中外教育合作协议英文稿 Education Cooperation Agreement

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------中外教育合作协议英文稿EducationCooperation AgreementEducation Cooperation Agreementbetween TOP Group Co. LTD. Peoples Republic of China and Olympic College, United State of America and LAN International Peoples Republic of ChinaTABLE OF CONTENTS(目录)1/ 131. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.General Principles(总则) Cooperation Project and Enrolment Object (合作项目与招生对象) Cooperation Programs / Courses (合作专业) Cooperation Mode(合作模式) Party A’s Obligation(甲方的义务) Party B’s Obligation(乙方的义务) JOINT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (联合管理委员会) The Expense of the Project(项目费用) Intellectual Property(知识产权) Confidential(保密) Amendment, Alteration of Agreement(协议的修订、变更)Dispute Resolution(争议解决) Termination(协议的终止)Cooperation Term(合作期限) Notices(注意事项) Others(其它) NAFSA’s Statement of Ethical Principles(NAFSA 道德准则声明)3 3 3 3 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 12Sino-America Education Cooperation AgreementPage 2---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ Education Cooperation Agreement中美教育合作协议Top Group Co. LTD. and Olympic College And LAN InternationalParty A: Top Group Co. LTD. (herea fter referred to as “Party A”) Address: Qingdao, PR China and Party B: Olympic College (hereafter referred to as “Party B”) Address: Bremerton, Washington, USA and Party C: LAN International (hereafter referred to as “Party C”) Address: Qingdao, PR China 1. General Principles According to the related laws of People’s Republic of China”, and those of United States Government and Washington state, conforming to free and au pair principle, by way of friendly negotiation, Party A, Party B and Party C hereby reach the Agreement which all parties promise to comply with. 2. Cooperation Project and Enrolment Object 2.1 Party A, Party B and Party C cooperate in developing the Education Cooperation Project; 2.2 Students graduating from the OC English program in China and achieve the matriculating score of the cooperation agreement are the object of enrollment.1、总则2、合作项目与招生对象Sino-America Education Cooperation AgreementPage 33/ 133. Cooperation Mode (a) Party A shall work with Party C to recruit up to twenty (20) students to attend college at Party A with classes being led by instructors from Party B using the Intensive English curriculum of Party B. (b) Party B shall conditionally accept those students recruited by Party A and Party C as part of the Intensive English program to attend college at Party B’s campus. (c) Conditionally accepted students who achieve the English requirements and acquire visas shall be authorized to study at Party B’s campus. (d) Conditionally accepted students who do not achieve necessary English requirements or are unable to acquire visas shall not be allowed study at Party B’s campus4. Party A’s Obligation (and Party C)4.1 Party A and Party C will provide recruiting plans and schemes, organize the recruiting work, and provide written promotional material to prospective students with support from Party B. 4.2 All new advertising must be approved by an authorized representative of Party B prior to issue to ensure all the materials or information are factual and up to date. 4.3 Party A and Party C will take charge of bearing all the cost for promoting the project at its location, including, recruiting advertisement. Party B will support and assist Party A and Party C in project promotion and student recruitment,---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ including providing Party A and Party C the media and video materials. 4.4 All parties will work together to ensure the whole quality and management process for the project. 4.5 Party A is responsible for room and board of all teachers and for providing teaching facilities in Party A's campus. Party B is responsible for providing the instructors and all curriculum for the Intensive English program to be taught on Party A’s campus. Party B will also be responsible for paying for the teacher visasSino-America Education Cooperation Agreement Page 45/ 13and providing airfare.4.6 Party A will be responsible for hiring and paying for a classroom assistant.4.7Party A will cooperate fully with Party B in providing all necessary assistance. Party B’s Obligation5、乙方的义务 Party B shall issue the “conditional acceptance” to students when they are enrolled into the cooperation project. This will also include a conditional acceptance letter to a transfer admission guaranteed (TAG) university. 5.2 Party B will provide the English placement 5.2 assessment every year at Party A’s campus, as well as the testing method and scale of marks, and assist Party A to organize the test. 5.3 Party B will be responsible for teaching English to 5.3 students, including providing curriculum and guidelines, teaching methods, and names of textbooks, etc, and make sure that they are updated. 5.4 Party B will notify Party A of any new regulations and guidelines issued by the National or state government that will effect the terms or duties of Party A under this agreement and do some adjustments accordingly. 6. Party C’s Obligation 6.1 Party C will provide all necessary help to project students who apply for visas of studying in U.S., such as providing the required documents, assisting in accommodation recommendation and writing reference letters, etc. (The fees for studying aboard---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ are the students’ responsibility.) 6.2 See above area under Party A Obligations. 7. 7.1 The Expense of the Project Party B will provide a bottom line price to Party A and Party C that Party B is willing to offer the course at. Party A and Party C will need to work together to determine what they will charge the students to cover5.4 如有任何由国家政府或州立政府机构颁布的新条例影响到甲方的在此协议下的各条款或职责,乙方将通知甲方,并根据实际需要求做适当调整。

国际合作协议中英文完整版doc(二)国际合作协议中英文完整版doc(二)国际合作协议International Cooperation Agreement协议各方:第一章协议目的与原则1.1 本协议的目的是为甲乙双方提供开展合作的框架和指导,促进双方在经济、科技、文化等领域的交流与发展。
1.2 本协议的原则是平等互利、友好协商、共同发展、互利共赢。
2.2 上述合作领域及范围并不限于上述列举,双方可在协商一致的前提下进行扩展或调整。
第三章责任与权利3.1 甲方和乙方在合作过程中各自有如下责任:(1)提供必要的资源和支持,确保合作项目的顺利进行;(2)妥善处理合作过程中的问题和争议,保持合作的稳定和良好关系;(3)保护对方的合法权益,遵守协议的约定。
3.2 甲方和乙方在合作中各自享有如下权利:(1)根据合作协议的规定,获得对方提供的资源和支持;(2)根据合作协议的规定,参与对方组织的活动和项目;(3)享受合作过程中的成果和利益。
第四章合作机制与流程4.1 甲方和乙方将建立合作机制,包括但不限于:(1)双方设立合作协调小组,负责协调、监督和评估合作项目的实施;(2)定期举行合作机构间的会议,交流合作进展和问题解决。
第五章终止与变更5.1 如无特殊原因,本协议自签署之日起生效,有效期为(具体年限)。
5.2 在协议有效期内,如果甲方或乙方希望终止合作关系,应提前(具体时间)书面通知对方。

