1.荷载短期荷载short-time load 临界荷载critical load 持续荷载sustained loads恒载dead load 活载live load 峰值荷载peak load 冲击荷载impact load 2.专业名词力矩面等横截面cross section 隔离体 a free body 轴力axial forces 带肩梁ledger beam正应力the normal stress 剪应力the shear stress 固定铰支座 a pin support 可动铰支座 a roller support 平面内弯矩in-plane bending 平面外弯矩out-of-plane bending简支梁a simple beam 悬臂梁 a cantilever beam 分布力distributed load 均布力uniformly distributed load 静定结构statically determinate structure 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 角焊缝fillet weld 对接焊缝groove weld外缘outer edges 中性轴the neutral axis 形心矩centroidal distance沙石混凝土sand-and-stone concrete 预应力混凝土pre stressed concrete复合应力combined stress 极限应变limiting tensile strain 平均正应力mean normal stress名义抗剪强度nominal shear strength 惯性力inertia force 地震作用seismic action广义位移generalized displacement 扭矩torsion 预加应力pre stress托梁corbel3.材料平面顶deck 屋面防水层water proof roofing 金属箔层压板foil-laminated钢筋steel 涂料paint 木条板lath 灰泥plaster 楔子wedge基础footing 横向钢筋transverse reinforcement 纵筋longitudinal reinforcement 弯起纵筋bent-up longitudinal steel 单向板one-way slabs 腹筋the web steel 楼梯踏步stair tread 顶棚抹灰plastered ceilings 承重墙bearing wall第 1 页/共 4 页轻质幕墙light weight curtain walls 桁架truss 构件member 谷仓grain elevator桥墩bridge pier 大型结构heavy structure 梯井stair shaft高层写字楼high-rise office 预埋构件metal insert 作业平台work plat form企口木板tongue-and-groove plank 施工架constructed yoke 走道脚手架 a walkway scaffold铅垂线the plumb line 喷雾器fog sprays 型钢structural steel 剪力墙shear wall平板flat slab 合成薄板synthetic film 防护墙板endosing wall panels人字起重机derrick crane 卫生间设施bathroom groups 服务竖井the service shaft隔气层vapor barriers 隔热层insulation 结露点dew point 空心板hollow plank竖向剪力墙shear-resistant vertical wall 预制构件pre cast member 隔板wall panel4.其他1应力等值线 a stress contour 数值分析numerical analysis 悬索基础cable structures实验研究experimental investigation 超静定次数degree of statical indeterminaly叠加法method of superposition 基本结构released structure高跨比span-depth ratio弯矩图bending moment diagram 附着deposit 弹性模量modulus of elasticity水化hydrate 硬化harden 变量variables 环境相对湿度ambient relative humidity蒸发evaporate 定向立方体单元oriented elementary cube初步结论tentative conclusion斜向拉力diagonal tension 微分长度单元 a differential length 应力迹线stress trajectory骨料咬合作用aggregate interlock 销栓作用dowel action 延性ductility扭转力偶twisting couple 力臂lever arm 分数fraction 取代in lieu of地震高发区zones of high earthquake probability 平立面in plan elevation平动translation 转动rotation 凹部depressions 凸起projection 凸口recess 在现场on the site 误差error 通用规范applicable codes滑模施工slip form operations 养护care 锚固be anchored in 挠度deflection5.其他2侧向支持sway bracing 先张法pre tensioning technique 后张法post tensioning technique安全系数safety factor 安全储备margin of safety 附属cust-in fittings防火等级fire ratings 不匀称沉降differential settlement 深基础deep foundation扩展式基础spread foundation 符合基础combined footings 条形基础strap footings垂直于at right angles to 类似于analogous to 单位力法unit-load method大小相等方向相反be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction静力平衡方程equations of static equilibrium 与……有关pertain to求合力from a summation of force 一组联立方程 a set of simultaneous equations协调方程equations of compatibility 经验方程empirical equation大一个数量级an order of magnitude longer 第二面积积分the second moment-area thorea·b dot product a*b cross product 位移互等定理reciprocal displacement theorem第 3 页/共 4 页液压控制系统hydraulic master control system 功的互等定理…………work ……与……成正比in direct proportion to 与……一致be geared to。
1.1.2 翻译的标准
“信”是“达”的基础,不忠实的译文再通顺也无 意义;
“达”是“信”的保证,不通顺的译文会影响译文 的质量。
1.1.3 翻译的过程
在经济的发展中,修建现代化道路的重要性不能过分估计。 在经济发展中,修建现代化道路的重要性无论怎么估计也 不过分。
can not + over = can not … too…无论如何…也不过分.
