






%Carbon materials can significantly improve the performance of lead-acid batteries. Graphene is a kind of carbon materials with unique two-dimensional structure, which has a lot of excellent performance, such as good electrical conductivity and high speciifc surface area. This paper reviews the preparation methods of graphene, and its application in lead-acid batteries.【期刊名称】《蓄电池》【年(卷),期】2015(000)003【总页数】4页(P142-145)【关键词】炭材料;石墨烯;导电性;铅酸电池【作者】石沫;杨新新;周明明;吴亮;柯娃;李厚训;戴贵平【作者单位】超威电源有限公司研究院,浙江湖州313100;超威电源有限公司研究院,浙江湖州313100;超威电源有限公司研究院,浙江湖州313100;超威电源有限公司研究院,浙江湖州313100;超威电源有限公司研究院,浙江湖州313100;超威电源有限公司研究院,浙江湖州313100;超威电源有限公司研究院,浙江湖州313100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM912.1石墨烯是碳原子紧密堆积的二维蜂窝状晶格结构的碳质材料,碳原子排列呈平面六边形结构,在二维平面上每个碳原子以 sp2杂化轨道相连接[1]。




石墨烯可通过膨胀石墨经过超声剥离或球磨处理来制备[2,3],其片层厚度一般只能达到30~100 nm,难以得到单层石墨烯(约0.34 nm),并且不容易重复操作。




关键词:氧化石墨烯,石墨烯,氧化石墨,制备,表征Oxidation of graphite surfaces preparation and CharacterizationLI LinAbstrat:Graphite surfaces (also called single graphite or 2 d graphite )is the single atoms thickness of the 2 d carbon atoms crystal, is considered fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and graphite basic structure unit [1].Graphite surfaces can through the expanded graphite after ultrasonic stripping or ball mill treatment topreparation [2,3], a piece of layer thickness normally only up to 30 to 100 nm, hard to get the single graphite surfaces (about 0.34 nm), and not easy to repeated operation. So to search a new, easy to operate and can be repeated the experiment method of the graphite surfaces is the focus of research. And will graphite oxidization into oxidation graphite, again in ultrasonic conditions to get the oxidation of the single graphite solution, again through chemical reduction get, has become an effective way of the preparation of graphite surfaces [4]. Through the review of graphite oxide and oxidation graphite surfaces of the preparation, structure, modification of polymer and thecompound, and prospects the graphite surfaces and the research prospect of composite materials.Key words:Oxidation graphite surfaces, graphite surfaces, oxidation graphite, preparation,characterization采用Hummers 方法[5]制备氧化石墨。


Solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy of graphite oxide and recently of 13C-labelled graphite oxide favours the model shown in Fig. 1a; the sp2-bonded carbon network of graphite is strongly disrupted and a significant fraction of this carbon network is bonded to hydroxyl groups or participates in epoxide groups29–32. Minor components of carboxylic or carbonyl groups are thought to populate the edges of the layers in graphite oxide. This indicates that further work with solid-state NMR on 13C-labelled graphite oxide is necessary, along with (for example) titration with fluorescent tags of carboxylic and other groups to identify their spatial distribution on individual graphene oxide platelets derived from graphite oxide as discussed further below.
The development of various methods for producing graphene — a single layer of carbon atoms bonded together in a hexagonal lattice — has stimulated a vast amount of research in recent years1. The remarkable properties of graphene reported so far include high values of its Young’s modulus (~1,100 GPa)2, fracture strength (125 GPa)2, thermal conductivity (~5,000 W m−1K−1)3, mobility of charge carriers (200,000 cm2 V−1 s−1)4 and specific surface area (calculated value, 2,630 m2 g−1)5, plus fascinating transport phenomena such as the quantum Hall effect6. Graphene and chemically modified graphene (CMG) are promising candidates as components in applications such as energy-storage materials5, ‘paper-like’ mater­ials7,8, polymer composites9,10, liquid crystal devices11 and mechanical resonators12.



半导体物理课程作业石墨烯的制备与应用(材料)目录一、石墨烯概述 (2)二、石磨烯的制备 (3)1、机械剥离法 (3)2、外延生长法 (5)3、化学气相沉积法 (6)4、氧化石墨-还原法 (6)5、电弧法 (9)6、电化学还原法 (9)7、有机合成法 (10)三、石墨烯的应用 (11)1、石墨烯在电子器件领域的应用 (11)1.1 石墨烯场效应晶体管 (11)1.2 石墨烯基计算机芯片 (12)1.3 石墨烯信息存储器件 (13)2、石墨烯在能源领域的应用 (14)2.1 石墨烯超级电容器 (14)2.2 锂离子电池 (15)2.3 太阳能电池 (16)2.4 储氢/甲烷器件 (17)3、石墨烯在材料领域的应用 (18)3.1 特氟龙材料替代物 (18)3.2 石墨烯聚合物复合材料 (18)3.3 光电功能材料 (19)4、石墨烯在生物医药领域的应用 (20)4.1 基于氧化石墨烯的纳米载药体系 (20)4.2 氧化石墨烯对DNA/基因/蛋白的选择性检测 (21)4.3用于生物成像技术 (23)4.4 石墨烯在肿瘤治疗方面的应用 (23)四、总结及展望 (24)参考文献 (25)一、石墨烯概述碳广泛存在于自然界中,是构成生命有机体的基本元素之一。




1985年,一种被称为“巴基(零维)被首次发现,三位发现者于11年后, 即1996年获诺贝尔球”的足球形分子C60化学奖。



































目录摘要 (I)Abstract ......................................................................................................................... I I 1 引言 (1)1.1 石墨烯的制备 (2)1.1.1 机械剥离法 (2)1.1.2 电化学剥离法 (2)1.1.3 化学气相沉积法 (3)1.2 石墨烯电极材料的制备 (5)1.3 石墨烯电极材料电化学性能测试 (5)2 实验部分 (6)2.1 实验试剂 (6)2.2 实验仪器 (6)2.3 RHAC和GQDs的制备 (6)2.4 RHAC-GQDs的制备 (6)2.5 电极制备和电池组装 (7)3 结果和讨论 (8)3.1 分析了RHAC的比表面积和孔隙结构 (8)3.2 GQDs的拉曼光谱和荧光光谱分析 (8)3.3 红外光谱分析 (8)3.4 XRD分析 (8)3.5 扫描电镜分析 (9)3.6 循环伏安法测试分析 (9)3.7 恒流充放电试验分析 (9)3.8 电化学阻抗分析 (10)4 结论与展望 (12)4.1 结论 (12)4.2 主要创新点 (12)4.3 展望 (12)参考文献 (13)致谢............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。


























