轮机概论第5章 船舶甲板机械(轮机概论共8个课件,我空间全有)

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Introduction to Marine Engineering
第五章 船舶甲板机械 液压系统构成(★★★★): 升降系统/起升系统(Hoisting): 控制吊钩的升降。 变幅系统(Luffing):吊臂幅角 的变化。 回转系统(Slewing):塔身回转。
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The end of section 4
Introduction to Marine Engineering
第五章 船舶甲板机械
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第一节 液压传动的基本知识 Chapter 1 Foundation of Hydraulic Transmission 液压传动(Hydraulic transmission):电机电动油泵产生压力 油流,通过油流传递动力的传动方式。
Introduction to Marine Engineering
第五章 船舶甲板机械 第一节 船舶起货机 Marine Cargo Handling Equipment
Section 4
一、船舶起货机的主要类型 港口设货物装卸设备。 船舶设货物装卸设备,港机能力不足、锚泊、降低费用。 分类: (1)吊杆式起货机 (2)回转式起货机 (3)门式起货机
Most often-used type
Introduction to Marine Engineering
第五章 船舶甲板机械
Twin crane and derrick
Introduction to Marine Engineering
轮机英语教学课件(24) Switchboard

Dead front type
all the live parts are installed behind the panels and only the operating handles and instruments are on the front.
Two patterns: One having manually operated switches and circuit-breakers with the handles on the front of the panel and the live parts at the fear. The other having electrically operated circuit-breakers operated by push bottoms on the front of the panels.
reduce the number of outgoing circuits; on the main board 是circuits的后置定语。
2. Switchboards may be of the open type in which all the essential switch gears are exposed on the front of the panel, or of the deadfront type in which all the love parts are installed behind the panels and only the operating handles and instruments are on the front.
Distribution board
轮机英语 Marine Engineering English

轮机英语- 轮机工程原理(英文版)Principles of Marine Engineering2010. 10ContentsContents (2)1 Main propulsion plant (篇标题) (3)1.1 Ships and machinery (章标题) (3)1.2 Diesel engine (9)1.3 Shaft and propellers (46)2 Marine auxiliary machinery (55)2.1 boilers (55)2.2 Pumps (55)2.3 Refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation (55)2.4 Pollution prevention devices (55)2.5 Centrifugal separator and fresh water generator (55)2.6 Deck machinery (55)3 Electrical equipment and automatic control (56)3.1 Alternating current generators (56)3.2 Main switchboard and distribution system (56)3.3 Marine electrical equipment (56)3.4 Marine automatic control (56)4 Watch keeping and equipment operation (57)4.1 operation procedures (57)4.2 Safety operation (57)4.3 Stores and spare parts (57)4.4 Shipp repair and docking (57)4.5 Pollution prevention operation and Port State Control (57)5 International conventions and regulations (58)5.1 STCW (58)5.2 MAPROL (58)5.3 SOLAS (58)5.4 ISM (58)5.5 ISPS (58)6 Marine business writing (59)6.1 Engine log book (59)6.2 Repair list (59)6.3 Store order and spare parts requisition form (59)6.4 Accident report (59)6.5 Engineer’s reports, letters, faxes and emails (59)Index ............................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

A vessel is a ship or large boat. 船; 舰
1.The vessel is fully loaded with cargo for Shanghai. 这艘船满载货物驶往上海。 2.The enemy's vessel was hulled with only one torpedo. 只一枚鱼雷就把敌舰舰身穿了个洞。
If something fits, it is the right size and shape to go onto a person's body or onto a particular object. 合身; 合适 If you fit something somewhere, you attach it there, or put it there carefully and securely. 安装; 小心放置 1.The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child. 这些腰带、和服和其他衣服都做得适合孩子穿。 2.Peter had built the overhead ladders, and the next day he fitted them to the wall. 彼得已经造好了悬挂梯,第二天他就把它们装在了墙上。
1.His death marked the end of an era. 他的逝世标志着一个时代的结束。 2.We are living in a great historic era. 我们正处在一个伟大的历史时代。

The majority of automatic mooring winches(自动绞缆机)
are spur geared to improve the
backward efficiency of the gear train(传动机构) for rendering(放缆), the gearing and
Worm geared automatic mooring winches are uncommon as the multi-start (多头螺纹) feature required to improve gear efficiency reduces the main advantage of the worm gear i.e., the high gear ratio.
There is some variation in detail design of cable lifters and in their drives.
Due to the low speed of rotation required of the cable lifter whilst heaving anchor(起锚), (3~5 r/min) a high gear reduction is needed when the windlass is driven by a high speed electric or hydraulic motor.
Mooring winches Mooring winches provide the facility for tensioning the wire up to the stalling capacity(堵转力矩) of the winch, usually 1.5 times full load, thereafter the load is held by the prime mover brake or barrel brake when the power is shut off.

《轮机英语听力与会话(轮机长)》课程标准【课程名称】轮机英语听力与会话【英文名称】Marine Engineering English Listening and Speaking【课程类型】必修课、职业能力素质课【适用专业】轮机工程技术【总学时】70 学时(理论学时:66 机动学时:4)【前导课程】《大学英语阅读》、《大学英语听力》、《大学英语口语》1.课程性质轮机英语听力与会话是轮机工程技术专业学生的重要专业课之一。
3.课程目标3.1 知识目标通过学习,使学生了解和掌握以下内容的专业英语:I。

《船舶轮机英语》第一部分日常用语:Daily EnglishⅠ:问候、介绍、告别(Greetings、introductions and farewells)1、I’m a fitter (electrician、piper ). 钳工、电工、管子工2、He is an inspector(QC). 检验员3、Welcome to our shipyard. 欢迎到我们船厂。
Ⅱ:致谢、道歉(Gratitude and Apologies)1、Do me a favour, please. 请多帮忙2、When shall we deliver it?提交3、Please wait a moment.4、Will this way take me to the foreign(affair)office? 外事办5、Right-about-face向后转Ⅲ Life in the yard1、Have you got used to the life here?2、Please hold the handrails well.请抓好扶手3、Please use your intercom.(walkie-talkie)对讲机4、How about quality? 质量怎么样?5、There’s something wrong with the drawing.6、Sorry, It’s my fault. 是我的过错7、Don’t worry. That’s easy to deal with.8、Let’s start to check some items. 开始验收吧9、Are you satisfied with it?10、The vibration (temperature、pressure、speed) is normal.振动(温度、压力、速度)是正常11、Sorry, it has not been finished yet.12、Submission (Delivery) is Okay. 提交(验收)成功常用句型Common Patterns1、That is an exhaust valve. 排气阀2、These are blowers. 鼓风机3、There are ten workers in our group.4、He is a technician. 技术员5、I am a fitter. 钳工6、When shall we have a check?我们什么时候检查?7、Will you please give me a hand? 可以帮我一下吗?第二部分管子部分Ⅰ.管子加工后提交用语:Delivery expressions after pipe processing1、Which system is this pipe for?2、How many pipes are there altogether?3、What’s the designed test pressure ? It is 12 kilograms/cm2设计规定的试验压力是多少?12公斤/厘米2。
轮机英语教学课件(02) Diesel Engine Construction (I)

Generator 发电机
What are the main parts of a diesel engine?
