Textual cohesion共26页文档





衔接和连贯时篇章语言学(text linguistics)中的两个重要术语,二者是两个不同的概念。

Thompson(1996/2000:7)认为,衔接是语篇现象,指的是发话者用来表示语篇的经验和人际方面连贯的语法手段;而连贯是心理现象,它存在与发话者的头脑中,无法在语篇层面上找到线索(Cohesion refers to the linguistic devices by which the speaker can signal the experiential and interpersonal coherence of the text, and is thus a textual phenomenon…Coherence, on the other hand, is in the mind of writer and reader: it is a mental phenomenon and cannot be identified and qualified in the same way as cohesion)。


2.衔接2.1 衔接的定义Halliday在1962年首次提出了衔接的概念(Halliday, 1962)。

1976年,Halliday 和Hasan出版了Cohesion in English一书,系统的研究了英语语言系统中可用来建构衔接关系的语料,形成了完整的理论体系。

在此书中,Halliday&Hasan (1976/2001:4)认为,衔接是一种语义上的概念,他们把衔接定义为“存在于语篇中并使之成为语篇的意义间的联系”(The concept of cohesion is a semantic one; it refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and that define it as a text)。

Lexical cohesion and discourse intonation

Lexical cohesion and discourse intonation

2. Grammatical and lexical cohesion The contribution of lexical cohesion to the organizational properties of texts has long been acknowledged by discourse analysts. According to Hoey (1991:10), lexical cohesion, which forms multiple relationships within a text, is the main source of textual coherence, and lexical cohesion is the most common form of cohesive tie, accounting for 40% of the cohesive ties cited in Hasan (1984). While some studies tend to distinguish between grammatical and lexical cohesion or repetition (see for example Halliday & Hasan 1976), the notion of what may be considered to be part of the same cohesive chain in a discourse proposed by Winter (1974, 1979) is broader because he includes ellipsis, substitution, reference and lexical repetition. In the present study examining cohesion in spoken discourse, Winter’s (1974, 1979) approach to the ties between lexical and non-lexical cohesion is adopted as a more appropriate way of portraying the complexity of lexical cohesion, especially when the use of ellipsis and reference are generally far more prevalent in spoken discourse than in written discourse (see, for example, Cheng & Warren 1999). Hoey (1991) notes that Winter’s broad definition of cohesion basically describes all of the cohesive devices as functioning as repetition, and Hoey then asks an important question which he says needs further investigation: ‘under what circumstances do we use one rather than the other?’ (Hoey 1991:17). This study attempts to offer at least a partial explanation to Hoey’s question. In his research on vocabulary patterns in conversation, McCarthy (1988:185) examines the lexical chains in the form of what he terms ‘relexicalisations’ across turns and across speakers in conversational data. These relexicalisations cover non-identical repetitions that have been re-formulated or re-structured. McCarthy’s study is relevant to this study because he also studies

chapter 6 (2)cohesion

chapter 6 (2)cohesion

The concept of cohesion, as defined by Halliday & Hasan (1985: 4), is a semantic one. It refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text, which is realized by cohesive ties (衔接纽带), which may be grammatical cohesive devices such as references (指称), ellipsis (省略), substitution (替代), conjunction (连接) and lexical cohesion (词汇衔接).
B. Every morning Tom’s mother got up early to prepare breakfast. But Tom preferred music to math at school. Last week there was a traffic jam due to a car accident, which was caused by the carelessness of the driver. However, the schoolmaster decided to keep the secret for Tom. Although he was not too rich, Tom’s father managed to buy a beautiful dress for his wife as a Christmas gift.
Take the following two passages for example. A. Throughout the long history of mathematics, men have always wished that they could calculate quickly. As each mathematical discovery was made and knowledge advanced a little the calculations facing mathematicians became more and more complicated and demanded an even greater time. There are some people who like doing long and difficult arithmetic, but most of us do not and are eager to finish our sums in the shortest and easiest way.