二、石墨烯的制备方法1. 机械剥离法:机械剥离法是制备石墨烯的一种简单、高效的方法。


2. 化学气相沉积法:化学气相沉积法是一种制备高质量石墨烯的方法。


3. 水热法:水热法是一种制备石墨烯的新技术。


4. 微机械剥离法:微机械剥离法是一种基于微机械加工技术制备石墨烯的方法。


三、石墨烯的特性1. 优异的力学性能:石墨烯具有极高的强度和韧性,是已知材料中最强的二维材料。

2. 良好的电学性能:石墨烯具有优异的电导率,是已知材料中最高的二维材料。

3. 热学性能:石墨烯具有优异的热导率,可以有效传递热量。

4. 光学性能:石墨烯具有优异的光吸收和光催化性能。

四、石墨烯的应用领域1. 电子器件:石墨烯具有优异的电学性能,可以应用于制备高性能电子器件,如场效应晶体管、晶体管等。

2. 能源存储与转换:石墨烯具有良好的电化学性能,可以应用于锂离子电池、超级电容器等能源存储与转换领域。

3. 光学器件:石墨烯具有优异的光学性能,可以应用于制备高性能光学器件,如光子晶体、光学传感器等。

4. 生物医学领域:石墨烯具有良好的生物相容性,可以应用于生物医学领域,如药物载体、生物传感器等。




毕业论文题目:氧化还原法制备石墨烯的方法概述学院:专业:毕业年限:学生姓名:学号:指导教师:目录摘要 (2)关键词 (2)Abstract (2)Key words (2)I前言 (3)Ⅱ氧化还原法制备石墨烯 (3)2.1氧化石墨(GO)的制备 (4)2.1.1Brodie法 (5)2.1.2Staudenmaier法 (6)2.1.3Hummers法 (6)2.2氧化石墨(GO)的还原 (6)2.2.1热还原法 (6)2.2.2溶剂热还原 (7)2.2.3光照还原. (7)2.2.4化学液相还原 (7)Ш展望 (9)参考文献 (10)致谢 (13)氧化还原法制备石墨烯的方法概述摘要:近年来 , 石墨烯以其独特的结构和优异的性能, 在化学、物理和材料学界引起了广泛的研究兴趣。

人们已经在石墨烯的制备方面取得了积极的进展, 为石墨烯的基础研究和应用开发提供了原料保障。

本文大量引用近年来最新参考文献 , 综述了用氧化还原法制备石墨烯,并对它的发展前景进行了展望!关键词:氧化石墨,石墨烯 , 氧化还原法The Summarize of oxidation-reduction method for grapheneShaoqing Ma , Zhongai Hu(Northwest normal university, chemical engineering college, lanzhou, 730070)Abstract :In recent years, graphene with its unique structure and the outstanding performance, caused wide interests in the chemical, physical and material fields. People have made positive progress in the preparation of graphene,and have provided raw material guarantee for graphene of basic research and application development. This paper largely applied the latest references in recent years , reviewed the legal system with oxidation-reduction method for graphene and presented the development prospects.Key words : graphite oxide, graphene, oxidation-reduction methodI前言Partoens 等[1]研究发现 , 当石墨层的层数少于 10 层时 , 就会表现出较普通三维石墨不同的电子结构。



readme tiansen :石墨烯应用部分前五个可以适当删除。










因此,在随后三年内, 安德烈·盖姆和康斯坦丁·诺沃肖洛夫在单层和双层石墨烯体系中分别发现了整数量子霍尔效应及常温条件下的量子霍尔效应,他们也因此获得2010年度诺贝尔物理学奖。








