



This document is a general product description and is subject to change without notice. Hynix does not assume any responsibility for use of circuits described. No patent licenses are implied.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007 1HY27UF(08/16)1G2A Series1Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1Gb NAND FLASHHY27UF081G2A HY27UF161G2ARev 0.4 / Jun. 200721Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashDocument Title1Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash Memory Revision HistoryRevision No.History Draft DateRemark0.01Initial Draft.Dec. 28. 2005Preliminary0.11) Change NOP2) Change AC CharacteristicsMay. 18. 2006Preliminary0.21) Delete Memory array map 2) Change AC Characteristics3) Correct copy back function Oct. 02. 2006Preliminary0.31) Change 1Gb Package Type- FBGA package is added - Figure & dimension are changed 2) Delet PreliminaryNov. 23. 20060.41) Correct figure 19Jun. 11. 2007tOH Before 12After10tCStCEA tREA Before 253525After202520Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200731Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFEATURES SUMMARYHIGH DENSITY NAND FLASH MEMORIES - Cost effective solutions for mass storage applications NAND INTERFACE - x8 or x16 bus width.- Multiplexed Address/ Data- Pinout compatibility for all densitiesSUPPLY VOLTAGE- VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V : HY27UFxx1G2A Memory Cell Array= (2K+64) Bytes x 64 Pages x 1,024 Blocks = (1K+32) Bytes x 64 Pages x 1,024 BlocksPAGE SIZE- x8 device : (2K+64 spare) Bytes : HY27UF081G2A - x16 device : (1K+32 spare) Bytes : HY27UF161G2ABLOCK SIZE- x8 device: (128K + 4K spare) Bytes - x16 device: (64K + 2K spare) Words PAGE READ / PROGRAM - Random access: 25us (max.) - Sequential access: 30ns (min.) - Page program time: 200us (typ.)COPY BACK PROGRAM MODE- Fast page copy without external bufferingCACHE PROGRAM- Internal (2048+64) Byte buffer to improve the program throughputFAST BLOCK ERASE- Block erase time: 2ms (Typ.)STATUS REGISTER ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - 1st cycle: Manufacturer Code - 2nd cycle: Device Code- 3rd cycle: Internal chip number , Cell Type, Number of Simultaneously Programmed Pages.- 4th cycle: Page size, Block size, Organization, Spare sizeSERIAL NUMBER OPTION CHIP ENABLE DON’T CARE - Simple interface sith microcontrollerDATA RETENTION- 100,000 Program/Erase cycles (with 1bit/528byte ECC) - 10 years Data RetentionPACKAGE- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-T(P): 48-Pin TSOP1 (12 x 20 x 1.2 mm)- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-T (Lead)- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-TP (Lead Free)- HY27UF081G2A-S(P): 48-Pin USOP1 (12 x 17 x 0.65 mm)- HY27UF081G2A-S (Lead)- HY27UF081G2A-SP (Lead Free) - HY27UF081G2A-F(P): 63-Ball FBGA (9 x 11 x 1.0 mm)- HY27UF081G2A-F (Lead)- HY27UF081G2A-FP (Lead Free)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200741Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTIONThe Hynix HY27UF(08/16)1G2A series is a 128Mx8bit with spare 4Mx8 bit capacity. The device is offered in 3.3V Vcc Power Supply.Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for the solid state mass storage market. The memory is divided into blocks that can be erased independently so it is possible to preserve valid data while old data is erased.The device contains 1024 blocks, composed by 64 pages consisting in two NAND structures of 32 series connected Flash cells.A program operation allows to write the 2112-byte page in typical 200us and an erase operation can be performed in typical 2ms on a 128K-byte(X8 device) block.Data in the page can be read out at 30ns cycle time per byte. The I/O pins serve as the ports for address and data input/output as well as command input. This interface allows a reduced pin count and easy migration towards different densities, without any rearrangement of footprint.Commands, Data and Addresses are synchronously introduced using CE, WE, ALE and CLE input pin. The on-chip Pro-gram/Erase Controller automates all program and erase functions including pulse repetition, where required, and inter-nal verification and margining of data.The modify operations can be locked using the WP input pin or using the extended lock block feature described later .The output pin R/B (open drain buffer) signals the status of the device during each operation. In a system with multi-ple memories the R/B pins can be connected all together to provide a global status signal.Even the write-intensive systems can take advantage of the HY27UF(08/16)1G2A extended reliability of 100K pro-gram/erase cycles by providing ECC (Error Correcting Code) with real time mapping-out algorithm.The chip could be offered with the CE don’t care function. This function allows the direct download of the code from the NAND Flash memory device by a microcontroller , since the CE transitions do not stop the read operation.The copy back function allows the optimization of defective blocks management: when a page program operation fails the data can be directly programmed in another page inside the same array section without the time consuming serial data insertion phase.The cache program feature allows the data insertion in the cache register while the data register is copied into the flash array. This pipelined program operation improves the program throughput when long files are written inside the memory. A cache read feature is also implemented. This feature allows to dramatically improve the read throughput when consecutive pages have to be streamed out.The HYNIX HY27UF(08/16)1G2A series is available in 48 - TSOP1 12 x 20 mm, 48 - USOP 12 x 17 mmm, FBGA 9 x 11 mm.1.1 Product ListPART NUMBER ORIZATIONVCC RANGE PACKAGEHY27UF081G2A x8 2.7V - 3.6 Volt63FBGA / 48TSOP1 / 48USOP1HY27UF161G2Ax1648TSOP1Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200751Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO15 - IO8Data Input / Outputs (x16 only)IO7 - IO0Data Inputs / Outputs CLE Command latch enable ALE Address latch enable CE Chip Enable RE Read Enable WE Write Enable WP Write Protect R/B Ready / Busy Vcc Power Supply Vss Ground NCNo ConnectionTable 1: Signal NamesRev 0.4 / Jun. 200761Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 2. 48TSOP1 Contactions, x8 and x16 DeviceFigure 3. 48USOP1 Contactions, x8Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200771Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 4. 63FBGA Contactions, x8 Device (Top view through package)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200781Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1.2 PIN DESCRIPTIONPin Name DescriptionIO0-IO7IO8-IO15(1)DATA INPUTS/OUTPUTSThe IO pins allow to input command, address and data and to output data during read / program operations. The inputs are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable (WE). The I/O buffer float to High-Z when the device is deselected or the outputs are disabled.CLECOMMAND LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Command Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).ALEADDRESS LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Address Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).CECHIP ENABLEThis input controls the selection of the device. When the device is busy CE low does not deselect the memory.WEWRITE ENABLEThis input acts as clock to latch Command, Address and Data. The IO inputs are latched on the rise edge of WE.REREAD ENABLEThe RE input is the serial data-out control, and when active drives the data onto the I/O bus. Data is valid tREA after the falling edge of RE which also increments the internal column address counter by one.WP WRITE PROTECTThe WP pin, when Low, provides an Hardware protection against undesired modify (program / erase)operations.R/B READY BUSYThe Ready/Busy output is an Open Drain pin that signals the state of the memory.VCC SUPPLY VOLTAGEThe VCC supplies the power for all the operations (Read, Write, Erase). VSS GROUNDNCNO CONNECTIONTable 2: Pin DescriptionNOTE:1. A 0.1uF capacitor should be connected between the Vcc Supply Voltage pin and the Vss Ground pin to decouple the current surges from the power supply. The PCB track widths must be sufficient to carry the currents required during program and erase operations.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200791Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO71st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A72nd Cycle A8A9A10A11L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)3rd Cycle A12A13A14A15A16A17A18A194th CycleA20A21A22A23A24A25A26A27Table 3: Address Cycle Map(x8)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.IO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO7IO8-IO151st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7L (1)2nd Cycle A8A9A10L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)3rd Cycle A11A12A13A14A15A16A17A18L (1)4th CycleA19A20A21A22A23A24A25A26L (1)Table 4: Address Cycle Map(x16)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.FUNCTION1st CYCLE2nd CYCLE3rd CYCLE4th CYCLEAcceptable commandduring busyREAD 100h 30h --READ FOR COPY-BACK 00h 35h --READ ID 90h ---RESETFFh ---YesPAGE PROGRAM 80h 10h --COPY BACK PGM 85h 10h --BLOCK ERASE60h D0h --READ STATUS REGISTER 70h ---YesCACHE PROGRAM 80h 15h --RANDOM DATA INPUT 85h ---RAMDOM DATA OUTPUT 05h E0h --CACHE READ START 00h 31h --CACHE READ EXIT34h---Table 5: Command SetRev 0.4 / Jun. 2007101Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashCLE ALE CE WE RE WP MODE H L L Rising H X Read ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H X Address Input(4 cycles)H L L Rising H H Write ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H HAddress Input(4 cycles)L L L Rising H H Data Input L L L (1)H Falling X Sequential Read and Data Output L L L H H X During Read (Busy)X X X X X H During Program (Busy)X X X X X HDuring Erase (Busy)X X X X X L Write Protect XXHXX0V/Vcc Stand ByTable 6: Mode SelectionNOTE:1. With the CE high during latency time does not stop the read operationRev 0.4 / Jun. 2007111Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash2. BUS OPERATIONThere are six standard bus operations that control the device. These are Command Input, Address Input, Data Input, Data Output, Write Protect, and Standby.Typically glitches less than 5 ns on Chip Enable, Write Enable and Read Enable are ignored by the memory and do not affect bus operations.2.1 Command Input.Command Input bus operation is used to give a command to the memory device. Command are accepted with Chip Enable low, Command Latch Enable High, Address Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 6 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements. Command codes are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).2.2 Address Input.Address Input bus operation allows the insertion of the memory address. To insert the 28 addresses needed to access the 1Gbit 4 clock cycles (x8 version) are needed. Addresses are accepted with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable High, Command Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 7 and table 16 for details of the timings requirements. Addresses are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).2.3 Data Input.Data Input bus operation allows to feed to the device the data to be programmed. The data insertion is serially and timed by the Write Enable cycles. Data are accepted only with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable low, Command Latch Enable low, Read Enable High, and Write Protect High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. See figure 8 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements.2.4 Data Output.Data Output bus operation allows to read data from the memory array and to check the status register content, the lock status and the ID data. Data can be serially shifted out toggling the Read Enable pin with Chip Enable low, Write Enable High, Address Latch Enable low, and Command Latch Enable low. See figures 9,10,12,13 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements.2.5 Write Protect.Hardware Write Protection is activated when the Write Protect pin is low. In this condition modify operation do not start and the content of the memory is not altered. Write Protect pin is not latched by Write Enable to ensure the pro-tection even during the power up.2.6 Standby.In Standby mode the device is deselected, outputs are disabled and Power Consumption is reduced.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007121Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3. DEVICE OPERATION3.1 Page Read.Upon initial device power up, the device defaults to Read mode. This operation is also initiated by writing 00h and 30h to the command register along with four address cycles. In two consecutive read operations, the second one does need 00h command, which four address cycles and 30h command initiates that operation. Second read operation always requires setup command if first read operation was executed using also random data out command.Two types of operations are available: random read. The random read mode is enabled when the page address is changed. The 2112 bytes (X8 device) or 1056 words (X16 device) of data within the selected page are transferred to the data registers in less than 25us(tR). The system controller may detect the completion of this data transfer (tR) by analyzing the output of R/B pin. Once the data in a page is loaded into the data registers, they may be read out in 30ns cycle time (3.3V device) by sequentially pulsing RE. The repetitive high to low transitions of the RE clock make the device output the data starting from the selected column address up to the last column address.The device may output random data in a page instead of the consecutive sequential data by writing randomdata output command. The column address of next data, which is going to be out, may be changed to the address which follows random data output command.Random data output can be operated multiple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.Random data output is not available in cache read.3.2 Page Program.The device is programmed basically by page, but it does allow multiple partial page programming of a word or consec-utive bytes up to 2112 (X8 device) or words up to 1056 (X16 device), in a single page program cycle.The number of consecutive partial page programming operation within the same page without an intervening erase operation must not exceed 8; for example, 4 times for main array (X8 device:1time/512byte, X16 device:1time 256word) and 4 times for spare array (X8 device:1time/16byte ,X16 device:1time/8word).The addressing should be done in sequential order in a block. A page program cycle consists of a serial data loading period in which up to 2112 bytes (X8 device) or 1056 words (X16 device) of data may be loaded into the data register , followed by a non-volatile programming period where the loaded data is programmed into the appropriate cell.The serial data loading period begins by inputting the Serial Data Input command (80h), followed by the four cycle address inputs and then serial data. The words other than those to be programmed do not need to be loaded. The device supports random data input in a page. The column address of next data, which will be entered, may bechanged to the address which follows random data input command (85h). Random data input may be operated multi-ple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.The Page Program confirm command (10h) initiates the programming process. Writing 10h alone without previously entering the serial data will not initiate the programming process. The P/E/R controller automatically executes the algorithms and timings necessary for program and verify, thereby freeing the system controller for other tasks. Once . The system controller can detect the completion of a program cycle by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register . Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while programming is in progress. When the Page Program is complete, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. The internal write verify detects only errors for "1"s that are not successfully programmed to "0"s. The command register remains in Read Status command mode until another valid command is written to the command register . Figure 14 details the sequence.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007131Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.3 Block Erase.The Erase operation is done on a block basis. Block address loading is accomplished in two cycles initiated by an Erase Setup command (60h). Only address A18 to A27 (X8) or A17 to A26 (X16) is valid while A12 to A17 (X8) or A11 to A16 (X16) are ignored. The Erase Confirm command (D0h) following the block address loading initiates the internal erasing process. This two-step sequence of setup followed by execution command ensures that memory contents are not acci-dentally erased due to external noise conditions. At the rising edge of WE after the erase confirm command input, the P/E/R controller handles erase and erase-verify. Once the erase process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered to read the status register . The system controller can detect the completion of an erase by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register . Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while erasing is in progress. When the erase operation is completed, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. Figure 18 details the sequence.3.4 Copy-Back Program.The copy-back program is configured to quickly and efficiently rewrite data stored in one page without utilizing an exter-nal memory. Since the time-consuming cycles of serial access and re-loading cycles are removed, the system perfor-mance is improved. The benefit is especially obvious when a portion of a block is updated and the rest of the block also need to be copied to the newly assigned free block. The operation for performing a copy-back program is a sequential execution of page-read without serial access and copyingprogram with the address of destination page. A read opera-tion with "35h" command and the address of the source page moves the whole 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) data into the internal data buffer .As soon as the device returns to Ready state, Copy Back command (85h) with the address cycles of destination page may be written. The Program Confirm command (10h) is required to actually begin the programming operation. Data input cycle for modifying a portion or multiple distant portions of the source page is allowed as shown in Figure 16."When there is a program-failure at Copy-Back operation, error is reported by pass/fail status. But, if Copy-Back operations are accumulated over time, bit error due to charge loss is not checked by external error detection/correction scheme. For this reason, two bit error correction is recommended for the use of Copy-Back operation."Figure 16 shows the command sequence for the copy-back operation.The Copy Back Program operation requires three steps:1. The source page must be read using the Read A command (one bus write cycle to setup the command and then 4 bus write cycles to input the source page address). This operation copies all 2KBytes from the page into the Page Buffer .2. When the device returns to the ready state (Ready/Busy High), the second bus write cycle of the command is given with the 4bus cycles to input the target page address.3. Then the confirm command is issued to start the P/E/R Controller .Note:1. On the same plane.2. It’s prohibited to operate copy-back program from an odd address page (source page) to an even address page (target page) or from an even address page (source page) to an odd address page (target page). Therefore, the copy-back program is permitted just between odd address pages or even address pages.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007141Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.5 Read Status Register.The device contains a Status Register which may be read to find out whether read, program or erase operation is com-pleted, and whether the program or erase operation is completed successfully. After writing 70h command to the com-mand register , a read cycle outputs the content of the Status Register to the I/O pins on the falling edge of CE or RE, whichever occurs last. This two line control allows the system to poll the progress of each device in multiple memory connections even when R/B pins are common-wired. RE or CE does not need to be toggled for updated status. Refer to Table 14 for specific Status Register definitions, and Figure 10 for specific timings requirements . The command reg-ister remains in Status Read mode until further commands are issued to it. Therefore, if the status register is read dur-ing a random read cycle, the read command (00h) should be given before starting read cycles.3.6 Read ID.The device contains a product identification mode, initiated by writing 90h to the command register , followed by an address input of 00h. Four read cycles sequentially output the 1st cycle (ADh), and 2nd cycle (the device code) and 3rd cycle ID, 4th cycle ID, respectively. The command register remains in Read ID mode until further commands are issued to it. Figure 19 shows the operation sequence, while Tables 16 explain the byte meaning.3.7 Reset.The device offers a reset feature, executed by writing FFh to the command register . When the device is in Busy state during random read, program or erase mode, the reset operation will abort these operations. The contents of memory cells being altered are no longer valid, as the data will be partially programmed or erased.The command register is cleared to wait for the next command, and the Status Register is cleared to value E0h when WP is high. Refer to table 14 for device status after reset operation. If the device is already in reset state a new reset command will not be accepted by the command register . The R/B pin transitions to low for tRST after the Reset com-mand is written.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007151Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.8 Cache programCache Program is an extension of Page Program, which is executed with 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) data registers, and is available only within a block. Since the device has 1 page of cache memory, serial data input may be executed while data stored in data register are programmed into memory cell. After writing the first set of data up to 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) into the selected cache registers, Cache Program com-mand (15h) instead of actual Page Program (10h) is input to make cache registers free and to start internal program operation. To transfer data from cache registers to data registers, the device remains in Busy state for a short period of time (tCBSY) and has its cache registers ready for the next data-input while the internal programming gets started with the data loaded into data registers. Read Status command (70h) may be issued to find out when cache registers become ready by polling the Cache- Busy status bit (I/O 6). Pass/fail status of only the previous page is available upon the return to Ready state.When the next set of data is input with the Cache Program command, tCBSY is affected by the progress of pending internal programming. The programming of the cache registers is initiated only when the pending program cycle is finished and the data registers are available for the transfer of data from cache registers. The status bit (I/O5) for internal Ready/Busy may be polled to identify the completion of internal programming.If the system monitors the progress of programming only with R/B, the last page of the target programming sequence must be programmed with actual Page Program command (10h). If the Cache Program command (15h) is used instead, status bit (I/O5) must be polled to find out when the last programming is actually finished before starting other operations such as read. Pass/fail status is available in two steps. I/O 1 returns with the status of the previous page upon Ready or I/O6 status bit changing to "1", and later I/O 0 with the status of current page upon true Ready (returning from internal programming) or I/O 5 status bit changing to "1". I/O 1 may be read together when I/O 0 is checked. See Fig. 18 for more details.NOTE : Since programming the last page does not employ caching, the program time has to be that of Page Program. However , if the previous program cycle with the cache data has not finished, the actual program cycle of the last page is initiated only after completion of the previous cycle, which can be expressed as the following formula.tPROG=Program time for the last page + Program time for the (last-1)page - (Program command cycle time + Last page data loading time)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007161Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.9 Cache ReadCache read operation allows automatic download of consecutive pages, up to the whole device. Immediately after 1st latency end, while user can start reading out data, device internally starts reading following page.Start address of 1st page must be at page start (A<10:0>=00h) : in this way after 1st latency time (tr) , automatic data download will be uninterrupted. In fact latency time is 25us, while download of a page require at least 100us for x8 device (50us for x16 device).Cache read operation command is like standard read, except for confirm code (30h for standard read, 31h for cache read) user can check operation status using :- R/B ( ‘0’ means latency ongoing, download not possible, ‘1’ means download of n page possible, even if device in ternally is active on n+1 page- Status register (SR<6> behave like R/B, SR<5> is ‘0’ when device is internally reading and ‘1’ when device is idle)To exit cache read operation, a cache read exit command (34h) must be issued. This command can be given any time (both device idle and reading).If device is active (SR<5>=0) it will go idle within 5us, while if it is not active, device itself will go busy for a time shorter then tCBSY before becoming again idle and ready to accept any further commands. Figure 17 describes how to handle Cache Read through Status register .If user reads last byte/word of the memory array, then he has to stop by giving a cache read exit command. In general,if user wants to terminate a cache read, then he must give a cache read exit command (or reset command) before starting any new operation.Random data output is not available in cache read.Cache read operation must be done only block by block if system needs to avoid reading also from invalid blocks.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007171Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash4. OTHER FEATURES4.1 Data Protection for Power on/off SequenceThe device is designed to offer protection from any involuntary program/erase during power-transitions. An internal voltage detector disables all functions whenever Vcc is below about 2.0V (3.3V version). WP pin provides hardware protection and is recommended to be kept at VIL during power-up and power-down. A recovery time of minimum 10us is required before internal circuit gets ready for any command sequences as shown in Figure 24. The two-step com-mand sequence for program/erase provides additional software protection.If the power is dropped during the ready read/write/erase operation, Power protection function may not guaranteed the data. Power protection function is only available during the power on/off sequence.4.2 Ready/Busy.The device has a Ready/Busy output that provides method of indicating the completion of a page program, erase, copy-back, cache program and random read completion. The R/B pin is normally high and goes to low when the device is busy (after a reset, read, program, erase operation). It returns to high when the P/E/R controller has finished the operation. The pin is an open-drain driver thereby allowing two or more R/B outputs to be Or-tied. Because pull-up resistor value is related to tr(R/B) and current drain during busy (Ibusy), an appropriate value can be obtained with the following reference chart (Figure 25). Its value can be determined by the following guidance.。

