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My my My. I am I am. I will will will. A a a. You you you. We we we. Do do do. Go go go. Play play play. Work work work. Learn learn learn. School school school. Home home home. Mom mom mom. Dad dad dad. Job job job. Money money money. Buy buy buy. Eat eat eat. Sleep sleep sleep. Fun fun fun.
My will go school. I learn learn learn. We go home home home. You play play play. I do do do job job job. You buy buy buy food food food. Eat eat eat. Sleep sleep sleep. Fun fun fun.
I am I am I am good good good at at at school school school. Work work work hard hard hard. Learn learn learn lots lots lots. Get get get good good good job job job. Make make make lots lots lots money money money. Buy buy buy big big big home home home. New new new car car car. Toys toys toys for for for kids kids kids.
Mom mom mom says says says do do do well well well school school school. Dad dad dad says says says get get get job job job. Make make make money money money. I I I will will will
listen listen listen parents parents parents. Work work work hard hard hard now now now. Fun fun fun later later later.
When when when I'm I'm I'm big big big, have have have good good good job job job. Be be be doctor doctor doctor or or or vet vet vet. Help help help people people people and and and animals animals animals. Make make make lots lots lots money money money. Buy buy buy nice nice nice car car car and and and home home home. Travel travel travel world world world. See see see new new new places places places.
Go Go Go beach beach beach. Swim swim swim ocean ocean ocean. Build build build sandcastles sandcastles sandcastles. Eat Eat Eat ice ice ice cream cream cream. Do Do Do fun fun fun things things things family family family. Kids Kids Kids play play play games games games. We We We laugh laugh laugh and and and smile smile smile.
Have Have Have big big big party party party for for for friends friends friends. Eat Eat Eat yummy yummy yummy food food food. Dance Dance Dance to to to music music music. Tell Tell Tell funny funny funny jokes jokes jokes. Stay Stay Stay up up up late late late. Have Have Have sleepover sleepover sleepover. Watch Watch Watch movies movies movies. Eat Eat Eat popcorn popcorn popcorn.
That's That's That's my my my future future future. Do Do Do well well well school school school now now now. Get Get Get good good good job job job later later later. Make Make Make money money money. Buy Buy Buy nice nice nice things things things. Have Have Have fun fun fun with with with family family family and and and friends friends friends. See See See new new new places places places. Live Live Live happy happy happy life life life.
My Future
Ever since I was a little kid, I've wondered what the future will be like. Will we have flying cars zipping through the sky? Will robots do all our chores and homework for us? Will humans travel to other planets and meet alien life? The possibilities seem endless and super exciting!
When I grow up, I hope I can have an awesome job that I really enjoy. Maybe I'll be a scientist who makes
ground-breaking discoveries that help cure diseases or unlock the mysteries of the universe. How cool would it be to be the first person to travel through a wormhole or make contact with an alien civilization? As a scientist, I could also invent crazy new
technologies like teleportation devices or virtual reality headsets that let you visit any place in the galaxy with just a thought.
Or perhaps I'll become a famous artist or musician whose works move millions of people around the world. Imagine painting a masterpiece that hangs in all the greatest museums, or writing a song that tops the charts for months on end. That would be such an incredible feeling – using your creativity to spread beauty, joy and inspiration across the planet.
Another career path I've daydreamed about is being a professional athlete. Making the winning score at the Olympics or World Cup to bring home the gold for my country...the roar of the crowd cheering me on...the sense of pride and accomplishment after years of hard training...it gives me chills just thinking about it! Getting paid to stay in peak physical condition while competing at the highest level of sport would be a dream come true.
Then again, maybe my true calling involves protecting people and making the world a better place. I could become a police officer or firefighter and save lives every single day. Or I might run for political office and fight for laws that reduce poverty, hatred and injustice. Imagining myself as the leader of a
nation working tirelessly for peace and equality makes me feel brave and determined.
No matter what job I pursue though, I know for sure that I want to start a family someday too. Having kids of my own to love, care for and pass my values onto sounds amazing. We could go on adventures together, learn about the world, and make tons of wonderful memories. Decades from now, I hope to look back on my life feeling proud of my accomplishments but most of all the close bonds I've made with my family and friends. Those are what matter most.
As for the rest of the future, I can't wait to see all the new inventions that get created in my lifetime. Hopefully, we'll develop eco-friendly renewable energy sources to reduce pollution and protect the environment. We might even establish colonies on the Moon and Mars! Or maybe we'll finally achieve real artificial intelligence that can analyze data and solve problems better than any human. The 22nd century could bring unbelievable breakthroughs in medicine too, like nanobots that can repair our cells and tissues to keep us healthier longer.
Then there are the big mysteries that remain unsolved: What happened in the first few seconds after the Big Bang? Is there an infinite number of parallel universes? Could we ever build a
real-life Stargate to travel through wormholes between distant galaxies? Questions like these give me a deep sense of wonder about the vast cosmos we live in and all its perplexing secrets yet to be uncovered.
