中文2840字外文资料INDYSTIAL ROBOTSThere are a variety of definitions of the term robot.Depending on the definitino used,the number of robot installatinos wordwide varies widely.Numerous single-purpose machines are used in manufacturing plants that might appear to be robots.These machines are hardwired to perform a single function and cannot be reprogrammed to perform a different function.Such single-purpose machines do not fit the definition for industrial robots that is becoming widely accepted.This definition was developed by the Robot Institute of America.A robot is a reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.Note that this definition contains the words reprogrammable and multifunctional.It is these two characteristics that separate the true industrial robot form the various single-purpose machines used in modern manufacturing firms.The term “reprogrammable” implies two things: The robot operates according to a written program,and this program can be rewriten to accommodate a variety of manufacturning tasks.The term “multifunctional” means that the robot can, through reprogramming and the use of different end-dffectors, perform a number of different manufacturing tasks.Definitions written around these two critical characteristics are becoming the accepted definitions among manufacturing professioals.The first articulated arm came about in 1951 and was used by the U.S.Atomic Energy Commission.In 1945,the first programmable robot was designed by George Devol.It was based on two important technologies:(1) Numerical control (NC) technology.(2) Remote manipulation technology.Numerical control technology provided a form of machine control ideally suited to robots.It allowed for the control of motion by stored programs.These programs contain data points to which the robot sequentially moves, timing signals to initiste action and to stop movement, and logic statements to allow for decision making.Remote manipulator technology allowed a machines to be more than just anotherNC machine.It allowed such machines to become robots that can perform a variety of manufacturing tasks in both inaccessible and unsafe environments.By merging these two technologies, Devol developed the first industrial robot, an unsophisticated programmable materials handling machine.The first commercially produced robot was developed in 1959.In 1962, the first industrial robot to be used on a production line was installed by General Motors Corporation.This robot was produced by Unimation.A major step forward in robot control occurred in 1973 with the development of the T-3 industrial robot controlled bya minicomputer.Numerical control and remote and remote manipulator technology prompted the wide-scale development and use of industrial robots.But major technological developments do not take place simply because of such new capabilities.Something must provide the impetus for taking advantage of these capabilities.In the case of industrial robots, the impetus was economics.The rapid inflation of wages experienced in the 1970s tremendously increased the personnel costs of manufacturing firms.At the same time, foreign competition became a serious problem for U.S.manefacturers.Foreign manufacturers who had undertaken automation on a wide-scale basis, such as those in Japan, began to gain an increaaingly large share of the U.S.and world market for manufactured goods, particullarly automobiles.Through a variety of automation techniques, including robots, Japanese manufacturers, beginning in the 1970s, were able to produce better automobiles more cheaply than nonautomated U.S.manufacturers.Consequently, in order to survive, U.S.manufacturers were forced to consider any technological developments that could help improve productivity.It become imperative to produce better products at lower costs in order to be competitive with foreign manufacturers.Other factors such as the need to find better ways of performing dangerous manufacturing tasks contributed to the development of industrial robots.However, the principal rationale has always been, and is still, improved productivity.One of the principal advantages of robots is that they can be used in settings that are dangerous to humans.Welding and parting are examples of applications where robots can be used more safely than humans.Even though robots are closely associsted with safety in the workplace, they can, in themselves, be dangerous.Robots and robot cells must be carefully designed and cinfigured so that they do not endanger human workers and other machines.Robot work envelopes should be accurately calculated and a danger zone surrounding the envelope clearly marked off.Red flooring strips and barriers can be used to keep human workers out of a robot is work envelope.Even with such precautions it is still a good idea to have an automatic shutdown system in situations where robots are used.Such a system should have the capacity to sense the need for an automatic shutdown of operations.Fault-tolerant computers and redundant systems can be installed to ensure proper shutdown of robotics systems to ensure a safe environment.The components of a tobot systerm could be discussed either forma physical of view or from a systems point of ciew.Physically, we would divide the system into the robot, power system, and controller(computer).Likewise, the robot itself could be partitioned anthropomorphically into base, shoulder, elbow, wrist, gripper, and tool.Most of these terms require little explanation.Consequently, we will describe the components of a tobot system from the point of view of information transfer.That is, what information or signal enters the component; what logical or arithmetic operation does the component perform; and what information or signal does the component produce? It is important to note that the same physical component may perform many different information processing operations (e.g., a central computer performs many different calculations on different data ).Likewise, two physically separate components may perform identical information operations (e.g., the shoulder and elbow actuators both convert signals to motion in very similar ways).Actuator Associated with each joint on the robot is an actuator which causes that joint to move.Typical actuators are electric motors and hydtraulic cylinders.Typically, a robot system will contain six actuators, since six are required for full control of position and orientation.Many robot applications do not require this full flexibility, and consequently, robots are often built with five or fewer actuators.Sensor To control and actuator, the computer must have information regarding the posetion and possibly the velocity of the actuator.In this contest, the term position refers to a displacement from some arbitrary zero reference point for that actuator.For example, in the case of a rotary actuator, “ position ” would really the angular posit ionand be measured in radians.Many types of sensors can provide indications of position and velocity.The various types of sensors require different menchanisms for interfacing to the computer.In addition, the industrial use of the manipulator requires that the interface be protected from the harsh electrical environment of the factroy.Sources of electrical noise such as are welders and large motors can easily make a digital system useless unless care is taken in design and construction of the interface.C omputation We could easily have labeled the computation module “ computer , ” as most of the function to be described are typically performed by digital computer.However, many of the functions may be performed in dedicated custom hardware or networks of the computers.We will, thus, discuss the computational component as if it were a simple computer, recognizing that the need for real-time control may require special equipment and that some of this equipment may even be analog, although the current trend is toward fully digital systems.One further note: We will tend to avoid the use of the term microprocessor in this book and simply say computer, although many current robot manufacturers use one or more microprocessors in their systerms.The computation component performs the following operations:Servo Given the current position and/or velocity of an actuator,determine the appropriate drive signal to move that actuator toward its desired position.This operation must be performed for each actuator.Kinematics Given the current state of the actuators ( position and velocity ), determine the current state of the gripper.Conversely, given a desired state of the hand, determine the desired state for each actuator.Dynamics Given konwledge of the loads on the arm ( inertia, friction, gravity, acceleration ), use this information to adjust the servo operation to achieve better performance.Workplace Sensor Analysis Given knowledge of the task to be performed, determine appropriate robot motion commands.This may include analyzing a TV picture of the workplace or measuring and compensating for forces applied at the hand.In addition to these easily identified components, there are also supervisory operations such as path planning and operator interaction.工业机器人有许多关于机器人这个术语的定义。
外文原文Introduction to Industrial RobotsIndustrial robets became a reality in the early 1960’s when Joseph Engelberger and George Devol teamed up to form a robotics company they called “Unimation”. Engelberger and Devol were not the first to dream of machines that could perform the unskilled, repetitive jobs in manufacturing. The first use of the word “robots” was by the Czechoslovakian philosopher and playwright Karel Capek in his play R.U.R.(Rossum’s Universal Robot). The word “robot” in Czech means “worker” or “slave.” The play was written in 1922.In Capek’s play , Rossum and his son discover the chemical formula for artificial protoplasm. Protoplasm forms the very basis of life.With their compound,Rossum and his son set out to make a robot.Rossum and his son spend 20 years forming the protoplasm into a robot. After 20 years the Rossums look at what theyhave created and say, “It’s absurd to spend twenty years making a man if we can’t make him quicker than nature, you might as w than nature, you might as well shut up shop.” ell shut up shop.”The young Rossum goes back to work eliminating organs he considers unnecessary for the ideal worker. The young Rossum says, “A man is something that feels happy , plays piano ,likes going for a walk, and in fact wants to do a whole lot of things that are unnecessary … but a working machine must not play piano, must not feel happy, must not do a whole lot of other things. Everything that doesn’t contribute directly to the progress of work should be eliminated.”A half century later, engi neers began building Rossum’s robot, not out of artificial protoplasm, but of silicon, hydraulics, pneumatics, and electric motors. Robots that were dreamed of by Capek in 1922, that work but do not feel, that perform unhuman or subhuman, jobs in manufacturing plants, are available and are in operation around the world.The modern robot lacks feeling and emotions just as Rossum’s son thought it should. It can only respond to simple “yes/no” questions. The moderrn robot is normally bolted to the floor. It has one arm and one hand. It is deaf, blind, and dumb. In spite of all of these handicaps, the modern robot performs its assigned task hour after hour without boredom or complaint.A robot is not simply another automated machine. Automation began during the industrial revolution with machines that performed jobs that formerly had been done by human workers. Such a machine, however , can do only the specific job for which it was designed, whereas a robot can perform a variety of jobs.A robot must have an arm. The arm must be able to duplicate the movements of a human worker in loading and unloading other automated machines, spraying paint, welding, and performing hundreds of other jobs that cannot be easily done with conventional automated machines.DEFINITION OF A ROBOTThe Robot Industries Association(RIA) has published a definition for robots in an attempt to clarify which machines are simply automated machines and which machines are truly robots. The RIA definition is as follows:“A robot is a reprogrammabl reprogrammable e multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.”This definition, which is more extensive than the one in the RIA glossary at the end of this book, is an excellent definition of a robot. We will look at this definition, one phrase at a time, so as to understand which machines are in fact robots and which machines are little more than specialized automation.First, a robot is a “reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator.” In this phrase RIA tells us that a robot can be taught (“reprogrammed”) to do more than one job by changing the informaion stored in its memory. A robot can be reprogrammed to load and unload machines, weld, and do ma and unload machines, weld, and do many other jobs (“multifunctional”). A robot is a ny other jobs (“multifunctional”). A robot is a“manipulator”. A manipulator is an arm( or hand ) that can pick up or move things. At this point we know that a robot is an arm that can be taught to do different jobs.The definition goes on to say that a ro The definition goes on to say that a robot is “designed to move material, parts, bot is “designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices.” Material includes wood,steel, plastic, cardboard… anything that is used in the manufacture of a product.A robot can also handle parts that have been manufactured. For example, a robot can load a piece of steel into an automatic lathe and unload a finished part out of the lathe. In addition to handling material and parts, a robot can be fitted with tools such as grinders, buffers, screwdrivers, and welding torches to perform useful work.Robots can also be fitted with specialized instruments or devices to do special jobs in a manufacturing plant. Robots can be fitted with television cameras for inspection of parts or products. They can be fitted with lasers to accurately mearure the size of parts being manufactured.The RIA definition closes with the phrase,”…through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.” This phrase emphasizes the fact that a robot can do many different jobs in a manufacturing plant. The variety of jobs that a robot can do is limited only by the creativity of the application engineer. JOBS FOR ROBOTSJobs performed by robots can be divided into two major categories:hazardous jobs and repetitive jobs. Hazardous JobsMany applications of robots are in jobs that are hazardous to humans. Such jobs may be considered hazardous because of toxic fumes, the weight of the material being handled, the temperature of the material being handled, the danger of working near rotating or press machinery, or environments containing high levels of radiation. Repetitive JobsIn addition to taking over hazardous jobs, robots are well suited to doingextremely repetitive jobs that must be done in manufacturing plants.many jobs in manufacturing plants require a person to act more like a machine than like a human.The job may be to pick a piece up from here and place it there. The same job is donehundreds of times each day. The job requires little or no judgment and little or no skill.This is not said as a criticism of the person who does the job , but is intended simplyto point out that many of these jobs exist in industry and must be done to complete themanufacture of products. A robot can be placed at such a work station and can perform the job admirably without complaining or experiencing the fatigue and boredom normally associated with such a job.Although robots eliminate some jobs in industry, they normally eliminate jobs thathumans should never have been asked to do. Machines should perform as machines doing machine jobs, and humans should be placed in jobs that require the use of their ability,creativity, and special skills.POTENTIAL FOR INCREASED PRODUCTIVITYIn addition to removing people from jobs they should not have been placed in,robots offer companies the opportunity of achieving increased productivity. Whenrobots are placed in repetitive jobs they continue to operate at their programmed pacewithout fatigue. Robots do not take either scheduled or unscheduled breaks from thejob. The increase in productivity can result in at least 25% more good parts beingproduced in an eight-hour shift. This increase in productivity increases the company'sprofits, which can be reinvested in additional plants and equipment. This increase in productivity results in more jobs in other departments in the plant. With more parts being produced, additional people are needed to deliver the raw materials to the plant, to complete the assembly of the finished products, to sell the finished products, and to deliver the products to their destinations.ROBOT SPEEDAlthough robots increase productivity in a manufacturing plant, they are notexceptionally fast. At present, robots normally operate at or near the speed of a human operator. Every major move of a robot normally takes approximately one second. Fora robot to pick up a piece of steel from a conveyor and load it into a lathe may requireten different moves taking as much as ten seconds. A human operator can do the samejob in the same amount of time . The increase in productivity is a result of theconsistency of operation. As the human operator repeats the same job over and overduring the workday, he or she begins to slow down. The robot continues to operate at its programmed speed and therefore completes more parts during the workday.Custom-built automated machines can be built to do the same jobs that robots do.An automated machine can do