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1. A cook B book

2. A father B mother

3. A postman B policeman

4. A juice B jelly

5. A tall B ball

6. A milk B meat

7. A paper B purple 8. A read B red


1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5. 6.

( ) ( ) ( )


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


1. 2.

A. I am fine, thank you! A. Yes, I do.

B. Yes, I like presents. B. Yes, I like meat.

3. 4.

A. No, he is thin. A. I see two birds.

B. Yes, he is fat. B. I like birds.

5. 6.

A. Three rabbits. A. No, he isn't.

B. I like rabbits. B. Yes, I am.


1. A. I can see a bee.

2. A. Take your present.

B. You see a bird. B. Open your present.

3. A. Drink some milk.

4. A. You are short.

B. Eat some cake. B. Are you short?

5. A. What can you see?

6. A. My uncle is a driver.

B. What can you do? B. My aunt is a doctor.


purple nurse banana blue

p u r p l e n n n J

m u n u r s e e s b

o o d b b a n a n a

n b l u e j m j i f


()1. A pink B purple C pig

( ) 2. A Coke B milk C sweet ( ) 3. A thin B yellow C short ( ) 4. A grandmother B cook C fireman ( ) 5. A blue B frog C bee

( ) 6. A sing B draw C red 九、看图,完成句子。12%

1. 2.

She is __ ____doctor. I am_______.

A. a young

B. an old A. thin B. fat

3. 4. .

I see______. This is a_______.

A. two sweets

B. jelly A. postman B. fireman

5. 6.

He is a______. I like______.

A. driver

B. doctor A. rice B. noodles


1. 2

A. This is my grandmother. A. I like new shoes.

B. My grandfather is old. B. I see old shoes.

3. 4.

A. Fold the paper. A. Happy birthday!

B. Draw on the paper. B. Happy New Year!

5. 6.

A. Open your mouth. A. My aunt is a teacher.

B. Open your bag. B. My uncle is a nurse.


Thin pig, fat pig

One and (two, three)

Thin pig, fat pig

I you (sing, see)

Fat cat up

Thin cat (dance, down)

They to play (like, milk)

Round and round


一听录音,圈出听到的单词,圈在字母代号上:(ABABABBA)1. cook 2 mother 3. postman 4 jelly 5 tall 6 meat7. purple 8. read 二.听录音,给单词编号:

1.short postman fisherman thin (2134)

2.jelly cake chicken rice (1243)


