyoften depict scenes from Chinese folklore or historic events. It's incredible to watch the skilled artisans as they meticulously shape the maltose into these stunning works of art.Of course, no discussion of Tianjin's traditional culture would be complete without mentioning the city's rich history of opera and theatre. The Tianjin Yangliuqing Wooden-Engraved Prints were often used as backdrops and props in traditional Chinese opera performances. Tianjin is also home to the famous Huiju Opera, which combines elements of various regional opera styles and has a unique singing technique that sets it apart.In recent years, there has been a concerted effort to promote and preserve these traditional art forms and cultural practices. The local government has organized various festivals, exhibitions, and workshops to educate the younger generation about the importance of these traditions. I've had the opportunity to attend some of these events with my classmates, and it's been a truly eye-opening experience.One of the highlights was a workshop where we learned how to make our own Yangliuqing New Year Paintings. It was a lot of fun, but also incredibly challenging. We had to carefully carve intricate patterns into wooden blocks, apply ink, and then use a special printing technique to transfer the design onto paper. Itgave me a newfound appreciation for the skill and dedication required to create these beautiful works of art.Another memorable experience was attending a performance of the Huiju Opera. The costumes, makeup, and intricate movements of the performers were mesmerizing. Afterwards, we had the chance to speak with some of the actors and learn about the rich history and cultural significance of this unique art form.It's truly amazing to see how Tianjin has managed to preserve and celebrate these incredible traditions, even in the face of rapid modernization and globalization. I'm grateful that my city has made such efforts to ensure that these cultural treasures are not forgotten, and that they can be passed down to future generations.As a young student, it fills me with pride to be a part of a city with such a rich cultural heritage. I hope that as I grow older, I can continue to learn about and appreciate these traditions, and perhaps even play a role in keeping them alive for years to come.That's all for now, but I encourage you to visit Tianjin one day and experience these amazing cultural gems for yourself. From the vibrant Yangliuqing New Year Paintings to the delectable Goubuli Baozi, there's so much to discover andappreciate. Until then, I'll keep exploring and enjoying the wonderful traditions that make my hometown so special.。

2023天津高考英语作文中国文化全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1China is a super cool country with a lot of awesome culture stuff. Today, let me tell you about Chinese culture in the 2023 Tianjin High School English exam.First off, let's talk about Chinese New Year! It's like the biggest party ever in China. People wear red clothes, eat dumplings and watch dragon dances. It's super fun and everyone is happy and excited.Next, let's chat about Chinese food. Yum, yum! Chinese food is my favorite. There's so many tasty dishes like fried rice, noodles, and sweet and sour chicken. It's all so delicious and I always eat too much when my mom cooks it.Now, let's talk about Chinese history. It's like a big adventure story! There's emperors and dynasties and the Great Wall. It's all so interesting and I love learning about it in school.Finally, Chinese traditional arts are so cool. We have things like calligraphy, opera, and paper cutting. It's all so beautiful andtraditional. I even learned how to do some of them in my art class.In conclusion, Chinese culture is super awesome and I'm proud to be a part of it. I hope more people can learn about it and share in its awesomeness. Thank you for listening to my talk about Chinese culture in the 2023 Tianjin High School English exam.篇2Title: Chinese Culture in 2023 Tianjin GaokaoYo! What’s up guys? Today, let’s talk about Chinese culture in the 2023 Tianjin Gaokao exam.First of all, Chinese culture is super cool and has been around for, like, ages. From ancient times to now, Chinese culture has influenced the world in so many ways. Whether it’s the traditional Chinese festivals like Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, or the famous Chinese inventions like paper, compass, and gunpowder, there’s so much to learn and appreciate.In the Tianjin Gaokao exam, Chinese culture is a big focus. You might have to answer questions about famous Chinese poets like Li Bai and Du Fu, or write essays about historical eventslike the Great Wall or the Silk Road. It’s important to understand and respect Chinese culture, not just for the exam, but also for your own personal growth and knowledge.Moreover, Chinese culture is not just about history and traditions. It’s also about the arts, like Chinese calligraphy, painting, and music. These art forms reflect the beauty and depth of Chinese culture, and they are a great way to express yourself and connect with others.So, in conclusion, Chinese culture is a treasure that we should all cherish and celebrate. It’s a part of who we are and where we come from. So next time you’re studying for the Tianjin Gaokao, remember to brush up on your knowledge of Chinese culture. It will not only help you ace the exam, but also make you a more well-rounded and cultured individual. Peace out!篇3Yo, what's up guys? Today I wanna talk about Chinese culture in the 2023 Tianjin College Entrance Exam English essay. Chinese culture is super cool and has been around for thousands of years. It's like, super deep, you know?So first of all, there's this thing called Chinese calligraphy. It's basically like writing with fancy brush strokes and stuff. It's not just writing words, it's like a form of art. And then there's Chinese painting, which is all about using ink and brushes to create beautiful landscapes and stuff. It's all super traditional and cool.Then there's Chinese tea culture. Like, did you know that China has been growing tea for like, forever? And they have all these fancy rituals for making and serving tea. It's all about taking it slow and enjoying the moment. Plus, Chinese tea tastes super yummy.Oh, and let's not forget about Chinese festivals. Like, there's the Spring Festival, which is like the Chinese New Year. It's all about family and good fortune. And then there's theMid-Autumn Festival, where you eat mooncakes and stare at the moon. It's all super fun and festive.So yeah, Chinese culture is like, totally awesome. It's all about tradition, art, and having a good time. So if you ever get a chance to learn more about Chinese culture, definitely go for it. You won't regret it!