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The Big Running Race
Last month, our school had the annual running race competition. I had been training really hard for weeks leading up to it. Every day after class, I would go running around the track behind the school building. My legs would be so sore and tired afterwards, but I knew I had to keep pushing myself if I wanted to do well in the race.
A couple weeks before the race, my P.E. teacher Mr. Wang gathered all the students who signed up in the gym. He went over the rules and courses for the different grade levels. The 6th graders would be running 3 kilometers, which was pretty far! Mr. Wang encouraged us all to keep practicing and drink lots of water in the days leading up to the race.
The morning of the race day, I woke up super early feeling nervous but excited. I ate a good breakfast of congee, eggs, and vegetables to fuel up. When I arrived at school, there were
already tons of students warming up and getting ready. The air was filled with an energetic buzz.
Finally, it was time to line up at the starting line for the 6th grade boys' race. My heart was pounding as I waiting for the start signal. Mr. Li, who was supervising the race, shouted "Runners, take your mark! Get set...go!" The gunshot cracked through the air and we all took off running.
I tried to pace myself at the beginning, not sprinting too fast but keeping up a good steady jog. The first kilometer wasn't too bad, but then we had to run up a pretty big hill. My legs started burning and I could feel myself slowing down as I struggled up the incline. Some kids passed me, but I just focused on keeping my breathing steady.
Once I crested the top of the hill, I was able to pick up speed again on the flat stretch. I could see the finish line banners up ahead and gave it all I had, sprinting as fast as my legs could carry me those last few hundred meters. I was drenched in sweat and panting hard as I finally crossed the finish line.
After catching my breath, I went to check my time and placing. I ended up finishing 8th out of all the 6th grade boys, which I was pretty proud of! My time was 14 minutes and 27
seconds. While I didn't medal this year, running my best and completing the whole 3k was still an big accomplishment.
At the awards ceremony later that morning, the top 3 finishers in each grade level got medals and trophies. The first place 6th grade boy broke the school record, finishing in an incredibly fast 11 minutes flat! Seeing him get that huge trophy on the podium made me feel even more motivated to train harder for next year's race.
After the races wrapped up, there were all kinds of fun activities and game booths set up on the field behind the school. My classmates and I played tug-of-war, did water balloon tosses, and competed in hilarious three-legged races. We may have been exhausted from running earlier, but we still had a blast.
By the end of the day, I was completely tuckered out. My legs felt like heavy lead weights from all the running and playing. But I had a big smile on my face knowing I had pushed myself and done my absolute best in the big race. I can't wait to start training again for next year! Maybe I'll even break that school record.
The Big School Running Race
Last month, our school had a really exciting running race. All the students from 3rd grade up to 6th grade could participate if they wanted to. I was super excited because I love running and competing in races.
A few weeks before the race, our P.E. teacher Mr. Wang told us all about it during gym class. He said the race would be 1500 meters long, which is just under 1 mile. That seemed really far to me at first, but Mr. Wang said if we trained hard, we could do it. He had us start running laps around the school track to get ready.
At first, running even a few laps was hard and I got tired quickly. But each day, I ran a little bit further. "You're making great progress," Mr. Wang told me with an encouraging smile. My parents were really supportive too and bought me new running shoes to help me train.
Finally, the big day of the race arrived. I woke up early, put on my running clothes and had a good breakfast. My parents drove me to school and I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach from being nervous and excited. When we got there, I could see kids warming up by running back and forth and stretching.
The race was scheduled to start at 9 AM sharp on the school's running track. A bunch of parents and teachers had come to watch and cheer us on. Mr. Li, the principal, was there too with a megaphone to start the race. When he blew the whistle, we all lined up behind the starting line, getting in our staggered positions.
"On your marks...get set...GO!" Mr. Li boomed into the megaphone. We all took off running as hard as we could. The first 100 meters or so, I was keeping up with the leaders. But then they started pulling ahead as we made it around the first turn.
"Just keep your pace," I told myself, remembering Mr. Wang's advice. I focused on my breathing and tried not to get discouraged even though I was falling behind the front runners. Slowly but surely, I managed to pass some kids who had gone out too fast and burned themselves out.
As I made it halfway through the race, my legs were started to feel like jelly. But I could hear my parents cheering "You've got this! Keep going!" from the sidelines. Their encouragement gave me that extra boost I needed to keep pushing myself.
With about 300 meters left, I looked ahead and saw one of my good friends, Xiaoming, was just a little bit in front of me. I decided to try and catch up to him and maybe even pass him if I
had enough left in the tank. Digging down deep, I lengthened my stride and pushed as hard as I could.
