派克比例阀参数-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分:派克比例阀是一种常用的工业控制阀,用于调节液体或气体流量。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容如下:文章结构是指整篇文章的组织方式和内容的排列顺序。
5 . 1 × 4 1 M
55 124
YHCO 邵阳维克液压
单 向阀
单 向阀 在液 压系 统中 ,使 油液 以一 定的 开启 压力 在某 个方 向自 由通 过 , 而反 向不 允许 通 过 。 单向阀分直通与直角两种形式。
公称压力公称流量开启压力 重量
MPa DIF- L10H ※ DIF- L20H ※ DIF- L32H ※ DF- L10H ※ DF- B10H ※ DF- L20H ※ DF- B20H ※ DF- L32H ※ DF- B32H ※ 31.5 31.5
M14 ×1. 5
YHCO 邵阳维克液压
φ 50
d1 F K
x a m H T P
G φD
A 71 81 106
B 97 112 140
C 51 49 66.5
L 15 17 20
F 27 31 46
H 20 14 18 204 272 282
LF 型 节 流 阀 KF 型 压 力 表 开 关 DF 型 单 向 阀 DFY 型 液 控 单 向 阀
电磁 换向阀 湿式 电磁换 向阀
1 5 6 9 13 19 23 24 30 34 36 39 41 43 46 49 52 55 57 62 67 76 80 86 96 118 121 128 130 132 136
kg 0.6
压 力 表 开 关
国电联合动力技术有限公司3MW风机液压系统使用说明书Engineering Document Doc No.: PHBJ-IM-10052-A0-0-SH1. 范围本操作说明书适用于国电联合动力技术有限公司3MW风机液压系统使用说明书(以下简称系统); 本操作说明书规定了系统的使用方法,常规保养和常见故障的处理方法。
2. 系统简介本系统主要用于3MW风机的转子刹车,偏航刹车和主轴插销控制。
2.1 系统组成本系统由液压动力站总成和管道组成。
2.2 主要工作参数:2.2.1 主齿轮泵: PGP502A0012CH1H1NE3E2B1B1 (1.2ml/r)最大工作压力: 25 MPa数量: 1台辅应急手动泵: HP10-21A-O-N-B(10.6ml/stroke)2.2.2 电动机电机型号: MS802-4-B14-400/50-IP55输出功率: 0.75 KW转速: 1500 rpm数量: 1台2.2.3 电加热器型号: SK7787-220-170功率: 170W 220VAC 50Hz数量: 1 台2.2.5 供电要求电动机为:三相 AC400V, 50Hz电加热器: 单相 AC220V, 50Hz控制电源和电磁铁电源为: DC24V2.2.6 油箱容积有效容积为12L,最大容积为15L。
2.2.7 液压工作液Mobil SHC 524油液清洁度应保持在NAS 8级(ISO 17/14),最低不能超过NAS9级( ISO 18/15),油液含水量不超过0.1%。
2.3 外形及安装说明外形, 外接管路及地脚螺钉尺寸见所附外形图3. 工况说明:系统液压回路及相关的技术参数见液压系统原理图和附件样本。
系统由电机泵组(6,7,8)提供动力, 系统压力由溢流阀(13.1)调整至170bar,蓄能器(22,23)提供应急动力源, 压力传感器(19.3)监控主系统压力, 压力传感器(19.2)监控偏航刹车压力, 压力传感器(19.1)监控主轴刹车压力,节流阀(24)平时处于关断状态, 在泵卸荷时才需要开启.3.1 转子制动回路转子制动器系统用来停止转子。
派克汉尼汾是全球运动和控制技术行业的领导 者。派克在 1200 个工业和航空航天市场上,提供 800 多个液压、气动和机电产品系列。派克在全球拥有 50000 多名员工、210 个制造工厂和办公点,以能够给 客户提供卓越的技术和一流的服务而著称。
上时,推荐使用杆端方式 8。
杆端方式 9 当需要使用杆端内螺纹进行连接时,使用该
杆端方式 3 方式 3 为非标的杆端方式的代号。订购时,
请附上杆端的图纸或文字说明,并须指明 KK 和 A 的尺寸。
杆端方式 7 方式 7 仅适用于活塞杆端装配带球面轴承的
的速度——见第 B35 页。缸头端的缓冲是自动对中 的,而表面抛光的缸盖端缓冲则是活塞杆的一部 分。
双唇防尘圈起第二道密封作用,能够把多余的润 滑油膜密封在防尘圈与唇形密封件之间的容腔内。其 外唇防止脏物进入缸内,从而延长了 Gland 和密封件 的使用寿命。
8 浮动的缓冲衬套和套筒 缸头端采用浮动的缓冲套筒,缸盖端则采用浮
1 除 1"-14 的螺纹按 UNS 标准外,其余螺纹按 UNF 标准。 2 方式 7 仅适用于杆端装配带球面轴承的耳环附件的场合,
见第 B29 页。
样本 HY07-1110/CN 贮存、安装和重量
拉杆缸 2H 系列
2. 若液压缸的工作环境中存在可快速干燥的化 学制品、油漆、焊接飞溅物等,或者处于其他 具有危害性的环境中,如过高的温度,则必须 加装防护罩,以防止对液压缸的活塞杆和杆密 封件造成损害。
本公司的密封件,只能在本公司的文件资料述及的应用参数范围与接触介质、压力、温度和 存放时间相一致的情况下才能使用。 在规定的应用参数范围外使用以及错误选用不同的材料都可能导致密封件寿命的缩短以及设 备的损坏,甚至更严重的后果(如生命安全,环境污染等)。 本公司出版印刷的资料和数据集数十年制造和应用密封件之经验。尽管如此,在密封件实际 应用中出现的各种未知因素可能会极大地影响本资料的全面使用,故样本中提出的各种建议 仅供参考。客户必须分析您的具体应用,确认相关产品和系统,并承担一切责任。派克汉尼 汾公司虽尽力但仍不能保证本样本资料的准确性和完整性,因此用户要承担信任本资料的风 险。 本公司保留设计修改而不预先通知的权利。该版本替代所有以前的样本。 样品是从实验模具制得的。但是以后的系列产品可以采用与样品生产不同的生产技术,除非 事先达成特殊协议。 本公司所有产品的模具使用年限为7年,因此产品交付保证可能受此影响。
• • 3 RodSeals 16
1,0 -30/+80
1,0 -30/+80 AG A• G•• ...•..........-..........1.,.0.......-.3.5../+..1..1.0............... 22 (bar) m/s C E8 • �AG A•.H........................................S...t.a...n...g..e...n...d...i.c..h...t.u...n...g..e...n... ..2.5............ 5 6)...161 ,0 -30/+80
液压OrderingContent样本号 HY11-3245/CP PV系列轴向柱塞式变量液压泵目录PV016-PV360派克汉尼汾液压系统 (上海) 有限公司目录页次概述 4 技术参数 5 订货代号 6 PV016-028 6 PV032-046 8 PV063-092 10 PV140-180 12 PV270 14 PV360 16 压力补偿(恒压) 变量控制器 18 标准型压力补偿变量控制器 18 遥控型压力补偿变量控制器 20 负载传感变量控制器 22 负载传感变量控制器 22 双阀芯负载传感变量控制器 24 恒功率/扭矩变量控制器 26带压力补偿变量的恒功率/扭矩变量控制器 26 带负载传感变量的恒功率变量控制器 28 典型恒功率/扭矩变量泵特性曲线 30 电液p/Q控制器 32效率与壳体泄漏量 34 PV360泵性能曲线及壳体泄漏量 39压力补偿变量先导控制附件 40压力补偿变量先导控制附件 40 PVACRE* 电磁比例先导压力阀 42 安装尺寸 44 PV016-028 44 PV032-046 46 PV063-092 48 PV140-180 50 PV270 52 PV360 54 变量控制器安装尺寸 56 PQDXXA电子控制模块 60 通轴驱动 61 通轴驱动,安装组件 61 通轴驱动,安装法兰负荷限制 62 PV360传动轴选项 64样本号 HY11-3245/CPPV 系列轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 概述PV016-PV360派克汉尼汾液压系统 (上海) 有限公司一般说明技术特征:• 低噪声:经FEM 优化的坚固泵体结构,及预压缩容腔的设置,有效地降低了噪声等级 • 工作运行友善• 大变量控制活塞,强复位弹簧,响应快 • 自吸转速高 • 结构紧凑• 100%公称扭矩的通轴驱动结构简介 本型液压泵为开式回路用带通轴驱动的斜盘型轴向柱塞式液压泵,可单泵及多泵组合使用。
液压工作液 推荐使用优质的矿物油基液压油,如:符合标准DIN 51524第2部分规定的HLP 油液。
派克Parker流体连接件中国区产品手册 上
![派克Parker流体连接件中国区产品手册 上](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/45c5894cb307e87101f696e8.png)
除了传统的课堂培训,派克还提 供在线培训。这些培训包括:
• P-TAC: 派克在线培训和认 证项目可以使您成 为流体连接件产品 的专家。
• 安全学习: 3个20分钟的互动模 块能够帮助员工在进 行相关操作时,学习、理解并且 遵循安全操作的指引
派克培训中心可为您提供系列培 训课程,这些课程均由具有派克 资质认可的培训师授课,并且为 参加学生提供必要学习材料,并 颁发课程证书。
航空航天 环境控制 机电 过滤 流体与气体处理 液压 气动 过程控制 密封与屏蔽
派克汉尼汾是全球领先的运动控制技术及系统的多元化制造商,年销售额超过 100亿美元。我们为商用车辆、行走液压、工业液压和航空航天等行业提供了包 括流体处理、过滤、密封和屏蔽、环境控制、过程控制及航空航天等精准技术 解决方案,我们的产品应用于运动控制领域的各个市场。我们实施多元化、价 值驱动的发展战略,并且很好地定位于全世界每个角落的发展。派克汉尼汾在 美国纽约证券交易所上市代码是“PH”。
1. 在软管上标记出插入深 度并插管
2. 选择合适的模具和扣压
3. 将软管和接头放置到
派克青岛工厂可生产多种编织管和缠绕管, 这些软管与派克Parkrimp扣压设备相配套, 为客户提供更经济、更可靠的软管总成。
在派克,我们相信,最好的软管,就是能确保您的工作正确 并正常进行的那个。因此,我们为您提供了全系列可供不同 应用的软管。
修理或更换供油泵 校验电机的转速(也可见液压图中的说 明) 安装空气滤清器 重新加油。当设备到极限换油的油位时: 只能补充至最大和最小油位之间
优化设计 将回油管路布设在液面以下
用正确的液压油进行替换,也可以与设备 的供应商进行磋商 更换密封圈
更换软管 设备排气
电气连接 使用的电流形式和电压正确吗? z 电机 检查可使用的电压与电机型号标牌是否一致。 z 电磁铁 电流形式(交流或直流)和电压对吗?检查元件的参数标 牌。
当为电控阀时,方向的选择直接由电控系统来完成。 注意:在电磁阀上的应急手动控制装置只能用相应的工具 来操纵。 z 比例阀 最初只能给比例-压力、流量和换向阀加小一些的电信号给 定值。 z 蓄能器 如果在设备中装有蓄能器的话,那么必须对其充气压力是 否正确进行校验或对其进行充气。因此,需要相应的检测 和充气装置。 注意:原则上讲,出于安全的原因,蓄能器只能被充入氮 气。在液压回路图中应在工作压力上对调整的充气压力进 行说明。 一般为: 充气压力=最低的工作压力 × 0.9 检查或充气之后通过截止阀将蓄能器与系统接通。
安全技术说明 液压设备是这样设计和制造的,就是当可能发生故障时, 操作人员不能受到伤害。它的前提条件是:各种不同类型 的泵和元件必须在其允许的工作压力范围内进行工作。对 设备和电气控制系统可能造成的损害必须被限制在最小的 范围之内。 液压蓄能器原则上只能用氮气进行充气。液压蓄能器的检 测证明和安全阀应一同供货并且应单独保管。如果需要的 话,这些应提交给安全委托方。不能拆卸安全阀上的铅 封。请注意提示牌。 蓄能器的压力-升-乘积 < 200时,必须由专业人员来验收; 当 > 200时,必须由权威专家(TUV)来验收。 相对于本说明来讲,应首先遵循按照蓄能器供应商所提供 的详细的安装调试说明。 注意:大于1升额定容积的液压蓄能器在运输时只能预先充 入最大10 bar的压力。 对压力容器进行事后的焊接只能由专业人员在其职责范围 内进行。操作前应排油并打开容器盖。 根据设备放置的地点,必须制定详细的措施,例如:在水 源保护区必须设置油池或在高火灾危险区使用不易燃的油 液。
技术参数 概况
结构形式 公称尺寸 接口 安装位置 环境温度 重量:单电磁铁阀 双电磁铁阀 紧固螺栓 滑阀式换向阀 DIN NG6 / CETOP 03 / NFPA D03 DIN 24340 A6 / ISO 4401 / CETOP RP 121-H / NFPA D03 任意,优先考虑水平位置 -25°C...+50°C 1.5 kg 2.1 kg 4 个 DIN 912 M5x30-12.9; 扭矩 8.1 Nm ± 10%; 订货代号 BK 375 液压油依照 DIN 51524 / 51525 标准 -25°C至 + 70°C 2.8 至 400 mm2/s (2.8 至 400 cSt) 350 bar 标准的: 105 bar 代号 H: 210 bar 每个控制边至 10 ml/min 取决于阀芯 80 l/min NAS 1638 7-9级, 达到 β10 > 75 100% ED; 注意: 线圈温度可到150OC IP 65 DIN 40050 标准(在插和装情况下) 吸持 代号 功率 30 W 30 W 8W 30 W 30 W 64 VA / 59 VA 68 VA / 62 VA 直流 32 ms / 40 ms 15.000 次/小时 插头依照 DIN 43650 标准, 可选择 AF/PG11结构的插座, 带引线的接线盒 , 也可选择插入式插头 插头 M12x1 (仅用于 8 W) 电流 2.5 A 1.25 A 0.33A 0.31 A 0.15 A 0.58 A / 0.49 A 0.31 A / 0.26 A 功率 231 VA / 240 VA 231 VA / 240 VA
代号 无 5
说明 标准的阀 不带附件 在接线盒里的指示灯 和接线端子 在接线盒里的插入 式插头外壳 3- 针= 单个电磁铁 5- 针= 双电磁铁 A 端终点位置监控 B 端终点位置监控 选择 5 和6 组合 在一起 A 端初始位置监控
液压注意 – 用户方责任 错误或不当地选择或使用本样本或有关资料阐述的产品,可能会导致人生伤亡及财产损失! 本样本以及其它由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司、销售公司与授权分销商所提供的资料,仅供用户专业技术人员在对产品和系统的选型进行深入调查考证时参考。
目录目录页次概述 1 订货代号 2 技术参数 4 变量控制器 5 控制选项 “C”, 压力限定(恒压)变量控制器 5 控制选项 “L”, 负载传感及压力限定变量控制器 6 控制选项 “AM”, 带遥控口的标准型先导式压力限定变量控制器 7 控制选项 “AN”, 带ISO 4401 NG06先导阀安装界面的先导式压力限定变量控制器 8 控制选项 “AE”及“AF”, 带电磁比例调节的先导式压力限定变量控制器 9 控制选项 “AMT”, “ALT”及“LOT”, 带最高压力限定的扭矩限定(恒功率)变量控制器 10 P1性能特性 11典型流量特性 11 典型总效率特性 13 典型轴输入功率特性 15 典型噪声特性 18 典型轴承寿命 20 PD性能特性 22典型流量特性 22 典型总效率特性 24 典型轴输入功率特性 26 典型噪声特性 29 典型轴承寿命 31 安装尺寸 33 P1/PD 018 33 P1/PD 028 36 P1/PD 045 40 P1/PD 060 44 P1/PD 075 49 P1/PD 100 54 P1/PD 140 59 变量控制器安装尺寸 65 可提供的扩展的液压产品 75派克汉尼汾备记派克汉尼汾概述简介, 优点派克汉尼汾简介 • 开式回路用轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 • 中压,连续工作压力280 bar • 高驱动转速型,适用于行走机械; 低噪声型,适用于工业应用 • 静音及高效的控制效能 优点 • 总结构尺寸紧凑 • 低噪声• 流量脉动小,进一步降低噪声• 采用弹性密封,不使用密封垫,从而避免外泄漏的产生• 总效率高,功耗小,减小发热• 采用带无泄漏调节装的简单变量控制器 • 符合SAE 及ISO 标准的安装法兰及油口 • 采用圆锥滚柱轴承,使用寿命长 • 全功率后驱动能力• 后部或侧面油口配置可选• 泄油口的配置对水平安装及驱动轴向上垂直安装均适用• 带有最大及最小排量调节选项 • 具有壳体至吸口单向阀选项,可延长轴封寿命 • 使用、维修方便 脉动容腔技术下列图表所示为侧向油口配置P1/PD 18, 28及45泵采用 “脉动容腔” 技术的效果,脉动容腔可降低泵出口处的压力脉动幅值40-60%,这样,无需增加成本来加装噪声缓冲元件,便可大大降低液压系统的整体噪声,P1系列 PD 系列出口压力p / bar平均压力脉动 / b a rP1 045出口压力脉动2600 rpm 无脉动容腔2600 rpm 带脉动容腔订货代号18 ml, 28 ml, 45ml派克汉尼汾P 类型 01 驱动轴 转向R 5密封材料E 油口配置0 壳体-吸口 单向阀 0 排量调节 018 排量 S 安装法兰 及油口 S 轴封 M 应用范围A 设计系列0 通轴驱动选项 C0控制选项0附加控制选项 00油漆 00修改代号系列 P D * 仅适用于045排量, “S”型安装法兰及油口00 标准型, 无修改M2 按要求修改 代号修改代号 * 适用于028及045排量 ** 仅适用于045排量 代号设计系列 A 现行设计系列5 氟碳橡胶 (FPM) 代号密封材料 A 82-2 SAE A M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 3/8” 101-2 SAE B M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” 101-2SAE B M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”B ISO M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”,3/8”ISO M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”代号 018排量 028排量 045排量 安装法兰及油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装法兰螺纹油口法兰 油口辅助 油口 S 82-2 SAE A SAE 16/12 SAE 4/6 101-2 SAE B SAE 20/12 SAE 4/8 101-2SAE B SAE 24/16Ø38/2561系列SAE 4/10M ISO M33x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M16x1.5 ISO M42x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M22x1.5 ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25M12x1.5M22x1.5代号 018驱动轴 028驱动轴 045驱动轴 01 SAE A 11T 花键SAE B-B 15T 花键 SAE B-B 15T 花键02 SAE 19-1平键Ø0.75” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” 08— SAE B 13T 花键 SAE B 13T 花键 04 ISO/DIN 平键, Ø20ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25 06 SAE A 9T 花键— — PD 工业液压用 代号 系列P1 行走机械用 代号 排量 018 18 ml/rev (1.10 in 3/rev) 028 28 ml/rev (1.71 in 3/rev) 045 45 ml/rev (2.75 in 3/rev) 代号 类型 P 开式回路用变量柱塞泵 U*通用 代号应用范围 S 工业液压 (PD) M 行走机械 (P1) R 顺时针 (右转)L 逆时针 (左转)代号 转向 代号 轴封 S 单唇轴封 * 并不具有控制功能,仅在运输时予以防护,详情见第7页的控制说明。
