第一章导论1. 公司目标:为所有者创造价值,公司价值在于其产生现金流能力。
2. 财务管理的目标:最大化现有股票的每股现值。
3. 公司理财可以看做对一下几个问题进行研究:1. 资本预算:公司应该投资什么样的长期资产。
2. 资本结构:公司如何筹集所需要的资金。
3. 净运营资本管理:如何管理短期经营活动产生的现金流。
4. 公司制度的优点:有限责任,易于转让所有权,永续经营。
第二章会计报表与现金流量资产= 负债+ 所有者权益(非现金项目有折旧、递延税款)EBIT(经营性净利润)= 净销售额-产品成本-折旧EBITDA = EBIT + 折旧及摊销现金流量总额CF(A) = 经营性现金流量-资本性支出-净运营资本增加额= CF(B) + CF(S)经营性现金流量OCF = 息税前利润+ 折旧-税资本性输出= 固定资产增加额+ 折旧净运营资本= 流动资产-流动负债第三章财务报表分析与财务模型1. 短期偿债能力指标(流动性指标)流动比率= 流动资产/流动负债(一般情况大于一)速动比率= (流动资产-存货)/流动负债(酸性实验比率)现金比率= 现金/流动负债流动性比率是短期债权人关心的,越高越好;但对公司而言,高流动性比率意味着流动性好,或者现金等短期资产运用效率低下。
对于一家拥有强大借款能力的公司,看似较低的流动性比率可能并非坏的信号2. 长期偿债能力指标(财务杠杆指标)负债比率= (总资产-总权益)/总资产or (长期负债+ 流动负债)/总资产权益乘数= 总资产/总权益= 1 + 负债权益比利息倍数= EBIT/利息现金对利息的保障倍数(Cash coverage radio) = EBITDA/利息3. 资产管理或资金周转指标存货周转率= 产品销售成本/存货存货周转天数= 365天/存货周转率应收账款周转率= (赊)销售额/应收账款总资产周转率= 销售额/总资产= 1/资本密集度4. 盈利性指标销售利润率= 净利润/销售额资产收益率ROA = 净利润/总资产权益收益率ROE = 净利润/总权益5. 市场价值度量指标市盈率= 每股价格/每股收益EPS其中EPS = 净利润/发行股票数市值面值比= 每股市场价值/每股账面价值企业价值EV = 公司市值+ 有息负债市值-现金EV乘数= EV/EBITDA6. 杜邦恒等式ROE = 销售利润率(经营效率)x总资产周转率(资产运用效率)x权益乘数(财杠)ROA = 销售利润率x总资产周转率7. 销售百分比法假设项目随销售额变动而成比例变动,目的在于提出一个生成预测财务报表的快速实用方法。
第一章导论1. 公司目标:为所有者创造价值,公司价值在于其产生现金流能力。
2. 财务管理的目标:最大化现有股票的每股现值。
3. 公司理财可以看做对一下几个问题进行研究:1. 资本预算:公司应该投资什么样的长期资产。
2. 资本结构:公司如何筹集所需要的资金。
3. 净运营资本管理:如何管理短期经营活动产生的现金流。
4. 公司制度的优点:有限责任,易于转让所有权,永续经营。
第二章会计报表与现金流量资产= 负债+ 所有者权益(非现金项目有折旧、递延税款)EBIT(经营性净利润)= 净销售额- 产品成本- 折旧EBITDA = EBIT + 折旧及摊销现金流量总额CF(A) = 经营性现金流量- 资本性支出- 净运营资本增加额= CF(B) + CF(S) 经营性现金流量OCF = 息税前利润+ 折旧- 税资本性输出= 固定资产增加额+ 折旧净运营资本= 流动资产- 流动负债第三章财务报表分析与财务模型1. 短期偿债能力指标(流动性指标)流动比率= 流动资产/流动负债(一般情况大于一)速动比率= (流动资产- 存货)/流动负债(酸性实验比率)现金比率= 现金/流动负债流动性比率是短期债权人关心的,越高越好;但对公司而言,高流动性比率意味着流动性好,或者现金等短期资产运用效率低下。
对于一家拥有强大借款能力的公司,看似较低的流动性比率可能并非坏的信号2. 长期偿债能力指标(财务杠杆指标)负债比率= (总资产- 总权益)/总资产or (长期负债+ 流动负债)/总资产权益乘数= 总资产/总权益= 1 + 负债权益比利息倍数= EBIT/利息现金对利息的保障倍数(Cash coverage radio) = EBITDA/利息3. 资产管理或资金周转指标存货周转率= 产品销售成本/存货存货周转天数= 365天/存货周转率应收账款周转率= (赊)销售额/应收账款总资产周转率= 销售额/总资产= 1/资本密集度4. 盈利性指标销售利润率= 净利润/销售额资产收益率ROA = 净利润/总资产权益收益率ROE = 净利润/总权益5. 市场价值度量指标市盈率= 每股价格/每股收益EPS 其中EPS = 净利润/发行股票数市值面值比= 每股市场价值/每股账面价值企业价值EV = 公司市值+ 有息负债市值- 现金EV乘数= EV/EBITDA6. 杜邦恒等式ROE = 销售利润率(经营效率)x总资产周转率(资产运用效率)x权益乘数(财杠)ROA = 销售利润率x总资产周转率7. 销售百分比法假设项目随销售额变动而成比例变动,目的在于提出一个生成预测财务报表的快速实用方法。