Xiaoming must have heard my footsteps getting closer because he started running harder too. We were neck-and-neck coming around the final turn. This was it, the last 100 meter straight stretch to the finish line. I couldn't feel my legs anymore but I refused to give up. Mustering every last ounce of energy, I kicked it into an extra gear.
The crowds' cheers became a blur as I strained to get ahead. Xiaoming and I were both giving it absolutely everything we had. With just 20 meters to go, I pulled ahead by the slimmest of margins. I leaned forward at the finish line, draining the absolute last reserve of energy as I crossed, collapsing onto the track in exhaustion.
I had no idea who had actually won at first. But then I heard Mr. Li's voice boom "Liu Xing has won the 6th grade division!" I couldn't believe it...I had actually won! Xiaoming came over and gave me a sweaty high-five with a big smile. Even though he had been my biggest competition, he was truly happy for me.
As I caught my breath, I looked around at all my friends, teammates, teachers and family who were cheering wildly. Winning the race was really cool, but the best part was having all
their amazing support. I felt proud, accomplished and grateful all at the same time. It was one of the best days of my life so far.
After the race, they had a little awards ceremony. Mr. Li presented me with a medal, certificate and a trophy. I've never worked so hard to achieve something. But crossing that finish line after pushing myself farther than I ever thought possible is a feeling I'll never forget.
That race taught me that with dedication, perseverance and the support of others, you really can achieve your goals, no matter how impossible they might seem at first. I can't wait for the next big running competition. But first, time for a long nap - my legs are exhausted!
My Thrilling Running Race Experience
Last Friday was one of the most exciting days of my life - it was Sports Day at my elementary school! The biggest event was the annual 1000-meter running race for sixth graders. I had been training hard for weeks, running laps around the playground during break times to build up my endurance. My goal was to win the race and bring glory to my class.
The morning of the race, I woke up feeling nervous but determined. I ate a healthy breakfast of oatmeal with banana and drank a large glass of water to stay hydrated. Putting on my running shorts and t-shirt, I laced up my brand new running shoes tightly. I could feel the smooth rubber soles gripping the floor - those shoes were ready to fly!
At school, the gym teacher gathered all the sixth grade boys on the track for the race. There were 50 of us lined up at the starting line, shifting our weight from foot to foot in anticipation. The air was electric with excitement and competitive spirit. I looked around at my opponents - Xiao Ming was tall and lanky, Xiao Li had powerful legs, and Xiao Zhang was aerodynamically thin. They would all be tough to beat.
"On your marks!" shouted the gym teacher, raising his starting pistol into the air. "Get set!" My heart was pounding in my chest as I crouched down into my starting stance, leaning forward slightly with determination. "BANG!"
We exploded off the starting line in a flurry of limbs and shouts. I quickly found my stride, focusing on taking long strides to eat up the track efficiently. The first 200 meters flew by in a blur. Reaching the first turn, I tried to stay tight to the inside for the shortest path. Xiao Ming and Xiao Li were slightly ahead,
pushing a blistering pace. I refused to let them break away, gritting my teeth and willing my legs faster.
The second straightaway felt like an eternity. My lungs were burning and my legs screaming in protest as I forced them through the intense pain. Sweat poured down my face and back, soaking my t-shirt. Spectators' cheers and the thudding of 100 feet on the rubberized track filled my ears. With 400 meters to go, Xiao Zhang passed me looking smooth as can be. I couldn't let that happen!
Digging deeper than I ever had before, I surged past Xiao Zhang again, refusing to let him take the lead. We entered the final turn attached at the hip, our elbows nearly colliding. Xiao Ming and Xiao Li were still holding onto a slight lead ahead of us. Only 200 meters remained - it would be an all-out sprint to the finish!
Rounding the final turn, I leaned into the curve and exploded out of it, flailing my arms and legs wildly like a drunken windmill. The finish line seemed to pull me toward it with an invisible force as the crowd's roars reached deafening levels. Xiao Ming and Xiao Li remained just ahead, daring me to catch them.
With 100 meters to go, the fiery pain in my lungs and legs became an inferno of agony. My vision started blurring and my
head felt light and dizzy. But I was too close to give up now! Gritting my teeth, I gave one last heroic effort, pushing my body far past its limits.
I don't even remember crossing the finish line - just collapsing in a sweaty heap, gasping for air. Looking up through hazy eyes, I saw the scoreboard. Xiao Ming had won in a time of 3:24, with Xiao Li right behind. Then...I couldn't believe my eyes。