the same loading operation in less than half the timerequired by a robot or a human operator. The problem with designing a special machine is that such a machine can perform only the specific job for which it was built. If any change is made in the job, the machine must be completely rebuilt, or the machine must be scrapped and a new machine designed and built. A robot, on the other hand, could be reprogrammed and could start doing the new job the same day.Custom-built automated machines still have their place in industry. If a companyknows that a job will not change for many years, the faster custom-built machine isstill a good choice.Other jobs in factories cannot be done easily with custom-built machinery. For these applications a robot may be a good choice. An example of such an application is spray painting. One company made cabinets for the electronics industry. They made cabinets of many different sizes, all of which needed painting. It was determined that it was not economical for the company to build special spray painting machines for each of the different sizes of enclosures that were being built. Until robots were developed, the company had no choice but to spray the various enclosures by hand.Spray painting is a hazardous job , because the fumes from many paints are both toxic and explosive. A robot is now doing the job of spraying paint on the enclosures.A robot has been “taught” to spray all the different sizes of enclosures that thecompany builds. In addition, the robot can operate in the toxic environment of the spray booth without any concern for the long-term effect the fumes might have on aperson working in the booth.FLEXIBLE AUTOMATIONRobots have another advantage: they can be taught to do different jobs in the manufacturing plant. If a robot was originally purchased to load and unload a punch press and the job is no longer needed due to a change in product design, the robot can be moved to another job in the plant. For example, the robot could be moved to the end of the assembly operation and be used to unload the finished enclosures from a conveyor and load them onto a pallet for shipment.ACCURACY AND REPEATABILITYOne very important characteristic of any robot is the accuracy with which it can perform its task. When the robot is programmed to perform a specific task, it is led to specific points and programmed to remember the locations of those points. After programming has been completed, the robot is switched to “run” and the program is executed. Unfortunately, the robot will not go to the exact location of any programmed point. For example, the robot may miss the exact point by 0.025 in. If 0.025 in. is the greatest error by which the robot misses any point- during the first execution of the program, the robot is said to have an accuracy of 0.025 in.In addition to accuracy , we are also concerned with the robot’s s repeatability. The In addition to accuracy , we are also concerned with the robot’repeatability of a robot is a measure of how closely it returns to its programmed points every time the program is executed. Say , for example, that the robot misses a programmed point by 0.025 in. the first time the program is executed and that, during the next execution of the program, the robot misses the point it reached during the previous cycle by 0.010 in. Although the robot is a total of 0.035 in. from the original programmed point, its accuracy is 0.025 in. and its repeatability is 0.010 in.THE MAJOR PARTS OF A ROBOTThe major parts of a robot are the manipulator, the power supply, and the controller.The manipulator is used to pick up material, parts, or special tools used in manufacturing. The power supply suppplies the power to move the manipulator. The controller controls the power supply so that the manipulator can be taught to perform its task.外文翻译工业机器人的介绍工业机器人的介绍20世纪60年代当约瑟夫和乔治合作创立了名为Unimation 的机器公司,工业机器人便成为了一个事实。
外文资料robotThe industrial robot is a tool that is used in the manufacturing environment to increase productivity. It can be used to do routine and tedious assembly line jobs,or it can perform jobs that might be hazardous to the human worker . For example ,one of the first industrial robot was used to replace the nuclear fuel rods in nuclear power plants. A human doing this job might be exposed to harmful amounts of radiation. The industrial robot can also operate on the assembly line,putting together small components,such as placing electronic components on a printed circuit board. Thus,the human worker can be relieved of the routine operation of this tedious task. Robots can also be programmed to defuse bombs,to serve the handicapped,and to perform functions in numerous applications in our society.The robot can be thought of as a machine that will move an end-of-tool ,sensor ,and/or gripper to a preprogrammed location. When the robot arrives at this location,it will perform some sort of task .This task could be welding,sealing,machine loading ,machine unloading,or a host of assembly jobs. Generally,this work can be accomplished without the involvement of a human being,except for programming and for turning the system on and off.The basic terminology of robotic systems is introduced in the following:1. A robot is a reprogrammable ,multifunctional manipulator designed to move parts,material,tool,or special devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of different task. This basic definition leads to other definitions,presented in the following paragraphs,that give acomplete picture of a robotic system.2. Preprogrammed locations are paths that the robot must follow to accomplish work,At some of these locations,the robot will stop and perform some operation ,such as assembly of parts,spray painting ,or welding .These preprogrammed locations are stored in the robot’s memory and are recalled later for continuousoperation.Furthermore,these preprogrammed locations,as well as other program data,can be changed later as the work requirements change.Thus,with regard to this programming feature,an industrial robot is very much like a computer ,where data can be stoned and later recalled and edited.3. The manipulator is the arm of the robot .It allows the robot to bend,reach,and twist.This movement is provided by the manipulator’s axes,also called the degrees of freedom of the robot .A robot can have from 3 to 16 axes.The term degrees of freedom will always relate to the number of axes found on a robot.4. The tooling and frippers are not part the robotic system itself;rather,they are attachments that fit on the end of the robot’s arm. These attachments connected to the end of the robot’s arm allow the robot to lift parts,spot-weld ,paint,arc-weld,drill,deburr,and do a variety of tasks,depending on what is required of the robot.5. The robotic system can control the work cell of the operating robot.The work cell of the robot is the total environment in which the robot must perform itstask.Included within this cell may be the controller ,the robot manipulator ,a work table ,safety features,or a conveyor.All the equipment that is required in order for the robot to do its job is included in the work cell .In addition,signals from outside devices can communicate with the robot to tell the robot when it should parts,pick up parts,or unload parts to a conveyor.The robotic system has three basic components: the manipulator,the controller,and the power source.A.ManipulatorThe manipulator ,which does the physical work of the robotic system,consists of two sections:the mechanical section and the attached appendage.The manipulator also has a base to which the appendages are attached.Fig.1 illustrates the connectionof the base and the appendage of a robot.图1.Basic components of a robot’s manipulatorThe base of the manipulator is usually fixed to the floor of the work area. Sometimes,though,the base may be movable. In this case,the base is attached to either a rail or a track,allowing the manipulator to be moved from one location to anther.As mentioned previously ,the appendage extends from the base of the robot. The appendage is the arm of the robot. It can be either a straight ,movable arm or a jointed arm. The jointed arm is also known as an articulated arm.The appendages of the robot manipulator give the manipulator its various axes of motion. These axes are attached to a fixed base ,which,in turn,is secured to a mounting. This mounting ensures that the manipulator will in one location.At the end of the arm ,a wrist(see Fig 2)is connected. The wrist is made up of additional axes and a wrist flange. The wrist flange allows the robot user to connect different tooling to the wrist for different jobs.图2.Elements of a work cell from the topThe manipulator’s axes allow it to perform work within a certain area. The area is called the work cell of the robot ,and its size corresponds to the size of the manipulator.(Fid2)illustrates the work cell of a typical assembly ro bot.As the robot’s physical size increases,the size of the work cell must also increase.The movement of the manipulator is controlled by actuator,or drive systems.The actuator,or drive systems,allows the various axes to move within the work cell. The drive system can use electric,hydraulic,or pneumatic power.The energy developed by the drive system is converted to mechanical power by various mechanical power systems.The drive systems are coupled through mechanical linkages.These linkages,in turn,drive the different axes of the robot.The mechanical linkages may be composed of chain,gear,and ball screws.B.ControllerThe controller in the robotic system is the heart of the operation .The controller stores preprogrammed information for later recall,controls peripheral devices,and communicates with computers within the plant for constant updates in production.The controller is used to control the robot manipulator’s movements as well as to control peripheral components within the work cell. The user can program the movements of the manipulator into the controller through the use of a hard-held teach pendant.This information is stored in the memory of the controller for later recall.The controller stores all program data for the robotic system.It can store several differentprograms,and any of these programs can be edited.The controller is also required to communicate with peripheral equipment within the work cell. For example,the controller has an input line that identifies when a machining operation is completed.When the machine cycle is completed,the input line turn on telling the controller to position the manipulator so that it can pick up the finished part.Then ,a new part is picked up by the manipulator and placed into the machine.Next,the controller signals the machine to start operation.The controller can be made from mechanically operated drums that step through a sequence of events.This type of controller operates with a very simple robotic system.The controllers found on the majority of robotic systems are more complex devices and represent state-of-the-art eletronoics.That is,they are microprocessor-operated.these microprocessors are either 8-bit,16-bit,or 32-bit processors.this power allows the controller to be very flexible in its operation.The controller can send electric signals over communication lines that allow it to talk with the various axes of the manipulator. This two-way communication between the robot manipulator and the controller maintains a constant update of the end the operation of the system.The controller also controls any tooling placed on the end of the robot’s wrist.The controller also has the job of communicating with the different plant computers. The communication link establishes the robot as part a computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM)system.As the basic definition stated,the robot is a reprogrammable,multifunctional manipulator.Therefore,the controller must contain some of memory stage. The microprocessor-based systems operates in conjunction with solid-state devices.These memory devices may be magnetic bubbles,random-access memory,floppy disks,or magnetic tape.Each memory storage device stores program information fir or for editing.C.power supplyThe power supply is the unit that supplies power to the controller and the manipulator. The type of power are delivered to the robotic system. One type of power is the AC power for operation of the controller. The other type of power isused for driving the various axes of the manipulator. For example,if the robot manipulator is controlled by hydraulic or pneumatic drives,control signals are sent to these devices causing motion of the robot.For each robotic system,power is required to operate the manipulator .This power can be developed from either a hydraulic power source,a pneumatic power source,or an electric power source.There power sources are part of the total components of the robotic work cell.中文翻译机器人工业机器人是在生产环境中用以提高生产效率的工具,它能做常规乏味的装配线工作,或能做那些对于工人来说是危险的工作,例如,第一代工业机器人是用来在核电站中更换核燃料棒,如果人去做这项工作,将会遭受有害放射线的辐射。
Robotics technology trendsBy : Jim Pinto, San Diego, CA. USAWhen it comes to robots, reality still lags science fiction. But, just because robots have not lived up to their promise in past decades does not mean that they will not arrive sooner or later. Indeed, the confluence of several advanced technologies is bringing the age of robotics ever nearer - smaller, cheaper, more practical and cost-effectiveBrawn, Bone & BrainThere are 3 aspects of any robot:∙Brawn – strength relating to physical payload that a robot can move.∙Bone – the physical structure of a robot relative to the work it does; this determines the size and weight of the robot in relation to its physical payload.∙Brain – robotic intelligence; what it can think and do independently; how much manual interaction is required.Because of the way robots have been pictured in science fiction, many people expect robots to be human-like in appearance. But in fact what a robot looks like is more related to the tasks or functions it performs. A lot of machines that look nothing like humans can clearly be classified as robots. And similarly, some human-looking robots are not much beyond mechanical mechanisms, or toys.Many early robots were big machines, with significant brawn and little else. Old hydraulically powered robots were relegated to tasks in the 3-D category – dull, dirty and dangerous. The technological advances since the first industry implementation have completely revised the capability, performance and strategic benefits of robots. For example, by the 1980s robots transitioned from being hydraulically powered to become electrically driven units. Accuracy and performance improved.Industrial robots already at workThe number of robots in the world today is approaching 1,000,000, with almost half that number in Japan and just 15% in the US. A couple of decades ago, 90% of robots were used in car manufacturing, typically on assembly lines doing a variety of repetitive tasks. Today only 50% are in automobile plants, with the other half spread out among other factories, laboratories, warehouses, energy plants, hospitals, and many other industries.Robots are used for assembling products, handling dangerous materials,spray-painting, cutting and polishing, inspection of products. The number of robots used in tasks as diverse as cleaning sewers, detecting bombs and performing intricate surgery is increasing steadily, and will continue to grow in coming years.Robot intelligenceEven with primitive intelligence, robots have demonstrated ability to generate good gains in factory productivity, efficiency and quality. Beyond that, some of the "smartest" robots are not in manufacturing; they are used as space explorers, remotely operated surgeons and even pets – like Sony's AIBO mechanical dog. In some ways, some of these other applications show what might be possible on production floors if manufacturers realize that industrial robots don't have to be bolted to the floor, or constrained by the limitations of yesterday's machinery concepts.With the rapidly increasing power of the microprocessor and artificial intelligence techniques, robots have dramatically increased their potential as flexible automation tools. The new surge of robotics is in applications demanding advanced intelligence. Robotic technology is converging with a wide variety of complementary technologies – machine vision, force sensing (touch), speech recognition and advanced mechanics. This results in exciting new levels of functionality for jobs that were never before considered practical for robots.The introduction of robots with integrated vision and touch dramatically changes the speed and efficiency of new production and delivery systems. Robots have become so accurate that they can be applied where manual operations are no longer a viable option. Semiconductor manufacturing is one example, where a consistent high levelof throughput and quality cannot be achieved with humans and simple mechanization. In addition, significant gains are achieved through enabling rapid product changeover and evolution that can't be matched with conventional hard tooling.Boosting CompetitivenessAs mentioned, robotic applications originated in the automotive industry. General Motors, with some 40-50,000 robots, continues to utilize and develop new approaches. The ability to bring more intelligence to robots is now providing significant new strategic options. Automobile prices have actually declined over the last two to three years, so the only way that manufacturers can continue to generate profits is to cut structural and production costs.When plants are converted to new automobile models, hundreds of millions of dollars are typically put into the facility. The focus of robotic manufacturing technology is to minimize the capital