President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates:1 尊敬的Bok校长,Rudenstine前校长,即将上任的Faust校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位同学:I've been waiting more than 30 years to say this: "Dad, I always told you I'd come back and get my degree."2 有一句话我等了三十年,现在终于可以说了:“老爸,我总是跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学位的!”I want to thank Harvard for this timely honor. I'll be changing my job next y ear…and it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume.3 我要感谢哈佛大学在这个时候给我这个荣誉。
I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, I'm just happy that the Crimson has called me "Harvard's most successful dropout." I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class…I did the best of everyone who failed.4 我为今天在座的各位同学感到高兴,你们拿到学位可比我简单多了。
2014经典演讲之比尔盖茨斯坦福演讲(双语)2015年01月21日18:07中英文演讲稿:Stanford University。
(斯坦福大学)BILL GATES: Congratulations, class of 2014!比尔·盖茨:2014届毕业生,祝贺你们顺利毕业(Cheers)。
(欢呼)Melinda and I are excited to be here。
It would be a thrill for anyone to be invited to speak at a Stanford commencement, but it's especially gratifying for us. Stanford is rapidly becoming the favorite university for members of our family, and it’s long been a favorite university for Microsoft and our foundation。
斯坦福大学正日渐成为我们家庭成员最喜爱的大学.而长久以来,斯坦福也是微软以及比尔与梅琳达基金会最喜爱的一所大学.”Our formula has been to get the smartest, most creative people working on the most important problems. It turns out that a disproportionate number of those people are at Stanford. (Cheers)。
比尔盖茨在哈佛大学的演讲(双语版)(2)比尔盖茨在哈佛大学的演讲(双语版)We don’t read much about these deaths. The media covers what’s new – and millions of people dying is nothing new. So it stays in the background, where it’s easier to ignore. But even when we do see it or read about it, it’s difficult to keep our eyes on th e problem. It’s hard to look at suffering if the situation is so complex that we don’t know how to help. And so we look away.我们并没有很多机会了解那些死亡事件。
If we can really see a problem, which is the first step, we come to the second step: cutting through the complexity to find a solution.就算我们真正发现了问题所在,也不过是迈出了第一步,接着还有第二步:那就是从复杂的事件中找到解决办法。
Finding solutions is essential if we want to make the most of our caring. If we have clear and proven answers anytime an organization or individual asks "How can I help?," then we can get action – and we can make sure that none of the caring in the world is wasted. But complexity makes it hard to mark a path of action for everyone who cares — and that makes it hard for their caring to matter.如果我们要让关心落到实处,我们就必须找到解决办法。
Bill Gates 比尔盖茨(中英互译)
Bill Gates比尔盖茨"When I was 19, I caught sight of the future and based my career on what I saw.I turned out to have been right."—Bill Gates“我19岁看到了未来,并将我的所见当作我事业的基点,结果证明我是对的。
”──比尔·盖茨He's the most famous businessman and the richest man in the world—worth an estimated $40 billion in 1997. Without a doubt, Bill Gates belongs in the same class as Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and other great minds who changed the world. The self-described "hacker" has dominated the personal computing revolution and modernized the whole world in the process. Indeed, his classification into any other rank than this would seriously understate his impact on the world.他是当今世上最著名的商人、最有钱的富豪──1997年他的资产预计为400亿美元。
但是,我还要提醒大家,我使得steve ballmer(注:微软总经理)也从哈佛商学院退学了。
盖茨哈佛演讲译文LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates:校长博克,前任校长鲁登斯坦,接任校长福斯特,校董事会的各位董事,校务监督委员会的各位委员,各位老师,各位家长,特别是,诸位毕业生:I’ve been waiting more than 30 years to say this: "Dad, I always told youI’d come back and get my degree."我一直等了三十多年,现在终于可以说了:“爸,我老跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学位的!”I want to thank Harvard for this timely honor. I’ll be changing my job next year … and it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume.感谢哈佛及时地给我这个荣誉。
I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, I’m just happy that the Crimson has called me "Harvard’s most successful dropout." I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class … I did the best of everyone who failed.我为在座的各位毕业生而鼓掌,你们拿到学位可比我轻松多了。
比尔盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲稿eringemberoftheHarvardCorebacandgetmdegree有一句话我等了三十年,现在终于可以说了:"老爸,我总是跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学位的!"IwanttothanHarvardforthitimehonorI&rquo;bechangingmobnete ar……anditwibenicetofinahaveacoegedegreeonmreume 我要感谢哈佛大学在这个时候给我这个荣誉。
,I&rquo;muthaeeeuinamonth,whichwaagoodthing,becaueweh adn&rquo;,Iworeddaandnightonthiitteetracredit,eeaoution,为了将关心转变为行动,我们需要找到问题,发现解决办法的方法,评估后果。
EvenwiththeadventoftheInternetand24-hournew,,,determinethecaue,andiarcraheinthefuture 即使有了互联网和24小时直播的新闻台,让人们真正发现问题所在,仍然十分困难。
Butiftheofficiawerebrutahonet,thewouda:Ofatheinedtodoever thingthattootheiveoftheonehafofoneercent但是如果那些官员敢说真话,他们就会说:"在今天这一天,全世界所有可以避免的死亡之中,只有05%的死者来自于这次空难。