篇4Yo! Guys! Today I wanna talk about something super cool - Chinese culture! As we all know, China has a looong history with lots of cool stuff. And in the 2023 Tianjin Gaokao English exam, I’m sure there will be a question about Chinese culture. So, let’s get ready and learn more about it!First off, let’s talk about the Great Wall of China. It’s like this huuuge wall that was built to protect China from enemies. It’s like super old but still standing strong. People from all over the world come to see it, and it’s one of the Seven Wonders of the World!Next up, we have Chinese food! Yum yum! Chinese food is like the best ever. There are so many dishes like dumplings, noodles, fried rice, and so much more. And don’t forget about Peking duck! It’s like super crispy and delicious. I bet if we bring some Chinese food to school, everyone will love it!And how about Ch inese New Year? It’s like the biggest celebration in China. There are dragon dances, fireworks, red envelopes with money inside, and lots of yummy food. It’s so much fun, and everyone wears red to bring good luck for the new year.Chinese culture is so awesome, and there’s so much to learn about it. We should all be proud of our culture and share itwith others. So, let’s study hard for the Gaokao and show everyone how cool Chinese culture is! Let’s go, guys! Go Chinese culture!篇5Oh my goodness, the 2023 Tianjin Gaokao English exam question is all about Chinese culture! Chinese culture is so cool, let me tell you all about it!First of all, Chinese culture is super rich and diverse. There are so many different aspects to it, like traditional clothing, delicious food, beautiful music, and amazing festivals. One of the most famous Chinese festivals is the Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year. It's a time when families come together to eat yummy food, set off fireworks, and wish each other good luck for the coming year.Another important part of Chinese culture is traditional Chinese medicine. This is a way of healing that has been around for thousands of years and uses natural remedies like herbs and acupuncture to keep people healthy. It's really fascinating to learn about how the ancient Chinese doctors were able to treat all kinds of illnesses without modern technology.Chinese calligraphy is also a big part of Chinese culture. It's a beautiful form of art that uses brush strokes to create intricate characters. Each character has its own meaning and can be a work of art in itself. It's so cool to see how skilled calligraphers can make such stunning pieces of art using just a brush and ink.Overall, Chinese culture is so amazing and fascinating. I can't wait to learn more about it and share it with my friends. I hope that everyone can appreciate and celebrate the richness of Chinese culture, because it's truly something special. Let's keep learning and exploring together!篇6Oh my goodness! Today I want to share with you about the Chinese culture in the 2023 Tianjin College Entrance Examination () English exam.First of all, let's talk about Chinese festivals. There are so many fun and exciting festivals in China, like Chinese New Year (), Mid-Autumn Festival (), and Dragon Boat Festival (). During these festivals, we eat delicious food, watch dragon boat races, and light lanterns. It's so much fun!Next, let's talk about Chinese traditional costumes. Have you ever seen a Hanfu ()? It's a beautiful traditional Chinese outfitwith intricate designs and vibrant colors. It's so pretty! And don't forget about the cheongsam (), a form-fitting dress that Chinese women wear for special occasions. It's so classy!Now, let's talk about Chinese calligraphy. Have you ever tried writing Chinese characters with a brush and ink? It's so cool! Chinese calligraphy is not just about writing words, it's also about expressing emotions and feelings through the strokes of the brush. It's like painting with words!Lastly, let's talk about Chinese traditional medicine. Did you know that Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years? It's all about balancing the body's energy and treating illnesses with natural remedies like herbs and acupuncture. It's so fascinating!In conclusion, Chinese culture is rich and diverse, with so many interesting aspects to explore. I hope you enjoyed learning about it as much as I did! Bye for now!篇7Wow, guys, today I want to talk about Chinese culture with you all! Have you guys ever heard about the Tianjin college entrance exam in 2023? It's a big deal and I want to share with you about the Chinese culture topic in the English exam.First of all, let's talk about the Chinese traditional festivals. We have Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival! During the Spring Festival, we eat yummy dumplings and set off firecrackers to celebrate the new year. And in the Mid-Autumn Festival, we eat mooncakes and admire the full moon with our family. How cool is that?Next, let's talk about Chinese calligraphy and painting. Have you ever seen Chinese characters written beautifully with a brush? It's called calligraphy and it's a traditional art form in China. And Chinese painting is also very famous for its unique style and techniques. It's so amazing to see how artists can capture the beauty of nature in their paintings.Lastly, let's talk about Chinese food. We have so many delicious dishes like Peking duck, Kung Pao chicken, and hot pot. Chinese food is not only tasty but also full of history and culture. Each dish has its own story and represents a different region in China.In conclusion, Chinese culture is so rich and diverse. It's something that we should all be proud of and cherish. I hope you guys enjoyed learning about Chinese culture with me today. Thank you for listening!篇8Hello everyone, my name is Lily and today I want to talk to you about Chinese culture in the 2023 Tianjin Gaokao English exam.First of all, Chinese culture is super cool and interesting! We have so many traditions and customs that have been passed down for thousands of years. For example, the Chinese New Year is a big celebration where we eat yummy dumplings, watch dragon dances, and give red envelopes with money inside. It's so much fun!Another important part of Chinese culture is our delicious food. We have dishes like Kung Pao chicken, Peking duck, and hot pot that are super tasty and popular all over the world. I love going to dim sum with my family and trying all the different dishes.Chinese culture is also known for its beautiful artwork and performances. Traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, and opera are all famous for their intricate designs and storytelling. I love watching Peking opera with its colorful costumes and amazing acrobatics.In conclusion, Chinese culture is rich, diverse, and filled with history. I'm so proud to be a part of it and I hope you all take the time to learn more about it too. Thanks for listening!