No one can predict the future with certainty, but I know it will be an incredibly exciting era full of opportunities to learn, explore and achieve our biggest ambitions. The idea of contributing something positive that improves life for future generations fills me with hope and motivation. Just imagining humanity's potential for growth and progress makes me grateful to be alive during such a pivotal moment in history.
As a kid, it's fun to fantasize about all the amazing possibilities ahead. However, I realize that making the most of my future will require hard work, determination and believing in myself. There will undoubtedly be obstacles and setbacks along the way too. But as long as I stay focused on my goals and never stop chasing my dreams, I'm confident I can make the world a little bit better in my own unique way. The future may be unwritten, but its path is what we make of it through our actions today. So why not dream big?
My Future
Have you ever thought about what you want to be when you grow up? I sure have! Ever since I was a little kid, I've had so many big dreams about my future. My ideas have changed over the years, but one thing has stayed the same – I want my life to be exciting and adventurous!
When I was really little, maybe around 3 or 4 years old, I obviously didn't have the best grasp of reality. I told everyone that I wanted to be a dinosaur when I grew up. Can you imagine a little kid stomping around, roaring, and pretending to eat leaves off the trees? That's exactly what I did! My parents thought it was absolutely adorable. They never discouraged my imagination, even when it was a bit wacky.
A couple years later, I went through a phase where I was obsessed with superheroes. I watched all the superhero movies and shows, and read as many comic books as I could get my hands on. I was convinced that I was going to grow up to have amazing superpowers that would allow me to fly, become invisible, lift huge objects with one hand, and protect the world from evil villains. Oh, how I dreamed of having a secret lair and a cool superhero costume! Little did I know, my superpower would
simply be using my intelligence and courage to make the world a better place.
Then when I was around 7 or 8, I went through what I call "my doctor phase." I was utterly fascinated by the human body and how it worked. I read lots of books about anatomy and medical conditions. I worked hard to learn all the proper names for bones, organs, and body systems. I walked around the house wearing a stethoscope and fake doctor's coat, pretending to examine my patients (my very patient stuffed animals!). I was absolutely certain that I would grow up to become a pediatrician to help keep kids healthy and happy.
A few years later, after learning about climate change and environmental issues at school, I decided my calling was to become an environmental scientist or activist. I wanted to study animals, plants, and ecosystems to find ways to protect our beautiful planet. Images of pollution, deforestation, and animals going extinct broke my heart. I spent a ton of time researching environmental causes and ways that kids could get involved to make the world greener and more sustainable. I started a little recycling club at school to raise awareness. My parents were really proud of my passion for such an important issue.
Now that I'm in 5th grade, I've started dreaming about becoming an astronaut and exploring the depths of outer space. The thought of traveling to other planets, walking on the moon, and seeing the earth from miles above is absolutely
mind-blowing to me. I read everything I can about space travel, science, and famous astronauts like Neil Armstrong and Sally Ride. I'm studying really hard in math and science, since those subjects will be critical if I want to join a space program someday. How amazing would it be to float around in zero gravity and look at the stars up close? I can't wait to learn even more!
To be honest, my dream career changes pretty frequently these days. One day I want to be a scientist, the next day a famous artist, writer, or musician. Sometimes I think it would be fun to be a chef and own my own restaurant. Other times, I'm obsessed with the idea of being an entrepreneur and coming up with a brilliant million-dollar invention. Lately, I've even considered a career as a computer programmer or video game designer after learning some basic coding. With my wild imagination, it's hard for me to pick just one path in life!
No matter what career I choose when I'm older, there are a few things I know for sure about my future: I want to do something that makes me jump out of bed every morning,
excited to start my day. I don't want to be stuck behind a desk without any adventures. Whether I'm an astronaut, scientist, doctor, artist, or programmer, I hope the work I do makes a positive difference in the world. I have this deep desire to learn as much as I can and use my knowledge and talents to help others and protect the planet we all share.
I know that achieving my dreams won't always be easy. My parents remind me that everything worthwhile requires hard work, perseverance, and believing in myself. There will be obstacles to overcome and challenges to face. But if I stay focused, listen to good advice, and never give up, I'm confident I can make my wildest dreams a reality someday. The future is filled with so many amazing possibilities!
So that's the plan for my future career – at least for now! Who knows, maybe in a few years I'll be saying I want to become an astronaut-scientist-doctor-chef...or even President of the United States? A kid can dream, right? I certainly plan to keep dreaming big. The most important thing is that I use my unique strengths and talents to accomplish something great. With determination and an adventurous spirit, I'm ready to go out and conquer the world!
My Future
I think a lot about what my future will be like when I'm older. There are so many different paths my life could take and so many careers I could choose. It's fun to dream about the possibilities!
One future I sometimes imagine is becoming a doctor. I would love to help people when they are sick or injured. Being a doctor seems like such an important job. You get to save lives and make a real difference in the world. The idea of working in a hospital or having my own medical practice really appeals to me. Of course, I know it would require many years of difficult study and training. But if I worked hard, I could do it.