DOI:10.1002/anie.200901678Graphene:The New Two-Dimensional NanomaterialC.N.R.Rao,*A.K.Sood,K.S.Subrahmanyam,and indarajAngewandteChemieKeywords:carbon ·graphene ·graphene oxide ·monolayers ·nanostructures77522009Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,WeinheimAngew.Chem.Int.Ed.2009,48,7752–77771.IntroductionGraphene,the parent of all graphitic forms (Figure 1),has become one of the most exciting topics of research in the last three to four years.[1]This two-dimensional material consti-tutes a new nanocarbon comprising layers of carbon atoms arranged in six-membered rings.It is distinctly different from carbon nanotubes (CNTs)and fullerenes,and exhibits unique properties which have fascinated the scientific community.Typically important properties of graphene are a quantum Hall effect at room temperature,[2–4]an ambipolar electric field effect along with ballistic conduction of charge carriers,[5]tunable band gap,[6]and high elasticity.[7]Although graphene is expected to be perfectly flat,ripples occur because of thermal fluctuations.[1]Ideally graphene is a single-layer material,but graphene samples with two or more layers are being investigated with equal interest.Three different types of graphenes can be defined:single-layer graphene (SG),bilayer graphene (BG),and few-layer graphene (FG,number of layers 10).Although single-layer graphene and bilayer graphene were first obtained by micro-mechanical cleavage,[5]several strategies have since been developed for the synthesis of graphenes.[8]Graphene has been characterized by a variety of micro-scopic and other physical techniques including atomic force microscopy (AFM),transmission electron microscopy (TEM),scanning tunneling microscopy (STM),X-ray dif-fraction (XRD),and Raman spectroscopy.[1]It is interesting that single-layer graphene placed on a silicon wafer with a 300nm thick layer of SiO 2,becomes visible in an optical microscope (Figure 2a and b).[8–10]While AFM directly gives the number of layers (Figure 2c),[8]STM (Figure 2d)[11]and TEM (Figure 2e)[12]images are useful in determining the morphology and structure of graphene.Raman spectroscopy has emerged to be an important tool for the characterization of graphene samples.[13–16]Herein,we shall discuss various aspects of graphene,including synthesis,structure,properties,functionalization,and polymer composites.Although we have covered most of the important facets of graphene published up to May 2009,we have given somewhat greater importance to the chemical aspects and cited a large number of references from the rapidly increasing literature.We do hope that the[*]Prof.Dr.C.N.R.Rao,K.S.Subrahmanyam,indarajInternational Centre for Materials Science,New Chemistry Unit and CSIR Centre of Excellence in Chemistry,Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific ResearchJakkur P.O.,Bangalore 560064(India)Fax:(+91)80-2208-2760E-mail:cnrrao@jncasr.ac.in Prof.Dr.A.K.SoodDepartment of Physics,Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560012(India)E very few years,a new material with unique properties emerges andfascinates the scientific community,typical recent examples being high-temperature superconductors and carbon nanotubes.Graphene is the latest sensation with unusual properties,such as half-integer quantum Hall effect and ballistic electron transport.This two-dimen-sional material which is the parent of all graphitic carbon forms is strictly expected to comprise a single layer,but there is considerable interest in investigating two-layer and few-layer graphenes as well.Synthesis and characterization of graphenes pose challenges,but there has been considerable progress in the last year or so.Herein,wepresent the status of graphene research which includes aspects related to synthesis,characterization,structure,and properties.From the Contents1.Introduction 77532.Synthesis77543.Electronic Structure 77604.Phonons and Raman Spectroscopy 77625.Effects of Doping 77646.Functionalization and Solubilization 77677.Decoration with Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles 77698.Properties77709.Polymer Composites 777310.Outlook7773Figure 1.Graphene:the parent of all graphitic forms.(From Ref.[1a].)7753Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2009,48,7752–77772009Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheimreferences are sufficiently representative and will help the reader to obtain more detailed information.2.Synthesis2.1.Single-Layer GrapheneSingle-layer graphene has been generally prepared by micromechanical cleavage in which highly oriented pyrolitic graphite(HOPG)is pealed using scotch-tape and deposited on to a silicon substrate.Besides mechanical cleavage of graphite,the other important methods employed to produce graphene samples are epitaxial growth on an insulator surface (such as SiC),chemical vapor deposition(CVD)on the surfaces of single crystals of metals(e.g.,Ni),arc discharge of graphite under suitable conditions,use of intercalated graph-ite as the starting material,preparation of appropriate colloidal suspensions in selected solvents,and reduction of graphene oxide sheets.[8]By employing mechanical exfoliation of graphite,mono-layers and bilayers of graphene with minimum lateral dimensions of2–10nm can be deposited onto the Si(100)-2 1:H surface.[17]Room-temperature ultrahigh vacuum scan-ning tunneling spectroscopy has been used to characterize the nanometer-sized single-layer graphene to reveal a size-dependent energy gap ranging from0.1to1eV.By correlat-ing resolved tunneling spectroscope and atomically resolved images,the dependence of the electronic structure of single-layer graphene on lateral size,edge structure,and crystallo-graphic orientation has been examined.Single-and few-layer graphenes taken from freshly cleaved HOPG surfaces by the scotch-tape technique can be readily transferred on to a given substrate using electrostatic deposition.[18]While mechanical cleavage of graphene layers from a graphite crystal has afforded the study of the properties of single-layer graphene or bilayer graphene,the method is not suitable for large scale synthesis of single-layer graphene or of few-layer graphene(FG).Among the methods and proce-dures for large-scale synthesis two categories should be distinguished:a)those which start with graphite or a com-parable starting material not containing any oxygenfunction-C.N.R.Rao obtained his PhD degree fromPurdue University(1958)and DSc degreefrom the University of Mysore(1961).He isthe National Research Professor and LinusPauling Research Professor at the JawaharlalNehru Centre for Advanced ScientificResearch and Honorary Professor at theIndian Institute of Science(both at Banga-lore).His research interests are mainlyinthe chemistry of materials.He is the recipi-ent of the Einstein Gold Medal of theUNESCO,the Hughes Medal of the RoyalSociety,and the Somiya Award of theInternational Union of Materials Research Societies(IUMRS).In2005,hereceived the Dan David Prize for materials research and the first IndiaScience Prize.A.K.Sood is a Professor of Physics at theIndian Institute of Science,Bangalore.He isa member of the science academies of Indiaand has received various medals and hon-ours in physics including the BhatnagarPrize and the TWAS Prize.His main inter-ests are soft condensed matter,nanomateri-als,and light scattering.K.S.Subrahmanyam received his MSc(Chemistry)degree from University ofHyderabad in2006.He is a student of PhDprogramme in the Jawaharlal Nehru Centrefor Advanced Scientific Research,Bangaloreand received his MS(Engg.)degree in2008.He is working on synthesis and character-ization of graphenes.indaraj obtained his PhD degreefrom University of Mysore and is a SeniorScientific Officer at the Indian Institute ofScience,and Honorary Faculty Fellow at theJawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Sci-entific Research.He works on different typesof nanomaterials.He has authored morethan100research papers and co-authored abook on nanotubes and nanowires.Figure2.Microscopy images of graphene crystallites on300nm SiO2imaged with a)white and b)green light.Figure(b)shows step-likechanges in the contrast for single-,bi-,and trilayer graphenes.c)AFMimage of single-layer graphene.The folded edge exhibits a relativeheight of approximately4 indicating that it is single-layer.d)High-resolution STM image.e)TEM images of folded edges of single-andbilayer graphenes.