Catalog HY15-3502/USLogic Elements ContentsParker Hannifin CorporationSERIES CAVITY DESCRIPTION FLOW PRESSURE PAGE NO.LPM/GPM BAR/PSIPOPPET TYPE10SLC1-A.........C10-3S........Normally Closed, Pilot to Close.......................57/15......240/3500......................LE7 16SLC1-A.........C16-3S........Normally Closed, Pilot to Close.....................189/50......240/3500......................LE8 20SLC1-A.........C20-3S........Normally Closed, Pilot to Close.....................303/80......240/3500......................LE916SLC1-C.........C16-3S........Normally Closed, Vent to Open.....................189/50......240/3500....................LE10SPOOL TYPE10SLC2-A.........C10-3S........Normally Closed, Pilot to Close.......................57/15......240/3500....................LE11 16SLC2-A.........C16-3S........Normally Closed, Pilot to Close.....................189/50......240/3500....................LE12 20SLC2-A.........C20-3S........Normally Closed, Pilot to Close.....................303/80......240/3500....................LE13R04E3...............C10-3S........Normally Closed, Pilot to Close.....................170/45......420/6000....................LE14 R06E3...............C16-3S........Normally Closed, Pilot to Close..................400/106......420/6000....................LE15 R08E3...............C20-3S........Normally Closed, Pilot to Close..................500/132......420/6000....................LE1610SLC2-B.........C10-3S........Normally Closed, Vent to Open.......................57/15......240/3500....................LE17 16SLC2-B.........C16-3S........Normally Closed, Vent to Open.....................189/50......240/3500....................LE18 20SLC2-B.........C20-3S........Normally Closed, Vent to Open.....................303/80......240/3500....................LE19R04F3...............C10-3S........Normally Closed, Vent to Open.....................170/45......420/6000....................LE20 R06F3...............C16-3S........Normally Closed, Vent to Open..................400/106......420/6000....................LE21 R08F3...............C20-3S........Normally Closed, Vent to Open..................500/132......420/6000....................LE2210SLC3-A.........C10-3S........Normally Open, Vent to Close.........................57/15......240/3500....................LE23 16SLC3-A.........C16-3S........Normally Open, Vent to Close.......................189/50......240/3500....................LE24R04H3..............C10-3S........Normally Open, Vent to Close.........................57/15......420/6000....................LE25 R06H3..............C16-3S........Normally Open, Vent to Close.......................160/42......420/6000....................LE2610SLC3-B.........C10-3S........Normally Open, Vent to Close.........................57/15......240/3500....................LE27 16SLC3-B.........C16-3S........Normally Open, Vent to Close.......................189/50......240/3500....................LE28R04G3..............C10-3S........Normally Open, Vent to Close.........................57/15......420/6000....................LE29 R06G3..............C16-3S........Normally Open, Vent to Close.......................160/42......420/6000....................LE30LE1Logic ElementsCatalog HY15-3502/USTechnical TipsParker Hannifin CorporationCatalog HY15-3502/USLogic Elements Technical TipsParker Hannifin CorporationLE2LE3Logic ElementsCatalog HY15-3502/USTechnical TipsParker Hannifin CorporationCatalog HY15-3502/USLogic Elements Technical TipsParker Hannifin CorporationLE4LE5Logic ElementsCatalog HY15-3502/USTechnical TipsParker Hannifin CorporationDIRECTIONAL CONTROL EXAMPLESTHREE-WAY BRIDGE CIRCUITS Circuit 1, with **SLC1A poppet logic element.Circuit 2, with **SLC2A/R0*E3spool logic element.Circuit 3, with **SLC2A/R0*E3spool logic element.NOTE: Pilot pressure must exceed load pressure in order for valve to close.FOUR-WAY BRIDGE CIRCUITSCircuit 1, with **SLC1A poppet logic elements.Circuit 2, with **SLC2A/R0*E3 spool logic elements.Required Flow PathPilot Pressure Applied To PA PB 123Available From CircuitNONOXXYESNO X X XRequired Flow PathPilot Pressure Applied To PA PB 123Available From CircuitNOYESXXNO YES X XPilot Pressure Applied To P1P2P3P4P5Required Flow PathPilot Pressure Applied To P1P2P3P4P5Required Flow PathPilot Pressure Applied To P1P2P3P4P5Required Flow PathYES YES YES YES YESNO NO NO NO NOYES YESNO NO NONONO YES YES NOYES YES YES YESNOYESNONOYES YESNO YES YES NO YESYES YES NO YES YESNO YES YES YES YESNO YES NO YES YESYESNOYESNOYESYES YES YES NO YESYES NO YES YES YESP APBBACBAP APB CPB BP A ACABC ABCABC ABCPP5TP1P2A P3BP4P2A P1PP5TP4BP3ABP T ABPTABP T ABPTABP T ABP T ABP T ABP T ABP T ABPTABP T ABP T ABP T NOTE: Pilot pressure must exceed load pressure in order for valve to close.Catalog HY15-3502/USLogic Elements Technical TipsParker Hannifin CorporationLE6LE7Catalog HY15-3502/USPoppet Type Logic Valve Series 10SLC1-AParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical Information(3)Poppet Type Logic ValveSeries 16SLC1-A Catalog HY15-3502/USParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical Information(3)(2)LE8LE9Catalog HY15-3502/USPoppet Type Logic Valve Series 20SLC1-AParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical Information(1)(3)(2)Poppet Type Logic ValveSeries 16SLC1-C Catalog HY15-3502/USParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical Information(3)(2)LE10LE11Catalog HY15-3502/USSpool Type Logic Valve Series 10SLC2-AParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical InformationSpool Type Logic ValveSeries 16SLC2-A Catalog HY15-3502/USParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical Information(1)(3) (2)LE12LE13Catalog HY15-3502/USSpool Type Logic Valve Series 20SLC2-AParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical InformationSpool Type Logic ValveSeries R04E3Catalog HY15-3502/USParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical InformationLE14LE15Catalog HY15-3502/USSpool Type Logic Valve Series R06E3Parker Hannifin CorporationTechnical InformationSpool Type Logic ValveSeries R08E3Catalog HY15-3502/USParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical InformationLE16LE17Catalog HY15-3502/USSpool Type Logic Valve Series 10SLC2-BParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical Information(1)(3) (2)LE18Parker Hannifin CorporationLE19Parker Hannifin CorporationSeries R04F3Parker Hannifin CorporationTechnical InformationLE20LE21Parker Hannifin CorporationSeries R08F3Parker Hannifin CorporationTechnical InformationLE22LE23Parker Hannifin CorporationSeries 16SLC3-AParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical Information(2)(3) (1)LE24LE25Parker Hannifin CorporationSeries R06H3Parker Hannifin CorporationTechnical InformationLE26LE27Parker Hannifin CorporationLE28Series 16SLC3-BParker Hannifin CorporationTechnical Information (2)(3)(1)LE29Parker Hannifin CorporationLE30Spool Type Logic Valve Series R06G3Catalog HY15-3502/USParker Hannifin CorporationHydraulic Cartridge SystemsTechnical Information。
Triple-Lok®The universal37° fl ared fi ttingTriple-Lok®Visual indexTube to tubeBulkhead unionTube tomale NPTFTube tomale BSPTTube tomale BSPPTube to straightthread UNFTube tomale metricISO 6149-3Tube tomale metricDIN 3852-1Tube tofemale NPTFHMTX EMTX JMTX KTXp. K9 p. K10 p. K11 p. K14WMTX WEMTX WNTX WJTX WJJTX WLNMp.K15 p.K16 p.K17 p.K18 p.K19 p.K92FMTX CMTXC CTX CCCTX VMTX RMTX SMTXp.K36 p.K51 p.K52 p.K53 p.K59 p.K71 p.K65F3MX C3MX V3MX R3MX S3MXp.K37 p.K54 p.K60 p.K72 p.K66F4OMX F42EDMX C4OMX V4OMX R4OMX S4OMXp.K33 p.K32 p.K49 p.K57 p.K69 p.K63F5OMX FF5OMX C5OMX CC5OX V5OMX R5OMX S5OMX p.K29 p.K31 p.K47 p.K48 p.K56 p.K68 p.K62F87OMX C87OMX V87OMX R87OMX S87OMXp.K28 p.K46 p.K55 p.K67 p.K61F8OMX F82EDMX C8OMX V8OMX R8OMX S8OMXp.K35 p.K34 p.K50 p.K58 p.K70 p.K64GMTX WGMTX DMTX OTX MTX G6Xp.K74 p.K75 p.K76 p.K77 p.K78 p.K79KTriple-Lok ®Triple-Lok®KTriple-Lok ®BTX NutTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare end nut SAE 070110 MS51531Tube Thread Weight O.D. UN/UNF-2B C D L (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ® mm in. T6 in. mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel Brass 1/8 5/16-24 3/8 5 14 6 2 BTX-S 2 BTX-SS2 BTX-B 3/16 3/8-24 7/16 6 16 83 BTX-S 3 BTX-SS 3 BTX-B 6 1/4 7/16-20 9/16 8 16 11 4 BTX-S 4 BTX-SS 4 BTX-B 8 5/16 1/2-20 5/8 10 17 145 BTX-S 5 BTX-SS 5 BTX-B 10 3/8 9/16-18 11/16 11 18 18 6 BTX-S 6 BTX-SS 6 BTX-B 12 1/2 3/4-16 7/8 15 22 29 8 BTX-S 8 BTX-SS 8 BTX-B 14, 15, 16 5/8 7/8-14 1 18 25 54 10 BTX-S 10 BTX-SS 10 BTX-B 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 21 26 73 12 BTX-S 12 BTX-SS 12 BTX-B 22 7/8 1 3/16-12 1 3/8 24 28 100 14 BTX-S 14 BTX-SS 14 BTX-B 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 1/2 28 29 104 16 BTX-S 16 BTX-SS 16 BTX-B 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 2 34 31 240 20 BTX-S 20 BTX-SS 20 BTX-B 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 2 1/4 41 36 325 24 BTX-S 24 BTX-SS 24 BTX-B2 2 1/2-12 2 7/8 55 45 549 32 BTX-S32 BTX-SSOrder codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Triple-Lok®BMTX NutTriple-Lok® 37° Flare end nutSAE 070110Tube Thread WeightO.D. UN/UNF-2B