

Snow White 白雪公主英语话剧剧本

Snow White 白雪公主英语话剧剧本

Snow White 白雪公主英语话剧剧本Stage Background: The palace, a small house舞台背景:皇宫、一个小房子Roles: Snow White, Queen, Mirror, Hunter, Seven dwarfs, Prince, Animals,Narrator角色:白雪公主、王后、魔镜、猎人、七个小矮人、王子、小动物们、旁白Narrator:Long long ago,there was a beautiful queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The king married another queen. The stepmother didn’t like her very much. She made Snow White do the housework all day and all night. 很久很久以前,有个王后。






Snow White:My name is Snow White , I am a beautiful princess. I miss my mother so much. Where is my mother? Where is my mother?我的名字是白雪公主,我是一个美丽的公主,我很想念我的妈妈。

妈妈,妈妈,你在哪儿呀?(哭泣)——音乐起,王后、侍女出场Queen:(看到Snow White生气地)Snow White!You lazy girl!What are you doing now? Go to clean the kitchen quickly!Uderstand?白雪!你这个懒丫头!你现在在做什么?快去擦厨房!听到了没?Snow White:(无奈的)Yes,mother!是的,妈妈。

最新原创精品 小学英语社团活动:全英文Snow white表演剧本 3

最新原创精品 小学英语社团活动:全英文Snow white表演剧本 3

小学英语社团活动:全英文Snow white表演剧本SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人P-白马王子 D-小矮人音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful king dom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel. One day, In the king’s palace:----白雪出场S.w: My name is Snow white , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother ? Where is my mother ?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen , I’m very beautiful , Where is Mirror ? Mirror , Mirror on the wall , who’s the most beautiful ?M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you !Q: Hunter, go kill Snow white .猎人出场H: Yes, my queen音乐起,猎人追赶白雪,公主惊慌出逃S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please !白雪顺利脱逃后S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, t her e is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food----2\Somebody drank my w ate r----3\Someone is sleeping now----4\What a beautiful girl!----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5\How do you do?S.w: How do you do? My name is Snow white … Nice to meet you! D:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----6\ welcome to our house!----7\Would you like to live her e?S.W: My pleasure, thank you very much!D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, Snow white.皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall , who’s the most beautiful?M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you!Q: What ? Snow white is not dead ? Hahaha, I got a good idea! 音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha…小矮人出场、围着公主哭Snow white wake up, wake up…音乐起,小矮人引着王子出场P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! 王子唤醒公主,公主醒了P:Wake up ! Wake up , my queen !S.w: Thank you for your help !P: My pleasure !音乐起,小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞。



