高级英语 Face to face with Hurricane Camille中英笔记
高级英语Lesson 1 (Book 2)Face to Face with Hurricane Camille 课后练习及答案

EXERCISES 1I . Write a short note of about 100 words on Las Vegas.Suggested Reference Books [ SRB ]1. any standard gazetteer2. Encyclopedia Americana3. Encyclopaedia BritannicaⅡ. Questions on content:1. Why did John Koshak decide to stay and face the dangers of a devastating hurricane?2. What does “Magna Products” stand for?3. Why did Charlie think they were in real trouble when he found the water tasted salty?4. Why did Grandmother Koshak, at this critical moment, tell her husband she loved him?5. Why did John Koshak feel a crushing guilt?6. Why did Grandmother Koshak ask the children to sing?7. What did Janis understand when John put his arm around her?Ⅲ. Questions on appreciation:1. What is the organizational pattern of this piece of narration? How would you classify the first six paragraphs?2. What does the writer focus chiefly on -- developing character, action (plot), or idea (theme) ?3. Who is the protagonist or leading character in the story?4. What opposing forces make up the conflict?5. How does the writer build up and sustain the suspense in the story?6. How does the writer give order and logical movement to the sequence of happenings?7. At what point in the story does the action reach its highest point?8. At what point would you have ended the story? Why?9. Is the last paragraph important? Why?Ⅳ. Paraphrase:1. We're elevated 23 feet. (para 3)2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. (para 3)3. We can batten down and ride it out. (para 4)4. The generator was doused, and the lights went out. (para 9)5. Everybody out the back door to the cars! (para 10)6. The electrical systems had been killed by water. (para 11)7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. (para 17)8. Get us through this mess, will You? (para 17)9. She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away. (para 21)10. Janis had just one delayed reaction. (para 34)V. Translate paras 21--27 into Chinese.Ⅵ. Look up the dictionary and explain the meaning of the italicized words:1. since the water mains might be damaged (para 5)2. sit out the storm with the Koshaks (para 6)3. another neighbor came by on his way inland (para 6)4. the French doors in an upstairs room blew in (para 8)5. the generator was doused (para 9)6.the electrical systems had been killed by water (para 11)7.it devasted everything in its swath (para 19)8.she carried on alone for a few bars (para 21)9.make it a lean-to against the wind (para 25)10.and he pitched in with Seabees in the worst volunteer work of all (para 33)Ⅶ. Discriminate the following groups of synonyms:1. demolish, destroy, raze, annihilate2. disintegrate, decay, rot, spoil, molder, decomposeSuggested Reference Books [ SRB]1. Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language2. Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms3. Reader's Digest, Use the Right WordⅧ. Analyse the formation of th e following words and list 5--10 ex- amples of each:1. television2. northwestward3. motel4. bathtub5. returneesSuggested Reference books [SRB]1. any standard dictionary2. Walker's Rhyming Dictionary3. any book on lexicology or word buildingⅨ. In this narration, the writer makes effective use of verbs. List 10 verbs you consider used most effectively and give your reasons.Ⅹ. Mention two examples of each of the following: simile, metaphor, personification.Ⅺ. Why does the write r use so many elliptical and short simple sentences? Illustrate your answer with a few examples.Ⅻ. Analyse paragraph 1. Does it have a topic sentence, a central idea? How is the paragraph developed? What is the function of the last sentence?ⅩⅢ. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Avoid run-on sentences, sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, illogical or faulty parallelism and unnecessary shifts in point of view.1. The basketball game was canceled. Because half of the players were in bed with the flu.2. These snakes are dangerous however, most snakes are quite harmless.3. Looking out toward the horizon, she saw only the old cabin in which Mary had been born. A single cottonwood that had escaped the drought. The apparently boundless expanse of sunburned prairie.4. With the knowledge that, although the documents have been stolen, they have not yet been seen by a foreign agent.5. Last year, after graduating from high school, my father put me to work in his office.6. To appreciate the poem, it must be read aloud.7. I helped my mother wash clothes last Sunday, thus causing me to miss that film.8. Driving across the state, many beautiful lakes were seen.9. Unselfish people not only are happier but they are more successful.10. I finally realized that my daydreaming was not making me beautiful, slender, or friends.11. He is a man of wide experience and who is also very popular with the farmers.12. I am interested in electronics, because it is a new field and which offers interesting opportunities to one who knows science13. We swept the room carefully, and the furniture and shelves were dusted.14. If one's mouth is dry, eat a lump of sugar or chew gum.15. You must make yourself interesting to the group that listen to you and are constantly trying to detect your mistakes.