investment by increasing flexibility. New robot applications are being found for operations that are already automated with dedicated equipment. Robot flexibility allows those same automated operations to be performed more consistently, with inexpensive equipment and with significant cost advantages.Robotic AssistanceA key robotics growth arena is Intelligent Assist Devices (IAD) – operators manipulate a robot as though it were a bionic extension of their own limbs with increased reach and strength. This is robotics technology – not replacements for humans or robots, but rather a new class of ergonomic assist products that helpshuman partners in a wide variety of ways, including power assist, motion guidance, line tracking and process automation.IAD’s use robotics t echnology to help production people to handle parts and payloads – more, heavier, better, faster, with less strain. Using a human-machine interface, the operator and IAD work in tandem to optimize lifting, guiding and positioning movements. Sensors, computer power and control algorithms translate the operator's hand movements into super human lifting power.New robot configurationsAs the technology and economic implications of Moore's law continue to shift computing power and price, we should expect more innovations, more cost-effective robot configurations, more applications beyond the traditional “dumb-waiter” service emphasis.The biggest change in industrial robots is that they will evolve into a broader variety of structures and mechanisms. In many cases, configurations that evolve into new automation systems won't be immediately recognizable as robots. For example, robots that automate semiconductor manufacturing already look quite different from those used in automotive plants.We will see the day when there are more of these programmable tooling kinds of robots than all of the traditional robots that exist in the world today. There is an enormous sea change coming; the potential is significant because soon robots will offer not only improved cost-effectiveness, but also advantages and operations that have never been possible before.Envisioning VisionDespite the wishes of robot researchers to emulate human appearance and intelligence, that simply hasn't happened. Most robots still can't see – versatile and rapid objectrecognition is still not quite attainable. And there are very few examples of bipedal, upright walking robots such as Honda’s P3, mostly used for research or sample demonstrations.A relatively small number of industrial robots are integrated with machine vision systems – which is why it's called machine vision rather than robot vision. The early machine vision adopters paid very high prices, because of the technical expertise needed to “tweak” such systems. For example, in the mid-1980s, a flexible manufacturing system from Cincinnati Milacron included a $900,000 vision guidance system. By 1998 average prices had fallen to $40,000, and prices continued to decline.Today, simple pattern matching vision sensors can be purchased for under $2,000 from Cognex, Omron and others. The price reductions reflect today's reduced computing costs, and the focused development of vision systems for specific jobs such as inspection.Robots already in use everywhereSales of industrial robots have risen to record levels and they have huge, untapped potential for domestic chores like mowing the lawn and vacuuming the carpet. Last year 3,000 underwater robots, 2,300 demolition robots and 1,600 surgical robots were in operation. A big increase is predicted for domestic robots for vacuum cleaning and lawn mowing, increasing from 12,500 in 2000 to almost 500,000 by the end of 2004. IBot’s Roomba floor cleaning robot is now available at under $200.00.In the wake of recent anthrax scares, robots are increasingly used in postal sorting applications. Indeed, there is huge potential to mechanize the US postal service. Some 1,000 robots were installed last year to sort parcels and the US postal service has estimated that it has the potential to use up to 80,000 robots for sorting.Look around at the “robots” around us today: automated gas pumps, bank ATMs,self-service checkout lanes – machines that are already replacing many service jobs.Fast-forward another few decades. It doesn't require a great leap of faith to envision how advances in image processing, microprocessor speed and human-simulation could lead to the automation of most boring, low-intelligence, low-paying jobs.Marshall Brain (yes, that's his name) founder of has written a couple of interesting essays about robotics in the future, well worth reading. He feels that it is quite plausible that over the next 40 years robots will displace most human jobs. According to Brain's projections, in his essay "Robotic Nation", humanoid robots will be widely available by 2030. They will replace jobs currently filled by people for work such as fast-food service, housecleaning and retail sales. Unless ways are found to compensate for these lost jobs, Brain estimates that more than 50% of Americans could be unemployed by 2055 – replaced by robots.New robot applications aboundAs robot intelligence increases, and as sensors, actuators and operating mechanisms become more sophisticated, other applications are now multiplying. There are now thousands of underwater robots, demolition robots and even robots used inlong-distance surgery.Dozens of experimental search-and-rescue robots scoured the wreckage of the World Trade Center's collapsed twin towers. Teams of robotics experts were at Ground Zero operating experimental robots to probe the rubble and locate bodies. During the war in Afghanistan, robots were being used by the US military as tools for combat. They were sent into caves, buildings or other dark areas ahead of troops to help prevent casualties.A giant walking robot is used to harvests forests, moving on six articulated legs, advancing forward and backward, sideways and diagonally. It can also turn in place and step over obstacles.At UC Berkeley, a tiny robot called Micromechanical Flying Insect has wings that flap with a rhythm and precision matched only by natural equivalents. The goal is to develop tiny, nimble devices that can, for example, surreptitiously spy on enemy troops, explore the surface of Mars or safely monitor dangerous chemical spills.Robotics – an exciting new development arenaThe typical Automation techie has knowledge and experience in instruments, PLCs, computers, displays, controls, sensors, valves, actuators, data-transmission, wireless, networking, etc. These are exactly the key requirements for development of robots and robotic systems. During this time of economic recession, Robotics can surely be a new arena of exciting and rewarding business development.机器人技术发展趋势作者:Jim Pinto,加利福利亚州圣迭亚哥·美国谈到机器人,现实仍落后于科幻小说。
机器人外文翻译(中英文翻译)机器人外文翻译(中英文翻译)With the rapid development of technology, the use of robots has become increasingly prevalent in various industries. Robots are now commonly employed to perform tasks that are dangerous, repetitive, or require a high level of precision. However, in order for robots to effectively communicate with humans and fulfill their intended functions, accurate translation between different languages is crucial. In this article, we will explore the importance of machine translation in enabling robots to perform translation tasks, as well as discuss current advancements and challenges in this field.1. IntroductionMachine translation refers to the use of computer algorithms to automatically translate text or speech from one language to another. The ultimate goal of machine translation is to produce translations that are as accurate and natural as those generated by human translators. In the context of robots, machine translation plays a vital role in allowing them to understand and respond to human commands, as well as facilitating communication between robots of different origins.2. Advancements in Machine TranslationThe field of machine translation has experienced significant advancements in recent years, thanks to breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and deep learning. These advancements have led to the development of neural machine translation (NMT) systems, which have greatly improved translation quality. NMT models operate by analyzinglarge amounts of bilingual data, allowing them to learn the syntactic and semantic structures of different languages. As a result, NMT systems are capable of providing more accurate translations compared to traditional rule-based or statistical machine translation approaches.3. Challenges in Machine Translation for RobotsAlthough the advancements in machine translation have greatly improved translation quality, there are still challenges that need to be addressed when applying machine translation to robots. One prominent challenge is the variability of language use, including slang, idioms, and cultural references. These nuances can pose difficulties for machine translation systems, as they often require a deep understanding of the context and cultural background. Researchers are currently working on developing techniques to enhance the ability of machine translation systems to handle such linguistic variations.Another challenge is the real-time requirement of translation in a robotic setting. Robots often need to process and translate information on the fly, and any delay in translation can affect the overall performance and efficiency of the robot. Optimizing translation speed without sacrificing translation quality is an ongoing challenge for researchers in the field.4. Applications of Robot TranslationThe ability for robots to translate languages opens up a wide range of applications in various industries. One application is in the field of customer service, where robots can assist customers in multiple languages, providing support and information. Another application is in healthcare settings, where robots can act as interpreters between healthcare professionals and patientswho may speak different languages. Moreover, in international business and diplomacy, robots equipped with translation capabilities can bridge language barriers and facilitate effective communication between parties.5. ConclusionIn conclusion, machine translation plays a crucial role in enabling robots to effectively communicate with humans and fulfill their intended functions. The advancements in neural machine translation have greatly improved translation quality, but challenges such as language variability and real-time translation requirements still exist. With continuous research and innovation, the future of machine translation for robots holds great potential in various industries, revolutionizing the way we communicate and interact with technology.。
Introduction to robotics technologyIn the manufacturing field, robot development has focused on engineering robotic arms that perform manufacturing processes. In the space industry, robotics focuses on highly specialized, one-of-kind planetary rovers. Unlike a highly automated manufacturing plant, a planetary rover operating on the dark side of the moon -- without radio communication -- might run into unexpected situations. At a minimum, a planetary rover must have some source of sensory input, some way of interpreting that input, and a way of modifying its actions to respond to a changing world. Furthermore, the need to sense and adapt to a partially unknown environment requires intelligence (in other words, artificial intelligence).Mechanical platforms -- the hardware baseA robot consists of two main parts: the robot body and some form of artificial intelligence (AI) system. Many different body parts can be called a robot. Articulated arms are used in welding and painting; gantry and conveyor systems move parts in factories; and giant robotic machines move earth deep inside mines. One of the most interesting aspects of robots in general is their behavior, which requires a form of intelligence. The simplest behavior of a robot is locomotion. Typically, wheels are used as the underlying mechanism to make a robot move from one point to the next. And some force such as electricity is required to make the wheels turn under command.MotorsA variety of electric motors provide power to robots, allowing them to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices with variousprogrammed motions. The efficiency rating of a motor describes how much of the electricity consumed is converted to mechanical energy. Let's take a look at some of the mechanical devices that are currently being used in modern robotics technology.Driving mechanismsGears and chains:Gears and chains are mechanical platforms that provide a strong and accurate way to transmit rotary motion from one place to another, possibly changing it along the way. The speed change between two gears depends upon the number of teeth on each gear. When a powered gear goes through a full rotation, it pulls the chain by the number of teeth on that gear.Pulleys and belts:Pulleys and belts, two other types of mechanical platforms used in robots, work the same way as gears and chains. Pulleys are wheels with a groove around the edge, and belts are the rubber loops that fit in that groove.Gearboxes:A gearbox operates on the same principles as the gear and chain, without the chain. Gearboxes require closer tolerances, since instead of using a large loose chain to transfer force and adjust for misalignments, the gears mesh directly with each other. Examples of gearboxes can be found on the transmission in a car, the timing mechanism in a grandfather clock, and the paper-feed of your printer.Power suppliesPower supplies are generally provided by two types of battery. Primary batteries are used once and then discarded; secondary batteries operate from a (mostly) reversible chemical reaction and can be recharged several times. Primary batteries have higher density and a lower self-dischargerate. Secondary (rechargeable) batteries have less energy than primary batteries, but can be recharged up to a thousand times depending on their chemistry and environment. Typically the first use of a rechargeable battery gives 4 hours of continuous operation in an application or robot.SensorsRobots react according to a basic temporal measurement, requiring different kinds of sensors.In most systems a sense of time is built-in through the circuits and programming. For this to be productive in practice, a robot has to have perceptual hardware and software, which updates quickly. Regardless of sensor hardware or software, sensing and sensors can be thought of as interacting with external events (in other words, the outside world). The sensor measures some attribute of the world. The term transducer is often used interchangeably with sensor. A transducer is the mechanism, or element, of the sensor that transforms the energy associated with what is being measured into another form of energy. A sensor receives energy and transmits a signal to a display or computer. Sensors use transducers to change the input signal (sound, light, pressure, temperature, etc.) into an analog or digital form capable of being used by a robot.Microcontroller systemsMicrocontrollers (MCUs) are intelligent electronic devices used inside robots. They deliver functions similar to those performed by a microprocessor (central processing unit, or CPU) inside a personal computer. MCUs are slower and can address less memory than CPUs, but are designed for real-world control problems. One of the major differences between CPUs and MCUs is the number of external components needed tooperate them. MCUs can often run with zero external parts, and typically need only an external crystal or oscillator.Utilities and toolsROBOOP (A robotics object oriented package in C++):This package is an object-oriented toolbox in C++ for robotics simulation. Technical references and downloads are provided in the Resources.CORBA: A real-time communications and object request broker software package for embedding distributed software agents. Each independent piece of software registers itself and its capabilities to the ORB, by means of an IDL (Interface Definition Language). Visit their Web site (see Resources) for technical information, downloads, and documentation for CORBA.TANGO/TACO:This software might be useful for controlling a robotics system with multiple devices and tools. TANGO is an object oriented control system based on CORBA. Device servers can be written in C++ or Java. TACO is object oriented because it treats all(physical and logical) control points in a control system as objects in a distributed environment. All actions are implemented in classes. New classes can be constructed out of existing classes in a hierarchical manner, thereby ensuring a high level of software reuse. Classes can be written in C++, in C (using a methodology called Objects in C), in Python or in LabView (using the G programming language).ControllersTask Control Architecture: The Task Control Architecture (TCA) simplifies building task-level control systems for mobile robots. "Task-level" refers to the integration and coordination of perception, planning, andreal time control to achieve a given set of goals (tasks). TCA provides a general control framework, and is intended to control a wide variety of robots. TCA provides a high-level machine-independent method for passing messages between distributed machines (including between Lisp and C processes). TCA provides control functions, such as task decomposition, monitoring, and resource management, that are common to many mobile robot applications. The Resources section provides technical references and download information for Task Control Architecture.EMC (Enhanced Machine Controller): The EMC software is based on the NIST Real time Control System (RCS) methodology, and is programmed using the NIST RCS Library. The RCS Library eases the porting of controller code to a variety of UNIX and Microsoft platforms, providing a neutral application programming interface (API) to operating system resources such as shared memory, semaphores and timers. The EMC software is written in C and C++, and has been ported to the PC Linux, Windows NT, and Sun Solaris operating systems.Darwin2K: Darwin2K is a free, open source toolkit for robot simulation and automated design. It features numerous simulation capabilities and an evolutionary algorithm capable of automatically synthesizing and optimizing robot designs to meet task-specific performance objectives.LanguagesRoboML (Robotic Markup Language): RoboML is used for standardized representation of robotics-related data. It is designed to support communication language between human-robot interface agents, as well as between robot-hosted processes and between interface processes, and to provide a format for archived data used by human-robot interface agents.ROSSUM: A programming and simulation environment for mobile robots. The Rossum Project is an attempt to help collect, develop, and distribute software for robotics applications. The Rossum Project hopes to extend the same kind of collaboration to the development of robotic software.XRCL (Extensible Robot Control Language): XRCL (pronounced zircle) is a relatively simple, modern language and environment designed to allow robotics researchers to share ideas by sharing code. It is an open source project, protected by the GNU Copyleft.SummaryThe field of robotics has created a large class of robots with basic physical and navigational competencies. At the same time, society has begun to move towards incorporating robots into everyday life, from entertainment to health care. Moreover, robots could free a large number of people from hazardous situations, essentially allowing them to be used as replacements for human beings. Many of the applications being pursued by AI robotics researchers are already fulfilling that potential. In addition, robots can be used for more commonplace tasks such as janitorial work. Whereas robots were initially developed for dirty, dull, and dangerous applications, they are now being considered as personal assistants. Regardless of application, robots will require more rather than less intelligence, and will thereby have a significant impact on our society in the future as technology expands to new horizons.