III. Product Manual -----Medical Devices Manual
Structur e Information
for the User 用户须知 Technical Description and Features Specifications Modes of Operation Operating Instructions Cleaning and Disinfecting 清洗和消毒 Maintenance Warranty
Informative function advertisement
Language feature

The product manual (commodity specification) is a text description of the commodity structure , performance , specifications , use, repair and maintenance, etc. . Its main content includes an objective description of the safe use of the product , working principle, technical parameters , structure , installation, operation and maintenance. Its main language form is generally explanation, rule, recommendations . commodity [kə’mɔditi] n.商品,货物 specification [,spesifi’keiʃən] n.[ pl.]规范;明 确说明;说明书


Lecture Five
张玮 (副教授、硕士生导师)
语篇功能的含义 Halliday (1985/1994/2004)认为,所谓语 篇功能,指的是语言使自身前后连贯,并与 语域发生联系的功能。具体说来,语篇功能 指的是语篇的完整性(integrity)、一致性 (consistency)与衔接性(cohesion)。
A: He is a thief. B: I don’t think so.
(1)前者是一种语义关系;后者是一种结构关 系(具有可还原性)
(2)前者在同一事物之间建立联系;后者在不 同事物之间建立联系
(3)前者语义成分之间的距离不受限制;后者 成分之间的距离很短(一般不超过一个小句)
指的是通过表示过渡意义的连接成分体现语 篇中各种逻辑关系(时间、因果、条件等等 )的手段。连接手段既可以是显性的,也可 是隐性的。试比较:
(1) She didn’t know the rules, so she died. (2) She didn’t know the rure many beautiful flowers in the garden. But I like roses best.
---Do you like winter? ---No, it’s cold and snows sometimes.
(1)已知信息(Given):言语活动中已经出现 过的或根据语境可以断定的成分
(2)新信息(New):言语活动中尚未出现或 者根据语境难以断定的成分

coherence 课件

coherence  课件

Coherence1. The Definition of CoherenceIn the past two decades, foreign language schools have seen a greater importance on textual coherence. Although different linguists believe that coherence is the essential property of a text,they approach the concept from different angles.Van.Dijk interprets coherence from the perspective of semantics.He believes “coherence is a semantic property of discourse,based on the interpretation of each individual sentence relative to the interpretation of other sentences”(1973:).Halliday's full attention is given to those cohesive devices such as reference,substitution,ellipsis,conjunction and lexical cohesion.Widdowson(1978)believes coherence is a pragmatic concept.Coherence is the relationship between illocutionary acts.Beaugrande(1981),coherence is defined as the procedures which ensure conceptual connectivity,including(1)logical relations,(2)organization of events,objects and situations,(3)continuity in human experience.It concerns “the way in which the components of the textual world which underlie the surface text are mutually accessible and relevant”(1981:4)In Brown and Yule's opinion(1983),coherence is the result of the interaction of the text and the receiver.It is provided by readers' processing of the text.We can see that they focus on different aspects of discoursal coherence.Coherence is a multi-level notion.(1) At the semantic level. Coherence is established through cohesive devices andpropositional development(2) At the pragmatic level. Coherence is often achieved through the illocutionsor implicatures of discourse in linguistic communication on certainoccasions(3) At the mutual mental interactive level. Coherence is considered as a processof mental interaction between the producer and the receiver. It is aboutinterlocutors’ interaction.To sum up, coherence is the study of the connectedness in multi-level notion, varying from semantic level, to pragmatic level and to mental level.2. Coherence in Discourse2.1 Coherence and DiscourseCoherence is a key concept of discourse analysis and a research subject of general interest as well. So far, there has been no systematic and generally accepted criterion by which discoursal coherence is explained due to the complexity of the concept itself.2.2 Cohesion and CoherenceBefore we come to the study of coherence, we must notify another relatively existing concept, i.e., cohesion.2.2.1 Cohesion vs. CoherenceThe sentences in a text (also larger units than a sentence, such asparagraphs) can be related to each other in various ways. Firstly, you canuse words and phrases in one sentence which relate to other words orphrases in a preceding sentence. This type of relation is a more visiblerelation and it is called Cohesion. But there is a deeper, more underlyingkind of connectedness, where the items form logical connections with oneanother. This form of connectedness is called Coherence as we havestated above.2.2.2 The relationship between Coherence and Cohesion.Cohesion is not the necessary condition, nor is it a sufficient condition of discoursal coherence (Enkvist).(1) Formly cohesive discourse may not be a coherent one. (A)(A) In the morning, I brush my teeth, turn on the radio, open my eyes and get up.This sentence is cohesive, but it doesn’t coherent in chorological order.(a) In the morning, I open my eyes, get up, turn on the radio and brush my teeth.(2) Formly incohesive discourse may be coherent through commonsense, cultural background, contextual information, imagination,logical assumption, ect. instead of cohesion in form(B).(A) Husband: That’s the telephone.Wife: I’m in the bath.Husband: OK.Formally, this conversation is not cohesive at all. Telephone, bath, andOK seem irrelevant to each other. But they are coherent by consideringthe context of situation: The husband is lying on the sofa reading apiece of newspaper. Then the phone rings. At this time the wife isbathing. So taking this non-linguistic context into account we caninterpret the conversation in this way.(a) Husband: Can you answer it, please?Wife: No, I can’t answer it because I’m in the bath.Husband: I’ll answer it.Thus this interpretation seems rather coherent nowCohesion and coherence co-work to make a whole discourse.3. Levels of Coherence.Views on how to classify coherence levels also varies.(1) According to Halliday, coherence can divided into three levels: the semanticlevel, the pragmatic level and the mutual mental interactive level.(2) According to Jane Austin, there are three levels of coherence in discourse:explicit—implicit—invisible, which could be expressed as: context --- social/cultural/situational context---mutual mental interaction;To make a conclusion, coherence can be generally classified into two large scales: overt coherence and covert coherence.3.1 Overt coherence refers to the visible cohesive devices at the semantic level,including grammatical devices and lexical device.Eg. Grammatical devices. Eg. reference, ellipsis, conjunction, substitution ,ect.Lexical devices. such as repetition, synonyms, antonyms, ect.3.2 Covert coherence can be further divided in to two categories.Context-based coherence. Users in community of very language have their own culture, history, customs, idioms, values, ect, through thethinking patterns, cognitive habits and speech act, which would penetrateinto their individual behavior and reflect in discourse. In such cases, wemust understand such discourse based on both situational context andcultural background.(C) A: What’s the temperature?B: A hundred and two.Pragmatic-base coherence. It has some thing to do with CP. It also deal with the points about how the illocutioner express his/her illocutionaryintention in the surface meaning and how the hearer realize suchconversational implicature of the speakers’ illocutionary intention.(D) A: What are the police doing?B: (I don’t know what the police are doing because) I have just arrived.4. SummaryEnlightened by their opinions,I believe that coherence should be defined in a broader sense.Coherence is a general notion for the overall connectedness in texts.Coherence should be detected and rendered by referring to the interplay of semantic,pragmatic and contextual devices.。