NAND FLASH 各厂家容量区分

NAND FLASH 各厂家容量区分

料号厂商容量打点丝印BF16G32YH0B Hynix 2GB 白H27UAG8T2BTR-BC BF27UBG5H0B Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8U5ATR-BC BF27UCG5H0B Hynix 8GB 黄H27UCG8VFATR-BC BF64G26YH0B Hynix 8GB 黄H27UCG8T2MYR-BC BFBG8T25H0F Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8T2BTR-BC BFBG8T25X02Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8T2ATR-BC BFBG8U55H0F Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8U5MTR-BC BFCG8V5MH0B Hynix 8GB 黄H27UCG8V5MTR-BC BK27UBG9H0B Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8T2MYR-BC BK27UCG9H0B Hynix 8GB 黄H27UCG8UDMYR-BC BK27UDG5H0B Hynix 16GB 红H27UDG8VEMYR-BC BKAG8T25H0F Hynix 2GB 白H27UAG8T2MTR-BC BKBG8T25H1B Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8T2ATR-BC BF16G32YH0B Hynix 2GB 白H27UAG8T2BTR-BC BF27UBG5H0B Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8U5ATR-BC BF27UCG5H0B Hynix 8GB 黄H27UCG8VFATR-BC BF64G26YH0B Hynix 8GB 黄H27UCG8T2MYR-BC BFBG8T25H0B Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8T2BTR-BC BFBG8T25X02Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8T2ATR-BC BFBG8U55H0B Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8U5MTR-BC BFCG8V5MH0B Hynix 8GB 黄H27UCG8V5MTR-BC BK27UBG9H0B Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8T2MYR-BC BK27UCG9H0B Hynix 8GB 黄H27UCG8UDMYR-BC BK27UDG5H0B Hynix 16GB 红H27UDG8VEMYR-BC BKAG8T25H0B Hynix 2GB 白H27UAG8T2MTR-BC BKBG8T25H1B Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8T2ATR-BC BNAG8T25H0B Hynix 2GB 白H27UAG8T2ATR-BC BNBG8T25H0B Hynix 4GB 蓝H27UBG8T2AYR-BC BF32G08520B INTEL 4GB 蓝JS29F32G08AAME1BF32G08DX02INTEL 4GB 蓝JS29F32G08AAMDB BF64G085202INTEL 8GB 黄JS29F64G08AAME1BF9F64G5X02INTEL 8GB 黄JS29F64G08CAMDB BFJS29F5202INTEL 2GB 白JS29F16B08CAME1BF16B08520F INTEL 2GB 白JS29F16B08JAMDB BF32G085202INTEL 4GB 蓝JS29F32G08AAME1BF32G08DX02INTEL 4GB 蓝JS29F32G08AAMDB BF64G085202INTEL 8GB 黄JS29F64G08AAME1BF9F64G5X02INTEL 8GB 黄JS29F64G08CAMDB BFJS29F5202INTEL 2GB 白JS29F16B08CAME1BF16G085M0B Micron 2GB 白MT29F16G08MAAWP BF32G083M02Micron 4GB 蓝MT29F32G08CBACAWP BF64G089M0B Micron 8GB 黄MT29F64G08CECBBH1BF64G089X0F Micron 8GB 黄MT29F64G08EBAAAB74A3WC1BK32G085M0B Micron 4GB 蓝MT29F32G08QAA BK64G085M0BMicron8GB黄MT29F64G08TAAK9G BG 08U0AFlash容量&丝印一览表备注MT 29F 16G 08MAAWPJS 29F 32G 08AAMDB标识点6.7.8位为容量换算,换算方法为:32Gb/8=4GB 16Gb=2GB 68Gb=8GB标识点4.5位为容量换算,换算方法为:BG (32Gb )/8=4GB K9指厂商:三星标识点6.7.8位为容量换算,换算方法为:16Gb/8=2GB MT 指厂商:镁光80:8M 1G:1G 2G:2G 4G:4G 8G:8G AG:16G BG:32G CG:64G ZG:48G DG:128G EG:256G GG:384G HG:512G LG:24G NG:96GBN128G8YM02Micron16GB红MT29F128G08CFAAAWP BN32G085M0B Micron4GB蓝MT29F32G08CBAAAWC BN32G085M1B Micron4GB蓝MT29F32G08CBABAWP BN32G085M2B Micron4GB蓝MT29F32G08CBACAWP BN64G085M0B Micron8GB黄MT29F64G08CFAAAWC BN64G085M12Micron8GB黄MT29F64G08CBAAAWP BN64G085M1B Micron8GB黄MT29F64G08CBAAAWP BN64G08YM0B Micron8GB黄MT29F64G08CEAAAC5 BF0GD8U5S02samsung8GB黄K9ACGD8U0MBF1G08U5S0B samsung128MB无点K9F1G08U0CBF1G08U5S0F samsung128MB无点K9F1G08U0CBF4G08U9S0F samsung512MB无点K9F4G08U0BBF8G08UDS0B samsung1GB绿K9K8G08U1DBFAG08UDS0B samsung2GB白K9FAG08U0MBFBG08U5S0B samsung4GB蓝K9GBG08U0ABFBG08U9S02samsung4GB蓝K9ABG08U0ABFG08U05X1B samsung2GB白K9GAG08U0EBFG08U05X1F samsung2GB白K9GAG08U0DBFK9ABG5S0B samsung4GB蓝K9ABGD8U0BBFK9BCGYS02samsung8GB黄K9BCG08U1ABKBG08U9S0B samsung4GB蓝K9ABG08U0ABKCG08U9S0F samsung8GB黄K9BCG08U1ABKDG08U9S0B samsung16GB红K9CDG08U5ABN04G085S0F samsung512MB无点K9F4G08U0ABNAG08UDS0B samsung2GB白K9GAG08U0MBNF2G085S0B samsung256MB无点K9F2G08U0BBNF8G085S0B samsung1GB绿K9F8G08U0M BNG4G085S0B samsung512MB无点K9G4G08U0B BNK8G08DS0B samsung1GB绿K9K8G08U0B BNKAG085S0B samsung2GB白K9KAG08U0M BF1G08U5S0B samsung128MB无点K9F1G08U0C BF4G08U9S0F samsung512MB无点K9F4G08U0B BF8G08UDS0B samsung1GB绿K9K8G08U1D BFAG08UDS0B samsung2GB白K9FAG08U0M BFBG08U5S0B samsung4GB蓝K9GBG08U0A BFBG08U9S02samsung4GB蓝K9ABG08U0A BFG08U05X1B samsung2GB白K9GAG08U0E BFG08U05X1F samsung2GB白K9GAG08U0D BFK9ABG5S02samsung4GB蓝K9ABGD8U0B BFK9BCGYS02samsung8GB黄K9BCG08U1A BKBG08U9S0B samsung4GB蓝K9ABG08U0A BKCG08U9S0B samsung8GB黄K9BCG08U1A BKDG08U9S0F samsung16GB红K9CDG08U5A BN04G085S0F samsung512MB无点K9F4G08U0A BN0K9GB5X0B samsung4GB蓝K9GBG08U0A BN0K9GB5X0B samsung4GB蓝K9GBG08U0AH27U BG8T2BTR-BC标识点5.6位为容量换算,换算方法为:BG(32Gb)/8=4GBH指厂商:海力士1G=128MB2G=256MB4G=512MB8G=1GBAG(16G)=2GBBG(32G)=4GBCG(64G)=8GBDG(128G)=16GBEG(256G)=32GBGG(384G)=48GBHG(512G)=64GBLG(24G)=3GBNG(96G)=12GBZG(48G)=6GB64:64Mb 12:128Mb25:256Mb 51:512Mb 1G:1G2G:2G 4G:4G 8G:8GAG:16G BG:32G CG:64GDG:128G EG:256G容量换算信息:。

