商务英语翻译 2.ppt
人民大2023实用现代商务英语翻译(第二版)PPTUnit 2

• 译文:A flying, all-electric taxi sounds like sci-fi, but some experts say you could be sitting in one in just 3 years. Rob Watson, president of the electrical division at Rolls-Royce, got the industry buzzing when he declared at the Singapore Airshow that fully electric, small commuter planes will be zipping overhead soon in most major markets.
例 7:The new arrivals do not conform to the sample provided earlier. 译文: 刚到的货物与早些时候提供的样品不符。
• 2.1.4 词量增减
(1)增词。根据具体上下文可增加动词、形容词、 名词或别的词类。 例 8:TikTok is fairly a recent development. 译文:抖音是近年来发展起来的。
商务英语中包含了大量的商务技术词汇缩略语, 译者对于常见词汇的精确运用在翻译中很重要。 如价格常用术语: FOB 离岸价、CIF 到岸价、DDU 进口国未完税交 货、DDP 进口国完税后交货、EXW出厂价。 又如 B/L提货单、L/C信用证、 COD 货到付现、 WPA 水渍险,等等。
总之,商务英语翻译不能拘泥于形式,在保证 原文的信息量最大限度地传递到译文中的前提下, 翻译者要掌握翻译技巧,灵活运用译入语,以达到 语义信息、风格信息和文体信息最大对等的效果。
商务翻译(英译汉)Unit 2 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep

• 一种出口干电池的商标叫“白象”,英译成“White Elephant”。殊不知a white elephant是条固定的英文短 语,意为“沉重的负担”(a burdensome possession) 或“无用而累赘的东西”(useless)。“蜜蜂”牌洗 澡香皂被直译为“Bees”。这是完全对应的英译,但英 文读者却不欢迎这个译名,因为蜜蜂身上有几乎看不见 的绒刺,擦在身上自然感觉不到舒服。马戏牌扑克牌被 音译成“Maxipuke”也是符合翻译技巧和原则的。但这 个汉语拼音牌名正好是两个英义词“Maxi”(=very large or particularly big特大的)和“puke” (=vomit 呕吐物,催吐剂;令人作呕的人成物)的集合。人们玩 扑克无疑多为娱乐,起名“马戏”对中国人来说是个很 理想的名字。可英国人对此译名却可能是望而却步。它 不仅不给人以快乐的感觉,反而令人感到恶心。 无忧PPT整理发布
•把“白象”译成“White Elephant”是败笔自不用提, 但将“白熊”商标译成“White Bear”却是成功之笔。 查北京外国语大学编的《汉英词典》,“白熊”的第一 条英译是Polar Bear,因为这是学名,第二条英译是 White Bear。将商标名译成了Polar Bear,似无不可。 但随着近年来国际政治形势的变化。Polar Bear(北极 熊)已另有所指。人们容易把它当作绰号与世界上一种 政治势力联系起来,所以还是译为White Bear为好。 •我国“金鸡牌” 闹钟在国外有较高声誉,但美中不足 的是其译名似嫌欠雅——因为“Golden Cock”中的Cock 在英美等国家除有“雄鸡”一义外,还有“阴茎”之义, 使此译名失之粗俗。为使译名变雅,最好把cock换成 rooster。这一改基本可使原文读者与译文读者具有同样 的审美感受。译者应避免语句和措辞上的问题,如不
• 一种出口干电池的商标叫“白象”,英译成“White Elephant”。殊不知a white elephant是条固定的英文短 语,意为“沉重的负担”(a burdensome possession) 或“无用而累赘的东西”(useless)。“蜜蜂”牌洗 澡香皂被直译为“Bees”。这是完全对应的英译,但英 文读者却不欢迎这个译名,因为蜜蜂身上有几乎看不见 的绒刺,擦在身上自然感觉不到舒服。马戏牌扑克牌被 音译成“Maxipuke”也是符合翻译技巧和原则的。但这 个汉语拼音牌名正好是两个英义词“Maxi”(=very large or particularly big特大的)和“puke” (=vomit 呕吐物,催吐剂;令人作呕的人成物)的集合。人们玩 扑克无疑多为娱乐,起名“马戏”对中国人来说是个很 理想的名字。可英国人对此译名却可能是望而却步。它 不仅不给人以快乐的感觉,反而令人感到恶心。 无忧PPT整理发布
•把“白象”译成“White Elephant”是败笔自不用提, 但将“白熊”商标译成“White Bear”却是成功之笔。 查北京外国语大学编的《汉英词典》,“白熊”的第一 条英译是Polar Bear,因为这是学名,第二条英译是 White Bear。将商标名译成了Polar Bear,似无不可。 但随着近年来国际政治形势的变化。Polar Bear(北极 熊)已另有所指。人们容易把它当作绰号与世界上一种 政治势力联系起来,所以还是译为White Bear为好。 •我国“金鸡牌” 闹钟在国外有较高声誉,但美中不足 的是其译名似嫌欠雅——因为“Golden Cock”中的Cock 在英美等国家除有“雄鸡”一义外,还有“阴茎”之义, 使此译名失之粗俗。为使译名变雅,最好把cock换成 rooster。这一改基本可使原文读者与译文读者具有同样 的审美感受。译者应避免语句和措辞上的问题,如不

