自我介绍 我过去内向现在开朗英文作文

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自我介绍我过去内向现在开朗英文作文My Journey from Shy to Outgoing
Hi there! My name is Emma, and I'm 10 years old. I've always loved telling stories, so today I wanted to share my own personal story about how I went from being really shy to becoming an outgoing person.
When I was younger, around 5 or 6 years old, I was extremely shy. I can still remember walking into my kindergarten classroom on the first day of school, clutching my mom's hand tightly and trying to hide behind her legs. I was terrified to be away from her and meet all the new kids and teachers. Just the thought of having to introduce myself made me want to cry.
Back then, I almost never spoke up in class unless the teacher called on me directly. I would sit quietly at my desk, staring down at the floor. Whenever we had to do group activities, I would dread having to work with others. I was afraid they would think I was weird or judge me. So I stayed silent and tried to fade into the background as much as possible.
Recess was probably the worst for my shyness. I remember standing alone on the playground, watching the other kids running around and having fun together. I wanted so badly to
join in, but I could never work up the courage to go over and ask to play. Instead, I would find a quiet corner and entertain myself until the bell rang.
This pattern of extreme shyness continued for several years as I got older. I missed out on so many fun experiences and opportunities to make friends because I was paralyzed by my fear of talking to people. I felt lonely a lot of the time, but I didn't know how to break out of my shell.
Then, when I was around 8 years old, something slowly started to change within me. I realized that by always hiding away, I was the one holding myself back from having fun and making friends. Sure, putting myself out there was scary. But I didn't want to spend my whole life feeling isolated.
So, I decided to make a conscious effort to be more outgoing and social. It was really hard at first, but I started off small by volunteering to read out loud in class more often. Even though my hands would shake from nerves, I discovered it got a tiny bit easier each time. I also forced myself to join group activities instead of shying away from them.
One of the biggest breakthroughs was making my first friend at school. Her name was Lily, and she had just moved to our town. I noticed her sitting alone at recess one day, and I
gathered every ounce of courage to walk over and introduce myself. I was absolutely terrified, but I did it! And you know what? Lily was so friendly, and we immediately hit it off. Having her as a friend showed me that there was nothing to be afraid of when meeting new people.
From then on, I made a point of saying hi to new kids at school and inviting others to hang out at recess. I realized that most people aren't judging you nearly as harshly as you think. In fact, most are just hoping to make friends too! The more I put myself out there socially, the more my confidence grew. My shyness slowly melted away and was replaced by a sense of ease around others.
These days, you couldn't pay me to be shy and quiet! I absolutely love being outgoing and social. Instead of sitting silently, I always raise my hand to share my thoughts in class. At recess, you'll find me in the middle of the playground, playing tag or four square with a big group of friends. And you know what? It feels absolutely amazing to engage with the world around me instead of watching from the sidelines.
Don't get me wrong, I still have moments when I feel a little shy sometimes - like when I'm meeting new people or in a brand new environment. But I've learned to embrace those feelings
instead of avoiding them. I take a deep breath, remind myself that it's okay to feel nervous, and then I just go for it anyway!
Looking back, I realize that my shyness was just depriving me of so many amazing experiences and relationships. Since becoming more outgoing, my world has opened up tremendously. I've made countless friends, tried so many new activities that seemed scary before, and gained a whole lot of self-confidence along the way.
I'm so grateful that I was able to make that mental shift and crawl out of my shy shell. Sure, it was uncomfortable and challenging at times. But it was absolutely worth it to become my true outgoing, social self. If you're feeling shy like I used to be, I encourage you to start taking small steps to put yourself out there too. It's incredibly rewarding and empowering to face those fears head on.
Believe me, this introvert turned extrovert wouldn't have it any other way! Being outgoing has enriched my life in countless ways. I can't wait to see where this outgoing attitude takes me next as I grow up. There's a big, wonderful world out there just waiting to be fully embraced and experienced. No more holding back for me - I'm ready to greet it all with open arms!。
