
15、动物如何听到声咅1.When we talk about ears, we usually mean the oddly[ (odd):adj •奇数的]wrinkledtadj .右皱纹“勺]appendages[ (appendage) :n. |J(J on the sides of our heads.1、当我们提到耳朵,通常指那个生长在我们头部两侧的奇怪的褶皱的附属肢休。
2.We are aware[a.知道的,意识到的]that at the end of the central[adj・中心的,中央的]hole in this outer ear there is something called the middle ear, with an eardrum[n.耳膜]and a few little bones[ (bone):n.骨, 骨头].Even deeper lies the inner ear, the organ[n•器'吉]with which we ''hear2、我们知道,在外耳中孔的底部有东西称为中耳,它由一个耳豉和一些小骨骼构成。
3.Animals such as dogs and cats also have conspicuous [adj •明眼的,惹人注目的;炫辉的,摆阔气的]outer ears, but few of us probably [adv.很可能;大概]ever stopped to think whether there might[v.aux•可能;也许]be such a thing as a middle and inner ear beneath [prep •在…下面]those pointed tips[比 i p):n.ffi, 末端;小费].Yet, we know very well that these animals hear.3、诸如猫和狗这样的动物也有引人注忖的外耳,但很少人能够停下来去想,在竖立的尖儿下面,是否那里也右类似于屮耳和内耳的东四。