HY27UF081G2A NAND Flash数据手册

HY27UF081G2A NAND Flash数据手册

This document is a general product description and is subject to change without notice. Hynix does not assume any responsibility for use of circuits described. No patent licenses are implied.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007 1HY27UF(08/16)1G2A Series1Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1Gb NAND FLASHHY27UF081G2A HY27UF161G2ARev 0.4 / Jun. 200721Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashDocument Title1Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash Memory Revision HistoryRevision No.History Draft DateRemark0.01Initial Draft.Dec. 28. 2005Preliminary0.11) Change NOP2) Change AC CharacteristicsMay. 18. 2006Preliminary0.21) Delete Memory array map 2) Change AC Characteristics3) Correct copy back function Oct. 02. 2006Preliminary0.31) Change 1Gb Package Type- FBGA package is added - Figure & dimension are changed 2) Delet PreliminaryNov. 23. 20060.41) Correct figure 19Jun. 11. 2007tOH Before 12After10tCStCEA tREA Before 253525After202520Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200731Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFEATURES SUMMARYHIGH DENSITY NAND FLASH MEMORIES - Cost effective solutions for mass storage applications NAND INTERFACE - x8 or x16 bus width.- Multiplexed Address/ Data- Pinout compatibility for all densitiesSUPPLY VOLTAGE- VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V : HY27UFxx1G2A Memory Cell Array= (2K+64) Bytes x 64 Pages x 1,024 Blocks = (1K+32) Bytes x 64 Pages x 1,024 BlocksPAGE SIZE- x8 device : (2K+64 spare) Bytes : HY27UF081G2A - x16 device : (1K+32 spare) Bytes : HY27UF161G2ABLOCK SIZE- x8 device: (128K + 4K spare) Bytes - x16 device: (64K + 2K spare) Words PAGE READ / PROGRAM - Random access: 25us (max.) - Sequential access: 30ns (min.) - Page program time: 200us (typ.)COPY BACK PROGRAM MODE- Fast page copy without external bufferingCACHE PROGRAM- Internal (2048+64) Byte buffer to improve the program throughputFAST BLOCK ERASE- Block erase time: 2ms (Typ.)STATUS REGISTER ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - 1st cycle: Manufacturer Code - 2nd cycle: Device Code- 3rd cycle: Internal chip number , Cell Type, Number of Simultaneously Programmed Pages.- 4th cycle: Page size, Block size, Organization, Spare sizeSERIAL NUMBER OPTION CHIP ENABLE DON’T CARE - Simple interface sith microcontrollerDATA RETENTION- 100,000 Program/Erase cycles (with 1bit/528byte ECC) - 10 years Data RetentionPACKAGE- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-T(P): 48-Pin TSOP1 (12 x 20 x 1.2 mm)- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-T (Lead)- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-TP (Lead Free)- HY27UF081G2A-S(P): 48-Pin USOP1 (12 x 17 x 0.65 mm)- HY27UF081G2A-S (Lead)- HY27UF081G2A-SP (Lead Free) - HY27UF081G2A-F(P): 63-Ball FBGA (9 x 11 x 1.0 mm)- HY27UF081G2A-F (Lead)- HY27UF081G2A-FP (Lead Free)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200741Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTIONThe Hynix HY27UF(08/16)1G2A series is a 128Mx8bit with spare 4Mx8 bit capacity. The device is offered in 3.3V Vcc Power Supply.Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for the solid state mass storage market. The memory is divided into blocks that can be erased independently so it is possible to preserve valid data while old data is erased.The device contains 1024 blocks, composed by 64 pages consisting in two NAND structures of 32 series connected Flash cells.A program operation allows to write the 2112-byte page in typical 200us and an erase operation can be performed in typical 2ms on a 128K-byte(X8 device) block.Data in the page can be read out at 30ns cycle time per byte. The I/O pins serve as the ports for address and data input/output as well as command input. This interface allows a reduced pin count and easy migration towards different densities, without any rearrangement of footprint.Commands, Data and Addresses are synchronously introduced using CE, WE, ALE and CLE input pin. The on-chip Pro-gram/Erase Controller automates all program and erase functions including pulse repetition, where required, and inter-nal verification and margining of data.The modify operations can be locked using the WP input pin or using the extended lock block feature described later .The output pin R/B (open drain buffer) signals the status of the device during each operation. In a system with multi-ple memories the R/B pins can be connected all together to provide a global status signal.Even the write-intensive systems can take advantage of the HY27UF(08/16)1G2A extended reliability of 100K pro-gram/erase cycles by providing ECC (Error Correcting Code) with real time mapping-out algorithm.The chip could be offered with the CE don’t care function. This function allows the direct download of the code from the NAND Flash memory device by a microcontroller , since the CE transitions do not stop the read operation.The copy back function allows the optimization of defective blocks management: when a page program operation fails the data can be directly programmed in another page inside the same array section without the time consuming serial data insertion phase.The cache program feature allows the data insertion in the cache register while the data register is copied into the flash array. This pipelined program operation improves the program throughput when long files are written inside the memory. A cache read feature is also implemented. This feature allows to dramatically improve the read throughput when consecutive pages have to be streamed out.The HYNIX HY27UF(08/16)1G2A series is available in 48 - TSOP1 12 x 20 mm, 48 - USOP 12 x 17 mmm, FBGA 9 x 11 mm.1.1 Product ListPART NUMBER ORIZATIONVCC RANGE PACKAGEHY27UF081G2A x8 2.7V - 3.6 Volt63FBGA / 48TSOP1 / 48USOP1HY27UF161G2Ax1648TSOP1Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200751Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO15 - IO8Data Input / Outputs (x16 only)IO7 - IO0Data Inputs / Outputs CLE Command latch enable ALE Address latch enable CE Chip Enable RE Read Enable WE Write Enable WP Write Protect R/B Ready / Busy Vcc Power Supply Vss Ground NCNo ConnectionTable 1: Signal NamesRev 0.4 / Jun. 200761Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 2. 48TSOP1 Contactions, x8 and x16 DeviceFigure 3. 48USOP1 Contactions, x8Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200771Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 4. 63FBGA Contactions, x8 Device (Top view through package)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200781Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1.2 PIN DESCRIPTIONPin Name DescriptionIO0-IO7IO8-IO15(1)DATA INPUTS/OUTPUTSThe IO pins allow to input command, address and data and to output data during read / program operations. The inputs are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable (WE). The I/O buffer float to High-Z when the device is deselected or the outputs are disabled.CLECOMMAND LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Command Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).ALEADDRESS LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Address Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).CECHIP ENABLEThis input controls the selection of the device. When the device is busy CE low does not deselect the memory.WEWRITE ENABLEThis input acts as clock to latch Command, Address and Data. The IO inputs are latched on the rise edge of WE.REREAD ENABLEThe RE input is the serial data-out control, and when active drives the data onto the I/O bus. Data is valid tREA after the falling edge of RE which also increments the internal column address counter by one.WP WRITE PROTECTThe WP pin, when Low, provides an Hardware protection against undesired modify (program / erase)operations.R/B READY BUSYThe Ready/Busy output is an Open Drain pin that signals the state of the memory.VCC SUPPLY VOLTAGEThe VCC supplies the power for all the operations (Read, Write, Erase). VSS GROUNDNCNO CONNECTIONTable 2: Pin DescriptionNOTE:1. A 0.1uF capacitor should be connected between the Vcc Supply Voltage pin and the Vss Ground pin to decouple the current surges from the power supply. The PCB track widths must be sufficient to carry the currents required during program and erase operations.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200791Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO71st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A72nd Cycle A8A9A10A11L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)3rd Cycle A12A13A14A15A16A17A18A194th CycleA20A21A22A23A24A25A26A27Table 3: Address Cycle Map(x8)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.IO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO7IO8-IO151st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7L (1)2nd Cycle A8A9A10L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)3rd Cycle A11A12A13A14A15A16A17A18L (1)4th CycleA19A20A21A22A23A24A25A26L (1)Table 4: Address Cycle Map(x16)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.FUNCTION1st CYCLE2nd CYCLE3rd CYCLE4th CYCLEAcceptable commandduring busyREAD 100h 30h --READ FOR COPY-BACK 00h 35h --READ ID 90h ---RESETFFh ---YesPAGE PROGRAM 80h 10h --COPY BACK PGM 85h 10h --BLOCK ERASE60h D0h --READ STATUS REGISTER 70h ---YesCACHE PROGRAM 80h 15h --RANDOM DATA INPUT 85h ---RAMDOM DATA OUTPUT 05h E0h --CACHE READ START 00h 31h --CACHE READ EXIT34h---Table 5: Command SetRev 0.4 / Jun. 2007101Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashCLE ALE CE WE RE WP MODE H L L Rising H X Read ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H X Address Input(4 cycles)H L L Rising H H Write ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H HAddress Input(4 cycles)L L L Rising H H Data Input L L L (1)H Falling X Sequential Read and Data Output L L L H H X During Read (Busy)X X X X X H During Program (Busy)X X X X X HDuring Erase (Busy)X X X X X L Write Protect XXHXX0V/Vcc Stand ByTable 6: Mode SelectionNOTE:1. With the CE high during latency time does not stop the read operationRev 0.4 / Jun. 2007111Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash2. BUS OPERATIONThere are six standard bus operations that control the device. These are Command Input, Address Input, Data Input, Data Output, Write Protect, and Standby.Typically glitches less than 5 ns on Chip Enable, Write Enable and Read Enable are ignored by the memory and do not affect bus operations.2.1 Command Input.Command Input bus operation is used to give a command to the memory device. Command are accepted with Chip Enable low, Command Latch Enable High, Address Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 6 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements. Command codes are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).2.2 Address Input.Address Input bus operation allows the insertion of the memory address. To insert the 28 addresses needed to access the 1Gbit 4 clock cycles (x8 version) are needed. Addresses are accepted with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable High, Command Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 7 and table 16 for details of the timings requirements. Addresses are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).2.3 Data Input.Data Input bus operation allows to feed to the device the data to be programmed. The data insertion is serially and timed by the Write Enable cycles. Data are accepted only with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable low, Command Latch Enable low, Read Enable High, and Write Protect High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. See figure 8 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements.2.4 Data Output.Data Output bus operation allows to read data from the memory array and to check the status register content, the lock status and the ID data. Data can be serially shifted out toggling the Read Enable pin with Chip Enable low, Write Enable High, Address Latch Enable low, and Command Latch Enable low. See figures 9,10,12,13 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements.2.5 Write Protect.Hardware Write Protection is activated when the Write Protect pin is low. In this condition modify operation do not start and the content of the memory is not altered. Write Protect pin is not latched by Write Enable to ensure the pro-tection even during the power up.2.6 Standby.In Standby mode the device is deselected, outputs are disabled and Power Consumption is reduced.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007121Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3. DEVICE OPERATION3.1 Page Read.Upon initial device power up, the device defaults to Read mode. This operation is also initiated by writing 00h and 30h to the command register along with four address cycles. In two consecutive read operations, the second one does need 00h command, which four address cycles and 30h command initiates that operation. Second read operation always requires setup command if first read operation was executed using also random data out command.Two types of operations are available: random read. The random read mode is enabled when the page address is changed. The 2112 bytes (X8 device) or 1056 words (X16 device) of data within the selected page are transferred to the data registers in less than 25us(tR). The system controller may detect the completion of this data transfer (tR) by analyzing the output of R/B pin. Once the data in a page is loaded into the data registers, they may be read out in 30ns cycle time (3.3V device) by sequentially pulsing RE. The repetitive high to low transitions of the RE clock make the device output the data starting from the selected column address up to the last column address.The device may output random data in a page instead of the consecutive sequential data by writing randomdata output command. The column address of next data, which is going to be out, may be changed to the address which follows random data output command.Random data output can be operated multiple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.Random data output is not available in cache read.3.2 Page Program.The device is programmed basically by page, but it does allow multiple partial page programming of a word or consec-utive bytes up to 2112 (X8 device) or words up to 1056 (X16 device), in a single page program cycle.The number of consecutive partial page programming operation within the same page without an intervening erase operation must not exceed 8; for example, 4 times for main array (X8 device:1time/512byte, X16 device:1time 256word) and 4 times for spare array (X8 device:1time/16byte ,X16 device:1time/8word).The addressing should be done in sequential order in a block. A page program cycle consists of a serial data loading period in which up to 2112 bytes (X8 device) or 1056 words (X16 device) of data may be loaded into the data register , followed by a non-volatile programming period where the loaded data is programmed into the appropriate cell.The serial data loading period begins by inputting the Serial Data Input command (80h), followed by the four cycle address inputs and then serial data. The words other than those to be programmed do not need to be loaded. The device supports random data input in a page. The column address of next data, which will be entered, may bechanged to the address which follows random data input command (85h). Random data input may be operated multi-ple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.The Page Program confirm command (10h) initiates the programming process. Writing 10h alone without previously entering the serial data will not initiate the programming process. The P/E/R controller automatically executes the algorithms and timings necessary for program and verify, thereby freeing the system controller for other tasks. Once the program process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered to read the status register . The system controller can detect the completion of a program cycle by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register . Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while programming is in progress. When the Page Program is complete, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. The internal write verify detects only errors for "1"s that are not successfully programmed to "0"s. The command register remains in Read Status command mode until another valid command is written to the command register . Figure 14 details the sequence.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007131Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.3 Block Erase.The Erase operation is done on a block basis. Block address loading is accomplished in two cycles initiated by an Erase Setup command (60h). Only address A18 to A27 (X8) or A17 to A26 (X16) is valid while A12 to A17 (X8) or A11 to A16 (X16) are ignored. The Erase Confirm command (D0h) following the block address loading initiates the internal erasing process. This two-step sequence of setup followed by execution command ensures that memory contents are not acci-dentally erased due to external noise conditions. At the rising edge of WE after the erase confirm command input, the P/E/R controller handles erase and erase-verify. Once the erase process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered to read the status register . The system controller can detect the completion of an erase by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register . Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while erasing is in progress. When the erase operation is completed, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. Figure 18 details the sequence.3.4 Copy-Back Program.The copy-back program is configured to quickly and efficiently rewrite data stored in one page without utilizing an exter-nal memory. Since the time-consuming cycles of serial access and re-loading cycles are removed, the system perfor-mance is improved. The benefit is especially obvious when a portion of a block is updated and the rest of the block also need to be copied to the newly assigned free block. The operation for performing a copy-back program is a sequential execution of page-read without serial access and copyingprogram with the address of destination page. A read opera-tion with "35h" command and the address of the source page moves the whole 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) data into the internal data buffer .As soon as the device returns to Ready state, Copy Back command (85h) with the address cycles of destination page may be written. The Program Confirm command (10h) is required to actually begin the programming operation. Data input cycle for modifying a portion or multiple distant portions of the source page is allowed as shown in Figure 16."When there is a program-failure at Copy-Back operation, error is reported by pass/fail status. But, if Copy-Back operations are accumulated over time, bit error due to charge loss is not checked by external error detection/correction scheme. For this reason, two bit error correction is recommended for the use of Copy-Back operation."Figure 16 shows the command sequence for the copy-back operation.The Copy Back Program operation requires three steps:1. The source page must be read using the Read A command (one bus write cycle to setup the command and then 4 bus write cycles to input the source page address). This operation copies all 2KBytes from the page into the Page Buffer .2. When the device returns to the ready state (Ready/Busy High), the second bus write cycle of the command is given with the 4bus cycles to input the target page address.3. Then the confirm command is issued to start the P/E/R Controller .Note:1. On the same plane.2. It’s prohibited to operate copy-back program from an odd address page (source page) to an even address page (target page) or from an even address page (source page) to an odd address page (target page). Therefore, the copy-back program is permitted just between odd address pages or even address pages.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007141Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.5 Read Status Register.The device contains a Status Register which may be read to find out whether read, program or erase operation is com-pleted, and whether the program or erase operation is completed successfully. After writing 70h command to the com-mand register , a read cycle outputs the content of the Status Register to the I/O pins on the falling edge of CE or RE, whichever occurs last. This two line control allows the system to poll the progress of each device in multiple memory connections even when R/B pins are common-wired. RE or CE does not need to be toggled for updated status. Refer to Table 14 for specific Status Register definitions, and Figure 10 for specific timings requirements . The command reg-ister remains in Status Read mode until further commands are issued to it. Therefore, if the status register is read dur-ing a random read cycle, the read command (00h) should be given before starting read cycles.3.6 Read ID.The device contains a product identification mode, initiated by writing 90h to the command register , followed by an address input of 00h. Four read cycles sequentially output the 1st cycle (ADh), and 2nd cycle (the device code) and 3rd cycle ID, 4th cycle ID, respectively. The command register remains in Read ID mode until further commands are issued to it. Figure 19 shows the operation sequence, while Tables 16 explain the byte meaning.3.7 Reset.The device offers a reset feature, executed by writing FFh to the command register . When the device is in Busy state during random read, program or erase mode, the reset operation will abort these operations. The contents of memory cells being altered are no longer valid, as the data will be partially programmed or erased.The command register is cleared to wait for the next command, and the Status Register is cleared to value E0h when WP is high. Refer to table 14 for device status after reset operation. If the device is already in reset state a new reset command will not be accepted by the command register . The R/B pin transitions to low for tRST after the Reset com-mand is written.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007151Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.8 Cache programCache Program is an extension of Page Program, which is executed with 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) data registers, and is available only within a block. Since the device has 1 page of cache memory, serial data input may be executed while data stored in data register are programmed into memory cell. After writing the first set of data up to 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) into the selected cache registers, Cache Program com-mand (15h) instead of actual Page Program (10h) is input to make cache registers free and to start internal program operation. To transfer data from cache registers to data registers, the device remains in Busy state for a short period of time (tCBSY) and has its cache registers ready for the next data-input while the internal programming gets started with the data loaded into data registers. Read Status command (70h) may be issued to find out when cache registers become ready by polling the Cache- Busy status bit (I/O 6). Pass/fail status of only the previous page is available upon the return to Ready state.When the next set of data is input with the Cache Program command, tCBSY is affected by the progress of pending internal programming. The programming of the cache registers is initiated only when the pending program cycle is finished and the data registers are available for the transfer of data from cache registers. The status bit (I/O5) for internal Ready/Busy may be polled to identify the completion of internal programming.If the system monitors the progress of programming only with R/B, the last page of the target programming sequence must be programmed with actual Page Program command (10h). If the Cache Program command (15h) is used instead, status bit (I/O5) must be polled to find out when the last programming is actually finished before starting other operations such as read. Pass/fail status is available in two steps. I/O 1 returns with the status of the previous page upon Ready or I/O6 status bit changing to "1", and later I/O 0 with the status of current page upon true Ready (returning from internal programming) or I/O 5 status bit changing to "1". I/O 1 may be read together when I/O 0 is checked. See Fig. 18 for more details.NOTE : Since programming the last page does not employ caching, the program time has to be that of Page Program. However , if the previous program cycle with the cache data has not finished, the actual program cycle of the last page is initiated only after completion of the previous cycle, which can be expressed as the following formula.tPROG=Program time for the last page + Program time for the (last-1)page - (Program command cycle time + Last page data loading time)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007161Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.9 Cache ReadCache read operation allows automatic download of consecutive pages, up to the whole device. Immediately after 1st latency end, while user can start reading out data, device internally starts reading following page.Start address of 1st page must be at page start (A<10:0>=00h) : in this way after 1st latency time (tr) , automatic data download will be uninterrupted. In fact latency time is 25us, while download of a page require at least 100us for x8 device (50us for x16 device).Cache read operation command is like standard read, except for confirm code (30h for standard read, 31h for cache read) user can check operation status using :- R/B ( ‘0’ means latency ongoing, download not possible, ‘1’ means download of n page possible, even if device in ternally is active on n+1 page- Status register (SR<6> behave like R/B, SR<5> is ‘0’ when device is internally reading and ‘1’ when device is idle)To exit cache read operation, a cache read exit command (34h) must be issued. This command can be given any time (both device idle and reading).If device is active (SR<5>=0) it will go idle within 5us, while if it is not active, device itself will go busy for a time shorter then tCBSY before becoming again idle and ready to accept any further commands. Figure 17 describes how to handle Cache Read through Status register .If user reads last byte/word of the memory array, then he has to stop by giving a cache read exit command. In general,if user wants to terminate a cache read, then he must give a cache read exit command (or reset command) before starting any new operation.Random data output is not available in cache read.Cache read operation must be done only block by block if system needs to avoid reading also from invalid blocks.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007171Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash4. OTHER FEATURES4.1 Data Protection for Power on/off SequenceThe device is designed to offer protection from any involuntary program/erase during power-transitions. An internal voltage detector disables all functions whenever Vcc is below about 2.0V (3.3V version). WP pin provides hardware protection and is recommended to be kept at VIL during power-up and power-down. A recovery time of minimum 10us is required before internal circuit gets ready for any command sequences as shown in Figure 24. The two-step com-mand sequence for program/erase provides additional software protection.If the power is dropped during the ready read/write/erase operation, Power protection function may not guaranteed the data. Power protection function is only available during the power on/off sequence.4.2 Ready/Busy.The device has a Ready/Busy output that provides method of indicating the completion of a page program, erase, copy-back, cache program and random read completion. The R/B pin is normally high and goes to low when the device is busy (after a reset, read, program, erase operation). It returns to high when the P/E/R controller has finished the operation. The pin is an open-drain driver thereby allowing two or more R/B outputs to be Or-tied. Because pull-up resistor value is related to tr(R/B) and current drain during busy (Ibusy), an appropriate value can be obtained with the following reference chart (Figure 25). Its value can be determined by the following guidance.。




