1.1.2 翻译的标准
2. A novel solution to car which runs out of control into
Байду номын сангаас
1.1.1 翻译的任务
从某种意义上说,专业英语的翻译同文学类的英 语翻译一样,也是一个再创作的过程。
需要掌握翻译的方法和技巧,不断提高语言文字 水平以及文化、专业知识水平,并在实践中不断 地磨练。
bridge abutments and the like has become popular in
North America although not yet in Europe.
对于汽车失去控制撞到墩柱上等等类似的问题,尽管在欧洲 还未找到解决的办法,然而在北美已经有了新的很普遍的解 决办法.
土木工程专业英语(Civil Engineering)课件-翻译
![土木工程专业英语(Civil Engineering)课件-翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/90c5d6e0770bf78a652954f9.png)
It is this kind of steel that the construction worksite
needs most urgently.
It is these drawbacks which need to be eliminated and which have led to the search for new methods of construction.
它们主要用于大型水坝,在大坝中他们能减少水泥硬化时 释放出的热量。
限定性定语从句有时在翻译时可压缩成宾语、谓 语、表语和同位语。
Soft-rock tunnel has its main characteristic as the tunnel process which need no explosives.
In spite of the growth of other kinds of transport,
1.句子的结构: c.英语复合句结构→汉语不同的复合结构。
This place is really beautiful, and many people
承重骨架 load carrying frame结构工程 structural engineering钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete稳定性 stability岩土工程 geotechnical engineering楼板、平板 slab结构性能 structural behavior测量 Survey均匀沉降 uniform settlement浇筑 pour测量是指为收集数据,以便在水平面内画出地球表面点的相应位置图的一种技术Surveying is defined an art of collecting data for mapping the relative positions of points on the surface of earth in a horizontal plane.摩天大厦的存在归功于19世纪的两大发明:钢结构和载人电梯The skyscraper owes it is existence to two developments of the 19th century:steel skeleton construction and the passenger elevator.一个项目开始的时候,土木工程师要对现场进行测绘,定位有用的布置,如地下水、下水道和电力线When a project begins,the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate utility placement water,sewer,and power lines.1.excavate 开挖2.Structural engineering 结构工程3. water and sewage systems 给排水工程4. settlement 沉降5. heating and cooling systems 供暖、制冷系统6. cantilever beam 悬臂梁7. balustrade 栏杆8. decoration 装饰9. span 跨度10. pour 浇筑11. blank wall 围墙、挡墙12. budget 预算13. plan 计划、方案、规划14. partition 隔墙15. lintel 过梁16. skin 外墙17. allocate 分配18. bearing wall 承重墙19. superstructure 上部结构20. substructure 下部结构21.mechanical and electrical systems 机电系统22. slab-column system 板柱系统23. time-dependent 截止日期24. outline 外观25. Parlance 术语26. Depth 进深27. reservoir 水库28. high-rise building 高层建筑29. tube in tube 筒中筒30. spillway 泄洪道31. water-to-cement ratio 水灰比32. asphalt 沥青33. predominate 主导34. hydroelectric 水电35 . tension 应力36 . compression 压缩37. simply supported beam 简单支撑梁38. elevator 电梯39. reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土40. truss 桁架41. rigid frames 刚性框架42. maintenance 养护43. Arch bridge 拱桥44. bridge piers 桥墩45. abutment 桥台46. auxiliary 附加的47. embankment 坝48 . permeability 渗透性49. arch dam 拱坝50. shaft 轴1. 工程管理 Engineering management2. 动力厂(发电厂) power plant;power station3. 连续梁 continuous beam4. 力 force5. 混凝土 concrete6. 公路工程 highway engineering7. 支配的,统治的,占优势 dominant8. 说法,术语 parlance9. 隐蔽处,躲避处,避难所 shelter10. 抗剪强度 shearing strength11. 建筑物 building12. 建筑学 architecture13. 建筑的组成 components of a building14. 