C D L (steel) Triple-Lok® Triple-Lok®Steelpiece Steel Stainless mm in. T6 mm mm mm g/16 1/4 7/16-20 14 8 16 11 4BMTXS 4BMTXSS8 5/16 1/2-20 17 10 17 14 5BMTXS 5BMTXSS10 3/8 9/16-18 19 11 18 18 6BMTXS 6BMTXSS12 1/2 3/4-16 22 15 21 29 8BMTXS 8BMTXSS14, 15, 16 5/8 7/8-14 27 18 25 42 10BMTXS 10BMTXSS 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 32 22 26 73 12BMTXS 12BMTXSS5/16-12 41 28 28 104 16BMTXS 16BMTXSS25 1 128, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 50 34 31 240 20BMTXS 20BMTXSS 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 60 41 36 325 24BMTXS 24BMTXSS42 21/4 65 48 40 437 28BMTXS 28BMTXSSOrder codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.KTriple-Lok ®Tube WeightO.D. L X (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ®mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel Brass 6 10 10 2 TXS6 TXSS6 TXB6 8 11 11 2 TXS8 TXSS8 TXB8 10 13 13 2 TXS10 TXSS10 TXB10 12 14 17 7 TXS12 TXSS12 TXB12 14 17 20 13 TXS14 TXSS14 TXB14 15 17 20 10 TXS15 TXSS15 TXB15 16 17 20 7 TXS16 TXSS16 TXB16 18 17 25 16 TXS18 TXSS18 TXB18 20 17 25 12 TXS20 TXSS20 TXB20 22 19 28 25 TXS22 TXSS22 TXB22 25 20 31 21 TXS25 TXSS25 TXB25 28 23 39 40 TXS28 TXSS28 TXB28 30 23 39 45 TXS30 TXSS30 TXB30 32 23 39 30 TXS32 TXSS32 TXB32 35 28 45 60 TXS35 TXSS35 TXB35 38 28 45 51 TXS38 TXSS38 TXB38 422955149TXS42 TXSS42 TXB42Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.TX SleeveTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare tube end sleeve for metric tubes SAE 070105Triple-Lok ®Tube WeightO.D. L X (steel) T riple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ® in. mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel Brass 1/8 9 7 22 TX-S 2 TX-SS 2 TX-B 3/169823 TX-S 3 TX-SS 3 TX-B 1/4 10 10 2 4 TX-S 4 TX-SS 4 TX-B 5/16 11 11 25 TX-S 5 TX-SS 5 TX-B 3/8 13 13 36 TX-S 6 TX-SS 6 TX-B 1/2 14 17 68 TX-S 8 TX-SS 8 TX-B 5/8 17 20 8 10 TX-S 10 TX-SS 10 TX-B 3/4 17 25 13 12 TX-S 12 TX-SS 12 TX-B 7/8 19 28 18 14 TX-S 14 TX-SS 14 TX-B 1 20 31 23 16 TX-S 16 TX-SS 16 TX-B 1 1/4 23 39 30 20 TX-S 20 TX-SS 20 TX-B 1 1/2 28 45 51 24 TX-S 24 TX-SS 24 TX-B 2306115632 TX-S32 TX-SS32 TX-BOrder codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.TX SleeveTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare tube sleeve SAE 070105 MS51533KTriple-Lok ®Tube 1 Tube 2 Thread Thread Weight PN (bar)O.D. O.D. UN/UNF-2A UN/UNF-2A C D D1 L1 (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ®mm in. mm in. T1 T2 mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel Brass S SS1/8 1/8 5/16-24 5/16-24 11 2 2 30 9 2 HTX-S 500 —3/16 3/16 3/8-24 3/8-24 11 3 3 31 10 3 HTX-S 500 — 6 1/4 6 1/4 7/16-20 7/16-20 13 4 4 35 16 4HMTXS 4HMTXSS 4HMTXB 500 350 6 1/4 1/8 7/16-20 5/16-24 13 5 2 32 12 4-2 HTX-S 4-2HMTXSS 4-2HMTXB 500 350 6 1/4 3/16 7/16-20 3/8-24 13 5 3 33 14 4-3 HTX-S 4-3HMTXSS 4-3HMTXB 500 350 8 5/16 8 5/16 1/2-20 1/2-20 14 6 6 35 18 5HMTXS 5HMTXSS 5HMTXB 420 350 8 5/16 6 1/4 1/2-20 7/16-20 14 6 5 35 18 5-4 HTX-S 5-4HMTXSS 5-4HMTXB 420 350 10 3/8 10 3/8 9/16-18 9/16-18 17 8 8 36 25 6HMTXS 6HMTXSS 6HMTXB 420 350 10 3/8 6 1/4 9/16-18 7/16-20 17 8 4 36 22 6-4HMTXS 6-4HMTXSS 6-4HMTXB 420 350 10 3/8 8 5/16 9/16-18 1/2-20 17 8 6 36 25 6-5 HTX-S 6-5HMTXSS 6-5HMTXB 420 350 12 1/2 12 1/2 3/4-16 3/4-16 19 10 10 41 52 8HMTXS 8HMTXSS 8HMTXB 420 350 12 1/2 6 1/4 3/4-16 7/16-20 21 10 5 39 45 8-4 HTX-S 8-4HMTXSS 8-4HMTXB 420 350 12 1/2 10 3/8 3/4-16 9/16-18 19 10 8 39 45 8-6HMTXS 8-6HMTXSS 8-6HMTXB 420 350 14, 15,16 5/8 14, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 7/8-14 24 12 12 48 80 10HMTXS 10HMTXSS 10HMTXB 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 10 3/8 7/8-14 9/16-18 24 13 8 43 60 10-6HMTXS 10-6HMTXSS 10-6HMTXB 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 12 1/2 7/8-14 3/4-16 24 12 10 45 68 10-8HMTXS 10-8HMTXSS 10-8HMTXB 350 350 18, 20 3/4 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 27 16 16 55 125 12HMTXS 12HMTXSS 12HMTXB 350 350 18, 20 3/4 12 1/2 1 1/16-12 3/4-16 29 16 10 50 101 12-8 HTX-S 12-8HMTXSS 12-8HMTXB 350 350 20 3/4 14, 15,16 5/8 1 1/16-12 7/8-14 29 16 12 52 113 12-10HMTXS 12-10HMTXSS 12-10HMTXB 350 350 22 7/8 22 7/8 1 3/16-12 1 3/16-12 32 18 18 56 156 14 HTX-S 14HMTXSS 14HMTXB 280 280 25 1 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12 36 22 22 57 131 16HMTXS 16HMTXSS 16HMTXB 280 280 25 1 20 3/4 1 5/16-12 1 1/16-12 36 22 16 56 169 16-12HMTXS 16-12HMTXSS 16-12HMTXB 280 280 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 46 28 28 62 271 20HMTXS 20HMTXSS 20HMTXB 280 210 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 25 1 1 5/8-12 1 5/16-12 46 28 22 61 235 20-16HMTXS 20-16HMTXSS 20-16HMTXB 280 210 35, 38 1 1/2 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 50 33 33 70 382 24HMTXS 24HMTXSS 24HMTXB 210 210 42 42 2 1/4-12 2 1/4-12 60 39 39 71 469 28HMTXS 28HMTXSS 28HMTXB 140 150 2 2 2 1/2-12 2 1/2-12 67 45 45 87 785 32 HTX-S 32HMTXSS 32HMTXB 140 150Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.HMTX UnionTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare ends SAE 070101 MS51501Triple-Lok®EMTX Union elbowTriple-Lok® 37° Flare endsSAE 070201 MS51505(bar) Tube Thread Thread Weight PNY(steel)Triple-Lok® Triple-Lok® Triple-Lok®M1MUN/UNF2-ADD1O.D. UN/UNF-2Amm in. T T1 mm in. mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel Brass S SS 1/8 5/16-24 5/16-24 2 2 20 20 11 18 2 ETX-S 500—— 3/16 3/8-24 3/8-24 3 3 21 21 11 20 3 ETX-S 500500 3506 1/4 7/16-20 7/16-20 4 4 23 23 11 25 4EMTXS 4EMTXSS 4ETX-B420 350ETX-B8 5/16 1/2-20 1/2-20 6 6 24 24 13 32 5EMTXS 5EMTXSS 5420 35010 3/8 9/16-18 9/16-18 8 8 27 27 14 44 6EMTXS 6EMTXSS 6ETX-B10 3/8 9/16-18 7/16-20 8 4 27 27 14 40 6-4 ETX-S 6-4EMTXSS 6-4 ETX-B 420 350420 350ETX-B12 1/2 3/4-16 3/4-16 10 10 32 32 19 88 8EMTXS 8EMTXSS 812 1/2 3/4-16 3/8-24 10 8 32 29 19 75 8-6 ETX-S 8-6EMTXSS 420 —350 350ETX-B 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 7/8-14 12 12 37 37 22 139 10EMTXS 10EMTXSS 1014,15,16 5/8 7/8-14 3/4-16 12 10 37 34 22 120 10-8 ETX-S 10-8EMTXSS 10-8 ETX-B 350 35014,ETX-B350 3501/16-12 16 16 42 42 27 258 12EMTXS 12EMTXSS 121/16-12 118,20 3/4 11/16-12 3/4-16 16 10 42 46 27 220 12-8 ETX-S 12-8EMTXSS 350 —20 3/4 118,1/16-12 7/8-14 16 12 42 39 27 240 12-10 ETX-S 12-10EMTXSS 350 —20 3/4 118,3/16-12 18 18 44 44 30 273 14 ETX-S 14EMTXSS 280 —22 7/8 13/16-12 1ETX-B280 2805/16-12 22 22 46 46 33 333 16EMTXS 16EMTXSS 165/16-12 125 1 122,5/16-12 11/16-12 22 16 46 45 33 310 16-12 ETX-S 16-12EMTXSS 16-12 ETX-B 280 28025 1 122,ETX-B280 21028, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 28 28 52 52 41 586 20EMTXS 20EMTXSS 20210 140ETX-B 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 33 33 59 59 48 778 24EMTXS 24EMTXSS 24—1/4-12 21/4-12 39 39 74 74 63 1100 28 ETX-S 140 3/4 242 1—1/2-12 45 45 78 78 64 1680 32 ETX-S 1402 21/2-12 2Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.KKKTX Union crossTriple-Lok® 37° Flare end (four ends)SAE 070501 MS51517Tube Thread Weight PN(bar)Triple-Lok® Triple-Lok® Triple-Lok®(steel)O.D. UN/UNF-2AD M YSSSteel Brass Spiece Steel Stainless mm in. T mm mm mm g/11/4 7/16-20 4 23 11 41 4 KTX-S 4 KTX-SS 4 KTX-B 500 35065/16 1/2-20 6 24 14 50 5 KTX-S 5 KTX-SS 5 KTX-B 420 350810 3/8 9/16-18 8 27 14 68 6 KTX-S 6 KTX-SS 6 KTX-B 420 35012 1/2 3/4-16 10 32 19 144 8 KTX-S 8 KTX-SS 8 KTX-B 420 35014, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 12 37 22 220 10 KTX-S 10 KTX-SS 10 KTX-B 350 350 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 16 42 27 345 12 KTX-S 12 KTX-SS 12 KTX-B 350 350 5/16-12 22 46 33 588 16 KTX-S 16 KTX-SS 16 KTX-B 280 28025 1 1Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.KMaximum bulkhead wallthicknessTube O.D. Straight bulkhead unionShape bulkhead unionMax. thicknessMax. thicknessSize inch metric mmmm4 1/4 6 8.4 5.35 5/16 8 8.4 5.3 6 3/8 10 10.7 7.18 1/2 12 11.2 8.4 10 5/8 14–16 10.9 8.1 12 3/4 18–2011.2 8.6 14 7/8 10.4 7.9 16 1 22–25 9.9 7.4 20 1 1/4 28–32 10.2 7.4 24 1 1/235–387.1 — 3227.1—WMTX Bulkhead unionTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare ends SAE 070601 MS51520Tube Thread WeightPN (bar) O.D. UN/UNF-2A C2 D I1 L4 (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ®mm in. T mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel BrassS SS6 1/4 7/16-20 17 4 31 53 41 4WMTXWLNMS 4WMTXWLNMSS 4WMTXWLNMB 500 3508 5/16 1/2-20 19 6 31 53 49 5WMTXWLNMS 5WMTXWLNMSS 5WMTXWLNMB 420 350 10 3/8 9/16-18 22 8 33 55 64 6WMTXWLNMS 6WMTXWLNMSS 6WMTXWLNMB 420 350 12 1/2 3/4-16 24 10 37 62 111 8WMTXWLNMS 8WMTXWLNMSS 8WMTXWLNMB 420 350 14, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 30 12 40 70 157 10WMTXWLNMS 10WMTXWLNMSS 10WMTXWLNMB 350 350 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 36 16 44 79 254 12WMTXWLNMS 12WMTXWLNMSS 12WMTXWLNMB 350 350 22 7/8 1 3/16-12 38 18 45 80 296 14 WTX-WLN-S 14WMTXWLNMSS 14WMTXWLNMB 280 280 25 1 1 5/16-12 41 22 44 80 337 16WMTXWLNMS 16WMTXWLNMSS 16WMTXWLNMB 280 280 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 50 28 46 84 462 20WMTXWLNMS 20WMTXWLNMSS 20WMTXWLNMB 280 210 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 55 33 46 89 695 24WMTXWLNMS 24WMTXWLNMSS 24WMTXWLNMB 210 140Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme. Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.For the version without the locknut remove “WLNM” (e. g. 16WMTX)PN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.WEMTX Bulkhead union elbowTriple-Lok® 37° Flare endsSAE 070701 MS51507(bar) Tube Thread Weight PNM4YM3(steel) Triple-Lok® Triple-Lok® Triple-Lok®I2C2O.D. UN/UNF-2ADmm in. T mm mm mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel Brass S SS6 1/4 7/16-20 17 4 26 25 40 11 44 4 WETX-WLN-S 4 WETX-WLN-SS 4 WETX-WLN-B 500 3508 5/16 1/2-20 19 6 26 27 44 13 59 5 WETX-WLN-S 5 WETX-WLN-SS 5 WETX-WLN-B 420 35010 3/8 9/16-18 22 8 28 28 46 14 72 6WEMTXWLNMS 6 WETX-WLN-SS 6 WETX-WLN-B 420 35012 1/2 3/4-16 24 10 32 36 54 19 145 8WEMTXWLNMS 8 WETX-WLN-SS 8 WETX-WLN-B 420 350 14,15,16 5/8 7/8-14 30 12 35 40 61 22 212 10WEMTXWLNMS 10 WETX-WLN-SS 10 WETX-WLN-B 350 350 1/16-12 36 16 40 45 68 27 345 12WEMTXWLNMS 12 WETX-WLN-SS 12 WETX-WLN-B 350 35020 3/4 118,3/16-12 38 18 40 49 71 33 370 14 WETX-WLN-S 14 WETX-WLN-SS 280 —22 7/8 15/16-12 41 22 40 49 71 33 474 16 WETX-WLN-S 16 WETX-WLN-SS 280 —25 1 128, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 48 28 41 55 80 41 753 20 WETX-WLN-S 20 WETX-WLN-SS 280 —Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.For the version without the locknut remove “WLNM” (e. g. 16WETX)PN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.For Brass parts reduce pressures by 35%.Maximum bulkhead wallthicknessTube O.D. Straight bulkhead union Shape bulkhead unionMax. thickness Max. thicknessSize inch metric mm mm4 1/4 6 8.4 5.35 5/16 8 8.4 5.36 3/8 10 10.7 7.18 1/2 12 11.2 8.410 5/8 14–16 10.9 8.112 3/4 18–20 11.2 8.614 7/8 10.4 7.916 1 22–25 9.9 7.41/4 28–32 10.2 7.420 11/2 35–38 7.1 —24 132 2 7.1 —KMaximum bulkhead wallthicknessTube O.D. Straight bulkhead unionShape bulkhead unionMax. thicknessMax. thicknessSize inch metric mmmm4 1/4 6 8.4 5.35 5/16 8 8.4 5.3 6 3/8 10 10.7 7.18 1/2 12 11.2 8.4 10 5/8 14–16 10.9 8.1 12 3/4 18–2011.2 8.6 14 7/8 10.4 7.9 16 1 22–25 9.9 7.4 20 1 1/4 28–32 10.2 7.4 24 1 1/235–387.1 — 3227.1—WNTX 45° Bulkhead union elbowTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare ends SAE 070801 MS51509Tube Thread WeightPN (bar) O.D. UN/UNF-2A C2 D I2 M2 M9 Y (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ®mm in. T mm mm mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel S SS6 1/4 7/16-20 17 4 26 18 39 11 324 WNTX-WLN-S 4 WNTX-WLN-SS 500 350 8 5/16 1/2-20 19 6 26 20 42 14 415 WNTX-WLN-S 420 —10 3/8 9/16-18 21 8 28 21 42 14 48 6 WNTX-WLN-S 6 WNTX-WLN-SS 420 350 12 1/2 3/4-16 25 10 32 25 49 19 105 8 WNTX-WLN-S 8 WNTX-WLN-SS 420 350 14, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 29 12 35 28 55 22 152 10 WNTX-WLN-S 10 WNTX-WLN-SS 350 350 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 35 16 40 33 62 27 245 12 WNTX-WLN-S 12 WNTX-WLN-SS 350 350 22, 25 1 1 5/16-12 41 22 40 37 65 33 355 16 WNTX-WLN-S 16 WNTX-WLN-SS 280 28028, 30, 321 1/41 5/8-12 48 28 41 40 67 4146520 WNTX-WLN-S280 —Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.For the version without the locknut remove “WLN” (e.g. 16 WNTX)PN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.Maximum bulkhead wallthicknessTube O.D. Straight bulkhead unionShape bulkhead unionMax. thicknessMax. thicknessSize inch metric mmmm4 1/4 6 8.4 5.35 5/16 8 8.4 5.3 6 3/8 10 10.7 7.18 1/2 12 11.2 8.4 10 5/8 14–16 10.9 8.1 12 3/4 18–2011.2 8.6 14 7/8 10.4 7.9 16 1 22–25 9.9 7.4 20 1 1/4 28–32 10.2 7.4 24 1 1/235–387.1 — 3227.1—WJTX Bulkhead branch teeTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare ends SAE 070959 MS51515Tube Thread WeightPN (bar) O.D. UN/UNF-2A C2 D I2 M3 M4 Y (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ®mm in. T mm mm mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel S SS6 1/4 7/16-20 17 4 26 25 40 11 454 WJTX-WLN-S 4 WJTX-WLN-SS 500 35010 3/8 9/16-18 21 8 28 28 46 14 71 6 WJTX-WLN-S 6 WJTX-WLN-SS 420 350 12 1/2 3/4-16 25 10 32 35 54 19 158 8 WJTX-WLN-S 8 WJTX-WLN-SS 420 350 14, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 29 12 35 40 61 22 297 10 WJTX-WLN-S 10 WJTX-WLN-SS 350 350 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 35 16 40 45 68 27 379 12 WJTX-WLN-S 12 WJTX-WLN-SS 350 35022, 25 1 1 5/16-12 42 22 40 49 71 33 420 16 WJTX-WLN-S 280 — 28, 30, 321 1/41 5/8-12 48 28 41 55 79 4150020 WJTX-WLN-S280 —Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.For the version without the locknut remove “WLN” (e.g. 16 WJTX)PN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.KMaximum bulkhead wallthicknessTube O.D. Straight bulkhead unionShape bulkhead unionMax. thicknessMax. thicknessSize inch metric mmmm4 1/4 6 8.4 5.35 5/16 8 8.4 5.3 6 3/8 10 10.7 7.18 1/2 12 11.2 8.4 10 5/8 14–16 10.9 8.1 12 3/4 18–2011.2 8.6 14 7/8 10.4 7.9 16 1 22–25 9.9 7.4 20 1 1/4 28–32 10.2 7.4 24 1 1/235–387.1 — 3227.1—WJJTX Bulkhead run teeTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare ends SAE 070958 MS51516Tube Thread Weight O.D. UN/UNF-2A C2 D I2 M3 M4 Y (steel) Triple-Lok ® PN mm in. T mm mm mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel (bar)6 1/4 7/16-20 17 4 26 25 40 11584 WJJTX-WLN-S 50010 3/8 9/16-18 21 8 28 28 46 14756 WJJTX-WLN-S 420 12 1/2 3/4-16 25 10 32 35 54 19 158 8 WJJTX-WLN-S 420 14, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 29 12 35 40 61 22 309 10 WJJTX-WLN-S 350 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 35 16 40 45 68 27 340 12 WJJTX-WLN-S 350 22, 25 1 1 5/16-12 42 22 40 49 71 36 390 16 WJJTX-WLN-S 280 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-1248 28 41 55 79 4145020 WJJTX-WLN-S280Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.For the version without the locknut remove “WLN” (e.g. 16 WJJTX)PN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Tube Thread Thread Weight PN (bar)O.D. UN/UNF-2A UN/UNF-2B C3 D M M5 M10 Y (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ®mm in. T T6 mm mm mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel S SS 3/16 3/8-24 3/8-24 13 3 21 25 16 11273 C6X-S 500 — 6 1/4 7/16-20 7/16-20 16 4 23 25 17 11 37 4C6MXS 4C6MXSS 500 350 8 5/16 1/2-20 1/2-20 17 6 24 27 17 13 43 5C6MXS 5C6MXSS 420 350 10 3/8 9/16-18 9/16-18 19 8 27 32 22 14 54 6C6MXS 6C6MXSS 350 350 12 1/2 3/4-16 3/4-16 22 10 32 35 24 19 105 8C6MXS 8C6MXSS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 7/8-14 27 12 37 41 28 22 162 10C6MXS 10C6MXSS 350 350 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 42 44 30 27 260 12C6MXS 12C6MXSS 350 350 22 7/8 1 3/16-12 1 3/16-12 35 18 46 45 34 33 293 14 C6X-S 250 — 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12 38 22 46 51 36 33 420 16C6MXS 16C6MXSS 250 250 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 50 28 52 59 43 41 679 20 C6X-S 20C6MXSS 250 210 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 57 33 59 66 47 48 747 24 C6X-S 24C6MXSS 170 140 22 1/2-12 2 1/2-12 73 45 78 89 62 6692032 C6X-S 110 —Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.C6MX Swivel nut elbowTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare end / Triple-Lok ® 37° Flare female swivel end SAE 070221 MS51521KTube Thread Thread Weight PN (bar) O.D. UN/UNF-2A UN/UNF-2B C3 D M2 M6 M11 Y (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ®mm in. T T6 mm mm mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel S SS 6 1/4 7/16-20 7/16-20 14 4 18 24 15 11 30 4 V6X-S 4 V6X-SS 500 350 8 5/16 1/2-20 1/2-20 16 6 20 25 16 14 45 5 V6X-S 5 V6X-SS 420 350 10 3/8 9/16-18 9/16-18 19 8 21 28 19 14 47 6 V6X-S 6 V6X-SS 350 350 12 1/2 3/4-16 3/4-16 22 10 25 33 22 19 89 8V6MXS 8 V6X-SS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 7/8-14 27 12 28 37 24 22 131 10 V6X-S 10 V6X-SS 350 350 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 33 38 24 27 203 12 V6X-S 12 V6X-SS 350 350 22 7/8 1 3/16-12 1 3/16-12 35 18 35 41 28 30 291 14 V6X-S 250 — 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12 38 22 37 44 29 33 335 16 V6X-S 16 V6X-SS 250 250 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 51 27 40 52 36 41 572 20 V6X-S 20 V6X-SS 250 210 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 57 33 45 58 39 48 715 24 V6X-S 24 V6X-SS 170 140 2 2 1/2-12 2 1/2-12 72 45 56 70 50 66 960 32 V6X-S 32 V6X-SS 110 110Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.V6MX 45° Swivel nut elbowTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare end / Triple-Lok ® 37° Flare female swivel endSAE 070321 MS51522Tube Thread Thread Weight PN (bar)O.D. UN/UNF-2A UN/UNF-2B C3 D M M5 M10 Y (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ®mm in. T T6 mm mm mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel S SS 6 1/47/16-20 7/16-20 16 4 23 25 17 11 44 4 S6X-S 4 S6X-SS 500 350 8 5/161/2-20 1/2-20 17 6 24 27 17 13 58 5S6MXS 5 S6X-SS 420 350 10 3/89/16-18 9/16-18 19 8 27 32 22 14 71 6S6MXS 6 S6X-SS 350 350 12 1/23/4-16 3/4-16 22 10 32 35 24 19 133 8S6MXS 8 S6X-SS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/87/8-14 7/8-14 27 12 37 41 28 22 203 10S6MXS 10 S6X-SS 350 350 18, 20 3/41 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 42 44 30 27 328 12S6MXS 12 S6X-SS 350 350 25 