A diesel engine mainly consists of two parts: the moving parts and the fixed parts.
liners bolted together? 22. Why are there some holes on each
cylinder cover?
8. What is A-shaped frame also called? 9. What is there at the top of the A-frames? 10. How is the scavenging air box built? 11. What’s the function of the chain
PC cylinder liner
5. In the part of the cylinders inside the scavenging air box, there is a series of openings (known as scavenging air ports). Theses ports are located at such a height that they are just exposed by the upper edge of the piston when the piston is in the bottom dead center position.
1. bedplate n. 机座
The main engine is fixed on the bedplate.

轮机专业英语(2)复习要点一.专业词汇1.alternating current 交流电21. sewage treatment plant 污水处理装置2.slop tank 污油水柜22 transmission system 传动系统3.engine room logbook 轮机日志23 intermediate shaft 中间轴4.oil record book 油类记录本24 thrust bearing 推力轴承5.engine room ratings 机舱普通人员25 propeller 螺旋桨6.relieving engineer 接班轮机员26 emergency generator 应急发电机7.magnetic field 磁场27 direct current 直流电8.three-phase system 三相电系统28 life-saving appliance 救生设备9.reverse power protection 逆功率保护29 lifejacket 救生衣10.switchboard 配电板30 lifeboat 救生艇11.frequency meter 频率表31 liferaft 救生筏12.ammeter 电流表32 fire drills 消防演习13.voltmeter 电压表33 boat drills 救生演习14.wattmeter 功率表34 abandon ship drills 弃船演习15.circuit breaker 断路器35 refrigerant 制冷剂16.sterntube bearing 尾轴轴承36 detention report 滞留报告17.thermometer 温度表37 evaporator 蒸发器18.pressure gauge 压力计38 compressor 压缩机19.oily water separator 油水分离器39 expansion valve 膨胀阀20.incinerator 焚烧炉40 condenser 冷凝器二.专业缩略语:1. MARPOL (international convention for) the prevention of pollution from ships, MAR INE POL LUTION国际防止船舶造成污染公约2. UMS U nattended M achinery S pace 无人机舱3. STCW International Convention on S tandards of T raining, C ertification and W atchkeeping for Seafarers海员培训,发证和值班标准国际公约4. IMO I nternational M aritime O rganization 国际海事组织5. ISM Code I nternational S afety M anagement Code国际安全管理规则6. SMS S afety M anagement S ystem 安全管理体系7. DOC D ocument o f C ompliance 符合证书8. SMC S afety M anagement C ertificate 安全管理证书9. DPA D esignated P erson A shore 岸上指定人员10. SOLAS (International Convention for) the S afety O f L ife A t S ea (联合国IMCO)海上人命安全公约11. PSC P ort S tate C ontrol港口国监督12. PSCO P ort S tate C ontrol O fficer港口国监督检查官13. ISPS I nternational S hip and P ort Facility S ecurity Code国际船舶和港口设施保安规则14. IOPP I nternational O il P ollution P rotection Certificate国际防止油污染证书15. SOPEP S hipboard O il P ollution E mergency P lan船上油污染紧急计划三. 选择题1. The term "discharge", as it applies to the pollution regulations, means_______.A. spillingB. leakingC. dumpingD. All of the above2. The term "oil", as used in the Pollution Prevention Regulations , means_____.A. fuel oil onlyB. crude oil onlyC. liquefied petroleum gasD. petroleum oil of any kind3. The term "oily mixture", as defined in the Pollution Prevention Regulations includes_____.A. sludgeB. oily ballast waterC. bilge slopsD. All of the above4. Which of the following liquids can ordinarily be discharged overboard without being processed through an oilywater separator?A. Cargo tank ballast.B. Segregated ballast.C. Engine room bilges.D. Cargo pump room bilges.5. The most common type of containment device for spilled oil on the water is the use of _____.A. strawB. boomsC. skimmersD. chemical dispersants6. In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of chemical agents would_____.A. absorb the oil for easy removalB. remove the oil from the waterC. disperse or dissolve the oil in the waterD. not affect the oil7. In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of straw or reclaimed paper fibers would be anexample of which type of oil removal?A. Chemical agent removalB. Mechanical removalC. Absorbent removalD. None of the above.8. According to the international regulations concerning the prevention of pollution ofsea areas from ships, the disposal into the sea of all plastics is_____.A. welcomeB. admitted in some special sea areasC. prohibitedD. acceptable9. The approval period for a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan expires after _____.A. one yearB. two yearsC. four yearsD. five years10. The starting current of an a.c. motor is ________ the rated current.A. the same asB. much larger thanC. less thanD. equals11. The overcurrent relay ________ the motor contactor when the motor exceeds its rated current .A. connectsB. tripC. fouls D, destructs12. Current changing in direction and rising and falling in value is ________.A. A.C.B. D.C. C. generatorD. fresh water generator13. ________ is used to produce electric power.A. An alternatorB. fresh water generatorC. A compressorD. A clarifer14. The coil of wire rotating in the magnetic field produces the ________.A. voltageB. currentC. powerD. frequency15. ________ is a machine by which electrical energy is transformed into mechanical energy.A. An alternatorB. An electric motorC. A diesel engineD. A main switchboard16. The separate supplies arc connected in either star or delta formation. The star formation is most commonlyused and requires ________ slip-rings on the alternator.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five17. The frequency of an AC generator is controlled by the ________.A. rheostat B, governor C. exciter D. capacitor18. The number of cycles per second occurring in AC voltage is known as the ________.A. phase angle B, frequency C. wave form D. half mode19. Ammeter is to measure the ________ .A. currentB. voltageC. powerD. frequency20. The operation of paralleling two alternators requires the voltages to be ________ and also in phase.A. zeroB. eliminatedC. differentD. equal21. It ________ for an emergency generator to require paralleling.A. is usualB. is not usualC. is necessary D, is not impossible22. When paralleling two AC generators, the frequency of the machine coming on-line, immediately prior toclosing its breaker, should be ________.A. slightly less than the oncoming generator frequencyB. the same as the bus frequencyC. slightly greater than the bus frequencyD. the same as the bus voltage23. The main generators are connected to ________.A. distribution boardsB. section boardsC. emergency switch boardsD. main switch boards24. The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to ________ on most large ships.A. distribution boardsB. section boardsC. emergency switch boardsD. main switch boards25. Switchboards may be of the dead-front type in which all live parts are installed behind _______ and only the operation handles and instruments are on the frontA. the capstanB. the collectorC. the panelsD. the surface26. Shore power must be ________ during dock repair.A. disconnectedB. switched offC. cut off D, connected27. After a ship enters service it is ________ for the main bus-bar to be made dead.A. usuallyB. commonlyC. exceptionalD. unavoidably28. An a. c. switchboard is usually ________ the corresponding d. c. board because of the higher voltage andlower currents and smaller bus-bars.A. larger and heavier thanB. as much asC. smaller and lighter