I. Vocabulary(20 points)1.Within days he became paralyzed, and people feared that he might die. But he _________.a. absorbedb. dissolvedc. discoveredd. recovered2. Tilden, the other presidential ______, actually received more votes.a. advocateb. candidatec. sponsord. opponent3. An Olympic runner wins a _______.a. medalb. modelc. modled. modest4. To find out how the bees managed to tell time, an unusual experiment was _______ four years ago.a. carried onb. carried awayc. carried outd. carried out5. Every society has its own peculiar custom and _____ of acting.a. waysb. behaviorc. attituded. means6. They ______ their knowledge in the exploding world of ideas.a. modernizeb. supplyc. updated. upgrade7. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ______ in a quiet neighborhood.a. all in allb. above allc. after all d over all8. It’s difficult to divine what constitutes an ______ tip in any country.a. appropriateb. thoughtfulc. considerabled. sufficient9. Shipbuilders would not _____ their money unless they knew that they could make a profit.a. investb. invent d. involve d. invite10. At the end of four years, these six extra hours of each year ____ twenty-four hours, or one full day.a. add up tob. make up forc. come up withd. put up with11. Don’t ______ this news to the public until we give you the go-head.a. releaseb. relievec. related. retain12. Earth is one of nine planets which ______ around the sun.a. spinb. rollc. rotated. revolve13. “No sense in you getting us both killed!” I yelled _____ him.a. atb. withc. tod. out14. What you have done is ______ doctor’s orders.a. attached tob. responsible toc. resistant tod. contrary to15. I want to express the _____ of all of us, for this wonderfully warm welcome.a. appreciationb. enjoyment d. evaluation d. reputation16. We hire and ______ people mainly for their ability to do business.a. proceedb. progressc. promised. promote17. According to government mandate in the Lion City, tipping is not ______.a. admittedb. remittedc. permittedd. emitted18. The environmental costs were regarded more as temporary inconveniences than as _____ liability.a. imaginativeb. peculiarc. persistentd. original19. Scientists predict that the world’s known oil resources will _____ early in the next century.a. run offb. run outc. run upd. run over20. Now a person works for a certain amount of money _____ he can pay for food and clothing.a. in caseb. so thatc. as tod. such asII. Grammar (20 points)21. The basic rock material is referred to ______.a. as the matrixb. be the matrixc. by scientist to be the matrixd. as being the matrix22. The oil industry of India ______ two World Wars and withstood the economic, social andpolitical upheavals of a particularly troubled century.a. survivedb. has survivedc. was survived tod. has been surviving23. Although baleen whale may weigh ______ twenty elephants, it feeds on sea plants andanimals.a. so much tob. as much toc. so much asd. as much as24. Man uses the energy for everything from flying to the moon to ______ about it.a. thinkb. thoughtc. thinkingd. will think25. _______ his arms over his head, Lincoln declared he was the “big buck of the lick.”a. Waveb. Wavingc. Wavedd. Been waved26. ______ retire are still able to receive pension that they have paid into the social security systemduring their working days.a. Most peopleb. since most peoplec. Most people ared. Most people who27. The reward was not always given to everyone, nor _____ to those who deserved it most.a. it was not givenb. was givenc. it was not given nord. was not it given28. Between 1890 and 1970 the monetary costs of supplying energy _____ more or less constantor declined.a. to stayb. was stayedc. stayedd. has stayed29. The water ________ Manhattan has been very important to New York.a. surroundb. is surroundedc. surroundingd. surrounded30. The assumption _____ human cloning rests is that all genetic cells contain exact copies of theoriginal set o9f genetic instructions.a. on whichb. on thatc. at whichd. which31. For the creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they ______ between layers of rock foran enormous length of time.a. been imprisonedb. shall be imprisonc. should be imprisond. will be imprisoned32. The gas-oil contact or gas-water contact_____ the lower limit of producible gas.a. isb. arec. wered. has been33. There is also an interest in sea horse, puffers and other salty types with shapes ____ and colors____ than even the showiest of fresh-water fish.a. more strange…more brightb. stranger…. brighterc. stranger… more brighterd. more strange…brighter34. _______ was a planted sapling of the American redwood tree.a. There is one of the giftsb. One of the gifts thatc. That one of the giftsd. One of thegifts35. An air ship _______ by energy from the sun has been suggested.a. poweringb. to powerc. is poweredd. powered36. Most scientists agree _______ was hot for at least a time.a. some of the moon thatb. some of the moon itc. that some of the moond. while some of the moon37. A group of scientists demanded that the federal government ____ all the studies it has founded on cloning.a. revealb. revealedc. is revealingd. must reveal38. _______ hearing is really produced in all animals by the effect of pressure is not definitely known by scientists.a. If or notb. Whether or notc. have never heard ofd. had never heard of39. It was something we ________.a. never hear ofb. have never heard ofc. never heard ofd. had never heard of40. “Could I borrow your bike?”“Yes, you_________”.a. canb. couldc. mayd. wouldIII. Reading comprehension (30 points)Question 41-44Saudi Arabia, OPEC’s cautious giant, understands all this. When Bill Clinton met Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Abdullah this week, Mr. Clinton argued for an output rise big eno ugh to put an end to these painful prices. Prince Abdullah has promised to “make every effort to ensure equilibrium in the oil markets and to stabilise prices.” This week he revealed that Saudi Arabia has been quietly leaking an extra 600,000 barrels per day (bpd) on to the market since July in an effort to cool prices..If that is true, it just goes to show that managing the oil markets is easier said than done. Despite several Saudi-inspired output increases by the cartel in recent months, the price has remained stubbornly high; this week, it soared to nearly $35 a barrel, the highest since theGulf war in 1990. As the cartel’s oil ministers gather in Vienna on September 10th to hammer out new production quotas, they are once again under intense pressure to release more oil, and fast.To hear OPEC members talk, you might think that serious price relief is on the way. There is discussion of “managing” prices down through a newish price mechanism. At the cartel’s meeting in March, ministers quietly agreed a grand new plan to keep oil within a target band of $22-28 a barrel. If the price of a basket of seven OPEC crudes stays below $22 for 20 trading days, the cartel is supposed to cut production by 500,000 barrels a 0ay. If it stays above $28 for 20 trading days, it will automatically raise production by the same amount. This price band has become the main topic of discussion in advance of the upcoming gathering of ministers. Prince Abdullah even talks of a return to a stable market within months.Oil traders and analysts note that the 20-day limit looks likely to be triggered again this week.A new report by Lehman Brothers, an investment bank, echoes the view of many: “Our expectation is that production will be increased by 500,000 bpd, either through the price mechanism or through a separate agreement.” When it released new figures suggesting that domestic oil-stock levels are lower than previously thought, the American government’s Energy Information Administration added that it too expects an increase of that size. Adding support to this theory are mumblings from OPEC delegates in support of the mechanism.Two decades ago, in the year of the cartel’s 20th birthday celeb rations, ministers gathered in Indonesia to hammer out details of a clever new scheme: a mechanism whereby the price of oil would be fixed, and adjusted every quarter automatically for such factors as inflation and currency fluctuations. Members had agreed on the ambitious plan, except for one crucial detail: at what price to start this price-peg crawling. The cautious Saudis, the self-proclaimed guardians of the oil market, wanted a price below $30 a barrel; the hawks in the cartel, unconcerned about consumers’ pain, demanded a much higher price. The ensuing bickering ensured that the scheme collapsed.History may now be repeating itself. When the current price-stabilization scheme was first unveiled, punters with short memories placed big bets that the cartel would adhere to it. By mid-June, the price basket had sailed past the 20-day upper trigger. But OPEC did not “automatically” release 500,000 barrels. Various confused and contradictory explanations surfaced from ministers, but not the oil. Only at their next officially scheduled meeting did they come upwith a meager quota increase.41. The passage confirms thata. high oil prices can be controlled if OPEC increase oil output.b. Bill Clinton accomplished his mission for the visit to Prince Abdullah.c. Abdullah made all his efforts to control oil price without considering the benefits of his own country.d. managing the oil market is easier said than done.42. How many oil price schemes were recommended by OPEC ministers according to the passage?a. Oneb. Twoc. Threed. Four43. What’s the author’s opinion about Saudi Arabia?a. Saudi Arabia is the largest country among the members of OPEC.b. Saudi Arabia is the most active country in OPEC to control oil prices for the benefit of the rest of the world.c. Saudi Arabia is the guardian of the world oil market.d. Saudi Arabia seems to have strong intention to control the oil prices to a acceptable level, but ittakes actions very carefully for the consideration of its own benefit.44. What can you infer from the passage?a. OPEC is, in the most cases, not reliable.b. all the members of OPEC have the intention to lower oil prices when the prices get very high.c. The oil prices are fully controlled by the market and OPEC can do nothing with them eventhough they wish tod. In most cases OPEC has been very efficient in managing oil prices.Question 45-48The horse preceded man on earth. Although the earliest remains of primitive horses have been found on the North American continent, many scientist believe this small species traveled over a land mass in the Bering Sea to found the beginnings of the modern horse in Asia. It became extinct in America. Other scientists believe that the horse may have originated in Asia. In any event the animal soon spread into China, Europe, and the Middle East. The first modern horses to be introduced into the American continent came with the early Spanish explorers. Horses were bred into many types. The heavy horses developed in the low countries of Europe and were used for Arabian. The only true wild horses left in the 20th century are found in Mongolia. Horses are said to rate in intelligence after the ape, elephant, and dog. They have excellent memories and can sometimes find their way home when lost, and sense danger better that their masters. The early civilizations of man that had made use of ht horse developed more rapidly than those which did not.45. Some of the characteristics of the horse are _________a. poor memoriesb. great loyaltyc. more intelligent the dogd. in some areas they can surpass the abilities of man46. The horse originated___________a. in the Middle Eastb. in Europec. on the North American continentd. in Spain47. The primary uses of the horse for early man were ___________a. for foodb. for prestigec. to make moneyd. to work for him48. What can be said about the varieties of horses?a. The early horses were larger than the more modern breeds.b. The only true wild horses left in the 20th century are in the Middle East.c. The oldest breed of the modern horse is said to be the Arabian.d. Medieval knights preferred fast, active horses.Questions 49-52Recent intrusions into the lives of public figures have highlighted the lack of laws guarding privacy in Britain. As a result, one issue under discussion as Parliament returns this week is the possible introduction of legislation to curb press powers.The government will probably take no action until it receives a report from a committee chaired by Sir David Calcutt, due in January 1993. the committee is examining whether the press should be regulated by tougher legislation. It is also considering the ways in which the press has invaded the private lives of the famous.The Calcutt committee has reported once before, in 1990. it recommendations led to the creation of the Press Complaints Commission, under which the press was given the chance to regulate itself without the need for a privacy law. It also proposed a new criminal offence of physical intrusion to obtain information for publication.This proposal, which was not acted upon, would have made it unlawful to photograph people on private property to record their conversations without permission. It would have made it an offence to enter a property to place a bug or obtain personal information.The committee said that the press should be allowed to invade the privacy of a public figure only when it was likely to expose or prevent criminal activity, otherwise his or privacy should be left alone. But a general law protecting privacy was rejected.Since then, reports in some newspapers and magazines about people’s private lives have ignored the committee’s recommendations. The private lives of Government Ministers and members of the Royal Family have featured prominently in the press. Photographs of the Duchess of York Sunbathing in France, for example, have been widely published.Some sections of the media justify their intrusion by saying it is in the public interest. In a democracy, they argue, the public has a right to know what people in positions of power are doing. Politicians and others are accountable for their lives. Privacy laws, these critics say, would protect the privileged.Additionally, many politicians use their private lives to gain popular support, for example by parading their families before cameras to emphasized “traditional value”. Hence, some editors say they are justified in prying into private lives to uncover any faults.Likewise, the Royal Family is supported from public funds, and therefore it is argued that its members should lead responsible private lives.49. Which of the following occurred recently in Britain?a. a report from a committee chaired by Sir David Calcutt. B. Intrusion into the lives of public figuresc. Introduction of legislation to cub press powerd. The Government’s action to protect privacy.50. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?a. The press has more freedom to publish privacy of the famous after the foundation of the PressComplaints Commission.b. To photograph public figures on public property is legal.c. A privacy law is unnecessary since the press has the ability to regulate itself.d. The Press Complaints Commission was formed out of the press and thus did something in favorof the press51. What kind of people are likely to appreciate the invasion of their private life?a. The members of Calcutt committeeb. royal familyc. pop starsd. somegovernment leaders52. Which is a lawful purpose for intrusion into privacy?a. To disclose criminal activityb. To be in agreement with Privacy Lawc. To gain popular supportd. To protect the privilegedQuestions 53-56When did sport begin? If sport is, in essence, play, the claim might be made that sprot is much older than humankind for, as we all have observed, the beasts play. Dogs and cats wrestle and play ball games. Fished and birds dance. The apes have simple, pleasurable games. Frolicking infants, school children playing tag, and adult arm wrestlers are demonstrating strong, trans-generational and trans-species bonds with the universe of animals past present and future. Young animals, particularly, tumble, chase, run wrestle, mock, imitate, and laugh( or so it seems) to the point of delighted exhaust. Their play, and ours, appears to serve no other purpose than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently to remove us temporarily form the anguish of life in earnest.Some philosophers have claimed that our playfulness is the most noble part of our basic nature. In their generous conception, play harmlessly and experimentally permits us to put our creative forces, fantasy, and imagination into action. Play is release form the tedious battles against scarcity and decline which are the incessant, and inevitable, tragedies of life. This is a grand conception that excites and provokes. The holders of this view claim that origins of our highest accomplishments-liturgy, literature and law-can be traced to play a impulse which, paradoxically, we see most purely enjoyed by young beasts and children. Our sports, in this rather happy, non-fatalistic view of human nature, are more splendid creations of the non-datable, trans-species play impulse.53. The best title for the passage is _________a. Games for Animalsb. The Origins and Meaning of Playc. A Playful View of Modern Philosophyd. The Role of Sport in Child Development54. It seems to the author that young animals play in order to ________a. gain pleasureb. learn specific behavior patternsc. delight their ownersd. exercise their growing muscles55. One may infer from the passage that play is important to adults because it helps them_____a. understand their childrenb. interact more with animals and naturec. channel their creativityd. improve their physical strength56. The word “noble” could best be replace by which of the following?a. snobbishb. wealthyc. royald. admirableQuestion 57-60To ensure similarity in scientific investigation or monitoring, nationally and internationally agreed standards are being introduced. Several systems of documenting experimental methods and procedures are in use today and are becoming increasingly important for indicating data quality and verifying the integrity of studies. One such approach is Good Laboratory Practice which was introduced in 1982 by the Health and Safety Executive to monitor the testing of industrial chemicals. Since 1982 the range of laboratories inspected has been extended to include those working with pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, cosmetics and food additives. Good Laboratory Practice is concerned with the way. laboratory or field studies are planned, monitored, recorded and reported and the conditions under which this occurs. Following the principles of GLP ensures that the studies are properly planned, can be adequately carried out and are fully and accurately reported. As pan ofthe planning, execution and reporting of a study, the various processes carried out are carefully documented as Standard Operating Procedures.The value of long-term observation of environmental factors has only been recognized relatively recently although some monitoring of the environmental factors have been in existence for over a century. The best known long-term study is probably the Broadbalk Experiment at Rothamsted. Broadbalk and the other long-term experiments at Rothamsted and elsewhere are now proving to be extremely valuable by answering questions not considered, nor even conceived, when they were originally set up. Even so they are limited in geographic scope and by the fact that they are confined to one land use category. Current environmental and ecological monitoring networks, while not limited geographically, have in the main been set up to measure just one aspect of the environment. In contrast, the Environmental Change Network (ECN) was set up to give added value to long-term monitoring and data collection by providing a network of sites in different parts of the U.K. and under a variety of land use conditions where comparable long-term data on a wide variety of environmental variables could be recorded.The idea of a network such as ECN was first considered in the mid 1970s but the concept did not reach fruition until 1992. The selection of the initial network of terrestrial sites was based on a range of criteria. One of the most important requirements, given the intended long-term nature of the project, was financial security although consistent quality of research was also required. The project intended that other sites representing more variable climate zones and land use will eventually join the network as funding becomes available.The monitoring carded out at each ECN site covers a range of physical, chemical and biological measurements. Where possible procedures and measurements used by existing national monitoring schemes are employed so that ECN provides an integrating function for the more extensive sectorial networks. Environmental changes due to factors such as climate change are likely to be difficult to identify against the background noise arising from the numerous sources, both natural and man-made, of environmental variability. It is desirable, therefore, to minimize any additional variation due to operator involvement. To this end, and to ensure consistency and repeatability, protocols for each of the key measurements were produced.57. How many experiment(s) was (were) conducted on the monitoring of the environmental factors?a. Unknownb. Twoc. threed. one58. What does the underlined word mean in “One such approach is Good Laboratory Practice which was introduced in 1982 by the Health and Safety Executive to monitor the testing of industrial chemicals?”a. Performanceb. Standardc. Experimentd. Repetition59. Which is the correct description of “ Environment Change Network?”a. It is a network which is expected to provide environmental and ecological data representingmore geographical areasb. It is a current environmental and ecological network to measure only one aspect of theenvironmentc. Environmental Change Network remained functioning until 1992.d. Environmental Change Network was wet up to make long-term monitoring of environmentmore costly60. The passage implies, though it does not explicitly state, that _______ is ( are) the mostpromising approach to the long-term monitoring of environmental factors.a. Broasbalk Experimentb. Good Laboratory Practicec. Environmental Change Networkd. Standard Operating ProceduresCloze (10 points)Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They ______ that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the _______ man. But they insisted that its ______ results during the period from 1750 to 1850 were widespread poverty and misery for the _______of the English population. _______ contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650-1750, when England was still a _______ agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.This view, _____ , is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists _______ history and economics, have ______ two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was _______ by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace (平民).61. a. admitted b. believed c. claimed d. predicted62 a. plain b. average c. mean d. normal63. momentary b. prompt c. instant d. immediate64. bulk b. host c. gross d. magnitude65. In b. With c. For d. By66. a. broadly b. thoroughly c. generally d. completely67. a. however b. meanwhile c. therefore d. moreover68. a. at b. in c. about d. for69. a. manifested b. approved c. shown d. speculated70. a. noted b. impressed c. labeled d. markedTranslation (20 points)The chemical industry depends very heavily on petroleum and natural gas as sources of raw materials. It is likely that in excess of 80% of the literally thousands of different basic organic chemicals employed today are derived from these sources.The petrochemical industry has grown with the petroleum industry. As is the case with the latest trends in changing crude oil types, it must also evolve to meet changing technological and humanitarian needs.The manufacture of chemicals from petroleum and natural gas constituents is an excellent example of the conversion of such materials to more valuable products. The individual chemicals made from petroleum and natural gas numerous and include industrial chemicals, household chemicals and paints, as well as intermediates for the manufacture of products, such as synthetic rubber and plastics.The processing of petroleum hydrocarbon to yield materials that are, essentially, the building blocks of other chemicals industries, is now very extensive.The classification of materials such as petrochemicals is used to indicate the source of the chemical compounds, but it should be remembered that many common petrochemicals can be made form other sources, and the terminology is therefore a matter of source identification., Petrochemicals are generally chemical compounds derived from petroleum either by direct manufacture or by indirect manufacture as by-products from the variety of processes that are used during the refining of petroleum. Gasoline, fuel oils, lubricating oils, waxes, asphalts, and the like are excluded from the definition of petrochemicals, since they are not, in the true sense, chemical compounds but are in fact intimate mixtures of hydrocarbons.B级The chemical industry depends very heavily on petroleum and natural gas as sources of raw materials. It is likely that in excess of 80% of the literally thousands of different basic organic chemicals employed today are derived from these sources.The petrochemical industry has grown with the petroleum industry. As is the case with the latest trends in changing crude oil types, it must also evolve to meet changing technological and humanitarian needs.The manufacture of chemicals from petroleum and natural gas constituents is an excellent example of the conversion of such materials to more valuable products. The individual chemicals made from petroleum and natural gas numerous and include industrial chemicals, household chemicals and paints, as well as intermediates for the manufacture of products, such as synthetic rubber and plastics.The processing of petroleum hydrocarbon to yield materials that are, essentially, the building blocks of other chemicals industries, is now very extensive.解析:I. Vocabulary(20 points)1. a. absorbed (吸收) b. dissolved (分解) c. discovered 发现 d. recovered 恢复(健康)2. a. advocate 鼓吹者 b. candidate候选人 c. sponsor 发起者 d. opponent 对手3. a. medal 奖牌 b. model 模特 c. modle (无此词) d. modest 和善的4.a. carried on 继续 b. carried away 得意忘形 c. carried out 执行d. carried over继续下去;使继续下去(2) 把…争取到自己这边来5. a. ways 方式(ways of acting=behavior 行为方式,整个短语等同于behaviour, 因此若用behavior就不能再出现acting,这两个词同义) b. behavior 行为 c. attitude 态度 d. means 手段,方法6. 在信息时代,他们时刻更新知识。
中国石油大学博士英语考试真题 北京