Para 5 Contemporary
Contemporary, contemporaneous, simultaneous, synchronous, concurrent, coincident, concomitant are all synonyms, meaning “existing or occurring at the same time”. 1). Contemporary is used more often of persons, contemporaneous of events and facts.当代的,同时代的,同时期的 e.g. The composer Salieri was contemporary with Mozart. A rise in interest rate is often comtemporaneous with an increase in inflation.
The word “associate” has a number of parts of speech. It is used as a vt in the text. It can also be used as in vi, or a n. or an adj.
1). When used as vi, it, similar to the word “join”, means to join in a form a league. e.g. If his health permits, he will ~ in many important business ventures. As vi, it also means to spend time socially 与某人交往或打交道 e.g. She often ~ with her coworkers on weekends. 2). Used as n., “associate” may mean a person united with another or others in an act, enterprise, or business. Used in this context, it is a synonym to partner or colleague. 同事,伙伴 e.g. He never hangs out with his ~s in the evening. 3). “Associate”, as an adj., means “joined with another or others and having equal or nearly equal status or having partial status or privileges.” (与 某职业或组织)联合的,联盟的,合伙的 e.g. David is an ~ editor of Nature magazine. (副主编,助理编辑) an ~ judge 陪审法官 the ~ producer of a film 联合制片人

此外,英语名词复数,汉译时还可以根 据情况,增加重迭词、数词或其它一些词来 表达,这样做可以让汉语译文更加通顺,更 返回 加完整。
1.增加重迭词表示复数 Flowers bloom all over the yard. 朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。 Newsmen went flying off to Mexico. 记者纷纷飞到墨西哥去了。 There were rows of houses which he
and the boy loved him. 那位老人已经教会了孩子捕鱼,所以孩子很
2.强调时间上的对比时,往往需要加一些词 Man, was, is and always will be trying to
improve his living conditions. 人类过去、现在而且将来总是在尽力改善生活条
1.增加动词; 2.增加形容词或者副词; 3.增加名词; 4.增加表示名词复数的词; 5.增加表达时态的词。
1. 增补回答句中省略的词语
… like sport
Do you like sport? Yes, I do.
2.2 常用翻译方法与技巧系列:增词法
增词法( Amplification )就是在翻译时按意 义上(修辞上)和句法上的需要增加一些词 来更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容。
1.增补回答句中省略的词语; 2.增补并列结构中省略的词语; 3.增补表示逻辑关系或者平衡结构的词语。
1.增加重迭词表示复数 Flowers bloom all over the yard. 朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。 Newsmen went flying off to Mexico. 记者纷纷飞到墨西哥去了。 There were rows of houses which he
and the boy loved him. 那位老人已经教会了孩子捕鱼,所以孩子很
2.强调时间上的对比时,往往需要加一些词 Man, was, is and always will be trying to
improve his living conditions. 人类过去、现在而且将来总是在尽力改善生活条
1.增加动词; 2.增加形容词或者副词; 3.增加名词; 4.增加表示名词复数的词; 5.增加表达时态的词。
1. 增补回答句中省略的词语
… like sport
Do you like sport? Yes, I do.
2.2 常用翻译方法与技巧系列:增词法
增词法( Amplification )就是在翻译时按意 义上(修辞上)和句法上的需要增加一些词 来更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容。
1.增补回答句中省略的词语; 2.增补并列结构中省略的词语; 3.增补表示逻辑关系或者平衡结构的词语。
商务翻译 英译汉 Unit 2