thanD. more dangerous than29. The star-delta starter is an effective method of________ voltage starting of a motor.A. increasedB. reducedC. unchangedD. None of the above30. Prior to any overhaul work on electric equipment, it is important to ensure the circuits are _______.A. liveB. deadC. excitedD. on line31. Moisture in a D.C. motor would cause _______.A, short circuit B. speed up C. slow down D. hunting32. Electric insulation is made of organic substances and so gradually ________ with age.A. deterioratesB. increasesC. are fouledD. becomes better33. In order to accurately measure very low pressures, which of the instruments listed should be used?A. Compound gageB. Bonrdon tubeC. ManometerD. Deadweight gage34. A compound gage is used to measure_____.A. temperature and pressureB. humidity and temperatureC. pressure and vacuumD. pressure and humidity35. The difference between measured and desired values is called _____.A. make-upB. desired valueC. deviationD. set value36. The operating medium for control systems may be _____.A. compressed airB. hydraulic oilC. electricityD. All of the above37. _____ control system is one in which the control action is independent of the output.A. Feed backB. Negative feed backC. Close loopD. Open loop38. _____ is the actual value of the controlled condition.A. Desired valueB. Set valueC. Measured valueD. Deviation39. This arrangement is _____ if the elements are directly connected to one another and the control action takesplace without human involvement.A. a manual closed loopB. a manual opened loopC. an automatic closed loopD. an automatic opened loop40. A signal derived from a controlled function and returned to the initiating point is called a/an _____.A. monitoring signalB. inverse signalC. reverse signalD. feedback signal41. Remote control means that _____.A. the system is manned manuallyB. the system is situated remotely from the operatorC. the system is controlled automaticallyD. all the above42. _____ systems are provided with a stand-by device which will automatically be put in use in the even of therunning device failing through a fault condition.A. AlarmB. MonitoringC. Auto start-upD. None of the above43. Which of the following marine examples belongs to the open loop control system?A. Accommodation heating systemB. Steering gearC. Boiler controlD. Cargo control44.The FIRST step to take in fighting an engine room fire resulting from a ruptured fuel oil service line, isto_____.A. evacuate all engine room personnelB. fight the fire with hand portable extinguishersC. activate the main CO2 bankD. stop the flow of leaking fuel oil45. The four basic components of a fire are chain reaction, heat, fuel, and_____.A. carbon monoxideB. oxygenC. carbon dioxideD. any gaseous substance46. Bridge orders must be_____ and a record of any required changes in speed and direction should be kept.A. slowly carried awayB. carried out with a period of delayC. promptly carried outD. paid by the captain47 In the engine department, the_____ is looked upon to provide the leadership that is needed.A. captainB. chief engineerC. chief officerD. chief motorman48 During an engine room watch if immediate action is necessary to ensure safety of the ship its machinery andcrew_____.A. the chief engineer must be informed at firstB. the captain must be informed at firstC. it must be taken by the duty engineerD. the generator engine must be stopped49 At the beginning of the watch the current operational parameters and the condition of all machinery shouldbe verified and also the log readings should correspond with those_____.A. noted by the bridge officerB. told by last duty engineerC. observedD. in the instruction manual50 When under maneouvring conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unit or consoleshould be_____.A. automatically controlledB. continuously mannedC. off powerD. none of the above is true51While loading bunkers, you notice oil on the water near the vessel. What should you do first.A. Stop loadingB. Notify the harbour administrationC. Determine if the vessel is the source of the pollutionD. Start the main engine and put them in gear to disperse the spill52 The most common type of containment device for spilled oil on the water is the use of _____.A. strawB. boomsC. skimmersD. chemical dispersants53 The approval period for a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan expires after _____.A. one yearB. two yearsC. four yearsD. five years54. The Port Authorities, in accordance with the IMO resolutions have been carrying out_____ to enhance safetyof ships.A. CPPB. FPPC. PSCD. FSC55. The port state control inspection is carried out on the basis of the following international conventions. Amongthem, which one was not set by IMO?A. LL66B. ITC69C. ILO No. 147D. SOLAS 7456. The Port State Control officer may witness a fire drill carried out by the crew assigned to these duties onthe______.A. Navigation Log BookB. Engine Room Log BookC. Oil Record BookD. Muster List57. Your ship’s certificates show that you did not do renewing work for certificate. All certificates have expired afew days before. Thus, your ship is ________. It follows therefore that she will __________.A. seaworthy/ be fined in our portB. un-seaworthy/ be disassembled in our portC. seaworthy/ be assembled in our portD. un-seaworthy / be detained in our port58. During port state control inspection, the detention report should be made in accordance with the format inappendix 5 of ______ Resolution A 787(19).A. ISM CodeB. PSCC. STCW 78/95D. IMO59. “Inability to provide for the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and for subsequent relievingwatches persons who are sufficiently rested and otherwise fit for duty” is considered to be one of the detainable deficiencies under .A. the SOLAS ConventionB. the MARPOL ConventionC. the STCW ConventionD. the LOAD LINE Convention60. STCW78/95 states that the office in charge of the engineering watch is the_____representative .A. ship-owner’sB. master’sC. chief engineer’sD. manager’s61. Oil Pollution Regulations require any transfer or discharge of oil or oily mixtures to be recorded in the_________.A. bridge logB. Master’s logC. engine room logD. oil record book62. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)is a part of ________ .A. SOLASB. MARPOLC. STCWD. Ballast Water convention63. When a ship is involved in an oil pollution incident in China, the ship must report without delay to .A. China Maritime AdministrationB. the companyC. the cargo ownerD. ship owner64. According to SOLAS, 1974, as amended, the shipowner or any person who has assumed responsibility for theship (the “Company”) must .A. establish SMS in accordance with ISMB. establish ISM in accordance with SMSC. establish ISM and SMSD. both B and C65. The main objective of the SOLAS Convention is .A. to provide a solution of lowering pollution at seaB. to specify minimum standards for the members composing the watch at seaC. to specify minimum standards for ships considering their safetyD. to tell the company how to go about running their business66. The safety management objectives of the ISM Code are ______.A. to provide for safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environmentB. to establish safeguards against all identified risksC. to continuously improve safety management skills of personnel, including preparing for emergenciesD. all the above67. The ship should be operated by a company which is issued a(an) ______ relevant to ship.A. ISMB. DOCC. SMCD. PSC68. A(An)______ should be issued for every company complying with the requirement of the ISM Code by theAdministration.A. ISMB. DOCC. SMCD. PSC69. A certificate, called a(an) ______ , should be issued to a ship by the Administration.A. ISMB. DOCC. SMCD. PSC70. According to the functional requirements for a Safety Management System, every company should develop,______ and ______ a SMS.A. implement/verifyB. maintain/improveC. implement/maintainD. review/access71. A Document of Compliance differs from a Safety Management Certificate in that the former is issued to______ by the Administration.A. a shipB. a companyC. a chartererD. a manager72. International Management Code for the safety operation of ships and for pollution prevention is simplified as______.A. ISM CodeB. SOLAS 74 ConventionC. Safety Management SystemD. MARPOL Convention73. When making entries in the Oil Record Book, the date, operational code and item number shall be inserted inthe appropriate columns and the required particulars shall be recorded _____ in the blank spaces.A. periodicallyB. occasionallyC. chronologicallyD. additionally74. _____ shall be provided to every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above to record relevant machineryspace and cargo/ballast operations.A.Oil Record Book Part IB. Oil Record Book Part IIC.Oil Record Book Part I or Part IID. Oil Record Book Part I and Part II75. The core item in the Oil Record Book Part I is_____, and its main content isA. item A/BALLAST OR CLEANING OF FUEL OIL TANKSB. item B/DISCHARGE OF DIRTY BALLAST OR CI.EANING W ATER FROM FUEL OIL TANKS REFERRED TO UNDER SECTION (A)C. item C/DISPOSAL OF OIL RESIDUES (SLUDGE)D. item H/BUNKERING OF FUEL OILS76. Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I?(1) Routine discharge at sea of bilge water containing oil from the machinery spaces through strainers; (2)Bunkering of fuel oilA. (1) onlyB. (2) onlyC. both (1) and (2)D. neither (1) nor (2)77. Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I? (1) Disposal of oilresidues; (2) Internal transfer of fuel oilA. (1) onlyB. (2) onlyC. both (1) and (2)D. neither (1)nor (2)78. Oil Record Book Part I shall be provided to every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above and everyship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above, _____ oil tankers, to record relevant machinery space operations.A. as well asB. as long asC. rather thanD. other than79. The Oil Record Book must be maintained onboard the vessel for_____.A. not less than 3 years and be readily available for inspectionB. 6 months and then submitted to the nearest Marine Safety Office for reviewC. an annual inspectionD. the duration of the ship's active employment80. Each completed page of the Oil Record Book must be signed by the_____.A. engineer on watchB. Chief EngineerC. Chief MateD. Master81 When welding or burning aboard a vessel, you must be certain that the space _____.A. is properly ventedB. contains no explosive fumesC. has no oil in the bilgesD. All of the above82 Before the seas get rough, it is a good safety practice to_____.A. secure loose gearB. move quickly about the shipC. increase lightingD. shutdown auxiliary equipment83 An oxygen indicator will detect_____.A. concentrations of explosive gasB. an oxygen deficiency in a spaceC. the presence of harmful amounts of carbon monoxideD. All of the above84 To determine that a compartment contains sufficient oxygen to sustain life, you should use a/an_____.A. explosimeterB. oxygen indicatorC. fresh air indicatorD. All of the above85 What safety precautions should be observed by the crew while working around machinery in an engine room?A. They should wear safety shoes.B. They should wear ear protection.C. They should not wear jewelry.D. All of the above.86. Water can’t be used to put out f ires of _____.A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. B+C87. The installation and provision of fire fighting equipment is mainly subject to .A. ISM codeB. ISPS codeC. IBC codeD. FSS code88. The SOLAS convention prescribes that in the fire fighting drill the duty engineer should start the pump andsupply deck water in minute(s).A. 5B. 3C. 2D. 189. A portable foam fire extinguisher is placed in operation by ____.A. turning it upside downB. pressing the foam leverC. squeezing the grip handleD. opening the hose valve90. Which types of portable extinguisher should you watch for the reflash of the fire?A. foam and waterB. CO2 and dry chemicalC. dry chemical and water.D. foam and CO291. Which fire fighting agent has the greatest capacity for absorbing heat?A. waterB. dry chemicalC. foamD. CO292. The fire of sodium is classified as_____ fire.A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class D93. The fire of fuel oil is classified as____ fire.A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class D94. The fire of electrical equipment is classified as _______ fire.A. class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class D95.Before “stand by” is rung on the engine telegraph, it is usual to give the main diesel engine a brief trial ____ahead and asternA. with powerB. with airC. on powerD. on air96.Before putting on the starting air, the reversing and control gear should be ______.A. operatedB. checkedC. stoppedD. removed97.About half an hour before the engine is required, cooling water at ____ must be circulated.A. more than the working temperature C. less than the working temperatureB. the working temperature D. the same as the surrounding temperature98. You can find the location of your abandon ship post by checking the ________.A.vessel's logbookB. vessel's documentationC.muster listD. Certificate of Inspection99. When the general alarm is sounded continuously, the engine room personnel should _______.A.proceed to their man overboard stationsB.start the fire pumpC.put on lifejackets and go to their abandon ship stationsD.secure the propulsion diesel engines and evacuate the engine room100. Which of the following signals is used to report for boat stations or boat drill?A.More than six short blasts followed by one long blast of the whistle.B.A continuous blast of the whistle for a period of not less than 10 seconds.C.One long blast followed by three short blasts of the whistle.D.Three short blasts of the whistle.。

Emergency procedures
Familiarity with emergency procedures such as firefighting, conflict avoidance, and man overboard recovery
Ship emergency response
Safe operation
Explain the working principle of ship pipeline systems, including fluid flow, pressure transfer, etc.