ⅩⅣ. Topics for oral work:1. What are the strong and weak points of the narration?2. Whom do you admire most in this story? Why?3. What have you learned about people and society in the United States? Does the story give a true and complete picture? XV. Write a short narration of around 300 words relating your ex- perience of an earthquake, a flood, a typhoon or a hailstorm. 15习题全解I.Las Vegas. Las Vegas city is the seat of Clark County in South Nevada. In 1970 it had a population of 125,787 people. Revenue from hotels, gambling, entertainment and other tourist-oriented industries forms the backbone of Las Vegas's economy, Its nightclubs and casinos are world famous. The city is also the commercial hub of a ranching and mining area. In the 19th century Las Vegas was a watering place for travelers to South California. In 1.855-1857 the Mormons maintained a fort there, and in 1864 Fort Baker was built by the U. S. army. In 1867, Las Vegas was detached from the Arizona territory and joined to Nevada. (from The New Columbia Encyclopedia )Ⅱ.1. He didn' t think his family was in any real danger, His former house had been demolished by Hurricane Betsy for it only stood a few feet above sea level. His present house was 23 feet above sea level and 250 yards away from the sea. He thought they would be safe here as in any place else. Besides, he had talked the matter over with his father and mother and consulted his longtime friend, Charles Hill, before making his decision to stay and face the hurricane.2. Magna Products is the name of the firm owned by John Koshak. It designed and developed educational toys and supplies.3. Charlie thought they were in real trouble because salty water was sea water. It showed the sea had reached the house and they werein real trouble for they might be washed into the sea by the tidal wave.4. At this Critical moment when grandmother Koshak thought they might die at any moment, she told her husband the dearest and the most precious thing she could think of. This would help to encourage each other and enable them to face death with greater serenity.5.John Koshak felt a crushing guilt because it was he who made the final decision to stay and face the hurricane. Now it seemed they might all die in the hurricane.6.Grandmother Koshak asked the children to sing because she thought this would lessen tension and boost the morale of everyone.7.Janis knew that John was trying his best to comfort and encourage her for he too felt there was a possibility of their dying in the storm.Ⅲ.1.This piece of narration is organized as follows. .introduction, development, climax, and conclusion. The first 6 paragraphs are introductory paragraphs, giving the time, place, and background of the conflict-man versus hurricanes. These paragraphs also introduce the characters in the story.2. The writer focuses chiefly on action but he also clearly and sympathetically delineates the characters in the story.3. John Koshak, Jr. , is the protagonist in the story.4. Man and hurricanes make up the conflict.5. The writer builds up and sustains the suspense in the story by describing in detail and vividly the incidents showing how the Koshaks and their friends struggled against each onslaught of the hurricane.6. The writer gives order and logical movement to the sequence of happenings by describing a series of actions in the order of their occurrence.7. The story reaches its climax in paragraph 27.8. I would have ended the story at the end of Paragraph 27,because the hurricane passed, the main characters survived, and the story could come to a natural end.9. Yes, it is. Because the writer states his theme or the purpose behind his story in the reflection of Grandmother Koshak: "We lost practically all our possessions, but the family came through it. When I think of that, I realize we lost nothing important.Ⅳ.1. We' re 23 feet above sea level.2. The house has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3. We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4. Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out.5. Everybody go out through the back door and run to the cars.6. The electrical systems in the car had been put out by water.7. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felta strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8. ()h God, please help us to get through this storm safely.9. Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped.10. Janis displayed rather late the exhaustion brought about by the nervous tension caused by the hurricane.Ⅴ.See the translation of the text.Ⅵ.1. main: a principal pipe or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc.2.sit out: stay until the end ofe by;(American English) pay a visit4.blow in:burst open by the storm.5.douse:put out(a light,fire,generator。
高级英语 练习 Face_to_Face_with_Hurricane_Camille - 副本