中国石油大学博士英语考试真题北京全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: China University of Petroleum Ph.D. English Exam Sample Paper BeijingChina University of Petroleum (CUP) is one of the leading universities in China, known for its excellence in engineering and natural sciences. To maintain its high academic standards, the university conducts rigorous Ph.D. English exams to assess the language proficiency of its students. Below is an example of a Ph.D. English exam paper from the university's Beijing campus.Section 1: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow:Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires immediate action. The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to a rise in global temperatures and disruptions in weather patterns. To mitigate the impact of climate change, countries around the world are investing in renewable energy sources such as solarand wind power. These clean energy alternatives can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and help protect the environment for future generations.Questions:1. What is the main cause of climate change?2. How can renewable energy sources help mitigate the impact of climate change?Section 2: WritingWrite an essay on the following topic:"The importance of sustainable development in the 21st century."Your essay should be at least 500 words long and cover the following points:- Definition of sustainable development- Benefits of sustainable development- Challenges to achieving sustainable development- Strategies for promoting sustainable developmentSection 3: SpeakingPrepare a 3-minute presentation on the topic "The role of technology in addressing environmental challenges." You will be evaluated on your fluency, pronunciation, and coherence.This is just a sample of the kind of questions that may appear on the Ph.D. English exam at China University of Petroleum, Beijing. Students are expected to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking English to pass the exam and pursue their doctoral studies at the university. Good luck to all the aspiring Ph.D. candidates!篇2China University of Petroleum (CUP) Doctoral English ExamInstructions:1. This exam consists of four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.2. You must complete all sections within the given time limit.3. Each section will test different aspects of your English proficiency.4. Pay attention to the instructions in each section.5. Write your answers clearly and legibly.Section 1: Listening ComprehensionPart A – Directions:In this part you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Part B – Directions:In this part, you will hear a passage. The passage will be read twice. After you hear the passage, you must complete the questions about the passage. Each question has four choices.Section 2: Reading ComprehensionPart A – Directions:For each question in this part, you will read four passages, each with a number of questions. Choose the best answer to each question and write the letter A, B, C or D on the corresponding line on the Answer Sheet.Part B – Directions:For questions 41-50, complete the sentences with the information given in the reading passages.Section 3: WritingPart A – Directions:In this part you'll be given a topic to write about. You must write at least 150 words.Section 4: SpeakingPart A – Directions:In this part you will be given a topic to discuss. You will have 2 minutes to prepare your response, and then you must speak for 1-2 minutes.Part B – Directions:In this part, you will be given a scenario and you must act it out in English.Best of luck!This is a sample format for the Doctoral English Exam at China University of Petroleum. Students are advised to prepare thoroughly for each section to achieve their desired score. Good luck!篇3China University of Petroleum (CUP) Doctoral English Exam in BeijingThe China University of Petroleum (CUP) is one of the leading universities in China for the study of petroleum engineering. As part of their doctoral program, students are required to pass an English exam to demonstrate theirproficiency in the language. The exam is typically held in Beijing, the capital city of China, and is a crucial step in the academic journey of CUP doctoral students.The CUP doctoral English exam covers a wide range of topics, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The reading section requires students to read academic articles and answer questions based on the content. The writing section tests students' ability to write essays on a given topic within a limited time frame. The listening section involves listening to recordings of lectures or conversations and answering questions based on the audio. The speaking section requires students to engage in a conversation with examiners on a variety of topics.Preparing for the CUP doctoral English exam is no easy task. Students must dedicate a significant amount of time and effort to improve their English language skills. Many students enroll in English language courses or hire tutors to help them prepare for the exam. Additionally, students often practice with past exam papers and sample questions to familiarize themselves with the format and content of the exam.On the day of the exam, students are anxious yet determined to perform well. The exam is a challenging test of their English proficiency, and passing it is essential for their academic success.Students must remain focused and composed throughout the exam, relying on their knowledge and skills to answer the questions to the best of their ability.After completing the exam, students eagerly await their results. Passing the CUP doctoral English exam is a significant milestone in their academic career, paving the way for further research and studies in the field of petroleum engineering. Those who do not pass the exam may have to retake it, adding more pressure and stress to their already demanding academic schedule.In conclusion, the CUP doctoral English exam in Beijing is a rigorous test that assesses students' English language skills and proficiency. It is a vital component of the doctoral program at CUP and plays a crucial role in shaping the academic future of students pursuing a career in petroleum engineering. Students must prepare thoroughly and approach the exam with confidence and determination to achieve success in this important milestone in their academic journey.。

2023年中石油职称英语考试真题及参照答案解析I. VocabularySection ADirections: There are some sentences inthis section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are tochoose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of theoriginal sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase.Then mark your answer on the answer sheet.1、In most countries,the crime of murder carries harsh penalties.A. unconsciousB. thriveC. severeD.prudent【参照答案】C【释义】harsh adj.残酷旳;严酷旳;严厉旳;恶劣旳unconscious adj.无知觉旳;昏迷旳;不省人事旳;无意识旳thrive v.繁华;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达severe adj.极为恶劣旳;十分严重旳;严厉旳;苛刻旳prudent adj.谨慎旳;谨慎旳;精明旳2、I tell my motherabout my trials at work and brag about the kids.A. lieB. boastC. secretiveD. feel awkward【参照答案】B【出处】2023版《通用选读》第28课That "Other Woman" in My Life第8段。
【释义】brag v.吹嘘;自吹自擂lie v.躺;说谎;撒谎;在于boast v.自夸;自吹自擂;有(值得自豪旳东西)secretive adj.(思想、情感等)不外露旳;惯于掩藏自己旳;有城府旳feelawkward 为难;作难;犯难3、The employee had to breakoff the conversation in order to wait on his manger.A. continueB. hurryC. beginD.discontinue 【参照答案】D【出处】MBA联考大纲英语词组。