16MBit-256MBit -
CSF 16MBit
现代Hynix STC ST ISSI蕊盛 旺宏 SST超捷 Ramtron intel
ST ISSI蕊盛 旺宏 SST超捷
1MBit-64MBit(Industry-Standard Flash)
512KBit-64MBit(Serial Flash)
MTP 64KBit-4MBit MPF 512KBit-64MBit MPF+
256KBit-32MBit -
2MBit-72MBit -
256KBit-16MBit 1MBit-36MBit -
1MBit-4MBit -
64KBit-18MBit -
128MBit+64MBit-256MBit+128MBit NOR Only
256MBit+256MBit-2GBit+1GBit NAND Only



nandflash及闪存命名规则大全(三星,海力士,美光等)U盘存储技术nandflash命名规则大全(三星,海力士,美光等)今天找三星闪存资料,发现了他的命名规则,发上来与大家分享下.三星的pure nand flash(就是不带其他模块只是nand flash存储芯片)的命名规则如下:1. Memory (K)2. NAND Flash : 93. Small Classification(SLC : Single Level Cell, MLC : Multi Level Cell,SM : SmartMedia, S/B : Small Block)1 : SLC 1 Chip XD Card2 : SLC 2 Chip XD Card4 : SLC 4 Chip XD CardA : SLC + Muxed I/ F ChipB : Muxed I/ F ChipD : SLC Dual SME : SLC DUAL (S/ B)F : SLC NormalG : MLC NormalH : MLC QDPJ : Non-Muxed OneNandK : SLC Die StackL : MLC DDPM : MLC DSPN : SLC DSPQ : 4CHIP SMR : SLC 4DIE STACK (S/ B)S : SLC Single SMT : SLC SINGLE (S/ B)U : 2 STACK MSPV : 4 STACK MSPW : SLC 4 Die Stack4~5. Density(注:实际单位应该是bit,而不是Byte)12 : 512M16 : 16M28 : 128M32 : 32M40 : 4M56 : 256M64 : 64M80 : 8M1G : 1G2G : 2G4G : 4G8G : 8GAG : 16GBG : 32GCG : 64GDG : 128G00 : NONE6~7. organization00 : NONE08 : x816 : x168. VccA : 1.65V~3.6VB : 2.7V (2.5V~2.9V)C : 5.0V (4.5V~5.5V)D : 2.65V (2.4V ~ 2.9V)E : 2.3V~3.6VR : 1.8V (1.65V~1.95V)Q : 1.8V (1.7V ~ 1.95V)T : 2.4V~3.0VU : 2.7V~3.6VV : 3.3V (3.0V~3.6V)W : 2.7V~5.5V, 3.0V~5.5V0 : NONE9. Mode0 : Normal1 : Dual nCE & Dual R/ nB4 : Quad nCE & Single R/ nB5 : Quad nCE & Quad R/ nB9 : 1st block OTPA : Mask Option 1L : Low grade10. GenerationM : 1st GenerationA : 2nd GenerationB : 3rd GenerationC : 4th GenerationD : 5th Generation11. "─"12. PackageA : COBB : TBGAC : CHIP BIZD : 63-TBGAE : TSOP1 (Lead-Free, 1217)F : WSOP (Lead-Free)G : FBGAH : TBGA (Lead-Free)I : ULGA (Lead-Free)J : FBGA (Lead-Free)K : TSOP1 (1217)L : LGAM : TLGAN : TLGA2P : TSOP1 (Lead-Free)Q : TSOP2 (Lead-Free)R : TSOP2-RS : SMART MEDIAT : TSOP2U : COB (MMC)V : WSOPW : WAFERY : TSOP113. TempC : CommercialI : IndustrialS : SmartMediaB : SmartMedia BLUE0 : NONE (Containing Wafer, CHIP, BIZ, Exception handling code)3 : Wafer Level 314. Bad BlockA : Apple Bad BlockB : Include Bad BlockD : Daisychain SampleK : Sandisk BinL : 1~5 Bad BlockN : ini. 0 blk, add. 10 blkS : All Good Block0 : NONE (Containing Wafer, CHIP, BIZ, Exceptionhandling code)15. NAND-Reserved0 : Reserved16. Packing Type- Common to all products, except of Mask ROM- Divided into TAPE & REEL(In Mask ROM, divided into TRAY, AMMO Packing Separately)【举例说明】K 9 G A G 0 8 U 0 M - P C B 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18K9GAG08U0M 详细信息如下:1. Memory (K)2. NAND Flash : 93. Small Classification(SLC : Single Level Cell, MLC : Multi Level Cell,SM : SmartMedia, S/B : Small Block)G : MLC Normal4~5. DensityAG : 16G (Note: 这里单位是bit而不是byte,因此实际大小是16Gb=2GB)6. Technology0 : Normal (x8)7. Organization0 : NONE 8 : x88. VccU : 2.7V~3.6V9. Mode0 : Normal10. GenerationM : 1st Generation11. "─"12. PackageP : TSOP1 (Lead-Free)13. TempC : Commercial14. Customer Bad BlockB : Include Bad Block15. Pre-Program Version0 : None整体描述就是:K9GAG08U0M是,三星的MLC Nand Flash,工作电压为2.7V~3.6V,x8(即I/O是8位),大小是2GB(16Gb),TSOP1封装。

Hynix NAND flash型号指南

Hynix NAND flash型号指南

Part Number System Change NoticeEffective from August 6, 2007, a more concise part numbering system is utilized by Hynix with the intention of managing product line with more consistency. Devices developed after August 2007 and their respective products will be Refer to the following pages for more details. (/pn_notice.jsp)Part Number with prefix ‘HY’ -> Old Part Number Decoder LinkPart Number with prefix ‘H’ -> New Part Number Decoder LinkH 2 7 X X X X X X X X X - X X(1) HYNIX(2) PRODUCT FAMILY(4) POWER SUPPLY(V CC )(8) NAND CLASSIFICATION(7) ORGANIZATION(14) BAD BLOCK(11) PACKAGE TYPE2: FlashS A B F G H J K T U V W Y : SLC + Single Die + Small Block : SLC + Double Die + Small Block : SLC + Quadruple Die + Small Block : SLC + Single Die + Large Block : SLC + Double Die + Large Block : SLC + Quadruple Die + Large Block : SLC + ODP + Large Block : SLC + DSP + Large Block: MLC + Single Die + Large Block : MLC + Double Die + Large Block : MLC + Quadruple Die + Large Block : MLC + DSP + Large Block : MLC + ODP + Large BlockC E M IB S P : Included Bad Block: 1~5 Bad Block Included : All Good BlockT V S N F X M Y U W C K D : TSOP1: WSOP : USOP : LSOP1: FBGA : LGA : WLGA : VLGA : ULGA : Wafer: PGD1 (chip): KGD : PGD2: 1st : 2nd : 3rd : 4thM A B C (5), (6) DENSITY1245D F : 1 nCE & 1 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Enable : 1 nCE & 1 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Disable : 2 nCE & 2 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Enable : 2 nCE & 2 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Disable : Dual Interface; Sequential Row Read Disable : 4 nCE & 4 R/nB ; Sequential Row Read Disable(12) PACKAGE MATERIALA P L R : Wafer : Lead Free : Leaded: Lead & Halogen Free(1)(4)(2)(3)(5)(7)(6)(9)(15)NAND Flash PART NUMBERING(8)(10)(11)(12)(14)(13)(3) PRODUCT MODE7: NAND FlashU L S : 2.7V~3.6V : 2.7V : 1.8V64251G 4G AG CG : 64Mb : 256Mb : 1Gb : 4Gb : 16Gb : 64Gb12512G 8G BG DG: 128Mb : 512Mb : 2Gb : 8Gb : 32Gb : 128Gb86: x8: x16(10) DIE GENERATION(9) FUNCTION MODE: Commercial (0℃~70℃): Extended (-25℃~85℃): Mobile (-30℃~85℃): Industrial (-40℃~85℃)(13) - d“ - ”(15) OPERATIONTEMPERATUREHY XX X X XX XX X X - X (X) (X) (X) (X)(1) HYNIX MEMORY(2) COMPONENT GROUP(3) POWER SUPPLY(V CC )(4) CLASSIFICATION(5) BIT ORGANIZATION(11) OPERATING TEMPERATURE(12) BAD BLOCK(9) PACKAGE TYPE(8) VERSION: 2.7V~3.6V : 2.7V : 1.8V27: NAND FlashU L S S A B F G H K T U V W : SLC + Single Die + S/B : SLC + Double Die + S/B : SLC + Quadruple Die + S/B : SLC + Single Die + L/B : SLC + Double Die + L/B : SLC + Quadruple Die + L/B : SLC + DSP + L/B: MLC + Single Die + L/B : MLC + Double Die + L/B : MLC + Quadruple Die + L/B : MLC + DSP + L/B081632: x8: x16: x32Blank C E M I: Wafer , Chip : 0℃~70℃: -25℃~85℃: -30℃~85℃: -40℃~85℃Blank B S P : Wafer: Included Bad Block : 1~5 Bad Block : All Good BlockT V S E F B G H U Y M W C K D : TSOP1: WSOP : USOP : WELP: FBGA(63ball): FBGA(107ball): FBGA(149ball): TBGA : ULGA : VLGA : WLGA : Wafer : Chip : KGD : PGD2: 1st Gen.: 2nd Gen.: 3rd Gen.: 4th Gen.: Down Density(1st): Down Density(2nd)M A B C 12(6) DENSITY64561G 4G AG CG ZG : 64Mb : 256Mb : 1Gb : 4Gb : 16Gb : 64Gb : 48Gb(7) MODE12456789D F T : 1 nCE & 1 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Enable : 1 nCE & 1 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Disable : 2 nCE & 2 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Enable : 2 nCE & 2 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Disable: 1 nCE & 1 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Enable & Auto Read Page 0: 2 nCE & 2 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Enable & Auto Read Page 0: 1 nCE & 1 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Disable & Auto Read Page 0: 2 nCE & 2 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Disable & Auto Read Page 0: Dual Interface; Sequential Row Read Disable : 4 nCE & 4 R/nB ; Sequential Row Read Disable : 3 nCE & 3 R/nB ; Sequential Row Read Disable(13) OPTION(CUSTOMER)Customer Initial Option(10) PACKAGE MATERIALBlank P H R : Normal, Wafer , Chip, KGD : Lead Free : Halogen Free: Lead & Halogen Free(1)(3)(2)(4)(6)(5)(7)(9)(8)(11)(10)(12)(13)NAND Flash PART NUMBERING28122G 8G BG DG : 128Mb : 512Mb : 2Gb : 8Gb : 32Gb : 128Gb。



Flash Nor Nand闪存简介:闪存是可通过电擦写和重编程的非挥发性计算机存储器。


它是一种可用大块擦写和重编程技术访问的特殊类型的EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory)。







在大部分应用中都采用NAND FLASH,以下的芯片选型都是关于NAND FLASH。







由于 NAND Flash 只 有 8 个 I/O 引 脚,而 且 是 复 用 的,既可以传数据,也可以传地址、命令。设计命令 锁 存 使 能(Command Latch Enable,CLE)和 地址锁存使能(Ad- dress Latch Enable,ALE),就 是 先 要 发 一 个 CLE(或 ALE)命令,告诉 NAND Flash的控制器一声,下面要传 的
② struct nand_ecc_ctrl中的读写 函 数,如read_page_ raw、write_page等,主要用来做一些与 ECC 有关的操作。
③ struct nand_chip中的读写函数,如read_buf、cmd- func等,与具 体 的 NAND controller相 关,就 是 这 部 分 函 数与硬件的交互。
NAND Flash的单元 尺 寸 几 乎 是 NOR Flash 器 件 的 一 半,由 于 生 产 过 程 更 为 简 单 ,也 就 相 应 地 降 低 了 价 格 。 容量比较大,由于价格便宜,更适合存储大量的数据 。
1.1.3 可 靠 性 和 耐 用 性 采用 Flash介 质 时 一 个 需 要 重 点 考 虑 的 问 题 是 可 靠
性。对于需要扩展 MTBF 的系 统 来 说,Flash是 非 常 合 适 的存储方案。可以从寿命(耐用性)、位交换和坏块 处 理 三 个方面来比较 NOR Flash 和 NAND Flash 的 可 靠 性。 寿 命(耐用性)在 NAND Flash 闪 存 中 每 个 块 的 最 大 擦 写 次 数是 一 百 万 次,而 NOR Flash 的 擦 写 次 数 是 十 万 次。 NAND Flash除了具 有 10∶1的 块 擦 除 周 期 优 势,典 型 的 NAND Flash块 尺 寸 要 比 NOR 器 件 小 8 倍,每 个 NAND Flash块在给定的时间内的删除次数要少一些 。



