2019年8月20日21日托福口语超小范围预测(18套题)2016年8月20日/21日托福口语超小范围预测Task1:1. Your friend unexpectedly received a large amount of money, how would suggest him to spend the money2. Talk about one great aspect of the educational system of your country3. Your friend wants to improve his grade,what suggestions would you like to give to him?4. Your friend is planning to work for a year before entering college. What do you think?5. Talk about an interesting school activity you recently attend.6. Describe a person(a family member or friend) who you often like to talk to. Why do you like to talk to this person?7. Talk about a good period of your life. Why do you like this period?8. Your friend is planning to keep a pet. What pet do you suggest and what kind of suggestions would you give him about keeping pet?9. Talk about two cities you've been to. What are the differences between these two cities.10.Talk about a skill you have and want to improve. How would you like to improve it?11. Talk about a subject that you don't like to study.12. If you want to take your foreign friends to travel around your city. Which of the following place will you choose? a factory, an university, a museum.13. What kind of volunteer work would like to do?teaching kids, taking old people to go for a ride, teaching adults how to read?14. Talk about a popular type of clothing in your country.15. What do you think is the biggest challenge for a student in his study? How to solve this problem?16. Who do you think should take the responsibility of protecting the environment? the government, private organization or individual.17. If you want to buy something, would you choose to borrow money from others or to earn the money by yourself?18. Talk about a country or culture you would like to learn more about.19. Describe a character in a book,film , poem. Explain why you like it.20. Describe an experience that you worked well with another person. Explain why that experience is important to you. Include reasons and details to support your response.2016年8月20日/21日托福口语预测Task2:1. Agree or disagree: cellphones are necessary for someone to run a successful business2. Agree or disagree: students should be taught how to use computers when they enter primary school.3. Some people prefer to buy high-tech products when they first come out, others prefer to wait till the price becomes more accessible. which do you prefer?4. Agree or disagree: college students should do part-time job.5. Agree or disagree: it is a good thing to take classes with your best friends.6. Some people prefer to take classes in big classroom. others prefer to take classes in small classroom. which do you prefer?7. Some people prefer to watch a sport game from the audience seat, others prefer to be in the sport field and compete with others. Which do you prefer to do?8. Some people take part in games and sports for fun. others join the games and sports for win. which do you prefer9. Some people prefer recorded music. Others prefer to listen to live music. Which do you prefer?10. Agree or disagree: it is more interesting to read fiction books than non-fiction books11. Some people like to write diaries to record their lives. Others prefer to take photos to record their lives. Which do you prefer?。
2019年托福机经大范围预测汇总Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and her education professor.Karen: Professor McGraw?Professor: Oh hi, Karen, what can I do for you?Karen: Well, I might just start writing that paper that’s due next weekProfessor: Okay.Karen: And I’m thinking I’d like to write it on the classroom observations I’ve been doing.Professor: What level are you observing?Karen: Fourth grade.Professor: Okay. That sounds fine. Lots of students write about their classroom observations.Karen: But before I start, I want to check to see if I’m on the right track with my observations.Professor: Okay.Karen: Okay. As I’ve said, I’ve been observing a fourth grade class and the teacher follows a progressive approach to teaching, so I thought I’d write about a mathematics lesson that I observed last week, how it fits in with that approach.Professor: Okay. What can you tell me about the progressiveapproach?Karen: It’s about accommodating each student’s individual learning style, right?Professor: Right.Karen: Each student is seen as having his or her own learning style, so instead of having one planned format or lesson for the whole class, the teacher has each child work at their own pace on their own project in a way that works best for them.Professor: Okay, good. Now, how does this work in the lesson you’ve observed?Karen: Well, first the teacher asked six students to find a math problem that interested them, or that they found difficult and to write it on the board. That surprised me, because it seemed more like a traditional teacher-led activity than a progressive one.Professor: But who chose the math problem?Karen: The students did, which I eventually realized made it the kind of activity you would find in a progressive classroom.Professor: And what was the rest of the class doing?Karen: They were helpers. If a student wasn’t sure how to solve the problem, they asked one of the helpers to join them at the board and well, help.Professor: And did they?。