第一篇价值第一章公司理财导论1.公司理财是对以下三个问题的研究:1) 资本预算〔Capital Budgeting〕:长期资产的投资和管理2) 资本结构〔Capital Structure〕:公司短期及长期负债与所有者权益的比例3) 净营运资本〔Net Working Capital〕:现金流量的短期管理〔流动资产– 流动负债〕2.财务管理目标:最大化现有股票的每股价值〔最大化现有所有者权益的市场价值〕。
第二章会计报表与现金流量1.财务现金流量〔FCFF 企业自由现金流、资产的现金流〕= 经营性现金流量– 资本性支出– 净营运资本的增加= EBIT(1−t c)+折旧−资本性支出−净营运资本的增加其中:经营性现金流量= EBIT(1−t c)+折旧= (营业收入−营业支出)×(1−t c)+折旧×t c资本性支出= 购入的固定资产– 卖出的规定资产= 期末固定资产净额– 期初固定资产净额+ 折旧净营运资本的增加= 期末净营运资本– 期初净营运资本〔用current asset〕注:EBIT = 销售收入– 销售成本– 销售费用、一般费用及管理费用– 折旧+ 其他利润这里,可以看出NOPAT = NOPLAT2.计算项目的现金流:看第六章。
3.会计现金流量表= 经营活动产生的现金流量+ 投资活动产生的现金流量+ 筹资活动产生的现金流量第三章 财务报表分析与财务模型1. 盈余的度量指标:1 ) Net Income: 净利润 = 总收入 – 总支出 2) EPS: 每股收益 = 净利润/发行在外的总股份数3) EBIT: 息税前利润 = 经营活动总收入 – 经营活动总成本= 净利润 + 财务费用 + 所得税〔可排除资本结构〔利息支出〕和税收的影响〕 4) EBITDA: 息税及折旧和摊销前利润 = EBIT + 折旧和摊销 2. 财务比率分析 看Excel 表格总结3.偿债能力比率分析 a) 短期偿债能力分析i.流动比率ii. 速动比率iii. 现金比率b) 长期偿债能力分析i.资产负债率ii.利息保障倍数〔TIE 〕iii.产权比率iv.强制性现金支付比率4. 如果ROE 不太令人满意,可以从杜邦恒等式〔Du Pont Identity 〕中看出要从哪里寻找原因。
03 Valuation Basis
The concept and significance of valuation
Valuation is the process of estimating the worth of an asset or a company, typically through the use of financial metrics and analysis.
The Time Value of Money
Making good investment and financing decisions is the chief task of the financial manager.
The Investment Decision
• Investment decision /capital budgeting decision: decision to invest in
2750% Deb50t % 3D0e%bEt quity 5705% Equity
If how you slice the pie affects the size of the pie, then the capital structure decision matters.
4. Understand why conflicts of interest arise, especially in large, public corporations
5. Explain how corporations mitigate conflicts and encourage ethical behavior
Current Liabilities Long-Termபைடு நூலகம்Debt
Shareholders’ Equity
• The choice between debt and equity financing is often called the
capital structure decision
Chapter 1
The Corporation and the Financial Manager
Example: Cost of Debt
• Suppose we have a bond issue currently outstanding that has 25 years left to maturity. The coupon rate is 9%, and coupons are paid semiannually. The bond is currently selling for $908.72 per $1,000 bond. What is the cost of debt?