Discussion on the title:
face to face (with): confronting each other
The confrontation is generally connected
with something dangerous, difficult or hard to resolve. Connoting a sense of ________________ urgency and danger E.g. face to face with the enemy, the tiger, the problem, etc. The heading presents the article as _______ vividly and as __________ forcefully as possible to attract the attention of would-be readers.
2). Besides, he had talked the matter over with his father and mother and consulted his longtime friend, Charles Hill, before making his decision to stay and face the hurricane. 3). He is a self-employed businessman. Implication: How great the loss would be if the house was destroyed. 4). He has a big family. It would be very difficult to move the children and old couple.
高级英语Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

people --- people
people --- nature
people --- society
people --- themselves
protagonist (hero) --- antagonist (enemy)
John Koshak, Jr.--- the hurricane
• apartment building in Mississippi before and after Camille
What’s the type of the text?
• narration (the telling of a story)
• characters (people): --Pop Koshak --Grandma Koshak --John Koshak --Janis Koshak --Seven children --Charles, a friend --neighbors --pets
What is the story about?
• It describes the heroic struggle of the Koshaks and their friends against the forces of a devastating hurricane Camille.
• What does the writer focus chiefly on---developing character, action (plot), or idea (theme)?
• To learn how the writer gives a vivid description of actions in terms of lexical, sentential and textual level;
Face to Face with Hurricane Camille高级英语book1 Lesson 1

Ⅰ. Text Analysis
• As the conflict develops, suspense and tension increase until the highest point or the climax of the conflict is reached.
• After the climax, the story quickly moves to a
Ⅰ. Text Analysis
• In narration the leading character is called the hero or protagonist. The people or forces he fights against are called the antagonists.
e.g. lash, lap, skim, scud, yell, dump, shot, snap, hit, whip, etc.
Ⅱ. Writing Devices
2. Short elliptical sentences
1) increase the tempo of action
Ⅰ. Text Analysis Introduction
• “Face to Face with Hurricane Camille” is a piece of narration. Simply defined, narration is the telling of a
• Narration is concerned with action, with life in motion, with a meaningful series of actions.
高级英语Lesson 1 (Book 2)Face to Face with Hurricane Camille 课后练习及答案