COOPERATION EDUCATIONAL AGREEMENTThis contact is entered on ________________________ (month/year) by and between,Party A. Name of university (college)AddressFax/ TelParty B. Name of University (College)Addressa university organized and existing under existing under the laws of people’s Republic of China and ______________________.Fax/ TelThrough condial negotiations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreements on cooperative education on the principles of volunteering, equality, openness and justice.I. Cooperation contentIn order to conclude the contents below regarding the cooperation following negotiations between the two parties:1.Party A will send their qualified students from Party A who will study asnon-degree exchange students at Party B for________________________ (ESL/ Summer camp/ Winter camp/ Non-academic educational undergraduate professional courses/ Academiceducational undergraduate professional courses)2.Party B will admit students nominated by Party A in accordance to thenon-degree admission criteria of Party B and will divide students intoclasses based upon their course.3.This cooperative contract will come into effect on the date when it issigned by the two parties and is valid from ________ until ___________.This agreement shall be for a period of ______ years from the date ofexecution unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions ofthis contract.II. Responsibilities, Rights and Obligations1.Party A‘s responsibilities, rights and obligations,a.On behalf of Party B, Party A is responsible to send qualified students,guaranteeing the students have the ability to study at Party B and thestudents hold a legal passport and valid entry visa.b.Party A will inform the students about their educational course for____________, and properly explain about the __________status of thecourses, which would mean that these courses will/will not becounted for degree credits.c.Students Must be properly informed students about the fact that theywill not be able to continue the study of _____________for any reason beyond what they declared prior.d.____________students will not be allowed to change their programs ordiscontinue the study for any reason except for genuine medicalgrounds or unforeseen reasons beyond the control of the individualstudent. Any such students will produce documents as evidence dulyendorsed by Party B.2.Party B‘s responsibilities, rights and obligations,a.Party B will admit students nominated by Party A, and will informstudents and Party A about the admissions decisions. Party B willproperly explain the relevant laws of their country and stipulatestudents registration information. In the case, if there is a studentwho has a longer learning period than a valid visa, Party B shall takethe responsibility to assist the student with his/her visa.b.After the completion of the prescribed courses and passing theexaminations, Party B shall submit the academic performance ofeach admitted and registered student to Party A, which will then bean official transcript and a study certificate.c.Party B shall bring admitted students into their registration and dailyteaching system.d.Party B ensures that it will organize the conformity teaching activitieswith the requirements of Party A. When unpredictable circumstancessuch as political policy, natural disasters war or other uncontrollablefactors whose occurrence and consequences cannot be prevented,and which leads to a situation in which the agreement cannot becarry out or be implemented as planned, Party B has theresponsibility to notify Party A without delay and provide details andvalid supporting documents. For students who violate schoolregulations, perform illegal activities, will be punished according toschool discipline and legal rule processing; violates laws of thecountry, will be negotiated between the two countries and decidedaccordingly.III. Tuition fee1.Party B will charge the admitted students fee as following,a.Each term has __________students, the duration of learning sessionwill be _______ weeks, the tuition fee of each student is_______________, general fees is _____________, accommodationfee is ___________.b.General fees are included _____________________________________2.The fees shall be paid in (currency) _________, (cash/cheque/draft)__________, (time) _________, pay in the Party B’ Finance Department.3.After payment is completed, Party B will issue a formal receipt to thestudents of Party A.4.Daily expenses and other costs incurred shall be paid by the studentsthemselves.rge changes in exchange rate caused by political instability, war,natural disasters and other uncontrollable factors, shall be settled byboth parties through consultation and negotiation.IV. Quality Control in Teaching1.The students of Party A who will receive courses, other teaching andpractice activities which are offered by Party B, shall be covered by awritten supplemental agreement reached between both parties throughnegotiation. The supplemental agreement has the same legal effect asthis agreement.2.Party B shall ensure that all of their teaching staffs hold the teachingqualifications, and that the teaching quality is according to the teachingrequirement.3.Party B must conform to the administrative provisions, administering theteaching quality monitoring of the daily classes, ensuring that teacherslisten to and accept students' positive or constructive feedbacks.4.After students of Party A finish their education, Party A and Party Bshall exchange their views about the teaching results, all the aspects of the program development and other relevant issues in oral or writingway.V. Articles of Agreement (Cooperation Term)1.The agreement shall come into effect after being signed by both parties,and it shall last for ____________ from the signed date. Duringimplementation of the agreement, if any Party’s improper conductbreaches the agreement and there is further other agreement that show this cooperative agreement shall be terminated. Either party shall have the right to suggest terminating the agreement.2.If both parties consider it necessary to continue the cooperation throughnegotiation orally or in writing, then an official written agreement andsupplemental agreement of extension shall be signed 90 days beforethe expiration.3.In the process of implementing the agreement and supplementalagreement, notification of important matters by the two parties shall bebased upon the proper consultation. Neither Party has the right tochange the content or violate the legal rights of the agreement. It shallbe regarded as a breach if either party change the content of theagreement or cannot implement the agreement and perform its duties orresponsibilities in accordance with the time, manner and requirementsstipulated. The other party will terminate the agreement and the partywhich is responsible for the violation will be penalized by RMB _______.4.Either party may terminate this Contract, by giving a __________ day(s)prior written notice to the other party. However, during the time Party A’s students are studying at Party B, the agreement shall not be subject tounilateral termination by either party.5.Other matters related to this agreement shall be dealt with throughnegotiation by the two parties.6.The two parties shall have the right to use the outreach program,session of the project, name of the program participants, for thepurposes of promoting the academic exchanges and benefit itsenrollment.7.Both Parties Must maintain the confidentiality of the confidentialinformation such as tuition fees and course plan. They may not discloseany such relevant information to any person or any third party, except toits employees or employees of Affiliates, and other advisors who needto know such information to perform their responsibilities. In case of aviolation by either party who may divulge the relevant information themust indemnify the other party’ loss and the damage resulting, and they will be penalized by RMB ________.8.The validity, interpretation and implementation of this agreement andsupplemental agreement have the same legal effect and shall begoverned by the laws of __________ , in accordance with the __________ legal interpretation. After the two parties sign, the agreement, thesignatory who represents the University shall recognize the agreement and supplemental agreement. The two parties shall perform allobligations as specified by the agreement and according to legalprovisions.9.This agreement is drawn up in both the Chinese and the Englishlanguages in quadruplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one copyrespectively and each copy has an equal legal effect. Any dispute in the explanation of the agreement shall be recognized first in the____________ language.Welcome To Download !!!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。

合作办学项目协议中英文版Agreement for Collaborative Education Project1. 规定本协议旨在规定合作办学项目的流程、细节及相关条款。
2. 定义•“机构”:指合作办学的机构。
3. 目的本合作办学项目旨在通过机构合作开发、协作实施优质的教育项目,以促进学生学习,并提高教育机构的绩效。
4. 概述本协议规定了参与机构在合作办学项目中的职责、权利以及应承担的责任;同时还包括了教学计划、学生评估、财务管理等方面的细节。
5. 机构义务•机构应负责设计、开发和实施项目。
6. 学生义务•学生应遵循学校的纪律制度和规章制度,并参加相关的活动和考试。
7. 教师义务•教师应根据项目规定各自列出有关项目的教学计划和课程内容,以及其他教学材料。
8. 财务管理•合作机构应确保所有资金使用合理和公正。

This International English Education Cooperation Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into on [Date], between the following parties:Party A:[Full Legal Name of Party A][Address][Contact Person][Contact Information]Party B:[Full Legal Name of Party B][Address][Contact Person][Contact Information]Whereas,Party A is engaged in the business of providing English language education services and has a strong reputation in the field of English language teaching and training.Party B is interested in improving the English language proficiency ofits students and seeks to establish a cooperative relationship withParty A for the purpose of offering high-quality English language education programs.Now, Therefore,In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Purpose of the AgreementThe purpose of this Agreement is to establish a cooperative relationship between Party A and Party B for the provision of English language education programs to students of Party B.2. Scope of Cooperation2.1 Party A shall provide English language education services to the students of Party B, including but not limited to:a. Course development and curriculum design;b. Teacher training and recruitment;c. Conducting classes and assessments;d. Providing learning materials and resources;e. Offering tutoring and extra-curricular activities.2.2 Party B shall be responsible for:a. Identifying the needs of its students and providing Party A with relevant information;b. Coordinating with Party A to ensure the smooth implementation of the educational programs;c. Ensuring that the students adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by Party A;d. Facilitating communication between Party A and the students' parents or guardians.3. Services and Delivery3.1 Party A shall deliver the services in accordance with the agreed-upon curriculum and standards, ensuring that the quality of education meets international benchmarks.3.2 Party A shall provide regular progress reports to Party B, detailing the students' performance and attendance.4. Intellectual Property4.1 All intellectual property rights related to the educational content, materials, and methodologies developed or used by Party A shall remain the property of Party A.4.2 Party B agrees not to reproduce, distribute, or use the intellectual property of Party A without prior written consent.5. Fees and Payment5.1 The fees for the English language education services shall be determined by mutual agreement between the parties and shall be outlined in an attached schedule.5.2 Party B shall make payment to Party A within [number of days] following the receipt of the invoice.6. Term and Termination6.1 This Agreement shall be effective for a period of [number of years] from the date of its execution.6.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing [number of days] written notice to the other party.7. Confidentiality7.1 The parties agree to keep confidential all information obtained during the course of this Agreement, except as required by law or court order.8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution8.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].8.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. If such negotiations fail, the parties agree to submit the dispute to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].9. General Provisions9.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.9.2 Any amendment or modification to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this。