textual progressing (语篇推进层次)
the text
coherence readjustment& complement
textual intension
(连贯的调整和补充) conversion in the line of thought
textual progressing
ordered arrangement of the infomation. ways •explicit:lexical devices, or coherence markers; •implicit: ordered arrangement of the infomation.
Cohesion& Coherence
Group4: Song Xin Yu Dandan
Chapter 6 Cohesion
definition: It is an umbrella term of grammatical devices and lexical devices, and a visible network of texts, which is displayed on the surface structure of texts. significance: As one of the important factors to form discourse, cohesion plays a key role in the process of discourse translation. ways: According to Halliday, cohesion can be realized through the use of ellipsis -----------the phenomenon of vocabulary vacancy(词语空位现 象), a grammatical device. and substitution, conjunction, related to the use of words lexical cohesion, reference. purpose: to form an explicit lexical chain(词语链)






许多学者从不同角度对话语标记语进行了研究,譬如,Ostman以you know为第一个研究对象来研究话语标记语;Schourup也是对话语标记语较早研究的学者,使用的名称为“普通话语小品词”;Watts 根据话语标记语出现的常见位置将它们分成“左标记语”和“右标记语”;Fraser采用“自上而下”的方法并从语法-语用的角度对话语标记语进行了研究。



从现有的对话语标记语的研究来看,绝大多数都是从Sperber &Wilson的关联理论角度进行探讨。

Blakemore就是以Sperber&Wilson 的关联理论为基础,从认知-语用的角度出发,对话语标记语的作用进行了研究,关联理论从人的认知特点与过程出发,将交际当作是一种认知活动,认为人类的认知有一个总的目标,即在认知过程中力图以最小的投入去获取最大的认知效果。








686 722
第十四章 句子的成分(Members of the Sentence/Sentence Elements)
723 753
第十五章 简单句与并列句(The Simple Sentence and The Compound Sentence)
829 868
第十六章 复合句(The Complex Sentence)
第三十四章 强调(Emphasis)
1346 1364
第三十五章 倒装(Inversion)
1365 1383
第三十六章 否定(Negation)
1384 1411
第三十七章 省略(Ellipsis)
1413 1446
第三十八章 插人语(Parenthesis)
1447 1453
第三十九章 同位语(Appositive)
871 900
第十七章 定语从句(The Attributive Clause)
901 941
第十八章 状语从句(The Adverbial Clause)
942 1021
第十九章 动词的时态(Tense)
1023 1080
第二十章 被动语态(Passive Voice)
1081 1126
第二十—章 虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)
零冠词,如果表示特定的某个社 会要用定冠词
71. 用于指特定用途的事物(用于否定句或疑问句)
19. 成对使用的名词或某些名词固定搭配用零冠词
72. the 与 day、month 等时间单位词连用,表示“当前的, 20. 新闻标题前一般省略定冠词
21. 由具体转为抽象的名词前一般用零冠词