11 5/16-12 1 5/16-12 38 22 46 51 36 33 483 16S6MXS 16 S6X-SS 250 250 28, 30, 32 1 1/41 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 50 28 52 59 43 41 708 20 S6X-S 20 S6X-SS 250 210 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 57 33 59 68 49 48 1100 24 S6X-S 24 S6X-SS 170 170Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.S6MX Swivel nut branch teeTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare ends / Triple-Lok ® 37° Flare female swivel endSAE 070433 MS51524KTube Thread Thread Weight PN (bar) O.D. UN/UNF-2A UN/UNF-2B C3 D M M5 M10 Y (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ®mm in. T T6 mm mm mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel S SS 6 1/4 7/16-20 7/16-20 16 4 23 25 17 11 44 4 R6X-S 4 R6X-SS 500 350 8 5/16 1/2-20 1/2-20 17 6 24 27 17 13 56 5R6MXS 5 R6X-SS 420 350 10 3/8 9/16-18 9/16-18 19 8 27 32 22 14 69 6R6MXS 6 R6X-SS 350 350 12 1/2 3/4-16 3/4-16 22 10 32 35 24 19 136 8R6MXS 8 R6X-SS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 7/8-14 27 12 37 41 28 22 207 10R6MXS 10 R6X-SS 350 350 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 42 44 30 27 319 12R6MXS 12 R6X-SS 350 350 22 7/8 1 3/16-12 1 3/16-12 35 18 46 45 34 33 622 14 R6X-S 14 R6X-SS 250 250 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12 38 22 46 51 36 33 489 16R6MXS 16 R6X-SS 250 250 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12 50 28 52 59 43 41 712 20R6MXS 20 R6X-SS 250 210 35, 38 1 1/2 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12 57 33 59 66 47 48 1100 24 R6X-S 24 R6X-SS 170 170Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar)= PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.R6MX Swivel nut run teeTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare ends / Triple-Lok ® 37° Flare female swivel endSAE 070432KKTubeThread Thread Weight PN (bar) O.D.Metric UN/UNF-2A L D C U (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ® mm in. T87 T mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel S SS 6 1/4 M10 × 1.0 7/16-20 30 14 14 9 25 4M10F87OMXS 4M10F87OMXSS 500 350 8 5/16 M10 × 1.0 1/2-20 30 14 14 9 30 5M10F87OMXS 5M10F87OMXSS 420 350 8 5/16 M12 × 1.5 1/2-20 33 14 19 11 37 5M12F87OMXS 5M12F87OMXSS 420 350 8 5/16 M14 × 1.5 1/2-20 34 14 19 11 40 5M14F87OMXS 5M14F87OMXSS 420 350 10 3/8 M14 × 1.5 9/16-18 34 14 19 11 44 6M14F87OMXS 6M14F87OMXSS 420 350 10 3/8 M16 × 1.5 9/16-18 36 14 22 12 53 6M16F87OMXS 6M16F87OMXSS 420 350 10 3/8 M18 × 1.5 9/16-18 37 14 24 13 60 6M18F87OMXS 6M18F87OMXSS 350 350 12 1/2 M14 × 1.5 3/4-16 36 17 19 11 41 8M14F87OMXS 8M14F87OMXSS 420 350 12 1/2 M16 × 1.5 3/4-16 38 17 22 12 57 8M16F87OMXS 8M16F87OMXSS 420 350 12 1/2 M18 × 1.5 3/4-16 39 17 24 13 71 8M18F87OMXS 8M18F87OMXSS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 M14 × 1.5 7/8-14 41 19 24 11 73 10M14F87OMXS 10M14F87OMXSS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 M18 × 1.5 7/8-14 43 19 24 13 75 10M18F87OMXS 10M18F87OMXSS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 M22 × 1.5 7/8-14 44 19 27 13 98 10M22F87OMXS 10M22F87OMXSS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 M27 × 2.0 7/8-14 46 19 32 16 75 10M27F87OMXS 10M27F87OMXSS 350 350 18, 20 3/4 M22 × 1.5 1 1/16-12 48 22 27 13 104 12M22F87OMXS 12M22F87OMXSS 350 350 18, 20 3/4 M27 × 2.0 1 1/16-12 51 22 32 16 158 12M27F87OMXS 12M27F87OMXSS 350 350 25 1 M27 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 51 23 36 16 206 16M27F87OMXS 16M27F87OMXSS 280 280 25 1 M33 × 2.0 1 5/16-12 53 23 41 16 273 16M33F87OMXS 16M33F87OMXSS 280 280 28, 30, 32 1 1/4 M42 × 2.0 1 5/8-12 55 24 50 16 431 20M42F87OMXS 20M42F87OMXSS 280 210 35, 38 1 1/2 M48 × 2.0 1 7/8-12 59 28 55 18 564 24M48F87OMXS 24M48F87OMXSS 210 140Steel, stainless steel and brass Triple-Lok ® parts are delivered with NBR elastomeric seals as standard. For more details on other seal materials see page K93.Order codes shown are part of our current manufacturing programme.Imperial and metric parts may vary in hexagon dimensions.PN (bar) = PN (MPa)10Pressure ratings – PN shown, apply to Steel and Stainless Steel versions of the product.F87OMX Male stud connectorTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare end / Male metric thread – O-ring (ISO 6149)KTube Thread Thread Weight PN (bar) O.D. UN/UNF-2A UN/UNF-2A C4 D D2 L5 LL (steel) Triple-Lok ® Triple-Lok ®mm in. T5 T mm mm mm mm mm g/1 piece Steel Stainless Steel S SS 1/8 5/16-24 5/16-24 11 2 2 27 19 8 2 F5OX-S 500 — 3/16 3/8-24 3/8-24 13 3 3 28 20 10 3 F5OX-S 500 — 3/16 5/16-24 3/8-24 13 3 2 28 20 9 3-2 F5OX-S 500 — 6 1/4 7/16-20 7/16-20 14 4 4 31 22 15 4F5OMXS 4F5OMXSS 500 350 6 1/4 3/8-24 7/16-20 14 5 3 30 23 12 4-3 F5OX-S 4-3F5OMXSS 500 350 6 1/4 1/2-20 7/16-20 16 4 6 31 22 25 4-5 F5OX-S 4-5F5OMXSS 420 350 6 1/4 9/16-18 7/16-20 17 4 4 33 23 27 4-6F5OMXS 4-6F5OMXSS 420 350 6 1/4 3/4-16 7/16-20 22 4 10 35 24 35 4-8 F5OX-S 4-8F5OMXSS 420 350 6 1/4 7/8-14 7/16-20 25 5 5 38 25 60 4-10 F5OX-S 4-10F5OMXSS 350 350 8 5/16 1/2-20 1/2-20 16 6 6 31 22 18 5F5OMXS 5F5OMXSS 420 350 8 5/16 7/16-20 1/2-20 14 6 5 31 22 18 5-4 F5OX-S 5-4F5OMXSS 420 350 8 5/16 9/16-18 1/2-20 17 6 6 33 23 25 5-6 F5OX-S 5-6F5OMXSS 420 350 8 5/16 3/4-16 1/2-20 22 6 6 35 24 40 5-8 F5OX-S 5-8F5OMXSS 420 350 10 3/8 9/16-18 9/16-18 17 8 8 33 23 25 6F5OMXS 6F5OMXSS 420 350 10 3/8 7/16-20 9/16-18 16 8 4 32 23 40 6-4 F5OX-S 6-4F5OMXSS 420 350 10 3/8 1/2-20 9/16-18 16 8 6 32 23 56 6-5 F5OX-S 6-5F5OMXSS 420 350 10 3/8 3/4-16 9/16-18 22 8 8 35 24 44 6-8F5OMXS 6-8F5OMXSS 420 350 10 3/8 7/8-14 9/16-18 25 8 12 38 25 85 6-10 F5OX-S 6-10F5OMXSS 350 350 10 3/8 1 1/16-12 9/16-18 32 8 16 42 27 100 6-12 F5OX-S 6-12F5OMXSS 350 350 12 1/2 3/4-16 3/4-16 22 10 10 38 27 58 8F5OMXS 8F5OMXSS 420 350 12 1/2 7/16-20 3/4-16 21 10 5 38 29 40 8-4 F5OX-S 8-4F5OMXSS 420 350 12 1/2 9/16-18 3/4-16 19 10 10 37 27 44 8-6F5OMXS 8-6F5OMXSS 420 350 12 1/2 7/8-14 3/4-16 27 10 10 41 28 73 8-10F5OMXS 8-10F5OMXSS 350 350 12 1/2 1 1/16-12 3/4-16 32 10 10 45 30 126 8-12F5OMXS 8-12F5OMXSS 350 350 12 1/2 1 5/16-12 3/4-16 41 10 10 45 30 160 8-16 F5OX-S 8-16F5OMXSS 310 310 14, 15,16 5/8 7/8-14 7/8-14 27 12 12 43 31 75 10F5OMXS 10F5OMXSS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 9/16-18 7/8-14 18 13 8 43 34 60 10-6 F5OX-S 10-6F5OMXSS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 3/4-16 7/8-14 24 12 10 42 31 65 10-8F5OMXS 10-8F5OMXSS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 1 1/16-12 7/8-14 32 12 12 47 32 132 10-12F5OMXS 10-12F5OMXSS 350 350 14, 15,16 5/8 1 5/16-12 7/8-14 41 13 13 48 33 170 10-16 F5OX-S 10-16F5OMXSS 310 310 18, 20 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 32 16 16 50 35 134 12F5OMXS 12F5OMXSS 350 350 18, 20 3/4 3/4-16 1 1/16-12 29 16 10 49 38 104 12-8 F5OX-S 12-8F5OMXSS 350 350 18, 20 3/4 7/8-14 1 1/16-12 27 16 12 48 35 108 12-10F5OMXS 12-10F5OMXSS 350 350 18, 20 3/4 1 3/16-12 1 1/16-12 35 16 16 50 35 170 12-14 F5OX-S 12-14F5OMXSS 310 310 18, 20 3/4 1 5/16-12 1 1/16-12 38 16 16 51 35 197 12-16F5OMXS 12-16F5OMXSS 310 310 18, 20 3/4 1 5/8-12 1 1/16-12 48 16 16 53 38 230 12-20 F5OX-S 12-20F5OMXSS 280 280 22 7/8 1 3/16-12 1 3/16-12 35 18 18 51 36 174 14 F5OX-S 14F5OMXSS 280 280 22 7/8 1 5/16-12 1 3/16-12 38 18 22 51 36 223 14-16 F5OX-S 14-16F5OMXSS 280 280 25 1 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12 38 22 22 52 37 203 16F5OMXS 16F5OMXSS 280 280 25 1 3/4-16 1 5/16-12 35 22 10 45 34 160 16-8 F5OX-S 16-8F5OMXSS 280 280Continued on page K30F5OMX Male stud connectorTriple-Lok ® 37° Flare end / Male UN/UNF thread – O-ring (ISO 11926)SAE 070120 MS51525。
Parker派克样本PVP Series Piston Pumps
![Parker派克样本PVP Series Piston Pumps](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9a5454acfd0a79563c1e72ab.png)
Piston PumpsCatalog HY28-2662-CD/US Revised June, 2012Quick Reference Data ChartDisplacement Pump Delivery† Approx. Noise Levels dB(A)Input Power AtOperating PressurePumpcc/rev @ 21 bar (300 PSI)@ Full Flow 1800 RPM (1200 RPM)1800 RPM, Max.Speed (RPM)bar (PSI)Model(In3/rev)in LPM (GPM)34 bar69 bar138 bar207 bar248 bar Displacement &(Maximum)Continuous 1200 RPM1800 RPM(500 PSI)(1000 PSI)(2000 PSI)(3000 PSI)(3600 PSI)248 bar (3600 PSI)(Maximum)PVP1616(.98)19.7(5.2)29.5(7.8)53 (47)55 (50)59 (54)62 (56)65 (59)13.1 kw (17.5 hp)3000248 (3600) PVP2323(1.4)28.0(7.4)42.0(11.1)61 (57)64 (59)67 (63)69 (65)70 (65)19.7 kw (26.5 hp)3000248 (3600) PVP3333(2.0)39.4(10.4)59.0(15.6)64 (59)66 (59)68 (62)70 (64)71 (65)27.2 kw (36.5 hp)3000248 (3600) PVP4141(2.5)49.2(13.0)73.8(19.5)68 (60)70 (61)73 (65)74 (67)75 (69)33.2 kw (44.5 hp)2800248 (3600) PVP4848(2.9)57.6(15.2)86.4(22.8)69 (60)71 (62)73 (65)75 (68)76 (69)40.3 kw (54.0 hp)2400248 (3600)†Measured in an anechoic chamber to DIN 45635, measuring error + 2 dB(A).Fluid used: petroleum oil to ISO VG 46; temperature = 50°C (122°F).Since many variables such as mounting, tank style, plant layout, etc., effect noise levels, it cannot be assumed thatthe above readings will be equal to those in the field. The above values are for guidance in selecting the proper pump.Features•High Strength Cast-Iron Housing •Fast Response Times•Two Piece Housing For Ease of Service •Metric Pilot, Shaft and Ports Available •Replaceable Bronze Clad