留学项目合作合同范本英文Study Abroad Program Cooperation ContractThis Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between: Party A:Name: [Party A's Name]Address: [Party A's Address]Contact Person: [Contact Person's Name]Contact Information: [Telephone Number/E Address]Party B:Name: [Party B's Name]Address: [Party B's Address]Contact Person: [Contact Person's Name]Contact Information: [Telephone Number/E Address]1. Background and Purpose1.1 Party A and Party B have reached an agreement to collaborate on a study abroad program (the "Program") to provide educational opportunities for students.1.2 The purpose of this cooperation is to promote international education exchange and enhance the educational experiences of the participating students.2. Program Description2.1 The Program will include [detls of the program, such as courses, destinations, duration, etc.].2.2 Both parties will work together to ensure the quality and success of the Program.3. Responsibilities and Obligations of Party A3.1 Party A will be responsible for [list specific responsibilities of Party A, such as recruitment of students, providing educational materials, etc.].3.2 Party A will ensure that all students participating in the Program meet the necessary requirements and qualifications.4. Responsibilities and Obligations of Party B4.1 Party B will be responsible for [list specific responsibilities of Party B, such as arranging host institutions, handling visa applications, etc.].4.2 Party B will provide regular updates and reports to Party A on the progress of the Program.5. Financial Arrangements5.1 The costs associated with the Program will be shared between Party A and Party B as follows: [detl the financial breakdown and payment terms].5.2 Any additional expenses incurred during the Program will be mutually agreed upon both parties in advance.6. Confidentiality6.1 Both parties agree to keep all information related to the Program and the cooperation confidential and not to disclose it to any third party without prior written consent.7. Intellectual Property7.1 All intellectual property rights arising from the Program will be owned [specify the owner or shared as agreed].8. Term and Termination8.1 This Contract will be effective from [start date] and will remn in force fora period of [duration].8.2 Either party may terminate this Contract under the following circumstances: [list the termination conditions].9. Dispute Resolution9.1 In the event of any dispute or controversy arising out of or in connection with this Contract, the parties will attempt to resolve it through friendly negotiation.9.2 If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation within a reasonable time, either party may submit the dispute to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration institution].10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction10.1 This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].10.2 Any legal action arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be brought in the courts of [jurisdiction].11. Miscellaneous11.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements.11.2 Any amendments or modifications to this Contract must be in writing and signed both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Party A (Signature): ____________________Party B (Signature): ____________________Date: ____________________。

【标题】International Inter-School Cooeration Agreement【】This agreement is made on [date] etween [name of school A], located in [location A], and [name of school ], located in [location ].Article 1: urose of the AgreementThe urose of this agreement is to estalish a framework for cooeration etween the two schools in the fields of [secific areas of cooeration, such as research, teaching, student exchange, etc.]. The cooeration aims to enhance the quality of education, romote academic exchange, and foster mutual understanding and resect.Article 2: Scoe of CooerationThe scoe of cooeration may include, ut is not limited to, the following activities:a. Joint research rojects and academic conferences. Exchange rograms for students and facultyc. Sharing of educational resources and materialsd. Develoment of joint courses and degree rogramse. Cultural and educational eventsArticle 3: Resonsiilitiesoth arties agree to contriute equally to the success of the cooeration y fulfilling the following resonsiilities:a. roviding necessary resources and suort for the agreed-uon activities. Ensuring the articiation and commitment of their resective faculty and studentsc. Maintaining oen communication channels for the coordination of activitiesd. Resecting each other's cultural and academic norms and valuesArticle 4: Financial ArrangementsThe financial asects of the cooeration shall e determined y mutual agreement, considering factors such as rogram costs, articiant fees, and funding oortunities. oth arties shall seek external funding whenever ossile to sulement the availale resources.Article 5: Duration and TerminationThis agreement shall come into effect on [start date] and remain in force for [duration, e.g., three years]. It may e renewed uon mutual consent. Either arty may terminate this agreement y giving written notice to the other arty with [secified notice eriod].Article 6: Governing Law and Disute ResolutionThis agreement shall e governed y and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction where School A or School is located]. Any disutes arising from this agreement shall first e resolved through friendly negotiations. If negotiations fail, the disute shall e sumitted to [aritration or mediation rocess].Article 7: Amendments and WaiversAny amendments to this agreement must e made in writing and signed y oth arties. No waiver of any rights under this agreement shall e effective unless in writing and signed y the arty against whom the waiver is sought to e enforced.Article 8: Final ClausesThis agreement constitutes the entire agreement etween the arties with resect to the suject matter hereof and suersedes all rior agreements, whether written or oral. This agreement may e executed in counterarts, each of which shall e deemed an original, and all of which together shall constitute one single document.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the arties have executed this agreement as of the date first aove written.[Name of School A]y: _____________________ [Titleosition]Date: _____________________[Name of School ]y: _____________________ [Titleosition]Date: _____________________【结束语】通过这份国际校际合作协议书范本,学校可以根据自身的具体需求进行调整和补充,以确保合作的顺利进行。