2019年英语童话剧_白雪公主篇一:白雪公主英语话剧剧本----音乐起,旁白:Alongtimeago,therewasaqueen.ShehadaprettydaughternamedSnowWhite. Soonafterthechildwasborn,thequeendied.Thequeenmarriedanotherqueen.T hestepmotherdidn’tlikeherverymuch.ShemadeSnowWhitedothehouseworkalldayandallnight.----白雪出场(扫地,做清洁.)白雪:MynameisSnowWhite,Iamabeautifulprincess,Imissmymothersomuch,Wh ereismymother?Whereismymother?----音乐起,皇后出场皇后:I’mthenewqueen.I’mverybeautiful.yousee.Ifanyoneismorebeautifulthanme,I’llkillher.Ihaveamagicmirror.IfIwanttoknowsomething,Itwilltellme.Now,m irror,mirror,ehere!魔镜:Yes,I’ming.Whatdoyouwanttoknow?皇后:Mirror,mirror,onthewall.Whoisthemostbeautiful?魔镜:Youarebeautiful,Ithink.Butthereisayounglady.Sheisaswhiteassnow,asredas rose.Sheismuchmorebeautifulthanyou.皇后:Sheismuchmorebeautifulthanme?Whoisshe?Tellmequickly.魔镜:Yes.SheisSnowWhite.皇后:SnowWhite?No,I’mthemostbeautifulintheworld.Oh,hunter,ehere,ehere!猎人:Yes.I’mherenow.皇后:Hunter!TakeSnowWhitefarawaytopicksomeflowers.Findaplaceandkillher.猎人:Butsheistheprincess.…皇后:No,Killher.Bringherhearttome.Idon’twanttoseeheragain.猎人:Yes!皇后:Hereisabox.Youmustputherheartinitandbringittome.猎人:Yes!----音乐起白雪:(高兴地摘花)Oneflower,twoflowers,threeflowers….Howmanyflowers!Howbeautifu l!猎人:(慢慢地拔出刀,但犹豫着说)Oh!MyGod!Sheissolovelyandpretty!Ican’t!Ican’tkillher!白雪:(看到后大声哭叫)Whatareyoudoing?What’sthematter?Whydoyoukillme?猎人:I’mverysorry.Someonewantsmetokillyou.白雪:Butwho?猎人:Thequeen.白雪:Butwhy?猎人:Youaremorebeautifulthanher.Soshewantstokillyou.白雪:Mydearhunter.Don’tkillme.Iwillrunfarawayandneverebackagain.猎人:Ok.Runaway,thepoorchild.白雪:Thankyou,mydearhunter.旁白:Atthistime,ayoungbearwasrunningby.Thehuntershotitandtookthehearttoth equeen.SnowWhitebegantorunintothewildforestuntilitwasalmostevening. Shesawalittlehouse.白雪:Oh,myGod!Thequeencan’tfindmenow,Ithink.HowIamtired!HowIwanttohavearest!Ah,hereisahouse,t herearesevensmallbeds.Theymustbethebedsofsevenchildren.Oh,howIwant tosleep!旁白:Whenitwasdark,theownersofthehousecameback.Theyweresevendwarfs.Th eywerelookingforgoldinthemountain.①老学究:Look,thelampinourhouseison!②开心果:Whoisit?③喷嚏精:Maybeit’stheghost!④瞌睡虫:Let’sgointoourhousequietly.⑤害羞鬼:Oh,someonehascleanedourhouse.⑥老顽固:Maybeit’sthewitch.⑦手拿烛光照到白雪的脸.①~⑦他们都惊叫起来老学究:Whatalovelychild!开心果:Howbeautiful!喷嚏精:Whoisshe?瞌睡虫:Don’twakeherup.害羞鬼:Whyissheinghere?老顽固:Killher.白雪:(醒来)Whatanicesleep!Oh,whoareyou?Oh,Iknow.Youaresenvendwarfs.七矮人:(齐说)Yes,Butwhyareyouinourhouse?白雪:Thequeenwantstokillme.SoIrantoyourhouse.Don’tdrivemeaway.Letmestaywithyou.老学究:Ifyoulookafterourhouse.开心果:Ifyoudosomecookingforus.喷嚏精:Ifyoumakethebedsforus.瞌睡虫:Ifyoudosomewashing,youcanstaywithus.害羞鬼:Butyoumustbecareful.老顽固:Don’tgoout.Don’tletanyoneein.Yourstepmotherwillfindyouandkillyou.白雪:Iknow.Iknow.Thankyou.旁白:Fromthenon,SnowWhitekeptthehouse.Ontheotherhand,whenthebadqueenatetheheart,shetookoutthemirrorandask ed.皇后:Mirror,mirroronthewall,whoisthemostbeautiful?魔镜:Youarebeautiful.ButSnowWhiteisstillaliveandwell.Sheliveswiththesevend warfs.Nooneismorebeautifulthanshe.皇后:What?SnowWhiteisnotdead?……Haha,Igotagoodidear.旁白:Thequeenmadeapoisonousappleanddressedherselflikeanoldwoman.Sheca metothehouse.皇后:Goodthingstosell.Prettyapplestosell.Cheap.Verycheap.白雪:Hi,goodday,mygoodgrandmother.皇后:Apples.Verydeliciousapples!Couldyouhaveataste.Thisone,please!白雪:OK!Thankyou!(咬了一小口,死了)皇后:Hahaha….NowI’mthemostbeautifulintheworld.旁白:Whenthesevendwarfscamefromwork.TheyweregreatlysurprisedtoseeSno wWhitedead七矮人:What’sthematter?老学究:SnowWhiteisdead.七矮人:Oh,myGod!Whodidit?Itmustbethebadqueen.(哭着拣一些花放在白雪身上)旁白:AlthoughSnowWhitehadbeendeadalong,longtime.Shelookedasifshewasliv ing.Shelookedaswhiteassnow,asredasrose.Oneday,ithappenedaprincecame tothesevendwarfs’house.WhenhesawSnowWhite,hefellinlovewithher.王子:Please,letmehaveSnowWhite.Iloveher.Iwanthertobemywife.七矮人:Ok!CarrySnowWhitewithyoutoyourpalace.Bekindtoher,please.篇二:白雪公主英语话剧本(带中文翻译)----音乐起,旁白:Alongtimeago,therewasaqueen.ShehadaprettydaughternamedSnowWhite. Soonafterthechildwasborn,thequeendied.Thequeenmarriedanotherqueen.T hestepmotherdidn’tlikeherverymuch.ShemadeSnowWhitedothehouseworkalldayandallnight.很久很久以前,有个皇后。



Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs第一幕:----音乐起旁白:A long time ago, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the childwas born, the queen died. The king married anotherqueen. The stepmother didn’t like her very much.She made Snow White do the housework all day andall night.----白雪出场( 扫地,做清洁.)白雪:My name is Snow White, I am the princess of my country , I miss my mother so much,Where is my mother? Where is my mother?皇帝:Oh my dear daughter, your mum is died. This is your stepmother. You should love your mum.(皇后出场)皇后:I’m the new queen. I’m very beautiful. you see. If anyone is more beautiful than me, I’ll kill her. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, It will tell me. Now, mirror, mirror, come here!魔镜:Yes, I’m coming. What do you want to know?皇后:Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who is the most beautiful in the world?魔镜:You are beautiful, I think. But there is a young lady.She is as white as snow, as red as rose. She is muchmore beautiful than you.皇后:She is much more beautiful than me? Who is she? Tell me quickly.魔镜:Yes. She is Snow White.皇后:Snow White? No, I’m the most beautiful in the world.I must kill her! Oh, hunter, come here, come here.猎人:Yes. I’m here now.皇后:Hunter! Go and kill Snow white .猎人:Yes! Yes ,yes .I will do it .----音乐起第二幕白雪:( 高兴地摘花) One flower, two flowers, three flowers…. How many flowers! How beautiful! (继续摘花,没看到猎人)猎人:( 慢慢地拔出刀向白雪走去,快靠近时转过头犹豫着说) Oh! My God! She is so lovely and pretty! I can’t! I can’t kill her!白雪:( 看到后大声哭叫) What are you doing? What’s the matter? Why do you kill me?猎人:I’m very sorry. Someone wants me to kill you.白雪:But who? Who wants to kill me?猎人:The queen.白雪:But why?猎人:You are more beautiful than her. So she wants to kill you.白雪:My dear hunter. Don’t kill me. I will run far away and never come back again.猎人:(思考了一下叹息着说)Ok. Run away, the poor child. 白雪:Thank you, my dear hunter. I’ll never forget your kindness!旁白:At this time, a young bear was running by.熊:I’m so hungry.(张往四周看到白雪)Ha ha! Here comes my food! (张牙舞爪扑向白雪)白雪:(十分害怕地)Help!猎人:(迅速拿出宝剑杀死熊,熊倒地后挖出心脏)旁白: The hunter killed it and took the heart to the queen.Snow White began to run into the wild forest until itwas almost evening. But she couldn’t find her way.She saw two rabbits.兔子1:Look! Look at that beautiful girl. She must be in trouble.兔子2:Yes, and it seems she get lost in the forest. Let’s help her!兔子1:Ok!白雪:Can you help me? I can’t find the way.兔子1:Where is your home?白雪:I can’t find my home now. I’m so tired and I want to have a rest.兔子2:I think there is a house over there.(指向远处小屋)You should have a rest in it.白雪:Oh, my God! The queen can’t find me now, I think. Ah, here is a house, there are seven small beds. They must be the beds of seven children. Oh, how I want to sleep!(疲劳状,找了张床躺下)旁白:When it was dark, the owners of the house came back.They were seven dwarfs. They were looking for goldin the mountain.小矮人出场(1)I am 名字---(2)I am 名字----(3)I am 名字----(4)I am 名字----①:Look, the lamp in our house is on!②:Who is it?③:Maybe it’s the ghost!④:Let’s go into our house quietly.⑤:Oh, someone has cleaned our house.⑥:Maybe it’s the witch.⑦手拿烛光照到白雪的脸. ①~⑦他们都惊叫起来:Wow!①:What a lovely child!②:How beautiful!③:Who is she?④:Don’t wake her up.⑤:Why is she coming here?⑥:Kill her.⑦:No , I think she’s not a bad person.音乐起白雪醒了,与小矮人对话:白雪:( 醒来) What a nice sleep! Oh, who are you? Oh, I know. You are seven dwarfs.小矮人: How do you do ?白雪公主: How do you do?Nice to meet you!小矮人: (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----but why are you in our house?白雪:I’m the princess. The queen wants to kill me. So I ran to your house. Don’t drive me away. Let me stay with you.①:If you look after our house.②:If you do some cooking for us.③:If you make the beds for us.④:If you do some washing, you can stay with us.⑤:But you must be careful.⑥:Don’t go out. Don’t let anyone come in. Your stepmother will find you and kill you.⑦:You also make the house very clean.白雪:I know. I know. Thank you.旁白: Oh, It’s working time,Let’ s go。