(From Refs.[9,11,12b].) 2009Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2009,48,7752–7777alities and b)those which involve the exfoliation of graphite oxide (GO)followed by reduction.The latter methods yield sheets of reduced graphite oxide,some of which could be single-layer materials.Reduced graphite oxide layers are to be considered as chemically modified graphenes since they generally contain some oxygen functions,such as OH or COOH groups.Under category (a),some of the methods are growth on SiC surfaces,hydrogen arc discharge,conversion of nanodiamond,CVD on metal surfaces,and dispersion of graphite in solvents.Large-area single-layer graphene has been prepared by thermal decomposition of the (0001)face of a 6H-SiC wafer under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV)conditions.[19]Single-layer graphene has been grown on top of a 6H-SiC (0001)substrate by an ex situ method,which gives larger mono-layer graph-enes in comparison with an in situ method (Figure 3).[20a]Thus,ex situ graphitization of Si-terminated SiC (0001)in an argon atmosphere of 1bar yields monolayer films with large domain sizes.[20b]Temperature-dependent structural changes of graphene layers on the 6H-SiC(0001)surface studied by photoelectron spectroscopy,low-energy electron diffraction,and extended X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS)indicate that a bilayer-like graphene sheet is formed after annealing at 11508C.The tilting angle of the graphene sheet is estimated to be 14Æ28.As the number of the graphene layers increases,the angle gradually decreases to 7Æ28at 14008C.[20c]Graphene suspensions can be readily produced by dis-persing graphite in surfactant–water solutions.[21a]Individual sheets on HOPG have been manipulated by scanning probe microscope (SPM)tips,but it is more reliable to first pattern the HOPG surface to create an array of small graphite islands by reactive ion etching with an oxygen plasma.[21b]Exfoliation of lithium-intercalated multiwalled carbon nanotubes yields single-layer graphene flakes.[22a]Gram quantities of single-layer graphene have been prepared by employing a solvothermal procedure and sub-sequent by sonication.[23]In this process,thesolvothermalFigure 3.a)Low-energy electron microscope (LEEM)image of a single-domain single-layer graphene grown ex situ on the (0001)surface of SiC;the field of view is 20m m wide and the electron energy isE vac +4.4eV.b)LEEM image showing the existence of two domains of monolayer graphene.c)Photoelectron intensity map versus binding energy and parallel momentum showing the electronic structure close to the Dirac point at the K point of the Brillouin zone.(From Ref.[20a].)Figure 4.a,b)High-resolution TEM images of a)solution-cast monolayer and b)solution-cast bilayer graphenes (scale bar 500nm).c)Electron diffraction pattern of the monolayer in (a).d,e)Electron diffraction patterns taken from the positions of the d)black and e)white spots,respectively,of the sheet in (b).The graphene is one-layer thick in (d)and a bilayer in (e).f–h)Diffracted intensity taken along the 1À210to À2110axis for the patterns in (c–e).i)Histogram of the ratios of the intensity of the {1100}and {2110}diffraction peaks.A ratio >1is a signature of graphene.(From Ref.[24].)7755Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2009,48,7752–77772009Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheimproduct of sodium and ethanol is subjected to low-temper-ature flash pyrolysis yielding a fused array of graphene sheets,which are dispersed by mild sonication.Single-layer graphene can be produced in good yields by solution-phase exfoliation of graphite in an organic solvent,such as N -methylpyrroli-done (NMP)(Figure 4).[24]This process works because the energy required to exfoliate graphene is balanced by the solvent–graphene interaction.Exfoliation of alkali-metal intercalated graphite in NMP yields a stable solution of negatively charged graphene sheets which can be deposited on substrates.[25]Two-dimensional linear graphene ribbons can be prepared chemically by the oxidative cyclodehydroge-nation of polyphenylene precursors.[26]Highly conducting graphene sheets produced by the exfoliation–reintercalation–expansion of graphite are readily suspended in organic solvents.[27]The sheets in organic solvents can be made into large,transparent,conducting films by Langmuir–Blodgett assembly in a layer-by-layer manner.The initial step is exfoliation of the commercial expandable graphite (160–50N,Grafguard)by brief (60s)heating to 10008C in forming gas (i.e.hydrogen and nitrogen),followed by reintercalation by oleum (fuming sulfuric acid with 20%free SO 3),and insertion of tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBA,40%solution in water)into the oleum-intercalated graphite in DMF.TBA-inserted oleum-interca-lated graphite is sonicated in a DMF solution of 1,2-distearoyl-sn -glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N -[methoxy-(polyethyleneglycol)-5000](DSPE-mPEG)for 60min to obtain a homogeneous suspension.This method gives large amounts of graphene sheets which can be transferred to other solvents including water and organic solvents (Figure 5).The average size of the single-layer graphene sheet was 250nm and the average topographic height was approximately 1nm.Graphitic oxide,obtained by the oxidation of graphite,contains a considerable amount of surface oxygen in the form of OH and COOH groups.Mechanical or thermal exfoliation graphitic oxide gives single-layer graphene oxide (SGO).Single-layer graphene oxide on reduction by hydro-gen,hydrazine or other reducing agents gives single-layer graphene.Single-layer graphene has been prepared on a large scale by a solution-based approach,involving the dispersion of graphitic oxide in pure hydrazine.Hydrazine-basedcolloids are deposited on different substrates to obtain chemically modified graphene sheets with large areas (20 40m m;Figure 6).[29a]Schniepp et al.[29b]have shown that exfoliation of graphitic oxide yields single-layer graphene oxide through the expansion of CO 2evolved in the space between the sheets during rapid heating (Figure 7).A detailed analysis of the thermal-expansion mechanism of graphitic oxide to produce single-layer graphene sheets has been described.