篇9Hey guys, today I want to talk about Chinese culture in the 2023 Tianjin College Entrance Examination English test. Chinese culture is super cool and has been around for thousands of years. We have so many traditions and customs that make us unique and special.One of the things that make Chinese culture awesome is our delicious food. We have yummy dishes like dumplings, noodles, and Peking duck. These foods are not only tasty but also have a long history and special meaning behind them. When you eat Chinese food, you can taste the love and hard work that goes into making each dish.Another cool thing about Chinese culture is our traditional festivals. We have celebrations like the Chinese New Year,Mid-Autumn Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival. During these festivals, we get together with family and friends, eat good food, and have lots of fun. It's a time to appreciate our culture and make memories that will last a lifetime.Chinese culture is also known for its beautiful art and literature. We have amazing traditional music, dance, painting, and calligraphy. These art forms have been passed down from generation to generation and continue to inspire people all over the world. Chinese literature is also rich with famous works like "Dream of the Red Chamber" and "Journey to the West". These stories teach us valuable lessons and show the power of storytelling.Overall, Chinese culture is a treasure that we should be proud of. It is a mix of tradition, creativity, and history that continues to shape who we are today. So, let's celebrate our culture and share it with the world. Thank you!篇10Hello everyone, I'm going to talk about Chinese culture for the 2023 Tianjin College Entrance Examination English composition.Chinese culture is super cool and has a long history. It includes things like Chinese food, traditional clothes like Hanfu, the Great Wall, Kung Fu, and so much more. There are so many interesting things to learn about!One of the most famous parts of Chinese culture is the Chinese New Year. It's a huge celebration with lots of delicious food, dragon dances, and red envelopes with money inside. How awesome is that?!Another cool thing about Chinese culture is the traditional Chinese medicine. It's all about using natural herbs and techniques to keep people healthy. It's been around for thousands of years and is still popular today.Oh, and don't forget about Chinese calligraphy. It's like writing art. People use special brushes and ink to create beautiful characters on paper. It's not easy, but it looks amazing!And of course, we can't talk about Chinese culture without mentioning the amazing Chinese inventions like paper, gunpowder, and compass. Can you imagine a world without these things? So cool!In conclusion, Chinese culture is super interesting and has so many cool things to learn about. I'm so proud to be Chinese and to share our awesome culture with the world. Thank you for listening!。

Title: Exploring the Evolution of Tianjin'sCollege Entrance English Essay TopicsIn recent years, the college entrance English essay topics in Tianjin have undergone significant changes, reflecting not only the advancements in English education but also the evolving societal trends and expectations. The shift in focus from traditional narrative writing to more analytical and critical thinking-oriented topics is a testament to the growing emphasis on students' ability to engage with complex ideas and express themselveseffectively in English.A cursory glance at the recent essay topics reveals a shift away from straightforward descriptive or story-telling prompts. Instead, students are now confronted with topics that require them to delve into current affairs, technological advancements, environmental issues, and even ethical dilemmas. These topics not only challenge students' linguistic proficiency but also their ability to think critically and analytically.For instance, topics such as "The Impact of Technology on Interpersonal Communication" or "Sustainable Development:Challenges and Solutions" encourage students to explore the nuances of complex issues and formulate coherent arguments. Such topics demand a deeper understanding of the subject matter, as well as the ability to synthesize information from various sources and present it in a logical and convincing manner.Moreover, the essay topics also reflect a growing awareness of global issues and a desire to cultivate a more globally minded generation. Topics like "Globalization and Its Impact on Local Cultures" or "The Role of International Cooperation in Tackling Global Challenges" encourage students to think beyond their immediate surroundings and consider the wider implications of their actions and decisions.The evolution of these essay topics is not without its challenges. Students are now required to possess a broader knowledge base and stronger analytical skills to tackle these more complex topics. However, this shift is also a welcome one, as it prepares students for the demands of higher education and the workforce, where critical thinking and problem-solving skills are paramount.Teachers and educators in Tianjin have also responded positively to this trend, emphasizing the importance of reading widely and engaging in critical discussions in the classroom. They encourage students to develop their own opinions and perspectives on various issues and to express them clearly and confidently in English.In conclusion, the evolution of college entrance English essay topics in Tianjin reflects a broader shift in educational philosophy. It is a move towards fostering a generation of students who are not only proficient in the language but also possess the skills and mindset necessary to engage with the world effectively. As these students progress through their academic journey, they will be well-prepared to take on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.**天津市高考英语作文题目演变探索**近年来,天津市高考英语作文题目发生了显著变化,这不仅反映了英语教育的进步,也体现了社会趋势和期望的演变。


2024年天津英语高考作文范文Title: The Significance of Cultural Diversity in the Globalized WorldIntroduction:In the era of globalization, cultural diversity is a prevailing and essential aspect of society. With the rapid development of transportation, communication, and technology, people from different cultures are now more interconnected than ever before. The phenomenon of cultural diversity has become significantly influential in shaping the global landscape. In this essay, we will explore the importance and benefits of cultural diversity, both nationally and internationally.Body Paragraphs:1. Cultural Exchange and Enrichment:Cultural diversity fosters cultural exchange and enrichment, allowing individuals and societies to learn from one another. The exchange of traditions, values, customs, and knowledge can lead to greater tolerance, respect, and understanding among people from different cultural backgrounds. By embracing diversity, societies become more vibrant and flourishing, providing individuals with greater opportunities to appreciate and experience different cultures.2. Innovation and Creativity:Cultural diversity plays a pivotal role in fostering innovation and creativity. When people from differentcultural backgrounds come together, they bring forth avariety of perspectives, ideas, and solutions to problems.This diversity of thought allows for