Working principle
Introduce the daily maintenance and upkeep methods of ship pipeline systems, as well as the diagnosis and troubleshooting of common faults.
Working principle: Explain the working principle of ship electrical equipment, including electromagnetic induction, circuit analysis, etc.
Ship electrical equipment
Category Introduction: Introduce the types of ship pipeline systems, such as fuel pipelines, lubricating oil pipelines, cooling water pipelines, etc., as well as their characteristics and usage scenarios.

3)精讲多练,学生在上课时应专心听讲,对于每个知识点应该 理解,而不应死记硬背,课后要自学以巩固知识内容。
4)加强听说能力训练与专业知识的有效兼容。 5)做好每个单元内容的预习、复习以及作业。
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5.3 教学评价 课程的考试成绩采用百分制,由课程学习的 日常考核和期末课程终结性考核成绩组成。
4.3 教学条件 1)实践条件 ① 充分利用学校的实训资源 ② 积极利用社会和航运企业课程资源
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5.1 教材选用与பைடு நூலகம்写 1)教材及相应教辅资料应满足本课程标准要求。 2)教材应充分体现职业教育特点,突出职业技能 培养。 3)教材内容要体现先进性、通用性、实用性。
3.1 知识目标 I. 公共用语 II. 机舱日常业务 III. 与驾驶台联系 IV. 应急情况下的用语 V. 对外业务联系用语 VI. PSC\ISM检查用语
3.2 技能目标 1)能与轮机部其他人员进行必要的日常机舱 业务和船舶管理业务会话; 2)能基本理解有关轮机管理业务的标准英语 表述及会话; 3)能与值班驾驶员进行必要的业务会话; 4)能顺利进行对外业务联系的会话; 5)能听懂法律、法规及国际公约方面标准英 语基本词汇和句子。
3.3 素质目标 1)具有吃苦耐劳、爱岗敬业的职业素养; 2)具有良好的组织、沟通、协调等人际交往 能力和语言表达能力; 3)具有团队精神和创新精神; 4)具有良好的心理素质、克服困难的能力和 创造能力; 5)具有较强的集体意识和社会责任心。
轮机英语 lesson .ppt

3. Start up jacket water pumps and check pressures. Bring into operation the heating system of the cooling water.
The temperature of the cooling water returns from the jackets, liners and pistons should be raised gradually to 60℃(140℉).
An additional generator engine should be started to provide a spinning( 自 转 , 绕 转 , 空 转 ) power reserve during the arrival period, and the starting air system should be drained.
21. Inform bridge that engine room would like to turn engine over slowly on air. On engine with bridge control the control selector must be turned to the desired position.
1. Check that the fuel, lubricating oil and cooling water are at working level and drain any water or sludge from all lubricating oil and fuel tanks.
13. Pump up the starting air reservoirs to their maximum pressure and drain the air reservoirs and air system.

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】轮机英语词汇1、pump 泵①Supply pump供给泵②transfer pump 输送泵③circulating pump 循环泵④bilge pump 舱底水泵⑤ballast pump 压载水泵1、tank①drain tank 泄放柜②service tank 日用柜③settling tank沉淀柜④storage tank 储存柜⑤circulating tank 循环柜⑥used oil tank 废油柜⑦buffer tank 缓冲柜⑧overflow tank 溢流柜⑨Collecting tank 收集柜⑩expansion water tank 膨胀水箱2、water①sea water (S.W.) 海水②fresh water (F.W.) 淡水③operating water 工作水④sanitary water 卫生水⑤washing water 冲洗水⑥refilling water 再注水⑦feed water 给水⑧condensate water 冷凝水⑨bilge water 舱底水⑩sewage 污水2、oil①fuel oi l (F.O.) 燃油②lubricating oil (L.O.) 滑油③engine oil 机油④cylinder oil 气缸油⑤diesel oil (D.O.)柴油⑥turbine oil透平油⑦cool oil冷却油⑧seal oil密封油3、temperature (temp) 温度4、flow 流量5、pressure(press)压力6、power 功率10、level 液位11、vibration 振动12、normal/abnormal 正常/异常13、main/auxiliary (aux.) 主要/辅助的14、inlet/exhaust 进气/排气15、fire alarm 火警16、fail/failure 故障17、overload 过载18、no-voltage 失电19、leak/leakage 泄漏20、wrong-way 错向21、insulation(insul) 绝缘22、oil mist 油雾23、viscosity 粘度24、density 浓度25、salinity 盐度26、oil content 油含量27、pressure difference 压差28、switch 开关29、flame 火焰30、automatic(auto)自动的31、emergency 应急的32、standby 备用的33、screw 螺丝34、nut 螺母35、stud 螺柱36、meter 仪表37、thermometer温度计38、level gauge 液位计38、pressure gauge 压力表39、length 长度40、breadth 宽度41、height 高度42、meter 米43、centimeter 厘米44、millimeter毫米45、decimillimetre 丝米46、micrometer微米46、hundredth of one millimeter 丝47、de(rust)生锈(除绣)48、spare parts 备件49、spanner 扳手50、ahead/astern 正车/倒车51、screwdriver 螺丝刀(minus / plus)52、sludge 油渣53、electrician’s knife 电工刀54、decrustation pliers 剥线钳Ⅱ.(主机主要部件)Main Parts for M/E1、engine frame 机架2、cylinder 气缸3、piston 活塞4、crosshead 十字头5、bedplate 机座6、crankshaft曲轴7、cylinder cover/head 气缸盖8、connecting rod 连杆9、turbocharger 增压器10、driving chain 传动链11、air cooler 空气冷却器12、scanvage box 扫气箱13、oil sprayer 喷油器14、oil nozzle 喷油嘴15、exhaust valve 排气阀16、sealing ring 密封环17、cylinder liner 气缸套18、piston rod 活塞杆Ⅲ.机舱布置图Engine room arrangement1、main engine /M.E. 