Snow White ContentsSW---白雪公主Q---皇后M---魔镜H---猎人P---白马王子D---小矮人A---小动物音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel.One day, In the king’s palace:----白雪出场S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful,Where is Mirror?Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: Hunter, go kill S.w.猎人出场H: Yes, my queen音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃S.w: Help me ,help me, please, pleaseA: what’s the matter with you?S.w: The hunter…hunter…A: bite you bite you …小动物追赶猎人下场S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food----2\somebody drank my water----3\someone is sleeping now----4\What a beautiful girl!----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5\How do you do?S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w …Nice to meet you!D: (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----6\ welcome to our house!----7\Would you like to live here?S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much!D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall,who’s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: What? S.w is not dead?Hahaha, I got a good idea!音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha…小矮人出场、围着公主哭S.w wake up, wake up…音乐起,动物引着王子出场P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen!王子吻公主,公主醒了S.w: Thank you for your help!P: My pleasure音乐起,小动物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞。









----白雪出场(扫地,做清洁.)白雪:My name is Snow White , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother?我的名字是《白雪公主》,我是一个美丽的公主,我很想念我的母亲,我的妈妈在哪里?我的妈妈在哪里?----音乐起,皇后出场我是新来的女王。






你想知道些什么?皇后:Mirror, mirror, on the wall.Who is the most beautiful?镜子,镜子,在这世界上。

谁是最漂亮的?魔镜:You are beautiful, I think.But there is a young lady. She is as white as snow, as red as rose.She is much more beautiful than you.我想,你是美丽的,。




皇后:She is much more beautiful than me?Who is she? Tell me quickly.她比我漂亮得多吗?她是谁?快点告诉我魔镜:Yes. She is Snow White.是的。

她是《白雪公主》猎人:Yes. I’m here now.是的。


皇后:Hunter! Take Snow White far away to pick some flowers.Find a place and kill her.猎人!把白雪公主带到很远,去采一些花。



英文童话剧白雪公主剧本Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Snow White. She was known for her fair skin, rosy cheeks, and ebony black hair. However, her stepmother, the evil queen, was jealous of Snow White's beauty. The queen would often consult her magic mirror and ask, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" And each time, the mirror would reply, "Snow White is the fairest of them all."One day, the queen could no longer bear the thought of Snow White being more beautiful than her. Out of envy and greed, she ordered a huntsman to take Snow White into the forest and kill her. The huntsman, unable to harm the innocent princess, led her deep into the woods and urged her to run away and never return.Lost and scared, Snow White wandered through the forest until she found a small cottage. The cottage belonged to seven dwarfs who worked in the nearby diamond mines. Upon seeing Snow White, the dwarfs were amazed by her beauty and welcomed her with open arms.Meanwhile, the evil queen discovered that Snow White was still alive, and in a fit of rage, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She concocted a plan to disguise herself as an old hag and went to the cottage with a poisoned apple. The queen knew that the apple would put Snow White into a deep sleep from which she could never awaken unless true love's kiss broke the spell.When the evil queen arrived at the cottage, she persuaded Snow White to take a bite of the poisoned apple. As soon as Snow White bit into the apple,she fell into a deep sleep, just as the queen had planned. The dwarfs returned to find Snow White in her enchanted slumber and wept over their beloved princess.Time passed, and news of Snow White's fate reached the ears of a young prince. Determined to save the princess, the prince set out to find her resting place. When he arrived at the cottage, the dwarfs explained what had happened and showed him Snow White's lifeless body. Filled with love and despair, the prince leaned in and kissed Snow White.To everyone's astonishment, Snow White opened her eyes, her lips no longer pale, and her beauty radiating. True love's kiss had broken the spell, and Snow White was alive once again! Overjoyed, the prince asked Snow White to marry him, and she gladly accepted.Word of their love and triumph spread throughout the kingdom, and Snow White and the prince lived happily ever after.Through the tale of Snow White, we learn the power of true love, the consequences of envy and greed, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the story ends, we are reminded that kindness, goodness, and love will always conquer evil and bring happiness to those who believe.And so, the story of Snow White comes to an end, leaving us with the hope that true love will always prevail in our own lives as well.。



