2014-2015英语必修5人教新课标Unit2课件PPT-Listening exercise(共31张)

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ZP: I see. How old was he?
G: He was only thirteen _______ years old. His
cruel uncle, also called Richard, look after was supposed to _____ ____ them both, but instead he had them _____ killed while they were asleep. ZP: What do you mean? He killed them himself?
was a prisoner?
G: Easy. Her brother and sister both died ________ without children so Elizabeth
became Queen Elizabeth I. She tried
not to be ______ unfair to others when she
about British ______ people.
LL: Sarah, did you say that Britain is
a ____________ multicultural country?
G: No, he _____ sent his men to kill them because he wanted to become King Richard III. There is a story that on a dark _____ night you can sometimes hear those princes crying ______. ZP: You can hear them crying? Really? I _______ thought you said they were killed many years ago. G: Yes, but it’s only a _____! story
G: These two princes were ________, brothers called Edward and Richard and they six hundred years ago. They lived ____ came to London _______, for the older boy to become Edward V, after his father, King Edward IV, _____. died
Unit 2 The United Kingdom
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Listen to Part 1.
CAN A ROYAL PALACE ALSO BE A PRISON? Zhang Pingyu (ZP) is trying to find out more about the history of the Tower of London from a guide (G).
G: She thought Elizabeth was a ______. traitor
So she sent Elizabeth through a gate called “Traitors’ Gate”. special _____ That only happened ___ to very bad people. ZP: I’m sorry I don’t __________. understand How did Elizabeth becomglad to hear that. ZP: I’m ____
Listen to Part 1.
Liu Lei (LL) is talking with Sarah (S)
about British people.
Listen again and fill in the blanks. WHO ARE BRITISH CITIZENS? Liu Lei (LL) is talking with Sarah (S)
Listen to Part 2.
Listen again and fill in the blanks. Part 2 ZP: Who else came to the Tower as a prisoner ________? 1550s Queen G: A future queen. In the ______ Mary sent her ______, sister Princess Elizabeth, to the Tower as a prisoner. ZP: _______! Strange Why did she do that?
Listen again and fill in the blanks. CAN A ROYAL PALACE ALSO BE A PRISON? Zhang Pingyu (ZP) is trying to find out more about the history of the _______ Tower
of London from a ______ guide (G).
G: The Tower was the home of the King prison Many important but also a ______. people were kept there. ZP: I beg your pardon? Can you speak more ______, slowly please? G: Of course. Have you heard of “The _______ Princes in the Tower”? ZP: No, I’m afraid not.