2023中石油职称英语考试真题及答案2023 Sinopec Title English Exam Questions and AnswersIntroduction:For those working in the petroleum industry, obtaining a professional title is essential for career advancement. In China, Sinopec, one of the largest oil and gas companies, conducts annual title exams for employees to test their knowledge and skills in various aspects of the industry. The following are the English exam questions and answers for the 2023 Sinopec title exam.Exam Questions:Section 1: Vocabulary and Terminology1. What is the definition of "reservoir" in the oil and gas industry?a) A storage tank for crude oilb) An underground formation where oil and gas are trappedc) A pipeline used to transport petroleum productsd) A device used to measure oil reserves2. What does the term "upstream" refer to in the petroleum industry?a) Exploration and production of crude oil and natural gasb) Refining and processing of crude oil into petroleum productsc) Transportation and distribution of petroleum productsd) Marketing and sales of petroleum products3. Define the term "fracking" in the context of oil and gas extraction.a) A method of drilling using high-pressure water to extract oil and gasb) A process of sealing wellbores to prevent leaksc) A technique for measuring the viscosity of crude oild) A system for monitoring underground pressure in a reservoirSection 2: Technical Knowledge4. What is the primary purpose of a wellbore in oil and gas drilling?a) To store extracted oil and gasb) To transport oil and gas to the surfacec) To inject water or chemicals into the reservoird) To access and extract oil and gas from underground formations5. What is the typical composition of natural gas?a) Methaneb) Ethanolc) Dieseld) Gasoline6. What is the process of "fractionation" in oil refining?a) Separating crude oil into different components based on boiling pointsb) Mixing different grades of crude oil to create a new productc) Adding additives to improve the quality of gasolined) Collecting natural gas from underground reservoirsSection 3: Case Studies7. A drilling operation in a remote location is facing challenges with equipment maintenance and transportation logistics. How would you address these issues to ensure efficient operations?8. A refinery is experiencing pressure to reduce emissions and improve environmental performance. Provide recommendations for implementing sustainable practices in the refining process.Answers:1. b) An underground formation where oil and gas are trapped2. a) Exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas3. a) A method of drilling using high-pressure water to extract oil and gas4. d) To access and extract oil and gas from underground formations5. a) Methane6. a) Separating crude oil into different components based on boiling points7. To address equipment maintenance challenges, regular inspections and preventive maintenance schedules should be implemented. For transportation logistics, alternative transportation modes such as helicopters or drones can be considered.8. Recommendations for reducing emissions and improving environmental performance in a refinery include investing in pollution control technologies, optimizing energy efficiency, and utilizing renewable energy sources.Conclusion:The 2023 Sinopec title exam is designed to assess employees' knowledge and skills in various aspects of the oil and gas industry. By preparing for and successfully passing this exam, professionals can demonstrate their expertise and competency in their field, leading to career advancement opportunities within the company.。

2024年中石油英语考试时间English: The China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) English Exam for 2024 is scheduled to take place in the last week of September. This is part of the annual certification process for employees to assess their English language proficiency and ensure they meet the necessary requirements for their positions within the company. The exam will include sections on reading, writing, listening, and speaking, covering a range of topics related to the oil and gas industry, business communication, and general English language skills. Employees will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in English, which is essential for collaborating with international partners, attending conferences, and carrying out daily tasks in an increasingly globalized industry.中文翻译: 中国石油英语考试将于2024年9月的最后一周举行。

53 46. Why To Mark[vt.标明;作记号于] a Book.46、怎样在书上做标记1. You know you have to read "between the lines" to get the most out of anything.I want to persuade[vt.说服;劝说] you to do something equally[(equal):adj.平等的;均等的] important in the course of your reading. I want to persuade[vt.说服;劝说]you to "write between the lines." Unless[conj.除非,如果不]you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient[adj.(指人)有能力的]kind of reading.1、你知道读书必须要阅读,“字里行间的言外之意”,以求最充分的理解。
2. I contend[v.声称,坚决地认为], quite bluntly[(blunt):v.减弱], that marking[(mark):vt.标明;作记号于] up a book is not an act[vi.(戏)表演 vt.扮演(角色);演出(戏)] of mutilation[n.切断,毁损] but love.2、坦率地说,我认为,在书上涂抹标记不是一种损毁行为,而是爱。
3. You shouldn't mark[vt.标明;作记号于] up a book which isn't yours. Librarians[(librarian):n.图书馆管理员] (or your friends) who lend you books expect[vt.盼望;认为]you to keep them clean, and you should. If you decide that I am right about the usefulness of marking[(mark):vt.标明;作记号于]books, you will have to buy them. Most of the world's great books are available[adj.可利用的;可获得的] today, in reprint[n.再版,翻版,重印] editions[(edition):n.版;版本], for a modest[adj.谦虚的] sum[n.一笔钱].3、当然,你不应该在不属于你的书上做标记。

中石油英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The company has recently _______ a new policy regarding employee benefits.A) implementedB) interpretedC) demonstratedD) speculated答案:A2. Despite the heavy rain, they managed to _______ the project on time.A) accomplishB) abandonC) adaptD) access答案:A3. The manager _______ the importance of teamwork in achieving our goals.A) emphasizedB) exemplifiedC) prioritizedD) questioned答案:A4. The report _______ the environmental impact of the proposed construction project.A) underestimatesB) underestimatesC) overestimatesD) disregards答案:B5. She _______ her career in the oil industry after graduating from university.A) embarked onB) retreated fromC) excelled inD) overlooked答案:A6. The new regulations will _______ the safety standards in the industry.A) elevateB) deteriorateC) maintainD) nullify答案:A7. The team _______ the problem by conducting a series of experiments.A) identifiedB) replicatedC) ignoredD) dismissed答案:A8. The company is _______ to expand its operations overseas.A) hesitantB) eagerC) reluctantD) indifferent答案:B9. The _______ of the oil spill was a major concern for the environmentalists.A) scaleB) scopeC) scaleD) sequence答案:A10. The _______ of the project was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.A) initiationB) culminationC) terminationD) acceleration答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The _______ of the pipeline is crucial for the safe transportation of oil.答案:integrity12. The _______ of the drilling equipment must be checked regularly to ensure safety.答案:functionality13. The _______ of the exploration team is to find new oil reserves.答案:mission14. The _______ of the oil spill was estimated to be several thousand barrels.答案:volume15. The _______ of the company's environmental policy is a top priority.答案:implementation16. The _______ of the drilling process requires a high level of expertise.答案:complexity17. The _______ of the oil rig was due to a mechanical failure.答案:collapse18. The _______ of the project will be reviewed at the nextboard meeting.答案: progress19. The _______ of the new technology has significantly improved efficiency.答案:introduction20. The _______ of the oil field is estimated to last for several decades.答案:lifespan三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。

2022年中石油职称英语考试真题及答案2022 CNPC Professional English Exam Questions and AnswersSection 1: Multiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following statements about CNPC is true?A. CNPC is a state-owned enterprise.B. CNPC was established in 1988.C. CNPC is the largest oil company in the world.D. CNPC's headquarters is located in Shanghai.Answer: A. CNPC is a state-owned enterprise.2. What is CNPC's main business?A. TelecommunicationsB. Real estateC. Oil and gas explorationD. AgricultureAnswer: C. Oil and gas exploration3. How many subsidiaries does CNPC have?A. 10B. 25C. 50D. 100Answer: C. 50Section 2: Fill in the Blanks4. CNPC's main headquarters is located in__________. Answer: Beijing5. CNPC was established in__________.Answer: 19886. CNPC is one of the _________oil companies in the world. Answer: largestSection 3: True or False7. CNPC is a privately-owned company.Answer: False8. CNPC's main business is in telecommunications. Answer: False9. CNPC has subsidiaries in over 100 countries.Answer: TrueSection 4: Short Answer Questions10. What are some of the key challenges CNPC faces in the oil and gas industry?Answer: Some key challenges CNPC faces in the oil and gas industry include fluctuating oil prices, environmental concerns, and geopolitical risks.11. How does CNPC contribute to China's energy security?Answer: CNPC contributes to China's energy security by exploring and producing domestic oil and gas resources, as well as securing overseas energy assets through international partnerships and acquisitions.In conclusion, CNPC plays a crucial role in China's energy industry as a leading state-owned oil and gas company. By effectively managing its operations and expanding its global reach, CNPC continues to make significant contributions to China's energy security and economic development.。

中国石化英语分级测试第一篇How to be Happy 女口何获得幸福 (2)第二篇City Design 城市设计 (3)第三篇Population 人口 (4)第四篇Earthquake 地震 (5)第五篇The Aftermath of BP Fulf Oil Spill-—英国石油公司墨西哥湾原油泄漏 (6)第六篇Green Computers"绿色"电脑 (7)第七篇Cell Phones 手机 (8)第八篇Touch Tech触屏技术 (9)第九篇Fossil Fuels and Our Life化石燃料与我们的生活 (10)第十篇Carbon Emissions 碳排放 (11)第一篇Marine Pollution 海洋污染 (12)第十二篇China's Growth and the Clean Energy Tech屮国的经济增长与清洁能源技术 (13)第十三篇Market Economy 市场经济 (14)第十四篇CPI消费者物价指数 (15)第十五篇The Intemet互联网 (16)十六篇Apple Expands its Touchy-Feely Vision 苹果公口1 用iPad 延续梦想 (17)十七篇3G Technology 技术 (18)十八篇Carbon Capture and Storage 碳捕获和储存 (19)十九篇GlobalWarming全球变暖 (20)二十篇Altemalc Energies 替代能源 (21)二-一篇Biofuels生物燃料 (22)二十二篇Coal Chemicallndustry 煤化学工业 (23)二十三篇Resource Curse 资源诅咒 (24)二十四篇Company Management公司管理 (25)二十五篇Recruitment Drives Take Talent from Wide Pool 人才库 (26)二十六篇Tips for Job Seekers找工作的秘诀 (27)二十七篇Chinese Oil Market屮国石油市场 (28)二十八篇Oil Trade石油贸易 (29)二十九篇How I Lost My Head in the Volcanic Ash Cloud 令人发疯的火山灰 (30)三十篇Project Management项目管理 (31)第一篇How to be Happy如何获得幸福Tn the past two weeks we have looked at the happ in ess formula defined by pos itive psychologist Martin Seligman, where H (happiness) 二S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make). 过去两周我们研究了一项幸彳畐公式,这是由乐观心理学家马丁•塞利格曼定义的。