主机2、intermediate shaft 中间轴3、bearing 轴承4、propeller shaft 螺旋桨轴5、stern tube艉管6、aft seal head tank 后密封油箱7、FWD seal head tank前密封油箱8、stern tube L.O. drain tank 艉管滑油泄放柜9、chemical cleaning tank 化学清洗柜10、L.O. drain tank11、sludge oil trap 油渣收集柜12、rust preventer tank 防锈剂柜13、oily water separator油水分离器14、Low sea chest 低位海水门15、L.O. transfer pump 16、bilge pump 舱底泵17、M/E lub oil pump 18、M/E S.W. cooling pump 主机海水泵19、sludge pump 油渣泵20、ejector pump for F.W.G 造水装置工作水泵21、stern tube L.O. pump 艉轴管滑油泵22、H.F.O. Transfer pump 燃油输送泵23、ballast pump 压载泵24、bilge & G.S. pump 舱底总用泵25、Fire & G.S. pump 消防总用泵26、Provision Ref. Unit S.W. pump伙食冷藏海水泵27、aux. S.W. Cooling pump 辅海水泵28、L.O. purify cleaning tray 滑油分油机洗池29、L.O. purify. Operating water tank 滑油分油机工作水箱30、L.O. purify. Heater滑油分油机加热器31、diesel generator 柴油发电机组32、D/G F.W. Cooler 柴油发电机淡水冷却器33、boiler feed water pump 锅炉给水泵34、cascade tank 热井35、aux.condenser 大气冷凝器36、inspection tank 凝水检查柜37、filter 过滤器38、distilling plant 造水装置39、control air vessel 控制空气瓶40、control air dryer控制空气干燥器41、air compressor 空压机42、main air vessel 主空气瓶43、M/E F.O. heater 主机燃油加热器44、purif room exh fan分油机室抽风机45、sludge tank 油渣柜46、drinking water hydrophone tank 饮水压力柜47、calorifier 热水柜48、drinkingwater sterilizer 饮水消毒器49、emergency air compressor 50、stern tube gravity oil tank艉管重力油柜51、antifouling system power unit防污系统电源箱52、ECR. Unit cooler 集控室空冷机53、overhead crane 机舱行车54、boiler feed water test kit 炉水试验台55、cylinder oil measuring tank气缸计量柜56、sink 洗池57、gas welder 气焊机58、E.L. welder 电焊机59、universal machine 组合机床60、driller 立式钻床61、bench 钳桌台62、vice台虎钳63、grinder 砂轮机64、cupboard 橱65、sewage treatment unit 生活污水处理装置66、composite boiler 燃油/废气组合锅炉67、forced draft fan 锅炉强力风机68、incinerator 焚烧炉69、waste oil service tank 废油日用柜70、supply ventilating fans 送风机71、spark arrester消音器Ⅳ.Others1、shipyard 船厂2、shipbuilding 造船3、berth/slipway 船台4、marine diesel engine 船用柴油机5、bulk-cargo carrier 散装货船6、containership 集装箱船7、oil tanker 油船8、tonnage 吨位9、merchant ship 民用船10、military ship (warship) 军用船11、drawing 图纸12、hull 船外壳13、bow/stern 船艏/船尾14、port/starboard 左舷/右舷15、deadweight 载重量16、displacement 排水量17、freeboard 干舷18、deck 甲板19、keel 龙骨20、anchor 锚21、rudder 舵22、bottom 底23、supersrtucture 上层建筑24、side 25、weld 焊26、painting 油漆27、assemble 装配28、launching 29、sea trial 试航30、delivery 交船31、tightness test 密性试验32、after service 售后服务33、approval 认可34、blue collar worker 蓝领35、maker 36、rules and regulations 规则、规范37、chief engineer 轮机长38、chief officer大副39、clerk 事务员40、foreigner41、fore peak 艏尖舱42、aft peak 尾尖舱43、frame 肋骨44、cabin 舱室45、wheel house 驾驶室46、shaft tunnel 轴隧47、beam横梁48、manhole 人孔49、bulbous bow球鼻艏50、sea chest 海水门51、bulkhead 隔舱壁52、dry cargo hold 干货舱53、provision store 食品库54、passageway 走廊、通道55、refrigerating chamber 冷藏室Ⅴ甲板机械Deck Machinery1、deck 甲板2、anchor chain(cable)锚链3、chain locker 锚链舱4、windlass 起锚机5、mooring hole 导缆孔6、bollard 带缆桩7、cargo winch 起货绞车8、hand rail 栏杆9、hawse pipe 锚链筒10、hatchcover 舱口盖11、hatch coaming舱口围板12、control cabin操纵室13、derrick 吊杆14、cargo hook 吊货钩15、mooring winches 系泊绞车16、wire cable 钢索17、vertical ladder 直梯18、wire steel 钢丝卷筒19、side scuttle舷窗20、rudder stock 舵杆21、rudder shaft 舵轴22、flag staff 旗杆23、ventilator 通风筒Ⅵ.管系for piping1、Exhaust air system 排气系统Exhaust pipe for M.E(Generators / boiler / emergency generators)主机/ 发电机/ 锅炉/ 应急发电机2、Cooling Water System 冷却水系统①cooling fresh water (CFW) 淡水冷却水②cooling sea water (CSW) 海水冷却水3、fuel oil system 燃油系统①light diesel oil②heavy diesel oil (HDO)③fuel oil purifying燃油净化④oil sludge 废油(污油)⑤fuel oil transferring燃油输送4、Lubricating oil system①L.O for M.E(generator / stern tube)②Lub. oil transferring5、Compressed air system①high / low pressure air②starting air起动空气③control air④remote control air遥控空气⑤miscellanous air杂用空气6、Ship systems①the bilge system舱底水②the ballast system 压载水③the water supply system供水④the steam system 蒸汽⑤the drainage system排水⑥the fire-fighting system 消防⑦the air measuring and filling system空气测量注入⑧the level system 液位7、filter / filter gauze (screen)8、drainage valve sets9、pressure gauge 压力表9、vacuum真空表10、thermometer 温度计11、steel tube 钢管12、copper tube 铜管13、observation glass 观察镜14、funnel 漏斗15、hose 软管16、induction port 吸口17、bracker 支架18、shim (washer) 垫片19、flange 法兰20、connection 接口21、stainless steel pipe 不锈钢管22、threaded connection 螺纹接头23、sleeve pipe 套管24、flowmeter 流量计25、radiator 散热器26、pipe wrench 