承重框架load-carrying frame/ load-bearing frame15. 直升电梯 elevator/lift16. 砖石、砌体masonry17. 桁架truss18. 粉土silt19. 不均匀沉降uneven settlement20. 均匀沉降 uniform settlement21.基础 foundation22.过梁柱 post and lintel/ post and beam23. 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete24. 荷载 load25. 剪力墙 shear wall26. 筒中筒tube in tube27. 刚梁桥rigid beam bridge28. 悬索桥suspension bridges29. 公路工程highway engineering30. 土石坝earth and rockfill dam31.混凝土坝concrete dam32.堤坝embankment1.Civil engineering, the oldest of engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage system to rocket-launching facilities.土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。
As you can see already from the variety of materials, forces, and shapes mentioned, Mechanics of Engineering Materials is of interest to(对..有价值)all fields of engineering. The engineer uses the principles of Mechanics of Materials to determine if the material properties and the dimensions of a member are adequate to(足以)ensure that it can carry its loads safely and without excessive distortion. In general(通 常), then, we are interested in both the safe load that a member can carry and the associated ( 相 关 的 ) deformation. Engineering design would be a simple process if the designer could take into consideration(考 虑) the loads and the mechanical properties of the materials, manipulate(利用)an equation, and arrive at(得到)suitable dimensions.
where f is the stress at which the material fails (failure to be defined later) and n is the safety factor. 这里,f 为材料失效(失效在下文有定义)时的应力, 而n为安全系数。 It might at first(起先)seem that the designer would always dimension(选定..的尺寸)the cross section(横 截 面 ) so that the stress would exactly equal the allowable stress. However, it may be very costly to produce parts that have nonstandard sizes, so it is usually more economical to waste some material by selecting the next(接近的)larger standard size above that required by the allowable stress. Departure from(背离)standard sizes is justified(合理的) in cases where the penalty ( 不 利 后 果 ) for excess weight is very severe, as in aircraft(航天器)or space-ship(宇宙飞船)design.
土木工程桥梁专业英语 ppt课件
![土木工程桥梁专业英语 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fd91d02527d3240c8547ef20.png)
Types of Bridges
1. Beam bridge 2. Arch Bridge 3. Moveable bridge 4. Cable-Stayed Bridge 5. Suspension Bridge
Beam bridge
• a bridge that utilizes girders as the means of supporting the deck
• span 600 to 1200 m -- way farther than any other type of bridge
• Most suspension bridges have a truss system beneath the roadway to resist bending and twisting.
Thank you
Moveable bridge
• Beam is moveable • Advantage: lower cost • Disadvantage:traffic must be halted when
it is opened
Moveable bridge
• All kinds of moveable bridges
• the most commonly built and utilized bridge • the most simplified form • No moments are transferred throughout the
Arch Bridge
One or more arches Masonry, reinforced concrete or steel deck arch bridge(上承式拱桥) through arch
应译为:对于如何避免汽车在失去控制时撞到墩柱上或别的 类似的物体上,己经有了一种新的解决办法。这种办法在北 美已普遍使用,然而在欧洲却未能做到这一点.