Port Plate •Thru-Shaft Capability •Low Noise Levels•Replaceable Piston Slipper PlateControls•Pressure Compensation •Load Sensing•Horsepower Limiting•Horsepower and Load Sensing •Remote Pressure Compensation •Adjustable Maximum Volume Stop •Hi/Lo Torque (Power) Limiting (PVP 41/48, 60/76, 100/140 Only)•Low Pressure StandbySERVO COMPENSA TORPUMP CASE BIAS PLA TE BARREL PLA TE BEARING SEALGeneral DescriptionAll control is achieved by the proper positioning of the swash plate. This is achieved by a servo piston acting on one end of the swash plate working against the combined effect of the off-setting forces of the pistons and centering spring on the other end. The control spool acts as a metering valve which varies the pressure behind the servo piston.As shown in Figure 1, the amount of flow produced by the Parker Piston Pump is dependent upon the length of stroke of the pumping pistons. This length of stroke, in turn, is determined by the position of the swash plate. Maximum flow is achieved at an angle of 15-17degrees. The rotating barrel, driven by the prime mover, moves the pistons in a circular path and the piston slippers are supported hydrostatically against the face of the swash plate. When the swash plate is in a vertical position, perpendicular to the centerline of the piston barrel, there is no piston stroke and consequently no fluid displacement. When the swash plate is positioned at an angle, the pistons are forced in and out of the barrel and fluid displacement takes place. The greater the angle of the swash plate, the greater the piston stroke.Control OptionsBARRELPressure Compensated Control (OMIT)The swash plate angle controls the output flow of the pump. Swash plate angle is generated by the hydraulic force of the pumping pistons and the mechanical force of the swash plate bias spring. Control of the pump’s outlet flow is obtained by over-riding the force of the pumping pistons and bias spring with the hydraulic force of the servo piston by means of internal porting. Pressure is connected from the outlet port to the servo piston via a compensator spool.The compensator spool is held against the spring guide by the outlet pressure. When the outlet pressure reaches the setting of the compensator control, the compensator spool moves, allowing outlet pressure oil to be metered into the servo piston. This metered oil provides adequate force to power the servo piston and override swash plate forces. The outlet pressure causes the servo piston to move which reduces the angle of the swash plate and thereby reduces the pump’s output flow. When flow is again demanded by the system, the outlet pressure will momentarily fall allowing the compensator spool to move. This movement closes off the outlet pressure to the servo piston and vents the servo piston to case. The result of this venting allows the swash plate forces to move the swash plate angle to maximum displacement, thus responding to the demand for additional flow. Note that the compensator spring chamber is vented to the pump case via a hole internal to the compensator spool.PORTRemote Pressure Control (M)The pump swash plate actuation is identical to the standard pressure compensator but can be controlled via a remote pressure control.Remote control of the pump output pressure can be achieved by controlling the pressure at port A, Figure 3 on the compensator. Flow is metered through the orifice in the spool from outlet pressure into the spring chamber. The spring chamber pressure is limited by an external relief connected to port A. The controlled pressure at port A is sensed at the differential spring chamber. The compensator spool will move to the right when the pump outlet pressure reaches a force equal to the differential spring setting plus the controlled port pressure setting. When the spool moves to the right, outlet pressure oil is metered to the servo piston and the pump swash plate angle is controlled accordingly. With this option the pump outlet pressure can be controlled and varied from a remote location.This control also incorporates a pressure limiting feature preset at the factory. When the pressure in the differential spring chamber reaches the maximum relief setting, the dart unseats allowing the spring chamber to vent to the pump case and limits the maximum pressure attainable.Control OptionsCatalog HY28-2662-CD/USFlow Control (Load Sensing) (A)Figure 4 shows a PVP pump with flow control. The control is identical to the remote pressure compensation control except for an integral orifice, a solid compensator spool and adjustable differential pressure control. Port A is connected downstream of an orifice (variable or fixed) to sense the actual working pressure required. This pressure plus the differential spring force act on the right side of the compensatorspool and will urge the spool to the left until output pressure acting on the left side of the spool balances the forces. As the load increases, output pressure will increase and maintain a constant differential pressure across the orifice and thus a constant flow.Maximum pressure is limited by the internal dart setting.This setting is adjustable up to the maximum preset at the factory.Variable Volume Piston PumpsSeries PVPControl OptionsPORTCatalog HY28-2662-CD/USPressure & Power Control (H)This control option is a T orque Limiting Control, but for constant speed applications it is generally referred to as a Horsepower Control. This control works in conjunction with the Remote Pressure Compensator,control option “M”. A second pressure control device called a horsepower control block, is assembled to the main pump housing. The HP block is plumbed to one of the ports on the remote compensator via steel tubing.The control dart in the HP block and the maximum pressure compensator dart in the remote compensator are connected in parallel. What makes the control dart in the HP block different from any other external relief valve is the pressure setting is mechanically linked to the pump swashplate angle.The cracking pressure of the HP dart is generally lower than the cracking pressure of the remote compensator differential spring cavity is lowered allowing the compensator spool to meter system pressure in the servo piston. As the servo piston extends, it rotates the swashplate and in turn rotates the HP cam. As the cam rotates it increases the force on the HP dart control spring. As the system pressure is allowed to increase,the pump gradually reduces its stroke (flow). When the system pressure reaches the setting of the maximum pressure dart the normal action of the remote compensator takes over. If the HP control is set low enough, the pump may reach zero stroke before the system pressure ever gets a chance to open the maximum compensator dart. This should be considered when making low power settings on systems requiring high working pressures.Variable Volume Piston Pumps Series PVPControl OptionsCatalog HY28-2662-CD/USPressure, Power & Flow Control (C)Refer to the previous section(s) on Flow Control and Power Control. This is another case where multiple controls can be combined in parallel. Since the Power Control is just a special version of Remote Pressure Control, it can be combined with the Flow Control (Load Sense) option. The main point to remember here is that the pressure drop which is required to begin and maintain compensation comes from an external device (such as a proportional valve). This sensed pressure drop will control flow until one of the limits of the other controls has been exceeded. The pump will always respond to the lowest control setting for any given pressure. In addition to Load Sensing, Power Control,and on-pump Pressure Control, Remote Pressure Control can also be included in this parallel device package. There is a remote port on the compensator body and one on the HP Control body, either of which may be used for remote pressure control. The important concept to remember in load sense circuits is that each pressure control device in and connected to the compensator must be protected from saturation. For this reason, use only the uppermost port on the compensator for connection of the load sense line and insure that an appropriate orifice is installed. All control options using a load sense compensator spool are supplied with this orifice.Variable Volume Piston Pumps Series PVPControl OptionsCatalog HY28-2662-CD/USHi/Lo Power Control (HLM)(Available with PVP41 and PVP48 Only)The graph shown below represents the flow-pressure characteristics of a Hi-Lo control for PVP pumps. There are up to four separate adjustments that must be made with the pump controls to get a particular setting, all of which influence the shape of the curve. To get the proper settings, it is very important that all pertinent information is supplied with each Hi-Lo pump ordered.As you can see from the graph below, there are two peak power points. Our intention is to have the same magnitude of power required for both peaks. Of course many combination of settings are possible but specification of the settings becomes very difficult. To make factory settings, we