外文出处:Robotic technology / edited by A. Pugh./P. Peregrinus, c1993.附件1:外文资料翻译译文机器人技术简介在制造业领域,机器人的开发集中在执行制造过程的工程机器人手臂上。
附录AFirst, I explain the background robots, robot technology development. It should be said it is a common scientific and technological development of a comprehensive results, for the socio-economic development of a significant impact on a science and technology. It attributed the development of all countries in the Second World War to strengthen the economic input on strengthening the country's economic development. But they also demand the development of the productive forces the inevitable result of human development itself is the inevitable result then with the development of humanity, people constantly discuss the natural process, in understanding and reconstructing the natural process, people need to be able to liberate a slave. So this is the slave people to be able to replace the complex and engaged in heavy manual labor, People do not realize right up to the world's understanding and transformation of this technology as well as people in the development process of an objective need. Robots are three stages of development, in other words, we are accustomed to regarding robots are divided into three categories. is a first-generation robots, also known as teach-type robot, it is through a computer, to control over one of a mechanical degrees of freedom Through teaching and information stored procedures, working hours to read out information, and then issued a directive so the robot can repeat according to the people at that time said the results show this kind of movement again, For example, the car spot welding robots, only to put this spot welding process, after teaching, and it is always a repeat of a work It has the external environment is no perception that the force manipulation of the size of the work piece there does not exist, welding 0S It does not know, then this fact from the first generation robot, it will exist this shortcoming, it in the 20th century, the late 1970s, people started to study the second-generation robot, called Robot with the feeling that This feeling with the robot is similar in function of a certain feeling, for instance, force and touch, slipping, visual, hearing and who is analogous to that with all kinds of feelings, say in a robot grasping objects, In fact, it can be the size of feeling out, it can through visual, to be able to feel and identify its shape, size, colorGrasping an egg, it adopted a acumen, aware of its power and the size of the slide. Third-generation robots, we were a robotics ideal pursued by the most advanced stage, called intelligent robots, So long as tell it what to do, not how to tell it to do, it will be able to complete the campaign, thinking and perception of this man-machine communication function and function Well, this current development or relative is in a smart part of the concept and meaning But the real significance of the integrity of this intelligent robot did not actually exist, but as we continued the development of science and technology, the concept of intelligent increasingly rich, it grows ever wider connotations.Now I have a brief account of China's robot development of the basic profiles. As our country there are many other factors that problem. Our country in robotics research of the 20th century the late 1970s. At that time, we organized at the national, a Japanese industrial automation products exhibition. In this meeting, there are two products, is a CNC machine tools, an industrial robot, this time, our country's many scholars see such a direction, has begun to make a robot research But this time, are basically confined to the theory of phase .Then the real robot research, in 7500 August 5, 1995, 15 nearly 20 years of development, The most rapid development, in 1986 we established a national plan of 863 high-technology development plan, As robot technology will be an important theme of the development of The state has invested nearly Jiganyi funds begun to make a robot, We made the robot in the field quickly and rapid development.At present, units like the CAS ShenYng Institute of Automation, the original machinery, automation of the Ministry, as of Harbin Industrial University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Qinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, also includes automation of some units, and so on have done a very important study, also made a lot of achievements Meanwhile, in recent years, we end up in college, a lot of flats in robot research, Many graduate students and doctoral candidates are engaged in robotics research, we are more representative national study Industrial robots, underwater robots, space robots, robots in the nuclear industry are on the international level should be taking the lead .On the whole of our country Compared with developed countries, there is still a big gap, primarily manifested inthe We in the robot industry, at present there is no fixed maturity product, but in these underwater, space, the nuclear industry, a number of special robots, we have made a lot of achievements characteristics.Now, I would like to briefly outline some of the industrial robot situation. So far, the industrial robot is the most mature and widely used category of a robot, now the world's total sales of 1.1 million Taiwan, which is the 1999 statistics, however, 1.1 million in Taiwan have been using the equipment is 75 million, this volume is not small. Overall, the Japanese industrial robots in this one, is the first of the robots to become the Kingdom, the United States have developed rapidly. Newly installed in several areas of Taiwan, which already exceeds Japan, China has only just begun to enter the stage of industrialization, has developed a variety of industrial robot prototype and small batch has been used in production.Spot welding robot is the auto production line, improve production efficiency and raise the quality of welding car, reduce the labor intensity of a robot. It is characterized by two pairs of robots for spot welding of steel plate, bearing a great need for the welding tongs, general in dozens of kilograms or more, then its speed in meters per second a 5-2 meter of such high-speed movement. So it is generally five to six degrees of freedom, load 30 to 120 kilograms, the great space, probably expected that the work of a spherical space, a high velocity, the concept of freedom, that is to say, Movement is relatively independent of the number of components, the equivalent of our body, waist is a rotary degree of freedom We have to be able to hold his arm, Arm can be bent, then this three degrees of freedom, Meanwhile there is a wrist posture adjustment to the use of the three autonomy, the general robot has six degrees of freedom. We will be able to space the three locations, three postures, the robot fully achieved, and of course we have less than six degrees of freedom. Have more than six degrees of freedom robot, in different occasions the need to configure.The second category of service robots, with the development of industrialization, especially in the past decade, Robot development in the areas of application are continuously expanding, and now a very important characteristic, as we all know, Robot has gradually shifted from manufacturing to non-manufacturing and service industries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging to the manufacturingindustry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue, relief, etc. These belong to the non-manufacturing industries and service industries, so here is compared with the industrial robot, it is a very important difference. It is primarily a mobile platform, it can move to sports, there are some arms operate, also installed some as a force sensor and visual sensors, ultrasonic ranging sensors, etc. It’s surrounding environment for the conduct of identification, to determine its campaign to complete some work, this is service robot’s one of the ba sic characteristics.For example, domestic robot is mainly embodied in the example of some of the carpets and flooring it to the regular cleaning and vacuuming. The robot it is very meaningful, it has sensors, it can furniture and people can identify, It automatically according to a law put to the ground under the road all cleaned up. This is also the home of some robot performance.The medical robots, nearly five years of relatively rapid development of new application areas. If people in the course of an operation, doctors surgery, is a fatigue, and the other manually operated accuracy is limited. Some universities in Germany, which, facing the spine, lumbar disc disease, the identification, can automatically use the robot-aided positioning, operation and surgery Like the United States have been more than 1,000 cases of human eyeball robot surgery, the robot, also including remote-controlled approach, the right of such gastrointestinal surgery, we see on the television inside. a manipulator, about the thickness fingers such a manipulator, inserted through the abdominal viscera, people on the screen operating the machines hand, it also used the method of laser lesion laser treatment, this is the case, people would not have a very big damage to the human body.In reality, this right as a human liberation is a very good robots, medical robots it is very complex, while it is fully automated to complete all the work, there are difficulties, and generally are people to participate. This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country the exhibition, the United States has been successful in achieving the right to the heart valve surgery and bypass surgery. This robot has in the area, caused a great sensation, but also, AESOP's surgical robot, Infact, it through some equipment to some of the lesions inspections, through a manipulator can be achieved on some parts of the operation Also including remotely operated manipulator, and many doctors are able to participate in the robot under surgery Robot doctor to include doctors with pliers, tweezers or a knife to replace the nurses, while lighting automatically to the doctor's movements linked, the doctor hands off, lighting went off, This is very good, a doctor's assistant.We regard this country excel, it should be said that the United States, Russia and France, in our nation, also to the international forefront, which is the CAS ShenYang Institute of Automation of developing successful, 6,000 meters underwater without cable autonomous underwater robot, the robot to 6,000 meters underwater, can be conducted without cable operations. His is 2000, has been obtained in our country one of the top ten scientific and technological achievements. This indicates that our country in this underwater robot, have reached the advanced international level, 863 in the current plan, the development of 7,000 meters underwater in a manned submersible to the ocean further development and operation, This is a great vote of financial and material resources.In this space robotics research has also been a lot of development. In Europe, including 16 in the United States space program, and the future of this space capsule such a scheme, One thing is for space robots, its main significance lies in the development of the universe and the benefit of mankind and the creation of new human homes, Its main function is to scientific investigation, as production and space scientific experiments, satellites and space vehicles maintenance and repair, and the construction of the space assembly. These applications, indeed necessary, for example, scientific investigation, as if to mock the ground some physical and chemical experiments do not necessarily have people sitting in the edge of space, because the space crew survival in the day the cost is nearly one million dollars. But also very dangerous, in fact, some action is very simple, through the ground, via satellite control robot, and some regularly scheduled completion of the action is actually very simple. Include the capsule as control experiments, some switches, buttons, simple flange repair maintenance, Robot can be used to be performed by robots because of a solar battery, then the robot will be able to survive, we will be able to work, We havejust passed the last robot development on the application of the different areas of application, and have seen the robots in industry, medical, underwater, space, mining, construction, service, entertainment and military aspects of the application .Also really see that the application is driven by the development of key technologies, a lack of demand, the robot can not, It is because people in understanding the natural transformation of the natural process, the needs of a wide range of robots, So this will promote the development of key technologies, the robot itself for the development of From another aspect, as key technology solutions, as well as the needs of the application, on the promotion of the robot itself a theme for the development of intelligent, and from teaching reappearance development of the current local perception of the second-generation robot, the ultimate goal, continuously with other disciplines and the development of advanced technology, the robot has become rich, eventually achieve such an intelligent robot mainstream.Robot is mankind's right-hand man; friendly coexistence can be a reliable friend. In future, we will see and there will be a robot space inside, as a mutual aide and friend. Robots will create the jobs issue. We believe that there would not be a "robot appointment of workers being laid off" situation, because people with the development of society, In fact the people from the heavy physical and dangerous environment liberated, so that people have a better position to work, to create a better spiritual wealth and cultural wealth.附录B首先我介绍一下机器人产生的背景,机器人技术的发展,它应该说是一个科学技术发展共同的一个综合性的结果,同时,为社会经济发展产生了一个重大影响的一门科学技术,它的发展归功于在第二次世界大战中各国加强了经济的投入,就加强了本国的经济的发展。
AxeBot机器人:全方位自主移动机器人的机械设计 毕业论文外文翻译