2019年9月3日托福小范围机经(终极押题)1、 A 16-year old person can drive the car. Do you agree or not?2、 which one do you prefer, shopping in a large store or shopping in a small store?3、 One of your friends will give a presentation. Which suggestion will you provide? Use details and examples to illustrate your answer.4、 The University decides to set a cooking class for students to let them have better understanding of the nutrients and health. Do you think it is a reasonable decision or not?5、 Describe an art such as song or painting that gives you long lasting impression. Please explain the impression and include specific examples and details in your explanation.6、 When having some extra money, some people prefer to save it, others prefer to spend it. Which one do you prefer?7、 What kind of clothing do you usually wear and why. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.8、 Some teachers allow their students to ask questions about coursework or assignments by email. Some teachers prefer the students to ask these questions in person. Which do you pref...9、 Which type of movie you are not enjoyable to watch. Action, romance or science-fiction? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation.10、 Some people prefer to listen to or watch news everyday, while others prefer to listen to or watch news occasionally. Which way do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examp...。
8.20/21托福独立口语小范围机经预测8月20、21日托福口语小范围机经来啦,看了可能就满分!天道托福名师贾青帆老师预测!Task11.Which one you will learn: play a piano, swim, and repair a car.思路:不管选哪个,除了说客观有点多说一些个人原因,比如选游泳,可以说很羡慕朋友们一起去附近公园的湖里游泳,希望可以加入他们,如果有孩子在自己身边有人start to drown, 还可以救别人。
第二点说下客观有点就是beneficial for health, 细节可以说good for shaping up and burning calories because I have to keep doing crawl and treading water, it’s Cardio activity that promotes heart and lung health and Improves stamina, flexibility, strength and balance.2.Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby him to help him spend his weekendin a more delightful way. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation思路:可以说下同学们之前说过的一些运动相关的话题,比如hiking, or playing basketball 之类的,可以从两方面说,第一个就是physical movement, 通过stretch his body, keep walking, sweat a little, 让他感到很comfortable,第二方面就是和别人有更多的沟通,比如和队友聊聊最近的烦恼,新闻,或是开心的事儿,也可以很放松。
1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Parents should not express their disagreements to the teacher if parents find the teaching method incorrect.I agree1. Teachers have more experience and professionalexpertise to decide the way to educate students.(老师从事教学工作很多年,已经积累了很多的经验,并且他们会使用一些新的教学方式来引导学生;而家长往往没有这方面的专业知识,他们对于老师的教学方法判定往往是不准确的)2. Parents may not have a good understanding of students’ academic performance as teachers.(老师往往会根据学生的实际学习情况和基础调整教学内容和教学方法,这样才能够有针对性地协助学生提升学习成绩;而家长往往忙于工作,他们对于学生学习情况的了解往往不够,不能给出有效的建议)2Some students prefer to have their final gradesdetermined by numerous small assignments, whereas othersprefer to have their grades determined by only a few large ones. Which one do you prefer and why?numerous small assignments1. Numerous small assignments help students reduce their academic pressure.(他们每次所要复习的知识点不是很多,而且并不是仅仅由几次成绩就决定一切不会让他们对于考试那么紧张)2. Numerous small assignments help teachers have a comprehensive understanding of students’ academic performance.(多次的考试涵盖的内容能够紧跟着教学的进度,考查的内容整体相对来说也比较多;而几次大的考试考查的知识点毕竟有限,不能完整反映学生的整体学习情况)3. Numerous small assignments are easier to operate than only a few large ones.(小测试占用的时间更少,也方便安排考试日期,甚至随堂就能够完成;因为题量不多老师批阅速度也更快,能够给学生更快的反馈)3When making major purchase (for example, car or laptop), our decisions can be influenced by different sources of information. Explain how each of the following sources of information can influence your decision.(1)Recommendations from friends or colleagues(2)Information from media (for example, TV, magazines, newspapers)(3)Recommendations from sales person in the store1. The least useful of these three sources is recommendations from salespeople.(他们往往为了推销自己的产品而不说实话,往往会夸大产品的性能,并且给消费者带来一些误导;一些推销员自己都不是非常了解这些产品,所以消费者很难得到非常有效的信息)2. Information from media can help people have a good understanding of what they are going to buy.(媒体广告信息是官方发布的一些信息,虽然可能会有一些夸大,但毕竟会受到法律的约束,基本还是能够提供绝大部分重要的信息,通过这些信息,消费者能够了解产品的参数以及一些相关的性能)3. Recommendations from friends or colleagues are more accurate and reliable.(这些建议是使用者的真实反馈,能够作为自己购买的重要参考;而且自己身边人通过自己的使用而给出的评价更贴合实际,也更加可靠)4Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the past, people were more interested in improving their neighborhoods than they are today.I disagree1. More people have access to higher education and thus are aware of the importance of improving their neighborhoods. (人们接受高等教育后素质得到很大的提升,能够理解自己是社区的一份子,应该为社区做出一份贡献)2. The Internet provides adequate useful information for people to know how to improve their neighborhoods. (网上会有很多世界各地人们改善社区的例子,会给现在的人们带来灵感和动力)5Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the past young people depended on their parents for making decisions. Today young people are better able to make decisions on their own.。