COOPERATION EDUCATIONAL AGREEMENTThis contact is entered on ________________________ (month/year) by and between,Party A. Name of university (college)AddressFax/ TelParty B. Name of University (College)Addressa university organized and existing under existing under the laws of people’s Republic of China and ______________________.Fax/ TelThrough condial negotiations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreements on cooperative education on the principles of volunteering, equality, openness and justice.I. Cooperation contentIn order to conclude the contents below regarding the cooperation following negotiations between the two parties:1.Party A will send their qualified students from Party A who willstudy as non-degree exchange students at Party B for________________________ (ESL/ Summer camp/ Wintercamp/ Non-academic educational undergraduate professionalcourses/ Academic educational undergraduate professional courses) 2.Party B will admit students nominated by Party A in accordance tothe non-degree admission criteria of Party B and will dividestudents into classes based upon their course.3.This cooperative contract will come into effect on the date when itis signed by the two parties and is valid from ________ until___________.This agreement shall be for a period of ______years from the date of execution unless terminated earlier inaccordance with the provisions of this contract.II. Responsibilities, Rights and Obligations1.Party A‘s responsibilities, rights and obligations,a.On behalf of Party B, Party A is responsible to send qualifiedstudents, guaranteeing the students have the ability to study atParty B and the students hold a legal passport and valid entryvisa.b.Party A will inform the students about their educational coursefor ____________, and properly explain about the__________status of the courses, which would mean that these courses will/will not be counted for degree credits.c.Students Must be properly informed students about the fact thatthey will not be able to continue the study of_____________for any reason beyond what they declared prior.d.____________students will not be allowed to change theirprograms or discontinue the study for any reason except forgenuine medical grounds or unforeseen reasons beyond thecontrol of the individual student. Any such students will produce documents as evidence duly endorsed by Party B.2.Party B‘s responsibilities, rights and obligations,a.P arty B will admit students nominated by Party A, and will informstudents and Party A about the admissions decisions. Party B will properly explain the relevant laws of their country and stipulatestudents registration information. In the case, if there is astudent who has a longer learning period than a valid visa, PartyB shall take the responsibility to assist the student with his/hervisa.b.After the completion of the prescribed courses and passing theexaminations, Party B shall submit the academic performance ofeach admitted and registered student to Party A, which will thenbe an official transcript and a study certificate.c.P arty B shall bring admitted students into their registration anddaily teaching system.d.Party B ensures that it will organize the conformity teachingactivities with the requirements of Party A. When unpredictablecircumstances such as political policy, natural disasters war orother uncontrollable factors whose occurrence and consequencescannot be prevented, and which leads to a situation in which theagreement cannot be carry out or be implemented as planned,Party B has the responsibility to notify Party A without delayand provide details and valid supporting documents. Forstudents who violate school regulations, perform illegal activities,will be punished according to school discipline and legal ruleprocessing; violates laws of the country, will be negotiatedbetween the two countries and decided accordingly.III. Tuition fee1.Party B will charge the admitted students fee as following,a.E ach term has __________students, the duration of learningsession will be _______ weeks, the tuition fee of each studentis _______________, general fees is _____________,accommodation fee is ___________.b.General fees are included_____________________________________2.The fees shall be paid in (currency) _________,(cash/cheque/draft) __________, (time) _________, pay in the Party B’ Finance Department.3.After payment is completed, Party B will issue a formal receipt tothe students of Party A.4.Daily expenses and other costs incurred shall be paid by thestudents themselves.rge changes in exchange rate caused by political instability, war,natural disasters and other uncontrollable factors, shall be settled by both parties through consultation and negotiation.IV. Quality Control in Teaching1.The students of Party A who will receive courses, other teachingand practice activities which are offered by Party B, shall becovered by a written supplemental agreement reached betweenboth parties through negotiation. The supplemental agreement has the same legal effect as this agreement.2.Party B shall ensure that all of their teaching staffs hold theteaching qualifications, and that the teaching quality is according to the teaching requirement.3.Party B must conform to the administrative provisions,administering the teaching quality monitoring of the daily classes,ensuring that teachers listen to and accept students' positive orconstructive feedbacks.4.After students of Party A finish their education, Party A and PartyB shall exchange their views about the teaching results, all theaspects of the program development and other relevant issues inoral or writing way.V. Articles of Agreement (Cooperation Term)1.The agreement shall come into effect after being signed by bothparties, and it shall last for ____________ from the signed date.During implementation of the agreement, if any Party’s improperconduct breaches the agreement and there is further otheragreement that show this cooperative agreement shall beterminated. Either party shall have the right to suggest terminating the agreement.2.If both parties consider it necessary to continue the cooperationthrough negotiation orally or in writing, then an official writtenagreement and supplemental agreement of extension shall be signed90 days before the expiration.3.In the process of implementing the agreement and supplementalagreement, notification of important matters by the two parties shall be based upon the proper consultation. Neither Party has the right to change the content or violate the legal rights of theagreement. It shall be regarded as a breach if either party change the content of the agreement or cannot implement the agreement and perform its duties or responsibilities in accordance with the time, manner and requirements stipulated. The other party willterminate the agreement and the party which is responsible for the violation will be penalized by RMB _______.4.Either party may terminate this Contract, by giving a __________day(s) prior written notice to the other party. However, during the time Party A’ s students are studying at Party B, the agreementshall not be subject to unilateral termination by either party.5.Other matters related to this agreement shall be dealt withthrough negotiation by the two parties.6.The two parties shall have the right to use the outreach program,session of the project, name of the program participants, for thepurposes of promoting the academic exchanges and benefit itsenrollment.7.Both Parties Must maintain the confidentiality of the confidentialinformation such as tuition fees and course plan. They may notdisclose any such relevant information to any person or any third party, except to its employees or employees of Affiliates, and other advisors who need to know such information to perform theirresponsibilities. In case of a violation by either party who maydivulge the relevant information the must indemnify the otherparty’ loss and the damage resulting, and they will be p enalized by RMB ________.8.The validity, interpretation and implementation of this agreementand supplemental agreement have the same legal effect and shall be governed by the laws of __________ , in accordance with the__________ legal interpretation. After the two parties sign, the agreement, the signatory who represents the University shallrecognize the agreement and supplemental agreement. The twoparties shall perform all obligations as specified by the agreement and according to legal provisions.9.This agreement is drawn up in both the Chinese and the Englishlanguages in quadruplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one copyrespectively and each copy has an equal legal effect. Any dispute in the explanation of the agreement shall be recognized first in the ____________ language.。

International Cooperation Agreement TemplateThis International Cooperation Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Party A Name], a [Party A Jurisdiction] company with a registered address at [Party A Address] (the "Party A"), and [Party B Name], a [Party B Jurisdiction] company with a registered address at [Party B Address] (the "Party B").RECITALS:WHEREAS, Party A is engaged in the business of [Party A Business];WHEREAS, Party B is engaged in the business of [Party B Business];WHEREAS, both Parties believe that entering into this Agreement will enable them to achieve their respective business objectives more effectively and efficiently.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:1. Cooperation Objectives1.1 The Parties agree to cooperate in the field of [Cooperation Field] in order to achieve the following objectives:(a) [Objective 1];(b) [Objective 2];(c) [Objective 3];1.2 The Parties acknowledge that the cooperation set forth in this Agreement is solely for the purpose of achieving the objectives set forth in Section 1.1, and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, or any other form of legal entity between the Parties.2. Cooperation Scope2.1 The Parties agree to carry out the cooperation within the scope set forth in the Attachment hereto, which includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:(a) [Area 1];(b) [Area 2];(c) [Area 3];2.2 The Parties may, from time to time, mutually agree to modify or expand the cooperation scope by entering into additional agreements in writing.3. Responsibilities and Obligations3.1 Party A shall be responsible for [Responsibility 1], and Party B shall be responsible for [Responsibility 2].3.2 The Parties agree to perform their respective responsibilities and obligations in a timely, efficient, and professional manner.4. Confidentiality4.1 The Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of allconfidential information disclosed by either Party to the other Party in connection with the cooperation under this Agreement (the "Confidential Information").4.2 The Parties agree that the Confidential Information shall not be used by either Party for any purpose other than the performance of their obligations under this Agreement.5. Intellectual Property5.1 The Parties agree that any intellectual property rights resulting from the cooperation under this Agreement shall be owned by [Ownership Party], as set forth in the Attachment hereto.5.2 The Parties agree to execute any documents and take any actions necessary to confirm the ownership of the intellectual property rightsin accordance with this Agreement.6. Term and Termination6.1 This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for a term of [Term], as set forth in the Attachment hereto.6.2 either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the other Party if the other Party breaches any material provision of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within [Cure Period] after receipt of written notice from the terminating Party.7. Dispute Resolution7.1 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by negotiation between the Parties.7.2 If the Parties are unable to resolve any such disputes through negotiation, such disputes shall be submitted to the [Dispute Resolution Forum] for resolution, and the decision of such forum shall be final and binding upon the Parties.8. Miscellaneous8.1 This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written instrument executed by both Parties.8.2 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written, of the Parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this International Cooperation Agreement as of the Effective Date.[Party A Signature] [Party B Signature][Party A Name] [Party B Name]By: ___________________________ By:___________________________Name: ______________________ Name: ______________________Title: _______________________ Title: ____________________。