NAND Flash Code Information(1/3)Last Updated : August 2009K9XXXXXXXX - XXXXXXX11. Memory (K) 2. NAND Flash : 9 3. Small Classification (SLC : Single Level Cell, MLC : Multi Level Cell, SM : SmartMedia, S/B : Small Block) 1 : SLC 1 Chip XD Card 2 : SLC 2 Chip XD Card 3 : 4bit MLC Mono 4 : SLC 4 Chip XD Card 5 : MLC 1 Chip XD Card 6 : MLC 2 Chip XD Card 7 : SLC moviNAND 8 : MLC moviNAND 9 : 4bit MLC ODP A : 3bit MLC MONO B : 3bit MLC DDP C : 3bit MLC QDP F : SLC Normal G : MLC Normal H : MLC QDP K : SLC Die Stack L : MLC DDP M : MLC DSP N : SLC DSP O : 3bit MLC ODP P : MLC ODP Q : SLC ODP R : MLC 12-die stack S : MLC 6 Die Stack T : SLC SINGLE (S/B) U : MLC 16 Die Stack W : SLC 4 Die Stack 4~5. Density 12 : 512M 32 : 32M 64 : 64M 2G : 2G AG : 16G DG : 128G GG : 384G NG : 96G23456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 186. Technology 0 : Normal (x8) C : Catridge SIP M : moviNAND P : moviMCP Z : SSD 7. Organization 0 : NONE 6 : x161 : Normal (x16) D : DDR N : moviNAND FAB T : Premium eSSD8 : x88. Vcc A : 1.65V~3.6V B : 2.7V (2.5V~2.9V) C : 5.0V (4.5V~5.5V) D : 2.65V (2.4V ~ 2.9V) E : 2.3V~3.6V R : 1.8V (1.65V~1.95V) Q : 1.8V (1.7V ~ 1.95V) T : 2.4V~3.0V S : 3.3V (3V~3.6V/ VccQ1.8V (1.65V~1.95V) U : 2.7V~3.6V V : 3.3V (3.0V~3.6V) W : 2.7V~5.5V, 3.0V~5.5V 0 : NONE 9. Mode 0 : Normal 1 : Dual nCE & Dual R/nB 3 : Tri /CE & Tri R/B 4 : Quad nCE & Single R/nB 5 : Quad nCE & Quad R/nB 6 : 6 nCE & 2 RnB 7 : 8 nCE & 4 RnB 8 : 8 nCE & 2 RnB 9 : 1st block OTP A : Mask Option 1 L : Low grade 10. Generation M : 1st Generation A : 2nd Generation B : 3rd Generation C : 4th Generation D : 5th Generation E : 6th Generation Y : 25th Generation Z : 26th Generation16 : 16M 40 : 4M 80 : 8M 4G : 4G BG : 32G EG : 256G HG : 512G ZG : 48G28 : 128M 56 : 256M 1G : 1G 8G : 8G CG : 64G FG : 256G LG : 24G 00 : NONE-1-Part Number DecoderNAND Flash Code Information(2/3)Last Updated : August 2009K9XXXXXXXX - XXXXXXX1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1814. Customer Bad Block B : Include Bad Block D : Daisychain Sample K : Special Handling L : 1~5 Bad Block N : ini. 0 blk, add. 10 blk S : All Good Block 0 : NONE (Containing Wafer, CHIP, BIZ, Exception handling code)11. "─" 12. Package 8 : TSOP1 (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free, CU) 9 : 56TSOP1 (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free, CU) A : COB B : FBGA (Halogen-Free, Lead-Free) D : 63-TBGA E : ISM (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) F : WSOP (Lead-Free) G : FBGA H : BGA (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) I : ULGA (Lead-Free) (12*17) J : FBGA (Lead-Free) K : ULGA (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) (12*17) L : ULGA (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) (14*18) M : 52-ULGA (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) (13*18) P : TSOP1 (Lead-Free) Q : TSOP2 (Lead-Free) R : 56-TSOP1 (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) S : TSOP1 (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) T : WSOP (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) U : COB (MMC) V : WSOP W : Wafer Y : TSOP1 Z : WELP (Lead-Free) 13. Temp C : Commercial I : Industrial S : SmartMedia B : SmartMedia BLUE 0 : NONE (Containing Wafer, CHIP, BIZ, Exception handling code)15. Pre-Program Version 0 : None Serial (1~9, A~Z)-2-Part Number DecoderNAND Flash Code Information(3/3)Last Updated : August 2009K9XXXXXXXX - XXXXXXX116. Packing Type - Common to all products, except of Mask ROM - Divided into TAPE & REEL(In Mask ROM, divided into TRAY, AMMO Packing Separately) Divide Component Packing Type TAPE & REEL Other ( Tray, Tube, Jar ) Stack Module MODULE TAPE & REEL MODULE Other Packing T 0 ( Number) S P M New Marking23456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1817~18. Customer "Customer List Reference"-3-Part Number Decoderzhangshengheng@三星 flash 命名规则如何根据 Samsung 的 Nand Flash 的芯片型号(Part Number)读懂芯片详细信息 + 举例 K9GAG08U0M 说明 【Samsung :NAND Flash Code Information】 三星的 NAND Flash Code Information: /global/business/semiconductor/productInfo.do?fmly_id=672&partnum=K9 GAG08U0M 中的 Part Number Decoder拷贝出来如下:NAND Flash Code Information1. Memory (K) 2. NAND Flash : 9 3. Small Classification (SLC : Single Level Cell, MLC : Multi Level Cell, SM : SmartMedia, S/B : Small Block) 1 : SLC 1 Chip XD Card 2 : SLC 2 Chip XD Card 3 : 4bit MLC Mono 4 : SLC 4 Chip XD Card 5 : MLC 1 Chip XD Card 6 : MLC 2 Chip XD Card 7 : SLC moviNAND 8 : MLC moviNAND 9 : 4bit MLC ODP A : 3bit MLC MONO B : 3bit MLC DDP C : 3bit MLC QDP F : SLC Normal G : MLC Normal H : MLC QDP K : SLC Die Stack L : MLC DDP M : MLC DSP N : SLC DSP O : 3bit MLC ODP P : MLC ODP Q : SLC ODPzhangshengheng@R : MLC 12-die stack S : MLC 6 Die Stack T : SLC SINGLE (S/B) U : MLC 16 Die Stack W : SLC 4 Die Stack 4~5. Density(注:实际单位应该是 bit,而不是 Byte) 12 : 512M 16 : 16M 28 : 128M 32 : 32M 40 : 4M 56 : 256M 64 : 64M 80 : 8M 1G : 1G 2G : 2G 4G : 4G 8G : 8G AG : 16G BG : 32G CG : 64G DG : 128G EG : 256G FG : 256G GG : 384G HG : 512G LG : 24G NG : 96G ZG : 48G 00 : NONE 6. Technology 0 : Normal (x8) 1 : Normal (x16) C : Catridge SIP D : DDR M : moviNAND N : moviNAND FAB P : moviMCP T : Premium eSSD Z : SSD 7. Organization 0 : NONE 8 : x8 6 : x16 8. Vcc A : 1.65V~3.6V B : 2.7V (2.5V~2.9V) C : 5.0V (4.5V~5.5V) D : 2.65V (2.4V ~ 2.9V) E : 2.3V~3.6V R : 1.8V (1.65V~1.95V) Q : 1.8V (1.7V ~ 1.95V) T : 2.4V~3.0V S : 3.3V (3V~3.6V/ VccQ1.8V (1.65V~1.95V) U : 2.7V~3.6V V : 3.3V (3.0V~3.6V) W : 2.7V~5.5V, 3.0V~5.5V 0 : NONE 9. Mode 0 : Normal 1 : Dual nCE & Dual R/nB 3 : Tri /CE & Tri R/B 4 : Quad nCE & Single R/nB 5 : Quad nCE & Quad R/nB 6 : 6 nCE & 2 RnB 7 : 8 nCE & 4 RnB 8 : 8 nCE & 2 RnB 9 : 1st block OTP A : Mask Option 1 L : Low grade 10. Generation M : 1st Generation A : 2nd Generationzhangshengheng@B : 3rd Generation C : 4th Generation D : 5th Generation E : 6th Generation Y : 25th Generation Z : 26th Generation 11. "─" 12. Package 8 : TSOP1 (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free, CU) 9 : 56TSOP1 (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free, CU) A : COB B : FBGA (Halogen-Free, Lead-Free) D : 63-TBGA E : ISM (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) F : WSOP (Lead-Free) G : FBGA H : BGA (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) I : ULGA (Lead-Free) (12*17) J : FBGA (Lead-Free) K : ULGA (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) (12*17) L : ULGA (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) (14*18) M : 52-ULGA (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) (13*18) P : TSOP1 (Lead-Free) Q : TSOP2 (Lead-Free) R : 56-TSOP1 (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) S : TSOP1 (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) T : WSOP (Lead-Free, Halogen-Free) U : COB (MMC) V : WSOP W : Wafer Y : TSOP1 Z : WELP (Lead-Free) 13. Temp C : Commercial I : Industrial S : SmartMedia B : SmartMedia BLUE 0 : NONE (Containing Wafer, CHIP, BIZ, Exception handling code) NAND Flash Code Information(2/3) K 9 X X X X X X X X - X X X X X X X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14. Customer Bad Block B : Include Bad Block D : Daisychain Sample K : Special Handling L : 1~5 Bad Block N : ini. 0 blk, add. 10 blk S : All Good Block 0 : NONE (Containing Wafer, CHIP, BIZ, Exceptionzhangshengheng@handling code) 15. Pre-Program Version 0 : None Serial (1~9, A~Z) 16. Packing Type - Common to all products, except of Mask ROM - Divided into TAPE & REEL(In Mask ROM, divided into TRAY, AMMO Packing Separately17~18. Customer "Customer List Reference" 【举例说明】 K 9 G A G 0 8 U 0 M P C B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 K9GAG08U0M 详细信息如下: 1. Memory (K) 2. NAND Flash : 9 3. Small Classification (SLC : Single Level Cell, MLC : Multi Level Cell, SM : SmartMedia, S/B : Small Block) G : MLC Normal 4~5. Density AG : 16G (Note: 这里单位是 bit 而不是 byte, 因此实际大小是 16Gb=2GB) 6. Technology 0 : Normal (x8) 7. Organization 0 : NONE 8 : x8 8. Vcc U : 2.7V~3.6V 9. Mode 0 : Normal 10. Generation M : 1st Generation 11. "─" 12. Package P : TSOP1 (Lead-Free) 13. Temp C : Commercialzhangshengheng@14. Customer Bad Block B : Include Bad Block 15. Pre-Program Version 0 : None 整体描述就是: K9GAG08U0M 是,三星的 MLC Nand Flash,工作电压为 2.7V~3.6V,x8(即 I/O 是 8 位),大小是 2GB (16Gb),TSOP1 封装。



NAND FLASH芯片种娄及NAND FLASH芯片规格及NAND FLASH芯片数量专业IC烧录工厂 张工:yingming421@ qq:88037025芯片容量芯片编号芯片PIN数芯片封装芯片规格NAND512Mx 8HY27UF084G2B(PXA)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16H8BXXX0MCP(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16K524G2GACB(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16KA100O015(QFIT)NAND256Mx 8H27U2G8F2C_(Y45H)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(Y45H)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYAB0A11125x(F31e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BT(OR01)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8MT29F1G08ABA(2027)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(SMP)48TSOP12.4mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(SMPe)48TSOP12.4mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8H27U2G8F2C_(Y4502)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(Y4502)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8MT29F2G08AAH4(PTS)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(PTS)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H8ACS0EJ0MCP(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8H8BCS0RJ0M46(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GR3B2x(QFIT)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8H9DA1GG51HA3(MBF)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C/D(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16H8BCS0QI0AAR(F53)149FBGA10mmx 14mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16H8BCS0QI0AAR(F53e)149FBGA10mmx 14mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(MBF1e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A2D(SKCJC)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A2D(SKCJN)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8H27S1G8F2BF(5551)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H27S1G8F2BF(5551e)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H9DA1GG1GJM(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H9DA1GG1GJM(5551e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16KF98G16Q4X(QFIT4et)63FBGA11mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(NB1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0x__(NB1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3ET(NB1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND16Mx 8HY27US08281A(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND16Mx 8HY27US08281A(MBFP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND32Mx 8HY27US08561A(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND32Mx 8HY27US08561A(MBFP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2B(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2B(MBFP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(MBFP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND512Mx 16TY0D000114(QFIT4et)63TFBGA11mmx 10mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 16H8BCS0QIOAA(Q464e)149FBGA10mmx 14mmx 1.2mmNAND128Mx 16H9DA2GH1GHA(Q464e)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND512Mx 16KAT008015M(NAv3)168FBGA12mmx 12mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16TC58RYM9S8E(MV03)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 16TC58RYG0S8E(MV03)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K521F1GACA(MV02e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 8TC58NVG2S3E(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3ET(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3ET(BT12G48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND16Mx 8HY27US08281M(PIX1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND32Mx 8HY27US08561A(PIX1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2B(PIX1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8H9LA1GG51JM(5551e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K511F13ACC(5551e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K521F1GACA(5551e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8KA100Z018M(5551e)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND512Mx 8H8BES0UP0(Q464e)4G107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND64Mx 16H8ACS0QJ0MC(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16KAT008015M(NAv2)168FBGA12mmx 12mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BT(JV1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BT(JV2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 8K9F4G08U0D(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(HUM)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C__(HUM)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16H8ACS0QJ0MC(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0D__(PNX3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(SOC3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0C__(SOC3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3ET(MAV1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8TC58DVM92A5(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3ET(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8H27U2G8F2CTR(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01C021PB(5551e)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CF0AMR(5551e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8KAL00R018A(5551e)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND256Mx 16TYMCDD23124(E85)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND1Gx 8KFM8G16Q5M(NAv2)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(PNX3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 8K9F4G08U0D(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(NANDe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16KA100O0xD(Q400e)4G153FBGA9mmx 10mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 16KF98G16Q4X(Q4K2e)63FBGA11mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16KF98G16Q4X(Q4K3e)63FBGA11mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(F13)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(F13e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(MDP9)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND1Gx 8TC58DVG3S0E(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8TC58DVG3S0E(PXA)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H9LA1GG51JM(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K511F13ACC(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K521F1GACA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8KA100Z018M(5551)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND128Mx 8TY9A0A111311(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8TYAA0A111376(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND1Gx16KAV00N002M/POP(MBF)201BGA13.0mm x13.0mmNAND512Mx 16K5W8G13ACM/POP(MBF)201BGA13.0mm x13.0mmNAND1Gx16KAV00N002M(MBF)136FBGA13mm x13mmNAND512Mx 16K5W8G13ACM(MBF)136FBGA13mm x13mmNAND128Mx 8K511F57ACD(NAv1)128FBGA12mmx 12mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K521F1GACA(MV02)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16KBY00UxVA(Q400e)4G137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C__(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 16KAT008015M(NAv1)168FBGA12mmx 12mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16KFM8G16Q5M(NAv1)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BT(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BT(MBF1e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3E(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3E(MBF1e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND32Mx 8K9F5608U0D(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16H8BCS0QIOMA(Q464e)149FBGA10mmx 14mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16H8BCS0QIOMA(QFIT)149FBGA10mmx 14mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8TC58DVM92A5(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND384Mx16KBN00X00XM(NAv5)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND512Mx 8NAND04GW3B2x(MBF)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 8NAND04GW3B2x(MBFe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16PF58F0026M0Y1B2105S-CSP13mmx 11mmx 1.4mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(E82)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(E82e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0B(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0B(MBF1e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 16MT29C8GxA(Q464e)4G137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND512Mx 16KBY00UxVM(Q464e)4G137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND128Mx 8CT48248NS(PI27e)119FBGA13.0mmx 10.0mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 8K9F4G08U0B(NA4G)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2(QFIT)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2(QFITe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(2381)63TFBGA10mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(2381e)63TFBGA10mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NN5081K0H22(Q464e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND32Mx 8HY27US08561A(PIX)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(MDP6)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND384Mx16KBN00X00XM(NAv4)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND1Gx 8K9F8G08U0M(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND384Mx16KBN00X00XM(NAv3)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(SMP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(SMPe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8K5D1213ACK(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5E1213ACE(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3ET(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYAB0A11125x(E81)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8CT48248NS(PI27)119FBGA13.0mmx 10.0mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CF0ACR(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CF0ACR(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16TC58EVM9S8E(MV01)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8TC58NYG0S3E(IJP)63TFBGA9mm倶 11mmNAND384Mx16KBN00X00XM(NAv1)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND384Mx16KBN00X00XM(NAv2)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8H27U518S2(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8MT29F1G08ABC(IJP)63VFBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1mm NAND64Mx 8H27U518S2(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8MT29F1G08ABC(NAND)63VFBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1mm NAND256Mx 16K5W4G2GACD(NAv1)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8H27U518S2C(MDP7e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16KFM2G16Q2A(NAv2)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mm NAND32Mx 16TY890A11122(Q464e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16TY890A11122(QFIT)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16TY890A11122(QFITe)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(PNX2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C__(PNX2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYAB0A11125(Q464e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0x(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0x(NANDe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8MT29F1G08ABC(PI27)63VFBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01C021PB(5551)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01C031PB(5551)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01C041PB(5551)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8KAL00R018A(5551)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(E67)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(E67e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C(MBF1e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2A__(P2e3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND384Mx16KCD00D00BA(NAv1)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND384Mx16KCD00D00BA(NAv2)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND256Mx 16TYMCDD23124(QF4G)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16TYMCDD23124(QF4Ge)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(SOC1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(SOC2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0B__(SOC2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mmNAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0x__(SOC1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2A__(P2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2A__(P2e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(SOC1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(SOC2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C__(SOC1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C__(SOC2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8H8BCS0CH0MMR(555e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND2Gx 8SDIN2C-2G169BGA16mmx 12mmx 0.85mm NAND512Mx 16KFM8GH6Q4M(MBF)101FBGA11mmx 9mmNAND512Mx 16KFM8GH6Q4M(MSG)101FBGA11mmx 9mmNAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND512Mx 16K558G13ACM/POP(MBF)201BGA13.0mm x13.0mm NAND512Mx 16K558G13ACM/POP(MSG)201BGA13.0mm x13.0mm NAND512Mx 16K558G13ACM(MSG)136FBGA13mm x13mmNAND32Mx 16TC58EVM9S8E(MV02)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 16TC58EVG0S8E(MV02)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(MAV1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01E031MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8EHF01C031MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CF0AMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CH0AMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8BCS0CH0AMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C(MAV1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm Nand2Gx 8THGVN1G4D1E52LGA18mm x14mmNAND2Gx 8THGVN1G4D1E(MDP)52LGA18mm x14mmNAND2Gx 8THGVN1G4D1E(PNP)52LGA18mm x14mmNAND2Gx 8THGVN1G4D1E(VFP)52LGA18mm x14mmNAND128Mx 8EHE01E051MA(NAND)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16EHD013151MA(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND384Mx16KFT6G16Q2A(NAv3)63FBGA11mmx 9mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 8HYC0SEF0MF3(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8HYC0SEF0MF3(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8HYC0SEH0AF3(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H8ACS0EH0ACR(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H8ACS0EH0ACR(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8HYG0SGH0MF3(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8HYG0SGH0MF3(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1258ACB(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND128Mx 8K5D1G13ACH(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K5D1G13ACH(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8KAL00X00UM(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8KAL00X00UM(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8BCZ0CH0MMR(MDP1)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND1Gx 8K9G8G08U0A(MDP5e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(MDP4)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mmNAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(BT12G48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0B__(BT12G48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(BT12G48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(MDP2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(PI27)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2x(PI27)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2B(PIX)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8HYC0SEH0AF3(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1258ACB(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND32Mx 16KFG1216U2B(MV02)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(MV02)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3CT(MV02)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16KFG1G16U2C(MV02)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16NANDC3R4N5A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NANDD3R4N5A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8HY27US08121B(B3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208U0x(B3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(B3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2B__(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0B__(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2B(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(2027)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2B(2027)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(2027)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2xN48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND384Mx16KFT6G16Q2A(NAv1)63FBGA11mmx 9mmx 1.4mm NAND16Mx 8HY27US08281M(PIX)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 16TYA000B000Ax(D74)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B000Ax(D74e)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND384Mx16KFT6G16Q2A(NAv2)63FBGA11mmx 9mmx 1.4mm NAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2M__(P2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2M__(P2e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8HY27UU08AG5A(P2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8HY27UU08AG5A(P2e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8EHF01C022MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8TY990A111132(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16TYCC0A22111(QFIT)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16TYCC0A22111(QFITe)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16KAV00Q013M(NAv1)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B000Ax(D74B)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(S2P)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(S2Pe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND512Mx 16KFN8GH6Q4M(MBF)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B810Cx(E30e)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 16K558G13ACM(MBF)136FBGA13mm x13mmNAND256Mx 16TYT7DT0000B(NAND)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16TYT7DT0000B(QFIT)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16TYT7DT0000B(QFITe)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(NAe)48TSOPNAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(NAND)48TSOPNAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(B21G)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0B__(B21G)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(B21G)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(NAe)48TSOPNAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(NAND)48TSOPNAND128Mx 16TYL000BC00B(NL15e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYL000BC00B(NS15e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYL000BC00BFGP137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208R0C(SKCJ_C)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208R0C(SKCJ_N)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND2Gx 8K9GAG08U0M(B16)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND2Gx 8K9GAG08U0M(B16e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND2Gx 8K9LAG08U0A(B16)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND2Gx 8K9LAG08U0A(B16e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16TYB000DCX1A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16TYB000DCX1A(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16TYB000DCX1A(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2M(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2M(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8HY27UU08AG5M(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8HY27UU08AG5M(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND512Mx 8HY27UT084G2A(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND512Mx 8HY27UT084G2A(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8HY27UT088G2A(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8HY27UT088G2A(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8HY27UT088G2M(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8HY27UT088G2M(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8MT29F8G08MAD(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8MT29F8G08MAD(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 16K522H1HACA(Q464e)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND64Mx 16TYA000A000A(Q464e)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mmNAND256Mx 16KFN4G16Q2A(NAv3)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B810Cx(E30)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16K522H1HACA(NAND)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16K522H1HACA(NANDe)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16K522H1HACA(QFIT)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16K522H1HACA(QFITe)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B810Cx(D69e)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01C011MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8EHF01C021MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8TY90009800B(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16KBY00N00HA(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16KBY00N00HA(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND64Mx 16TYA000A000A(QFIT)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 16TYA000A000A(QFITe)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CF0MMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CH0MMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8BCS0CH0MMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8HY27US08121B(B2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208U0x(B2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(B2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16KFN4G16Q2A(NAv2)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mm NAND256Mx 16TYT7DJ4000B(QFIT)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND32Mx 8NAND256W3A(PNX)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8EHF01C011MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1213ACG(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1258ACC(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5E1213ACC(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2A48TSOPNAND128Mx 16TYBD00BC00AOGG225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16KFM2G16Q2A(NAv1)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208R0C(NAND)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208R0C(QFIT)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8HY27US08121B(F)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16KBY00N00HA(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16TYB000CC10A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16TYB000CC10A(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16TYB000CC10A(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16TYMC0A311136(NAND)137FBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND256Mx 16TYMC0A311136(QFIT)137FBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND256Mx 16TYMC0A311136(QFITe)137FBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B810Cx(D70)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B810Cx(D69)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16KFN4G16Q2A(NAv1)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mmNAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A(NPBC)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8EHF0020A1x(5551)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8EHF0030A1x(5551)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1213ACF(5551)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 16TYB000BC00A(QFITe)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYB000BC00A(QFIT)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0x(NAND)48TSOPNAND64Mx 8TY90009000D(D71)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A(QFIT)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16KAF00F900M(NAv4)109FBGA13mm x13mm x1.09mm NAND128Mx 16KAF00F900M(NAv5)109FBGA13mm x13mm x1.09mm NAND64Mx 16TY000AC00G(QFIT)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16TYK000AC00G(NAND)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A(NABC)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16KAF00F900M(NAv3)109FBGA13mm x13mm x1.09mm NAND64Mx 8TY90009000D(D55v2)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND32Mx 16TY90009000L(NAND)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 16TYK000AC00F(NAND)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND32Mx 8NAND256R3A(NABZ)55VFBGA10mm x 8mmNAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2A(NAND)48TSOPNAND64Mx 8HYC0SEF0MF3(5551)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16KAF00F900M(NAv1)109FBGA13mm x13mm x1.09mm NAND128Mx 16KAF00F900M(NAv2)109FBGA13mm x13mm x1.09mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08R0A(QFIT)63FBGA12mm x9.5mm x1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYBD00BC00BTGK224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2xN48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8HY27US08121B(NAND)48TSOPNAND128Mx 16TYA000BC10Cx(D60)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1258ACB(5551)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1213ACE137FBGA13mmx 11.5mmx 1.1mm NAND256Mx 16TYB000CC10BOGG225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208U0x(F)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(F)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16TY9000A000E(QFIT)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND128Mx 16TYL000BC00B0GG10225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYL000BC10(100)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYL000BC10B(105)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TC58NVG1S8CTG0548TSOPNAND32Mx 8NAND256R3A55VFBGA10mm x 8mmNAND16Mx 16KFG5616Q1A(MV01)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND16Mx 16KFG5616U1A(MV01)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16KFG1216Q2B(MV01)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16KFG1216U2B(MV01)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000BC00C(QF20)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8KMZGE0A0AM(NAND)199FBGA16mmx 12mmNAND256Mx 8KMZGE0A0AM(QF20)199FBGA16mmx 12mmNAND64Mx 16TYK000AC00E(QF20)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYT7TD9000B(QF20)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16TYK000AC00E(NAND)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8KAL00M00WM-AJ55137FBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND1Gx 8K9K8G08U0A(NA4G)48TSOPNAND1Gx 8K9K8G08U0A(NA8G)48TSOPNAND128Mx 16TYT5ZW9000BTGK224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND32Mx 8HY27US08561x(5551)63TBGA9mmx 11mmNAND32Mx 8K9F5608U0x__(5551)63TBGA9mmx 11mmNAND256Mx 8TYA000B410(D42)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND256Mx 8TYA000B410(D42WS)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 8HYC0SEH0MF3(NAND)137FBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 8D422863VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND16Mx 16KFG5616U1A-DIB548FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8KBE00S003M(NAND)107FBGA14mmx 12mmx 1.3mm NAND256Mx 8KBE00S00AM(NAND)137FBGA14mmx 12mmx 1.33mm NAND256Mx 16KCCB0CB00M(NAND)109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A2BZA6E63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K9K1G08R0B(NAND)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208R0B(NAND)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16K9K1216Q0C(NAND)63TBGA9mmx 11mmNAND32Mx 16KAU26N000M(NAND/0)109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND32Mx 16KAU26N000M(NAND/1)109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 16KAU26N000M109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 16KAU26W000M(NAND/0)109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 16KAU26W000M(NAND/1)109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND101.2Mx 16K AU26W000M109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND8Gx 8SDIN2B2-8G169BGA18mmx 12mmx 0.85mm NAND2Gx 8SDIN2C2-2G169BGA16mmx 12mmx 0.85mm.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm 20mmx 1.2mm 20mmx 1.2mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.1mm.5mmx 1.1mm mmx 1.07mm .5mmx 1.1mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mmmmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm.5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm7mm.5mmx 0.9mm mmx 1.07mmmmx 1.07mm.5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 0.9mm .5mmx 0.9mm 10.0mmx 1.2mm.5mmx 0.9mm mmx 1.07mmmmx 1.07mm 10.0mmx 1.2mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mmmmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm.5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm5mm.5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 0.9mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm.0mm .5mmx 0.9mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm.5mmx 1.4mm .5mmx 1.4mm mmx 1.07mm .5mmx 1.4mm.9mm .5mmx 0.9mm .5mmx 0.9mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm 3mmx 1.0mm 3mmx 1.0mm.5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.1mm .5mmx 1.4mm.1mm .5mmx 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Ye L i un I ( PV s l y Te hn o T Dip a c olgy ( a e Xim n) Co., Lt d., Xim e 61 01, Chi ) a n3 1 na Ab tac :A i i ta lc to fN A ND a h m e o y de c n e be de y t m ,t p r a l s s t nt ra e d sg e ho f sr t m ng a pp ia in o Fls m r viei m d d s se he pa e nay e he i e f c e in m t d o
NC 7 盟 2
NC26 4 5 【07 4 Nj) / 4 Ⅺ I06 4 Nj) / 3 6
1 1 5 易 于 使 用 . .
NAND F ah不 能 在 片 内 运行 程 序 , NOR F a h可 ls 而 ls 以 。但 目前 很 多 C U 都 可 以 在 上 电 时 以 硬 件 的 方 式 先 将 P NAND ls F a h的第 一 个 B o k中 的 内容 ( lc 一般 是 程 序 代 码 ,
图 1 N ND Fa h控 制 电 路 A ls
是命 令 ( 或地 址 ) 。这 样 , NAND Fa h内部 才 能 根 据 传 人 ls
的 内容 , 行 对 应 的 动 作 。相 对 于 并 口 的 N(R ls 进 ) F a h的 4 8或 5 2个 引脚 来 说 , 大 减 小 了 引 脚 数 目, 样 封 装 后 大 这
r e ie a e de i ne i g H yn x Se io ducorCo pa y’ 27 1 F2 Fl s T hem e ho a p y t e d a rt on r f y d vc r sg d usn i m c n t m n SH U G8 B a h. t d c n a pl o r a nd w ie c t olo a lki fN A ND a h,a tha o o a tuc ur n g e fce y l ndso Fls nd i s g od pr gr m s r t e a d hih fiinc .