• 其次,了解该广告受众国的文化传统以及消费 心理,了解在翻译时应注意的禁忌。无论任何 国家、民族都存在许多这样那样的忌讳,对于 千百年来形成的民族风俗,我们应给予必要的 尊重,这也同时会影响到出口商品的销路问题。
• 一、 要熟悉外族文化,了解异域人民审美心理;否 则的话,就会在出口商品的商标翻译中出现败笔。
• 首先应深入地了解所译广告及商品的特点。这 包括:第一,掌握商品的特征 ,即品质和品位; 第二,了解原广告策划的6M,即围绕具体的广 告目标,在策划中应该考虑以下六个方面(简 称6M):Market市场、Message信息、 Media媒体、Motion活动、Measurement评估、 Money金钱。
Unit 2 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
• It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won’t boil and ruin your piston rings. It won’t freeze over and ruin your life. It’s in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. • After a while you get to like so much about the VW②, you even get to like what it looks like. • You find that there’s enough legroom for almost anybody’s legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody’s head. With a hat on it. Snugfitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They’re so airtight, it’s better to open the window a crack first! • Those plain, unglamorous wheels are much suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn’t make the other wheel bump. It’s things like that you pay $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn’t add a thing to the cost of the car. • That’s the beauty of it.
• 一、 要熟悉外族文化,了解异域人民审美心理;否 则的话,就会在出口商品的商标翻译中出现败笔。
• 首先应深入地了解所译广告及商品的特点。这 包括:第一,掌握商品的特征 ,即品质和品位; 第二,了解原广告策划的6M,即围绕具体的广 告目标,在策划中应该考虑以下六个方面(简 称6M):Market市场、Message信息、 Media媒体、Motion活动、Measurement评估、 Money金钱。
Unit 2 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
• It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won’t boil and ruin your piston rings. It won’t freeze over and ruin your life. It’s in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. • After a while you get to like so much about the VW②, you even get to like what it looks like. • You find that there’s enough legroom for almost anybody’s legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody’s head. With a hat on it. Snugfitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They’re so airtight, it’s better to open the window a crack first! • Those plain, unglamorous wheels are much suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn’t make the other wheel bump. It’s things like that you pay $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn’t add a thing to the cost of the car. • That’s the beauty of it.
商务英语翻译 Unit2 Company Introduction