2019 年托福考试口语范围预测试题三篇Task 11. Your friend feels nervous speaking in front of a large group of audience, what suggestions would you have for him?Recite the lines so he won 't forget them - Rehearse in front of his friends, practice makes perfect - Rest well so he ' ll probably feel more energetic and confident2.Talk about the differences between two school you have attended. Please include specific details in your answer.- Things to compare o Reputation (ranking) o Number of students o Teachers and other facilities o Courses offered o Clubs and varsities3.Talk about the disadvantages of moving to a new city. Please explain your reasons with details.- Lack of friends- Gotta spend time to learn how to get around(transportations)4.Describe what your life would be like living without a cell phone for a month. Explain why with details and examples.- More time to spend on other activities such as reading or socializing - Will miss some important phone calls- Won' t be able to get up -to-date information such as newsand other events5.Describe a serious problem that your country is facing. Explain why this problem is serious with details.- Air pollution caused by disposal of electronic devices - Traffic congestion problems6.Which of the following classes would you prefer to take if you were to learn about the Italian culture? A cooking class, a film class, or a history class?- Reasons to take a cooking class o I ' m a foodie and I ' d like to learn the ingredients in spaghetti or other Italian foods - Reasonsto take a film class o I love movies and I can learn how to speak Italian and othercultural aspects - Reasons to take a history class o I am fond of reading documentaries and I can learn about the details through reading texts7.If a foreigner comes to your country, what would you suggest him to take home?- Souvenir such as keychains - Exclusive collectibles such as a coffee mug from Starbucks - Anything you think might be least expensive8.Talk about an occasion in your country when people give gifts to each other. Describe the occasion and the typeof gifts with details.- BirthdayValentine 's day (chocolate/flowers)- Chinese New Year9.Which of the following characteristics of yours do you think your friends value you the most? Cheerfulness, kindness, or intelligence.- Cheerfulness because your friends enjoy being around you - Kindness because you can be helpful to your friendswhen you're needed - Intelligence because you can step up and help them on their homework10.Recall an argument you have had with others. Please describe the details of the conflict.- What to argument about o Transportation o Time o Money11.Describe one thing you have done recently which you had never imagined you would do ten years ago.- X-games- Joining a varsity - Accepted by a college - Working for a company of your dream12.Your friend always shows up late for group events, what suggests do you have for him? Please explain with details.- Take subway to avoid traffic congestion- Take a taxi to save time- Ask friends for help 2017 年托福考试口语范围预测试题二1.Talk about one of the many characteristics your country has which you consider different from the features of other countries.2.Describe a change in your school that was initially considered by students as having negative effects ontheir life but later proved to be positive?3.If your university is going to invite someone to give a speech, who do you think they should invite? A businessman, a scientist or a politician?4. A lot of experienced and inexperienced climb mountains every year, which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish?5. Which one do you think has much more impact in reducing the environmental contamination. Government, organizations or individuals.6. Talk about a volunteer work you enjoy doing, explain why you enjoy it in details.7. Among the following types of books, which do youdislike the most? Romantic books, science fiction, or biography.8. What should parents do to help their children to succeed in school?9. Which of the following three do you think is the most important for a great working environment? Friendly coworkers, flexible hours or a helpful boss?10. Which of the following study methods do you think is the most productive? Having discussions with friends, reading textbooks, or writing reports.11. which one of the following would you donate your money to? Choose one, and explain how would you use the money :community charity, environment protection, animal rescue.12. 你觉得你的朋友最喜欢你的哪方面:cheerfulness, kindness, intelligently. 三选一13.Among study, exercise and go shopping, which one would you like to do alone and why.14.Imagine the situation where you can 't use computer or have no access to internet for a month. How will yourlife be different? Use details and examples to explain.15.Should students be required to evaluate theirprofessors at the end of each semester?16.In every culture, there are some customs ortraditions from the past that young people no longer follow. Describe a custom or tradition which formed in the past but you wish it is still popular today. Give specific reasons why you wish it still popular.17.which of the following classes is the most attractive to students 1. Sound engineering 2. History of rock music 3. Film studies18.Describe what the government should do to solvetraffic congestion?19.Talk about a special event that you recently participated in with your families and friends. Describe it in details.20.Some schools require students to finish a readinglist during school breaks. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this requirement.2017 年托福考试口语范围预测试题三TASK 1题目1:Describe a behavior that many people may do in public that you find inconsiderate.