英语童话剧:白雪公主snowwhitecontentssw---白雪公主q---皇后m---魔镜h---猎人p---白马王子d---小矮人a---小动物音乐起,旁白alongtimeago,inabeautifulkingdom,therelivedayoungkingandqueen,thep eoplelovedthemsomuch;thequeendiedwhilegivingbirthtoagirl,hernamew assnowwhite,shewasabeautifulprincess.yearpassed,thekinggotmarriedag ain,thepeopledidn’tlovethenewqueen,becauseshewascruel.oneday,intheking’spalace:----白雪出场s.w:mynameiss.w,iamabeautifulprincess,imissmymothersomuch,whereis mymother?whereismymother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场q:iamaqueen,i’mverybeautiful,whereismirror? mirror,mirroronthewall,who’sthemostbeautiful? m:s.wismuchmorebeautifulthanyou!q:hunter,gokills.w.猎人出场h:yes,myqueen音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃s.w:helpme,helpme,please,pleasea:what’sthematterwithyou?s.w:thehunter…hunter…a:biteyoubiteyou…小动物追赶猎人下场s.w:iamtriedandhungry,oh,thereisalittlehouse, iwilleatalittleandliedown.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,d:1look,somebodyatemyfood----2somebodydrankmywater----3someoneissleepingnow----4whatabeautifulgirl!----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5howdoyoudo?s.w:howdoyoudo?mynameiss.w…nicetomeetyou!d:(齐说)nicetomeetyou,too----6welcometoourhouse!----7wouldyouliketolivehere?s.w:mypleasure,thankyouverymuch! d:let’sgooutforourwork,bye-bye,s.w 皇后、魔镜出场q:mirror,mirroronthewall,who’sthemostbeautiful?m:s.wismuchmorebeautifulthanyou!q:what?s.wisnotdead?hahaha,igotagoodidea!音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话q:apple,apple,beautifulapple,s.w:hello,goodmorninggrandma!q:prettygirl,wouldyoulikeabite?s.w:oh,yes,thankyougrandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地q:thegirlisdead!hahaha…小矮人出场、围着公主哭s.wwakeup,wakeup…音乐起,动物引着王子出场p:abeautifulgirl!sheshallbemyqueen!王子吻公主,公主醒了s.w:thankyouforyourhelp!p:mypleasure音乐起,小动物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞搜集整理,仅供参考学习,请按需要编辑修改。



小学英语童话剧_白雪公主(Snow White)共两篇SW——白雪公主 Q——皇后 M——魔镜 H——猎人P——白马王子 D——小矮人 A——小动物音乐起,旁白。

A long time ago, in a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and a queen. People loved them so much. The queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White. She was a beautiful princess. Years passed, the king got married again. But the people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel.One day, In the king’s palace.白雪出场。

SW: My name is Snow White. I am a beautiful princess. I miss my mother so much. Where is my mother? Where is my mother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场。

Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful. Where is Mirror? Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful woman?M: Snow White is much more beautiful than you!Q: Hunter, go kill Snow White.猎人出场。

H: Yes, my queen.音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃。

SW: Help me, help me, please, please.A: What’s the matter with you?SW: The hunter...hunter...A: bite you, bite you ...小动物追赶猎人下场。




Alongtimeago,inabeautifulkingdom,therelivedaRoungkingandaqueen.People lovedthemsomuch.Thequeendiedwhilegivingbirthtoagirl,hernamewasSnowWhi te.Shewasabeautifulprincess.Rearspassed,thekinggotmarriedagain.Butthe peopledidn’tlovethenewqueen,becauseshewascruel.OnedaR,Intheking’spalace.白雪出场。

SW:MRnameisSnowWhite.Iamabeautifulprincess.ImissmRmothersomuch.Wherei smRmother?WhereismRmother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场。