非语言性语境有时可以告诉我们句子所陈述的内容是哪一种言外之力(illocutionary force).如:I warn you that I will tell everything to your boss. 此句不是说了就完了,而是在说的过程中就实施了警告,这种言外之力可以说是允诺、也可以是预言。


语篇的指向性(textual orientation)包括了上述四个部分(时间、地点、场合和交际双方的关系)当语篇的指向性不明确时,就需要受话人或读者去想象、去联想,然而,由于读者对事物的接受能力存在差异,生活阅历不尽一致,想象力的强弱不一,学养的高低也不同,对语篇的指向性理解和感受各不相同。

Lecture 8 Cohesion in Translation

Lecture 8  Cohesion in Translation

Cohesive Devices Commonly Used in English and Chinese Halliday & Hasan (1976,1985/1994)五大 类:照应(reference),替代(substitution),省略 (ellipsis),连接(conjunction)及词汇衔接 (lexical cohesion)。其中前四类属于语法 衔接手段,后一类属于词汇衔接手段。语 法衔接是语篇具有的典型特征之一。
grammatical function of the substitute item. In English, the substitute may function as a noun, as a verb, or as a clause. To these correspond the three types of substitution:
Text is not a mere aggregation of sentences; rather, it is a semantic unity. Cohesion 衔接 Coherence 连贯
M.A.K. Halliday (2000:4) : cohesion is a semantic concept, referring to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and it occurs where the interpretation of some element in the discourse is dependent on that of another.
2) Adversative: yet, though, only, but, however, nevertheless, despite this, In fact, actually, as matter of fact, on the other hand, at the same time, instead, rather, on the contrary, at least, (rather, I mean) In any case, in either case, whichever way it is, anyhow, at any rate, however ers to the repetition of a



• Instructions: language (native, target)
Channel (aural, visual)
Specification of procedures & tasks
• Structure: Number of parts/tasks
Salience of parts/tasks
语言使用任 务特征框架
Bachman 和 Palmer(1996)区分了“语言使用任务” (language use task)和“测试任务”(test task)。
“语言使用任务”(language use task)是指“在特定 场景下人们运用语言实现某一特定目标或达到某一特殊目 的的活动”,是人们在现实生活中需要运用语言完成的任 务。
Language of expected response
language characteristics organizational characteristics grammatical (vocabulary, syntax, phonology, graphology) textual (cohesion, rhetorical/conversational organization) pragmatic characteristics Functional (ideational, manipulative, heuristic, imaginative) Sociolinguistic (dialect/variety, register, naturalness, cultural references & figurative language)
托福 2000任务特征模型






关键词:衔接⼿段连贯汉英语篇1. 引⾔不同语⾔的词语和词组的组合遵循不同的规则。









2. 衔接(cohesion)和连贯(coherence)语篇⽆论是⼝头表达,还是书⾯表达,都必须衔接合理,符合逻辑,语义连贯。







语篇正是通过衔接⼿段(cohesive devices)才实现了它的连贯性(cohence)。

textual function定义

textual function定义

Textual Function 定义目录:一、引言二、文本的功能三、文本的功能分类3.1 信息传递功能3.2表达功能3.3交际功能3.4感情功能四、文本功能在写作中的应用五、结论一、引言文本的功能是指文本在传递信息、表达观点、交际互动和表达感情等方面所起的作用。





三、文本的功能分类3.1 信息传递功能信息传递功能是文本最基本的功能,也是最主要的功能。



3.2 表达功能表达功能是指文本通过语言表达作者的思想、情感和态度。



3.3 交际功能交际功能是指文本通过语言实现人与人之间的交流和互动。



3.4 感情功能感情功能是指文本通过语言表达作者的情感和情绪。






The connection between successive sentences in texts,conversations,etc., in so far as it can be described in terms of specific syntactic units. (Oxford Concise Dictionary of Linguistics)
The first and second persons I and you naturally retain this deictic sense; their meaning is defined in the act of speaking.
Personal Reference
The third person forms he, she, it, they can be used exophorically; but more often than not, in all languages as we know them, such items are anaphoric: that is they point not ‘outwards’ to the environment but ‘backwards’ to the preceding text.
For example:
(A mother said to her child) e here and pick it up.
In this utterance, the interpretation of here and it is dependent on the situation in which the utterance is produced.