greater innovation andthe development of groundbreaking ideas. History has shownthat many significant inventions and discoveries have beenmade through the collaboration of people from diversecultural backgrounds.3. Economic Advantages:Cultural diversity also brings numerous economic advantages. Through the exchange of goods, services, and ideas between different cultures, economic growth and development are stimulated. Cultural tourism, for instance, thrives when people from various backgrounds visit different countries to experience their unique cultures, contributing to the local economy. Moreover, a multicultural workforce has been proven to be more productive and adaptable to global markets, leading to increased competitiveness in a globalized world.4. Social Cohesion and Harmony:Cultural diversity promotes social cohesion and harmony within societies. By embracing diversity and fostering inclusivity, societies can establish a sense of belonging forall citizens, regardless of their cultural background. This, in turn, leads to increased social harmony and peaceful coexistence. Furthermore, cultural diversity helps counter prejudice, discrimination, and xenophobia by raising awareness and appreciation for different cultures, thereby fostering social justice and equality.5. Diplomatic Relations and Global Unity:On an international scale, cultural diversity plays a crucial role in establishing and strengthening diplomatic relations between countries. Through cultural exchanges, nations improve their understanding of one another, building trust and cooperation. Cultural diplomacy not only fosters peaceful relations but also contributes to global unity by emphasizing commonalities among diverse cultures and fostering global citizenship.Conclusion:In conclusion, cultural diversity is of greatsignificance in the globalized world. It promotes cultural exchange, fosters innovation, offers economic advantages, enhances social cohesion, and strengthens international relations. By embracing and celebrating cultural diversity, individuals and societies can thrive in an interconnected and rapidly changing world, ensuring a brighter and more harmonious future for all.。

天大西方文化考试题1. What are the distinguishing characteristics of the classical West?Ancient Greek science, philosophy, democracy, architecture, literature, and art provided a foundation built upon by the Roman Empire as it swept up Europe.For about five hundred years, the Roman Empire maintained the Greek East and consolidated a Latin West.Much of Rome's tradition and culture absorbed by Christianity would serve as the basis for the development of Western civilization after the fall of Rome.2. What role did the Church play in the Middle Ages?The Medieval West was Catholic (Latin) Europe.The Greek and Roman gods had been completely replaced by Christianity, the official state religion as a unifying force in Western Europe.Art and literature, law, education, and politics were preserved in the teachings of the Church.The route to power for many men was in the Church.3. What ideas were principles which formed the basis of modern Western culture?In the Catholic west, the Roman law became the foundation on which all legal concepts and systems were based.Its influence can be traced to this day in all Western legal systems.The ideas of civil rights, equality before the law, equality of women, procedural justice, and democracy as the ideal form of society, were principles which formed the basis of modern Western culture.4. What did Greek men enjoy for fun?For fun, in addition to drinking parties, the men enjoyed wrestling, horseback riding, and the famous Olympic Games.5. Exemplify the influence of Greek culture on English literature.Shelley saw hope in Prometheus Unbound where the old views of good and evil needed a change. Keats sang “Beauty is truth, truth beauty”D.H. Lawrence said “the truth of yesterday becomes a lie tomorrow”.Freud found the Oedipus complex in the child's life.6. Tell about the heroes of the epic Iliad.Agamemnon led the Greeks against the city of Troy.Odysseus and Achilles were Greek heroes; Paris and Hector are Trojan heroes.7. Please give a brief summary on the education in Sparta and in Athens.The goal of education in Sparta, was to produce soldier-citizens.Spartan boys were sent to military school at age 7. Somewhere between the ages of 18-20, Spartan males had to pass a difficult test of fitness, military ability, and leadership skills.They lived in the barracks. Military service did not end until a Spartan male reached the age of 60. Girls also went to school at age 7.The goal of education in Athens, a democratic city-state, was to produce citizens trained in the arts of both peace and war.Until age 6 or 7, boys were generally taught at home by their mothers.Boys attended elementary schools from the time they wereabout age 7 until they were 14.The wealthier boys continued their education under the tutelage of philosopher-teachers.8. Why did the Roman sculptors take less care to show a human body accurately?In art, this shows up a s a lot of emphasis on “the windows to the soul”, often with the eye s looking upward to heaven, or toward the gods. Then the body is less important, the sculptors take less care to show the body accurately. Sometimes the arms and legs are too short, and the head tends to be too big.9. What is Mosaic Decalogue about?the ten rules that Moses commands all Israel to obey in the name of God.1) All Israel should worship the only God; 2) Do not carve and serve any idol to worship; 3) Do not take the name of God in vain;4) Keep the Sabbath day and labor in the other six days; 5) Honor your father and mother; 6) Do not kill; 7) Do not commit adultery;8) Do not steal; 9) Do not bear false witness against others; 10) Do not desire your neighbor’s wife, house, field, servants, ox, ass or anything else.10. What countries are included in "the West"?11. What are the two major cultural influences over the European mind?12. What did the poor men of Rome do for their democracy?。