存储器入门介绍和选型(ROM SRAM DRAM Nor Nand Flash EEPROM MRAM FRAM)

存储器入门介绍和选型(ROM SRAM DRAM Nor Nand Flash EEPROM MRAM FRAM)

易失性存储器 - DRAM
2 DRAM特点
由于每个存储位仅用一个晶体 管和小电容,因此集成度比较 高。就单个芯片的存储容量而 言,DRAM可以远远超过 SRAM;就相同容量的芯片而 言,DRAM的价格也大大低于 SRAM。这两个优点使DRAM 成为计算机内存的主要角色。 DRAM的行列地址分时复用控 制和需要刷新控制,使得它比 SRAM的接口要复杂一些。另 外,DRAM的存取速度一般比 SRAM要慢。
MRAM(Magnetic Random Access Memory)是一种 非易失性的磁性随机存储器。它拥有静态随机存储器(SRAM) 的高速读取写入能力;以及动态随机存储器(DRAM)的高集成 度,而且基本上可以无限次地重复写入。
非易失性存储器 – EEPROM
存储容量: 1Kb-1Mb
接口: IIC;SPI;Microwire

速率: IIC:400KHz,1MHz SPI:10MHz,20MHz Microwire:1MHz,2MHz
电压范围: 常用(FM)1.7-5.5V;1.7-3.6V Min:1.6,1.7,1.8,2.5,2.7,3V Max:2.5,3.6,5.5,6V
1.速度较慢 2.需要刷新来保持数据 3.需要MCU带外部存储控 制器
4.容量大,16Mb-4Gb 5.集成度高,单位容量价 格低
非易失性存储器 - ROM
非易失性存储器主要是用来存放固定数据、固件程序等一 般不需要经常改动的数据。
速率:800/667/533/400(Mhz) 容量:建议512M-2G
速率:2133/1866/1600/1333(Mhz) 容量:建议1G-4G



Page 2
Computing Memory
DDR4 SDRAM : Module
VDD 1.2V MODULE DENSITY 16GB ORG. 2Gx64 BASED COM. 512Mx8 SPEED 2400-171717 PART NUMBER HMA82GU6MFR8N-UH HMA82GU6AFR8N-UH 2133-151515 HMA82GU6MFR8N-TF HMA82GU6AFR8N-TF 2Gx72 512Mx8 2400-171717 HMA82GU7MFR8N-UH HMA82GU7AFR8N-UH 2133-151515 HMA82GU7MFR8N-TF HMA82GU7AFR8N-TF 8GB 1Gx64 1Gx8 2400-171717 HMA81GU6MFR8N-UH HMA81GU6AFR8N-UH 2133-151515 HMA81GU6MFR8N-TF HMA81GU6AFR8N-TF 512Mx8 2133-151515 HMA41GU6MFR8N-TF HMA41GU6AFR8N-TF 1Gx72 1Gx8 2400-171717 2133-151515 512Mx8 2133-151515 HMA81GU7MFR8N-UH HMA81GU7MFR8N-TF HMA41GU7MFR8N-TF HMA41GU7AFR8N-TF 4GB 512Mx64 512Mx16 2400-171717 2133-151515 512Mx8 2400-171717 2133-151515 HMA851U6AFR6N-UH HMA851U6AFR6N-TF HMA451U6AFR8N-UH HMA451U6MFR8N-TF HMA451U6AFR8N-TF 512Mx72 512Mx8 2400-171717 2133-151515 HMA451U7AFR8N-UH HMA451U7MFR8N-TF HMA451U7AFR8N-TF 2GB 256Mx64 256Mx16 2400-171717 2133-151515 HMA425U6AFR6N-UH HMA425U6AFR6N-TF COMPONENT PKG. FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(96ball) FBGA(96ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(78ball) FBGA(96ball) FBGA(96ball) # OF RANK 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HEIGHT 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm 31.25mm AVAIL. Now Q1'16 Now Q1'16 Now Q1'16 Now Q1'16 Now Q1'16 Now Q1'16 Now Now Now Now Now Now Q1'16 Q1'16 Now Now Now Now Now Now Q4'15 Q4'15