中石油英语水平考试资料English:The English proficiency exam for China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is an essential requirement for employees to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in English. The exam covers reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, and is designed to evaluate the candidate's overall English proficiency. Employees are expected to have a solid understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, and the ability to use English in various work-related scenarios. The exam is a crucial tool for assessing employees' language skills and ensuring they can effectively communicate with colleagues, clients, and partners in the international market.中文翻译:中国石油总公司(CNPC)的英语水平考试是对员工进行英语有效沟通能力评估的重要工具。

以下是一些建议,帮助考生更好地备考和应对考试:1. 音频材料:寻找与考试内容类似的英语听力材料进行练习。
2. 口语练习:与他人进行口语练习,模拟考试场景,提升自己的口语表达能力。
3. 记笔记:在听力过程中,注意关键词和重要信息,并记下来。
4. 时间管理:在考试过程中,注意控制时间。
5. 放松心态:要有充分的信心,相信自己的英语水平。

1(5.0分)This flower smells ________. I like it a lot.•A)bad••B)badly••C)well••D)good•参考答案: D收起解析解析:无2(5.0分)Don’t talk so loudly. Your father ________.•A)sleeps••B)slept••C)is sleeping••D)has slept•参考答案: C收起解析解析:无3(5.0分)I have been feeling ill _______.•A)late••B)latest••C)lately••D)later•参考答案: C收起解析解析:无4(5.0分)The mother together with her sons ______ asked to go to thecourt.•A)are••B)have••C)were••D)was•参考答案: D收起解析解析:无5(5.0分)My aunt has lived in New York _________ 1995.•A)for••B)during••C)in••D)since•参考答案: D收起解析解析:无6(5.0分)I agree with him to some _______, but not entirely.•A)expand••B)extent••C)express••D)expensive•参考答案: B收起解析解析:无7(5.0分)Reporters should ______ investigating the facts.such as••B)no matter how••C)to some extent••D)stick to•参考答案: D收起解析解析:无8(5.0分)_______ joyful he was to meet his father again!•A)What••B)How•How a••D)What a•参考答案: B收起解析解析:无9(5.0分)—Have you finished your housework____?—Yes. I have____ finishe•A)yet,already••B)already,yet••C)ever,never••D)still,just•参考答案: A收起解析解析:无10(5.0分)Both you and I ________ finished the work in time.•A)am••B)have••C)are••D)is•参考答案: B收起解析解析:无11(5.0分)—How are you?—________•A)I am quite good.••B)I am very sorry.••C)How are you?••D)Fine,thank you.•参考答案: D收起解析解析:无12(5.0分)John’s father ______ maths in this school ever since he graduated•A)taught••B)teaches••C)has taught••D)is teaching•参考答案: C收起解析解析:无13(5.0分)Our team _______ every match so far this year, but we still have t•A)was winning••B)has won•C)had won••D)wins•参考答案: B收起解析解析:无14(5.0分)Nothing can stop him from ________.•A)come••B)coming••C)to come••D)comes参考答案: B收起解析解析:无15(5.0分)Do I have to take this medicine? It _______ so terrible.•A)tastes••B)is tasting••C)is tasted••D)has tasted•参考答案: A收起解析解析:无16(5.0分)If it _______ tomorrow, we’ll go swimming.•A)isn’t raining••B)don’t rain••C)isn’t to rain••D)doesn’t rain•参考答案: D收起解析解析:无17(5.0分)Jerry didn’t tell the story to _______ students in the class.•A)another•others••C)both••D)other•参考答案: D收起解析解析:无18(5.0分)Eating ______ is bad for your health.•A)many••B)many much••C)too much•much too•参考答案: C收起解析解析:无19(5.0分)The word “recently” means ________.•A)昨天••B)直播的••C)最近••D)结构•参考答案: C收起解析解析:无20(5.0分)He learned to speak English ______ months.•A)within••B)from••C)on••D)at•参考答案: A收起解析解析:一、单选题答题要求:每题只有一个正确的选项。

中石化英语水平测试(Sinopec English Test,简称SET)是由中国石油化工集团公司(Sinopec Group)主办,国内外知名语言专家和计算机技术专家共同开发的一种基于计算机网络的英语水平考试。

中石油备考英语试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The company has decided to ________ the new project.A. go ahead withB. go back toC. go along withD. go through with答案:A2. He ________ the meeting because he had to attend an important interview.A. called offB. called upC. called inD. called for答案:A3. The manager asked her secretary to ________ the documents.A. type outB. type upC. type overD. type in答案:B4. The new policy will ________ a significant impact on the industry.A. haveB. takeC. makeD. bring答案:A5. The project was ________ due to lack of funds.A. put offB. put awayC. put downD. put up答案:A6. The company is ________ to expand its business in the international market.A. looking forwardB. aiming atC. heading forD. aiming to答案:D7. The report ________ the latest findings in the field of renewable energy.A. coversB. includesC. involvesD. contains答案:A8. The team ________ the project successfully within the deadline.B. carried overC. carried onD. carried through答案:D9. The company is ________ a new marketing strategy to increase sales.A. developingB. developing upC. developing onD. developing into答案:A10. The meeting was ________ to discuss the company's future plans.A. called offB. called upC. called in答案:D二、阅读理解题(每题3分,共30分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答11-15题。