• There are two major methods for determining the cost of equity
– Dividend growth model – SML, or rowth Model Approach
• Start with the dividend growth model formula and rearrange to solve for RE
Chapter Outline
• • • • • • The Cost of Capital: Some Preliminaries The Cost of Equity The Costs of Debt and Preferred Stock The Weighted Average Cost of Capital Divisional and Project Costs of Capital Flotation Costs and the Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Example – Cost of Equity
公司理财读书笔记目录Chapter1. Foundations (2)1.1 foundation of firm (2)1.2 foundation of corporate finance (2)Chapter2. The Objective (4)Investment Decision (8)Chapter3. The Basics of risk (8)Chapter4. Risk measurement and Hurdle Rates (11)4.1 CAPM (11)4.1.1. Risk free Rate (12)4.1.2 risk premium (13)4.1.3 Beta (15)4.1.4 Estimating the cost of equity (19)4.2 APM (20)4.3 From Cost of Equity to Cost of Capital (20)4.3.1 Borrowing Risk Measurement (20)4.3.2 Computing W ACC (21)4.3.3 Choosing the Right Hurdle Rate (22)Chapter5. Measuring Returns on Investments (23)Chapter6. Project interactions, side costs and benefits (29)Financing Decision (33)Chapter7. An Overview of the Financing Decisions (33)Chapter8. Capital Structure: Model and Applications (40)8.1 Operating income Approach (40)8.2 Cost of capital Approach (40)8.3 APV Approach (42)8.4 Comparative Analysis Approach (43)Chapter9. Adjusting to optimal structure (45)Dividend Decision (51)Chapter10. The Determinants of Dividend Policy (51)Chapter11. A Framework for Analyzing Dividend Policy (57)11.1 Choices of returning cash to stockholders (57)1.2 Dividend policy analysis (58)Chapter1. Foundations本章介绍了公司理财的三个基本原则,即the investment principle、the financing principle and the dividend principle,这三个原则围绕着最大化企业价值的目标。
公司财务课程学习笔记一、学习内容(30分)1. 学习目标直接目标:能够具体掌握公司财务的基本理论、基础知识和基本方法,提高运用公司财务知识分析和解决实际问题的能力以及动手操作能力。
计算公式为: 错误!未找到引用源。
其中P是初始投资价值,F是期末价值,t 是计息3、复利:指每期的利息收入在下一期转化为本金,产生新的利息收入。
Multinational company capital budget
Foreign Project Evaluation
Capital Budgeting Decision
Capital Structure Decision
Divided Policy Decision
Foreign exchange risk management
Corporate Finance (Ross) Chapter 15
• Introduction • Capital Structure and Cost of Capital • Financial stress and financial crisis • Finance of multinational
Bankruptcy or reception
In extreme cases, bankruptcy or reception may be necessary to resolve financial conflicts
Hale Waihona Puke Finance of04 multinational corporations
Master the analysis methods and influencing factors of capital structure decision-making.
Understand the impact of capital structure adjustment on enterprise value and financial condition.
Capital Structure of Multinational Corporations
6.2 重难点导学⼀、增量现⾦流量:资本预算的关键1.现⾦流量⽽⾮“会计利润”公司理财课程和财务会计课程有很⼤的区别。
Replacement Value
The current cost of replacing the assets of the firm.
At the time a firm purchases an asset, market value, book value, and replacement value are equal.
Market Value is the price of the stock multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.
Also known as Market Capitalization
Book Value
The sum of par value, capital surplus, and accumulated retained earnings is the common equity of the firm, usually referred to as the book value of the firm.
Some stocks have no par value.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Corporate Finance, 7/e
2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Authorized vs. Issued Common Stock
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Corporate Finance, 7/e 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Cumulative vs. Straight Voting: Example
of the Firm
The Capital Structure Decision
Current Assets
How can the firm
raise the money Fixed Assets for the required
Long-Term Debt
1 Tangible investments?
© 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Balance-Sheet Model
of the Firm
Total Value of Assets:
Total Firm Value to Investors:
Current Assets
Liabilities Long-Term
Fixed Assets
1 Tangible
2 Intangible
Shareholders’ Equity
© 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2750%50%30% DebtDeEbtquity
If how you slice the pie affects the size of the pie, then the capital structure decision matters.