3. Grouting of the tendons usually follows the freedom of the ducts from obstruction.
1.了解一定的阅读与科技英汉翻译知识; 2.对课程中text和部分reading material要能够正确理解与 表达其主要内容; 3.扩充基础英语词汇、短语,巩固基础英语知识; 4.具备一定的专业外语阅读、翻译和写作能力。
第一讲 土木工程专业英语翻译 Civil Engineering Specialty English Translation
1.1 概论
翻译的定义:翻译是使用不同语言的民族交流思想的工具。 翻译本身是一种语言活动,是把一种语言文字的意义用另 一种语言文字表达出来 (《现代汉语词典》)。
翻译也是一个复杂的思维过程,包括观察、记忆、理解、 分析、综合、联想、判断、选择等多种思维活动。它是一 种语言文字对原作的思想、氛围、风格进行再创造的思维 活动。
液体以和气体大致相同的方式具有膨胀和收缩 的趋势。
1.1.1 翻译的任务
翻译的任务在于准确而完整地表达原文的思想内容, 使读者对原文的思想内容有正确的理解。
以英汉笔译来说,就是要用中文准确而完整地传达英 文的思想。
翻译与创作不同,译者不能随心所欲地表达自己的思 想,他只能全部地、不折不扣地理解原作的每一句话、 每一段文字,然后用自己民族的语言如实地表达出来。
14. grain[grein] n.谷物, 谷类, 谷粒, 细粒, 颗粒,纹理,粒面 15. silicon [`silikәn] n.[化] 硅,硅元素 16. Manganese [`mæŋgəni:z]n.<化>锰 (元素符号为Mn) Magnesium[mæ `ni:zjәm]n.镁(元素符号为Mg) Calcium[`kæ lsiәm]n.钙 17. seashell [`si:ʃel]n.海贝壳海贝,贝壳 18. negligible[`neglidӡәbl] adj.可以忽略的, 不予重视的,微不足道的 19. synthetic [sin`Ѳetic] adj.合成的, 人造的, 综合的 20. resin [`rezin] n.树脂,胶质,人造树脂 vt. 涂树脂于 21.thermosetting [ֽΘә:mәu`setiŋ]adj.热硬化性的,热凝性的,热固性的
lju:] n.场所`]In lieu of =instead of
透露 ,告知 ,传授 ,)指抽象事物(in)+part vt.给予.=im(v.前缀,←(im`pɑ:t]] )Im2part
Lesson 18 Building Materials P158
NEW WORDS AND PHRASES 1.elasticity [ilæ s'tisiti] n. 弹性,弹力,弹性力学 2.stiffness ['stifnis] n.坚硬, 硬度 劲度,刚度 3.secular ['sekjulә] adj.长期的, 世俗的,现世的,非宗教的 4.temple ['templ] n. 坦普尔(姓氏) 庙,寺,神殿,教堂 5.pyramid [`pirәmid]n.金字塔,叠罗汉金字塔,四面体(角锥、棱椎),
• civil engineering 土木工程 • design of building and civil engineering
structures • steel structure • building engineering • Slab-colume system • Frame structure 工程结构设计 钢结构 房屋建筑工程 板柱结构 框架结构
road and bridge(道路与桥梁) Employment oriented: the road transport department, engaged in road, city road, bridge and tunnel engineering exploration and design, test, maintenance and repair technology and management.
rock-soil(岩土) Classification: industry and civil architecture (工业和民用建筑)
road and bridge(道路与桥梁)
geotechnical engineering(岩土工程)
Geotechnical engineering is a branch of civil engineering, is the application of engineering geology, soil mechanics, rock mechanics, rock soil engineering to solve a technical problem of all kinds of Engineering science. According to the construction phases, work content can be divided into: geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering monitoring, geotechnical engineering testing.
Some of the civil engineering specialty
the Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔
China Central Television 中央电视台
Burj Dubai
high-rise buildings 高层建筑
Tall building 高耸建筑
road and bridge(道路与桥梁) Employment oriented: the road transport department, engaged in road, city road, bridge and tunnel engineering exploration and design, test, maintenance and repair technology and management.
industry and civil architecture(工业和民用建筑)
Industrial and civil construction mainly for the construction enterprises, the installation unit, design units, the owners, supervision and management departments at all levels of training in the practical and technical talents construction technology, project management, construction engineering budget, engineering construction supervision etc. Many aspects of industrial and civil buildings after graduation to participate in the architectural design units, construction units, construction engineering budget, engineering budget audit, supervision of construction projects, enterprises and institutions infrastructure management work.