西方文化导论课件1-6课后题答案(1) Give a brief account of the major achievements of Greek culture, such as those in religion, philosophy, literature and science.Greek religion really took shape during the Homeric Age and featured polytheism with gods taking human form and feeling. Greek religion made a great contribution to Greek literature, philosophy and art. It is an important origin of Greek mythology which was fully developed by the religious tales of the Homeric epic and thus affected the later development of all kinds of Greek culture.Greek philosophy started with Thales (640 BC–547 BC) who believed that the material worldoriginated in water. His philosophy was materialism. He was followed by Pythagoras who assumed that the key to the understanding of the world is numbers, on the opposition of the spokesman for idealism.The core Greek philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates had scant regard for material wealth, but was keen on probing into the definition of some ethical and behavioral issues, such as “friendship” and “courage”.Plato established the Academy , the first Greek institution ofhigher learning. His contributions included his theory of ideas and his arguments on “republic” which was supposed to embrace his ideals about a future state where humans could enjoy a happy life. Aristotle is also a learnedman and his work covers wide-ranging areas. His reputation as a philosopher largely depends on his argument on metaphysics which hetried to achieve a compromise between matter and divinity.Literary representation centred round the two epic poems of theIliad and the Odyssey, lyricalpoetry by Sappho and Pindar and drama by Aeschylus, Euripides and Aristophanes. Their works combined Greek myths and social life and won much appreciation and enthusiasm from the public.In science the mathematician Euclid established plane geometry and Archimedes discovered the ratio of radius of a circle and therelationship between the volume and surface of a sphere. (2) What do you think of the influence Greek culture has exerted on Western civilization as a whole? Give examples.Greek culture is often termed the cradle of the Western civilization and has had an enormous impact on Western culture. The specific contributions are found in the areas of philosophy, politics, literature, art, science and architecture.Greek politics was one of the greatest influences on the Western civilization. The Greeks were the first to successfully create a government based on the consensus of the people and thus provided a foundation for Western democracy.The second significant influence was that of philosophy. TheSocratic idea about ethics and knowledge helped the Westerners care more for the effect of knowledge and value of morality, both of which givesound guidance to people in the later years to improve and change the world outside themselves, i.e., human society and the natural world.Later generations of Westerners have benefited a lot from Greek culture, such as those in painting, sculpture, architecture, drama, poetry and historical works. Classicism had Greek culture as one of the crucial sources, and this has helped Westerners so much that they ascribed the origin of the Renaissance to it. This changed theintellectual conditions of the later medieval period and opened the way to the modern era in the West.(1) Tell briefly the major characteristics and contributions of Roman culture, as are demonstratedin religion, poetry, history and architecture.In the early period, Roman culture often depended heavily on the introduction and imitation of other cultures, particularly, Greek culture. However, the Romans showed the eclectic aspect in theirculture,i.e. Romans did not take in all that they collected from other cultures but modified and developed it according to their own need. Thus Romans created their own powerful culture, laying the foundation for subsequent Western culture in many fields.Before Christianity appeared in Roma, ancient Romans werepolytheists. They adopted many cults from other religions, fusing them into their own religion. According to Greek culture and others’ culture, they created their own gods and myth, such as Jupiter, Juno, and Venus, which become subject matter for the artist, writers, and architects intheir creative production. In poetry, ancient Rome made brilliant achievements, producing numerous distinguished poets and poems. The poet Virgil’s Aeneid is considered as a model epic in the European literary tradition. He is so famous in poetry that he was modeled for many pastoral writers. For example, Italian poetDante called him his teacher in his masterpiece The Divine Comedy. Horace was not only famousfor his poems but his critic. In his Epistles, he advanced many influential principles for creativewriting, exerting great influences on later generations. In the 17th century his work was translated into English. Another important poet was Ovid, whose Metamorphosis was translatedinto English and quoted frequently by many famous writers, such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Shirley and T.S. Eliot.A number of important historians came forth in the ancient Roman period. Polybius created his tremendous works consisting of 40 books, History, which spanned about 500 years. Livy wasresponsible for the great History of Rome in 142 volumes. His works has always been cited bylater statesmen, writers and scholars such as Niccolo Machiavelli and Shakespeare. The architecture of ancient Rome adopted the Greekstyle for its own purposes, but the Romans also developed a new kind. They were more utilitarian and showed an interest in grandeur and scale. They constructed many public edifices which still existed today andbecame the famous key point of interest for the world. Romans used the arch, the vault and the dome, and discovered how to make concrete.The Roman culture introduced the Roman realism and realistic stylein Western culture in painting and sculpture through modern times. Roman culture nourished emerging Western culture, and even the world culture. Such a splendid culture has greatly enriched cultural heritage of human kind.(2) In what sense do you think Roman culture owed its accomplishments to the benefits obtained from Greek culture? Give examples.It is universally acknowledged that Roman culture learned and inherited a lot from Greek culture. This could be seen in what Roman culture adopted from Greek culture as is demonstrated in religion, philosophy and literature.In religion, we know most of the gods in Roman myths came from Greek legends in terms of function and contribution to their myths. Nevertheless, Rome had its own system of beliefs which had been simple and could hardly compare with the plurality of Greek religion. The parallel arrangement of gods provides accurate evidence to show the similarity of the two religions and Roman wisdom in borrowing fine elements from an external culture is obvious. The same is true of Roman philosophy where we could find examples to demonstrate Greek influence on their Roman counterpart. The best example is perhaps Stoicism and Epicureanism, both of which originated from Greece and werefurther developed and modified in Rome. In literature, Roman men of letters also borrowed a great deal from Greek culture. For example, one could find lots of traces of Greek tragedy in Roman drama. Even in Virgil’s best known epicAeneid, we could read of similar story of the hero in his voyagefrom Troy to Rome, compared to Odysseus, who overcomes many difficulties on his way home though they are certainly set against different backgrounds.All in all, the two cultures are closely linked partly because Greek culture is so illustrious that no one could leave it out without picking up something from it. The Roman people were sufficiently intelligentthat they could not refuse to take such an opportunity to learn something when the opportunity was available.How was the Jewish Civilization developed after a tortuous historyof