比尔·盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲(中英文对照)[精选5篇]第一篇:比尔·盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲(中英文对照) 比尔·盖茨和夫人梅琳达·盖茨在斯坦福大学2014年毕业典礼上的演讲。
Stanford University.(斯坦福大学)BILL GATES: Congratulations, class of 2014!比尔·盖茨:2014届毕业生,祝贺你们顺利毕业(Cheers).(欢呼)Melinda and I are excited to be here.It would be a thrill for anyone to be invited to speak at a Stanford commencement, but it's especially gratifying for us.Stanford is rapidly becoming the favorite university for members of our family, and it's long been a favorite university for Microsoft and our foundation.我和梅琳达怀着激动的心情与你们欢聚在此共贺毕业。
”Our formula has been to get the smartest, most creative people working on the most important problems.It turns out that a disproportionate number of those people are at Stanford.(Cheers).我们一直致力于让最聪颖有创造力的人攻克最为重要的问题。
call from Currier House to a company in Albuquer que that had begun making the world's first personal computer s. I offered to sell them software .
我在哈佛 最难忘的 回忆之 一,发生 在1975年 1月。那 时,我从 宿舍楼里 给位于 Albuquer que的一 家公司打 了一个电 话,那家 公司已经 在着手制 造世界上 第一台个 人电脑。 我提出想 向他们出 售软件。
friendsh ips I made, and the ideas I worked on.
不管怎 样,我对 哈佛的回 忆主要都 与充沛的 精力和智 力活动有 关。哈佛 的生活令 人愉快, 也令人感 到有压 力,有时 甚至会感 到泄气, 但永远充 满了挑战 性。生活 在哈佛是 一种吸引 人的特殊 待遇…… 虽然我离 开得比较 早,但是 我在这里 的经历、 在这里结 识的朋友
我为今天 在座的各 位同学感 到高兴, 你们拿到 学位可比 我简单多 了。哈佛 的校报称 我是“哈 佛大学历 史上最成 功的辍学 生”。我 想这大概 使我有资 格代表我 这一类学 生发言… …在所有 的失败者 里,我做 得最好。
But I also want to be recogniz ed as the guy who got Steve Ballmer to drop out of business school. I'm a bad influenc e. That's why I was invited to
But taking a serious look back … I do have one big regret.
比尔盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲稿President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates:尊敬的Bok 校长,Rudenstine 前校长,即将上任的Faust 校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位同学:I我终于可以在简历上写我有一个本科学位,这真是不错啊。
I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, I在所有的失败者里,我做得最好。
But I also want to be recognized as the guy who got Steve Ballmer to drop out of business school. I虽然我离开得比较早,但是我在这里的经历、在这里结识的朋友、在这里发展起来的一些想法,永远地改变了我。
But taking a serious look back 民主制度、健全的公共教育体系、高质量的医疗保健、还是广泛的经济机会减少不平等始终是人类最大的成就。
I left campus knowing little about the millions of young people cheated out of educational opportunities here in this country. And I knew nothing about the millions of people living in unspeakable poverty and disease in developing countries.我离开校园的时候,根本不知道在这个国家里,有几百万的年轻人无法获得接受教育的机会。
比尔盖茨在哈佛大学的演讲全文如下(双语版)P r e s i d e n t B o k,f o r m e r P r e s i d e n t R u d e n s t i n e,i n c o m i n g P r e s i d e n t F a u s t,m e m b e r s o f t h e H a r v a r d C o r p o r a t i o n a n d t h e B o a r d o f O v e r s e e r s, m e m b e r s o f t h e f a c u l t y,p a r e n t s,a n d e s p e c i a l l y,t h eg r a d u a t e s:尊敬的B o k校长,R u d e n s t i n e前校长,即将上任的F a u s t校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位同学:I v e b e e n w a i t i n g m o r e t h a n 30 y e a r s t o s a y t h i s: D a d,I a l w a y s t o l d y o u I d c o m e b a c k a n d g e t m yd e g r e e.有一句话我等了三十年,现在终于可以说了:老爸,我总是跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学位的!I w a n t t o t h a n k H a r v a r d f o r t h i s t i m e l y h o n o r.I l l b e c h a n g i n g m y j o b n e x t y e a r a n d i t w i l l b e n i c e t o f i n a l l y h a v e a c o l l e g e d e g r e e o n m y r e s u m e.我要感谢哈佛大学在这个时候给我这个荣誉。
bill gates 哈佛演讲英文版
Bill Gates: Harvard Commencement SpeechAfter a 33 year leave of absence from his alma mate1r I’m pleased to present to you Dr. William Gates.Thank you. President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates:I've been waiting more than 30 years to say this: "Dad, I always told you I'd come back and get my degree."I want to thank Harvard for this honor. I'll be ch anging my job next year … and it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume.I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, I'm just happy that the Crimson2has called me "Harvard's most successful dropout." I guess that makes me valedictorian3of my own special class … I did the best of everyone who failed.But I also want to be recognized as the guy who got Steve Ballmer to drop out of business school. I'm a bad influence. That's why I was invited to speak at your graduation. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here today.Harvard was just a phenomenal4experience for me. Academic life was fascinating. I used to sit in on lots of classes I hadn't even signed up for. And dorm life was terrific. I lived up at Radcliffe, in Currier5 House. There were always lots of people in my dorm room late at night discussing things, because everyone knew that I didn't worry about getting up in the morning. That's how I came to be the leader of the anti-social group. We clung to each other as a way of validating6our rejection of all those social people.Radcliffe was a great place to live. There were more women up there, and most of the guys were math-science types. That combination offered me the best odds, if you know what I mean. This is where I learned the sad lesson that improving your odds doesn't guarantee success.One of my biggest memories of Harvard came in January 1975, when I made a call from Currier House to a company in Albuquerque7that had begun making the world's first personal computers. I offered to sell them software.I worried that they would realize I was just a student in a dorm and hang up on me. Instead they said: 1母校2Crimson ['krimzn] n. 