参考答案:Ever since the civilization of the modern society, people pay increasingly more attention to their behavior in public. From my perspective, I deem talking loudly in public can be extremely inconsiderate. Primarily, talking very loudly can distract others. During a meeting or any other formal occasion, talking loudly may interrupt other speakers and audience, as well as their mind. This will definitely decrease their efficiency and can be absolutely impolite. Also, talking loudly will get others annoyed. On a crowded bus or subway, speaking in a high volume, especially on the cell phone, can make the environment noisy and could offend others.题目2:There is going to have students TV show, which show would you like to watch. Please Give your reasons.A.Interview school leadersB.Students debate on political and social topicsedy about school life参考答案:Different people have different ideas. In myopnion, I would definitely prefer a debate on political and social topics. Primarily, as a modern global citizen, it's always important for us to be informed about the international hot spot. Through this kind of debate young students get to know the background of Turkey's ongoing referendum as well as the secret of the belt and road.It's rather essential for us to get a bigger picture of the ever-accelerated development and modern society. What's more, the debate enables students to expand their scope of knowledge and widen their horizon, which aids them to have a better understanding of their academics and major. Those kind of soft skills will help a lot in their career life later on.题目3:The university decides to remodel the dormitory and add a new space to it. Which space do you recommendto add in your dormitory ?1.Cafe2.Study room3.Game room参考答案:Among all the choices, I definitely consider cafe a better decision. Primarily, for young students wholive fastpaced lives, cafe is an awesome choice for them to relax. Sitting down at one of the tables with dimlight and hot latte, they get to chit-chat with their friends or meet new people. Killing time at the cafe and have a hot dog to soothe the stomach between classes is absolutely a wonderful choice and this enables students to re-focus on their schoolwork even more after the short break. What's more, cafe not only serves as a place to relax, but it also plays the role of a comfortable study place. Without walking all the way to the library, students can have group project meeting or just study with a few friends in a warm and pleasant environment, which can save them a lot of time and increase their efficiency.TASK 2题目4:Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that students learn more effective through doing other activities such as writing paper or completing projects, which do you think is more effective for students to learn.参考答案:People's answer might differ significantly from one or another towards to this topic. As for me, my favor definitely goes to do other activities. Primarily, activities like writing papers and doing projects can give us a holistic view of the course. Besides thetextbook and study material, we get to do more research and dig deeper to complete these tasks. Not only can we expand our scope of knowledge, but we may get a better picture as well. What's more, without the pressure of exams or quizzes, we can plan and finish study in our own pace. We don't really need to only focus on exam related points, but we may go through each and every points, so as to achieve a better result.题目5:Some people want to change their appearance, even by surgery. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons.参考答案:With the fast pace development of the society, it seems to be a tendency for people to pursue better appearance even through surgery. From my point of view, I can not see eye to eye with this kind of opinion. Primarily, I tend to believe the original appearance is the best. Even though science and technology have advanced quite a lot in the recent decades. However, it's still not 100% safe for us to change the appearance in extreme ways, surgery for instance. I would never take the risk to do something I don't consider a necessity. Also, appearance is never the most crucial factor of a human being. Individuals are judged or viewed as a multidimensional person instead of just their face. Thus, to become a better person. I'd rather enhance my soft skills and pursue an interesting soul.题目6:All people should be required to stop working and retire by age 65. Do you agree or disagree?参考答案:People always seem to live under the illusion that retirement can be a huge deal and negatively affect our lives. However, from my perspective I do considerthis a wise choice. Primarily, for the ever- accelerated society as whole, it's crucial to have young, talented people joining. Equipped with the most up to date knowledge their acquired at school and the fancy ideas, they are the ones to move the society a little further. Not to mention, the brand new industries like IT need their innovation. Thus, for nations, they need more youngsters, instead of the ones older than 65. For individual, retirement is not the end but a whole new beginning. Without being tied down to the tedious and repetitive work, we get to spend more time with family or explore around the world; we get to develop our hobbiesof baking and reading my favorite George Orwell. In short, retirement gives us more time to ourselves.。
Task 1
现在的大学生经常 homesick,有什么解决的办法?