55、 为 中 华 之 崛起而 读书。 ——周 恩来
51、 天 下 之 事 常成 于困约 ,而败 于奢靡 。——陆 游 52、 生 命 不 等 于是呼 吸,生 命是活 动。——卢 梭
53、 伟 大 的 事 业,需 要决心 ,能力 ,组织 和责任 感。 ——易 卜 生 54、 唯 书 籍 不 朽。——乔 特
公司理财(双语)3present value(精选)共33页PPT
![公司理财(双语)3present value(精选)共33页PPT](
51、没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远 适用的 宪法, 甚至一 条永远 适用的 法律。 ——杰 斐逊 52、法律源于人的自卫本能。——英 格索尔
53、人们通常会发现,法律就是这样 一种的 网,触 犯法律 的人, 小的可 以穿网 而过, 大的可 以破网 而出, 只有中 等的才 会坠入 网中。 ——申 斯通 54、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大 夏,庇 护着我 们大家 ;它的 每一块 砖石都 垒在另 一块砖 石上。 ——高 尔斯华 绥 55、今天的法律未必明天仍是法律。 —不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
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Chapter 3①The balance sheet②The income statement③The statement of cash flows④tax①The balance sheetEquation: total assets=total liabilities + shareholders’ equityNet working capital(NWC)=current asset – current liabilities是指企业的流动资产总额减Balance sheetCurrent Assets Current Liabilities•Cash & Securities payables•Receivables short-term debt•Inventories ++ long-term liabilitiesFixed Assets +•Tangible Assets shareholders’ equity•Intangible AssetsBook value& market value②the income statementThe income statementSales revenue $135,000Less: cost of sales 108,000Gross profits 27,000Less: Operating expenses 13,500Operating profits 13,500Less: Financing expense 1,350Net profits before taxes 12,150Less: Taxes (15%) 1,823Net profits after taxes $10,327In the income statement below, what was the value of Home Depot’s EBIT in 2009?EBIT = total Revenues -costs -deprecation③the statement of cash flowsExample:Net income for your firm was $10,000 last year. The depreciation expense was $2,500; accounts receivable increased $1,250; accounts payable increased $800; and inventories increased by $2,000.What was the total cash flow from operations for the period?Net income: 10,000Depreciation: 2,500Accounts Receivable: (1,250)Accounts Payable: 800Inventories: (2,000)Cash flow from operations: 10,050Free Cash FlowFree Cash Flow is cash available for distribution to investors after the firm pays for new investments or additions to working capital.Free cash flow = (EBIT – taxes + dep.) - change in net working capital- cap. expenditures④tax: 1.corporate tax2.personal tax一,marginal tax rate二,average tax rateChapter4MuaEvaBook rate of ruturnFinancial ratio (财务比率) and shareholders ’ valueThe Dupont systemprice x shares outstanding)Market value added: Market capitalization minus book value of equty.Market-to-book ratio=equityof value book equity of value market ...................Economic Value Added(EV A)Total capitalization: long-term debt + equityAfter tax operating income = after-tax interest + net incomeEVA :Show the firm’s truly created valueincome earned – income requiredBook Rates of Returnreturn on capital(ROC)资本收益率ROC=after-tax operating income/total capitalizationROC=after-tax operating income/average total capitalizationReturn on asset(ROA)资产收益率ROA=after-tax operating income/total assetsROA=after-tax operating income/average total assetsReturn on equity(ROE)股本回报率,产权回报率ROE=net income/equity因为是operating income 在上章可知operating income 是financial expenses 之前的,故还未减去interest ,故要加after-taxinterset)PPT 中关于ROA ,ROC ,ROE 的练习Financial ratios and shareholders ’ valueEconomic Value Added Operating Income* - [Cost of Capital Total Capitalization]=⨯Shareholder value depends on good investment and financing decisions.Financial Ratios help measure the success and soundness of these decisionsEfficiency RatiosAsset turnover ratio=sales/total assets at start of yearOr=sales/average total assetsReceivables turnover=sales/receivables at start of yearAverage collection period=receivables at start of year/average daily sales=365/receivable turnoverInventory turnover ratio=cost of goods sold/inventory at start of yearAverage days in inventory=inventory at start of year/daily cost of goods sold=365/inventory turnoverProfitability RatiosProfit margin(利润率)=net income/sales(IOPM)Operating profit margin=net income +after-tax interest/sales=after-tax operating income/salesLeverage Ratios杠杆率(debt and equity)Long-term debt ratio=long-term debt/long-term debt+equityLong-term debt equity ratio=long-term