split and unification? (1)The major explanation for the development of the Jewish Civilization is its strong cohesiveness and vitality, which supports its unsubmissive and persistent advance by putting up its three spiritual and physical pillars as one of the scholars suggests: “the national identity based on the Jewish cultural tradition, the common belief and values enshrined in Judaism, and the community network centered on the synagogue”.Much of the Jewish culture was safeguarded and well preserved by exiled Jews. Under the guidance of rabbis, they put into effect their Judaist beliefs and what they read of Judaist scriptures. They collectedand systematically recomposed the scattered legends and manuscripts into the Torah and the Mishna before they compiled finally the Talmud.The Jewish Civilization had thus progressed with each passing day until the Haskalah Movement came forward in the 18th century,which brought about spiritual awakening and a drastic changeof their cultural and social conditions.From then on Jews have begun to become aware of the necessity to liberate themselves from the restrictive laws and acquire new knowledge and modern ideas from the Europeans, which enabled them to secure a position for themselves as a race by keeping pace with the advanced levels of social, economic and cultural developments. Most of the Jews thus received a good education, fully armed with cultural and scientific knowledge and did well in their own position whatever it was though they had not yet established or recovered their own land. Thus they have prepared personnel of various kinds for the revival of theircivilization and once that country was founded, they could quickly turn it into a well-developed nation in spite of its small size and small population just as what has happened in Israel in recent decades.(2) Say something about Judaism and the Old Testament?Judaism is one of the earliest monotheistic religions practised today. In the beginning,Judaismwas composed of a series of beliefs and practices originating in the Tanakh. It was later furtherexplored and explained in the Talmud and other Judaist scripts. Judaism presents itself as thecovenantal relationship between the Children of Israel (later, the Jewish nation) and God. The principles and ethics of Judaism had influenced Christianity and Islam, as well as some non-Abrahamic religions. Many of its texts and traditions are central to other Abrahamic religions and provided the foundation for Western Christianity. Its influence is seen in both secular and ecclesiastical affairs in the Western society, just as the frequent occurrences of classical and Christian cultures via conversations or discussions on different occasions, either public or private, formal or informal.The Old Testament is the Judaist Bible which was a complete document and collection of ancient Hebrew adopted by Christianity as part of the Bible. It was written in Hebrew, including the threeparts: Pentateuch, Prophets and Hagiographa and Apocrypha. After the Old Testament wastranslated into Greek by Jewish scholars,many westerners began to understand Judaism byreading this book. It is not only of religious value but also of literatry value in terms of both subject matter and thematic concernsfor the writers to refer to or draw on.(1) Why could Christianity be accepted as the official religionfirst by the Roman Empire and then by the following kingdoms or empires in Europe?a. For the common people in the empire who were fed up with wars and social turmoil, they needed something to fill up their spiritual vacuum. Christianity could play such a role to pacify and comfort them with love and care more effectively than other organizations or religions.b. It could work together with any secular regimes to offer necessary assistance to control ideologically and intellectually the ordinary people, which was thus welcomed by the kings, emperors or aristocrats.c. The name and influence of Christianity would be a symbol of sacredness and justification, which would help the majority of people to accept the reign of a newly emerging ruler and his followers.d. Christianity is also a kind of culture, which to many people suggests social stability and recovery of an old life style they are accustomed to. Though conservative as well, it could be tolerated because their life and property could thus be secured in the changed circumstances. (2) What are the basic differences between Christianity and Judaism?In spite of the fact that the two religions both derived from Jewish culture, there are some basic differences between them.First are the different images of God. For Judaism, its God Jehovah was representation of Nature as an almighty, omnipotent and omniscient supernatural being. He is expected to provide protection for the Jews who suffered so much in history and help the Jews recover their homeland. In contrast, the Christian God Jesus is both human and divine with theorigin of humanity and hence shares with humans various kinds of suffering.Second are the different views of God. Jehovah is viewed with a sort of fear and solemnity since He is like fire or wind which would bring force and harm to the human race while the Christian God is kinder and more helpful, since He personally suffers as a human.Third is the different position each religion holds and hence different contribution each makes. For the early period of Judaism, Jehovah enjoyed every respect and worship from the Jews since Israel was a country of integrity and built up the grand temple for its God. But with the fall of the country, all were destroyed including the temple. They could do nothing about worship but keep their respect secretly in mind for their God. Comparatively Christian worship of Jesus was not allowed in the early days since the religion was illegal and only with the improvement of the situation could the Christian disciples openly demonstrate their worship of Jesus in public. Fourth is that Jehovah was important to Jews only in theory and affected them in spirit occasionally while Christianity became an inseparable part of the secular life of the Westerners. Pope and churches became so powerfulthat they even tried to seize more political power from the emperors or kings who had to depend sometimes on the Christian church for both spiritual and political support since Christianity could easily exertits influence on the church people and non-church people.(1) What are the major features and achievements of the Renaissance? Give examples. The Renaissance is characterized by seeking ideological emancipation, intellectual freedom and political awareness, based on cultural production and religious reformation. All these were undertaken or unfolded gradually but widely, extending its influences to every corner of Europe, with more and more people getting involved.The achievements were seen principally in six areas, namely, painting, sculpture, poetry, fiction, drama and religious reformation as well as the change in the cultural and intellectual climate. Instances could be located in these areas, such as the huge change of subjects and styles in painting. The medieval painting used to centre on depicting Jesus Christ and other Christian subjects, not only effecting similar and the limited subject matter, but also depicting stylistically facial expressions and manners. The great artists in the Renaissance started to focus on the images with individualistic temperament, highlighting humanity instead of divinity, thus breaking away from the medieval frozen models and linking classicalism with human nature as the centre of their representational work.。