深红色这里指哈佛大学学生校报3valedictorian [.vælidik'tɔ:riən] n. 致告别辞者, 告别演说者4phenomenal [fi'nɔminl] exceedingly or unbelievably great 同义词:fantastic 很棒的5Currier ['kʌriə; 'kɜ:r-]6validate ['vælideit] vt. 使...有效, 确认,宣布有效declare or make legally valid7Albuquerque ['ælbəkə:ki] n. 1. 阿尔布开克(美国新墨西哥州中部一城市);"We're not quite ready, come see us in a month," which was a good thing, because we hadn't written the software yet. From that moment, I worked day and night on this little extra credit project that marked the end of my college education and the beginning of a remarkable journey with Microsoft.What I remember above all about Harvard was being in the midst of so much energy and intelligence. It could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging. It was an amazing privilege – and though I left early, I was transformed by my years at Harvard, the friendships I made, and the ideas I worked on.But taking a serious look back … I do have one big regret.I left Harvard with no real awareness of the awful inequities8in the world – the appalling disparities9 of health, and wealth, and opportunity that condemn10millions of people to lives of despair.I learned a lot here at Harvard about new ideas in economics and politics. I got great exposure to the advances being made in the sciences.But humanity's greatest advances are not in its discoveries – but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity. Whether through democracy, strong public education, quality health care, or broad economic opportunity – reducing inequity is the highest human achievement.I left campus knowing little about the millions of young people cheated out of educational opportunities here in this country. And I knew nothing about the millions of people living in unspeakable poverty and disease in developing countries.It took me decades to find out.You graduates came to Harvard at a different time. You know more about the world's inequities than the classes that came before. In your years here, I hope you've had a chance to think about how – in this age of accelerating technology – we can finally take on these inequities, and we can solve them.Imagine, just for the sake of discussion, that you had a few hours a week and a few dollars a month to donate to a cause – and you wanted to spend that time and money where it would have the greatest impact in saving and improving lives. Where would you spend it?For Melinda and for me, the challenge is the same: how can we do the most good for the greatest number with the resources we have.During our discussions on this question, Melinda and I read an article about the millions of children who were dying every year in poor countries from diseases that we had long ago made harmless in this8inequity [in'ekwiti] n. 不公平, 不公正9disparity [dis'pæriti] n. 不一致,差距,不平等10condemn [kən'dem] v. compel or force into a particular state or activity 被迫处于某种状态country. Measles11, malaria12, pneumonia, hepatitis13B, yellow fever. One disease I had never heard of, rotavirus14, was killing half a million kids each year – none of them in the United States.We were shocked. We had just assumed that if millions of children were dying and they could be saved, the world would make it a priority to discover and deliver the medicines to save them. But it did not. For under a dollar, there were interventions that could save lives that just weren't being delivered.If you believe that every life has equal value, it's revolting15to learn that some lives are seen as worth saving and others are not. We said to ourselves: "This can't be true. But if it is true, it deserves to be the priority of our giving."So we began our work in the same way anyone here would begin it. We asked: "How could the world let these children die?"The answer is simple, and harsh. The market did not reward saving the lives of these children, and governments did not subsidize it. So the children died because their mothers and their fathers had no power in the market and no voice in the system.But you and I have both.We can make market forces work better for the poor if we can develop a more creative capitalism – if we can stretch the reach of market forces so that more people can make a profit, or at least make a living, serving people who are suffering from the