hynix海力士 nand flash命名规则

hynix海力士 nand flash命名规则

This document is a general product description and is subject to change without notice. Hynix does not assume any responsibility for use of circuits described. No patent licenses are implied.Rev 0.3 / Nov. 2006 1HY27UF(08/16)1G2A Series1Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1Gb NAND FLASHHY27UF081G2A HY27UF161G2ARev 0.3 / Nov. 200621Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashDocument Title1Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash Memory Revision HistoryRevision No.History Draft DateRemark0.01Initial Draft.Dec. 28. 2005Preliminary0.11) Change NOP2) Change AC CharacteristicsMay. 18. 2006Preliminary0.21) Delete Memory array map 2) Change AC Characteristics3) Correct copy back function Oct. 02. 2006Preliminary0.31) Change 1Gb Package Type- FBGA package is added - Figure & dimension are changed 2) Delet PreliminaryNov. 23. 2006tOH Before 12After10tCStCEA tREA Before 253525After202520Rev 0.3 / Nov. 200631Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFEATURES SUMMARYHIGH DENSITY NAND FLASH MEMORIES - Cost effective solutions for mass storage applications NAND INTERFACE - x8 or x16 bus width.- Multiplexed Address/ Data- Pinout compatibility for all densitiesSUPPLY VOLTAGE- VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V : HY27UFxx1G2A Memory Cell Array= (2K+64) Bytes x 64 Pages x 1,024 Blocks = (1K+32) Bytes x 64 Pages x 1,024 BlocksPAGE SIZE- x8 device : (2K+64 spare) Bytes : HY27UF081G2A - x16 device : (1K+32 spare) Bytes : HY27UF161G2ABLOCK SIZE- x8 device: (128K + 4K spare) Bytes - x16 device: (64K + 2K spare) Words PAGE READ / PROGRAM - Random access: 25us (max.) - Sequential access: 30ns (min.) - Page program time: 200us (typ.)COPY BACK PROGRAM MODE- Fast page copy without external bufferingCACHE PROGRAM- Internal (2048+64) Byte buffer to improve the program throughputFAST BLOCK ERASE- Block erase time: 2ms (Typ.)STATUS REGISTER ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - 1st cycle: Manufacturer Code - 2nd cycle: Device Code- 3rd cycle: Internal chip number , Cell Type, Number of Simultaneously Programmed Pages.- 4th cycle: Page size, Block size, Organization, Spare sizeSERIAL NUMBER OPTION CHIP ENABLE DON’T CARE - Simple interface sith microcontrollerDATA RETENTION- 100,000 Program/Erase cycles (with 1bit/528byte ECC) - 10 years Data RetentionPACKAGE- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-T(P): 48-Pin TSOP1 (12 x 20 x 1.2 mm)- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-T (Lead)- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-TP (Lead Free)- HY27UF081G2A-S(P): 48-Pin USOP1 (12 x 17 x 0.65 mm)- HY27UF081G2A-S (Lead)- HY27UF081G2A-SP (Lead Free) - HY27UF081G2A-F(P): 63-Ball FBGA (9 x 11 x 1.0 mm)- HY27UF081G2A-F (Lead)- HY27UF081G2A-FP (Lead Free)Rev 0.3 / Nov. 200641Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTIONThe Hynix HY27UF(08/16)1G2A series is a 128Mx8bit with spare 4Mx8 bit capacity. The device is offered in 3.3V Vcc Power Supply.Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for the solid state mass storage market. The memory is divided into blocks that can be erased independently so it is possible to preserve valid data while old data is erased.The device contains 1024 blocks, composed by 64 pages consisting in two NAND structures of 32 series connected Flash cells.A program operation allows to write the 2112-byte page in typical 200us and an erase operation can be performed in typical 2ms on a 128K-byte(X8 device) block.Data in the page can be read out at 30ns cycle time per byte. The I/O pins serve as the ports for address and data input/output as well as command input. This interface allows a reduced pin count and easy migration towards different densities, without any rearrangement of footprint.Commands, Data and Addresses are synchronously introduced using CE, WE, ALE and CLE input pin. The on-chip Pro-gram/Erase Controller automates all program and erase functions including pulse repetition, where required, and inter-nal verification and margining of data.The modify operations can be locked using the WP input pin or using the extended lock block feature described later .The output pin R/B (open drain buffer) signals the status of the device during each operation. In a system with multi-ple memories the R/B pins can be connected all together to provide a global status signal.Even the write-intensive systems can take advantage of the HY27UF(08/16)1G2A extended reliability of 100K pro-gram/erase cycles by providing ECC (Error Correcting Code) with real time mapping-out algorithm.The chip could be offered with the CE don’t care function. This function allows the direct download of the code from the NAND Flash memory device by a microcontroller , since the CE transitions do not stop the read operation.The copy back function allows the optimization of defective blocks management: when a page program operation fails the data can be directly programmed in another page inside the same array section without the time consuming serial data insertion phase.The cache program feature allows the data insertion in the cache register while the data register is copied into the flash array. This pipelined program operation improves the program throughput when long files are written inside the memory. A cache read feature is also implemented. This feature allows to dramatically improve the read throughput when consecutive pages have to be streamed out.The HYNIX HY27UF(08/16)1G2A series is available in 48 - TSOP1 12 x 20 mm, 48 - USOP 12 x 17 mmm, FBGA 9 x 11 mm.1.1 Product ListPART NUMBER ORIZATIONVCC RANGE PACKAGEHY27UF081G2A x8 2.7V - 3.6 Volt63FBGA / 48TSOP1 / 48USOP1HY27UF161G2Ax1648TSOP1Rev 0.3 / Nov. 200651Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO15 - IO8Data Input / Outputs (x16 only)IO7 - IO0Data Inputs / Outputs CLE Command latch enable ALE Address latch enable CE Chip Enable RE Read Enable WE Write Enable WP Write Protect R/B Ready / Busy Vcc Power Supply Vss Ground NCNo ConnectionTable 1: Signal NamesRev 0.3 / Nov. 200661Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 2. 48TSOP1 Contactions, x8 and x16 DeviceFigure 3. 48USOP1 Contactions, x8Rev 0.3 / Nov. 200671Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 4. 63FBGA Contactions, x8 Device (Top view through package)Rev 0.3 / Nov. 200681Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1.2 PIN DESCRIPTIONPin Name DescriptionIO0-IO7IO8-IO15(1)DATA INPUTS/OUTPUTSThe IO pins allow to input command, address and data and to output data during read / program operations. The inputs are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable (WE). The I/O buffer float to High-Z when the device is deselected or the outputs are disabled.CLECOMMAND LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Command Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).ALEADDRESS LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Address Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).CECHIP ENABLEThis input controls the selection of the device. When the device is busy CE low does not deselect the memory.WEWRITE ENABLEThis input acts as clock to latch Command, Address and Data. The IO inputs are latched on the rise edge of WE.REREAD ENABLEThe RE input is the serial data-out control, and when active drives the data onto the I/O bus. Data is valid tREA after the falling edge of RE which also increments the internal column address counter by one.WP WRITE PROTECTThe WP pin, when Low, provides an Hardware protection against undesired modify (program / erase)operations.R/B READY BUSYThe Ready/Busy output is an Open Drain pin that signals the state of the memory.VCC SUPPLY VOLTAGEThe VCC supplies the power for all the operations (Read, Write, Erase). VSS GROUNDNCNO CONNECTIONTable 2: Pin DescriptionNOTE:1. A 0.1uF capacitor should be connected between the Vcc Supply Voltage pin and the Vss Ground pin to decouple the current surges from the power supply. The PCB track widths must be sufficient to carry the currents required during program and erase operations.Rev 0.3 / Nov. 200691Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO71st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A72nd Cycle A8A9A10A11L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)3rd Cycle A12A13A14A15A16A17A18A194th CycleA20A21A22A23A24A25A26A27Table 3: Address Cycle Map(x8)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.IO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO7IO8-IO151st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7L (1)2nd Cycle A8A9A10L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)3rd Cycle A11A12A13A14A15A16A17A18L (1)4th CycleA19A20A21A22A23A24A25A26L (1)Table 4: Address Cycle Map(x16)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.FUNCTION1st CYCLE2nd CYCLE3rd CYCLE4th CYCLEAcceptable commandduring busyREAD 100h 30h --READ FOR COPY-BACK 00h 35h --READ ID 90h ---RESETFFh ---YesPAGE PROGRAM 80h 10h --COPY BACK PGM 85h 10h --BLOCK ERASE60h D0h --READ STATUS REGISTER 70h ---YesCACHE PROGRAM 80h 15h --RANDOM DATA INPUT 85h ---RAMDOM DATA OUTPUT 05h E0h --CACHE READ START 00h 31h --CACHE READ EXIT34h---Table 5: Command SetRev 0.3 / Nov. 2006101Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashCLE ALE CE WE RE WP MODE H L L Rising H X Read ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H X Address Input(4 cycles)H L L Rising H H Write ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H HAddress Input(4 cycles)L L L Rising H H Data Input L L L (1)H Falling X Sequential Read and Data Output L L L H H X During Read (Busy)X X X X X H During Program (Busy)X X X X X HDuring Erase (Busy)X X X X X L Write Protect XXHXX0V/Vcc Stand ByTable 6: Mode SelectionNOTE:1. With the CE high during latency time does not stop the read operationRev 0.3 / Nov. 2006111Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash2. BUS OPERATIONThere are six standard bus operations that control the device. These are Command Input, Address Input, Data Input, Data Output, Write Protect, and Standby.Typically glitches less than 5 ns on Chip Enable, Write Enable and Read Enable are ignored by the memory and do not affect bus operations.2.1 Command Input.Command Input bus operation is used to give a command to the memory device. Command are accepted with Chip Enable low, Command Latch Enable High, Address Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 6 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements. Command codes are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).2.2 Address Input.Address Input bus operation allows the insertion of the memory address. To insert the 28 addresses needed to access the 1Gbit 4 clock cycles (x8 version) are needed. Addresses are accepted with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable High, Command Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 7 and table 16 for details of the timings requirements. Addresses are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).2.3 Data Input.Data Input bus operation allows to feed to the device the data to be programmed. The data insertion is serially and timed by the Write Enable cycles. Data are accepted only with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable low, Command Latch Enable low, Read Enable High, and Write Protect High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. See figure 8 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements.2.4 Data Output.Data Output bus operation allows to read data from the memory array and to check the status register content, the lock status and the ID data. Data can be serially shifted out toggling the Read Enable pin with Chip Enable low, Write Enable High, Address Latch Enable low, and Command Latch Enable low. See figures 9,10,12,13 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements.2.5 Write Protect.Hardware Write Protection is activated when the Write Protect pin is low. In this condition modify operation do not start and the content of the memory is not altered. Write Protect pin is not latched by Write Enable to ensure the pro-tection even during the power up.2.6 Standby.In Standby mode the device is deselected, outputs are disabled and Power Consumption is reduced.Rev 0.3 / Nov. 2006121Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3. DEVICE OPERATION3.1 Page Read.Upon initial device power up, the device defaults to Read mode. This operation is also initiated by writing 00h and 30h to the command register along with four address cycles. In two consecutive read operations, the second one does need 00h command, which four address cycles and 30h command initiates that operation. Second read operation always requires setup command if first read operation was executed using also random data out command.Two types of operations are available: random read. The random read mode is enabled when the page address is changed. The 2112 bytes (X8 device) or 1056 words (X16 device) of data within the selected page are transferred to the data registers in less than 25us(tR). The system controller may detect the completion of this data transfer (tR) by analyzing the output of R/B pin. Once the data in a page is loaded into the data registers, they may be read out in 30ns cycle time (3.3V device) by sequentially pulsing RE. The repetitive high to low transitions of the RE clock make the device output the data starting from the selected column address up to the last column address.The device may output random data in a page instead of the consecutive sequential data by writing randomdata output command. The column address of next data, which is going to be out, may be changed to the address which follows random data output command.Random data output can be operated multiple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.Random data output is not available in cache read.3.2 Page Program.The device is programmed basically by page, but it does allow multiple partial page programming of a word or consec-utive bytes up to 2112 (X8 device) or words up to 1056 (X16 device), in a single page program cycle.The number of consecutive partial page programming operation within the same page without an intervening erase operation must not exceed 8; for example, 4 times for main array (X8 device:1time/512byte, X16 device:1time 256word) and 4 times for spare array (X8 device:1time/16byte ,X16 device:1time/8word).The addressing should be done in sequential order in a block. A page program cycle consists of a serial data loading period in which up to 2112 bytes (X8 device) or 1056 words (X16 device) of data may be loaded into the data register , followed by a non-volatile programming period where the loaded data is programmed into the appropriate cell.The serial data loading period begins by inputting the Serial Data Input command (80h), followed by the four cycle address inputs and then serial data. The words other than those to be programmed do not need to be loaded. The device supports random data input in a page. The column address of next data, which will be entered, may bechanged to the address which follows random data input command (85h). Random data input may be operated multi-ple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.The Page Program confirm command (10h) initiates the programming process. Writing 10h alone without previously entering the serial data will not initiate the programming process. The P/E/R controller automatically executes the algorithms and timings necessary for program and verify, thereby freeing the system controller for other tasks. Once the program process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered to read the status register . The system controller can detect the completion of a program cycle by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register . Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while programming is in progress. When the Page Program is complete, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. The internal write verify detects only errors for "1"s that are not successfully programmed to "0"s. The command register remains in Read Status command mode until another valid command is written to the command register . Figure 14 details the sequence.Rev 0.3 / Nov. 2006131Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.3 Block Erase.The Erase operation is done on a block basis. Block address loading is accomplished in two cycles initiated by an Erase Setup command (60h). Only address A18 to A27 (X8) or A17 to A26 (X16) is valid while A12 to A17 (X8) or A11 to A16 (X16) are ignored. The Erase Confirm command (D0h) following the block address loading initiates the internal erasing process. This two-step sequence of setup followed by execution command ensures that memory contents are not acci-dentally erased due to external noise conditions. At the rising edge of WE after the erase confirm command input, the P/E/R controller handles erase and erase-verify. Once the erase process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered to read the status register . The system controller can detect the completion of an erase by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register . Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while erasing is in progress. When the erase operation is completed, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. Figure 18 details the sequence.3.4 Copy-Back Program.The copy-back program is configured to quickly and efficiently rewrite data stored in one page without utilizing an exter-nal memory. Since the time-consuming cycles of serial access and re-loading cycles are removed, the system perfor-mance is improved. The benefit is especially obvious when a portion of a block is updated and the rest of the block also need to be copied to the newly assigned free block. The operation for performing a copy-back program is a sequential execution of page-read without serial access and copyingprogram with the address of destination page. A read opera-tion with "35h" command and the address of the source page moves the whole 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) data into the internal data buffer .As soon as the device returns to Ready state, Copy Back command (85h) with the address cycles of destination page may be written. The Program Confirm command (10h) is required to actually begin the programming operation. Data input cycle for modifying a portion or multiple distant portions of the source page is allowed as shown in Figure 16."When there is a program-failure at Copy-Back operation, error is reported by pass/fail status. But, if Copy-Back operations are accumulated over time, bit error due to charge loss is not checked by external error detection/correction scheme. For this reason, two bit error correction is recommended for the use of Copy-Back operation."Figure 16 shows the command sequence for the copy-back operation.The Copy Back Program operation requires three steps:1. The source page must be read using the Read A command (one bus write cycle to setup the command and then 4 bus write cycles to input the source page address). This operation copies all 2KBytes from the page into the Page Buffer .2. When the device returns to the ready state (Ready/Busy High), the second bus write cycle of the command is given with the 4bus cycles to input the target page address.3. Then the confirm command is issued to start the P/E/R Controller .Note:1. On the same plane.2. It’s prohibited to operate copy-back program from an odd address page (source page) to an even address page (target page) or from an even address page (source page) to an odd address page (target page). Therefore, the copy-back program is permitted just between odd address pages or even address pages.Rev 0.3 / Nov. 2006141Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.5 Read Status Register.The device contains a Status Register which may be read to find out whether read, program or erase operation is com-pleted, and whether the program or erase operation is completed successfully. After writing 70h command to the com-mand register , a read cycle outputs the content of the Status Register to the I/O pins on the falling edge of CE or RE, whichever occurs last. This two line control allows the system to poll the progress of each device in multiple memory connections even when R/B pins are common-wired. RE or CE does not need to be toggled for updated status. Refer to Table 14 for specific Status Register definitions, and Figure 10 for specific timings requirements . The command reg-ister remains in Status Read mode until further commands are issued to it. Therefore, if the status register is read dur-ing a random read cycle, the read command (00h) should be given before starting read cycles.3.6 Read ID.The device contains a product identification mode, initiated by writing 90h to the command register , followed by an address input of 00h. Four read cycles sequentially output the 1st cycle (ADh), and 2nd cycle (the device code) and 3rd cycle ID, 4th cycle ID, respectively. The command register remains in Read ID mode until further commands are issued to it. Figure 19 shows the operation sequence, while Tables 16 explain the byte meaning.3.7 Reset.The device offers a reset feature, executed by writing FFh to the command register . When the device is in Busy state during random read, program or erase mode, the reset operation will abort these operations. The contents of memory cells being altered are no longer valid, as the data will be partially programmed or erased.The command register is cleared to wait for the next command, and the Status Register is cleared to value E0h when WP is high. Refer to table 14 for device status after reset operation. If the device is already in reset state a new reset command will not be accepted by the command register . The R/B pin transitions to low for tRST after the Reset com-mand is written.Rev 0.3 / Nov. 2006151Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.8 Cache programCache Program is an extension of Page Program, which is executed with 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) data registers, and is available only within a block. Since the device has 1 page of cache memory, serial data input may be executed while data stored in data register are programmed into memory cell. After writing the first set of data up to 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) into the selected cache registers, Cache Program com-mand (15h) instead of actual Page Program (10h) is input to make cache registers free and to start internal program operation. To transfer data from cache registers to data registers, the device remains in Busy state for a short period of time (tCBSY) and has its cache registers ready for the next data-input while the internal programming gets started with the data loaded into data registers. Read Status command (70h) may be issued to find out when cache registers become ready by polling the Cache- Busy status bit (I/O 6). Pass/fail status of only the previous page is available upon the return to Ready state.When the next set of data is input with the Cache Program command, tCBSY is affected by the progress of pending internal programming. The programming of the cache registers is initiated only when the pending program cycle is finished and the data registers are available for the transfer of data from cache registers. The status bit (I/O5) for internal Ready/Busy may be polled to identify the completion of internal programming.If the system monitors the progress of programming only with R/B, the last page of the target programming sequence must be programmed with actual Page Program command (10h). If the Cache Program command (15h) is used instead, status bit (I/O5) must be polled to find out when the last programming is actually finished before starting other operations such as read. Pass/fail status is available in two steps. I/O 1 returns with the status of the previous page upon Ready or I/O6 status bit changing to "1", and later I/O 0 with the status of current page upon true Ready (returning from internal programming) or I/O 5 status bit changing to "1". I/O 1 may be read together when I/O 0 is checked. See Fig. 18 for more details.NOTE : Since programming the last page does not employ caching, the program time has to be that of Page Program. However , if the previous program cycle with the cache data has not finished, the actual program cycle of the last page is initiated only after completion of the previous cycle, which can be expressed as the following formula.tPROG=Program time for the last page + Program time for the (last-1)page - (Program command cycle time + Last page data loading time)Rev 0.3 / Nov. 2006161Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.9 Cache ReadCache read operation allows automatic download of consecutive pages, up to the whole device. Immediately after 1st latency end, while user can start reading out data, device internally starts reading following page.Start address of 1st page must be at page start (A<10:0>=00h) : in this way after 1st latency time (tr) , automatic data download will be uninterrupted. In fact latency time is 25us, while download of a page require at least 100us for x8 device (50us for x16 device).Cache read operation command is like standard read, except for confirm code (30h for standard read, 31h for cache read) user can check operation status using :- R/B ( ‘0’ means latency ongoing, download not possible, ‘1’ means download of n page possible, even if device in ternally is active on n+1 page- Status register (SR<6> behave like R/B, SR<5> is ‘0’ when device is internally reading and ‘1’ when device is idle)To exit cache read operation, a cache read exit command (34h) must be issued. This command can be given any time (both device idle and reading).If device is active (SR<5>=0) it will go idle within 5us, while if it is not active, device itself will go busy for a time shorter then tCBSY before becoming again idle and ready to accept any further commands. Figure 17 describes how to handle Cache Read through Status register .If user reads last byte/word of the memory array, then he has to stop by giving a cache read exit command. In general,if user wants to terminate a cache read, then he must give a cache read exit command (or reset command) before starting any new operation.Random data output is not available in cache read.Cache read operation must be done only block by block if system needs to avoid reading also from invalid blocks.Rev 0.3 / Nov. 2006171Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash4. OTHER FEATURES4.1 Data Protection for Power on/off SequenceThe device is designed to offer protection from any involuntary program/erase during power-transitions. An internal voltage detector disables all functions whenever Vcc is below about 2.0V (3.3V version). WP pin provides hardware protection and is recommended to be kept at VIL during power-up and power-down. A recovery time of minimum 10us is required before internal circuit gets ready for any command sequences as shown in Figure 24. The two-step com-mand sequence for program/erase provides additional software protection.If the power is dropped during the ready read/write/erase operation, Power protection function may not guaranteed the data. Power protection function is only available during the power on/off sequence.4.2 Ready/Busy.The device has a Ready/Busy output that provides method of indicating the completion of a page program, erase, copy-back, cache program and random read completion. The R/B pin is normally high and goes to low when the device is busy (after a reset, read, program, erase operation). It returns to high when the P/E/R controller has finished the operation. The pin is an open-drain driver thereby allowing two or more R/B outputs to be Or-tied. Because pull-up resistor value is related to tr(R/B) and current drain during busy (Ibusy), an appropriate value can be obtained with the following reference chart (Figure 25). Its value can be determined by the following guidance.。



2009-12-04 20:02:47| 分类:共同分享(穹内同|字号订阅/blog/usbking/article/b0-i5849820.html从SUMSUNG闪存芯片编号识容量三星的闪存芯片均以K9打头,与容量相关的字段是从第4位到第7位。

第4~5位表示闪存密度,12代表512M、16代表16M、28代表128M、32代表32M、40代表4M、56代表256M、64代表64M、80代表8M、1G代表1G 、2G代表2G、4G代表4G、8G 代表8G、00代表没有。