Unit2 Company Introduction
Unit Objectives
• 1. To be familiar with the composition of business card • 2. To master the language features and translating skills of business card • 3. To get the definition and standard of translation • 4. To be able to translate business card into English or Chinese properly
Basic knowledge
• Definition & Format of Company introduction • 企业或公司简介(Company introduction or profile)就是简明扼要地介绍企业或公司主要情 况的一种商务文体。企业简介主要有两种形式: 篇章式和名片式。篇章式企业简介就是用文章 段落的方式,概括介绍企业的成立日期、企业 规模、经营范围、产品性能、生产能力、企业 声誉等内容。名片式就是将企业的名称、地址、 电话、传真、负责人以及经营范围逐项列出。 前者内容详尽具体,信息量大;后者简洁明了, 重点突出。
• 本厂可生产大衣、西装、时装、衬衫和毛 衣等不同类型服装用的上千花色品种的纽 扣。产品齐全、品种繁多、造型新颖。
• 2. 多用专业词汇 • KFC Corporation, based in Louisville, Kentucky, is the world’s most popular chicken restaurant chain, specializing in Original Recipe, Extratasty Crispy Burger, Twister and Colonel’s Crispy Chicken Strips, etc. • 肯德基全球总部设在美国肯塔基州的路易
Unit2 Company Introduction
Unit Objectives
• 1. To be familiar with the composition of business card • 2. To master the language features and translating skills of business card • 3. To get the definition and standard of translation • 4. To be able to translate business card into English or Chinese properly
Basic knowledge
• Definition & Format of Company introduction • 企业或公司简介(Company introduction or profile)就是简明扼要地介绍企业或公司主要情 况的一种商务文体。企业简介主要有两种形式: 篇章式和名片式。篇章式企业简介就是用文章 段落的方式,概括介绍企业的成立日期、企业 规模、经营范围、产品性能、生产能力、企业 声誉等内容。名片式就是将企业的名称、地址、 电话、传真、负责人以及经营范围逐项列出。 前者内容详尽具体,信息量大;后者简洁明了, 重点突出。
• 本厂可生产大衣、西装、时装、衬衫和毛 衣等不同类型服装用的上千花色品种的纽 扣。产品齐全、品种繁多、造型新颖。
• 2. 多用专业词汇 • KFC Corporation, based in Louisville, Kentucky, is the world’s most popular chicken restaurant chain, specializing in Original Recipe, Extratasty Crispy Burger, Twister and Colonel’s Crispy Chicken Strips, etc. • 肯德基全球总部设在美国肯塔基州的路易

1) If you are in their shoes, do you think the Department of defense did the right thing?
2) What principle did the Department of Defense follow?
B. Principle of Trust in Negotiation
Personal Interests
-----interests of individuals who participate in negotiation.
Organizational Interests:
---interests of collective bodies such as private or state-owned enterprises, institutions and other kinds of entities.
to convey ideas.
Trust building in negotiation
2. Manage your reputation * Reputation spreads. * Make your reputation a tool in negotiation by providing references from mutually trusted third parties that speak for your character and competence or by offering other forms of evidence of past success such as media or trade reports.
2) What principle did the Department of Defense follow?
B. Principle of Trust in Negotiation
Personal Interests
-----interests of individuals who participate in negotiation.
Organizational Interests:
---interests of collective bodies such as private or state-owned enterprises, institutions and other kinds of entities.
to convey ideas.
Trust building in negotiation
2. Manage your reputation * Reputation spreads. * Make your reputation a tool in negotiation by providing references from mutually trusted third parties that speak for your character and competence or by offering other forms of evidence of past success such as media or trade reports.

A:“四联”(美发美容中心)的迁京,带来了先进 的理发设备和高超的理发技艺,并将南派理发细腻、 时尚与北派理发朴实、庄重的艺术风格相融合,创 作出的发型美而不艳、秀丽清新,在京城享有很高 的声誉。 B:Metrostav is one of the thriving leaders among Central European construction companies, characterized by sustainable growth of production performance and market value, with management levels meeting EU standards.
忠实性:翻译必须忠实于原文,译文要准确地传达原文信息 信息性:翻译要遵循传达主要信息的原则 流畅性:译文语言必须通顺易懂,符合译入语的语言习惯 宣传性:译文必须尽量保留作为宣传资料的语气 统一性:文中的概念、术语始终保持统一,不随意变换译名 文化适应性:迎合译入语民族的心理和审美,避免文化鸿沟
A:从“中餐百强企业”、“中国企业500强”再到新加坡特许 经营与授权组织(Franchising & Licensing Association of Singapore)授予的“年度国际特许经营大奖”、“25大 典范品牌”……小肥羊用十年的耕耘,取得了令人欣慰的成 就,也为中餐标准化、品牌化、国际化探索树立了典型。小 肥羊将继续以天然、健康的品质,快乐、共享的理念,弘扬 中华餐饮文化,强壮人类健康体魄;努力成长为世界级的中 餐品牌,朝着打造“百年老店”的战略目标奋进。 B:Lamps and lighting systems from OSRAM provide the basis for a beautiful view of things, and ensure safety and comfort, allowing for the efficient use of resources. For more than 100 years, OSRAM has been “passionate about intelligent light”. As a globally operating company, we also explicitly encourage socially and environmentally responsible policies around the world―as well as sponsoring art and culture at home and abroad.