worst inequities. We also can press governments around the world to spend taxpayer money in ways that better reflect the values of the people who pay the taxes.If we can find approaches that meet the needs of the poor in ways that generate profits for business and votes for politicians, we will have found a sustainable way to reduce inequity in the world. This task is open-ended. It can never be finished. But a conscious effort to answer this challenge can change the world.I am optimistic that we can do this, but I talk to skeptics who claim there is no hope. They say: "Inequity has been with us since the beginning, and will be with us till the end –because people just … don't … care." I completely disagree.I believe we have more caring than we know what to do with.All of us here in this Yard, at one time or another, have seen human tragedies that broke our hearts, and yet we did nothing –not because we didn't care, but because we didn't know what to do. If we had known how to help, we would have acted.11measles ['mi:zlz] n. 麻疹12malaria [mə'lɛəriə] n. 疟疾13hepatitis [.hepə'taitis] n. 肝炎14rotavirus ['rəʊtə.vaiərəs] n.轮状病毒(一种致婴儿胃肠炎的病毒)15revolting [ri'vəultiŋ] adj. 讨厌的The barrier to change is not too little caring; it is too much complexity.To turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, see a solution, and see the impact. But complexity blocks all three steps.Even with the advent16of the Internet and 24-hour news, it is still a complex enterprise17to get people to truly see the problems. When an airplane crashes, officials immediately call a press conference. They promise to investigate, determine the cause, and prevent similar crashes in the future.But if the officials were brutally honest, they would say: "Of all the people in the world who died today from preventable causes, one half of one percent of them were on this plane. We're determined to do everything possible to solve the problem that took the lives of the one half of one percent."The bigger problem is not the plane crash, but the millions of preventable deaths.We don't read much about these deaths. The media covers what's new – and millions of people dying is nothing new. So it stays in the background, where it's easier to ignore. But even when we do see it or read about it, it's difficult to keep our eyes on the problem. It's hard to look at suffering if the situation is so complex that we don't know how to help. And so we look away.If we can really see a problem, which is the first step, we come to the second step: cutting through the complexity to find a solution.Finding solutions is essential if we want to make the most of our caring. If we have clear and proven answers anytime an organization or individual asks "How can I help?," then we can get action – and we can make sure that none of the caring in the world is wasted. But complexity makes it hard to mark a path of action for everyone who cares — and makes it hard for their caring to matter.Cutting through complexity to find solutions runs through four predictable stages: determine a goal, find the highest-impact approach, deliver the technology ideal for that approach, and in the meantime, use the best application of the technology you already have — whether it's something sophisticated18, like a new drug, or something simple, like a bednet19.16advent ['ædvənt] n. 出现, 到来17enterprise ['entəpraiz] 有意识的努力,决心18sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid] adj. 复杂的,精密的19蚊帐。
比尔盖茨哈佛演讲中英第一篇:比尔盖茨哈佛演讲中英Should Harvard encourage its faculty to take on the world’s worst inequities? Should Harvard students learn about the depth of global poverty … the prevalence of world hunger … the scarcity of clean water …the girls kept out of school the children who die from diseases we can cure?哈佛是否应该鼓励教授解决世界上存在的严重不平等?哈佛的学生是不是应该多关注一些全球贫富不均、粮食短缺、水资源稀缺、女童辍学的问题?以及那些因无法接受有效治疗而死亡的孩子?Should the world’s most privileged people learn about the lives of the world’s least privileged?世界上最衣食无忧的人是否应该了解那些挣扎在死亡边缘的人们的生活?These are not rhetorical questions – you will answer with your policies.这并非言语修辞,这些问题只能用行动回答。
My mother, who was filled with pride the day I was admitted here – never stopped pressing me to do more for others.A few days before my wedding, she hosted a bridal event, at which she read aloud a letter about marriage that she had written to Melinda.My mother was very ill with cancer at the time, but she saw one more opportunity to deliver her message, and at the close of the letter she said: ―From those to whom much is given, much is expected.‖我的母亲一直为我考上哈佛而自豪,也一直督促我回报社会。
盖茨哈佛演讲译文校长博克,前任校长鲁登斯坦,接任校长福斯特,校董事会的各位董事,校务监视委员会的各位委员,各位教员,各位家长,特别是,诸位毕业生:I’ve been waiting more than 30 years to say this: "Dad, I always told you I’d come back and get my degree."我不时等了三十多年,如今终于可以说了:〝爸,我老跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学位的!〞I want to thank Harvard for this timely honor. I’ll be changing my job next year … and it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume.感谢哈佛及时地给我这个荣誉。