[29c]Chemically modified graphenes have been produced in different ways.These include hydrazinereduc-Figure 5.a)Schematic representation of the exfoliated graphite reinter-calated with sulphuric acid molecules (spheres)between the layers.b)Schematic of tetrabutyl ammoniumhydroxide (TBA;dark blue spheres)in the intercalated graphite.c)Schematic of single-layer graphene coated with DSPE–mPEG molecules also shown is a photo-graph of the solution of single-layer graphene.d)AFM image of asingle-layer graphene with a topographic height of approximately 1nm (scale bar:300nm.e)Low-magnification TEM image of a single-layer graphene that is several hundred nanometres in size (scale bar:100nm).f)Electron diffraction pattern of a single-layer graphene as in (e).(From Ref.[27].)Figure 6.Photographs of chemically converted graphene suspensions.a)graphite oxide paper in a glass vial and b)the graphite oxide dispersion after addition of hydrazine.Below the vials,three-dimensional computer-generated molecular models of graphene oxide (C gray,O red,H white)and the reduced graphene are shown.Removal of -OH and -COOH groups by reduction gives the planar structure.c)SEM and d)AFM images of a chemically converted graphene sheet on Si/SiO 2substrate.(From Ref.[29a].)2009Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheim Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2009,48,7752–7777tion of the colloidal suspension of single-layer graphene oxide in DMF/water [28a]or in water.[28b]Electrostatic stabilization enables stable aqueous dispersions of the single-layer graph-ene sheets.2.2.Graphenes with One to Three LayersThe dispersion behavior of graphene oxide in different organic solvents,such as DMF,NMP ,ethylene glycol and tetrahydrofuran (THF)has been studied.[30]As-prepared graphite oxide formed by the Hummers method undergoes full exfoliation into single-layer graphene oxide under sonication forming stable dispersions in the above solvents.The sample prepared from the dispersion in DMF yields sheets of uniform thickness (1.0–1.4nm).Single-layer and bi-layer graphene sheets are obtained by using a substrate-free,atmospheric-pressure microwave plasma reactor,wherein liquid ethanol droplets are passed through an argon plasma (Figure 8).[31]High-quality graphene sheets of 1–3layers have been synthesized on stainless steel substrates at 5008C bymicrowave plasma chemical vapor deposition (CVD)in an atmosphere of 10%methane and 90%hydrogen at a pressure of 30torr and a flow rate of 200sccm (standard cubic centimeter per minute).[32]Arc-discharge of graphite in hydrogen appears to yield primarily two-and three-layer graphenes (see next section).2.3.Few-Layer GraphenesStarting with graphite and by employing chemical exfo-liation,high-quality graphene with a predetermined number of layers can be obtained.[33]With artificial graphite,flake graphite powder,Kish graphite,and natural flake graphite as starting materials,nearly 80%of the final product has been found to be single-layer,single-and double-layer,double-and triple-layer,and few-layer (4–10layers)graphene respec-tively.A mixture of few-layer (4–10layers)graphene and thick graphene (>10layers)is obtained when HOPG is used (Figure 9).Large-scale transfer of mono and few-layer graphenes from SiO 2/Si,to any type of substratematerialFigure 7.a)Tapping-mode AFM image (8m m 8m m)showing an individual thermally exfoliated graphite oxide flakes.b)Pseudo-3D representa-tion of a 600nm 600nm AFM scan of an individual graphene sheet showing the wrinkled,rough surface.c)Contact-mode AFM scan of adifferent flake,providing an accurate thickness of the sheet.Inset:atomic-scale image of the HOPG lattice.d)Cross-section of an unwrinkled area in (b)(position indicated by black dashed line in (b)).e)Histogram showing the narrow distribution of sheet heights.f)Cross-section through the sheet in (c)showing a height minimum of 1.1nm.(From Ref.[29b].)7757Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2009,48,7752–77772009Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheimhas been carried out.During the transferring process no morphological changes or corrugations are induced (Figure 10).[34]Well-ordered graphite films with a thickness of a few graphene layers have been grown on nickel substrates by CVD from a mixture of hydrogen and methane activated by a direct current (DC)discharge.[35]These films contain atomically smooth micron-size regions separated from each other by ridges.The film thickness is (1.5Æ0.5)nm.An arc-discharge method involving evaporation of graph-ite electrodes in a hydrogen atmosphere has been reported forpreparing graphene flakes.[36a]The presence of H 2during the arc-discharge process terminates the dangling carbon bonds with hydrogen and prevents the formation of closed struc-tures,[37–38]such as rolling of sheets into nanotubes and graphitic polyhedral particles.This method is useful to prepare boron-and nitrogen-doped graphene.To prepare pure graphene (HG),direct current arc evaporation of graphite was carried out in a water-cooled stainless steel chamber filled with a mixture of hydrogen and helium in different proportions,without using a catalyst.The propor-tions of H 2and He used in our experiments are,H 2(70torr)/He (500torr),H 2(100torr)/He (500torr),H 2(200torr)/He (500torr),and H 2(400torr)/He (300torr).In a typical experiment,the discharge current was in the 100–150A range,with a maximum open circuit voltage of 60V .[39]The arc was maintained by continuously translating the cathode to keep a constant distance of 2mm from the anode.The arc discharge deposit formed on the inner walls of the reaction chamber was examined to characterize the graphene (Figure 11).The deposit mainly contained graphenes with 2–4layers and the areas were in the 10–40 103nm 2range.Hydrogen arc discharge of graphitic oxide has also been employed to produce graphene sheets.[36b]Using microwave plasma-enhanced CVD,under a flow of a methane/hydrogen mixture,micrometer-wide flakes con-sisting of few-layer graphene sheets (four to six atomic layers)have been prepared on quartz and silicon by the controlled recombination of carbon radicals in the microwave plasma.[40]Continuous large-area films of single-to few-layer graphene have been grown on polycrystalline Ni films by ambient-pressure CVD using methane/hydrogen feed gas andtrans-Figure 9.Tapping-mode AFM images and the height profiles of graphenes derived from a),d)kish graphite,b),e)flake graphitepowder,and c),f)artifical graphite.The thickness of the graphenes are 1.9–2.3nm,1.3–2.1nm,and 1.1–1.3nm respectively.(From Ref.[33].)Figure 8.Synthesis of graphene sheets:a)Schematic representation of the atmospheric-pressure microwave plasma reactor.b)Photograph of graphene sheets dispersed in methanol.c)TEM image of graphene sheets suspended on a carbon TEM grid.Homogeneous and feature-less regions (indicated by arrows)indicate areas of single-layer graphene;Scale bar:100nm.(From Ref.[31].)Figure 10.a)Schematic representation of the transferring process.Graphene sheets are deposited on SiO 2/Si substrates via HOPGmicrocleaving and then transferred to a nonspecific substrate.b,c)Op-tical images of macroscopic regions having graphite and graphene flakes on b)the original substrate and c)the SiO 2/Si substrates.Arrows point to PMMA residues.(From Ref.[34].)2009Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,WeinheimAngew.Chem.Int.Ed.2009,48,7752–7777ferred on to substrates assisted by poly(methyl methacrylate)wet etching (Figure 12).[41]Highly crystalline graphene rib-bons (<20–30m m in length)with widths of 20–300nm and a small thickness (2–40layers)have been synthesized by aerosol pyrolysis using a mixture of ferrocene,thiophene,and ethanol.