SW:IamtiredandhungrR.Oh,thereisalittlehouse.Iwilleatsomefoodandgotosl eepthere.音乐起,7个小矮人出场。



Snow White角色:ActorsSW——白雪公主(1个)Q——王后(1个)M——魔镜(1个)D——小矮人(7个)(一)旁白:(伴着音乐)In a beautiful country, there lived a king and a queen. They had a life princess. The family lived a happy life. But before long, the queen died. The king married another woman. She was beautiful, but proud and arrogant. She couldn’t bear anyone being more beautiful than her. She had a magic mirror.(王后出场)Q:Magic Mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest one of all?M:Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow.Q:Snow White! Alas for her!旁白:The queen ordered her guard to kill Snow White secretly. The guard couldn’t hear to kill her, So he asked Snow White to run away as far as she can, and never let the queen find her. Snow White ran into the forest, she wandered aimlessly. Will she come to a small house.SW:Oh, it’s adorable! I like it here.(敲门,然后推开)Hello! May I come in?(回头让跟在身后的小动物们安静)Shh……(在小房子里到处看看)Oh, and from the look of this table, seven untidy little children! Why, they’ve never swept this room. I know! We’ll clean the house and surprise them. Then maybe they’ll let me stay.SW(指着小松鼠):Now, you wash the dishes.(指着小兔子):You tidy up the room.(指着小鸟):You clean the fireplace.(开始扫除,配“嘻嘻唰唰”音乐)……(打扫完毕,大家都累了,打着哈欠)SW:Oh, I’m a little sleepy myself. Oh, Oh……(公主打着哈欠,睡在了小矮人们的床上)(三)(伴着音乐,小矮人们唱着歌回家了)Dwarf5:“Heigh-ho, heigh-ho. It’s home from work we go……”Dwarf1:(走到床边,突然停下)Oh, No!(大家举起手中劳动工具准备打床上熟睡的公主)Dwarf2:(揭开铺盖)Oh, she’s mighty“purdy”.Dwarf3:She’s beautiful, just like a angle!(当大家都惊讶于公主的美丽时,公主醒来)SW:Oh, dear……(发现小矮人们)How do you do!I’m Snow White. Dwarf5:Snow White? The Princess!SW:Yes.旁白:Snow White told the seven dwarfs her story. The seven dwarfs invited。

Snow White剧本

Snow White剧本

Snow White音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again. The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel. One day, In the king’s palace:很久以前,在一个美丽的王国里住着一位年轻的国王和王后,王国里的臣民们非常喜欢他们。




一天在王宫里白雪出场( 扫地,做清洁.)白雪:My name is Snow White, I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much. Where is my mother? Where is my mother?我的名字叫白雪,是一个美丽的小公主。


她在哪里?她在哪里?音乐起,皇后出场皇后:I’m the new queen. I’m very beautiful. You see. If anyone is more beautiful than me, I’ll kill her. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, It will tell me. Now, mirror, mirror. Come here! 我就是美丽的新王后。



SNOW WHITE CONTENTSSW---白雪公主Q---皇后M---魔镜H---猎人P---白马王子D---小矮人A---小动物音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel.One day, In the king’s palace:----白雪出场S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful,Where is Mirror?Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: Hunter, go kill S.w.猎人出场H: Yes, my queen音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃S.w: Help me ,help me, please, pleaseA: what’s the matter with you?S.w: The hunter…hunter…A: bite you bite you …小动物追赶猎人下场S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food----2\somebody drank my water----3\someone is sleeping now----4\What a beautiful girl!----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5\How do you do?S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w …Nice to meet you!D: (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----6\ welcome to our house!----7\Would you like to live here?S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much!D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall,who’s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: What? S.w is not dead?Hahaha, I got a good idea!音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha…小矮人出场、围着公主哭S.w wake up, wake up…音乐起,动物引着王子出场P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen!王子吻公主,公主醒了S.w: Thank you for your help!P: My pleasure音乐起,小动物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞。