近年天津关于传统文化的英语作文题(中英文实用版)In recent years, Tianjin has been emphasizing the importance of traditional culture in the English essay topics for students.This trend aims to bridge the gap between modern education and the rich heritage of Chinese customs and traditions.近年来,天津在教育领域特别重视将传统文化融入英语作文题目中。
The integration of traditional culture into English composition not only tests students" language proficiency but also fosters a sense of pride and appreciation for their cultural roots.将传统文化融入英语作文不仅检验了学生的语言能力,还培养了他们对文化根源的自豪感和鉴赏力。
These essay topics range from the celebration of traditional festivals to the analysis of classic Chinese literature, encouraging students to explore the profound aspects of their cultural heritage.这些作文题目涵盖了从庆祝传统节日到分析中国古典文学等多个方面,激励学生们深入探索自己文化遗产的丰富内涵。
By doing so, they develop a deeper understanding of both the English language and their own cultural identity, which is essential in today"s globalized world.通过这种方式,学生们在深入了解英语的同时,也加深了对自身文化认同的认识,这对于在全球化背景下的成长至关重要。

阅读第一篇Minh Pham ……(1)The main idea of the passage is that it is difficult to……B learn to live in a new country (2)According to the passage, Minh thought the old couple should……A ask their children for help(3)What does the word “resocialization”mean in Paragraph 6 ? C Fitting into a new society (4)It seemed that people felt surprised when they saw that Minh and his friend were……C holding hands(5)It is hard to ……when one comes to a new country D avoid culture shock and get used toa new life第二篇Some people ……(1)According to the author,recent Olympic Games have……D led to more and more misunderstanding and hatred(2)What did the manager mean by saying “Hockey and the International Hockey Federation are finished”? B Hockey and the Federation are both ruined by the unfair decisions(3)The basketball example implied that……A too much patriotism was shown in the incident (4)The author gives the two examples in Paragraphs 2 and 3 to show……C that competitiveness in the games discourages international friendship(5)What conclusion can be drawn from the passage ? A The organization of the Olympic Games must be improved第三篇We have ……(1)Love is afeeling that is the opposite of ……D hate(2)Why doesn’t scientific research pay attention to love ? A Because love is very complex (3)Which characteristic is shared by different kinds of love ? B A strong positive feeling toward another(4)According to the passage, hate is caused by ……A anger, jealousy or some other factors (5)We might need hate, because it can help us ……D defend others第四篇One of the ……(1)What’s the purpose of raising the school leaveling age ? B To provide children with the same chances in society(2)In people’s eyes, the education system ……B misses no children who are really clever (3)Working class children are felt to be at a disadvantage because ……A many of the clever ones leave school early(4)Many children leave school early because ……B they have to work to help support their family(5)This article shows that equal opportunity in education ……B has not yet been achieved 第五篇Life really ……(1)According to the passage, children of rich families ……D are not always happy(2)What do we know about Robert Colse ? C He is known by people around the world (3)What can be said about money ? A Money can give a child too many choices(4)The expression “silver spoons”in Paragraph 1 means ……C wealth(5)The purpose of this article is to tell readers that ……D rich parents should realize that love is more important than money第六篇What you give ……(1)The first paragraph is written mainly to tell readers that ……D gifts can tell you something about the person who gives them(2) A person who likes the self-image of another person will give the latter ……C a gift that agrees with the personality of the receiver(3)People are especially generous if they give ……D gifts made by hand(4)What kind of message is communicated by a gift of food ? A A supportive one(5)If you give a large book as a gift, rather than a small one, it may show that ……D you are more interested in the appearance of the book than in its contents第七篇Every two weeks ……(1)This passage is mainly about ……D groups of men and boys that fight each other(2)Objects that are used in fights include ……B things that could be bought in a sporting goods store(3)What fantasy is mentioned by a “soft-spoken”man ? D Fighting against an attacker (4)How did police find about a fight club for young people ? C The fighter advertised on the Internet(5)How does Gints Klimanis obtain new members for his club ? A By asking people to join only第八篇The smart job-seeker ……(1)According to the writer, the aim for people to take part in an interview is ……C to get the jobther like(2)An effective interview should be one during which ……C two side have a good exchange ofviews(3)If a job-seeker tries to control the interview, ……D it is unlikely for him to attain his goal(4)During an interview, it’s better for an interviewee to ……A make it so the interview is underhis control(5)The main topic of the passage is ……B not to be respectful of your interviewer第九篇As we consider ……(1)During his university years, the first man ……D chose things that made him successful later(2)The fitst man is fully aware of the good things that will result from ……C taking care of hisbody with diet and exercise(3)One’s ability to judge right or wrong is called ……D good sense(4)To keep from wishing you made a different choice, you should ……D put good thought intoyour actions(5)The main topic of this passage is …… B applying thought well will help第十篇Throughout July 1945 ……(1)What is the main idea of the passage ? B The birth and use of the atomic bomb ended theSecond World War(2)What was the danger Albert Einstein had warned Roosevelt about ? A The danger of NaziGermany’s advances in the development of the atomic bomb(3)What was the US Office of SRD created for ? D To develop a nuclear bomb with the wardepartment in a project(4)How many people were killed by the two bombs dropped in Japan ? C Between 105,000 and120,000 people(5)How many people were injured by the Nagasaki bomb ? D Around 40,000完型第一篇There are two ……(1)Starve (2) decisions (3) struggle (4) entertain (5) tired (6) without(7) grows up (8) spoiling(9)gives in(10) firm(11) continuously(12) too much(13) guilty(14) advantage(15) set(16) ever-present(17) limits (18) respect(19) miserable (20) aware第二篇How important ……(1)Reflect (2) fashion (3) elegant (4) smartly (5) well-tailored (6) undoubetedly (7) formally (8)treasured (9) dressed (10) suspicion (11) examined (12) on (13) under (14) smelling (15) article (16) impressed (17) judging (18) expression (19) status (20) necessary第三篇Here are some ……(1)Responsibility (2) keeping (3) in (4) goals (5) compare (6) question (7) be (8) Commit (9) take (10) build (11) on (12) but (13) beyond (14) process (15) solved (16) instant (17) at (18) achievement (19) to play (20) ahead词汇第一篇(1)She went to each house and gave @ the people the option, “Trick and treat!”D改为Trickor…(2)What do you think on @ spending holiday @ in Spain this summer ? B 改为of(3)Bush was in his speech responding to critics which blamed him for lacking “vision”.C 改为who(4)The reason why I decided to come here is because this university has a good department ofbiochemistry . B 改为that(5)Many scientific discoveries were made @ during @ 20th century . D 改为the 20th(6)However his social position is, it is necessary that he remember to work hard and to servethe people . A 改为whatever(7)He never received approval of his reforms from his superiors. Neither he did get anyencouragement from his colleagues. C 改为Neither did he(8)Very fancifully dressed was Lucy that no one at the ball recognized her despite the fact thatshe was the very hostess . A 改为So fancifully dressed(9)It is this side of the brain which strongly influences an individual’s ability to use words, tospell, and to remember things . B 改为that(10)should seek psychological and medical help . C 改为from第二篇(1)I recommend that you would think carefully before you do anything foolish . B 改为think(2)Don’t bother about my meal. I don’t feel like @ to eat @ anything. C 改为eating(3)We were very sorry to hear that Mr. Davidson had to retire at the age of fifty as his poorhealth . D 改为for(4)As far this month we have @ covered @ ten lessons in the grammar book . A 改为So far(5)Many preschool teachers do not like to have toy weapons bring into the classroom andwelcome hearing your concerns about this matter . B 改为brought into(6)Curiosity and imagination are important qualities which help stimulate the discovery of newfacts and advancing science . D 改为advance(7)What is it which presents the greatest difficulty in your learning English as a foreignlanguage ? B 改为that(8)Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells exactly what to do. Other prefer to leave towork on their own . C 改为to be left(9)Technological wonders of the 19th and 20th centuries have developed the newer means ofmass communication, with which the present near-global spread of printed words, words, pictures, and sounds would have been impossible. C 改为without(10)I f we can communicate with intelligent species like the dolphin on this planet, the chancesof communicating with intelligent life from other worlds are small. A 改为unless we第三篇(1)It is as interesting to read books extensively as it is swimming in the ocean. D 改为to swim(2)I would go to visit that beautiful lake but I couldn’t get in touch with him now. D 改为can’tget(3)Most environmental problems exist because adequate measure for preventing them werenot being taken in the past. D 改为taken(4)Waiting for a plane to take off from an airport can often take so long as the trip itself. C 改为as long as(5)I ran across many words which meanings I did not know so I looked them up @ in adictionary. B 改为whose meanings(6)Nearly three quarters of the surface of the earth are covered with water, and there wouldbe even less land if the polar ice caps were to melt. B 改为is(7)Reading a novel is more fun to the average reader than a scientific paper is generallyacknowledged. A That reading a novel(8)As is known to all, sometimes it is very difficult to tell the difference between technicalEnglish from everyday English. D 改为and everyday English(9)As a result the radio’s appeal for help for the earthquake victims, over a million pounds havebeen raised. A 改为As a result of(10)R ecent studies done by the Department of Labor have shown that nonsmoking are moreproductive than those who smoke. C 改为the nonsmoking翻译汉译英(1)老板不在时,他就是部门主任。
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II. Greek Dark Ages
(1100-900BC) →Greek Renaissance (900-700BC) →Orientalized Greece (700-600BC)
Homer is singing his epics.
The Iliad 《伊里亚特》
--Achilles in the final year of the Trojan war
Prometheus Bound Persians Agamemnon
Oedipus the King Electra Antigone
Trojan Women
Abduction of Persephone by Hades
(By Bernini)
the kidnapping / Abduction of Persephone
Unit Two The Greek Culture
The Aegean Civilization
The Palace of Minos /labyrinth -- built by Daedalus
1. Cretan / Minoan civilization
['kri:tən] [mi'nəuən]
2. Mycenaean Culture 迈锡尼文明
--The Lawmaker of Athens
IV. Classical Greek
3 great tragic dramatists:
(525-456BC ['i:skiləs]
Mycenae [mai'si:ni:]
Mycenae Lion Gate
Trojan War
Trojan War
apple of discord
The wedding of Peleus and Thetis
Eris--goddess of discord
The judgment of Paris Helen of Troy The Fall of Troy
Land of the
Lotus Eaters
Lotus, a 忘忧树、忘忧果 local plant Lotus n. Lotus Thoseadj. who 贪图安乐的 ate the Lotus, lotus land 安乐乡 lost memory of home and lotus-eater n. duty. [喻]醉生梦死, 不负责任、贪 Odysseus and his men who 图安乐的人 did not eat the plant dragged lotus-eating the men whon. did eat it back 醉生梦死、贪图安乐的行为 to the ship and sailed on.
be its
Contest between Athena and Poseidon
['pɑ:θinən] The _____?_____ in Athens -- An enduring symbol of Greek culture
Solon’s reforms
V. Hellenic Greece
Which empire?
Four schools of philosophers in the 4th century
• the Cynics(___?___派)(cynic = “__?__” in Greek) • the Sceptics(怀疑论学派) • the Epicureans(享乐主义学派) (pleasure—the highest good in life) • the Stoics(斯多葛学派) (duty, not pleasure —the most important thing in life)
the greatest names in European philosophysɔkrəti:z] (470-399BC) ['pleitəu] (428-348BC)
['æ ristɔtl] (384-322BC)
commander in chief
of the coalition that attacked Troy
Journey of Odysseus
Journey of Odysseus
Polyphemus [.pɔli'fi:məs] 波吕斐摩斯
Odysseus and the Sirens
Penelope’s web
Socrates taught Plato, who taught Aristotle?
• tutor of Alexander the Macedonian king • works numerous • talents
The Death of __?__
by Jacques-Louis David (1787)
“Captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive”?
__?__ – a Roman lyric poet
Archaistic Greece Classical Greece Hellenic Greece
I. The Aegean Civilization
(Cretan-Mycenaean Culture)
Aegeus ['i:dʒiəs] Theseus ['θi:siəs] King Minos Minotaur ['mainətɔ:]
The Odyssey 《奥德赛》
--Odysseus (Ulysses) after the Trojan war
Achilles [ə'kili:z] 阿喀琉斯
Achilles heel / the Heel
well heeled?
-- 阿伽门农
king of Mycenae;
Greek Dark Ages
→Greek Renaissance →Orientalized Greece [.ɑ:kei'istik]
(900-700BC) (700-600BC) (600-500BC) (500-323BC) (323-31BC)
Hesiod’ Theogony
III. Archaistic Greece
The Ancient Olympic Games
cradle of Western civilization
Greece is often referred to as the
Ancient Athens was considered to
Who is Alexander talking to?
Euclid(欧几里德) ['ju:klid]
__________?__________ “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world”
Ending of ancient Greek culture in _?_ B.C.