[42]A microwave plasma enhanced CVD strategy,also called a substrate-lift-up approach,has been used for the efficient synthesis of multilayer graphene nanoflake films on Si substrates without the use of metal catalysts.[43]Single-and few-layer graphene films exhibiting electrical characteristics somewhat similar to bilayer graphene have been deposited onto Si/SiO 2substrates starting from graphitic oxide.[44]Stable dispersions of graphitic oxide in a mixture of water and a non-aqueous solvent such as DMF,methanol,or acetone,are spray deposited on a pre-heated substrate,subsequent chemical reduction yields non-agglomerated graphene sheets.Stable aqueous dispersions of single to few-layer graphene sheets have been prepared using a water soluble pyrene derivative (1-pyrenebutyrate)as the stabilizer and hydrazine monohydrate as the reducing agent.[45]Since the pyrene moiety has strong affinity (because of p -stacking)with the basal plane of graphite,the flexible graphene sheets become non-covalently functionalized.Few-layer graphene nanosheets can also be produced by a soft chemistry route involving graphite oxidation,ultrasonic exfoliation,and chemical reduction by refluxing with hydroquinone.[46]Chemical vapor deposition using camphor (camphor graphene;CG),conversion of nanodiamond (nanodiamond graphene;DG)and thermal exfoliation of graphitic oxide (exfolitated graphitic oxide graphene;EG)produce few-layer graphenes in large quantities.[47]In the first method,camphor is pyrolysed over nickel nanoparticles at 7708C in the presence of argon.[48]The method to prepare DG involves annealing nanodiamond at 16508C or higher in a helium atmosphere.[49]It is generally found that the surface areas vary as EG >DG >HG.The number of layers is smallest (2–4)in rge and flat graphene flakes having single to few layers have been produced from HOPG by an initial epoxy bonding process followed by reverse exfoliation.[50]Kim et al [51a]have carried out large-scale growth of graphene films by CVD on thin nickel layers (<300nm)deposited on SiO 2/Si substra-tes.[51a]These workers also describe two methods of patterning the films and transferring them on to substrates (Figure 13).The reaction of CH 4/H 2/Ar is carried out at 10008C.13C labeled graphene has been prepared by CVD of 13CH 4over nickel foil.[51b]Layer-by-layer growth of graphene on Ru-(0001)has been accomplished by temperature annealing of the metal containing interstitial carbon atoms [51c,d]Films of giant graphene molecules such as C 42H 18and C 96H 30have been processed through soft-landing mass spectroscopy.[51e]Preparation and characterization of graphene oxide paper,a free-standing carbon-based membrane material made by flow-directed assembly of individual graphene oxide sheets has been reported (Figure 14).[52]In this proce-dure,graphite oxide synthesized by the Hummers method was dispersed in water as individual graphene oxide sheets and the graphene oxide paper was made by filtration of the resulting colloid through an Anodisc membrane filter (47mm diame-ter,0.2m m pore size;Whatman),followed by air drying and peeling from the filter.While the exact procedures for large-scale synthesis of graphenes,specially single-layer graphene and few-layer graphene (with a relatively small number of layers, 6)have not been established,the most popular method appears to be one based on graphite oxide.Graphite oxide itself is prepared by treating graphite with a mixture of concentrated nitric acid,concentrated sulfuric acid,and potassium chlorate at room temperature for five days.[53]Exfoliation is carried out by giving a sudden thermal shock to graphitic oxide in a long quartz tube at 10508C under an argon atmosphere.[23]A stable suspension can be prepared by heating an exfoliated graphite oxide suspension under strongly alkaline conditions at moderate temperatures (50–908C).[54]Chemical reduction of exfoliated graphite oxide by reducing agents,such ashydra-Figure 11.a,b)High resolution TEM images of graphene (HG)pre-pared by the arc-discharge method (inset in (b)shows clearly a bi-layer graphene).c)AFM images and height profiles (1–2layers).(From Ref.[36a].)Figure 12.a)Optical image of a prepatterned nickel film on SiO 2/Si.CVD graphene is grown on the surface of the nickel pattern.b)Optical image of the grown graphene transferred from the nickel surface in panel (a)to another SiO 2/Si substrate.(From Ref.[41].)7759Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2009,48,7752–77772009Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheimzine and dimethylhydrazine appears to be the promising strategy for the large-scale production of graphene.[55–56]Refluxing graphene oxide in hydrazine or even better,treating graphene oxide with hydrazine in a microwave oven,ensures reduction and produces aggregates of one-to-few (2–3)layer graphenes.Sonication and dispersion in a solvent,such as NMP ,favors the formation of a single-layer material.Reduction of graphene oxide with hydrazine is effectively carried out by first coating it with a surfactant,such as sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate.[55–57]Reaction of the reduced species (coated with the surfactant)with an aryl diazonium salt gives the surfactant-wrapped chemically modified graphene which is readily dispersed in DMF or NMP .Reduced graphene oxide sheets dispersed in organic solvents can also be generated by taking graphite oxide up in an organic phase through the use of an amphiphile,and subsequent reduction with NaBH 4.[57]3.Electronic StructureThe graphene honeycomb lattice is composed of twoequivalent carbon sublattices A and B,shown in Figure 15a.Figure 15b shows the first Brillouin zone of graphene,with the high-symmetry points M,K,K ’,and G marked.Note that K and K ’are the two inequivalent points in the Brillouin zone.The s,p x and p y orbitals of carbon atoms form s bonds with the neighboring carbon atoms.The p electrons in the p z orbital,one from each carbon,form the bonding p and anti-bonding p *bands of graphene.The dispersion relation of these p electrons is described by the tight-binding model incorporating only the first nearest neighbor interactions [Eq.(1)][58–59]Figure 14.a–d)Digital camera images of graphene oxide paper:a)approximately 1m m thick;b)folded approximately 5m m thick semi-transparent film;c)folded approximately 25m m thick strip;d)strip after fracture from tensile loading.e–g)Low-,middle-,and high-resolution SEM side-view images of an approximately 10m m thick sample.(From Ref.[52].)Figure 13.Transfer processes for large-scale graphene films.a)Gra-phene film (centimetre-scale)grown on a Ni (300nm)/SiO2(300nm)/Si substrate,b)after etching the nickel layers in 1m FeCl 3aqueous solution.c)Graphene films having different shapes can be synthesized on top of patterned nickel layers.d,e)The dry-transfer method using a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)stamp is useful in transferring the patterned graphene films.d)the graphene film on the PDMS sub-strate,e)the underlying nickel layer is etched away using FeCl 3solution.f)Transparent and flexible graphene films on the PDMS substrates.g,h)The PDMS stamp makes conformal contact with a SiO 2substrate.Peeling back the stamp (g)leaves the film on a SiO 2substrate (h).(From Ref.[51a].)Figure 15.a)Graphene lattice.~a 1and ~a 2are the unit vectors.b)Recip-rocal lattice of graphene.The shaded hexagon is the first Brillouin zone.~b 1and ~b 2are reciprocal lattice vectors.2009Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,WeinheimAngew.Chem.Int.Ed.2009,48,7752–7777。



