国际市场营销(双语)ch0531 Global customers

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Wide range in economic development Young people have “unlearned” the
communist past Needs business and distribution
infrastructure Familiar with Western Brands
Chapter 5/ 11
North America - NAFTA
$9,254 trillion GNP 30% of Global Income 407 million population 7% world population
Chapter 5/ 12
$8,230 billion Global Income 25% of Global Income 2.8 Billion population 52% World Population
Global Marketing Management Chapter 5 Global Customers
Warren J. Keegan
Regional Market Characteristics Marketing in Transitional Economies & Less
Simplification of transit documents & procedures Elimination of customs formalities
Chapter 5/ 7
Promotion Strategies in the EU
Common guidelines for TV broadcasting
Chapter 5/ 14
•Home of most demanding customers •Home market of global customers •Home market of global competitors •Significant market of global competitors •Major source of industry innovation.
Deregulation of national monopolies
Uniform standard forห้องสมุดไป่ตู้TV commercials
Chapter 5/ 8
Eastern & Central Europe
Balkans: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, etc.
Baltics:Lithuania, Latvia & Estonia Commonwealth of Independent States Poland, Hungary, etc.
Chapter 5/ 13
Traditional Western & Asian Marketing Values
Western •Brand segmentation; personal
choice & self expression through brands •Presenters/testimonials important but more to draw attention to brands •Seeding & diffusion from leading edge •“Understatement” of wealth •Environmentalism
More competitive Withdrawal of restrictions on foreign
products Anti-monopoly measures Widening of public procurement market
Chapter 5/ 6
Distribution Strategies in the EU
Developed Countries Global Buyers Global Marketing Plan Summary
Chapter 5/ 2
Learning Objectives
Become familiar with different regional markets Learn how transitional & developing markets
Asian •Popular famous brands; confidence in brand & corporate names •Imitation,emulation,use of presenters as role models •Rapid adoption of successful brands •Display of wealth and status •Confidence in technology
differ from developed countries Understand the customer value & the value
equation Discuss diffusion theory
Chapter 5/ 3
Western Europe
Smaller than Australia 32 % Global Income 460 million population 7% World Population 23 Countries
Chapter 5/ 4
Product Strategies in the EU
Harmonization in product standards
Common patenting & branding Harmonization in packaging
Chapter 5/ 5
Pricing Strategies in the EU
Chapter 5/ 9
Eastern & Central Europe Before – After Market Economy
Before After
% World GNP 6.9%
GNP per Capita $3,665 $2,219
Chapter 5/ 10
Marketing in Eastern & Central Europe