Context-bound text

Excuse me, I hate to do this, but I‘m bring it back ‗cause it‘s stale. Ow, well. I‘ll make you another one. Ok, thanks a lot. I kinda feel bad doing that but… Is that more to your liking? Yeah. Oh, well, I feel rotten bring it back.
Phonological device

Sound pattern can be used as means for cohesion, such as alliteration or assonance.
Alliteration and semi-alliteration

In autumn the partridges whirred up, birds in flocks blew like spray across the fallow They mounted their horses, and held life between the grip of their knees, they harnessed their horses at the wagon, and, with hand on the bridle-rings, drew the heaving of the horses after their will.

Personal reference refers to the phenomenon that an item sands for a person, such as he, she, we, etc.



4.2 Translation of Texts of English News
• 4.2.1 省略衔接词
• 英语语篇注重显性衔接,表示各种关系的关联词如关系代词、关系副 英语语篇注重显性衔接,表示各种关系的关联词如关系代词、
词都起着重要的纽带作用,主从、并列以及因果、条件、 词都起着重要的纽带作用,主从、并列以及因果、条件、转折等关系 十分清楚。汉语译文如果也保留这些衔接词, 十分清楚。汉语译文如果也保留这些衔接词,也一味保留英语的形合 特点,那么译文往往生硬,翻译腔十足,所以在翻译中, 特点,那么译文往往生硬,翻译腔十足,所以在翻译中,英语中表示 各种连接关系的词语可以根据情况略去,以顺应汉语的表达习惯。 各种连接关系的词语可以根据情况略去,以顺应汉语的表达习惯。例 如: • [5] The UN Security Council also called on the warring parties to observe a September 3 peace accord, signed by Russia and Georgia, which affirms that the territorial integrity of Georgia shall be ensured and which constitutes the basis for an overall solution. • 译文:联合国安理会还呼吁交战双方遵守由俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚签署的 译文: 三和平协议” 该协议重申格鲁吉亚的领土完整应予以保证, “九·三和平协议”,该协议重申格鲁吉亚的领土完整应予以保证, 争端的全面解决也由此协议为基础。 争端的全面解决也由此协议为基础。
• 风,早已将执行51-L飞行任务的航天飞机在天空留下的最 风,早已将执行51后一丝痕迹吹得无影无踪。但发射场上所有的穿梭机飞行 记时器仍在一秒一秒地计算着时间,似乎它们坚信这一切 都是一场虚惊,希望穿梭机绕地球半圈后会随时在雷达荧 光屏上一下子冒出来,同时驾驶员会简短地表示歉意,向 大家说,飞船与地面的联络刚刚发生了一点小小的故障。 机器也像整个国家的人民一样,对应付一去不返的穿梭机 没有丝毫准备。摄像机瞪大了眼睛,凝视着天空中三条呈 放射状的滚滚烟云;穿梭机控制终端上,正显示着无声的、 令人困惑不解的电子信号;计算机仿佛对从遇难的飞船上 挣脱出来的最后几项数据百思不得其解。似乎它们,也像 我们一样,不愿相信自己的感官所感受到的事实。

grammatical cohersion

grammatical cohersion
General Ellipsis
Thus, the fMaSC-enriched population exhibits the multi-lineage cell differentiation and self-renewal characteristics expected of mammary(乳腺) stem cells, but at considerably higher concentration than found (the concentration ) in the adult.
Definition: Nominal substitution means the replacement of a noun or a noun phrase by a nominal substitute
1.Although the results of these studies are inconsistent, with no compelling support for any candidate, details about many of these, including those of biologically plausible candidates such as BDNF and COMT, are available in published reviews. 2. Table 1 lists published bipolar disorder genome-wide association studies, in which all samples are of European origin.
Definition: Coordinating conjunctions are conjunctions that join two or more items of equal syntactic importance, such as words, main clauses, or sentences.

文体学 Reference and Substitution

文体学  Reference and Substitution

Topic 1—Reference
1.3 Classification of Cohesion Cohesion is divided in into two kinds: grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion is subdivided into reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. And Lexical cohesion is subdivided into repetition, synonymy/atonymy, hyponymy/meronymy and collocation.
4. Activities
1) Peter had a wife but couldn‟t keep her. (Personal; endophoric → anaphoric) 2) I‟ll put you through into the Looking-glass House. How would you like that? (Demonstrative; endophoric → anaphoric) 3) Do you want to have another biscuit? (Comparative; endophoric →anaphoric) 4) This is the house(that) Jack built. (Demonstrative; endophoric → cataphoric) In 4) we know which „house‟ is being referred to, because we are told — it is the one built by Jack; and notice that the information comes after the occurrence of the the. 5) He who hesitates is lost. (Personal; endophoric → cataphoric)
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