EXERCISES 1I . Write a short note of about 100 words on Las Vegas.Suggested Reference Books [ SRB ]1. any standard gazetteer2. Encyclopedia Americana3. Encyclopaedia BritannicaⅡ. Questions on content:1. Why did John Koshak decide to stay and face the dangers of a devastating hurricane?2. What does “Magna Products” stand for?3. Why did Charlie think they were in real trouble when he found the water tasted salty?4. Why did Grandmother Koshak, at this critical moment, tell her husband she loved him?5. Why did John Koshak feel a crushing guilt?6. Why did Grandmother Koshak ask the children to sing?7. What did Janis understand when John put his arm around her?Ⅲ. Questions on appreciation:1. What is the organizational pattern of this piece of narration? How would you classify the first six paragraphs?2. What does the writer focus chiefly on -- developing character, action (plot), or idea (theme) ?3. Who is the protagonist or leading character in the story?4. What opposing forces make up the conflict?5. How does the writer build up and sustain the suspense in the story?6. How does the writer give order and logical movement to the sequence of happenings?7. At what point in the story does the action reach its highest point?8. At what point would you have ended the story? Why?9. Is the last paragraph important? Why?Ⅳ. Paraphrase:1. We're elevated 23 feet. (para 3)2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. (para 3)3. We can batten down and ride it out. (para 4)4. The generator was doused, and the lights went out. (para 9)5. Everybody out the back door to the cars! (para 10)6. The electrical systems had been killed by water. (para 11)7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. (para 17)8. Get us through this mess, will You? (para 17)9. She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away. (para 21)10. Janis had just one delayed reaction. (para 34)V. Translate paras 21--27 into Chinese.Ⅵ. Look up the dictionary and explain the meaning of the italicized words:1. since the water mains might be damaged (para 5)2. sit out the storm with the Koshaks (para 6)3. another neighbor came by on his way inland (para 6)4. the French doors in an upstairs room blew in (para 8)5. the generator was doused (para 9)6.the electrical systems had been killed by water (para 11)7.it devasted everything in its swath (para 19)8.she carried on alone for a few bars (para 21)9.make it a lean-to against the wind (para 25)10.and he pitched in with Seabees in the worst volunteer work of all (para 33)Ⅶ. Discriminate the following groups of synonyms:1. demolish, destroy, raze, annihilate2. disintegrate, decay, rot, spoil, molder, decomposeSuggested Reference Books [ SRB]1. Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language2. Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms3. Reader's Digest, Use the Right WordⅧ. Analyse the formation of th e following words and list 5--10 ex- amples of each:1. television2. northwestward3. motel4. bathtub5. returneesSuggested Reference books [SRB]1. any standard dictionary2. Walker's Rhyming Dictionary3. any book on lexicology or word buildingⅨ. In this narration, the writer makes effective use of verbs. List 10 verbs you consider used most effectively and give your reasons.Ⅹ. Mention two examples of each of the following: simile, metaphor, personification.Ⅺ. Why does the write r use so many elliptical and short simple sentences? Illustrate your answer with a few examples.Ⅻ. Analyse paragraph 1. Does it have a topic sentence, a central idea? How is the paragraph developed? What is the function of the last sentence?ⅩⅢ. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Avoid run-on sentences, sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, illogical or faulty parallelism and unnecessary shifts in point of view.1. The basketball game was canceled. Because half of the players were in bed with the flu.2. These snakes are dangerous however, most snakes are quite harmless.3. Looking out toward the horizon, she saw only the old cabin in which Mary had been born. A single cottonwood that had escaped the drought. The apparently boundless expanse of sunburned prairie.4. With the knowledge that, although the documents have been stolen, they have not yet been seen by a foreign agent.5. Last year, after graduating from high school, my father put me to work in his office.6. To appreciate the poem, it must be read aloud.7. I helped my mother wash clothes last Sunday, thus causing me to miss that film.8. Driving across the state, many beautiful lakes were seen.9. Unselfish people not only are happier but they are more successful.10. I finally realized that my daydreaming was not making me beautiful, slender, or friends.11. He is a man of wide experience and who is also very popular with the farmers.12. I am interested in electronics, because it is a new field and which offers interesting opportunities to one who knows science13. We swept the room carefully, and the furniture and shelves were dusted.14. If one's mouth is dry, eat a lump of sugar or chew gum.15. You must make yourself interesting to the group that listen to you and are constantly trying to detect your mistakes.