中石油英语职称考试真题2022全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Experience Taking the 2022 PetroChina English Job Title ExamHi guys, today I want to share with you my experience taking the PetroChina English Job Title Exam in 2022. It was a really big deal for me because I wanted to get a promotion at work. I had been studying really hard for this exam, and I was super nervous on the day of the test.When I got to the test center, there were a lot of other people there taking the exam too. I felt like I was in a big competition! The first part of the exam was listening and reading comprehension. They played some recordings, and we had to answer questions about them. Then we had to read some passages and answer questions about those too. It was pretty challenging, but I tried my best.After that, we had to write an essay about a topic they gave us. I was a little worried about this part because I'm not the bestat writing essays. But I just tried to remember all the grammar and vocabulary I had studied, and I think it turned out okay.Finally, there was a speaking test. We had to talk about a topic with the examiners. I was really nervous for this part because I'm not used to speaking in front of people. But I just tried to relax and speak as clearly as I could.Overall, the exam was tough, but I think I did my best. I'm still waiting for the results, and I really hope I passed. Wish me luck, guys!篇2Hi guys! Today, let's talk about the CNPC English professional title exam in 2022. It's super important for all the employees working at CNPC to take this exam and get certified. So, let's dive into the details of this exam.The CNPC English professional title exam covers a wide range of topics, including oil and gas industry knowledge, English vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills. It consists of multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises, and writing tasks. You gotta be prepared for anything!To pass the exam, you gotta study hard and practice a lot. Make sure to review all the materials provided and take plenty of practice tests. It's also helpful to read English newspapers, watch English TV shows, and chat with your colleagues in English to improve your language skills.On the day of the exam, stay calm and focused. Don't rush through the questions, take your time to read and understand each one. Double-check your answers before submitting the exam. And most importantly, believe in yourself and stay positive!After the exam, you'll have to wait for the results. If you pass, congratulations! You'll receive a certificate and a higher professional title. If you don't pass, don't worry, you can always retake the exam and try again.So, are you ready to ace the CNPC English professional title exam in 2022? Let's study hard and show everyone how awesome we are! Good luck, everyone!篇3Title: My Experience Taking the 2022 CNPC English Professional Qualification ExamHey guys! Today I want to share with you all about my experience taking the 2022 CNPC English Professional Qualification Exam. It was quite a challenging but fun experience!So, the exam had different sections like listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening part was a bit tough because they spoke really fast, but I tried my best to focus and understand the conversations. The reading section had some tricky questions, but I managed to answer most of them.Now, the writing part was my favorite! I got to write an essay on a topic I am passionate about - protecting the environment. I wrote about the importance of recycling and reducing plastic waste. It felt great to express my thoughts and ideas on paper.Lastly, the speaking section was nerve-wracking! I had to talk about a topic randomly chosen by the examiner. I talked about my favorite hobby - playing football. I stumbled a bit, but I tried to speak fluently and confidently.Overall, it was a great experience taking the exam. I learned a lot and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I can't wait to see the results and hopefully pass the exam!That's all for now. Thanks for listening, guys! See you next time!篇4Title: My Experience Taking the 2022 CNPC English Professional ExamHello everyone! Today I'm going to share with you my experience taking the 2022 CNPC English Professional Exam. It was a big challenge for me, but I managed to do my best and have a lot of fun along the way.First of all, the exam had different sections like listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening part was a bit tricky because they played recordings of people speaking really fast! But I focused hard and tried my best to understand what they were saying.The reading part was my favorite because I love reading books and stories. I had to read some passages and answer questions about them. It was like solving a mystery and I felt like a detective trying to find the right answers.When it came to the writing section, I was a little nervous because I had to write an essay about a given topic. I wrote about my favorite cartoon character and why I liked them. I poured my heart into it and hoped the examiners would understand how much I loved that character.Finally, the speaking part was a bit scary because I had to talk in front of a microphone. I talked about my hobbies and what I like to do in my free time. It was a great chance to show off my speaking skills and I felt proud of myself.In the end, I passed the exam and got my certificate. I was so happy and proud of myself for overcoming the challenges and doing my best. I can't wait to take the exam again next year and see how much I can improve.That's all for today! Thank you for listening to my story about the CNPC English Professional Exam. Bye bye!篇5Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about the 2022 China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) English professional title examination. It is a really important test for people working in the oil and gas industry in China.The CNPC English professional title examination is divided into different levels, such as Level A, Level B, and Level C. Each level has its own set of requirements and topics that need to be covered. For example, Level A focuses on basic English skills and vocabulary, while Level B involves more technical and professional knowledge related to the oil and gas industry. LevelC is the highest level and tests the most advanced English skills and specialized knowledge in the field.In order to pass the examination, candidates need to study hard and prepare well. They need to practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English, as well as familiarize themselves with industry-specific terminology and concepts. It's a challenging test, but with dedication and hard work, anyone can pass it.So if you're thinking about taking the CNPC English professional title examination in 2022, make sure to start preparing early and give it your best shot. Good luck to all the candidates, and remember, practice makes perfect! Let's all work hard and achieve our goals in the oil and gas industry!篇6I'm a primary school student and I want to share with you the 【2022 CNPC English professional title examination】. The test paper is full of fun and interesting questions that will challenge your English skills!In the reading section, you will be asked to read a passage and answer questions about it. The passage might be about the oil industry, environmental protection, or ways to save energy.Make sure to read carefully and understand the main ideas before answering the questions.In the listening section, you will listen to a conversation or a lecture and answer questions based on what you hear. It's important to listen carefully and take notes to make sure you understand the information correctly.The writing section will test your ability to express your ideas clearly and effectively in English. You might be asked to write an essay, a report, or a letter on a given topic. Remember to organize your ideas well and use proper grammar and vocabulary.The speaking section is where you will have a conversation with the examiner. You might be asked to introduce yourself, talk about your hobbies, or discuss a current issue. Remember to speak clearly and confidently.Overall, the CNPC English professional title examination is a great opportunity to showcase your English skills and prove your proficiency in the language. So study hard, practice regularly, and you'll do great on the test!篇7Wow! Guess what? I just took the 2022 English professional title examination for China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and I want to tell you all about it!First of all, let me tell you that the test was super fun. There were a lot of multiple-choice questions and somefill-in-the-blank questions too. We had to read passages and answer questions about them. It was kind of like a reading comprehension test in school, but a little bit harder.One of the questions asked us to describe the process of oil extraction. I remembered learning about that in science class, so I knew the answer right away. It was all about drilling deep into the ground and pumping out the oil. Easy peasy!There were also some questions about different types of fuels and how they are used. I had to think really hard about those ones, but I think I did pretty well.Overall, I think I did a great job on the test. I studied really hard and I felt very prepared. I can't wait to find out my results and see if I passed. I hope I did!Well, that's all for now. I'll let you know how I did on the test when I find out. Bye for now!篇8Title: My Experience Taking the 2022 PETROCHINA English Job Title ExamHello everyone! My name is Lucy and I'm a primary school student. Today I want to share with you my experience taking the 2022 PETROCHINA English job title exam. It was really fun and challenging at the same time!First of all, let me tell you about the exam. It had different sections like listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening part was a bit difficult for me because some of the words were really fast. But I tried my best to understand and answer the questions.The reading part was my favorite because I love reading stories and articles. I had to read passages and answer questions based on them. It was interesting to learn about different topics like science, history, and animals.The writing part was a bit tricky because I had to write an essay about my favorite hobby. I chose to write about drawing and how it makes me happy. I also had to write a letter to a friend inviting them to my birthday party. It was so much fun!The speaking part was the most nerve-wracking for me. I had to talk about a topic for 2 minutes without stopping. I chose totalk about my summer vacation and all the fun things I did. It was a bit scary but I managed to do it!Overall, I had a great time taking the PETROCHINA English job title exam. I learned a lot and had fun at the same time. I can't wait to see my results and hopefully get a job at PETROCHINA in the future. Thank you for listening to my story!篇9Oh, hi there! Today I want to talk to you about the 2022 Sinopec English professional title examination! If you're preparing for this exam, you're in the right place. Let's get started!First of all, let's talk about why this exam is important. Passing the Sinopec English professional title examination can help you advance your career in the petroleum industry. It shows that you have a good understanding of English and can communicate effectively in a professional environment. Plus, it looks great on your resume!Now, let's discuss what you can expect in the exam. The exam will test your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. You'll be asked to answer questions, write essays, and participate in conversations. It might sound a little intimidating,but don't worry! With some practice and preparation, you'll do just fine.To prepare for the exam, make sure to study regularly and use a variety of resources. Practice listening to English podcasts, reading articles, and writing essays. You can also find study guides and practice tests online to help you prepare.On the day of the exam, make sure to arrive early and bring all necessary materials. Stay calm and focused, and do your best on each section of the exam. Remember, it's okay to make mistakes – just keep going and do your best.After the exam, don't forget to celebrate your hard work! And if you don't pass this time, don't get discouraged. Keep practicing and try again next year. You've got this!So, there you have it – a little guide to the 2022 Sinopec English professional title examination. Good luck, and remember to believe in yourself! Happy studying!篇10Title: My Experience Taking the 2022 PetroChina English Professional Title ExamHello everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience of taking the 2022 PetroChina English Professional Title Exam. It was a big challenge for me, but I managed to pass it with flying colors!First of all, I had to study really hard for the exam. I reviewed all my English textbooks from school and practiced grammar and vocabulary every day. I also did a lot of practice tests to get myself familiar with the format of the exam.On the day of the exam, I was so nervous! But I tried to stay calm and focused. The exam had different sections like reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The reading section was the toughest for me because I had to read long passages and answer questions about them. But I did my best and managed to finish all the questions on time.The writing section was not too bad. I had to write an essay on a given topic. I chose to write about my favorite pet and why I love it so much. I made sure to use good grammar and vocabulary in my essay.The listening section was a bit tricky because the speakers talked really fast! But I listened carefully and managed to answer all the questions correctly. The speaking section was the mostfun for me. I had to talk about a topic for a few minutes. I chose to talk about my last vacation and all the fun things I did.At the end of the exam, I felt relieved and proud of myself for completing it. A few weeks later, I received my results and I passed the exam with a high score! I was so happy and excited to share the news with my friends and family.Overall, taking the 2022 PetroChina English Professional Title Exam was a challenging but rewarding experience for me. I learned a lot during the preparation process and I feel more confident in my English skills now. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me as I continue to improve my English proficiency. Thank you for listening to my story!。