need to know the required flow (applicable if pump has a maximum volume stop), the shaft speed , the required Power limit , and the compensation pressure . Based on these requirements, we will adjust the low pressure set point and the reduced flow set point of the Hi-Lo control to best match the requested parameters called out on the order.Important note: As with power controls, not all combinations of flow, power, pressure, etc. are possible.pressure or in a de-stroked condition can have a much lower overall efficiency than expected. The other thing to keep in mind is that the pump will require the peak power at only two points. All other operating pressures will require less than maximum power and therefore the pump will deliver less hydraulic power in the appropriate ratio based on the actual pump efficiency at those conditions.System PressureO u t l e t F l o wTypical Hi-Lo ControlFlow/Pressure CharacteristicsVariable Volume Piston Pumps Series PVPControl OptionsPVP SERIESPRESSURE & POWER COMPENSATORCONTROL OPTION "HLM"Performance InformationSeries PVP16 Pressure Compensated,Variable Volume, Piston PumpFeatures•High Strength Cast-Iron Housing for Reliability and Quiet Operation•Optional Inlet/Outlet Locations for Ease of Installation•Replaceable Bronze Port Plate •Replaceable Piston Slipper Plate•Thru-Shaft Capability SAE A Pilots Offered •Low Noise Levels - Promote More Comfortable Operating Environment •Fast Response Times•Metric Pilot Shaft and Ports AvailableControls•Pressure Compensation•Remote Pressure Compensation •Load Sensing•Torque (Power) Limiting•Adjustable Maximum Volume Stop •Low Pressure StandbySchematic Symbol(Basic Pump)Quick Reference Data ChartDisplacementPump Delivery † Approx. Noise Levels dB(A)Input Power At Pump cc/rev @ 21 bar (300 PSI)@ Full Flow 1800 RPM (1200 RPM)1800 RPM, Max.Model (In 3/rev)in LPM (GPM)34 bar 69 bar 138 bar 207 bar 248 bar Displacement &1200 RPM 1800 RPM (500 PSI)(1000 PSI)(2000 PSI)(3000 PSI)(3600 PSI)248 bar (3600 PSI)PVP1616.4 (1.0)19.7 (5.2)29.5 (7.8)53 (47)55 (50)59 (54)62 (56)65 (59)13.1 kw (17.5 hp)†Measured in an anechoic chamber to DIN 45635, measuring error + 2 dB(A).Fluid used: petroleum oil to ISO VG 46; temperature = 50°C (122°F).Since many variables such as mounting, tank style, plant layout, etc., effect noise levels, it cannot be assumed that the above readings will be equal to those in the field. The above values are for guidance in selecting the proper pump.SpecificationsPressure Ratings Outlet Port:248 bar (3600 PSI) Continuous (P1)310 bar (4500 PSI) Peak (P3)Inlet Port:1.72 bar (25 PSI) Maximum.17 bar (5 In. Hg.) Vacuum Minimum @ 1800 RPM (See inlet chart for other speeds)Speed Ratings:600 to 3000 RPMOperating Temperature Range:– 40°C to 71°C(– 40°F to 160°F)Housing Material:Cast-Iron Filtration:Maintain SAE Class 4,Mounting:SAE “A” or Metric 2-Bolt Flange MountInstallation Data:See page 42 of this catalog for specific recommendations pertaining to system cleanliness, fluids, start-up, inlet conditions, shaft alignment, drain line restrictions and other important factors relative to the proper installation and use of these pumps.*Available with CW rotation only.NOTE: The efficiencies and data in the graph are nominal values and good only for pumps running at 1800 RPM and stroked to maximum. To calculate approximate horsepower for the other conditions, use the following formula:Actual GPM is directly proportional to drive speed and maximum volume setting. Flow loss, however, is a function of pressure only.HP = Q x (PSI) + (CHp)1714[ ]WHERE:Q =Actual Output Flow in GPM PSI =Pressure At Pump OutletCHp =Input Horsepower @ Full Compensation @ 1800RPM(from graph read at operating pressure)45678910100908070F l o wE f f i c i e n c y - %P o w e rPVP16 @ 1200 RPM021315.118.922.726.530.334.137.907.63.811.400Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure LPM KW 4567891010090807060F l o wE f f i c i e n c y - %P o w e rPVP16 @ 1800 RPM021315.118.922.726.530.334.137.907.63.811.400Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000PressureLPM KW12.015.0O u t l e t F l o w @ M a x . D i s p l a c e m e n tFlow vs. Speed010002000300050015002500Shaft Speed - RPM6. LPM PVP16Inlet Characteristics at Full Displacement(Graph only valid at sea level)10001500500200025003000Shaft Speed - RPMV a c u u mI n l e t P r e s s u r e 6.414.282.14PSI bar 005.1710.3415.5120.68barPower ControlFull Flo w TorquePSI 1000200030004000PressureF l o wT o r q u e012.424.837.049.561.9011022033044055074.3660In-LbsN·mFull Flo w TorquePSI 1000200030004000PressureF l o wT o r q u e09.·m T i m e (m i l l i s e c )PVP16 @ 1200 RPM00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure 100125150200T i m e (m i l l i s e c )PVP16 @ 1800 RPM50257500Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000PressurePVP16Compensated Power@ 1800 RPM00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure2.02.53.0P o w e r01. PVP16Approximate Case Drain Flow@ 1800 RPM 00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure .4.5.6F l o w0. Response TimesRear Ported Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTE:Illustration shows Righthand (CW) rotation pump. Lefthand (CCW)pumps will have inlet and outlet ports reversed with compensator on outlet side.STRAIGHT THREAD O-RING PORT (9/16-18 UNF-2B)(INCLUDED IN “5” OPTION ONL Y)ADJ. MAX. VOLUME STOP (1.6 CC/REV/TURN)“OPTION 2”Front ViewPilot DimensionsPilot A C D Option OMIT N/A 32.00173.23(1.26)(6.82)538.1028.44144.53(1.50)(1.12)(6.44)FLAADJ. MAX.VOLUME STOP(1.6 CC/REV/TURN)“OPTION 2”Rear View Front ViewSide Ported – Options 2 & 4 Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTE:Illustration shows Righthand (CW) rotation pump. Lefthand (CCW) pumps will have inlet and outlet ports reversed with compensator on outlet side.Port Size Type and LocationOption A Inlet and Outlet Ports Drain Port 148.843/4" SAE 4-Bolt FlangeSAE-6 Straight Thread 2(5.86)3/8-16 Thread(9/16-18UNC)Std PSI Series (Code 61)4152.40SAE-16 Straight Thread SAE-6 Straight Thread(6.00)(1-5/16-12UN-2B)(9/16-18UNC)Dimensional DataPilot DimensionsShaft A B C D Option Omit 82.55/82.50 6.1053.09ø 3/8"B, C ø (3.250/3.248)(.24)(2.09)K80.00/79.957.2455.63ø 10mmø(3.149/3.147)(.285)(2.19)Side Ported – Options 8 & 9 Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTE:Illustration shows Righthand (CW) rotation pump.ADJ. MAX.VOLUME STOP (1.6 CC/REV/TURN)“OPTION 2”Side ViewThru-Shaft Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation pump shown above.Counterclockwise (CCW) pump will have inlet and outlet ports reversed with the compensator over the outlet port.2.Splined shaft (option “B”) not recommended withThru-Shaft pumps.3.The maximum torque transmitting capacity for rearmounting of pumps is limited by the allowable torque of the input shaft.4.Options 6A4 and 9A4 Design Series 12 have a gasket.All other options incorporate an o-ring seal and have an o-ring groove.Port Size Type and LocationOption A Inlet and Outlet Ports Drain Port 148.843/4" SAE 4-Bolt FlangeSAE-6 Straight Thread2(5.86)3/8-16 Thread(9/16-18UNC)Std PSI Series (Code 61)4152.40SAE-16 Straight Thread SAE-6 Straight Thread(6.00)(1-5/16-12UN-2B)(9/16-18UNC)148.843/4" SAE 4-Bolt FlangeISO 6149-68(5.86)M10 ThreadM16 x 1.50Std PSI Series (Code 61)148.843/4" SAE 4-Bolt Flange9(5.86)M10 Thread3/8" - BSPPStd PSI Series (Code 61)Dimensions – Thru Shaft OptionsVARIATIONH GFE DC 6A453.19 (2.09)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)N/A 3/8–16UNC–2B 9 T ooth 16/32 Pitch207.26 (8.16)9A453.19 (2.09)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)N/AM10 x 1.509 T ooth 16/32 Pitch207.26 (8.16)Remote Compensator Control Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation pump shown below. Lefthand (CCW) pumps will have compensator on opposite side.2.When controlling pump compensator pressure with remote relief valve, remote relief valve must be capable of passing 1.89 LPM (.5 GPM).3.Remote compensator option “M”, “ME” & “A” available on pumps with any port location.PUMPSISO 6149-4“9” OPTION1/4"TEDC L Side View Front ViewDimensional DataDimensional DataPower (Torque) Control Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation rear ported pump shown. Counterclockwise (CCW)pumps will have inlet and outlet ports reversed with compensator and powerblock on outlet side.2.Power control shown on rear ported pump. Also available on side ported or thru-shaft option pumps.Side View Front ViewPerformance InformationSeries PVP 23/33 Pressure Compensated, Variable Volume, Piston PumpsFeatures•High Strength Cast-Iron Housing for Reliability and Quiet Operation•Optional Inlet/Outlet Locations for Ease of Installation•Replaceable Bronze Port Plate •Replaceable Piston Slipper Plate•Thru-Shaft Capability SAE A andB Pilots Offered•Low Noise Levels•Fast Response Times•Metric Pilot Shaft and Ports AvailableControls•Pressure Compensation •Remote Pressure Compensation •Load Sensing•Torque (Power) Limiting •Adjustable Maximum Volume Stop •Low Pressure StandbySchematic Symbol(Basic Pump)SpecificationsPressure RatingsOutlet Port:248 bar (3600 PSI) Continuous (P1)310 