土木工程专业英语词汇短语总结培训课件Lesson 1 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials 材料力学mechanics of materials 材料强度 strength of materials 轴向受力杆件 a_ially-loaded bars 应变 strain 应力 stress 变形 deformation 临界荷载 critical load 拉压剪 tension compression shear 等直杆件prismatic bar 轴力 a_ial force 隔离体 free body 拉力 tensile force 截面cross section 形心centroid 无量仑冈的量nondimensional quantity 可变形的 deformable 装配,集合 assembly 推论 derivation 方程equation 性能property 棱柱的prismatic 液体静力学的hydrostatic 集度,强度 intensity 合力 resultant 静力学 statics 伸长,延长 elongation 静力学平衡方程 equation of static equilibrium Lesson 2 Types of Beams and Stress Resultants in 竖向vertical direction Beams 跨度,区间span 横截的transverse 应力分布distribution of stresses 对称 symmetry 弯矩 bending moment 弯曲bending 静定statically determinate 不对称的unsymmetrical/asymmetrical 水平约束 horizontal restraint 销轴 pin Lesson 3 Principal Stresses in Beams 滚轴 roller 法向应力 normal stress 移动 translate 剪应力 shear stress 水平地 horizontally 横截面 cross section 支撑,支持 sustain 中性轴 neutral a_is 嵌住的built-in 主应力 principal stress 悬臂梁 cantilever 弯矩 M 和剪力V bending moment and shear 悬臂 overhang force均匀的,一致的 uniformly 主压应力 compressive principal stress力偶 couple 主拉应力 tensile principal stress 约束 restraint 正交曲线 orthogonal curves 柔性的 fle_ible 应力迹线 stress trajectory 法向的,正态 normal 应力等值线 stress contour 图像 diagram 局部效应 localized effects 对称车由 a_is of symmetry 应力集中 stress concentration 简支梁 simply supported beam(simple beam) 大小,数量 magnitude 集中力 concentrated force 矩形的 rectangular 分布力distributed load 相交intersect 均布荷载 uniformly distributed load 腹板 ethod for Calculating 滑模(施工)slipform 升板法 Lift-Slab Method Displacements凸出物,凸部 projection 施工方法 method of construction 单位荷载法:unit-load method 凹部 depression 连续地 in succession 简单桁架 simple trusses 挤压成型 e_trusion 底层的,下垫的 underlying 静定/静不定结构 statically 企口,沟,槽 groove 箱型出口 bo_-out determinate/indeterminate structure 厚板plank 液压千斤顶hydraulic jack 虚荷载 dummy/fictitious load 弯,起拱 camber 锚杆anchor 移动 translation 膨胀 sodel codes proposed for general 通用规范 Representative values of minimum live loads 最小活荷载代表值 Uniformly distributed loadsUniform load 均布荷载 Concentrated loads 集中荷载 Ft square 平方英尺 Uniform and concentrated loads 均布及集中荷载 Impact loading 冲撞 Live load 活荷载 Fully loaded 满载 Reduction 折减Dead load 恒荷载 Member 构件 Column loads 柱荷载 Dead agnitude of loads 荷载大小Desired fire ratings 防火等级Continuous over several spans 多跨连续 Magnitude of loadsDeflection limitations 挠度限制 Insulation 保温 Holloembers and Assemblies Double tees 双T 型板Concrete topping 校面层Precast joists 隔栅支承 Floor and roof units of reinforced 钢筋给楼板楼面 Prestressed concrete 预应力给 Quality control 质量控制Prestressed-concrete floor and roof 预应力徒楼板、楼面 Precast beams 预制梁Leger beams 带肩梁Precast columns 预制柱Single-story 单层Multi-story 多层Corbels 牛腿Intermediate beams 中间连续梁Lesson 21 Stratum Pile Caisson Strap Column Capital Perimeter Differential settlement 不均匀沉降 Bearing pressure 支承压力 Allo n.桩 n.沉箱 n.条、带 n. 柱(interior column 内柱; e_terior column 夕卜柱)n.柱顶、柱头n.周围、圆周Concentrically Eccentrically Compacted Settle ad.