Lesson 1 English Is a Crazy Language1.English muffins weren’t invented in England _______ French fries in France.A. whileB. notC. eitherD. nor2. Sweetmeats are candies ______ sweetbread, which aren’t sweet, are meat.A. whatB. asC. whichD. while3. We take English for _______.A. groundB. greatC. grantedD. grant4. But if we explore its ________, we find that quicksand can work slowly.A. paradeB. paraphrasesC. paragraphsD. Paradoxes5. Did you make ______ to Tom for his loss?A. mendB. mindC. amendsD. amend6. You can _______ through the annals of history.A. combineB. combC. tombD. combat7. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of _____________of them, what do you call it?A. one but allB. all only oneC. all but oneD. all besides one8. Sometimes I think all the English speakers should ___________ to an asylum for verbally insane.A. be permittedB. be omittedC. vomitedD. be committed9. How can the _________ be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another?A. climateB. whether C weather D. climb10. You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language _________ your house can burn up as it burnsdown.A. whatB. about whichC. of whichD. in which11. My alarm clock _________ at 6 every morning.A. goes onB. goes offC. gets upD. gets out答案:1D 2D 3C 4 D 5 C 6 B 7C 8D 9C 10 D 11BLesson 2 All I Learned in Kindergarten1.When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands and _______ together.A. stickB. stuckC. strikeD. struck2. Put things back _______ you found them.A. whatB. whileC. whereD. which3. Goldfish and hamsters all die. ___________.A. So do usB. So we doC. So are weD. So do we4. Think of what a better world _________ if we all had cookies and milk about 3 o’clock every afternoon.A. would it beB. it would beC. will it beD. it going to be5. It would be a better world if we all ______ with our blankets for a nap.A. lay downB. laid downC. lain downD. lied down6. No matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it _______ to hold hands and stick together.A. would betterB. had betterC. be betterD. is better答案:1A 2C 3D 4B 5A 6DLesson 3 On Mobile Office1.Mobile office is the mutual product of _______, scientific, and social progress.A. economyB. economicC. economicsD. ecology2. it has become a solution that provide users with ______, prompt, reliable and reasonably pricedcommunications and office faculty.A. convenientB. conventionC. concertD. convert3. Using mobile office and W AP technology, people can do their work via ________ such as mobile phoneand palm computer.A. termsB. terminalsC. criminalD. techniques4.MIP is an important network support technology to ________Mobile office.A. accompanyB. accomplishC. companyD. compare5. When your clients need you to make some urgent modifications on your work and you are not carrying_______ documents, what can you do?A. relationB. relativeC. relevantD. relativity6. Nevertheless, we believe that with technical progress, Mobile office will make your career ________.A. impactedB. unimportantC. unimpededD. impatient7. Even enterprises’ production efficiency will be immensely ________.A. risenB. roseC. arisen D raised答案:1B 2A 3B 4B 5C 6C 7DLesson 4 How to Explore a City1.Are you spending two days ______ Tokyo?A. onB. inC. withD. of2. These tips will help you make the _____ of any urban adventure.A. moreB. muchC. mostD. mostly3. ______ can also be a good source of information.A. FrogsB. BlocksC. BlogsD. Blood4. They will help you explore the city _________.A. on footB. on feetC. by footD. with feet5. Visit the city’s tourism office, which will provide other _______ information.A. invaluableB. valueC. valuation D valueless6. Many cities have _______ that most tourists don’t know about.A. measuresB. treasuresC. treatyD. tissue7. Some of the best things that a city has to offer can be found ______ mistake.A. becauseB. inC. byD. on8. If you’re not afraid to get ______, you’ll see more.A. lostB. loseC. loosenD. loss答案:1A 2C 3C 4A 5A 6B 7C 8ALesson 5 Can Money Buy Happiness1.Many of us dream _________ thousands and thousands of dollars to spend on anything we desire.A. to haveB. of havingC. having ofD. to having2. We spend hours ______ building a business.A. onB. byC. withD. /3. _______ having some money does have an impact on our level of happiness, having a lot of money doesnot.A. WhenB. WhoC. WhileD. Which4. People ______ income is about US$50000 a year are more likely to be happy.A. whoB. whichC. whenD. whose5. The more you make, the _____ you want.A. moreB. mostC. muchD. mostly6. To really be happy, you need to understand what makes you happy _____ the first place.A. onB. inC. forD. by7. Those ____ have five or more close friends are more likely to be happy.A. whoB. whichC. whenD. whose8. Good relationships have a far greater effect on happiness than large ______ in salary.A. riseB. ariseC. arouseD. raises9. If you ‘re looking for happiness in life, find the right husband or wife ______ trying to double your salary.A. better thanB. rather thanC. more thanD. and10. So ______ your time and energy in people.A. investigateB. investC. inventD. invert11. The payoff is much bigger ___________ happiness.A. in the long termB. on terms ofC. in terms ofD. in general terms答案:1B 2D 3C 4D 5A 6B 7A 8D 9B 10B 11CUnit 6 How Americans View Love1. If you watch American _____ Valentine’s Day, you can believe it.A inB at Con D under2. The whole country _______ with red hearts.A breaks outB breaks downC breaks awayD breaks up3. ______ people give cards, flowers and candy to their sweethearts.A Love-strikeB Love-stickC Love-struckD love-stuck4.Someone may go out with one person this week, and ______ person next week.A the otherB anotherC the othersD others5. This means they _______ each other as boyfriend and girlfriend.A think aboutB think ofC look ofD thought of6. People all over the world ______ happiness in a loving relationship.A search forB reach forC investigateD research7. Maybe love ___ make the world go around.A doesB doC doingD has done8. That doesn’t mean you keep my your eyes _____ the whole evening!A closingB closedC to closeD to closing9. Movies, TV shows and books in America all picture people ______ love.A fell intoB falling inC fallen ontoD fall into答案:1C 2A 3C 4B 5 B 6 A 7 A 8 B 9 BUnit 7 Carbon-based Alternative1. Although recent years have seen _______reductions in noxious pollutants from individual motor vehicles, the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing.A substantialB substanceC submitD subjective2. Consequently, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone that ________ legally established limits.A succeedB proceedC exceedD excess3. There is a growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle _______is to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels.A. permissionB. emissionC. omissionD. Mission4. All of these alternatives are carbon-based fuels _______ molecules are smaller and simpler than those of gasoline.A whichB whoC whatD whose5. The hydrocarbons they do emit are less likely to _______ ozone.A. generate B generous C generation D general6. The combustion of larger molecules, ______ have multiple carbon-carbon bonds involves a more complex series of reactions.A whoseB whereC whoD which7. These reactions increase the probability of incomplete combustion and are more likely to _____ uncombusted and photochemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the atmosphere.A leaseB releaseC pleaseD relief8. On the other hand, alternative fuels do have _____.A drawbacksB setbackC drawerD backward9. Ethanol and methanol have important advantages ______ other carbon-based alternative fuels.A onB overC byD with10. It is currently about ______ as methanol.A twice as expensive asB as twice expensive asC as expensive twice asD expensive as twice as11. Methanol's most attractive feature is that it can reduce _______ about 90 percent the vehicle emissions.A ofB inC onD by12. However, since methanol-fueled vehicles could be designed to be much more ______ than gasoline clone vehicles fueled with methanol, they would need comparatively less fuelA effectiveB efficientC sufficientD supplement13. Vehicles______ only the simplest of the engine improvements that methanol makes feasible would stillcontribute to an immediate lessening of urban air pollution.A incorporatingB corporateC operatingD cooperate答案:1A 2C 3B 4D 5A 6D 7B 8A 9B10A 11D 12B 13AUnit 8 Our Family Creed1 They are the principles __________ my wife and I have tried to ______ our family.A which, bring aboutB in which, bring upC on which, bring up2 They are the principles ___ which my father believed and ____ which he governed his life.A on, onB by, byC in, byD in, in3 The world owes no man ________but that it owes every man an opportunity _________.A a living, make a livingB life, to live.C a living, to make a living4 I believe that truth and justice are fundamental to __________ social order.A an endureB an endurableC an enduringD an endurance5 I believe that only in the purifying fire of sacrifice ___________ and the greatness of human soul ________.A is the dross of selfishness consumed, set freeB the dross of selfishness is consumed, setting freeC is the dross of selfishness consuming, sets free6 I believe in an all-wise and all-loving God,_____________, and that the individual’highest fulfillment, greatest happiness, and the widest usefulness are to be found in living __________ his will.A named by whatever name, in harmony withB named by whoever name, in harmony toC naming by however name, in harmonious with7 The right can and will triumph _______might.A atB inC overD on8 These are the principles, however formulated, for which all good men and women throughout the world, ________of race or creed, education, social position, or occupation, are standing.A respectiveB irrespectiveC respectD respectable9 These are the principles _______alone a new world recognizing the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God can be established.A for whichB in whichC upon which答案:1C 2C 3C 4C 5 A 6 A 7 C 8 B 9 CLesson 9 The Art of Public Speaking1.But even if you never give another speech in your life, you still have much to ___ from studying publicspeaking.A.gainB. grainC. trainD. rain2.The training is ___ for every type of communication.A.worthlessB. invaluableC. costlessD. value3.In conversation, almost without thinking about it, you ___ a wide range of skills.A.exploreB. employC. purifyD. multiply4.You tailor your message ___ your audience.A.aboutB. forC. toD. in5.You ___ to feedback from your listener.A.adaptB. adoptC. applyD. analyze6.It usually imposes strict time limitations ___ the speaker.A.inB. onC. aboutD. with7.Listeners ___ negatively to speeches loaded with slang, jargon, and bad grammar.A.actB. reactC. interactD. transact8.Public speaking demands a different method of ___.A.deliverB. deliveryC. delicateD. delete9.Effective speakers adjust their voices ___ the larger audience and work_____ avoiding distractingphysical mannerism and verbal, toB. in, atC. to, atD. to, for10.Your speech class will give you an opportunity to gain confidence and make your nervousness work foryou ___ against you.A.more thanB. apart fromC. rather thanD. instead11.You will take a big step toward overcoming stage fright if you think_______, choose speech topics youreally care about, prepare thoroughly, and concentrate on communicating with your audience.A.positiveB. postC. positionD. positively12.The speech communication process ___ includes seven the holeB. at a wholeC. as a wholeD. to the whole13.The speaker is the person who ___ a speech transaction.A.initialB. initiatesC. initiationD. initiative14.Whatever the speaker communicates is the message, which is sent ___ a particular all meansB. by no meansC. by any meansD. by means of15.Interference is anything that ___ the communication of a message.A.impactB. importsC. impedesD. impair16.The interaction of these seven elements is what determines the ___ in any instance of speechcommunication.A.outcomeB. incomeC. becomeD. welcome17.They do this by doing well-informed about their subjects, being honest in what they say, by using soundevidence, and by employing valid reasoning.A.valleyB. valueC. varyD. valid答案:1A 2B 3B 4C 5A 6B 7B 8B 9C 10C11D 12C 13B 14D 15C 16 A 17 DUnit 10 A Gentleman1.The Victorian gentleman must have been really something to ________ if the following article is true.A. holdB. beholdC. beheldD. behave2. For any woman who has dreamed of "Knight in shining armor", the perfect man, or just a man whowould ______ the TV remote control, you have found him here.A. give offB. give inC. give outD. give up3. For those of you who are married, take heart and remember, your husband may not resemble the"Victorian Gentleman", but you love him________.A. in a wayB. somewayC. by the wayD. anyway4. It is almost a definition of a gentleman to say he is one who never _______ pain.A. conflictsB. inflictsC. inflationD. influences5. This description is both refined