bar (4500 PSI) Peak (P3)Inlet Port: 1.72 bar (25 PSI) Maximum.17 bar (5 In. Hg.) Vacuum Minimum@ 1800 RPM (See inlet chart forother speeds)Speed Ratings:600 to 3000 RPMOperating T emperature Range:–40°C to 71°C(–40°F to 160°F) Housing Material: Cast-IronFiltration:Maintain SAE Class 4,ISO 16/13,ISO 18/15 MaximumMounting:SAE “B” or Metric 2-BoltFlange MountInstallation Data:See page 42 of this catalog for specific recommendations pertaining to system cleanliness, fluids, start-up, inlet conditions, shaft alignment, drain line restrictions and other important factors relative to the proper installation and use ofthese pumps. Quick Reference Data ChartDisplacement Pump Delivery† Approx. Noise Levels dB(A)Input Power AtPumpcc/rev @ 21 bar (300 PSI)@ Full Flow 1800 RPM (1200 RPM)1800 RPM, Max.Model(In3/rev)in LPM (GPM)34 bar69 bar138 bar207 bar248 bar Displacement & 1200 RPM1800 RPM(500 PSI)(1000 PSI)(2000 PSI)(3000 PSI)(3600 PSI)248 bar (3600 PSI)PVP2323.0 (1.4)28.0 (7.4)42.0 (11.1)61 (57)64 (59)67 (63)69 (65)70 (65)19.7 kw (26.5 hp) PVP3333.0 (2.0)39.4 (10.4)59.0 (15.6)64 (59)66 (59)68 (62)70 (64)71 (65)27.2 kw (36.5 hp)†Measured in an anechoic chamber to DIN 45635, measuring error + 2 dB(A).Fluid used: petroleum oil to ISO VG 46; temperature = 50°C (122°F).Since many variables such as mounting, tank style, plant layout, etc., effect noise levels, it cannot be assumed thatthe above readings will be equal to those in the field. The above values are for guidance in selecting the proper pump.81012141618201009080706050F l o wE f f i c i e n c y - %P o w e rPVP23 @ 1800 RPM042630.337.945.453.060.668.275.7015.17.622.700Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000PressureLPM KW HP = Q x (PSI) + (CHp)[ ]NOTE: The efficiencies and data in the graph are good only for pumps running at 1800 RPM and stroked to maximum. To calculate approximate horsepower for the other conditions,use the following formula:Actual GPM is directly proportional to drive speed and maximum volume setting. Flow loss, however, is a function of pressure only.WHERE:Q =Actual Output Flow in GPM PSI =Pressure At Pump OutletCHp =Input Horsepower @ Full Compensation @ 1800RPM (from graph read at operating pressure)81012141618201009080706050F l o wE f f i c i e n c y - %P o w e rPVP33 @ 1800 RPM042630.337.945.453.060.668.275.7015.17.622.700Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000PressureLPM 06.011.917.923.929.808. KWFlow vs. Speed10002000300050015002500Shaft Speed - RPM16.028.0Ou t l e t F l o w @ M a x . D i s p l a c e m e n t08. LPM PVP 23/33Inlet Characteristics at Full Displacement(Graph only valid at sea level)10001500500200025003000Shaft Speed - RPMV a c u u mI n l e t P r e s s u r e 6.414.282.14PSI bar 005.1710.3415.5120.68barPVP23 @ 1800 RPM00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure81012F l o wT o r q u e42630.337.945.4015.17.622.7019.739.459.178.898.40175350525700875118.11050GPM LPM In-Lbs N·m Power ControlPVP33 @ 1800 RPM00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure81016F l o wT o r q u e42630.337.960.61453.01245.415.17.622.7019.739.459.178.898.40175350525700875157.51400137.81225118.11050GPM LPM In-Lbs N·mResponse Times80100120T i m e (m i l l i s e c )PVP 23/33 @ 1200 RPM40206000Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000Pressure 80100120T i m e (m i l l i s e c )PVP 23/33 @ 1800 RPM40206000Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000PressurePVP 23/33Approximate Case Drain Flow@ 1800 RPM00Bar PSI 691000138200020730002754000.4.5.6F l o w. PVP 23/33Compensated Power@ 1800 RPM00Bar PSI 6910001382000207300027540002.02.53.0P o w e r01. KWRear Ported Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation pump shown. Lefthand (CCW) pumps have inlet and outlet ports reversed.2.Pump shown with standard pressure compensator (control option “omit”)..)Side Ported – Options 2 & 3 Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation pump shown. Lefthand (CCW) pumps have inletand outlet ports reversed.2.Pump shown with standard pressure compensator (control option “omit”).Port LocationOption A Inlet and Outlet Port148.841-1/4" SAE 4-Bolt Flange 2(3.10)7/16-14 Threads StandardPressure Series (Code 61) 3152.40SAE-20 Straight Thread(3.22)(1-5/8-12UN-2B)Side Ported – Options 8 & 9 Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation pump shown.2.Pump shown with standard pressure compensator (control option “omit”).Pilot DimensionsShaft A B C D Option Omit 101.60/101.559.4072.90ø 12.70B, C, D (4.000/3.998)(.37)(2.87)(.50)K100.00/99.959.1469.85ø 12mm(3.937/3.935)(.36)(2.75)Top View Side View Rear ViewThru-Shaft Pump Dimensions* Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**).NOTES:1.Righthand (CW) rotation side ported pump shown.Lefthand (CCW) pump will have inlet and outletports reversed.2.Install coupler on shaft of rear pump to dimensionshown then lock down coupler using set screws.3.Options, 6A2, 6A4, 9A4 and 9A5 Design Series 20have a gasket seal, all other thru-shaft optionsincorporate an o-ring seal and have ano-ring groove.4.Maximum torque transmitting capacity 209 N•m(1850 in-lbs).Thru-Shaft OptionsGFEDCBAno i t a i r aV6A4238.51 (9.39)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)53.19 (2.09)3/8-16UNC-2B9 Tooth 16/32 Pitch31.75 (1.25)N/A 6A5238.51 (9.39)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)53.19 (2.09)3/8-16UNC-2B11 Tooth 16/32 Pitch31.75 (1.25)N/A 6B3252.48 (9.94)101.63/101.65 (4.001/4.002)73.03 (2.88)1/2-13UNC-2B13 Tooth 16/32 Pitch41.15 (1.62)N/A 6B4252.48 (9.94)101.63/101.65 (4.001/4.002)73.03 (2.88)1/2-13UNC-2B15 Tooth 16/32 Pitch45.97 (1.81)N/A 9A4238.51 (9.39)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)53.19 (2.09)M10 x 1.509 Tooth 16/32 Pitch31.75 (1.25)N/A 9A5238.51 (9.39)82.58/82.60 (3.251/3.252)53.19 (2.09)M10 x 1.5011 Tooth 16/32 Pitch31.75 (1.25)N/A 9B3252.48 (9.94)101.63/101.65 (4.001/4.00)73.03 (2.88)M12 x 1.7513 Tooth 16/32 Pitch41.15 (1.62)N/A 9B4252.48 (9.94)101.63/101.65 (4.001/4.00)73.03 (2.88)M12 x 1.7515 Tooth 16/32 Pitch45.97 (1.81)N/A。
液压注意 – 用户方责任 错误或不当地选择或使用本样本或有关资料阐述的产品,可能会导致人生伤亡及财产损失! 本样本以及其它由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司、销售公司与授权分销商所提供的资料,仅供用户专业技术人员在对产品和系统的选型进行深入调查考证时参考。
目录目录页次概述 1 订货代号 2 技术参数 4 变量控制器 5 控制选项 “C”, 压力限定(恒压)变量控制器 5 控制选项 “L”, 负载传感及压力限定变量控制器 6 控制选项 “AM”, 带遥控口的标准型先导式压力限定变量控制器 7 控制选项 “AN”, 带ISO 4401 NG06先导阀安装界面的先导式压力限定变量控制器 8 控制选项 “AE”及“AF”, 带电磁比例调节的先导式压力限定变量控制器 9 控制选项 “AMT”, “ALT”及“LOT”, 带最高压力限定的扭矩限定(恒功率)变量控制器 10 P1性能特性 11典型流量特性 11 典型总效率特性 13 典型轴输入功率特性 15 典型噪声特性 18 典型轴承寿命 20 PD性能特性 22典型流量特性 22 典型总效率特性 24 典型轴输入功率特性 26 典型噪声特性 29 典型轴承寿命 31 安装尺寸 33 P1/PD 018 33 P1/PD 028 36 P1/PD 045 40 P1/PD 060 44 P1/PD 075 49 P1/PD 100 54 P1/PD 140 59 变量控制器安装尺寸 65 可提供的扩展的液压产品 75派克汉尼汾备记派克汉尼汾概述简介, 优点派克汉尼汾简介 • 开式回路用轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 • 中压,连续工作压力280 bar • 高驱动转速型,适用于行走机械; 低噪声型,适用于工业应用 • 静音及高效的控制效能 优点 • 总结构尺寸紧凑 • 低噪声• 流量脉动小,进一步降低噪声• 采用弹性密封,不使用密封垫,从而避免外泄漏的产生• 总效率高,功耗小,减小发热• 采用带无泄漏调节装的简单变量控制器 • 符合SAE 及ISO 标准的安装法兰及油口 • 采用圆锥滚柱轴承,使用寿命长 • 全功率后驱动能力• 后部或侧面油口配置可选• 泄油口的配置对水平安装及驱动轴向上垂直安装均适用• 带有最大及最小排量调节选项 • 具有壳体至吸口单向阀选项,可延长轴封寿命 • 使用、维修方便 脉动容腔技术下列图表所示为侧向油口配置P1/PD 18, 28及45泵采用 “脉动容腔” 技术的效果,脉动容腔可降低泵出口处的压力脉动幅值40-60%,这样,无需增加成本来加装噪声缓冲元件,便可大大降低液压系统的整体噪声,P1系列 PD 系列出口压力p / bar平均压力脉动 / b a rP1 045出口压力脉动2600 rpm 无脉动容腔2600 rpm 带脉动容腔订货代号18 ml, 28 ml, 45ml派克汉尼汾P 类型 01 驱动轴 转向R 5密封材料E 油口配置0 壳体-吸口 单向阀 0 排量调节 018 排量 S 安装法兰 及油口 S 轴封 M 应用范围A 设计系列0 通轴驱动选项 C0控制选项0附加控制选项 00油漆 00修改代号系列 P D * 仅适用于045排量, “S”型安装法兰及油口00 标准型, 无修改M2 按要求修改 代号修改代号 * 适用于028及045排量 ** 仅适用于045排量 代号设计系列 A 现行设计系列5 氟碳橡胶 (FPM) 代号密封材料 A 82-2 SAE A M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 3/8” 101-2 SAE B M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” 101-2SAE B M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”B ISO M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”,3/8”ISO M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”代号 018排量 028排量 045排量 安装法兰及油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装法兰螺纹油口法兰 油口辅助 油口 S 82-2 SAE A SAE 16/12 SAE 4/6 101-2 SAE B SAE 20/12 SAE 4/8 101-2SAE B SAE 24/16Ø38/2561系列SAE 4/10M ISO M33x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M16x1.5 ISO M42x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M22x1.5 ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25M12x1.5M22x1.5代号 018驱动轴 028驱动轴 045驱动轴 01 SAE A 11T 花键SAE B-B 15T 花键 SAE B-B 15T 花键02 SAE 19-1平键Ø0.75” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” 08— SAE B 13T 花键 SAE B 13T 花键 04 ISO/DIN 平键, Ø20ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25 06 SAE A 9T 花键— — PD 工业液压用 代号 系列P1 行走机械用 代号 排量 018 18 ml/rev (1.10 in 3/rev) 028 28 ml/rev (1.71 in 3/rev) 045 45 ml/rev (2.75 in 3/rev) 代号 类型 P 开式回路用变量柱塞泵 U*通用 代号应用范围 S 工业液压 (PD) M 行走机械 (P1) R 顺时针 (右转)L 逆时针 (左转)代号 转向 代号 轴封 S 单唇轴封 * 并不具有控制功能,仅在运输时予以防护,详情见第7页的控制说明。
![液压马达产品样本OMR-SAUER DANFOSS](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ab1708f1c8d376eeaeaa312a.png)
以下是常见的几种工具:1. WiresharkWireshark是一款流行的开源网络协议分析器。
2. tcpdumptcpdump是一种流行的命令行流量分析工具,可在Linux和类Unix操作系统上使用。
3. NetFlowNetFlow是一种流量分析技术,可捕获网络流量数据并生成报告。
三、网络流量分析的过程1. 抓取网络流量要分析流量,首先需要使用抓包工具捕获网络流量。
2. 过滤数据包一旦捕获了网络流量,需要对数据包进行过滤。