Go beyond literal translation to recreate the emotional impact and intent of the original content.
Cultural Sensitivity
Ensure that translated campaigns are culturally sensitive and appropriate in the target market.
Best practices for effective Business English Translation
Translating for Target Audience
Consider the preferences and expectations of the target audience to produce impactful translations.
Idiomatic Expressions
Understand and accurately translate idiomatic expressions, which vary across different cultures and languages.
Be aware of cultural etiquette norms to avoid potential misunderstandings in business communications.
Deep understanding of business concepts and terminology in both source and target languages.
Go beyond literal translation to recreate the emotional impact and intent of the original content.
Cultural Sensitivity
Ensure that translated campaigns are culturally sensitive and appropriate in the target market.
Best practices for effective Business English Translation
Translating for Target Audience
Consider the preferences and expectations of the target audience to produce impactful translations.
Idiomatic Expressions
Understand and accurately translate idiomatic expressions, which vary across different cultures and languages.
Be aware of cultural etiquette norms to avoid potential misunderstandings in business communications.
Deep understanding of business concepts and terminology in both source and target languages.

A: A project manager. 4. Q: what / responsible?W_h_a_t__ar_e__y_o_u_r_e_s_p_o_n_s_ib_l_e_f_o_r_?________
A: Growing and maintaining customer relationships. 5. Q: where / based? _W__h_e_r_e__ar_e__y_o_u_b_a_s_e_d_?_________________
Speaking: Asking questions about jobs
0. Q: why / like/ the company? Why do you like the company?
A: It’s like a family.
How long have you been
1. Q: long / working / the company?w_o_r_k_in_g__f_o_r_t_h_e__co_m__p_a_n_y_?___
4. 带薪休假的福利,包括带薪公假和带薪休假(Paid Holidays and Paid Vacations)。、
其他的福利,例如交通补贴(Local Conveyance Allowance)、住房补贴 (Housing Allowance)、伙食补贴(Meal Allowance)、旅游津贴(Holiday Bonus)。
A: Two years. 2. Q: when / join? _W__h_e_n_d_i_d__yo_u__j_o_in__(t_h_e__c_o_m_p_a_n_y_)?__________
A: In 1978. 3. Q: was / first job? _W__h_a_t_w_a_s_y_o_u_r__f_ir_s_t_j_o_b_?_______________
商务翻译英译汉 Unit (2)

• 一种出口干电池的商标叫“白象”,英译成“White Elephant”。殊不知a white elephant是条固定的英文短 语,意为“沉重的负担”(a burdensome possession) 或“无用而累赘的东西”(useless)。“蜜蜂”牌洗 澡香皂被直译为“Bees”。这是完全对应的英译,但英 文读者却不欢迎这个译名,因为蜜蜂身上有几乎看不见 的绒刺,擦在身上自然感觉不到舒服。马戏牌扑克牌被 音译成“Maxipuke”也是符合翻译技巧和原则的。但这 个汉语拼音牌名正好是两个英义词“Maxi”(=very large or particularly big特大的)和“puke” (=vomit 呕吐物,催吐剂;令人作呕的人成物)的集合。人们玩 扑克无疑多为娱乐,起名“马戏”对中国人来说是个很 理想的名字。可英国人对此译名却可能是望而却步。它 不仅不给人以快乐的感觉,反而令人感到恶心。
Unit 2
Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won’t boil and ruin your piston rings. It won’t freeze over and ruin your life. It’s in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. • After a while you get to like so much about the VW②, you even get to like what it looks like. • You find that there’s enough legroom for almost anybody’s legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody’s head. With a hat on it. Snugfitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They’re so airtight, it’s better to open the window a crack first! • Those plain, unglamorous wheels are much suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn’t make the other wheel bump. It’s things like that you pay $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn’t add a thing to the cost of the car. • That’s the beauty of it.
商务英语口译 Unit 2 Business Visits