ⅩⅣ. Topics for oral work:1. What are the strong and weak points of the narration?2. Whom do you admire most in this story? Why?3. What have you learned about people and society in the United States? Does the story give a true and complete picture? XV. Write a short narration of around 300 words relating your ex- perience of an earthquake, a flood, a typhoon or a hailstorm. 15习题全解I.Las Vegas. Las Vegas city is the seat of Clark County in South Nevada. In 1970 it had a population of 125,787 people. Revenue from hotels, gambling, entertainment and other tourist-oriented industries forms the backbone of Las Vegas's economy, Its nightclubs and casinos are world famous. The city is also the commercial hub of a ranching and mining area. In the 19th century Las Vegas was a watering place for travelers to South California. In 1.855-1857 the Mormons maintained a fort there, and in 1864 Fort Baker was built by the U. S. army. In 1867, Las Vegas was detached from the Arizona territory and joined to Nevada. (from The New Columbia Encyclopedia )Ⅱ.1. He didn' t think his family was in any real danger, His former house had been demolished by Hurricane Betsy for it only stood a few feet above sea level. His present house was 23 feet above sea level and 250 yards away from the sea. He thought they would be safe here as in any place else. Besides, he had talked the matter over with his father and mother and consulted his longtime friend, Charles Hill, before making his decision to stay and face the hurricane.2. Magna Products is the name of the firm owned by John Koshak. It designed and developed educational toys and supplies.3. Charlie thought they were in real trouble because salty water was sea water. It showed the sea had reached the house and they werein real trouble for they might be washed into the sea by the tidal wave.4. At this Critical moment when grandmother Koshak thought they might die at any moment, she told her husband the dearest and the most precious thing she could think of. This would help to encourage each other and enable them to face death with greater serenity.5.John Koshak felt a crushing guilt because it was he who made the final decision to stay and face the hurricane. Now it seemed they might all die in the hurricane.6.Grandmother Koshak asked the children to sing because she thought this would lessen tension and boost the morale of everyone.7.Janis knew that John was trying his best to comfort and encourage her for he too felt there was a possibility of their dying in the storm.Ⅲ.1.This piece of narration is organized as follows. .introduction, development, climax, and conclusion. The first 6 paragraphs are introductory paragraphs, giving the time, place, and background of the conflict-man versus hurricanes. These paragraphs also introduce the characters in the story.2. The writer focuses chiefly on action but he also clearly and sympathetically delineates the characters in the story.3. John Koshak, Jr. , is the protagonist in the story.4. Man and hurricanes make up the conflict.5. The writer builds up and sustains the suspense in the story by describing in detail and vividly the incidents showing how the Koshaks and their friends struggled against each onslaught of the hurricane.6. The writer gives order and logical movement to the sequence of happenings by describing a series of actions in the order of their occurrence.7. The story reaches its climax in paragraph 27.8. I would have ended the story at the end of Paragraph 27,because the hurricane passed, the main characters survived, and the story could come to a natural end.9. Yes, it is. Because the writer states his theme or the purpose behind his story in the reflection of Grandmother Koshak: "We lost practically all our possessions, but the family came through it. When I think of that, I realize we lost nothing important.Ⅳ.1. We' re 23 feet above sea level.2. The house has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3. We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4. Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out.5. Everybody go out through the back door and run to the cars.6. The electrical systems in the car had been put out by water.7. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felta strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8. ()h God, please help us to get through this storm safely.9. Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped.10. Janis displayed rather late the exhaustion brought about by the nervous tension caused by the hurricane.Ⅴ.See the translation of the text.Ⅵ.1. main: a principal pipe or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc.2.sit out: stay until the end ofe by;(American English) pay a visit4.blow in:burst open by the storm.5.douse:put out(a light,fire,generator。
高级英语第二册 Lesson1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille 词汇短语