同心的、同轴的 ad.偏心的 ad .密实的、 n.沉降Total settlement 总沉降地基承载力夯实的 Beam-and-girder floor 肋形楼盖 Coarse-grained soils 粗颗粒土(砂土)Clay soils 粘土Selection of section 截面选择规范specification Compressible soils 压缩性土 (section modulus 截面模量;标准 criteria at foundation 板式基础、满堂基础 Brittle fracture脆断塑性分析 plastic analysis Raft foundation 浮筏基础 Lesson 23 弯矩重分布 moment redistribution Lesson 22 steps in structure design process 干扰,效应disturbance 临界设计弯矩cristical design moment Esthetics n.美学定位orientation 等截面横梁rafer of constant section Dominate vt.高耸、于之上仓库 plification n.增大、放大不规则的,不平的 uneven 叠加,重合 superposition Aerodynamic a. 空气动力学的跨度,排架间距 bay 安全储备 margin of safety Response n. 反应、响应定性的 quantitative 破坏形式 failure mode Phase n.方面、相位校正 adjustment 结构性能 structural behavior Revise vt.校正、修正恒载 dead load 塑性抗弯强度 plastic bending strength Secondary a.补充的活荷载 live load 非弹性失稳 inelastic instability Inelastic a. 地震效应 seismic disturbance 在穹曲平面内 in the plane of bending Functional requirements 功育昌要求吊车运动 crane movement 在穹曲平面外 out of the plane of bending Structure and loading 结构与荷载多层建筑 multi-story building 横向扭转屈曲 lateral-torsional buckling Cost of the structure 造价最大正力矩 ma_imum positive moment 局部压屈 local buckling Loading conditions 荷载条件第 26 课:侧移 sidesinary design 初步设计刚架 rigid frame lesson 27Alloember 框架frames 钢材性能properties of steel 规范specifications 容许应力stress design 塑性理论plastic design concepts 受拉构件 tension member 平板组合梁 plate girders 受压构件 compression members 扭转效应 effect of torsion 侧向屈曲 lateral buckling 失稳instability 残余应力residual stress 安全系数factor of safety Lesson 28 high-rise buildings 高层建筑 scarcity 不足 evolves out of 来自于 interpretation 理解解释 bulky 庞大的isolated孤立的 integral part 整体的、不可分割的部分 multilevel 多层次的 versus 对与比较 inhabitant 居住者 ecological 生态学的urbanization 城市化 migrate 迁移 density 密度 light 相互制约的有机体interaction 交互作用skyscraper 摩天大楼economically feasible 经济合理的 zoning regulations 分区规划条例 of utmost importance 极度重要 visualize 设想 dead-end 死胡同 lobby前厅走廊;游说 plazas 广场 support facilities 配套设施 utilities 公共事业 seatic programming 系统的规划 urban conte_t = urban environment metropolitan area 大都市 dehumanizing 不符合人类天性的 put aside 束之高阁 take initiative to do sth. 更主动地去做某事 Lesson 29 Sail Shell Lesson 30 Cable Structure 帆形薄壳 sail shell 非对称荷载asymmetrical load 轻质结构light-atic membrane 缆索结构cable skeleton 壳体结构 shell structure doubleheaded vectors cylindrical shell longitudinal bending moment 悬索结构 cable structure 悬链线catenary 抛物线 parabola 共面 coplanar 空间系统 spatial system 三维曲线 three-dimensional curve 互反曲面 anticlastic surface 同向曲面 synclastic surface 母线 generatri_ 桥塔 pylon 等距 in equal step geodesic-shell structure。
Pipeline engineering (管道工程)
Construction engineering (建筑工程) Community and urban planning (社区和城市规划)
Photogrametry,surveying,and mapping (摄影测量、勘测和制图)
Engineering management (工程管理) Engineering teaching (ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ程教学)
Bridge is a structure that spans obstacles, such as rivers and valleys, to provide a roadway for traffic.