石墨烯的制备方法及应用无机光电0901 3090707020 黄飞飞摘要:石墨烯具有非凡的物理性质,如高比表面积、高导电性、高机械强度、易于修饰及大规模生产等。


关键词:石墨烯制备方法应用1 引言人们常见的石墨是由一层层以蜂窝状有序排列的平面碳原子堆叠而形成的,石墨的层间作用力较弱,很容易互相剥离,形成薄薄的石墨片。


石墨烯(Graphene)的理论研究已有 60 多年的历史。

石墨烯一直被认为是假设性的结构,无法单独稳定存在,直至 2004 年,英国曼彻斯特大学物理学家安德烈·海姆和康斯坦丁·诺沃肖洛夫,成功地在实验中从石墨中分离出石墨烯,而证实它可以单独存在,两人也因在二维石墨烯材料的开创性实验而共同获得2010年诺贝尔物理学奖。



2 石墨烯的基本特性至今为止,已发现石墨烯具有非凡的物理及电学性质,如高比表面积、高导电性、机械强度高、易于修饰及大规模生产等。

石墨烯是零带隙半导体,有着独特的载流子特性,为相对论力学现象的研究提供了一条重要途径;电子在石墨烯中传输的阻力很小,在亚微米距离移动时没有散射,具有很好的电子传输性质;石墨烯韧性好,有实验表明,它们每 100nm 距离上承受的最大压力可达 2.9 N,是迄今为止发现的力学性能最好的材料之一。



二维过渡金属硫族化合物及在光电子器件中的应用曾为材料学院西北工业大学2014100322摘要:由单层过渡金属硫族化合物(Transition metal dichalcogenides,TMDCs)构成的类石墨烯材料是一种新型二维层状化合物,近年来以其独特的物理、化学性质而成为新兴的研究热点。


关键词:过渡金属硫族化合物;层状化合物;材料制备;结构表征;光物理性质;光电子器件Two-dimensional transition metal chalcogenides and applications in electronics and optoelectronics devicesAbstract: Two-dimensional(2D) Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), which is composed of a monolayer of TMDCs, is a new two-dimensional layered material that has attracted considerable attention recently because of its unique structure and optical and electronic properties. Here we first review the methods used to synthesize 2D TMDCs.“Top-down” methods include micromechanical exfoliation, lithium-based intercalation and liquid exfoliation, while the“bottom-up”approaches covered are thermal decomposition and hydrothermal synthesis. We then discuss several methods used to characterize the 2D TMDCs, such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and Raman spectroscopy. We describe the UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescent properties of 2D TMDCs and their related mechanisms. Finally, we summarize the application of 2D TMDCs in various optoelectronic devices such as secondary batteries, field-effect transistors, sensors. The application principles and research progress are discussed, followed by a summary and outlook for the research of thisemerging 2D layered nanomaterial.Key Words: Transition metal dichalcogenides; 2D layered material; Material synthesis; Structure characterization; Photophysical property; Optoelectronic device1 引言近年来随着石墨烯等二维层状纳米材料研究热潮的兴起[1-3],一类新型的二维层状化合物——过渡金属硫族化合物(Transition metal dichalcogenides,TMDCs) 引起了物理、化学、材料、电子等众多领域研究人员的广泛关注。






石墨烯的内部结构是以碳原子以sp 2杂化而成的,是一种单原子结构的平面晶体,其以碳原子为核心的蜂窝状结构。



如图1-1 所示,单原子层的最外层石墨烯覆盖组成零维的富勒烯,任何形状的石墨烯均可以变化形成壁垒状的管状[1]。


,如图1-2 所示,蒙特卡洛模拟(KMC)做出了相应的验证[3]。


同时,褶皱的程度也会相应的影响其光电性能[3-6]图1-1. 石墨烯:其他石墨结构碳材料的基本构造单元,可包裹形成零维富勒烯,卷曲形成一维碳纳米管,也可堆叠形成三维的石墨[7]。

Figure 1-1. Graphene: the building material for other graphitic carbon materials. It can be wrapped up into 0D buckyballs, rolled into 1D nanotubes or stacked into 3D graphite[7].图 1-2. 单层石墨烯的典型构象[1]。




















利用拉曼光谱(Raman spectroscopy)分析石墨烯的结构和层数。



① 单层石墨烯旳
热 材料金属铜旳热传导率只有400Wm·k
② 伴随石墨烯层数旳增长,其热传导率逐渐下降;当石墨烯从2层增 至4层时,其热导率从2800Wmk降低至1300Wmk;当层数到达5-8 层,减小到石墨旳热导率
2004英国曼彻斯特大学Andre Geim和他旳徒弟 Konstantin Novoselov在试验室用一种非常简朴旳措 施得到越来越薄旳石墨薄片。他们从石墨中剥离 出石墨片,然后将薄片旳两面粘在一种特殊旳胶 带上,撕开胶带,就能把石墨片一分为二。不断 地这么操作,于是薄片越来越薄,最终,他们得 到了仅由一层碳原子构成旳薄片,这就是石墨烯 。所以两人共同取得2023年诺贝尔物理学奖。
率越高,热量也越高,于是,高频旳提升便受到很大旳限制。因为石 墨烯旳出现,高频提升旳发展前景似乎变得无限广阔了。 这使它在
研究人员发觉,在石墨烯样品微粒开始碎裂前,它们每100纳米距 离上可承受旳最大压力居然到达了大约2.9微牛。据科学家们测算,这 一成果相当于要施加55牛顿旳压力才干使1微米长旳石墨烯断裂。假如 物理学家们能制取出厚度相当于一般食品塑料包装袋旳(厚度约100纳
米)石墨烯,那么需要施加差不多两万牛旳压力才干将其扯断。换句 话说,假如用石墨烯制成包装袋,那么它将能承受大约两吨重旳物品。