高级英语第二册 Lesson1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille 词汇短语词汇(Vocabulary): a violent tropical cyclone with winds moving at 73 or more miles per hour,often accompanied by torrential rains,and originating usually in the West Indian region飓风---------------------------------------------------------------------: move quickly or violently猛烈冲击;拍打---------------------------------------------------------------------: beat or hit with repeated blows,esp.with the fist(尤指用拳头)连续地打---------------------------------------------------------------------: a way of behaving;mode 0f conduct行为;品行;做法---------------------------------------------------------------------: pull down.tear down,or smash to pieces (a building,etc.),destroy:ruin拉倒;打碎;拆毁;破坏;毁灭---------------------------------------------------------------------:a hotel intended primarily for those traveling by car, usually with direct access from each room to an area for cars汽车游客旅馆---------------------------------------------------------------------: rough or surly in manner or speech;harsh and throaty;hoarse粗暴的,粗鲁的;粗哑的。
高级英语第二册lesson1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

• scrambled: [sk'ræ mbld] 爬行,攀登。
I scrambled up the rock. 我爬上了那块岩石。 Frightened: adj.受惊的
• The house shuddered and shifted on its foundations. • 房屋在地基上不停地晃动,好像已经移位 了似的。 • shudder: ['ʃʌdər] vi.战栗;发抖 • She shuddered at the memory of school exams. • 她一想到学校的考试就不寒而栗。 • shift: [ʃɪft] v.移动;改变 • The Left is shifting their ground. • 左派正在改变立场。
• 6 Grandmother Koshak reached an arm around her husband's shoulder and put her mouth close to his ear. "Pop," she said, "I love you." He turned his head and answered, "I love you" -- and his voice lacked its usual gruffness. • 柯夏克奶奶伸出胳臂揽住丈夫的肩膀,把 嘴凑到他的耳边说:“老头子,我爱你。” 老 • 柯夏克扭过头来也回了一句“我也爱你。” 说话声音已不像平时那样粗声粗气的了。 • gruff:[ɡrʌf] adj.粗鲁的;生硬的;粗哑的 • His gruff manner made me angry. • 他粗暴的态度让我生气。
高级英语第二册lesson1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

interior [ɪn„tɪrɪɚ] n. 内部;本质 adj. 内部的;国内的;本质的 用作名词 (n.) She led an expedition into the interior. 她带领一支考察队到内陆地区。 用作形容词 (adj.) We arrived at an interior town. 我们到达了一个内地城镇。 His sister is an interior girl. 他的妹妹是个内向女孩。
• 许多以as为比喻词组成的词组,如as fresh as a rose, as brave as a lion, as cunning as a fox, as proud as a peacock, as busy as a bee, as timid as a mouse, as white as snow 等等。

第一课FacetofacewithHurricaneCamilleParaphrase:Weare23feetabovethesealevel.Thehousehasbeenheresince1915,andhasneverbeendamagedbyanyhurricanes.Wecanmakethenecessarypreparationsandsurvivethehurricanewithoutmuchdamage.Watergotintothegeneratorandputitout.Itstoppedproducingelectricitysothelightsalsowentout.Everybodygooutthroughthebackdoorandruntothecar.6.Theelectricalsystemsinthecar(thebatteryforthestarter)hadbeenputoutbywater.AsJohnwatchedthewaterinchitswayupthesteps,hefeltastrongsenseofguiltbecauseheblamedhimselfforendan geringthewholefamilybydecidingnottofleeinland.OhGod,pleasehelpustogetthroughthisstormsafely7.GrandmotherKoshaksangafewwordsaloneandthenhervoicegraduallygrewdimmerandstopped.8.Janisdisplayedratherlatetheexhaustionbroughtaboutbythenervoustensioncausedbythehurrican e.Translation(C-E)1.Eachandeveryplanemustbecheckedoutthoroughlybeforetakingoff. 每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。
高级英语第二册lesson1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

vantage point: a position that allows a clear and broad view spectacular: a transferred epithet, modifying the “storm” and not “vantage point”, meaning impressive to see and strikingly unusual, dramatic, breathtaking 此用法不是说
• 设在弗罗里达州迈阿密的国家飓风中 心主任罗伯特.H.辛普森博士将卡米 尔号飓风列为“有过记载的袭击西半 球有人居住地区的最猛烈的一场飓 风”。
• In its concentrated breadth [bredθ] of some 70 miles it shot out winds of nearly 200 m.p.h. and raised tides as high as 30 feet. • 在飓风中心纵横约70英里的范围内, 其风速接近每小时200英里,掀起的浪 头高达30英尺。
• 海湾沿岸风过之处,所有东西都被一 扫而光。19 467户人家和709家小商号 不是完全被毁,便是遭到严重破坏。
• devastate ['devəsteɪtid] v. 摧毁,破坏,毁灭 Eg:The hurricane devastated a large section of the coast. 飓风毁坏了沿海地区的大部分。 But it has devastated all of us. 但这一切令我们所有人悲痛欲绝。
[搭配] snap out of 迅速从…中恢复过来 Eg: Will the economy snap out of the recession?经济会从衰退中迅速恢复吗? snap up 抢购,抢先弄到手,迅速抓住 机会 Eg: The first customers snapped up the best bargains.先到的顾客把最便宜的 货抢购一空。

Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille迎战卡米尔号飓风约瑟夫.布兰克小约翰。
" 为了对付这场飓风,几个男子汉有条不紊地做起准备工作来。
高级英语第二册unit 1 face to face with Hurricane Camille背景知识

The Literary terms
Pห้องสมุดไป่ตู้otagonist The central character in a story, the one
upon whom the action centers. The protagonist faces a problem and must undergo some conflict to solve it. The protagonist is opposed by an antagonist, which may be a person, or some force of nature, or even a flaw(缺点) in the protagonist's personality.
Flashback The Interruption of chronological
sequence by interjection of event of earlier occurrence.
The Literary terms
Suspense a state of uncertainty
Climax The point in a story when we find out
What is narration
The narrative essay tells a story (personal, true, imaginative).
The classification of narration
Broad sense Narrow sense
The essentials of narration
The Literary terms
高级英语第三版Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

ride it out: (of a ship) to stay afloat during a storm without too much damage; last safely through (bad weather) 意为抵挡住(狂风等的)袭击,不受多少损伤的坚 持到最后脱险
The men methodically prepared for hurricane:
Supporting details
Since water mains... and pails:
--- They were afraid the water supply might be cut off so they filled the bathtubs and pails with water.
Face to Face with
Hurricane Camille
Warnings had sounded:
---- Radio and television had broadcast
warnings about the hurricane. The National Weather Service of the United States broadcast warnings of potential hurricanes. August 17: Hurricane Camille devastated (destroy) the area for two days August l7, l8.

Hurricane Camille is said to be the worst storm ever to hit mainland United States. With winds in excess of 200 mph and tides over 20 feet, Hurricane Camille smashed into the Mississippi Gulf Coast on Sunday night, the 17th of August and continued its devastating path until the early hours of Monday, the 18th. The combination of winds, surges, and rainfalls caused 258 deaths and $1.421 billion in damage. These were reported in Cuba.
• Incipient ([in'sipiənt]初期的) hurricanes usually form over the tropical North Atlantic Ocean and mature as they drift westward. Hurricanes also occasionally form off the west coast of Mexico and move northeastward from that area.
39 m.p.h
3. How are Hurricanes Named?
The National Weather Service of the
United States has used girls' names to identify hurricanes in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico since 1953 and the names were given in alphabetical order.
高级英语第三版Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