AxeBot Robot: The Mechanical Design for an Autonomous Omni directional Mobile RobotTiago P. do Nascimento, Augusto Loureiro da Costa, Cristiane Correa Paim Post-graduation Program in Electrical EngineeringUniversidade Federal da BahiaSalvador, Bahia, Brasiltiagopn@, augusto.loureiro@ufba.br, cpaim@ufba.brAbstractThe AxeBot robot‟s mechanical design, a fully autonomous mobile robot, for the RoboCup Small Size League, is presented in this paper. The AxeBot robot uses three omnidirectional wheels for movement and is equipped by a shooting device for shooting the ball in different directions. Once the AxeBot robot is a fully autonomous mobile robot all the sensors, engines, servos, batteries, and the computer system, must be embedded on. The project can be separated in four different parts: the chassis design, the wheel design, the shooting device design and the overall assembly which makes a shell design possible to cover the whole robot. The AxeBot mechanical design brings up a new chassis concept for three wheels omnidirectional robot, also present a new shooting device, and finally present AxeBots prototype assembly.1. IntroductionThe RoboCup Initiative is an international research group whose aims are to promote the fields of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. A standard challenge, a soccer match performed by autonomous robot teams, was proposed in 1996 [1]. Initially with three different leagues 2D: Robot Soccer Simulation league, Small Size Robot league, and Middle Size Robot league. Nowadays these leagues have been increased up to: Four-Legged League, Humanoid League, Middle Size League, RoboCup Junior Soccer, Small Size League, Soccer Simulation, Standard Robot League. Also, another challenge, the RoboCup Rescue was proposed in 1999 to show that the result from the robot soccer research could be directly applied on a real world problem like a disaster rescue made by robots. Through the integration of technology and advanced computer algorithms, the goal of RoboCup is to build a team of humanoid robots that can beat the current World Cup champions by the year 2050. The AxeBot uses three omnidirectional wheels, positioned on a circle with an angle of 120o among each wheel, to move in different directions. Three Maxxon A-22 motors are used to drive the omnidirectional wheels, one motor per wheel. These motors are controlled by two Brainstem Moto 1.0 and a cascade controller made to control the robot trajectory [2] [3]. The AxeBot also holds a shooting device to kick the ball in different directions, a Vision System with a CMUCam Plus and GP202 Infra-red sensor [4], a embedded Computer System based on StrongArm, called StarGate Kit and a IEEE 802.11 wireless network card. This work presents the mechanical project to enclose these equipments into an fully autonomous omnidirectional robot calledAxeBot. The complete AxeBot dynamics and kinematics model can be found in [5], this model was used to specify some mechanical parameter, like the wheel diameter.2. The ChassisThe chassis of the robot is the frame to which all other components can be attached, directly or indirectly. Therefore the chassis must be strong enough to carry the weight of all parts when the robot is in rest o in movement. The chassis has to withstand the forces on it, caused by the acceleration of the robot as well. Another important requirement of the chassis is that it fixes all components in a stiff way, so that there will be small relative displacements of the components within the robot, during acceleration and deceleration. This is particular important for the three driving motors, which are positioned on the ground plane with an angle of 120o between each motor. The performance of the control of the robot is dependent on a precise and stiff placement of the motors [6]. The chassis has to be strong enough also to withstand a collision of the robotagainst the wall or against another robot, with the highest possible impact velocity that can occur. Finally the chassis has to be built with the smallest amount of material. At first to reduce the costs, and to minimize the total weight of the robot. Less weight requires less power to accelerate. So with the same motors, less weight gives you more acceleration. This is of course only true, when all the power generated by the motors can be transferred, via the wheels, to the ground. In other words, the wheels must have enough traction that there will be no slip between the wheels and the ground [7].2.1. MaterialFiberglass was used to build the chassis. This choice is purely financial, because the material is not expensive (although it is strong) and there is no need to hire a professional constructor. The building of all the chassis (six in total) can be done by the team members themselves. Only the moulds have to be built by a professional. The upper and lower chassis can be made using one mould that can be adjusted to produce the different chassis.2.2. DesignThe primary goal of the design is the fixation of the motors in the desired positions. Therefore a ground plate with 3 slots for the motors is modeled. At the front side each motor can be attached to the chassis. At the rim of the ground plate an edge is attached to give the chassis more torsion stiffness. This edge can also be used for attaching other components of the robot, like the covering shell. Also there is a cutout to create space for the shooting device of the robot. In section 5 the design of this device will be discussed. However no final design will be presented and therefore we stick with this assumption that the shooting device needs these cutouts. All edges are rounded, because this will make the construction of the easier part. The final part, the lower chassis, is shown in the figure below. This part is modeled in Solid Edge. To get a stiffer and stronger chassis, a second chassis part, the upper chassis, is modeled. This is almost an exact copy of the first part, only now there are 3 cutouts that provide more space for placing the components of the robot. These cutouts also save some material and therefore weight. The both parts are This sandwich construction gives thewhole chassis more stiffness, and so the total thickness of both the chassis can probably be lower than using one chassis part.Figure 1: Lower chassisFigure 2: Upper and lower chassis attached to each other2.3. Chassis mouldTo build these parts, a mould was made. This is just a negative of the actual robot parts. In figure 3 the mould of the upper chassis. To change this mould in the mould for the lower chassis, where the ground plate does not have holes, the indicated pieces (with white stripes) and the not indicated left piece (symmetric to the most right part) should be lowered 4 mm. For the upper and lower chassis, the basis mould is exactly the same. Only piece one and two are different for the two chassis, the motor piece and the shooting system piece are the same.Figure 3: Chassis mould3. WheelsThe AxeBot robot is equipped with three wheels positioned on a circle with an angle of 120°among attached to each other as shown in the picture below.each wheel. These wheels have to enable the omnidirectionality of the AxeBot robot. This means that the wheels have to be able to let the robot make two translational movements (in x and y-direction, see figure 4) without rotating the robot around its z-axis (the axis perpendicular to the y and x-axis, that is rotation in figure 4). The wheels have also to enable a rotation of the total robot around the z-axis.Figure 4: AxeBot wheels positionsNevertheless, the wheels have to be as small and light as possible to minimize weight and moment of inertia but still remain usable and manageable. The wheels are based on an existing design of an omnidirectional wheel from the Cornell Robot 2003 [8]. Figure 5 shows an exploded view the final version of a wheel. The two shells are connected to each other by screws and hold every part on the right place. The hub is also attached to the shells by screws. The hub is mounted on the output axle of a motor by a screw to transfer the rotational output of a motor to the wheel. The rings of the rollers are in contact with the floor. A roller can rotate around its roller axle.As mentioned above, the wheel has to enable two translations (x and y, see figure 4) without rotating around its z-axis. The whole wheel ensures one translation by rotating around the output shaft of the motors while the rollers ensure the other translation. Combining these translations on a proper way a robot can move anywhere in a plane or make a rotation.3.1. RingThe ring is the only part of the wheel that is in contact with the floor. Note that a wheel can also be in contact with the floor by two rings. To obtain maximum grip (no slip) the Cornell Robot 2003 team first developed rollers without rings. The rollers had sharp edges to cut into the carpet of the football fieldfor maximum grip. This however ruined the carpet and rubber rings were added in the design to obtain maximum grip without ruining the carpet. The rings are circular with a circular profile.Figure 5: Exploded view of the wheelTherefore the rubber rings are also used for the AxeBot 2006. Rubber rings can be bought in several sizes and since they are highly elastic it wasn‟t difficult to find a ring of a right size. Since there are more than one …right sizes‟ and the geometry of the ring is that simple, no technical drawing of the ring was made.3.2. RollerThe geometry of the rollers may not restrict the rotation of the roller and should enable the placement of the rubber ring, without the ring falling off. This can be easily obtained (see drawings). The only problem is friction with their axles and with the shells.The geometry of the rollers can influence the friction with the shells and the friction with its roller axle. To minimize the possibility of wear on the contact area between the roller and the roller axle, this contact area should be as big as possible.When the torque of the motor is transferred through a roller to the ground (driving the robot), the roller that is on the ground is pressed against the shells. It will occur often that, in this situation, the desired driving direction also requires a rotation of the roller (then the summation of the two translational movements will results in the desired driving direction). The rotating roller is, in this situation, pressed against the shells which, in some cases, can result in wear of the roller and or the shells. This depends on the material of the roller, the material of the shell, the magnitude of the force which presses the surfaces on each other (in this case it is the torque of the motor) and the geometry of both contact surfaces. Only the materials and geometry can be chosen in the design process of the wheels.A small contact area results in low friction but possible wear of one of the two surfaces and though materials have to be used to avoid wear. A large contact area will not cause wear but will result in a large friction force. An optimum for the contact area and the materials has to be found. The geometry has to be machinable also. Problems that are mentioned above did not occur with the design of the rollers of the Cornell Robot 2003. Therefore the same geometry for the rollers is used for the AxeBot.The Cornell Robot 2003 team designed a wheel with 15 rollers that worked very well. Therefore also 15 rollers are used in each wheel of the AxeBot 2006.The prototypes of the wheels of the Cornell Robot 2003 first had Delrin rollers to minimize friction and weight. Delrin is a kind of plastic which is used with moving contact surfaces because of its low friction coefficients with other materials. After a few test with the prototype robot it became clear that the Delrin-rollers easily broke with a collision. Therefore the Cornell Robot 2003 was equipped with aluminum rollers. These were strong enough to withstand collisions and aluminum has a low density (compared to other metals).However, during other prototype tests of the Cornell Robot 2003 team some aluminum residue built up on the steel rollers axles. The Cornell Robot 2003 did not encounter problems due to the wearing of the aluminum rollers, but to optimize the design of the AxeBot wheels this problem was solved.To avoid wearing of the aluminum rollers other material for the axles can be used or the rollers can be made of a tougher material. After a few calculations it became clear that roller axles of Delrin (to reduce the friction) are strong enough (see the section about the axles), but it is not possible to produce thin bars of Delrin. Therefore steel axles are used, the same material as the roller axles of the Cornell Robot 2003.So to avoid wear of the rollers a more though material than aluminum has to be used for the rollers. Steel is more though and an easily obtainable and cheap material. Adisadvantage of steel compared to aluminum is its higher density. This will increase the moment of the inertia which …costs‟ more torque of the motor. The total moment of inertia of a wheel with steel rollers is 1.39×10−4kgm2 and the moment of inertia of a wheel with aluminum rollers is 1.30×10−4kgm2. Using steel rollers instead of aluminum rollers would increase the moment of inertia by 7 this increase is neglectable small and steel rollers can be used.Concerning friction, using steel rollers and steel axles is also better than using aluminum rollers and steel axles since the friction-coefficient between steel and steel is lower than that between steel and aluminum. A lubricant can also be used to even more reduce friction.3.3. Roller axleAs mentioned above, the use of Delrin for the roller axles was investigated since it would reduce the wear of the aluminum rollers. In a static situation was calculated whether Delrin axles of 2.4 mm diameter would be strong enough. This was also done in a dynamical situation (dropping the robot on the floor and landing on one roller), but without using a Finite Element Method this did not result in realistic results. When the total weight of 3.5 kg of one AxeBot 2006 would completely be on one roller axle this would result in a shear stress in the axle.In this situation the shear stress can be calculated by dividing the force on the axle (due to the weight of the AxeBot) by the area of the shear plane. The area of the shear plane is of course the area of a circle with a radius similar to the radius of the axles. Note that the weight of the AxeBot has to be divided by two since there are two shear planes in one axle.The magnitude of the shear stress would be 3.8 MPa. Delrin starts to plastically deform in due to shear at around 44 MPa. Statically, Delrin axles would be strong enough.However, this calculation was not necessary it became clear that it is not possible to produce Delrin bars of 2.5 mm (diameter). Therefore steel axles will be used (aluminum axles would result in more friction). To reduce friction, the axles were coated with a lubricant like carbon. Lubricants like carbon are easily available.The Cornell robot team 2003 documentation does not mention problems of wear of their polycarbonate shells due to their steel roller axles. As one can be read further down this section, the shells of the AxeBot wheels will be made of aluminum or polycarbonate. The coefficient of friction between aluminum (shells) and steel (axles) and between polycarbonate (shells) and steel (axles) are of equal sizes (about 0.45 [-]). Also, the geometry of the wheels of the Cornell robot and the AxeBot are almost the same. Therefore it is most likely that wearing due to friction will not be a problem with steel roller axles and polycarbonate or aluminum shells.Production the axles can easily be made out of a steel bar. Depending on the available diameters of steel bars, the diameter of the axles could be adjusted. The edges of the axles are rounded to avoid sharp corners.3.4. HubThe hub connects the wheel to the axle of the motor. A M2-bolt can be used for this purpose, the hole in the hub where this bolt will be placed is dimensioned 1.5 mm indiameter so screw thread can be made to fit in the M2-bolt. The hub is connected to the shells by three M3-screws. Corresponding holes of 2.5 mm will be made in the hub and the shells. The geometry of the hub can be changed to facilitate the production process. The hub can be made out of aluminum or polycarbonate, both light materials. To investigate the option (and price) of injection moulding the hub out of polycarbonate a sketch of a design for a mould has been made.3.5. ShellsAlmost the all geometry of the shells of the Cornell Robot 2003 is used. Only little changes in the slots for the rollers of the axles have been made to facilitate the production process of the shells. In the section about the production of the shells a different design for the slots of the axles is presented to make the production of the shells easily.The shells can be made out of aluminum or a though, light plastic like polycarbonate. The Cornell Robot had shells of polycarbonate. The best machinable material is preferred, and the one used on the AxeBot‟s shell. Wh en using a plastic that can be injection molded, molds have been designed to check the prices of injection moulding.4. Shooting DeviceThis design consists of a vertical arm (the kick arm), that can swing around an axle which is fixed to the robot. This movement will be actuated by one of the two servos, the kicking servo, that is also fixed to the robot. The other servo, the directional servo, is attached to the bottom of the kick arm (the servosocket). A pendulum-like system is formed, so a large mass is concentrated in the lower part of a rotating arm. The kicking servo has a kicking plate attached to it which can rotate and thereby makes it possible to shoot in different directions. The kicking plate can be positioned very accurately since servos are designed for these kinds of tasks. The kicking plate is also connected to the servosocket. Therefore the collision force between the ball and the kicking plate will be guided to and divided by these two connection points. There will be less bending in the kicking platethen with one connection point and smaller reaction forces will act on the connection points.Figure 6: The AxeBot shooting device5. Shell and AxeBot AssemblyThe shell is the cover of the total robot. It will be made from fiberglass as well, for the same reasons as stated in the section about the chassis. In the figure below the design of the shell is shown. There are cutouts to make room for the wheels as well as for the shooting device. The diameter of the shell is 178 mm. Because the maximum allowable diameter is 180 mm, a margin of 2 mm is created.On top of the shell a vision system will be mounted. For the sake of compactness of the robot the height should be as small as possible, with all the parts fitting in. Thismould can be built with the simple milling machine that is available.To assemble the robot the most important demand is to obtain a total centre of gravity that has the lowest possible position in the robot. This will give the robot positive driving abilities. Another demand is of course that all the parts fit in the maximum height of 150 mm.To check this, all the parts of the robot have been modeled in Solid Edge. In figure 7 an exploded view of the total robot assembly is shown.The robot consists of an upper and lower chassis. Three motors with three omnidirectional wheels are attached to it. On the bottom of the robot, the two battery packs are placed, because these parts have the largest mass. The three motor processors are attached to two general processors. Also the overall processor with the data-transfer-unit is assembled. The latter parts are assembled in a way that is most compact. With this assembly it is possible for all parts to fit in a shell with height of 100 mm.A model for the shell of the robot is designed. Also a molt to produce these parts is modeled. It is possible to produce this model by using the milling machine that is available at the university. The assembly of all the parts, except the shooting device, shows that a shell height of 100 mm is possible.Figure 7: Exploded view of the total robot assemblyFigure 8: Total robot assembly6. ConclusionThe AxeBot mechanical design, a fully autonomous mobile robot, for the RoboCup Small Size League, was presented in this paper. This mechanical design brings up a new concept of chassis for three wheels omnidirectional mobile for RoboCup F-180 league, that can be built easily and cheap. Also a new effectuator mobile robot design for RoboCup F-180 league is presented here. This new effectuator allows the mobile robot to shoot the ball in different directions, instead of just shoot a head like the othershooting devices. Finally the mechanical project presented here encloses all part, sensor, actuators, effectuator, computer systems, wheels, chassis and cover shell into the AxeBot prototype. The AxeBot robot was concept for academical proposes, using the robot soccer as a laboratory to research in Autonomous Mobile Robots, Artificial Intelligence and related areas. Looking forward, in a few months, four more AxeBots are expected to be built like the two in figure 9. These robots will form the MecaTeam F-180, and height of 100 mm is possible.will support our research in to multi-robot systems, as it can be seen in figure 9 below.Figure 9: AxeBot photo7. References[1] Kitano, H. “Robocup: The robot world cup initiative”. In: Proc. of The First International Conference on Autonomous Agent (Agents-97)). Marina del Ray, The ACM Press. 