• 在沙特阿拉伯,女性是不可以伸出双手 和异性商务伙伴握手的,除非对方先伸 手。这里的穆斯林是不会和非亲属关系 的异性发生肢体接触的。如果你的商务 伙伴没有要和你握手的意思,那么彼此 礼貌地微笑一下,打声招呼就可以了。
New Words &Expressions
• Etiquette ['eti'ket] n. 礼仪, 礼节, 成规 diplomatic etiquette 外交礼节 professional etiquette 同行间的礼仪, 行规 • predominantly .[prɪˈd ɔmɪnəntlɪ] adv. 占主导地位地;占优势地;显著地 The workforce is predominantly male. 劳动力中男性占绝大多数。
• 在中东穆斯林国家,周五非工作日,而 是教徒们做礼拜和休息的日子。不要在 这一天安排会议或和客户见面等活动。 此外还要注意,穆斯林斋月中每天从日 出到日落这段时间是不准进食的。作为 游客也要注意不要在公共场合有吃喝等 行为。
• 美国人有着过于友好的美名,法国人却 不这样。在法国,言行谨慎的人才会受 到尊敬。在当地人眼中,毫无拘束、大 大咧咧的言行是和不诚实划等号的。 • 在印度,如果不小心蹭到或踩到别人的 脚一定要立即道歉。因为印度人认为脚 是不洁之物,用脚触碰对方是一种莫大 的羞辱。如果去当地人家赴宴,还要准 备好要先把鞋脱掉放在门外,然后光脚 进门。
New Words & Expressions
• Err [əː] v.i. 犯错误; 做错事 To err is human, to forgive divine. (谚)犯错人皆难免,宽恕则属超凡。 The judge had erred in ruling that the evidence was inadmissible. 法官判定证据不可接受是错误的。 err on the side of : (行动上)多表现(某 种品质) It is better to err on the side of caution. 多一些谨慎总是好的。

下面分类介绍商用标识的翻译。商用标识的范围很广,总体上可以分 为商务出行标识、商场标识、企业标识等。
商务出行标识(Business Travel Signs) 商场促销标识(Promoting Signs) 企业标识(Company Signs)
II. 请翻译下列标识语。(1) Sec 1 (1) Left Baggage
行李寄存 (2) Photography and video are not permitted inside the building
Sec 4
(3) Foreign Exchange (Services)
Sec 6
Sec 7 Sec8
(4) Particulars Of Membership
仅限会员(入内/使用) (5) Customers Lounges
II. 请翻译下列标识语。(2) (6) 往返票价
Return fares (7) 买二赠一
don’t use the elevator!)就可以相应地简化为 “No Climbing!”,
“Don’t use the elevator in case of fire!”。
II. 标识的翻译技巧(3)
2. 遵从习惯,使用规范标准的标识语 标识用语具有很强的规约性。受语言习惯的影响,很多标识语的 翻译都已约定俗成,不宜随意改动。例如:我们外出常见到的“小草 微微笑,请你走便道”、“请勿践踏”等标识语就不能生硬地译为 “Little grass is smiling slightly, please walk on pavement.”,而要 按照英语的习惯直接翻译成“Keep Off the Grass”。再比如:“前 方修路,请慢驾驶”和“该路段为单行道”可以按英语习惯分别翻译 为“Road Work Ahead”和“One-Way”。
中职教育-国际商务英语口语口译课件:Unit 2 Business Telephoning.ppt