管子钳27、spanner 扳手28、pipe cutter 管子割刀29、scraper 刮刀30、vice 老虎钳31、screwdriver 螺丝刀32、torch 手电筒Ⅶ主要阀件铭牌Main valve list1、slush valve 截止阀2、non-return valve 止回阀3、through-way valve 直通阀4、butterfly valve 蝶阀5、sluice valve 闸阀6、remote-control butterfly valve 遥控蝶阀7、quick closing valve 速关阀8、self-closing valve 自闭阀9、reducer valve 减压阀10、ball valve 球阀11、copper valve 铜阀12、steel valve 钢阀13、cast iron valve 铸铁阀14、stainless steel valve 不锈钢阀15、safety valve 安全阀16、temperature adjusting valve 温度调节阀17、thermostatic valve 恒温阀18、induction valve 进气阀19、exhaust valve排气阀20、drain valve 排泄阀21、fire valve 消防阀22、three-way valve 三通阀23、valve material①cast iron铸铁②cast steel铸钢③stainless steel④bronze青铜⑤brass黄铜⑥copper紫铜⑦nodular cast iron球墨铸铁Ⅷ.电力设备electrical equipment1.emergency (diesel / tacho- / shaft) generator应急(柴油/ 测速/轴带)发电机2.servo (governor) motor 伺服(调速)马达3.ignition (current / voltage) transformer点火变压器(电流/电压互换器)4.converter 变流器5.frequency changer 变频器6.charger 充电器7.rectifier 整流器8.uninterrupted power source (UPS)不间断电源装置9.battery or storage battery蓄电池或蓄电池组10.m ain (emergency / power section) switchboard 主(应急/电力区)配电板11.g enerator (feeder) panel 发电机(馈电)屏12.c harging & discharging panel 充放电板13.(radio / low voltage / internal communication) power distributionboard无线电(低压/ 船内通信/ 电力)分电箱14.p ower unit for cathodic protection阴极保护电源箱15.t est panel 电工试验板16.s hore connection box 岸电箱17.j unction box (with fuse) 接线箱(带熔断器)18.c ontrol console (panel) 控制台,集控台19.m ain engine control stand主机控制台20.m otor starter 电动机起动器21.c ontrol box (panel) 控制箱(板)22.m ain engine safety (air conditioning) control box主机安全系统(空调)控制箱23.c ontrol box for singal light信号灯控制箱24.s teering gear source box 舵机电源箱25.c ontactor 接触器26.r elay 继电器27.c ontrol (pressure / change over) switch 控制(压力/ 转换)开关28.m agnetic valve 电磁阀29.r esistor 电阻器30.p ush button 按钮31.t emperature transducer 温度变换器32.o il mist detector 油雾探测器33.f use 熔断器34.A mmeter 电流表35.v oltmeter 压力表36.p ower meter 功率表37.p ower factor meter 功率因数表38.w att-hour meter 电度表39.f requency meter 频率表40.f low meter 流量表41.s peed indicator 转速表42.o hm meter 欧姆表43.w elder 电焊机44.l athe 车床45.d rilling machine 钻床46.p lanning machine 刨床47.g rinding machine 砂轮机48.e lectric heater 电热器49.e lectric refrigerator 电冰箱50.e lectric fan 电风扇51.a ir conditioner 空调52.w ashing machine 洗衣机53.f resh water sterilizer 引水消毒器54.s tator 定子55.r otor 转子56.n eutral wire 零线(中性线)57.w inding 绕组58.c oil 线圈Ⅸ.illumination equipment 照明设备1.port (starboard) light 左右舷灯2.mast 桅灯(stern艉灯/ anchor锚灯/ steering操舵灯/ signal信号灯/ flashing 闪光灯/ towing 拖船灯/ daylight signal 白昼信号灯/ pendant 舱顶灯/ fluorescent pendant 荧光舱顶灯/ ceiling 蓬顶灯/passage corner 走道角灯/ desk 台灯/ wall 壁灯/ berth 床头灯/ room’s nameplate 舱室铭牌灯/ chart table 海图灯/ flameproof 防爆灯/ flood 泛光灯(强光灯)/ search 聚光灯(探照灯)) light3.switch开关4.plug插头5.socket 插座6.socket box 插座箱Ⅹ.Navigation equipment 导航设备1.gyrocompass 电罗径2.magnetic compass 磁罗径3.feedback unit 反馈装置4.echo-sounder 回声测深仪5.log 计程仪6.master (slave) clock 母(子)钟7.radar 雷达8.radio direction finder 无线电测向仪9.Loran (radio navigation / satellite navigation) receiver劳兰(无线电导航/ 卫星导航)接收机10.V HF radio telephone transceiver 甚高频电话收发信机11.f acsimile 传真机12.t elevision set 电视机13.v ideo camera 电视摄像机oxygen 氧气acetylene 乙炔nitrogen 氮气inter gas 惰性气体epoxy 环氧的resin 树脂chock楔子垫木soapy water 肥皂水anemometer 风速计manometer 压力(压强)表,气压表straight edge 直尺feeler gauge 塞尺steel scale 钢尺dial gauge 千分表micrometer 外径千分尺vernier caliper 游标卡尺spanner 扳手wrench 扳手screw driver 螺丝刀hammer 锤子clinometer 测斜仪chain block 手拉葫芦mandatory 命令、强制的Chlorinator 氯化器syphon=siphon 弯管,存水管,虹吸管blind 盲板booklet of piping procedure 工序,过程,步骤gymnasium 健身房galley 船上厨房motorcycle safety helmet 安全帽life belt 安全带glove 手套respirator 口罩overall 工作服uniformelectric torch 手电筒flashlighteyeglass 眼镜elevator 电梯plank 厚木板stage 大舞台Slipway、shipway船台1.Lighting alignment for shafting & rudder system 轴舵系照光对中2.Stern tube boring 艉轴管镗孔3.Stern tube bush 艉轴衬套4.Stern boss艉轴壳5.forced fitting inspection压入配合检验6.oil jack(千斤顶)油泵7.