1997.[2] Franco, A. C. “Geração e controle de tra jetória de robôs móveis omni-direcionais”, Master‟s thesis, Programa de Pós-Graduação Mecatrônica, UFBA. 2007.[3] PIRES, E. J. S.; MACHADO, J. A. T.; OLIVEIRA, P. B. de M. “Robot trajectory planning using multi-objective genetic algorithm optimization”. In: DEB, K. et al. (Ed.). GECCO (1). [S.l.]: Springer, 2004. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 3102), p.615-626. ISBN 3-540-22344-4.[4] Oliveira, L. R., Costa, A. L., Schnitman, L. and Souza, J. “An architecture of sensor fusion for spatial locat ion of objects in mobile robotics”, in B. H. 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RobotRobot is a type of mechantronics equipment which synthesizes the last research achievement of engine and precision engine, micro-electronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and message dispose and artificial intelligence and so on. With the development of economic and the demand for automation control, robot technology is developed quickly and all types of the robots products are come into being. The practicality use of robot products not only solves the problems which are difficult to operate for human being, but also advances the industrial automation program. At present, the research and development of robot involves several kinds of technology and the robot system configuration is so complex that the cost at large is high which to a certain extent limit the robot abroad use. To development economic practicality and high reliability robot system will be value to robot social application and economy development.With the rapid progress with the control economy and expanding of the modern cities, the let of sewage is increasing quickly: With the development of modern technology and the enhancement of consciousness about environment reserve, more and more people realized the importance and urgent of sewage disposal. Active bacteria method is an effective technique for sewage disposal,The lacunaris plastic is an effective basement for active bacteria adhesion for sewage disposal. The abundance requirement for lacunaris plastic makes it is a consequent for the plastic producing with automation and high productivity. Therefore, it is very necessary to design a manipulator that can automatically fulfill the plastic holding.With the analysis of the problems in the design of the plastic holding manipulator and synthesizing the robot research and development condition in recent years, a economic scheme is concluded on the basis of the analysis of mechanical configuration, transform system, drive device and control system and guided by the idea of the characteristic and complex of mechanical configuration, electronic, software and hardware. In this article, the mechanical configuration combines the character of direction coordinate and the arthrosis coordinate which can improve the stability and operation flexibility of the system. The main function of the transmission mechanism is to transmit power to implement department and complete the necessary movement. In this transmission structure, the screw transmission mechanism transmits the rotary motion into linear motion. Worm gear can give vary transmissionratio. Both of the transmission mechanisms have a characteristic of compact structure. The design of drive system often is limited by the environment condition and the factor of cost and technical lever. 'The step motor can receive digital signal directly and has the ability to response outer environment immediately and has no accumulation error, which often is used in driving system. In this driving system, open-loop control system is composed of stepping motor, which can satisfy the demand not only for control precision but also for the target of economic and practicality. on this basis, the analysis of stepping motor in power calculating and style selecting is also given.The analysis of kinematics and dynamics for object holding manipulator is given in completing the design of mechanical structure and drive system. Kinematics analysis is the basis of path programming and track control. The positive and reverse analysis of manipulator gives the relationship between manipulator space and drive sp ace in position and speed. The relationship between manipulator’s tip position and arthrosis angles is concluded by coordinate transform method. The geometry method is used in solving inverse kinematics problem and the result will provide theory evidence for control system. The f0unction of dynamics is to get the relationship between the movement and force and the target is to satisfy the demand of real time control. in this chamfer, Newton-Euripides method is used in analysis dynamic problem of the cleaning robot and the arthrosis force and torque are given which provide the foundation for step motor selecting and structure dynamic optimal ting.Control system is the key and core part of the object holding manipulator system design which will direct effect the reliability and practicality of the robot system in the division of configuration and control function and also will effect or limit the development cost and cycle. With the demand of the PCL-839 card, the PC computer which has a. tight structure and is easy to be extended is used as the principal computer cell and takes the function of system initialization, data operation and dispose, step motor drive and error diagnose and so on. A t the same time, the configuration structure features, task principles and the position function with high precision of the control card PCL-839 are analyzed. Hardware is the matter foundation of the control. System and the software is the spirit of the control system. The target of the software is to combine all the parts in optimizing style and to improve the efficiency and reliability of the control system. The software design of the object holding manipulator control system is divided into several blocks such assystem initialization block, data process block and error station detect and dispose model and so on. PCL-839 card can solve the communication between the main computer and the control cells and take the measure of reducing the influence of the outer signal to the control system.The start and stop frequency of the step motor is far lower than the maximum running frequency. In order to improve the efficiency of the step motor, the increase and decrease of the speed is must considered when the step motor running in high speed and start or stop with great acceleration. The increase and decrease of the motor’s speed can be controlled by the pulse frequency sent to the step motor drive with a rational method. This can be implemented either by hardware or by software. A step motor shift control method is proposed, which is simple to calculate, easy to realize and the theory means is straightforward. The motor' s acceleration can fit the torque-frequency curve properly with this method. And the amount of calculation load is less than the linear acceleration shift control method and the method which is based on the exponential rule to change speed. The method is tested by experiment.At last, the research content and the achievement are sum up and the problems and shortages in main the content are also listed. The development and application of robot in the future is expected.机器人机器人是典型的机电一体化装置,它综合运用了机械与精密机械、微电子与计算机、自动控制与驱动、传感器与信息处理以及人工智能等多学科的最新研究成果,随着经济的发展和各行各业对自动化程度要求的提高,机器人技术得到了迅速发展,出现了各种各样的机器人产品。
机械专业外文资料翻译系别机电工程系专业机械设计制造及其自动化班级学生姓名学号日期History of RobotsThe notion of robots or robot-like automates can be traced back to medieval times. Although people of that era didn’t have a term t o describe what we would eventually call a robot they were nevertheless imagining mechanisms that could perform human-like tasks.In medieval times, automatons, human-like figures run by hidden mechanisms, were used to impress peasant worshippers in church into believing in a higher power.The automatons, like the clock jack pictured here, created the illusion of self-motion (moving without assistance). The clock jack was a mechanical figure that could strike time on a bell with its axe. This technology was virtually unheard of in the 13th century. So imagine how aweinspiring an automaton was to someone just like you!In the 18th century, miniature automatons became popular as toys for the very rich. They were made to look and move like humans or small animals. The pretty musician in the picture was built around 1890. She can turn her head from side to side while playing the instrument with her hands and keeping time with her foot.In literature, humankind’s vivid imagination has often reflected our fascination with the idea of creating artificial life. In 1818, Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein, a story about the construction of a human-like creature. For Shelly, a robot looked like man but had the ability to function like a machine. It was built of human components, which could be held together by nuts and bolts. Notice there are even clips to hold the top of the head together! Shelly considered that a robot had to be bigger than a regular person and had to have super human strength.In 1921, Karel Capek, a Czech playwright, came up with an intelligent, artificially created person, which he called “robot”.The word “robot” is Czech for worker, and was gradually incorporated into the English language without being translated. As you can see, ev en a hundred years after Shelly’s Frankenstein, Capek’s idea of a robot is still one in which the creation resembles the human form. You can see in the picture that the robot looks much more rigid and machine-like than the woman standing next to it .While the concept of a robot has been around for a very long time, it wasn’t until the 1940’s that the modern day robot was born, with the arrival of computers.The term robotics refers to the study and use of robots; it came about in 1941 and was first adopted by Isaac Asimov, a scientist and writer. It was Asimov who also proposed the following “Laws of Robotics” in his short story Runaround:One, a robot may not injure a human being or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. …Two, (…) a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. …Three, a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.Isaac Asimov i The robot really became a popular concept during the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. With the automotive industry in full expansion at that time,industrial robots were employed to help factory operators.Industrial robots do not have the imaginative, human-like appearance that we have been dreaming of throughout the ages. They are computer-controlled manipulators, like arms and hands, which can weld or spray paint cars as they roll down an assembly line.In fact, industrial robots are so unlike the conception of robots held in the past that you might not even recognise one.Did you know that one of the first operational, industrial robots in North America appeared in the early 1960’s in a ca ndy factory in Kitchener, Ontario?A robot can go where humans cannot. In fact, robots were created to help humans, especially in high risk or dangerous situations. A robot can deactivate a bomb, go to the edges of an active volcano, transport dangerous materials, explore the ocean floor and even perform tasks in the most hostile environment known to man: space.So why is space such a hostile environment? First of all, in space there is no oxygen, and temperatures can range from 120 degrees Celsius in the sun and –100 degrees in the dark, when the Earth blocks the sun. Without the proper protection, like a spacecraft or even the EV A suit used by space walkers, survival in space is not possible.When repairs have to be made outside a spacecraft,astronauts are sometimes required to leave the space shuttle or the Space Station. These extravehicular activities are very dangerous, therefore, robots are used to carry out tasks in space in order to limit the number of extravehicular activities Undertaken.What does a space robot look like? As we have discovered, today’s robots do not necessarily resemble humans. A human is made up of a number of different visible components, like a head –where the brain sends messages to the rest of the body; arms and hands to grasp and manoeuvre objects; a torso to which all of thecomponents are attached and legs to move. Oh! And don’t forget the ears, eyes, and mouth to hear see and communicate! Robots need all these different components to Operate.A number of robots make up the Mobile Servicing System. The Mobile Servicing System is Canada’s contribution to the International Space Station. Canada created the Mobile Servicing System to help in the construction of the Space Station; it will first build the Space Station and then help maintain the Station throughout its lifetime.Just like humans have a brain that sends messages to the rest of the body;The re is a main computer that communicates with the robotic system.The Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS), Canada’s new robotic arm, will be able to lift and move objects the size and mass of the Space Shuttle. The crew of STS-100 with Canadian Space Agency Astronaut Chris Hadfield will deliver and install the new arm to the International Space Station as it orbits high above the Earth. This second generation Canadarm isCanada’s primary contribution to the Station.The Space Vision System (CSVS), another critical piece of Canadian robotics innovation, is comprised of several cameras and targets. These are located in key areas of the Space Station and on the robotic arm; it will serve to pinpoint the exact movement and location of components for the building and maintenance of the Station. So, astronauts from inside the Space Station are able to operate the Mobile Servicing System by using this Space Vision System.Aside from the CSVS, the next Canadian robot to be brought to space is the SSRMS. When it is brought to space to be installed to the Space Station during STS-100, its predecessor, the Canadarm will lift it from the payload (the inside) of Space Shuttle Endeavour and bring it to the International Space Station. This will be the first in a series of handshakes in space performed by these robots.Stay tuned for more exciting facts a bout robots…First,I explain the background robots,robot technology development,It should be said it is a common scientific and technological development of a comprehensive results,for the socio-economic development of a significant impact on a science and technology. It attributed the development of all countries in the Second World War to strengthen the economic input on strengthening the country's economic development. But they also demand the development of the productive forces the inevitable resultof human development itself is the inevitable result then with the development ofhumanity, people constantly discuss the natural process, in understanding and reconstructing the natural process, people need to be able to liberate a slave. So this is the slave people to be able to replace the complex and engaged