Task 2
Someone likes to collect old things, someone throw things
away after they used it.what's your preference?
Task 3
其次学校很小,去哪里都能够步行,不行横穿学校只要 30 分钟,况且公交车只取消几个小时而已,no big deal
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
两种冬眠方式,松鼠按生物钟准时冬眠,pocket mouse只有充足冷了或食物不够时才冬眠。
2019年8月21日托福考试机经预测(押题)Some people believe that teachers should communicate with students in class. Others believe that teachers should communicate with students by sending them emails. Which waydo you think in better and why?Professional athletes and celebrities to enter politics is a good idea?Should government spend money on public park for everyone or build a sport field for students?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If people are on vocation (holiday), they should leave their mobile phones at home.阅读部分:Artificial reefs have several benefits.1、人工珊瑚礁给鱼类更多聚集和繁殖的空间,鱼类数量能够得到增加。
Many fishers believe that by giving fish more places togather and reproduce, artificial reefs have increased the populations of some species of fish2、人工珊瑚礁能够改进小渔民的竞争力。
Artificial reefs can also improve the economic competitiveness of small-scale fishers. This is possible because small-scale fishers are able to create their own private artificial reefs in secret locations only they know.3、人工珊瑚礁能够用于回收无用的materials。
1. In the past, people were more interested in improving their neighborhoods than they are today.
波波建议选择同意,即认为过去更愿意提升社区环境,原因如下:1.生活压力变大,挤压人们空闲时间 2.人口流动加快导致邻里关系变得疏远。
2. In the past young people depended on their parents
for making decisions. Today young people are better able to make decisions on their own.
波波建议选择同意,即认为现在的孩子更有水平自己做决定了,原因如下:1.孩子受教育水平在提升 2. 有更多的资源协助孩子
3. Teaching is harder than it was in the past.
波波建议选择不同意,即认为现在教学便简单了,原因如下:1.生活压力变大,挤压人们空闲时间 2.人口流动加快导致邻里关系变得疏远。
2019年8月20日托福小范围机经预测(最终版)托福口语:Task 1.Which of the following three subjects would you choose to learn? Math, painting, science. Explain what you want to learn from this subject.Task 2.Some students prefer to study in a library. Others prefer to study at home or in dormitories. Which way do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Task 3.proposal: a student suggest 图书馆限制同学们借书,最多借十本,因为1. 绝大部分人一次借的太多,看不过来2. 很多人借的时间太长,都丢了,这样能够减少图书馆每年丢书的数目。
女生反对:1 要给好几个科目写paper,喜欢用很多书,至少20 本,而且所借的书都会看。
2 从来没丢过书。
托福独立写作题目:Do you agreeor disagree with the following statement? In twenty years there will be fewercars in use than there are today. Use specific reasons and examples to supportyour answer.Do you agreeor disagree with the following statement?People benefit more from traveling in their own country than fromtraveling to foreign countries. Use specific reasons and examples to supportyour answer.Do you agreeor disagree with the following statement?。
8月10日托福阅读真题回忆:Passage1. 关于地球的温度,之前比现在热。
Passage11.Bronze 和 Iron,关于铁的冶金术。
Passage12.用 Spetrum 推测星球的元素组成。
Passage13.Empire 的衰落和让它兴盛的因素可能是同一个,可能不是,environment,人口数量,疾病等。
Passage14.indus 的 stamp 和 seal 上面有语言符号,然后还没有 decipher。
词汇题1.vulnerable2.appropriate3.soar4.extended5.discontent6.sequence7.interval8.abrupt9.allow for10.myriad11.progressively12.Amass8月10日托福口语真题回忆:Q1 : Do you agree or disagree with the following statement : it is disrespectful for tourists to take photos of strangers without their permission.游客不经人同意给陌生人拍照是不是不尊重人的行为。
2019年8月20日托福写作机经(单科精准预测)综合:讲 red rain 在Indian Karele(好像是这么拼)
第 1 个是comet theory, 说有人说听到巨响, 所以有可能是这样, 那些红雨其实是陨石碎片
第 2 个可能是说是红色的沙子, 从northafirca/abadia(拼的似乎不对) 吹来的
第 3 个可能是chilen(拼的不对, 应该是苔藓植物的一种) spores, 因为这种spores 在karele 附近都是红色的,而且有很大产量, 所以非常非常有可能是因为这个原因
教授反驳了三个观点, 原因如下
1. 过去100 年里一共下了3 次红雨, 3 次陨石在同一个地方是very rare.