童话剧白雪公主英文剧本:SW---白雪公主Q---皇后M---魔镜H---猎人P---白马王子D---小矮人A---小动物音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel.One day, In the king’s palace:----白雪出场S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful,Where is Mirror?Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: Hunter, go kill S.w.猎人出场H: Yes, my queen音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃S.w: Help me ,help me, please, pleaseA: what’s the matter with you?S.w: The hunter…hunter…A: bite you bite you …小动物追赶猎人下场S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house ,I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: 1/Look, somebody ate my food----2/somebody drank my water----3/someone is sleeping now----4/What a beautiful girl!----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5/How do you do?S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w …Nice to meet you!D: (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----6/ welcome to our house!----7/Would you like to live here?S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much!D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall,who’s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: What? S.w is not dead?Hahaha, I got a good idea!音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha…小矮人出场、围着公主哭S.w wake up, wake up…音乐起,动物引着王子出场P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen!王子吻公主,公主醒了S.w: Thank you for your help!P: My pleasure音乐起,小动物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞。



儿童英语剧本小学生剧小学英语话剧-snow-white小学英语童话剧_白雪公主(Snow White)共两篇SW——白雪公主 Q——皇后 M——魔镜 H——猎人P——白马王子 D——小矮人 A——小动物音乐起,旁白。

A long time ago, in a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and a queen. People loved them so much. The queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White. She was a beautiful princess. Years passed, the king got married again. But the people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel.One day, In the king’s palace.白雪出场。

SW: My name is Snow White. I am a beautiful princess. I miss my mother so much. Where is my mother? Where is my mother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场。

Q: I am a queen, I’m very bea utiful. Where is Mirror? Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful woman?M: Snow White is much more beautiful than you!Q: Hunter, go kill Snow White.猎人出场。

H: Yes, my queen.音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃。

小学童话剧 snow white

小学童话剧 snow white

小学童话剧:Snow whiteSW——白雪公主Q——皇后M——魔镜H——猎人P——白马王子D——小矮人第一幕:音乐起,旁白。

A long time ago, in a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and a queen. People loved them so much. The queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White. She was a beautiful princess. Years passed, the king got married again. But the people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel. One day, In the king’s palace.白雪出场。

SW: My name is Snow White. I am a beautiful princess. I miss my mother so much. Where is my mother? Where is my mother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful. Where is Mirror? Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful woman?M: Snow White is much more beautiful than you!Q:Snow White? No, I’m the most beautiful in theworld. Oh, hunter, come here, come here. go kill Snow White.猎人出场。



英文童话剧白雪公主剧本SW---白雪公主Q---皇后M---魔镜H---猎人P---白马王子D---小矮人A---小动物音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel.One day, In the king’s palace:----白雪出场: My name is , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother Where is my mother音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful,Where is MirrorMirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautifulM: is much more beautiful than youQ: Hunter, go kill .猎人出场H: Yes, my queen音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃: Help me ,help me, please, pleaseA: what’s the matter with you: The hunter…hunter…A: bite you bite you …小动物追赶猎人下场: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house ,I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food----2\somebody drank my water----3\someone is sleeping now----4\What a beautiful girl----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5\How do you do: How do you doMy name is …Nice to meet youD: 齐说Nice to meet you ,too----6\ welcome to our house----7\Would you like to live here: My pleasure, thank you very muchD: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye,皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall,who’s the most beautifulM: is much more beautiful than youQ: Whatis not deadHahaha, I got a good idea音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,: Hello, Good morning grandmaQ: pretty girl ,would you like a bite: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead Hahaha…小矮人出场、围着公主哭wake up, wake up…音乐起,动物引着王子出场P: A beautiful girl She shall be my queen王子吻公主,公主醒了: Thank you for your helpP: My pleasure音乐起,小动物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞。



Snow White角色:ActorsSW——白雪公主(1个)Q——王后(1个)M——魔镜(1个)D——小矮人(7个)(一)旁白:(伴着音乐)In a beautiful country, there lived a king and a queen. They had a life princess. The family lived a happy life. But before long, the queen died. The king married another woman. She was beautiful, but proud and arrogant. She couldn’t bear anyone being more beautiful than her. She had a magic mirror.(王后出场)Q:Magic Mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest one of all?M:Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow.Q:Snow White! Alas for her!旁白:The queen ordered her guard to kill Snow White secretly. The guard couldn’t hear to kill her, So he asked Snow White to run away as far as she can, and never let the queen find her. Snow White ran into the forest, she wandered aimlessly. Will she come to a small house.SW:Oh, it’s adorable! I like it here.(敲门,然后推开)Hello! May I come in?(回头让跟在身后的小动物们安静)Shh……这炊烟大多来自煤气的燃烧或者煤块的燃烧,它否定了农家就地取材,麦秸、玉米杆以及树枝在烈火中升华的那种农家做饭的特色,否定了农作物的一部分价值,否定了千百年来农人们在收获之后便将秸秆晾晒以用其做饭、取暖的一种习惯。

