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If, in your essay on plagiarism, you write that "at a certain point in the writing process the student has neither the time nor the inclination to resist the blurring of his source's words into his own” but don't use quotation marks at least for the words in the middle of the sentence, you are plagiarizing even if you do cite the booklet.
Uncited information or data from a source
If, in your essay on plagiarism, you observe that Harvard College acted on 25 cases of academic dishonesty in 199394, and you don't cite this booklet or the User's Guide to the Administrative Board, you are plagiarizing information.
The Latin root of the word "plagiarism" is plagiarus or kidnapper is knowledge commonly available in dictionaries, so it doesn't need citing.
If you write in an essay of your own about plagiarism in Ivy League colleges that "etymologically, plagiarizing involves taking the brain child of another" and that "plagiarism involves the dastardly trio of lying, cheating, and stealing,"
Building a Reference Manager Database(建立文献数据库)
Finding References in a Database(在数据库中查找文献)
Reference Manager
Writing with Sources
A Guide for Harvard Students

A verbatim phrase or passage that isn‘t quoted
An uncited idea(没有标注的观点)
Plagiarism is passing off a source„s information, ideas, or words as your own by omitting to cite them,an act of lying, cheating, and stealing. Plagiarus means kidnapper, in Latin, because in antiquity plagiarii were pirates who sometimes stole children: when you plagiarize, as several commentators have observed, you steal the brain child of another. But since you also claim that it's your own brain child, and use it to get credit for work you haven't really done, you al so lie and cheat. You cheat your source of fair recognition for his or her efforts, and you cheat the students who have completed the same assignment without plagiarizing.

An uncited idea(没有标注的观点) An uncited structure or organizing strategy (没有标注的结构或组织方式)

Uncited information or data from a source
you plagiarize an idea in both cases, if you don't cite this booklet.
An uncited structure or organizing strategy
(没有标注的结构或组织方式) “At this point, in one common scenario, the student gets careless while taking notes on a source or incorporating notes into a draft, so the source' s words and ideas blur into those of the student, who has neither the time nor the inclination to resist the blurring. In another scenario, the student simply panics and plagiarizes from a secondary source or from another student copying from the source directly or slightly rephrasing, hoping to get away with it just this one time. ”
Gordon Harvey Expository Writing Program Copyright 1995 The President and Fellows of Harvard University
Three Basic Principles
• Use sources as concisely as possible, so your own
thinking isn„t crowded out by your presentation of
other people‟s thinking, or your own voice by your
quoting of other voices.
• 尽可能简洁地引用,以免喧宾夺主
• Never leave your reader in doubt as to when you are
notes into a draft, so the source' s words and ideas blur into those of the student, who has neither the time nor the inclination to resist the blurring.
A verbatim phrase or passage that isn‘t quoted
(没有标注的叙述或段落) At this point, in one common scenario, the student gets
careless while taking notes on a source or ncorporating
陈韬 博士 湖南农业大学动物医学院 2009年4月
• 文献的搜集
• 文献的管理
• 文献的引用
• 学校图书馆与公共图书馆
• 公共数据库
• 其它途径
纸质书籍、期刊 电子期刊
Annual Review of Biochemistry Applied and Environmental Microbiology Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal of Applied Microbiology
Other Ways of Misusing Sources

Misrepresenting Evidence) (证据无代表性) Improper Collaboration (不合适的合作) Dual Submission (一稿多投) Plagiarism (教唆剽窃)
Microbiology and Molecular Biology
Worldwide Biotech
Reference Manager
Navigating a Reference Manager Database (浏览文献数据库)
Disciplinary Consequences
Report to the Dean of the College.
Adjudicated by the Administrative Board.
Board members Vote Required to withdraw from the College for at least two semesters.
speaking anΒιβλιοθήκη Baidu when you are using materials from a source.
• 不要让读者怀疑引用的资料
• Always make clear how each source you use relates
to your argument. • 弄清楚所引用的资料和你的观点之间的关系
• Plagiarism:Plagiarism is passing off a source„s information, ideas, or words as your own by omitting to cite them,an act of lying, cheating, and stealing.
If you write that those who plagiarize in a time-panic do so either by (1) careless note-taking or (2) deliberate copying in your own analysis, you are plagiarizing a distinctive intellectual structure or way of proceeding with a topic, even though the language of your own discussion differs from that of the booklet.