Educational Cooperation AgreementThis Educational Cooperation Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Name of Institution A] ("Institution A"), a [describe legal entity, e.g., corporation, foundation] organized and existing under the laws of [Country/State], with a principal address at [Address of Institution A], and [Name of Institution B] ("Institution B"), a [describe legal entity, e.g., corporation, foundation] organized and existing under the laws of [Country/State], with a principal address at [Address of Institution B].1. PurposeThe purpose of this Agreement is to establish a framework for cooperation ("Cooperation") between Institution A and Institution B in the field of education, with the goal of enhancing the quality of education and promoting mutual understanding and friendship between the two countries/regions.2. Scope of Cooperation2.1 Exchange of StudentsInstitution A and Institution B agree to establish a program for the exchange of students ("Student Exchange Program"), pursuant to which students from Institution A will have the opportunity to study at Institution B for a period of [duration], and students from Institution B will have the opportunity to study at Institution A for a period of [duration]. The specific terms and conditions of the Student Exchange Program shall be set forth in an Exchange Agreement to be executed by the Parties hereto in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.2.2 Exchange of Faculty and StaffInstitution A and Institution B agree to establish a program for the exchange of faculty and staff ("Faculty and Staff Exchange Program"), pursuant to which faculty and staff members from Institution A will have the opportunity to visit Institution B for purposes of research, teaching, and/or professional development, and faculty and staff membersfrom Institution B will have the opportunity to visit Institution A for purposes of research, teaching, and/or professional development. The specific terms and conditions of the Faculty and Staff Exchange Program shall be set forth in an Exchange Agreement to be executed by the Parties hereto in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.2.3 Joint Research and Academic ProgramsInstitution A and Institution B agree to cooperate in the area of joint research and academic programs, including but not limited to joint research projects, academic conferences, and workshops. The specific terms and conditions of such cooperation shall be set forth in a separate agreement to be executed by the Parties hereto in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.3. Duration and Termination3.1 DurationThis Agreement shall enter into force on the date hereof and shall remain in effect for a term of [duration], unless earlier terminated in accordance with the terms hereof.3.2 TerminationEither Party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other Party if the other Party fails to perform any material obligation hereunder and such failure remains uncured for a period of [duration] after receipt of written notice thereof from the other Party.4. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution4.1 Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction], without regard to its conflict of laws principles.4.2 Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shallbe resolved by negotiations between the Parties. If negotiations fail to resolve the disputes, either Party may submit the disputes toarbitration in accordance with the rules of the [name of arbitration institution], and the decision of the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding upon the Parties.5. Miscellaneous5.1 Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written, of the Parties.5.2 AmendmentsThis Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written instrument executed by the Parties.5.3 NoticesAll notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given by email, facsimile, or registered mail, postage prepaid, to the addresses set forth above, or to such other address as theParties may from time to time specify by written notice to the other Party.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Educational Cooperation Agreement as of the date first above written.[Signature of Representative of Institution A]Name:Title:[Signature of Representative of Institution B]Name:Title:。

教育合作英文合同范本Education Cooperation ContractThis Education Cooperation Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between:Party A:Name: [Party A's Name]Address: [Party A's Address]Contact Person: [Contact Person's Name]Contact Number: [Contact Number]Party B:Name: [Party B's Name]Address: [Party B's Address]Contact Person: [Contact Person's Name]Contact Number: [Contact Number]Article 1: Cooperation Background and Objectives1.1 Both Party A and Party B recognize the importance and potential of educational cooperation in promoting the development of education and cultivating talents.1.2 The purpose of this cooperation is to jointly carry out educational projects, share educational resources, and improve the quality and effectiveness of education.Article 2: Cooperation Scope and Content2.1 The cooperation shall cover the following areas (but not limited to):Curriculum development and designExchange of teachers and studentsJoint organization of educational events and activitiesSharing of educational facilities and equipmentResearch and development of educational materials2.2 Specific cooperation projects and activities shall be determined through separate agreements or annexes to this Contract.Article 3: Rights and Obligations of Both Parties3.1 Party A's Rights and Obligations:Provide necessary support and resources for the cooperation projects.Ensure the quality and pliance of the educational services provided its side.Participate in the planning and decision-making of the cooperation activities.Protect the intellectual property rights and confidential information related to the cooperation.3.2 Party B's Rights and Obligations:Contribute its expertise and resources to the cooperation.Comply with the relevant regulations and requirements of the cooperation.Communicate and coordinate with Party A in a timely manner to ensure the smooth progress of the cooperation.Respect the rights and interests of Party A and mntn the reputation of the cooperation.Article 4: Intellectual Property Rights4.1 Any intellectual property rights arising from the cooperation projects shall be owned jointly both parties or as otherwise agreed in writing.4.2 Both parties shall take necessary measures to protect the intellectual property rights and shall not use or disclose the intellectual property without the prior written consent of the other party.Article 5: Confidentiality5.1 Both parties undertake to keep confidential all information related to the cooperation that is designated as confidential or that should reasonably be considered confidential.5.2 The confidentiality obligation shall survive the termination of this Contract for a period of [number of years] years.Article 6: Term and Termination of the Contract6.1 This Contract shall be valid for a period of [number of years] years from the date of signing.6.2 Either party may terminate this Contract in the event of a material breach the other party, provided that written notice of termination is given and the breach is not remedied within a reasonable period of time.6.3 Upon the termination of this Contract, both parties shall handle the settlement and aftermath matters in accordance with the provisions of this Contract and relevant laws.Article 7: Dispute Resolution7.1 Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between the parties.7.2 If the negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules of [arbitration institution]. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.Article 8: Miscellaneous Provisions8.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous negotiations, understandings, and agreements.8.2 Any amendments or supplements to this Contract shall be made in writing and signed both parties.8.3 This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Party A (Signature/Seal): ____________________Party B (Signature/Seal): ____________________Date: ____________________。