第6~7位表示闪存结构,00代表没有、08代表×8. 16代表×16. 32代表×32。






三星型号详解K9×××××:Nand FlashK8×××××:Nor FlashK7×××××:Sync SRAM(同步SRAM,带clock,速度快,网络产品,6个晶体管)K6×××××:Aync SRAM(异步SRAM,不带clock,速度快,手机产品,6个晶体管)K5×××××:MCP(相当于K1+K8+K9)K4×××××:DRAMK3×××××:Mask RomK2×××××:FRAMK1×××××:utRAM(使用SRAM技术,但只有2个晶体管跟1个电容,所以比SRAM功耗大,但成本低)samsung 编号:K9LAG08U0M,容量为2G,以K9L为开头的三星闪存一般都为MLC闪存,使用MLC闪存是大势所趋* K9K8G(1GB)、K9W8G(1GB)、K9WAG(2GB)* K9x1Gxxxxx = 1Gb (GigaBit) = 128MB (MegaByte)* K9x2Gxxxxx = 2Gb (GigaBit) = 256MB (MegaByte)* K9x4Gxxxxx = 4Gb (GigaBit) = 512MB (MegaByte)* K9x8Gxxxxx = 8Gb (GigaBit) = 1024MB (MegaByte)* (1 Byte = 8 bits)SAMSUNG K9F2808U0B-YCB0 32MBK9F2808U0C-VCB0 32MBK9F5608U0B-YCB0 16MBK9F5608U0C-YCB0 16MBK9F1208U0M-YCB0 64MBK9F1208U0A-YCB0 64MBK9F1208U0A-YIB0 64MBK9F1208U0A-VCB0 64MBK9K1G08U0A-YCB0 128MBK9K1G08U0M-YCB0 128MBK9K1G08U0M-VIB0 128MBK9F1G08U0M-YCB0 128MBK9F1G08U0A-YCB0 128MBK9F1G08U0M-VCB0 128MBK9F1G08U0M-VIB0 128MBK9F1G08U0M-FIB0 128MBK9K2G08U0M-YCB0 256MBK9K2G08U0A-FIB0 (90nm) 256MBK9K2G08U0M-VCB0 256MBK9K2G08U0M-VIB0 256MBK9K2G08U0A-VIB0 (90nm) 256MBK9F2G08U0M-YCB0 (90nm) 256MBK9K4G08U0M-YCB0 (90nm) 512MBK9K4G08U0M-YCBO(90nm) 512MBK9K4G08U0M-PIB0(90nm) 512MBK9W8G08U1M-YCB0(90nm) 1GBK9W8G08U1M-YIB0(90nm) 1GBK9WAG08U1M 2GMNAND闪存芯片, 一般都是Samsung 或Hynix 芯片. SAMSUNG闪存的型号及对应容量:K9x1Gxxxxx = 1Gb (GigaBit) = 128MB (MegaByte)K9x2Gxxxxx = 2Gb (GigaBit) = 256MB (MegaByte)K9x4Gxxxxx = 4Gb (GigaBit) = 512MB (MegaByte)K9x8Gxxxxx = 8Gb (GigaBit) = 1024MB (MegaByte)(1 Byte = 8 bits)Hynix闪存的型号及对应容量:HY27UH081G2M = 1Gb (GigaBit) = 128MB (MegaByte) HY27UH082G2M = 2Gb (GigaBit) = 256MB (MegaByte) HY27UH084G2M = 4Gb (GigaBit) = 512MB (MegaByte) HY27UH088G2M = 8Gb (GigaBit) = 1024MB (MegaByte)(1 Byte = 8 bits)Part No Description MfgNANDFLASHHY27US08281A-T(P)CB 16Mx8 HYNIXHY27US08561A-T(P)CB 32Mx8 HYNIXHY27US08121A-T(P)CB 64Mx8 HYNIXHY27UF081G2M-T(P)CB 128Mx8 HYNIXHY27UF082G2M-T(P)CB 256Mx8 HYNIXHY27UF082G2A-TPCB 256Mx8 HYNIXHY27UG084G2M-TPCB 512Mx8 HYNIXHY27UF084G2M-TPCB 512Mx8 HYNIXHY27UT084G2M-TPCB 512Mx8 HYNIXHY27UH088G2M-TPCB 1Gx8 HYNIXHY27UU085G2M-TPCB 1Gx8 HYNIXHynix闪存的型号及对应容量:HY27UH081G2M = 1Gb (GigaBit) = 128MB (MegaByte); HY27UH082G2M = 2Gb (GigaBit) = 256MB (MegaByte); HY27UH084G2M = 4Gb (GigaBit) = 512MB (MegaByte); HY27UH088G2M = 8Gb (GigaBit) = 1024MB (MegaByte)ATJ2051/ATJ2085主控支持的闪存FLASH型号列表品牌型号内存ATJ2085(2051) samsung K9K4G08U0M512M ysamsung K9W4G08U1M 512M ysamsung K9W8G08U1M 1GB ysamsung K9F4G08U0M 512M ysamsung K9F4G08U0A 512M ysamsung K9K8G08U0M1G ysamsung K9K8G08U0A 1G nsamsung K9WAG08U1M2G ysamsung K9G4G08U0M 512M nsamsung K9L8G08U0M 1G nsamsung K9HAG08U1M 2G nHynix HY27UG084G1M512M yHynix HY27UG084G2M512M yHynix HY27UH084G1M512M nHynix HY27UH084G2M512M y Hynix HY27UG088G2M1G y Hynix HY27UG088G5M1G n Hynix HY27UG088GDM1G n Hynix HY27UH088G2M 1G y Hynix HY27UH088GDM 1G n Hynix HY27UH08AG5M 2G n Hynix HY27UH08AGDM 2G n Hynix HY27UF084G2M 512M y Hynix HY27UG088G5M 1GB n Hynix HY27UU088G5M 1G n Hynix HY27UV08AG5M 2G n Hynix HY27UT084G2A, 512M n Hynix HY27UT084G2M 512M n Hynix HY27UU088G 1GB nHynix HY27UU8G5M(MLC)1GB n Hynix HY27UT4G2M(MLC) 512M n Hynix HY27UVAG5M(MLC) 2GB nHynix HY27US08561M VPCB 428A 32MB HY27US08561M TPIB 427A 32MBHY27US08121M TCB 64MBHY27US08121M TPIB 407T 64MBHY27US08121M TCB 416A 64MBHY27US08121M TCB 422A 64MBHY27US08121M TCB 426A 64MBHY27US08121M TPCB 427B 64MBHY27US08121M VPCB 429A 64MBHY27UA081G1M TCB 128MBHY27UA081G1M TPCB 128MBHY27UA081G1M TCB 423A 128MBHY27UG082G2M 256MBHY27UH084G2M 512MBHY27UG088G5M 1GBHY27UH088G2M 1GBHY27UH08AG5M 2GBTOSHIBA TC58128AFT 16MBTC58128AFTI 16MBTC58DVM72A1FT00/05 16MBTC58256AFT 32MBTC58NVM8S0AFTI0 32MBTC58DVM82A1FT00/05 32MBTC58DVM82A1FTI0 32MBTC58512FT 64MBTC58DVM92A1FT00/05 64MBTH58100FT 128MBTC58DVG02A1FT00/05 128MBTC58NVG0S3AFT00/05 128MBTC58NVG0S3AFTI5 128MBTH58NVG1S3AFT00/05 256MBTH58NVG1S3AFTI0 256MBTC58NVG1S3BFT00 256MBTC58005FT 64MBTC58DVM94B1FT00/05 64MBTC58010FT 128MBTC58DVG04B1FT00/05 128MBTC58DVG14B1FT00/05 256MBTC58DVG14B1FTI0 256MBTH58DVG24B1FT00/05 512MBTC58NVG1D4BFT00 256MBTC58NVG1D4BFT00 256MBTC58NVG2D4BFT00 512MBTH58NVG3D4BFT00 1GBTH58NVG3D4BFTI0 1GBTC58NVG3D4CTG10 1GBTH58NVG4D4BTG20 2GBSANDISK SDTNFAH-128, SDTNGAHE0-128 16M SDTNFAH-256, SDTNGAHE0-256 32M SDTNFAH-512, SDTNGAHE0-512 64M SDTNFCH-512, SDTNGCHE0-512 64M SDTNFBH-1024, SDTNGBHE0-1024 128M SDTNFCH-1024, SDTNGCHE0-1024 128MSDTNFDH-2048, SDTNGDHE0-2048 256MMicron MT29F2G08A 256MBMT29F4G08B 256MBMT29F4G08BAB 51 从SUMSUNG闪存芯片编号识容量从SUMSUNG闪存芯片编号识容量三星的闪存芯片均以K9打头,与容量相关的字段是从第4位到第7位。

SK海力士宣布业内首款4D闪存:512Gb TLC、年末出样

SK海力士宣布业内首款4D闪存:512Gb TLC、年末出样

SK 海力士宣布业内首款4D 闪存:512Gb TLC、年
正在美举办的Flash Memory Summit 首日已经结束,亮点颇多。

Keynote 环节,倒数第二个出场(排在我国的长江存储前)的是SK 海力士,它在NAND 市场的全球份额排名第五,DRAM 份额全球第二。

首先是3D NAND 的技术路线选择,SK 海力士称,CTF(Charge Trap Flash,电荷捕获型)比Floating Gate(浮栅型)存储单元面积更小、速度更快、更耐用(P/E 次数多)。

其实三星从2013 年的第一代V-NAND 3D 闪存就开始使用CTF 了,东芝/ 西数(闪迪)的BiCS 亦是如此。

当然,美光/Intel 还是坚持浮栅,不过这倒
无所谓,毕竟他们有更厉害的3D Xpoint(基于相变内存,还一说是ReRAM 磁阻式内存)。

接下来,SK 海力士宣布推出了全球首款4D 闪存。

从现场给出的技术演示来看,4D 闪存和此前长江存储的Xtacking 十分相似,只不过外围电路(PUC,Peri.Circuits)在存储单元下方,好处有三点,

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Q1’2011 DATABOOKRev 0.1NAND Flash –SLC / MLC / TLCAND FlashNNAND Flash SLC COMPONENTProduct Tech Density Block Size Stack Vcc/Org Package AvailabilityRemarkHY27US08281A 90nm 128Mb 16KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP/USOP Now HY27US08561A 90nm 256Mb 16KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP/USOP/FBGA Now HY27US08121B 70nm 512Mb 16KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP/USOP/FBGANow H27U518S2C 57nm 512Mb 16KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP Now HY27US081G1M 70nm 1Gb 16KB Mono 3.3v/X8USOPNow HY27UF081G2A 70nm 1Gb 128KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP/USOP/FBGANow HY27US081G2A 70nm 1Gb 128KB Mono 1.8v/X8FBGA Now H27U1G8F2B 48nm 1Gb 128KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP,FBGA Now H27U1G8F2B 48nm 1Gb 128KB Mono 1.8v/X8FBGA Now H27U1G8F2CTR 32nm 1Gb 128KB Mono 1.8v/X8TSOP Q4 '11H27U1G8F2CFR 32nm 1Gb 128KB Mono 1.8v/X8FBGA Q4 '11HY27UF082G2B 57nm 2Gb 128KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP,FBGA, LGANow H27U2G8F2C 41nm 2Gb 128KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP Now HY27UF084G2B 57nm 4Gb 128KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP Now H27U4G8F2D 41nm 4Gb 128KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP Now HY27UG088G5(D)B 57nm 8Gb 128KB DDP 3.3v/X8TSOP Now 2CE/Dual CH.H27U8G8G5D 41nm 8Gb 128KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP Now H27QBG8GDAIR-BCB 32nm 32Gb 512KB DDP 1.8v/x8VFBGA Now 2CE/Dual CH.H27QCG8HEAIR-BCB 32nm 64Gb 512KB QDP 1.8v/x8VFBGA Now 4CE/Dual CH.H27QDG8JEAJR-BCB32nm128Gb512KBODP1.8v/x8JFBGAFeb. '114CE/Dual CH.NAND Flash MLC COMPONENTProduct Tech Density Block Size Stack Vcc/Org Package AvailabilityRemarkH27U8G8T2B 48nm 8Gb 512KB Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP Now H27UAG8T2M 48nm 16Gb 512KB(4KB Page)Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP/VLGA Now H27UAG8T2A 41nm 16Gb 512KB(4KB Page)Mono 3.3v/X8TSOP Now H27UBG8U5A 41nm 32Gb 512KB(4KB Page)DDP 3.3v/X8TSOP Now H27UBG8T2M 41nm 32Gb 512KB(4KB Page)Mono 3.3v/X8VLGA Now H27UBG8T2A 32nm 32Gb 2MB(8KB Page)SDP 3.3v/x8TSOP / VLGANow H27UCG8VFA 41nm 64Gb 512KB(4KB Page)QDP 3.3v/X8TSOP Now H27UCG8UDM 41nm 64Gb 512KB(4KB Page)DDP 3.3v/X8VLGA Now Dual CH.H27UCG8U5(D)A 32nm 64Gb 2MB(8KB Page)DDP 3.3v/x8TSOP / VLGANow Dual CH. LGA H27UCG8T2M 26nm 64Gb 2MB(8KB Page)SDP 3.3v/x8VLGA Now H27UDG8VEM 41nm 128Gb 512KB(4KB Page)QDP 3.3v/X8VLGA Now 4CE,Dual CH.H27UDG8V5(E)A 32nm 128Gb 2MB(8KB Page)QDP 3.3v/x8TSOP / VLGANow 4CE,Dual CH.H27UEG8YEA 32nm 256Gb 2MB(8KB Page)ODP 3.3v/x8VLGA Now 4CE,Dual CH.H27UAG8T2B 32nm 16Gb 2MB(8KB Page)SDP 3.3v/x8TSOP Now H27UBG8T2B 26nm 32Gb 2MB(8KB Page)SDP 3.3v/x8TSOP Now Legacy H27UCG8U2B 26nm 64Gb 2MB(8KB Page)DDP 3.3v/x8TSOP Jan. '11Legacy H27UDG8V2B 26nm 128Gb 2MB(8KB Page)QDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-100Feb. '11HS(ONFi2.2)H27UEG8Y2B26nm256Gb2MB(8KB Page)ODP3.3v/x8FBGA-100Mar. '11HS(ONFi2.2)NAND Flash TLC COMPONENTProduct Tech Density Block Size Stack Vcc/Org Package AvailabilityRemarkH27UAG8M2M 41nm 16Gb 768KB (4KB page)SDP 3.3V/x8VLGA Now H27UBG8M2A32nm32Gb1MB (4KB page)SDP3.3V/x8VLGANoweNANDAND FlashNProductDensityBase ComponentVcc/OrgVersionAvailabilityTech.Density Stack H26M21001DAR 2GB 41nm 16Gb 1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.3Now H26M21001ECR 2GB 32nm 16Gb 1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41Now H26M32001DAR 4GB 41nm 16Gb 2 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.3Now H26M32001EFR 4GB 32nm 32Gb 1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41Now H26M44001CAR 8GB 41nm 16Gb 4 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.3Now H26M42001EFR 8GB 32nm 32Gb 2 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41Now H26M44001ECR 8GB 32nm 16Gb 4 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41Now H26M54001AJR 16GB 41nm 32Gb 4 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.3Now H26M54001BKR 16GB 32nm 32Gb 4 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41Now H26M54001BFR 16GB 32nm 32Gb 4 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41Now H26M52001CKR 16GB 26nm 64Gb 2 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41Now H26M68001MNR 32GB 41nm 32Gb 8 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.3Now H26M68001ANR 32GB 32nm 32Gb 8 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41Now H26M64001BNR 32GB 26nm 64Gb 4 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41Now H26M78001ANR64GB26nm64Gb83.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41NowuSDAND FlashNProductDensityBase ComponentVcc/BusVersionAvailabilityTech.DensityStackH24U1GTM3ARH 1GB 48nm 8Gb 1 3.3v/x4Class-4NowH24U2GTM1BRH 2GB 41nm 16Gb 1 3.3v/x4Class-4NowH24U4GUM1ARH 4GB 41nm 16Gb 2 3.3v/x4Class-6NowH24U8GVM1MRH 8GB 41nm 16Gb 4 3.3v/x4Class-6NowH24UAGYM1MRH 16GB 41nm 16Gb 8 3.3v/x4Class-6NowH24U2GTM1DRH 2GB 32nm 16Gb 1 3.3v/x4Class-6NowE2NAND2.0AND FlashNProductTechDensityBlock SizeStackVcc/OrgPackageAvailabilityRemarkH2DUDG8VD1MYR 32nm 128Gb 2MB(8KB Page)4 3.3v/X8VLGA Now VccQ=3.3VH2DUEG8VD1MYR 32nm 256Gb 2MB(8KB Page)8 3.3v/X8VLGA Now VccQ=3.3VH2DQDG8UD1MYR 26nm 128Gb 2MB(8KB Page)2 3.3v/X8VLGA NowH2DQEG8VD1MYR 26nm 256Gb 2MB(8KB Page)4 3.3v/X8VLGA NowH2DQFG8YD1MYR 26nm 512Gb 2MB(8KB Page)8 3.3v/X8VLGA Feb. '11。