2.the red dust from deserts are contained a lot of chemical elements, such as Iron and phosphorus, 但是那种雨里这些化学物质的含量是very small of amount所以也不可能
3. 那种spores 也不太可能, 讲了他们的LIFE CIRCLE 说如果他们同时进入reproductive phase 才能释放spores, 所以同时进入这个Phase 的几率也基本等于0
独立:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the characteristics of successful leaders is the sense of responsibility for accepting their mistakes.。
2019年托福机经大范围预测汇总Lecture 22恒星题目1. What is the lecture mainly aboutA. Using the Farnese Atlas to prove one of Hipparchus' theoriesB. Finding evidence of a star catalog in an ancient statueC. The rediscovery of an ancient method of astronomical calculationD. A theory about the use of star catalogs by ancient astronomers2. What astronomical discovery is attributed to HipparchusA. The speed of Earth's rotation is slowing.B. Over time, a star's position in the sky appears to change.C. A star's magnitude depends on its position in the sky.D. Constellations do not look the same when viewed from different positions on Earth.3. Why does the professor mention the position of Polaris, the North Star?A. To help explain how astronomers measure the relative positions of starsB. To help explain how star catalogs have evolved over timeC. To help explain why different stars are seen from different locations on EarthD. To help explain why the sky looks different at different times in history4. What evidence is provided to support the researchers' conclusions about the globe on the Farnese AtlasClick on 2 answers.A. The observer's location could be calculated from constellations on the globe.B. References to the constellations appear in a collection of ancient Greek myths.C. Hipparchus' star catalog was compared with an earlier star catalog.D. It was determined when the constellations would have been in the positions depicted on the globe.5. Before the most recent discoveries, what was generally believed to be the source for the Farnese Atlas?A. Astronomical calculations made by the statue's sculptorB. A star catalog by an astronomer who lived before HipparchusC. A poem that was written many years before Hipparchus' star catalogD. Ancient Greek myths that gave names to all the constellations6. What is the professor's attitude toward the new research he presents on the Farnese Atlas?。
2019年8月20日托福听力机经小范围预测版Conversation 1:女生和employee of the school security centre 之间的对话,后提及parking policy,午夜后不能停车而车是女学生同学的,所以要让车主来Conversation 2:讲的是一个学习数学教学的女生上一门必修生物课对鸟怎么学唱歌有兴趣教授让他读一些相关文章并和同感兴趣的同学讨论,但相关课程更加深入的学习不适合她的现有水平,其中有一题是女孩本来只愿做数学老师(不是生物老师有题) 在听完老师讲生物课对鸟怎么学唱歌有兴趣L1:讲大气中氧气含量的变化,海洋生物光合作用,氧气增加;生物死后埋在海底,碳减少,氧气也增加。
L2:astronomy gas giant formation有两个假设,一个是core先形成,gas在后,叫什么disk理论;另一个是反过来。
1的形成过程如下:because g.g distant from sun, frozen solid water ammoniaexist and accrete, pull other material like other gases because gravitational force increase,make g.g 5-10有地球那么重(有题,我选的是吸引). 2的形成就是反过来,先gas,最后一点点形成core。
L3:自行车的起源但是不叫自行车,好像是用V/T开头的,提到了两个人,一个是Steam car发明家,铺垫r-引入什么为什么需要自行车。
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Task 4.
Task 5.Problem: a party, students can relieve the stress
from final exams and get away from books. A student band supposes to play music, however the leader of the band is sick, so the band was cancelled.
Solutions: 2 solutions by 2 students: 1. play records, but recorded music is not as exciting as live music; 2. Postpone the party to 1 week before the final exam, however some students will go home and miss the party.
Television advertising directed towards young children (aged twoto five) should not be e specific reasons and examples to supportyour answer.
Do you agreeor disagree?
Students are more influenced by their teachers than by theirfriends.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Parents today are more involved in their children's educationthan parents were in the past.
Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.。