debt/equityMeasuring LeverageTotal debt ratio=total liability/total assetsTimes interest earned(利息保障率,利息保障倍数)=EBIT/interest payments用于衡量偿付贷款利息的能力Cash coverage ratio(现金涵盖比率)=EBIT+depreciation/interest paymentsLiquidity Ratios(短期还债能力指标/流动性指标)NWC to total assets ratio(经营运资金比)=net working capital/total assets(Net working capital=current asset – current liabilities) Current ratio(流动比率)=current assets/current liabilities(短期还债能力的一个指标)Quick ratio(速动比率)=cash + marketable securities(有价证券) + receivables/current liabilitiesCash ratio(现金比率)=cash + marketable securities/current liabilitiesThe Dupont systemROA= after-tax operating income/asset=assets sales x sales....income operating tax after -=assets turnover x operating profit margin=leverage ratio x asset turnover x operating profit margin x debt burden股息支付率 再投资率Or call sustainable growth rateChapter 5Future valuePresent valuePv of multiple cash flowsPerpetuitiesAnnutitiesFuture value of annutitiesAnnuities and annuities due EAR & APRAssets Sales Net Income Interest Net Income ROE=x x x Equity Assets Sales Net Income Interest++Dividends Payout Ratio=Earnings Earnings-Dividends Plowback Ratio=Earnings Growth in equity from plowback = Plowback Ratio ROE Earnings - Dividends Earnings Earnings Equity ⨯=⨯Earnings-Dividends = EquityInflationValuing real cash paymentsFuture valueSimple interest: FV simple =initial investment*(1+r*t)Compound interest: FV compound =initial investment*(1+r)tPresent valueDiscount rate: rDiscount factor: DF=t r )1(1+ Present value: PV=FV*t r )1(1+ PV of multiple cash flowsCt=the cash flows in year tExample: Your auto dealer gives you the choice to pay $15,500 cash now or make threepayments: $8,000 now and $4,000 at the end of the following two years. If your cost of money (discount rate) is 8%, which do you prefer?PerpetuitiesPV of perpetuity: PV=C/rExample: In order to create an endowment, which pays $185,000 per year forever, how much money must be set aside today if the rate of interest is 8%?What if the first payment won’t be received until 3 years from today?PV = 2312,500 / (1 + 0.08)3= 1,835,662.5annuities124,0001(1.08)4,0002(1.08)Initial Payment* 8,000.003,703.703,429.36Total PV $15,133.06PV of C PV of C ++=====185,000.08$2,312,500PV ==Present value of an annuity: PV=C*[r 1-t r r )1(1+] The terms within the brackets are collectively called the “annuity factor ”PV of multiple cash flowsFuture value of annuitiesExample: You plan to save $4,000 every year for 20 years and then retire. Given a 10% rate ofAnnuities due(即付年金)(与普通年金(即后付年金)的区别仅在于付款时间的不同,一个n 期的即付年金相当于一个n-1期的普通年金)(期不等于年)PV annuitydue =PV annuity (1+r) FV annuity due =FV annuity(1+r) Example: Suppose you invest $429.59 annually at the beginning of each year at 10% interest. After 50 years, how much would your investment be worth?EAR & APREffective annual interest rate: The period interest rate that is annualized using compound interest.EAR = (1 + monthly rate)12 - 1Annual Percentage Rate: The period interest rate that is annualized using simple interest APR = monthly rate × 12Example : Given a monthly rate of 1%, what is the Effective Annual Rate(EAR)? What is the Annual Percentage Rate (APR)?Inflation000,550$)10.1()000,500($)1(=⨯=+⨯=AD AD Annuity AD FV FV r FV FV %00.12)12()01.0(%68.121)01.1(12=⨯==-=APR EAR 1+nominal interest rate1+inflation rate 1real interest rate=+Valuing real cash payments♦ Example: You make a loan of $5,000 to Jane who will pay it back in 1 year. The interestrate is 8%, and the inflation rate is 5% now. What is the present value of Jane’s IOU? Show that you get the same answer when (a) discounting the nominal payment at the nominal rate and (b) discounting the real payment at the real rate.