国际校际合作协议书英文This Agreement on International School Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement") is entered into between [Name of School], located at [School Address], and [Name of Partner School], located at [Partner School Address], collectively referred to as "the Parties".1. Purpose of CooperationThe Parties acknowledge the mutual benefits and objectives of establishing a cooperative relationship and agree to collaborate in the following areas:1.1 Exchange of Students: The Parties intend to promote cultural understanding and knowledge sharing by facilitating the exchange of students for specified periods of time, subject to the regulations and conditions of both schools.1.2 Faculty Exchange: Both schools aim to enhance teaching methodologies and professional development by facilitating faculty exchange programs, which will allow teachers to gain exposure to different teaching practices and techniques.1.3 Curriculum Development: The Parties commit to sharing educational resources and expertise to co-develop and enhance curricula in areas of mutual interest, thereby fostering a high-quality learning environment.1.4 Research Collaboration: The Parties recognize the importance of research in educational development and commit to collaboratively conduct research projects, with a focus on topics that align with their respective academic goals.2. Cooperative Activities2.1 Student Exchange Program:2.1.1 Each year, the Parties will select a determined number of students to participate in an exchange program, whereby students will attend classes at the partner school for a designated period, as agreed upon by both Parties.2.1.2 The hosting school shall provide suitable accommodation and welfare for the visiting students, ensuring their safety and well-being.2.1.3 Both schools shall cooperate in facilitating necessary visa, travel, and insurance arrangements for the participating students. 2.2 Faculty Exchange Program:2.2.1 The Parties may nominate and select teaching staff for short-term faculty exchange visits, which shall be conducted within mutual agreement and based on the needs and availability of both schools.2.2.2 The visiting faculty members shall have the opportunity to engage in teaching activities, observe classes, and participate in professional development programs at the host school.2.3 Curriculum Development:2.3.1 The Parties will establish a joint committee consisting of representatives from both schools to collaboratively review and develop curricula in specific subject areas of mutual interest.2.3.2 The joint committee will meet regularly to exchange ideas, share best practices, and contribute to the improvement of teaching and learning materials.2.4 Research Collaboration:2.4.1 Both schools will identify areas of common research interest and assign faculty members to collaborate on research projects. 2.4.2 The Parties will jointly develop research proposals, seek funding opportunities, and share research findings for the purpose of advancing educational knowledge and promoting academicexcellence.3. Duration and Review3.1 This Agreement shall commence on the date of signing and remain in effect for a period of [XX] years, with automatic renewal unless terminated by either Party in writing with a prior notice period of [XX] months.3.2 The Parties will periodically review the progress and outcomes of the cooperation activities to ensure their relevance and effectiveness.4. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution4.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].4.2 Any disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved amicably through mutual discussions and negotiations between the Parties.4.3 Should any dispute persist, the Parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of [Country] for resolution.5. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property5.1 The Parties will maintain strict confidentiality regarding any confidential information disclosed during the course of cooperation activities.5.2 Any intellectual property rights resulting from collaborative activities shall be jointly owned by the Parties, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.6. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between theParties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter herein.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of the Parties have executed this Agreement on the respective dates as mentioned below.For [Name of School]:_______________________________Authorized RepresentativeDate:For [Name of Partner School]:_______________________________Authorized RepresentativeDate:。

教育合作合约范本EDUCATION COOPERATION CONTRACT TEMPLATEArticle 1: Parties to the ContractThis Education Cooperation Contract (hereinafter referred to as "the Contract") is entered into between Party A [name and details] and Party B [name and details], collectively referred to as "the Parties."Article 2: ObjectiveThe objective of this Contract is to establish a framework for educational cooperation between Party A and Party B, aiming to promote academic exchange, joint research projects, and the development of educational programs. Both Parties agree to collaborate and share resources for mutual benefit.Article 3: Scope of Cooperation3.1 Academic ExchangeBoth Parties shall actively promote and facilitate the exchange of students, faculty, and researchers between their educational institutions. This includes but is not limited to:- Organizing study tours, student exchanges, and internships- Facilitating reciprocal visits by academic staff for research purposes- Encouraging joint seminars, conferences, and workshops on relevant topics3.2 Joint Research ProjectsThe Parties may engage in collaborative research projects of mutual interest. The cooperation may involve sharing research facilities, conducting joint experiments, and publishing joint research papers or articles.3.3 Educational Program DevelopmentParty A and Party B may collectively develop and implement educational programs, courses, or modules. This can include the exchange of curriculum materials, joint curriculum development, and the recognition of credits between their respective educational institutions.Article 4: Responsibilities of the Parties4.1 Party A's Responsibilities- Providing necessary support for the exchange of students, faculty, and researchers, including visa assistance, accommodation arrangements, and logistical support- Encouraging and facilitating the participation of its academic staff and students in joint research projects and educational programs- Cooperating and sharing relevant resources, such as research facilities, libraries, and laboratories4.2 Party B's Responsibilities- Ensuring reciprocal support for the exchange of students, faculty, and researchers, including visa assistance, accommodation arrangements, and logistical support- Collaborating and actively participating in joint research projects and educational programs- Sharing relevant resources, such as research facilities, libraries, and laboratoriesArticle 5: Intellectual Property Rights5.1 Joint Research ProjectsBoth Parties shall negotiate and agree upon the ownership and use of intellectual property rights resulting from joint research projects. Any inventions, discoveries, or other intellectual property created or developed jointly shall be shared and utilized according to mutually agreed terms.5.2 Educational Program MaterialsThe Parties agree that any curriculum materials, course content, or teaching materials developed jointly shall be used solely for the purposes outlined in this Contract. Both Parties shall respect each other's intellectual property rights and seek permission before using or sharing such materials with third parties.Article 6: Duration and Termination6.1 DurationThis Contract shall come into effect on the date of signing by both Parties and remain valid for a period of [duration] unless terminated earlier as stipulated in Article TerminationEither Party may terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the other Party at least [notice period] prior to the intended termination date. Termination shall not relieve the Parties of their contractual obligations already incurred.Article 7: Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved amicably through negotiation and consultation between the Parties.Article 8: AmendmentsAmendments or modifications to this Contract shall be made in writing and require the mutual consent of both Parties.Article 9: ConfidentialityThe Parties shall keep all information, data, and documents obtained during the cooperation under this Contract confidential. Disclosure of such information to any third party without prior written consent is strictly prohibited.Article 10: Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements, or arrangements, whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter hereof.Article 11: Execution of the ContractThis Contract shall be executed in duplicate, with each Party retaining one original copy.Party A: [Name and Signature]Party B: [Name and Signature]Date: [Date of signing]Please note that this is a sample education cooperation contract and should be tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of the parties involved.。

国际教育项目合作协议书Cooperation Agreement协议各方: Parties to this Agreement:甲方:XXYYY双语幼儿园地址:位于XX省XX市YYY路YYY小区邮编:YYYYYY法定代表人:Helen XXXParty A: YYY Golden Sun Bilingual KindergartenAddress: Fengxinglong Residential Block Chunguang Street YYY City, YYYY ProvinceZip: YYYYYYLegal Representative: Helen, YYY乙方:YYYY教育有限公司地址:香港学校兰桂坊YY层法定代表人:Party B: International Quality Education LimitedAddress: YYF Lan Kwai Fong Hong Kong CenterLegal Representative:丙方:YYYYY少儿英文培训学校地址:中国XXXXX路YYY号XXXX层YYY房。
法定代表人:YYYParty C: XX Canadian international educational Co.,LtdAddress: Room YYY 17F East Road East Tower YYY International Business Center Sports Street YYY, ChinaLegal Representative: YYY第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions第一条甲方是一所有办学许可证的学校(办学许可证证号为:YYYYYYY),有在XXXX运营幼儿园的经验,拥有地方资源及办学设施。
Article 1 Party A is a school which has already obtained school running license (school permit No. is: YYYYYYY) from competent authority. Party A has some experience in nursery operation in YYY, and also has some local resources and school facilities. Currently, Party A is running the …YYY Golden Sun Bilingual Kindergarten‟ in YYY, YYYY.第二条乙方是一家香港注册的专业教育公司,已拥有直接或间接建立及运作被认可的高品质大学前国际学校的经验及专业知识,覆盖幼儿园及YY年级。