Another potential path is becoming an engineer. I really enjoy math and science class. Building and designing things with computers and machines seems fascinating. Maybe I could work for a big tech company, helping to invent incredible new technology that could change the world. Or perhaps I could design awesome new video games or robots! Engineering uses so much creativity and problem-solving skill. It combines my strengths in a rewarding way.
A career as a professional athlete is another future that crosses my mind. I love playing sports, especially basketball and soccer. Becoming a famous star athlete would be a dream come
true! Just imagine playing in huge stadiums in front of thousands of cheering fans. And getting paid millions to play the sports you love? How cool would that be?! The practices and competitions would be hard work. But if you're doing what you love, it wouldn't feel like work at all.
Sometimes I picture myself as a teacher or professor. My favorite teachers have such a huge impact by shaping young minds. They make learning fun andopen up new worlds of knowledge. Being an educator would give me the chance to inspire the next generation and share my passion for learning. I could teach little kids the basics or delve into deep topics at the university level. No matter what, surrounding myself with books and helping others would be very fulfilling.
As I look ahead, I know there will be many challenges and obstacles to overcome. But I'm excited to work hard, follow my dreams and see where life takes me. My education is the foundation that will prepare me for that journey into an amazing future. With determination and passion, I can achieve anything I set my mind to. The future is bright with opportunity!
My Future
Have you ever thought about what you want to be when you grow up? I have, and let me tell you, it's not an easy decision! There are so many cool jobs out there, and it's hard to pick just one. But after a lot of thinking, I've narrowed it down to three options that I think would be awesome.
First up, being a professional athlete sounds like a dream come true. Imagine getting paid to play your favorite sport all day! Whether it's basketball, soccer, or even something more unique like rock climbing or surfing, being an athlete would be so much fun. You'd get to travel to different cities and countries, meet new people, and compete against the best in the world. Plus, you'd be in incredible shape and get to inspire kids to stay active and follow their dreams.
Another option that has always fascinated me is being a scientist. Can you imagine discovering something that changes the world? Or even just learning more about how the universe works? Scientists get to explore the unknown, ask big questions, and find answers that help make people's lives better. Whether it's curing diseases, developing new technologies, or unlocking the mysteries of space, being a scientist would be endlessly interesting and important.
The final option I've been considering is becoming an artist or creative professional. This could mean being a painter, sculptor, writer, musician, actor, or anything else that allows you to express yourself and share your creativity with the world. Imagine having your artwork displayed in a famous museum, your book becoming a bestseller, or your music playing on radios around the globe! What could be cooler than that?
So those are my top three choices for the future: athlete, scientist, or artist. Each one has its own unique challenges and rewards, but they all sound incredibly exciting to me. Who knows, maybe I'll end up doing a combination of all three! Or maybe I'll discover a completely different path that I haven't even thought of yet.
The great thing about being a kid is that the future is wide open, and you can dream as big as you want. I might change my mind a million times before I actually have to decide on a career. But one thing is for sure: no matter what I end up doing, I want to work hard, follow my passions, and make a positive impact on the world.
I can't wait to see what the future holds!
My Future
In the future, I will be big and tall. I hope to have an exciting job that makes me happy. Maybe I can be a scientist and study stars and planets. Or perhaps I will be a teacher and help kids learn new things every day. I could even be a builder and construct huge buildings that stretch up to the clouds!
When I am older, I want to travel all around the world. I will go to far away places like Africa, Australia, and Japan. I hope to see amazing animals in the wild on an African safari. In Australia, I can go snorkeling and swim with colorful fish. If I visit Japan, maybe I can watch sumo wrestlers compete and eat delicious sushi.
I also dream of doing fun activities as a grown-up. I would love to learn how to fly a plane and soar through the skies. Skydiving out of an airplane would be an incredible thrill! Riding in a hot air balloon over beautiful landscapes seems so peaceful. Another goal is to become an expert at a sport like basketball, soccer, or gymnastics.
As an adult, I hope to live in a cool house or apartment. It would be awesome to have my own big bedroom, a game room, and a pool in the backyard. My future home could be near the beach so I can swim, build sandcastles, and hunt for seashells. Or
maybe I will live on a farm surrounded by fields, animals, and lots of nature.
I cannot wait to eventually meet my best friend for life. We will have sleepovers, go on adventures, and share all our secrets. My lifelong friend and I can stay up late watching movies, eating snacks, and playing games. When we are older, we may even get married to someone special and have children of our own one day.
Trying new things will be important when I am grown up. I want to sample different cultural foods like sushi, curry, and pasta. Learning a new language such as Spanish, French, or Chinese would be exciting. Maybe I will take up a hobby like painting, coding, or playing an instrument. The future holds so many possibilities!
While there are many fun things I look forward to, I know life will also present challenges. School will get harder with more advanced subjects and difficult tests. Dealing with negative emotions like anger, sadness, and stress is never easy. I will need to work very hard to achieve my dreams and goals.
Even though growing up can be tough, I am optimistic about what lies ahead. My parents, teachers, and other caring adults will guide me. As long as I stay focused, treat others with
kindness, and never give up, the future will be bright. I have so much to learn and explore. The possibilities are endless!。