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Snow White
角色: Actors
SW——白雪公主( 1 个)Q——王后( 1 个)
M ——魔( 1 个) D ——小矮人( 7 个)
旁白:(伴着音) In a beautiful country, there lived a king and a queen. They
had a life princess. The family lived a happy life. But before long, the queen died. The king married another woman. She was beautiful, but proud and arrogant. She couldn’tbear anyone being more beautiful than her. She had a magic mirror.
Q:Magic Mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest one of all?
M :Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow.
Q:Snow White! Alas for her!
旁白: The queen ordered her guard to kill Snow White secretly. The guard couldn’thear to kill her, So he asked Snow White to run away as far as she can, and never let the queen find her. Snow White ran into the forest, she wandered aimlessly. Will she come to a small house.
SW:Oh, it’s adorable! I like it here.(敲,然后推开)
Hello! May I come in? (回跟在身后的小物安静)Shh⋯⋯
(在小房子里到看看) Oh, and from the look of this table, seven untidy
little children! Why, they’ve never swept this room. I know! We’ll clean the house and surprise them. Then maybe they’ll let me stay.
SW(指着小松鼠):Now, you wash the dishes.
(指着小兔子):You tidy up the room.
(指着小):You clean the fireplace.
SW:Oh, I’m a little sleepy myself. Oh, Oh⋯⋯
Dwarf5:“Heigh-ho, heigh-ho. It’s home from work we go⋯⋯”
Dwarf1:(走到床,突然停下)Oh, No!
Dwarf2:(揭开盖) Oh, she’s mighty“purdy”.
Dwarf3:She’s beautiful, just like a angle!
SW:Oh, dear⋯⋯(小矮人) How do you do!I’m Snow White.
Dwarf5:Snow White? The Princess!
旁白: Snow White told the seven dwarfs her story. The seven dwarfs invited her to stay will them. In the daytime. They went out to work while Snow White
did the homework at home. They lived happily.
Q:Magic Mirror on the wall. Who now is the fairest.
M :Well, Snow White, fairest one of all.
Q:snow White lies dead in the forest.
M :Snow White still live, the fairest in the bed.
Q:The blundering fool! (王后大发雷霆)
The queen decided to get rid of the Snow White by herself. She made an red apple that was poisoned. Then she came to the seven dwarfs’house.
D1:Now, don’tforget, my dear, the, the old Queen ’s a sly one full of witch craff. So beware of strangers.
SW:Don’tworry. I ’ll be all right. (拥抱小矮人) See you tonight.
D1(非常开心):Uh, uh, yes, we-well, uh, come on, men!(小矮人们愉快地工作去了公主站在家门口目送他们)
Q:Mm-mm. Making pies? Pies made from apples like these(.王后拿出苹果递给公主) Like to try one? Hmm? Go on. Go on, have a bite.

SW:Stop it ! Stop it. Go away! Go away! There, there I’m sorry.
Q(假装心痛):Oh! My heart! Oh, my, my poor heart. Take me into the house and let me have a rest.
Q(又掏出苹果):And because you’ve been so good to poor old granny. I’ll share a secret will you. This is no ordinary apple. It’s a magic wishing apple. SW:A wishing apple!
Q:Yes! One bite and all your dreams will come true.
Q:Yes, girlie. Now make a wise and take a bite ⋯⋯ Don’tlet the wise grow cold.
SW:(公主着美好的愿望咬下了苹果) Oh, I feel strange(.受)Oh, oh⋯⋯(倒)
Q(尖声狂笑):Now I ’ll be fairest in the land!(大笑,逃走)
Dwarf5(匆忙赶回):Hurry! Hurry!
(王后逃走) There she goes!
D5:Look out! Look out!
旁白:⋯⋯ So beautiful, even in deatl, that the dwarfs could not find it in their hearts to bury her, they fashioned a coffin of glass and gold and kept
eternal vigil at her side⋯⋯
The Prince, Who had searched far and wide, heard of the maiden who slept in the glass coffin.
SW:Bye—Bye! Bye—Bye Grumpy. Good—bye. Good—bye.

All (唱歌)“If you are happy and know it clap your hands⋯⋯”
—— End。