Unit 2 Business Telephoning / 商务电话
电话是商务活动中不可或缺的要件,商务电话礼仪、禁忌以及应对技 巧便理所当然地成为了商务工作人员必备职业素质之一。
在彼此看不到的电话中,双方的心情和心理状态便完全依赖声音传送。 声音是自然而直接的,即便刻意掩饰,当时的心情和肢体语言也会微 妙地显现于声调中。所以,通话时即使看不见对方,也要当作对方很 快就会在眼前出现一样,尽可能注意自己的姿势。只要姿势端正,声 音自然会清晰悦耳。
in it. Liu: You’re welcome. Which particular items are you interested in? Carson: Well, we’ve gone through your catalogue and have interest in some home textile items. Liu: May I have your specific inquiry? If you make an inquiry, we can offer you firmly. Carson: We’re planning to place an order for 300 bales. We’ll be pleased if you quote us your
deal? Rick: Yes, I’ll pay by irrevocable letter of credit as usual. Please send me a fax with all the
information. Li: No problem. I’ll get it ready very soon. Rick: It’s nice to do business with you. Goodr and Acceptance 还盘和接盘
电话是商务活动中不可或缺的要件,商务电话礼仪、禁忌以及应对技 巧便理所当然地成为了商务工作人员必备职业素质之一。
在彼此看不到的电话中,双方的心情和心理状态便完全依赖声音传送。 声音是自然而直接的,即便刻意掩饰,当时的心情和肢体语言也会微 妙地显现于声调中。所以,通话时即使看不见对方,也要当作对方很 快就会在眼前出现一样,尽可能注意自己的姿势。只要姿势端正,声 音自然会清晰悦耳。
in it. Liu: You’re welcome. Which particular items are you interested in? Carson: Well, we’ve gone through your catalogue and have interest in some home textile items. Liu: May I have your specific inquiry? If you make an inquiry, we can offer you firmly. Carson: We’re planning to place an order for 300 bales. We’ll be pleased if you quote us your
deal? Rick: Yes, I’ll pay by irrevocable letter of credit as usual. Please send me a fax with all the
information. Li: No problem. I’ll get it ready very soon. Rick: It’s nice to do business with you. Goodr and Acceptance 还盘和接盘

建议:排列工整的句子在翻译时尽量做到达意和语言优美整 齐两个目标。
C-E Interpretation
本届博览会的圆满成功,更离不开全体朋友的共同 努力。
Note-taking (1)
Sino-U.S. ties
viceminister of the Chinese Foreign Ministry
expand common interests 扩大共识
promote a win-win situation of mutual benefit
建议:在这句话里,发言人十分巧妙地使用了两 个both,在译文中应当对句子结构重新安排,把商 品和资金放在句首作为状语,并且将“进口”和 “出口”合二为一。
E-C Interpretation (Passage 2)
Your government shows that it understands this, by the role that it plays in the United Nations, and elsewhere. 参考译文:中国政府在联合国以及其他场所发挥 的作用表明,中国认识到了这一点。
建议:如果直译为“乳制品业是… 的例子 ”,那么定于就过长,而且也不能强调如 此发达的乳品业贸易仅仅是个例子,中澳 两国的贸易关系是十分紧密的。
E-C Interpretation (Passage 2)
It is a great honor for me to speak at one of China's great academic institutions, one that is helping to revive and maintain your country's historic tradition of leading the world in science and technology, and one whose alumni are to be found in positions of leadership throughout country.
C-E Interpretation
本届博览会的圆满成功,更离不开全体朋友的共同 努力。
Note-taking (1)
Sino-U.S. ties
viceminister of the Chinese Foreign Ministry
expand common interests 扩大共识
promote a win-win situation of mutual benefit
建议:在这句话里,发言人十分巧妙地使用了两 个both,在译文中应当对句子结构重新安排,把商 品和资金放在句首作为状语,并且将“进口”和 “出口”合二为一。
E-C Interpretation (Passage 2)
Your government shows that it understands this, by the role that it plays in the United Nations, and elsewhere. 参考译文:中国政府在联合国以及其他场所发挥 的作用表明,中国认识到了这一点。
建议:如果直译为“乳制品业是… 的例子 ”,那么定于就过长,而且也不能强调如 此发达的乳品业贸易仅仅是个例子,中澳 两国的贸易关系是十分紧密的。
E-C Interpretation (Passage 2)
It is a great honor for me to speak at one of China's great academic institutions, one that is helping to revive and maintain your country's historic tradition of leading the world in science and technology, and one whose alumni are to be found in positions of leadership throughout country.