我们足足等了三个小时. 从这到火车站足足有五个小时的车程. 他父母亲狠狠地揍了他一顿.
We waited for a good three hours. It is a good five hours to drive to the railway station. His parents gave him a good beating.
--- Topic (the following are the facts to illustrate the topic) --- The men in the house made all the necessary preparations to fight the hurricane and they went about their work in a systematic and orderly manner.
ride it out: (of a ship) to stay afloat during a storm without too much damage; last safely through (bad weather) 意为抵挡住(狂风等的)袭击,不受多少损伤的坚 持到最后脱险
The men methodically prepared for hurricane:
prepared a connection: Preparations were also made to connect, when necessary, the refrigerator to the generator.
gray clouds... on the rising wind: scud: run or move swiftly; glide or skim along easily 疾行,飞驰;掠过 scudded in: driven inland by the wind Gulf: the Gulf of Mexico rising wind: wind that was getting stronger and stronger --- The speed of these clouds is an indication of the swiftness with which the storm is approaching.
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Face To Face With Hurricane Camille迎战卡米尔号飓风约瑟夫.布兰克1John Koshak,Jr., knew Hurricane Camille would be bad. Radio and television warnings had sounded throughout that Sunday. Last August 17, as Camille lashed northwestward across the Gulf of Mexico. It was certain to pummel Gulfport, Miss., where the Koshaks lived. Along the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, nearly 150,000 people fled inland to safer ground. But like thousands of others in the coastal communities, John was reluctant to abandon his home unless the family—his wife, Janis and their seven children, aged 3 to 11—was clearly endangered.小约翰。
lash (v.): move quickly or violently猛烈冲击;拍打pummel (n.): beat or hit with repeated blows,esp.with the fist(尤指用拳头)连续地打2 Trying to reason out the best course of action, he talked with his father and mother, who had moved into the ten-room house with the Koshaks a month earlier from California. He also consulted Charles Hill, a longtime friend, who had driven from Las Vegas for a visit.为了找出应付这场风灾的最佳对策,他与父母商量过。
course (n.): a way of behaving;mode 0f conduct行为;品行;做法reason out: to find out an explanation or solution to a problem,by thinking of all the possibilities寻找解决途径例:Let's reason this out instead of quarrelling.让我们不要争吵,商量出事情的解决方案3 John, 37—whose business was right there in his home (he designed and developed educational toys and supplies, and all of Magna Products’ correspondence, engineering drawings and art work were there on the first floor)—was familiar with the power of a hurricane. Four years earlier Hurricane Betsy had demolished his former home a few miles west of Gulfport (Koshak had moved his family to a motel for the night). But that house had stood only a few feet above sea level. “We’re elevated23 feet,” he told his father, “and we’re a good 250 yards from the sea. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. We’ll probably be as safe here as anyplace else.”约翰的全部产业就在自己家里(他开办的玛格纳制造公司是设计、研制各种教育玩具和教育用品的。
”a good: at least,full至少,最少例:They waited a good eight hours他们等了至少8个小时。
demolish (v.): pull down.tear down,or smash to pieces (a building,etc.),destroy:ruin拉倒;打碎;拆毁;破坏;毁灭motel (n.):a hotel intended primarily for those traveling by car, usually with direct access from each room to an area for cars汽车游客旅馆4The elder Koshak, a gruff, warmhearted expert machinist of 67 agreed. “We can batten down and ride it out,” he said. “If we see signs of danger, we can get out before dark.”老柯夏克67岁.是个语粗心慈的熟练机械师。
”gruff (adj.): rough or surly in manner or speech;harsh and throaty;hoarse粗暴的,粗鲁的;粗哑的。
嘶哑的batten (n.): fasten with battens用压条钉住(或固定)5 The men methodically prepared for the hurricane. Since water mains might be damaged, they filled bathtubs and pails. A power failure was likely, so they checked out batteries for the portable radio and flashlights, and fuel for the lantern. John’s father moved a small generator into the downstairs hallway, wired several light bulbs to it and prepared a connection to the refrigerator.为了对付这场飓风,几个男子汉有条不紊地做起准备工作来。
methodically (adv.): orderly,systematically有秩序地;有条理地main (n.): a principal pipe, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc(自来水,煤气,电等的)总管bathtub (n.): a tub,now usually a bathroom fixture,in which to take a bath浴盆,浴缸generator (n.): a machine for changing mechanical energy into electrical energy;dynamo发电机,发动机6 Rain fell steadily that afternoon; gray clouds scudded in from the Gulf on the rising wind. The family had an early supper. A neighbor, whose husband was in Vietnam, asked if she and her two children could sit out the storm with the Koshaks. Another neighbor came by on his way inland—would the Koshaks mind taking care of hisdog?那天下午,雨一直下个不停.乌云随着越来越猛的暴风从海湾上空席卷而来。