2004年,英国曼彻斯特大学的安德烈·K·海姆(Andre K. Geim)等利用胶带法制备出了石墨烯。




在短短的五年时间内,仅在Nature 和Science 上发表的与石墨烯相关的科研论文就达40 余篇。








《石墨烯量子点合成与表征》实验综述报告何月珍;孙健【摘要】A new comprehensive experiment - synthesis and characterization of graphene quantum dots was recommended, and its goals, principles, instruments and agents, procedures, and the issues that need to pay attention to in the experiments were studied. The experiment was basedon the focus of chemistry, material science, and biology, and covered many experimental skills that college students learned in basic chemistry experiment, such as preparation of compounds, component analysis, and characterization by instrumentals. This experiment had a easily synthetic method, all-round characterization method, modular contents, and flexible scheduling, so it can be as the comprehensive experiment course for the students in chemistry and chemical engineering major.%介绍一个综合化学实验———石墨烯量子点的制备及其表征,阐述了其实验目的、实验原理、仪器和试剂、实验步骤和注意事项。

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在这项研究中,还原氧化石墨烯的研究者们准备了六个典型的方法:N2H4·H2O还原,氢氧化钠还原,NaBH4还原,水浴还原 ,高温还原以及两步还原。













在这里我们展示一个简单的分类:使用还原剂(对苯二酚、二甲肼、肼、硼氢化钠、含硫化合物、铝粉、维生素C、环六亚甲基四胺、乙二胺(EDA) 、聚合电解质、还原糖、蛋白质、柠檬酸钠、一氧化碳、铁、去甲肾上腺素)在不同的条件(酸/碱、热处理和其他类似微波、光催化、声化学的,激光、等离子体、细菌呼吸、溶菌酶、茶溶液)、电化学电流,两步还原等等。







正如我们所知, 石墨烯独特的性能与其单层的片层结构密切相关。














天然石墨(5克,50个网格,纯度99.95%,华东公司 .)与氯化钠(100克)接触30分钟。


剩下的石墨在60 C烤箱加热24小时蒸发掉所有的水。


接下来,0.5 g NaNO3加到混合液中溶解20分钟。

然后将烧瓶放在冰浴,并将15克KMnO4缓慢加入,且保持温度低于20 C 1.5 h。

然后把溶液放到油浴中加热到35—40 C 1 h。

然后增加度温度70 C,保持30分钟,之后, 添加15毫升的水到瓶中,这时需要增加温度至100 c .保持温度20分钟。



然后加入500毫升的冰水合成悬浊液;这一步可以稀释和冷却系统到50 c。



悬浊液低速离心 3次(4500 rpm,15分钟)后,用5%盐酸溶液清洗2轮,然后和蒸馏水(第一步添加0.1克NH4Cl)高速离心3次(12000 rpm,60分钟)。


还原1.水合肼还原:在玻璃瓶将氧化石墨烯溶液(25.0毫升,0.05 wt %)与25.0毫升的水,11.0μL肼溶液(80 wt %)和175.0μL氨溶液(28 wt %)混合。

然后用力摇动或搅拌几分钟,将玻璃瓶放在水浴(95 C)1 h。

2.氢氧化钠还原:氧化石墨烯悬浊液(0.5毫克/毫升,75毫升)加入1毫升氢氧化钠溶液(8M)在70 C恒温水浴里超声处理几分钟。


将600毫克的硼氢化钠溶解在15克水中加到氧化石墨烯悬浊液中,然后用5wt%碳酸钠溶液调节pH值调整到9 —10。

混合物保持在80 C1 h并不断搅拌。


4.水浴还原:将总共35毫升的0.5 mg / mL氧化石墨烯水溶液转移到一个聚四氟乙烯内衬高压釜中保持180 C加热 6 h。

5.高温还原:将干燥好的氧化石墨烯粉末放在石英舟里,并用氩气吹洗10分钟,在氩气的保护下,快速放入预先升温到900 C的管式炉中加热30s6.两步还原:将100mg干燥的氧化石墨烯溶解在蒸馏水中制成1.0 mg / mL溶液。

用5wt%碳酸钠溶液调节溶液pH值调整到9 —10,然后直接加入800mg 硼氢化钠,在80 C水浴条件下搅拌1h。

将产物通过过滤和高速离心的方式进行洗涤和浓缩,在有五氧化二磷存在下60 C真空干燥2天。

再将干燥的产物在浓硫酸中加热到到120 C,进行回流12h,冷却后用蒸馏水稀释。

再次通过过滤和高速离心的方式进行洗涤和浓缩,将样品真空干燥后,在900C氩气保护氛围的管式炉中退火15分钟GO和RGO薄膜的制备 GO和RGO薄膜是由真空过滤方法制的的。


在60 C条件下真空干燥3天,可以得到纸状的薄膜。

鉴定 AFM(原子力显微镜,Veeco公司仪器)是用来测量氧化石墨烯薄膜的尺寸和厚度的。

硅衬底用丙酮、甲醇和异丙醇清洗然后浸泡在3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷的水溶液(APTES;20毫升的水12μL APTES)中15分钟。


在室温下测定氧化石墨烯光学吸收特征光谱(紫外-可见分光光度计 - 2501 pc,日本岛津公司,工作范围:200—900nm)。

拉曼光谱记录用Renishaw1000共焦拉曼探针的514 nm氩离子激光器检测800—3600cm范围的光谱。

XPS使用光电子能谱仪 (热电子)的阿尔基米-雷克南辐射进行测量。

GO和RGO薄膜的电导率测量采用四点探测方法(Qianfeng SB100A / 2),在薄膜的三个不同的区域重复测量,确保样品均匀性及其几何平均值。


对RGO 的评估标准也不例外。










进一步研究分散稳定性,我们用AFM 测量GO和RGO。

图1 GO及不同还原方法得到的RGO在水、DMF、CCl4中的分散效果图(左图为刚分散的图,右图为静止一周后的图)AFM是分析在溶剂中分散的GO或RGO的剥离程度及团聚情况的一个最直接有效的方法。



如图2 D,G所示,其厚度大约在1.0到3.6nm之间,表明为单层石墨烯或多层石墨烯。


图2 GO(A)及不同还原方法得到的RGO(B:N2H4;C:NaOH;D:NaBH4;E:水浴法;F:高温法;G:两步法)的AFM表征结果图H为RGO的AFM的高度图第二个评价标准是还原程度。






相比之下,氧化石墨烯经过还原后,其最大吸收峰都发生明显的红移趋势,其中还原方法中含有高温处理过程的其最大吸收峰一般都在>270 nm,使用还剂(水合肼或硼氢化钠)的还原方法其最大吸收峰位置一般在250~270nm,通过调节pH改变环境的还原方法其红移较小,一般在240~250nm之间。