in heavy manual labor, People do not realize right up to the world's understanding and transformation of this technology as well as people in the development process of an objective need.Robots are three stages of development, in other words, we are accustomed to regarding robots are divided into three categories. is a first-generation robots, also known as teach-type robot, it is through a computer, to control over one of a mechanical degrees of freedom Through teaching and information stored procedures, working hours to read out information, and then issued a directive sothe robot can repeat according to the people at that time said the results show this kind of movement again, For example, the car spot welding robots, only to put this spot welding process, after teaching, and it is always a repeat of a work It has the external environment is no perception that the force manipulation of the size of the work piece there does not exist, welding 0S It does not know, then this fact fromthe first generation robot, it will exist this shortcoming, it in the 20th century, thelate 1970s, people started to study the second-generation robot, called Robot with the feeling that This feeling with the robot is similar in function of a certain feeling,for instance, force and touch, slipping, visual, hearing and who is analogous to that with ll kinds of feelings, say in a robot grasping objects, In fact, it can be the size ofa feeling out, it can through visual, to be able to feel and identify its shape, size, color Grasping an egg, it adopted a acumen, aware of its power and the size of the slide. Third-generation robots, we were a robotics ideal pursued by the most advanced stage, called intelligent robots, So long as tell it what to do, not how to tell it to do,it will be able to complete the campaign, thinking and perception of thisman-machine communication function and function Well, this current development or relative is in a smart part of the concept and meaning But the real significance of the integrity of this intelligent robot did not actually exist, but as we continued the development of science and technology, the concept of intelligent increasingly rich,it grows ever wider connotations.Now,I would like to briefly outline some of the industrial robot situation. So far,the industrial robot is the most mature and widely used category of a robot,now the world's total sales of 1.1 million Taiwan, which is the 1999 statistics,however, 1.1 million in Taiwan have been using the equipment is 75 million, this volume is not small. Overall, the Japanese industrial robots in this one, is the first of the robotsto become the Kingdom, the United States have developed rapidly. Newly installed in several areas of Taiwan, which already exceeds Japan, China has only just begun to enter the stage of industrialization, has developed a variety of industrial robot prototype and small batch has been used in production.Spot welding robot is the auto production line, improve production efficiency and raise the quality of welding car, reduce the labor intensity of a robot. It is characterized by two pairs of robots for spot welding of steel plate, bearing a great need for the welding tongs, general in dozens of kilograms or more, then its speed in meters per second a 5-2 meter of such high-speed movement. So it is generally five to six degrees of freedom, load 30 to 120 kilograms, the great space, probably expected that the work of a spherical space, a high velocity, the concept of freedom, that is to say, Movement is relatively independent of the number of components, the equivalent of our body, waist is a rotary degree of freedom. We have to be able to hold his arm, Arm can be bent, then this three degrees of freedom, Meanwhile there is a wrist of freedom. We will be able to space the three locations, three postures, the robot fully achieved,and of course we have less than six degree of freedom.Have more than six degrees of freedom robot, in different occasions the need to configure.The second category of service robots, with the development of industrialization, especially in the past decade, Robot development in the areas of application are continuously expanding, and now a very important characteristic, as we all know, Robot has gradually shifted from manufacturing to non-manufacturing and service industries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging to the manufacturing industry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue, relief, etc. These belong to the non-manufacturing industries and service industries, so here is compared with the industrial robot, it isa very important difference. It is primarily a mobile platform, it can move to sports, there are some arms operate, also installed some as a force sensor and visual sensors, ultrasonic ranging sensors, etc. It’s surrounding environment for the conduct of identification, to determine its campaign to complete some work, thisis service robot’s one of the basic characteristics.For example, domestic robot is mainly embodied in the example of some of the carpets and flooring it to the regular cleaning and vacuuming. The robot it is very meaningful, it has sensors, it can furniture and people can identify, Itautomatically according to a law put to the ground under the road all cleaned up.This is also the home of some robot performance.The medical robots, nearly five years of relatively rapid development of new application areas. If people in the course of an operation, doctors surgery, is a fatigue, and the other manually operated accuracy is limited. Some universities in Germany, which, facing the spine, lumbar disc disease, the identification, can automatically use the robot-aided positioning, operation and surgery Like the United States have been more than 1,000 cases of human eyeball robot surgery,the robot, also including remote-controlled approach, the right of such gastrointestinal surgery, we see on the television inside. a manipulator, about the thickness fingers such a manipulator, inserted through the abdominal viscera,people on the screen operating the machines hand, it also used the method of laser lesion laser treatment, this is the case, people would not have a very big damage tothe human body.In reality, this right as a human liberation is a very good robots, medical robots it is very complex, while it is fully automated to complete all the work, there are difficulties, and generally are people to participate. This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization ofthe right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country the exhibition, the United S tates has been successful in achieving the right to the heart valve surgeryand bypass surgery. This robot has in the area, caused a great sensation,but also, AESOP's surgical robot, In fact, it through some equipment to some ofthe lesions inspections, through a manipulator can be achieved on some parts of the operation Also including remotely operated manipulator, and many doctors areable to participate in the robot under surgery Robot doctor to include doctors with pliers, tweezers or a knife to replace the nurses, while lighting automatically tothe doctor's movements linked, the doctor hands off, lighting went off, This isvery good, a doctor's assistant.Robot is mankind's right-hand man; friendly coexistence can be a reliable friend. In future, we will see and there will be a robot space inside, as a mutual aide and friend. Robots will create the jobs issue. We believe that there would not bea "robot appointment of workers being laid off" situation, because people with the development of society, In fact the people from the heavy physical and dangerous environment liberated, so that people have a better position to work, to create a better spiritual wealth and cultural wealth.机器人的历史机器人或机器人一样能自动化的概念可以追溯到中世纪时代。
欠驱动机器人 外文文献
One of the most sophisticated forms of legged motion is that of biped locomotion. From a dynamic systems point of view, human locomotion stands out among other forms of biped locomotion chiefly due to the fact that during a significant part of the human walking cycle the moving body is not in the static equilibrium. At the INRIA lab of Grenoble, France, we have started working on the development of an anthropomorphic biped walker. The envisioned prototype will have elementary adaptation capability on an unforeseen uneven terrain. The purpose of the project is not limited to the realization of a complex machine, the construction and control of which nevertheless pose formidable engineering challenge. We also intend to initiate a synergy between robotics and human gait study. Human locomotion, despite being well studied and enjoying a rich database, is not well understood and a robotic simulcrum potentially can be very useful. In order to gain a better understanding of the inherently non-linear dynamics of a full-fledged walking machine we have found it instructive to first explore the behavior of a particularly simple walker model.
附录一Entertainment RobotsSarcos, a Utah-based company, developed the robot shown atleft. With 30 joints arranged in a torso supporting five branchingchains, this is the most kinematically complex robot I have everseen. Unlike most robots that are either electric or hydraulic, thisrobot utilizes pneumatic motors.Sarcos has developed some of the world's most sophisticated humanoid robots and virtual reality interfaces. Sarcos entertainment robots are constructed not only to be high performance, but also to be sensitive and graceful. Sarcos has placed a great deal of emphasis on the aesthetics of its humanoid as well as the engineering. Its corporate staff includes leading designers, artists and craftspeople who style the robots. Concept development and graphic renderings are supported by a complete sculpting facility, where high-performance skins and other coverings are produced. They can be teleoperated by a remote operator wearing a SenSuit or by a computer-controlled playback of a preprogrammed show. Recently, a Sarcos robot named DB has been used by the ERATO brain project in Japan to enable motion learning. DB has 30 D.O.F. and is nicely packaged in an 80kg, 1.85m body. A tether connects DB with its air supply and control computers.Any discussion of entertainment robots has to include Disney.They have been doing entertainment robots as long as anyone andthey do them quite well. With dancing bears and singing piratesDisney's imagineers have created thousands of robots. The robotshown at left is new as of August, 2003. It is a robot dinosaur named Lucky. He walks on his two back legs and pulls a very large cart of "silk flowers". Really the cart is full of batteries. Even Disney has not figured-out the battery issue that plagues mobile robots. This was the only way they could get enough battery life for the robot to spend a meaningful amount of time wandering the amusement part.I don't do roller coasters, but I'm sure my kids would love this.According to the manufacturer, KUKA Robotics, this is the firstrobot with world-wide certification to handle human beings. KUKA makes robots of very high-quality, so I would let my kids ride. Here's a description from the KUKA site "In the unique ROBOCOASTER from KUKA Roboter, the advantages of the practically unrestricted freedom of motion and excellent dynamic performance of an industrial robot have been exploited in the leisure and amusement industry for the first time."And who can forget the consumer entertainment robots thathave come onto the market in the last decade or so? From thoselittle Furby's that go for around twenty bucks to Sony's Aibo (twoof which are shown at left) that can top a thousand dollars a pop;these have been the first robots to really pervade our homes. One of the funniest things I have ever seen was my dog running around the house with a "live" Furby in its mouth. My dog would give it a shake every now and then and the Furby was going off like it was, well, like it was being shaken in a dog'sThe Lego Mindstorms are also a big player in this category. Future roboticists will likely remember their first Lego Mindstorms in the same way today's computer scientists remember their first TRS80 personal computer.Some entertainment robots are not much more than rolling,remote-controlled speaker phones with video camera "eyes."They can wander around at parties and play pre-recorded jinglesor display scrolling messages to promote a company's productsor distribute promotional literature.Florida Robotics makes robots like these. They also make more complex robots that have the capability to talk with on-lookers and include fiber optic hair, remote Florida Robotics makes robots like these. They also make more complex robots that have the capability to talk with on-lookers and include fiber optic hair, remote smoke.Disney makes use of a Florida Robotics robot called "X1846" at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. X1846 serves drinks there. Heck, I'll take a robot that can bring me a soda.Bug RobotsI don't show many people on this site, but there is no discussionof bug robots without Rodney Brooks. He pretty much started thebug robot idea. There is so much information online about Rodney,his work at MIT and with iRobot that I am not even going tobother with that. I will tell you about a time I had lunch with him in the mid-1990's just off the StanfordUniversity campus. I'm sure he doesn't remember. It was a group of ten or twenty people presenting research work and I was lucky enough to sit at the same table as Rodney. We talked about our kids, our wives, the weather and none about robots. He's a nice guy; with an unassuming, down-to-earth personality and an Australian accent. I do find it interesting that Rodney's robotics research has progressed from bugs, to horses, to dogs and now on to humanoid robots. A kind of evolution in alifetime.The basic idea behind the bug robots was to try to understandvery simple biologic creatures and create corresponding robotsbefore trying to build highly complex robots that try to mimichuman reasoning. Even a fruit fly with less than twenty neural connections can fly, avoid obstacles,find food and mate (however it is that fruit flies mate). This idea makes a lot of sense, but in practicality building very tiny robots is quite difficult. It seems like the people who work on bug robots spend more time developing techniques for building tiny robots than they do on studying bug behaviors and ways to mimicthem.If you want to give bug robots a try, you might consider thelittle BugBrain by Yost Engineering on the left. Those bigwhiskers on the front give the bug the ability to sense contactswith objects in its environment and you can program the onboard computer to make decisions about how to react. That's a true robot. You can add other sensors to it too. Maybe a phototransistor so the bug can "run for the shadows" like real bugs do? According to the manufacturer you can also add wireless RF and an ultrasonic range finder to the bug. That could give it sensing and decision making capabilities on-par with University researchrobots.The exploration of Mars is one application that has beenproposed for bug robots. Instead of sending one or two big robots,send one or two thousand bug robots equipped with small camerasand chemical sensors. One of the advantages of this approach is fault tolerance. If a few of the bugs break or get lost, it is no big deal. Another is the ability of the small bugs to get into small places such as cracks or fissures in rocks. Of course the small size of the robots also limits the scale of tasks they can accomplish. For example even a thousand bugs working together are not going to drill a core sample ten feet into the Martiancrust.Undersea RobotsUndersea operations are a great application for robotics to replace humans. Working underwater is both dangerous and difficult for humans. Schilling Robotics makes the system shown at left. This system combines a remote operated vehicle with thrusters for maneuvering and two robot arms for manipulating. Note that one of the arms is almost a grappler. It can grab something rigid, such as the base of an oil rig, to steady the vehicle while the other arm performs such tasks as welding and valve maintenance.The robot at left is a biomimetic (mimicking biology) lobsterdeveloped by the NortheasternUniversityMarineScienceCenter.Biomimetic robots may employ myomorphic actuators, whichmimic muscle action; neuromorphic sensors, which, like animal sensors, represent sensory modalities such as light, pressure, and motion in a labeled-line code; biomimetic controllers, based on the relatively simple control systems of invertebrate animals; and autonomous behaviors that are based on the actual animal's behavior. If a robot like this goes walking around on the ocean floor, I wonder if a big fish will eat it ?The Australian Centre for Field Robotics at the University ofSydney developed the robot shown at left as a prototype forautonomous underwater robots that may one day explore andmonitor the Great Barrier Reef. At present this robot (called Oberon) must remain tethered to a ship on the surface, but its inventors predict that within a decade it would be possible for robots to be lowered to the ocean floor and left to get on with mapping the terrain on their own. Oberon has two scanning sonars and a depth sensor as well as a color camera. It does not need any independent information, such as from global positioning system satellites, to work out where it is.Robots in the MilitaryPretty much by definition, the military is a dangerous placefor humans. This makes it a logical application for robotics, butI definitely have mixed feelings about that. I can live with robotsassisting soldiers, but automated killing is taking it too far. At left we see the Smart Crane Ammunition Transfer System being developed by the Robotics Research Corporation. The goal is for one soldier to be able to unload the entire truck without ever leaving the cab. The system includes cameras, video screens, force sensors and specialgrippers.The photo at left shows a robotic mine-sweeper. It is basicallya tractorwith a bunch of swinging chains mounted on the front.These chains pound the ground with significant forces toexplode any buried mines. Using GPS and relatively simplecontrol algorithms, robots such as these can be programmed to methodically cover large areas of ground in a perfect grid. Vehicles like this can also be equipped with water cutting tools to cut into and through explosive ordnance, water cannons to disperse unruly mobs and charge setters to explode suspicious packages. For these operations the unmanned vehicle would beteleoperated.The Predator shown at left has probably become our military'smost famous unmanned vehicle. It is essentially a superhigh-tech r/c plane though it does have some autonomous flyingcapabilities. Originally designed for reconnaissance, it now can be outfitted with a variety of different weaponry, most recently the laser-guided AGM-114 Hellfire anti-armor missiles. It is roughly 29 feet long with a 49 foot wingspan. Since 1995, the Predator has seen action over Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo andAfghanistan.The photo at left shows an unmanned underwater vehiclethat was developed by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI) under ONR support. It performs reconnaissance(hydrographic and side-scan sonar surveys) in littoral waters, from the seaward edge of the surf zone into waters as deep as 100 meters. The vehicle is small, capable of deployment by two people, and can be launched andrecovered from a small vessel without a crane or other special handling equipment. It can operate over 20 hours on battery power before recharging and is capable of speeds over附录二娱乐机器人犹他州的Sarcos公司开发出了左图所示的机器人。