教育合作英文合同范本This Education Collaboration Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of this ______ day of _______, 20____, and between _________ ("Party A"), a pany organized and existing under the laws of ______, with its registered office at __________, and ___________ ("Party B"), a pany organized and existing under the laws of ______, with its registered office at __________.WHEREAS, Party A is engaged in the business of providing educational services and has expertise in the field of __________;WHEREAS, Party B is engaged in the business of __________ and desires to collaborate with Party A for the purpose of providing __________ services;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contned herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Scope of CollaborationParty A shall provide __________ services to Party B, including but not limited to __________, __________, and __________. Party B shall collaborate with Party A in the development and implementation of __________ programs and activities.2. TermThis Agreement shall mence on the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of ______ years unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.3. Fees and ExpensesIn consideration for the services provided Party A, Party B shall pay to Party A a fee of __________ (__________) (the "Fee"). The Fee shall be pd in accordance with the payment schedule set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. Each party shall be responsible for its own expenses incurred in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.4. ConfidentialityEach party agrees to mntn the confidentiality of all proprietary information disclosed the other party during the term of this Agreement. Neither party shall use such proprietary information for any purpose other than the performance ofits obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the disclosing party.5. Intellectual PropertyAll intellectual property rights in and to the materials and content developed Party A in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement shall remn the sole and exclusive property of Party A. Party B shall have a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use such materials and content solely for the purposes of this Agreement.6. TerminationEither party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party in the event of a material breach the other party that is not cured within______ days after written notice. Upon termination, Party B shall pay to Party A any unpd Fees and expenses incurred up to the date of termination.7. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of ______, without regard to its conflict of laws principles.8. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved arbitration in accordance with the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce. The place of arbitration shall be __________. The language of the arbitration shall be English.9. Amendment and ModificationThis Agreement may be amended or modified only a written instrument executed both parties.10. WverNo flure or delay either party in exercising any right, power, or remedy under this Agreement shall operate as a wver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power, or remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, or remedy.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Party A: _________________________ By: ____________________________ Name:Title:Party B: _________________________ By: ____________________________ Name:Title:Exhibit A Payment Schedule。

和国际学校英语合作协议书Agreement for English Cooperation with International SchoolThis agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement") is made and entered into this [insert date] by and between [Your Institution Name], a [type of institution, e.g., educational institution] located at [Your Institution's Address] (hereinafter referred to as "the Partner"), and [International School Name], an international school located at [International School's Address] (hereinafter referred to as "the School").WHEREAS, the Partner and the School recognize the mutual benefits of collaboration in the field of English language education and cultural exchange; andWHEREAS, the Partner has expertise in [specific area of English language education or related field], and the School seeks to enhance its English language curriculum and provide its students with a global perspective.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the Partner and the School agree as follows:1. Objective: The primary objective of this Agreement is to establish a cooperative relationship that enhances theteaching and learning of English at the School through joint programs, teacher training, and student exchange opportunities.2. Scope of Cooperation: The cooperation will encompass, but is not limited to, the following areas:a. Joint development of English language curriculum.b. Exchange of teaching methodologies and materials.c. Professional development for English language teachers.d. Student exchange programs to foster cultural understanding.3. Commitments:a. The Partner agrees to provide resources, expertise, and support as outlined in the attached schedule of activities.b. The School agrees to facilitate the implementation of the agreed-upon activities and to provide access to its facilities and students as needed.4. Duration: This Agreement shall commence on [insert start date] and continue for a period of [insert duration, e.g., one year], subject to renewal upon mutual agreement.5. Financial Arrangements: Each party shall bear its own costs associated with the execution of this Agreement, unless otherwise specified in a supplementary document agreed upon by both parties.6. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep confidential any proprietary information shared during the course of this Agreement.7. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from this Agreement shall be resolved through good faith negotiations between the parties. Should negotiations fail, disputes may be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [insert arbitration institution].8. Amendments: This Agreement may be amended only in writing and with the consent of both parties.9. Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [insert notice period, e.g., 30 days] written notice to the other party.10. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Partner and the School have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Your Institution Name]By: ___________________________ [Title of Signatory][International School Name]By: ___________________________ [Title of Signatory]。

全面教育合作与发展协议书(样本)英文版Comprehensive Education Cooperation and Development Agreement (Sample)This document serves as a template for establishing a comprehensive education cooperation and development agreement between parties involved in the field of education. The purpose of this agreement is to promote collaboration, innovation, and mutual growth in the education sector.Parties InvolvedThe agreement is between [Name of Organization 1], represented by [Name and Title of Representative], and [Name of Organization 2], represented by [Name and Title of Representative].Objectives1. To enhance educational opportunities for students through joint programs and initiatives.2. To promote research and development in education through shared resources and expertise.3. To foster cultural exchange and understanding through student and faculty exchange programs.4. To establish a framework for ongoing collaboration and communication between the parties.Terms of Agreement1. Duration: This agreement shall be valid for a period of [Number of Years], starting from the date of signing.2. Responsibilities: Each party shall be responsible for fulfilling their agreed-upon obligations as outlined in the agreement.3. Financial Arrangements: Financial contributions and responsibilities shall be outlined in a separate financial agreement.4. Intellectual Property: Any intellectual property created as a result of collaboration under this agreement shall be jointly owned by the parties.5. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved through amicable negotiations between the parties.SignaturesThis agreement is hereby entered into by the undersigned representatives of the parties on [Date of Signing].[Signature of Representative 1] [Date][Name and Title of Representative 1][Organization 1][Signature of Representative 2] [Date][Name and Title of Representative 2][Organization 2]。

---COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM AGREEMENTThis Cooperative Educational Program Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between the following parties:[Name of Party 1] (hereinafter referred to as "Party 1"), a [Type of Organization] established under the laws of [Country/State], with its principal place of business at [Address],[Name of Party 2] (hereinafter referred to as "Party 2"), a [Type of Organization] established under the laws of [Country/State], with its principal place of business at [Address],(collectively referred to as the "Parties").RECITALSWHEREAS, Party 1 and Party 2 desire to establish a cooperative educational program (the "Program") that will provide students with an opportunity to pursue a [Degree/Program Name] through a combination of courses offered by both parties;WHEREAS, Party 1 and Party 2 believe that such a Program will benefit the students, faculty, and institutions involved;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows:1. Purpose of the ProgramThe purpose of this Agreement is to establish the terms and conditions for the cooperative educational program described herein, which will enable students to earn a [Degree/Program Name] by completing courses at both Party 1 and Party 2.2. Program Structure2.1 The Program will consist of a series of courses that are offered by both Party 1 and Party 2.2.2 The Program will be open to students who are admitted to both institutions.2.3 The Program will be governed by the academic policies of both institutions.3. Academic Requirements3.1 Students enrolled in the Program will be required to complete a minimum of [Number] courses at each institution.3.2 The courses offered by Party 1 and Party 2 will be equivalent in content and credit hours.3.3 Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress in the Program to remain eligible for the cooperative educational experience.4. Student Admissions4.1 The Parties will work together to develop and implement a joint admissions process for the Program.4.2 Students will be admitted to the Program based on the admissions criteria of both institutions.4.3 The Parties will ensure that the admissions process is fair and transparent.5. Intellectual Property5.1 All intellectual property rights related to the Program, including course materials, research, and any other intellectual property created by students, faculty, or staff, shall be owned by the respective parties in accordance with applicable laws.5.2 The Parties agree to provide appropriate acknowledgment and attribution for any intellectual property that is created as part of the Program.6. Financial Matters6.1 The Parties will bear the costs associated with the Program in accordance with their respective budgets and policies.6.2 The Parties will establish a mechanism for sharing any revenues generated by the Program.6.3 The Parties will maintain accurate records of all financial transactions related to the Program.7. Term and Termination7.1 This Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of [Number] years from the date of its execution, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.7.2 Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon [Number] months' written notice to the other Party.7.3 Upon termination of this Agreement, the Parties shall take all necessary steps to ensure the orderly winding up of the Program.8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution8.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/State].8.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through。