♦ (a) 5,000 / (1 + 8%) = $4630(b) 5,000 / (1.05) = $4762 (real dollar)4762 / (1.028) = $4630(2.8% is real interest rate)不能用实际利率去贴现名义现金流Chapter 6bond pricing:example: For a $1000 face value bond with a bid price of 103:05 and an asked price of 103:06, how much would an investor pay for the bond?PV=1)1(r coupon ++2)1(r coupon ++…+t r par coupon )1(++ PV bond =PV coupon +PV parvalue=coupon*(annuity factor)+ par value * (discout factor)Example: What is the value of a 3-year annuity that pays $90 each year and an additional$1,000 at the date of the final repayment? Assume a discount rate of 4%.Warning: bond rate inflation -rate interest nominal rate interest Real ≈()()6103% 103.1875% 321.031875$1,000 $1,031.875of face value ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭⨯=331(1.04)1$90$1,000.04(1.04)$1,138.75Bond PV --+=⨯+⨯+=()()1(1)where 1and (1)Bond Coupons ParValue Bond t tPV PV PV PV coupon Annuity Factor par value Discount Factor r Annuity Factor rDiscount Factor r -=+=⨯+⨯-+==+The coupon rate IS NOT the discount rate used in the Present Value calculations Example: What is the present value of a 4% coupon bond with face value $1,000 that matures in 3 years? Assume a discount rate of 5%. Bond yields Current yield : annual coupon payments divided by bond priceExample:Suppose you spend $1,150 for a $1,000 face value bond that pays a $60 annual coupon payment for 3 years. What is the bond’s current yield?Yield to maturity:PV=1)1(r coupon ++2)1(r coupon ++…+t r par coupon )1(++ Bond rates of returnRate of return 只算一年的couponYTM vs rate of returnYTM ↑ (↓)(unchange) → the price of bond ↓ (↑) (unchange) → the rate of return for that period less (greater)(equal to) than the yield to maturity.Ytm 通过改变price 去改变p1-p0 从而改变rate of return ,由rate of return 公式得,p1-p0和其成正比,ytm 与change in price 成反比,故ytm 与其成反比Chapter 7Stock marketP/E ratio(本益比): price per share divided by earnings per shareAsk price & bid priceAsk price: the price at which current shareholders are willing to sell their sharesBid price: the price at which investors are willing to buy sharesTerminologyinvestment change price +income Coupon =return of Rate investmentincome total =return of Rate1,market cap. 2.P/E ratio 3.dividend yieldExample: You are considering investing in a firm whose shares are currently selling for $50 per share with 1,000,000 shares outstanding. Expected dividends are $2/share and earnings are $6/share.What is the firm’s Market Cap? P/E Ratio? Dividend Yield?Measure of value1. book value2. liquidation valueBV= Assets - liabilitiesLV = Assets selling price – LiabilitiesMV = Tangible & intangible assets + Inv. OpportunitiesPrice and intrinsic valueVo 内在价值Example: What is the intrinsic value of a share of stock if expected dividends are $2/shareand the expected price in 1 year is $35/share? Assume a discount rate of 10%.Expected return(ER)Valuing common stocksdividend discount modelconsider three simplying cases1. no growth2. constant growth3. noconstant growth Market Capitalization $501,000,000$50,000,000$50P/E Ratio 8.33$6$2Dividend Yield .044%$50=⨯======HH H r P Div r Div r Div P )1(...)1()1(22110+++++++=1.2.Example: What should the price of a share of stock be if the firm will pay a $4 dividend in 1year that is expected to grow at a constant rate of 5%? Assume a discount rate of 10%.3.Example:A firm is expected to pay $2/share in dividends next year. Those dividends are expected to grow by 8% for the next three years and 6% thereafter. If the discount rate is 10%, what is the current price of this security?Required rates of returnExample: What rate of return should an investor expect on a share of stock with a $2 expected dividend and 8% growth rate that sells today for $60?Sustainable growth rateExample: Suppose a firm that pays out 35% of earnings as dividends and expects its return on equity to be 10%. What is the expected growth rate?Valuing growth stocksWhere: EPS= Earnings per share PVGO = Present Value of Growth OpportunitiesSuppose a stock is selling today for $55/share and there are 10,000,000 shares outstanding. If earnings are projected to be $20,000,000, how much value are investors assigning to growth per share? Assume a discount rate of 10%.Return on Equity Plowback Rate = :g ROE bearnings dividends where b earnings=⨯⨯-=.10(1.35).065 6.5%g =⨯-==Chapter 8(NPV ,EAA,IRR) 第8章( 重点复习单元):净现值及其他投资准则,会算NPV ,计算EAA (P191页),认识其他投评估指标(PP 回流期和 IRR 内含报酬率)及其判断准则(取大或取小),重点关注NPV 与IRR ,注意使用IRR 指标的前提是IRR<r (P199页)有关投资组合,要知道其大前提是资金是有约束的;单个项目的特征(可分/不可分),可分的单个项目之间的比较与排序用PI (收益指数)值来衡量,不可分的用各自的NPV 值来比较衡量,比较的前提是它们的寿命期是一样的,如果不一样的话就用最小共同寿命期法或等价年金法来比较 。