外文翻译外文资料:RobotsFirst, I explain the background robots, robot technology development. It should be said it is a common scientific and technological development of a comprehensive results, for the socio-economic development of a significant impact on a science and technology. It attributed the development of all countries in the Second World War to strengthen the economic input on strengthening the country's economic development. But they also demand the development of the productive forces the inevitable result of human development itself is the inevitable result then with the development of humanity, people constantly discuss the natural process, in understanding and reconstructing the natural process, people need to be able to liberate a slave. So this is the slave people to be able to replace the complex and engaged in heavy manual labor, People do not realize right up to the world's understanding and transformation of this technology as well as people in the development process of an objective need. Robots are three stages of development, in other words, we are accustomed to regarding robots are divided into three categories. is a first-generation robots, also known as teach-type robot, it is through a computer, to control over one of a mechanical degrees of freedom Through teaching and information stored procedures, working hours to read out information, and then issued a directive so the robot can repeat according to the people at that time said the results show this kind of movement again, For example, the car spot welding robots, only to put this spot welding process, after teaching, and it is always a repeat of a work It has the external environment is no perception that the force manipulation of the size of the work piece there does not exist, welding 0S It does not know, then this fact from the first generation robot, it will exist this shortcoming, it in the 20th century, the late 1970s, people started to study the second-generation robot, called Robot with the feeling that This feeling with the robot is similar in function of a certain feeling, forinstance, force and touch, slipping, visual, hearing and who is analogous to that with all kinds of feelings, say in a robot grasping objects, In fact, it can be the size of feeling out, it can through visual, to be able to feel and identify its shape, size, color Grasping an egg, it adopted a acumen, aware of its power and the size of the slide. Third-generation robots, we were a robotics ideal pursued by the most advanced stage, called intelligent robots, So long as tell it what to do, not how to tell it to do, it will be able to complete the campaign, thinking and perception of this man-machine communication function and function Well, this current development or relative is in a smart part of the concept and meaning But the real significance of the integrity of this intelligent robot did not actually exist, but as we continued the development of science and technology, the concept of intelligent increasingly rich, it grows ever wider connotations.Now, I would like to briefly outline some of the industrial robot situation. So far, the industrial robot is the most mature and widely used category of a robot, now the world's total sales of 1.1 million Taiwan, which is the 1999 statistics, however, 1.1 million in Taiwan have been using the equipment is 75 million, this volume is not small. Overall, the Japanese industrial robots in this one, is the first of the robots to become the Kingdom, the United States have developed rapidly. Newly installed in several areas of Taiwan, which already exceeds Japan, China has only just begun to enter the stage of industrialization, has developed a variety of industrial robot prototype and small batch has been used in production.Spot welding robot is the auto production line, improve production efficiency and raise the quality of welding car, reduce the labor intensity of a robot. It is characterized by two pairs of robots for spot welding of steel plate, bearing a great need for the welding tongs, general in dozens of kilograms or more, then its speed in meters per second a 5-2 meter of such high-speed movement. So it is generally five to six degrees of freedom, load 30 to 120 kilograms, the great space, probably expected that the work of a spherical space, a high velocity, the concept of freedom, that is to say, Movement is relatively independent of the number of components, the equivalent of our body, waist is a rotary degree of freedom We have to be able to hold his arm, Arm can be bent, then this three degrees of freedom, Meanwhile there is a wristposture adjustment to the use of the three autonomy, the general robot has six degrees of freedom. We will be able to space the three locations, three postures, the robot fully achieved, and of course we have less than six degrees of freedom. Have more than six degrees of freedom robot, in different occasions the need to configure.The second category of service robots, with the development of industrialization, especially in the past decade, Robot development in the areas of application are continuously expanding, and now a very important characteristic, as we all know, Robot has gradually shifted from manufacturing to non-manufacturing and service industries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging to the manufacturing industry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue, relief, etc. These belong to the non-manufacturing industries and service industries, so here is compared with the industrial robot, it is a very important difference. It is primarily a mobile platform, it can move to sports, there are some arms operate, also installed some as a force sensor and visual sensors, ultrasonic ranging sensors, etc. It’s surrounding environment for the conduct of identification, to determine its campaign to complete some work, this is service robot’s one of the basic characteristics.For example, domestic robot is mainly embodied in the example of some of the carpets and flooring it to the regular cleaning and vacuuming. The robot it is very meaningful, it has sensors, it can furniture and people can identify, It automatically according to a law put to the ground under the road all cleaned up. This is also the home of some robot performance.The medical robots, nearly five years of relatively rapid development of new application areas. If people in the course of an operation, doctors surgery, is a fatigue, and the other manually operated accuracy is limited. Some universities in Germany, which, facing the spine, lumbar disc disease, the identification, can automatically use the robot-aided positioning, operation and surgery Like the United States have been more than 1,000 cases of human eyeball robot surgery, the robot, also including remote-controlled approach, the right of such gastrointestinal surgery, we see on the television inside. a manipulator, about the thickness fingers such a manipulator, inserted through the abdominal viscera, people on the screen operating the machines hand, it also used the method of laser lesion laser treatment, this is the case, peoplewould not have a very big damage to the human body.In reality, this right as a human liberation is a very good robots, medical robots it is very complex, while it is fully automated to complete all the work, there are difficulties, and generally are people to participate. This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country the exhibition, the United States has been successful in achieving the right to the heart valve surgery and bypass surgery. This robot has in the area, caused a great sensation, but also, AESOP's surgical robot, In fact, it through some equipment to some of the lesions inspections, through a manipulator can be achieved on some parts of the operation Also including remotely operated manipulator, and many doctors are able to participate in the robot under surgery Robot doctor to include doctors with pliers, tweezers or a knife to replace the nurses, while lighting automatically to the doctor's movements linked, the doctor hands off, lighting went off, This is very good, a doctor's assistant.Robot is mankind's right-hand man; friendly coexistence can be a reliable friend. In future, we will see and there will be a robot space inside, as a mutual aide and friend. Robots will create the jobs issue. We believe that there would not be a "robot appointment of workers being laid off" situation, because people with the development of society, In fact the people from the heavy physical and dangerous environment liberated, so that people have a better position to work, to create a better spiritual wealth and cultural wealth.译文资料:机器人首先我介绍一下机器人产生的背景,机器人技术的发展,它应该说是一个科学技术发展共同的一个综合性的结果,同时,为社会经济发展产生了一个重大影响的一门科学技术,它的发展归功于在第二次世界大战中各国加强了经济的投入,就加强了本国的经济的发展。
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英文原文出自《Advanced Technology Libraries》2008年第5期RobotRobot is a type of mechantronics equipment which synthesizes the last research achievement of engine and precision engine, micro-electronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and message dispose and artificial intelligence and so on. With the development of economic and the demand for automation control, robot technology is developed quickly and all types of the robots products are come into being. The practicality use of robot products not only solves the problems which are difficult to operate for human being, but also advances the industrial automation program. At present, the research and development of robot involves several kinds of technology and the robot system configuration is so complex that the cost at large is high which to a certain extent limit the robot abroad use. To development economic practicality and high reliability robot system will be value to robot social application and economy development.With the rapid progress with the control economy and expanding of the modern cities, the let of sewage is increasing quickly: With the development of modern technology and the enhancement of consciousness about environment reserve, more and more people realized the importance and urgent of sewage disposal. Active bacteria method is an effective technique for sewage disposal,The lacunaris plastic is an effective basement for active bacteria adhesion for sewage disposal. The abundance requirement for lacunaris plastic makes it is a consequent for the plastic producing with automation and high productivity. Therefore, it is very necessary to design a manipulator that can automatically fulfill the plastic holding.With the analysis of the problems in the design of the plastic holding manipulator and synthesizing the robot research and development condition in recent years, a economic scheme is concluded on the basis of the analysis of mechanical configuration, transform system, drive device and control system and guided by the idea of the characteristic and complex of mechanical configuration,electronic, software and hardware. In this article, the mechanical configuration combines the character of direction coordinate and the arthrosis coordinate which can improve the stability and operation flexibility of the system. The main function of the transmission mechanism is to transmit power to implement department and complete the necessary movement. In this transmission structure, the screw transmission mechanism transmits the rotary motion into linear motion. Worm gear can give vary transmission ratio. Both of the transmission mechanisms have a characteristic of compact structure. The design of drive system often is limited by the environment condition and the factor of cost and technical lever. 'The step motor can receive digital signal directly and has the ability to response outer environment immediately and has no accumulation error, which often is used in driving system. In this driving system, open-loop control system is composed of stepping motor, which can satisfy the demand not only for control precision but also for the target of economic and practicality. On this basis,the analysis of stepping motor in power calculating and style selecting is also given.The analysis of kinematics and dynamics for object holding manipulator is given in completing the design of mechanical structure and drive system. Kinematics analysis is the basis of path programming and track control. The positive and reverse analysis of manipulator gives the relationship between manipulator space and drive space in position and speed. The relationship between manipulator’s tip position and arthrosis angles is concluded by coordinate transform method. The geometry method is used in solving inverse kinematics problem and the result will provide theory evidence for control system. The f0unction of dynamics is to get the relationship between the movement and force and the target is to satisfy the demand of real time control. in this chamfer, Newton-Euripides method is used in analysis dynamic problem of七he cleaning robot and the arthrosis force and torque are given which provide the foundation for step motor selecting and structure dynamic optimal ting.Control system is the key and core part of the object holdingmanipulator system design which will direct effect the reliability and practicality of the robot system in the division of configuration and control function and also will effect or limit the development cost and cycle. With the demand of the PCL-839 card, the PC computer which has a. tight structure and is easy to be extended is used as the principal computer cell and takes the function of system initialization, data operation and dispose, step motor drive and error diagnose and so on. A t the same time, the configuration structure features, task principles and the position function with high precision of the control card PCL-839 are analyzed. Hardware is the matter foundation of the control. System and the software is the spirit of the control system. The target of the software is to combine all the parts in optimizing style and to improve the efficiency and reliability of the control system. The software design of the object holding manipulator control system is divided into several blocks such as system initialization block, data process block and error station detect and dispose model and so on. PCL-839 card can solve the communication between the main computer and the control cells and take the measure of reducing the influence of the outer signal to the control system.The start and stop frequency of the step motor is far lower than the maximum running frequency. In order to improve the efficiency of the step motor, the increase and decrease of the speed is must considered when the step motor running in high speed and start or stop with great acceleration. The increase and decrease of the motor’s speed can be controlled by the pulse frequency sent to the step motor drive with a rational method. This can be implemented either by hardware or by software. A step motor shift control method is proposed, which is simple to calculate, easy to realize and the theory means is straightforward. The motor' s acceleration can fit the torque-frequency curve properly with this method. And the amount of calculation load is less than the linear acceleration shift control method and the method which is based on the exponential rule to change speed. The method is tested by experiment.A t last, the research content and the achievement are sum up and theproblems and shortages in main the content are also listed. The development and application of robot in the future is expected.中文翻译机器人机器人是典型的机电一体化装置,它综合运用了机械与精密机械、微电子与计算机、自动控制与驱动、传感器与信息处理以及人工智能等多学科的最新研究成果,随着经济的发展和各行各业对自动化程度要求的提高,机器人技术得到了迅速发展,出现了各种各样的机器人产品。