COOPERATION AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION签署日期: The date of甲方:中国某大学Party A: A China University (China)地址:Address乙方:美国某大学Party B: US University (United States)地址:124 Street, New York, WV 26426经友好协商,甲、乙双方就国际教育合作事宜达成以下协议。
Through friendly negotiations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on issues of international education cooperation.一、合作双方The Two Parties甲方是中国教育部直属211工程大学,是具有自主办学资质的高等教育机构,可与外国教育机构合作,开展教师交流、学生交换和留学预科教育和中外合作办学等国际教育交流合作。
As one of 211 Project universities directly subordinated to the Ministry of Educationof P.R.China , Party A is a higher educational institution having the qualification of running a school independently. The international education exchange and cooperation can cover such areas as cooperation with foreign educational institutions, teacher exchange, student exchange and programs of preparatory courses as well as running a school with foreign counterparts.USA University, institution of higher learning in the United States, is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. As a regular university of U.S.A, its academic credentials have also been admitted by the Chinese Ministry of Education.二、合作目的与宗旨Purpose & Aim甲乙双方以互惠、互信、互利为原则,发挥各自的资源优势进行合作,以取得良好的经济和社会效益,提升各自的社会影响力。
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COOPERATION EDUCATIONAL AGREEMENTThis contact is entered on ________________________ (month/year) by and between, Party A. Name of university (college)AddressFax/ TelParty B. Name of University (College)Addressa university organized and existing un der existing under the laws of people’s Republic of China and ______________________.Fax/ TelThrough condial negotiations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreements on cooperative education on the principles of volunteering, equality, openness and justice.I. Cooperation contentIn order to conclude the contents below regarding the cooperation following negotiations between the two parties:1.Party A will send their qualified students from Party A who will study as non-degree exchange students at Party B for ________________________ (ESL/Summer camp/ Winter camp/ Non-academic educational undergraduateprofessional courses/ Academic educational undergraduate professional courses)2.Party B will admit students nominated by Party A in accordance to the non-degree admission criteria of Party B and will divide students into classes based upon their course.3.This cooperative contract will come into effect on the date when it is signed bythe two parties and is valid from ________ until ___________.This agreement shall be for a period of ______ years from the date of execution unlessterminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this contract.II. Responsibilities, Rights and Obligations1.Party A‘s responsibilities, rights and oblig ations,a.On behalf of Party B, Party A is responsible to send qualified students,guaranteeing the students have the ability to study at Party B and thestudents hold a legal passport and valid entry visa.b.Party A will inform the students about their educational course for____________, and properly explain about the __________status of thecourses, which would mean that these courses will/will not be counted fordegree credits.c.Students Must be properly informed students about the fact that they will notbe able to continue the study of _____________for any reason beyond what they declared prior.d.____________students will not be allowed to change their programs ordiscontinue the study for any reason except for genuine medical grounds or unforeseen reasons beyond the control of the individual student. Any suchstudents will produce documents as evidence duly endorsed by Party B.2.Party B‘s responsibilities, rights and obligations,a.Party B will admit students nominated by Party A, and will inform studentsand Party A about the admissions decisions. Party B will properly explainthe relevant laws of their country and stipulate students registrationinformation. In the case, if there is a student who has a longer learningperiod than a valid visa, Party B shall take the responsibility to assist thestudent with his/her visa.b.A fter the completion of the prescribed courses and passing the examinations,Party B shall submit the academic performance of each admitted andregistered student to Party A, which will then be an official transcript and a study certificate.c.Party B shall bring admitted students into their registration and daily teachingsystem.d.P arty B ensures that it will organize the conformity teaching activities withthe requirements of Party A. When unpredictable circumstances such aspolitical policy, natural disasters war or other uncontrollable factors whoseoccurrence and consequences cannot be prevented, and which leads to asituation in which the agreement cannot be carry out or be implemented asplanned, Party B has the responsibility to notify Party A without delayand provide details and valid supporting documents. For students whoviolate school regulations, perform illegal activities, will be punishedaccording to school discipline and legal rule processing; violates laws ofthe country, will be negotiated between the two countries and decidedaccordingly.III. Tuition fee1.Party B will charge the admitted students fee as following,a.Each term has __________students, the duration of learning session will be_______ weeks, the tuition fee of each student is _______________,general fees is _____________, accommodation fee is ___________.b.G eneral fees are included _____________________________________2.The fees shall be paid in (currency) _________, (cash/cheque/draft)__________, (time) _________, pay in the Party B’ Finance Department.3.After payment is completed, Party B will issue a formal receipt to the studentsof Party A.4.Daily expenses and other costs incurred shall be paid by the studentsthemselves.rge changes in exchange rate caused by political instability, war, naturaldisasters and other uncontrollable factors, shall be settled by both partiesthrough consultation and negotiation.IV. Quality Control in Teaching1.The students of Party A who will receive courses, other teaching and practiceactivities which are offered by Party B, shall be covered by a writtensupplemental agreement reached between both parties through negotiation. The supplemental agreement has the same legal effect as this agreement.2.Party B shall ensure that all of their teaching staffs hold the teachingqualifications, and that the teaching quality is according to the teachingrequirement.3.Party B must conform to the administrative provisions, administering theteaching quality monitoring of the daily classes, ensuring that teachers listen to and accept students' positive or constructive feedbacks.4.After students of Party A finish their education, Party A and Party B shallexchange their views about the teaching results, all the aspects of the program development and other relevant issues in oral or writing way.V. Articles of Agreement (Cooperation Term)1.The agreement shall come into effect after being signed by both parties, and itshall last for ____________ from the signed date. During implementation ofthe agreement, if any Party’s improper conduct breaches the agreement andthere is further other agreement that show this cooperative agreement shall be terminated. Either party shall have the right to suggest terminating theagreement.2.If both parties consider it necessary to continue the cooperation throughnegotiation orally or in writing, then an official written agreement andsupplemental agreement of extension shall be signed 90 days before theexpiration.3.In the process of implementing the agreement and supplemental agreement,notification of important matters by the two parties shall be based upon theproper consultation. Neither Party has the right to change the content or violate the legal rights of the agreement. It shall be regarded as a breach if either party change the content of the agreement or cannot implement the agreement and perform its duties or responsibilities in accordance with the time, manner and requirements stipulated. The other party will terminate the agreement and the party which is responsible for the violation will be penalized by RMB _______.4.Either party may terminate this Contract, by giving a __________ day(s) priorwritten notice to the other party. However, during the time Party A’ s students are studying at Party B, the agreement shall not be subject to unilateraltermination by either party.5.Other matters related to this agreement shall be dealt with through negotiationby the two parties.6.The two parties shall have the right to use the outreach program, session of theproject, name of the program participants, for the purposes of promoting the academic exchanges and benefit its enrollment.7.Both Parties Must maintain the confidentiality of the confidential informationsuch as tuition fees and course plan. They may not disclose any such relevant information to any person or any third party, except to its employees oremployees of Affiliates, and other advisors who need to know such information to perform their responsibilities. In case of a violation by either party who may divulge the relevant information the must indemnify the other party’ loss and the damage resulting, and they will be penalized by RMB ________.8.The validity, interpretation and implementation of this agreement andsupplemental agreement have the same legal effect and shall be governed by the laws of __________ , in accordance with the __________ legalinterpretation. After the two parties sign, the agreement, the signatory whorepresents the University shall recognize the agreement and supplementalagreement. The two parties shall perform all obligations as specified by the agreement and according to legal provisions.9.This agreement is drawn up in both the Chinese and the English languages inquadruplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one copy respectively and each copy has an equal legal effect. Any dispute in the explanation of the agreement shall be recognized first in the ____________ language.。