Building and Architecture 建筑物和建筑学
Components of A Building 建筑物的组成部分
Materials and structural forms are combined to make up the various parts of a building, including the load-carrying frame, skin, floors, and partitions. 材料和结构形式被组合在一起形成了建筑物的不同部分。包括承重的框 架、外墙、楼板层、以及隔墙。 The superstructure is that part of a building above ground, and the substructure and foundation, is that part of a building below ground. 上部结构是建筑物在地面上的部分 , 而下部结构以及基础是建筑物的地 下部分。 The skyscraper, owes its existence to two developments of the 19th century: steel skeleton construction and the passenger elevator. 摩天大楼的出现得益于19世纪的两大发展 :钢骨架建筑和载人电梯。 (钢结构:steel structure/ steel construction) Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) introduce steel construction in France.
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Civil engineering and civil engineers
They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use. 他们也修建私人拥有的设施,如机场、铁路、管线、高楼大厦,和为工 业、商业、民用设计的其他大型建筑。 Because it is so broad,civil engineering is subdivided into a number of technical specialties. 因为土木工程的范围太广,所以它被细分为许多技术专业。
Environmental specialists study the project’s impact on the local area: the potential for air and groundwater pollution,the project’s impact on local animal and plant life,and how the project can be designed to meet government requirements aimed at protecting the environment. 环境专家要研究工程对当地区域的影响:潜在的空气污染和地下水污 染,工程对当地动植物的影响,以及工程怎样设计才能满足政府对保护环 境的要求。
Organization of this text
Structural engineering (结构工程) Water resources engineering (水资源工程) Geotechnical engineering (岩土工程) Environmental engineering (环境工程) Transportation engineering (运输工程)
Pipeline engineering (管道工程)
Construction engineering (建筑工程) Community and urban planning (社区和城市规划)
Photogrametry,surveying,and mapping (摄影测量、勘测和制图)
Engineering management (工程管理) Engineering teaching (工程教学)
1. Translate the words and phrases into Chinese:(20%) 2. Translate the words பைடு நூலகம்nd phrases into English:(20%)
3. Translate the paragraphs into Chinese:(25%)
Civil engineering and civil engineers
Civil engineering,the oldest of the engineering specialties,is the planning , design , construction, and management of the built environment.This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles , from irrigation and drainage systems to rocketlaunching facilities. 土木工程,最老的工程专业,是建筑环境的规划、设计、施工和管 理。这个环境包括从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施的所有根据科学原 理建造的结构物。 Civil engineers build roads , bridges , tunnels , dams , harbors , power plants , water and sewage systems , hospitals , schools , mass transit,and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. 土木工程师修建道路、桥梁、隧道、大坝、港口、发电站、水系统和 污水系统,医院、学校、公共交通系统,以及现代化社会和大量人口集 中的地方所必需的其他公共设施。
4. Translate the paragraphs into English:(15%)
5. Write a short paragraph(20%)
评分要点 (1)词汇:拼写正确、符合专业性要求(7%) (2)句子:语法正确、结构符合专业英语特点(7%) (3)段落:整体意义描述合理得体(6%)
Structural engineering 结构工程 Using computers,structural engineers determine the forces a structure must resist:its own weight, wind and hurricane forces, temperature changes that expand or contract construction materials,and earthquakes. 结构工程师用计算机确定结构必须抵抗的力:自重、风力、引起建筑材 料膨胀或收缩的温度变化以及地震力。 They also determine the combination of appropriate materials:steel, concrete,plastic,stone,asphalt,brick,aluminum,or other construction materials. 他们还确定适当的材料组合:钢材、混凝土、塑料、石料、沥青、砖、 铝或其他的建筑材料。
Geotechnical specialists perform soil experiments to determine if the earth can bear the weight of the project.
Environmental Engineering 环境工程