and, ________ , accurate.A. as far as it goesB. as far asC. far fromD. how far6. He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which ______ the free and unembarassed actionof those about him.A. hideB. hinderC. hintD. height7. He ______ with their movements rather than takes the initiative himself.A. occursB. agreeC. concursD. concerns8. His benefits may be considered as _______ to what are called comforts or conveniences in arrangements of a personal nature.A. parallelB. paragraphC. paradoxD. part9. An easy chair does its part in ______ cold and fatigue.A. spellingB. dispellingC. displayD. disappear10. The true gentleman in like manner carefully avoids ______ may cause a jar or a jolt in the minds of those with whom he is cast.A. whicheverB. wheneverC. whoeverD. whatever11. His great concern is to make every one at their ease and ______.A. go homeB. back homeC. at homeD. in house12. He can rocollect ______ he is speakingA. to whomB. to whichC. to whatD. by whom13. He guards against unseasonable allusions, or topics ______ may irritate.A. whichB. whatC. whoD. whom14. He makes light of favours while he does them and seems to be receiving when he is _______.A. inferringB. conferringC. preferringD. confessing15. He never speaks of himself except when _______.A. compelledB. compellingC. to compelD. compel16. He is scrupulous in ______ motives to those who interfere with him.A. importingB. imputingC. impactD. impairing17. From a long-sighted prudence, he ______ the maxim of the ancient sage.A. observesB. preservesC. servesD. obstacle18. We should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if he _____ one day to be our friend.A. isB. wasC. wereD. be19. He has_____ much good sense to be affronted at insultsA. veryB. tooC. soD. more20. He ______ to pain, because it is inevitable.A. permitsB. vomitsC. submitsD. commits21. If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him from the______ .A. blankB. blameC. blushD. blunder答案:1B 2D 3D 4B 5A 6B 7C 8A 9B 10 D11.C 12 A 13A 14B 15A 16B 17A 18 C19B 20C 21DUnit 11 Smoking and Cancer1 This is roughly the _____ of 4195 cigarettes a year for every person in the country of 18 years of age or more.A equalB equalityC equivalentD equator2 Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking, particularly cigarette smoking, is associated _______ shortened life expectancy.A toB withC byD in3 _________ smoking, if you don’t smoke----don’t start.A Give inB Give awayC give upD give off4 Some ______physicians and research workers are less sure of the effect of cigarette smoking on health.A competeB competentC competitiveD competence5 Smokers who develop cancer or lung diseases may also, __________, live in industrial areas or eat more canned food.A by coincidenceB in coincidenceC with coincidenceD of coincidence6 It is estimated that 51% of American men smoke ___________ 34% of American women.A comparing withB comparing toC compared withD compare to7 One point of concentration is ________ the air tube, or bronchus, divides.A whichB whereC whatD how8 Current research indicates a _________ relationship between all forms of smoking an cancer of the mouth and throat.A casualB causalC causeD course答案:1 C 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 B 8 BLesson 12 Taking Chances, Making Chances1.Lecture Hobbs sometimes tells about a woman who _____ in London over a century ago.A. livesB. livedC. had livedD. has lived2. I ______ onions and potatoes in my sister’s boarding house.A. paleB. parkC. peelD. peep3. _______ her protests about being a poor writer, he made her promise to complete the assignment.A. ByB. AgainstC. WhileD. Except4. The next day, as she sat down to peel onions, she _______ the brick floor.A. gazed atB. good atC. looked outD. looked through5. She spent every _______ moment learning more.A. otherB. spareC. spanD. special6. _______ was payment for her research.A. EnclosingB. EnclosedC. EncircledD. Enriched7. And ________ the money came a new assignment.A, as long as B. as if C. only if D. along with8. For the first time in her life she could ______ wait to get back to the kitchen.A. nearlyB. almostC. hardlyD. seldom9. Some were so small while _______ were so large.A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. no other10. She soon quit her job to ______ writing.A. take inB. take outC. take offD. take up11.If ______ no chance, can you make one?A. givingB. to giveC. to givenD. you are given答案:1B 2C 3B 4A 5B 6B 7D 8C 9C 10D 11DLesson 13 The Province of Alberta1 Alberta is _____ in the western part of Canada.A locateB locatingC to locateD located2 The province was ________ Princess Louis Caroline AlbertaA name afterB named afterC to name afterD naming after3 Alberta is also rich _______ forest resources, coal and oil.A inB onC forD with4 Although it has a population of only 3.26 million, about ______ of the population of Shanghai, it ranks also 4th in population among Canadian provinces.A one-fiveB one-fivesC one-fifthD first-fifth5 The _____ in Alberta is pleasant, particularly in summer, when the average temperature is about 60 degrees Fahrenheit.A climateB weatherC seasonD space6 The provincial _______ Edmonton, with a population of about 1,016,000, is the second largest city in the province.A capitalB captainC capture(俘获,占领)D captivate答案:1 D 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 A 6 AUnit 14 A World Without Oil1 Have you ever _________ how your life would change if the world ________ oil?A stopped thinking, ran out ofB stopped to think, run out ofC stopped to think, ran out ofD stopped thinking, run out of2 All _____ their origin to the oil known as petroleum, _______ deep in the earth.A own, foundedB owe, findC owing, fundD owe, found3 As you _____ your bus, train or car, _______ use petroleum products in the form of fuel to move them in the working order.A head to, all of whichB heading for, all of whatC heading in, all of themD head for, all of which4 What are you _______ today?A dressingB wearyC wearingD worn5 Scientists predict that the world’s known oil will ______ early in the next century.A come outB go outC run out ofD run out6 When you ________ a need you will discover some way of fulfilling it.A faced toB are facedC are facing withD are faced with7 In such circumstances, the tropical parts of the world would have a ________ in the race to find new energy sources.A first starB head-startC stareD upstart8 If you are comfortably cool in a tropical _______, your air conditioning unit may also depend on oil-fed generators.A atmosphereB climateC weatherD whether9 Fertilizers and insecticides made _______ petroleum can improve crop production.A ofB byC fromD for10 Can we _______ to use so much of our limited petroleum supplies for private motoring?A effortB afterwardC affordD affect11 There is one suggestion that the wheeled traffic and the footsteps of crowds ______ the streets in major cities could generate energy.A walkB walksC walkedD walking12 one company has presented an idea __________metal strips ________ in pavements and roads operate fly wheels _____ means of a piston action using hydraulic fluid.A in which, inserting, byB in which, inserted, byC of what, inserted, inD that, inserted, of答案:1 C 2 D 3 D 4 C 5 D 6 D 7B 8 B 9 C10 C 11 D 12 BUnit 15 How Animals Hear1.When we talk about ears, we usually mean the oddly wrinkled appendages ___ the sides of our heads.A.inB. onC. besideD. at2.We are aware that ___ the end of the central hole in this outer ear there is something called the middle ear.A.atB. in C by D. within3.Animals such as dogs and cats also have ___ outer ears.A.considerableB. consistentC. conspicuousD. constructive4.Hunters know that birds are attracted by ___ calls.A.artisticB. assumingC. artistD. artificial5.You should be as quiet as possible if you don’t want to go home ___.A.emptily-handedB. empty-handB. C. empty-handed D. emptily-hand6.Biologists have discovered that practically all animals have ___ sense of hearing or vibration.A.someB. anC. /D. certainty7.The inner ear ____ delicate membranes.poses ofB. is composed ofB. C. is composing of D. composes8.What message is carried by a macula ___ how it is affected.A.depend onB. depending onC. depends onD. depended on9.This spiral-shaped organ ____ the macula itself.A.containB. containsC. is contained ofD. is contained in10.It is called “organ of Corti” ___ its discoverer.A.toB. forC. atD. after11.This is something like the way ___ high and low sounds are produced by a flute or whistle.A.whichB. thatC. in whichD. in that12.Scientists must explore much ___ for more knowledge about how animals use their ears.A.furtherB. featherC. fartherD. father答案:1B 2A 3C 4D 5 C 6 A 7 B 8C 9 B10 D 11 C 12AUnit 16 The Germanic Language1. Most people have______ the Tower of Babel story in the Bible.A. listened toB. hear ofC. heard ofD. heard2. According to this story, long ago all people______ the same languageA. saidB. speakC. speakingD. spoke3._______, however, they were punished by speaking a great number of different tongues.A. LateB. latterC. laterD. latest4. Today, there are literally thousands of different languages around the world, _______ many are related to one another.A. whenB. whereC. whichD. though5. There are so many languages _______the above two super-categories of language families.A. withoutB. withinC. intoD. toward6. German, ________just over 100,000,000 people, is one of the world's ten-largest languages in terms of population.A. said byB. saying byC. speaking byD. spoken by7. As English and German speakers ______ the majorities in several of the world's most developed countries, it is important to be familiar with this particular language grouping.A. consistB. instituteC. constituteD. conduct8.Though these languages cannot be easily understood among their different speakers, the similarities in vocabulary are_______.A. stickingB. struckC. strikingD. striking9. These many similarities are _____to the single common parent language of all the Germanic tongues, even though this "grandfather" language no longer exists.A. dutyB. dueC. oweD. because10. Hardly an aspect of modern life____ not benefit from the contributions made by those using these languages.A. isB. areC. doD. does11. Being able to communicate with others in this far-reaching linguistic group will offer the user _______benefits.A. immeasurableB. measureC. measurementD. mutual答案:1C 2D 3C 4D 5B 6D 7C 8D 9B 10D 11AUnit 17 How Americans Eat and Drink1 Pepsi is a well-known _______and has its ______.A rival, devoteesB river, devoteC opponent, devotionD arrive, devotee2 And from San Francisco to New York, in cheap or medium-priced restaurants, hamburgers will be on all menus,_________ steaks, fried chicken and seafood.A in company toB with companyC in company withD with company to3. 165 million Cokes are ________ every day.A sellingB sellC soldD be sold4 Well-off Americans _______ a lot of alcohol in the form of cocktails---mixtures based on spirits like whisky.A consultB consumeC costumeD consumer5 Hot dogs can _________ in snack bars.A buyB boughtC be broughtD be bought6 _____ most cases it is certainly good value _______ money.A on, withB on, ofC in, forD In, for7 No ice cream in the world is more delicious _____ American ice cream.A thenB ofC thanD among8 Macdonald’s ________ in fast food.A specialB specialistC specializesD species9 People who prefer ________ at a table in the restaurant also receive their food in cardboard or plastic containers.A to eatB eatingC to eatingD eat10 Many Americans families pride themselves _____ their cooking, and have deep freezers.A of on C for D by答案:1 A 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 D 6 D 7 C 8 C 9 A 10 B语言点:on any occasion 在任何情况下specialize in 专营,专做…pride oneself on sth. 以…自豪,得意于…Lesson 18 The Delights of South Island1.One of the odder coincidences of physical geography is the fact _____ there are two double islands.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. where2. Among these four islands, there can be no doubt that South Island is the least polluted and mostspectacularly ______of them all.A. senseB. sceneC. scienceD. scenic3. There is much competition to make_______ a claim.A. soB. suchC. thatD. what4. The island of England, politically constituting England, Scotland, and Wales of the United Kingdom, is_____ with country villages set alongside rivers and lakes.A. dottedB. doomedC. dormD. domestic5. Ireland, too, is a paradise of greenery, with far fewer people than ________ England.A. popularB. populousC. populationD. Polluted6. Volcanoes, large lakes, and quickly flowing rivers ______the land.A. travelB. trapC. trackD. traverse7. ______the beauty of these three islands, what makes South Island so special?A. GivenB. GivingC. ThoughD. However8. As fewer people live on South Island than on North Island, those who ______solitude and pristine beaches will be amaze at their luck here.A.brave B. crave C. crayon D. crack。

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