(propeller shaft & stern tube bush)radial clearance (艉轴和艉管衬套)径向间隙8.axial clearance 轴向间隙9.Stern tube seals sealing 艉轴密封10. propeller installation force fitting压配11.pull-up length压进距离12.pull-up force 推进力13.oilpressure for boss 扩涨油压14.Zero point 零点15. Shrinkage 过盈量16.cleanness光洁度17.taper圆锥,斜度18. superposition 重合19. intersect 相交20.perpendicularity 垂直度21.vertical垂直的22.horizontal 水平的23. nut of stern shaft艉轴螺栓24.rudder 舵25.rudder blade 舵叶26.rudder stock 舵杆27.rudder pintle 舵销28.rudder tiller 舵柄29.rudder bush 舵承30.rudder horn 挂舵臂31. securing key 定位销,定位键32.protecting cover 保护帽33.grease牛油34.rudder angle 舵角35.full angle 满舵36. rudder blade’s stopper防跳块37.temperature sensor 温度传感器38. inlet outlet 进出39. tolerance 公差,允许量40.wear down gauge 磨损规41.stern tube main chamber 大腔42.high pressure chamber 高压腔43.low pressure chamber 低压腔Engine Room 机舱1.Cleaning check:Storage oil tank of steering gear 舵机储存油箱(方形)Expansion oil tank of mooring winch 绞机膨胀油箱(圆形)Storage oil tank of mooring winch 绞机储存油箱Storage oil tank of windlass 锚机储存油箱(方形)Expansion oil tank of windlass 锚机膨胀油箱(圆形)Hydraulic oil tank of hatch cover 舱口盖液压油箱2.flushing of winch piping 绞机管路投油1.D/G pouring epoxy chock 发电机浇环氧2.holding down bolt 地脚螺栓3.deflection of crankshaft 曲轴甩档4.piston 活塞5.cylinder 气缸6. turbocharger 涡轮增压器7.1.Force measurement of M/E stay bolts 紧固螺栓2.piston rod and connection rod bolts 活塞杆和连杆螺栓3.bolts in drive end of crank 曲轴大端螺栓4.piston—piston rod—crosshead—connection rod—crank—crankshaft活塞活塞杆十字头连杆曲柄曲轴5.cam 凸轮6.camshaft 凸轮轴7.M/E chain cable 主机链条8.flooding test of M/E return oil pipes 压水试验9.propeller cap—propeller—stern tube seals—stern tube bush—sternshaft—intermediate shaft导流帽螺旋桨艉密封艉管衬套艉轴中间轴—intermediate bearing—flywheel (thrust shaft)中间轴承飞轮推力轴10.coupling reamer holes 联轴节铰制孔11.turning gear 盘车机12. spring 弹簧1.main air compressor主空压机2.alignment of coupling flange 联轴节对中3.gap 裂面4.sag 位移1.steering gear舵机2. ram roller bearing 舵机活塞杆轴承3. neck bush & cylinder 舵机活塞颈衬套和活塞缸体4. dimension measurement 尺寸测量1.fore draft valve艏吃水阀2.speed log 计程仪3.echo sounder 测深仪Quay、shipside、wharf、dock码头。
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Tailshaft Intermediate bearing Thrust bearing Sterntube Intermediate shaft Main engine
1—rudder 2—propeller
2.These are single-lever controls, the single lever controlling both propeller pitch and engine speed(现在分词独立主格作状语), either through pneumatic circuits operated by cams (后置定语) driven by a common shaft, or by electronic means.(P167)
2. Focus
1.the function of the transmission system 2.what does this system include?and their function? 3.the function of the thrust block 4.the function of the sterntube bearing 5.the working principle of the propeller 6.types of the propeller on ship 7.How does CPP work? 8.the passive voice
3.The great majority of large CPP have their hydraulic servomotor in the hub to operate the blade palms(目的状 语) via push rods or a crankpin-sliding block mechanism.
3. Analysis of Long and Difficult Sentences
1.The aftermost tunnel bearing has a top and bottom bearing shell because it must counteract the propeller mass and (it must)take a vertical upward thrust at the forward end of the shaft(后 置定语).(P166)
Push rod
Crankpin-sliding block
4.It is usual practice to take control of both engine and CPP by separate levers in the MCR after starting machinery, switching to bridge control from the MCR before leaving harbour.P167
It为形式主语,to take…是真正的主语。
5.A sealing arrangement is provided(passive voice) at either end of the tailshaft with the propeller and cone completing the arrangement.p166
Halogenated hydroncarbon extinguisher---useflu on electrical fire
Play a video about fire in the machinery space
Review Questions
1. Why is the transmission system used on a ship?
Reading material: portable fire extinguisher
Soda-acid extinguisher---useful on carbonaceous fire
Chemical foam extinguisher--useful on oil fire
Carbon dioxide and dry powder extinguisher ---useful on chemical fire
1. Vocabulary
Shafting, transmit (from…to)—transmission (transmission system), be made up of, include, thrust shaft(推力轴),intermediate shaft(中间 轴),thrust block(推力块),sterntube bearing(尾轴管轴承),cone, integral, cater for—provide, quarter, boss, pitch, be fitted with
2. the construction of the system 3. the working principleHAFTING AND PROPELLER
1. Vocabulary 2. Focus
3. Analysis of long and difficult sentences
4. Some choices related to the competency test
5. Firefighting Video