I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, I’m just happy that the Crimson has called me "Harvard’s most successful dropout." I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class … I did the best of everyone who failed.我为在座的各位毕业生而鼓掌,你们拿到学位可比我轻松多了。
Bill Gates' speech(中英对照+听写训练)
Bill Gates Graduation Speech at HarvardWatch, listen and fill in the blanks:President Bok, _______________ President Rudenstine, incoming (即将上任的) President Faust, _____________ of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty (大学、学院或院系的全体教员), ____________, and especially, the _____________:I've been ______________ more than __________________ to say this: "Dad, I always told you I'd ________________________ and get my ________________."I want to __________ Harvard for this timely ___________. I'll be ___________________ ______________(指从微软公司退休)… and it will be nice to finally have a_____________________ on my resume.I ______________ the graduates today for taking a much more direct___________ to your degrees. For my part, I'm just _______________ that the Crimson (哈佛的校报) has called me "Harvard's most successful _______________." I guess that makes me valedictorian(毕业典礼上致告别辞的最优生) of my own special class…I did the best of everyone__________________.But I also want to be recognized as the guy who got Steve Ballmer (微软公司前首席执行官兼总裁)to drop out of _______________________. I'm a _________________________. That's why I was invited to speak __________________________________. If I had spoken at your orientation(迎新会), _____________________ of you might be ____________________ today.Harvard was just a phenomenal (非凡的) ________________ for me. ______________ life was fascinating. I used to ______________on lots of classes I hadn't even __________________. And __________________ was ______________. I ______________ up at Radcliffe, in Currier House. There were always ________________________ in my ____________ room late at night _____________________, because everyone knew I didn't ______________________________ in the morning. That's how I came to be the _______________ of the anti-social group(不安分团体). We clung to each other(互相粘在一起) as a way of validating(证实) our________________ of all those social people.Radcliffe was a great _______________________. There were __________________ up there, and most of the guys were science-math types. That _________________ offered me the best odds(怪异), if you know what I mean. This is where I learned the _____________________ that _______________________ your odds doesn't ___________________________________.One of my biggest ___________________ of Harvard came ________________________, when I _______________________ from Currier House (哈佛大学学生公寓) to_____________ in Albuquerque that had begun making the world's__________________________________. I offered to sell them ____________________.I worried that they would ______________ I was just ______________ in a dorm and hang up on me. Instead they said: "We're not quite ready, come and see us ____________________," which was a ___________ thing, because we __________________ the software yet. From thatmoment, I __________ day and night on this little extra credit project that _________________ of my college education and the _______________ of a remarkable journey with Microsoft.What I remember ________________________ about Harvard was being in the midst of so much ______________________________ . It could be exhilarating(令人愉快),intimidating(令人感到有压力), sometimes even __________________, but always __________. It was an amazing ___________________ – and though I left early, I was _______________ by my ____________ at Harvard, the ________________ I made, and the _________ I worked on.But taking a serious look back … I do have one big ______________ I left Harvard with no real _______________ of the awful inequities(不平等) in the world – the appallingdisparities(大得可怕的不平等) of ___________, and _____________, and _____________ that condemn(迫使…接受困境) millions of people to lives of _______________.I learned a lot here at Harvard about new ideas in _______________ and _______________. I got great exposure to the ______________ being made in the ______________.But humanity's greatest advances are not in its ________________ –but in how those discoveries are __________________________ inequity.Whether through democracy, strong ______________________, quality _______________, or broad economic opportunity – ____________ inequity is the highest human _____________.I left __________ knowing ___________ about the millions of young people __________ out of educational opportunities here in this country. And I knew _____________ about the millions of people living in unspeakable ______________ and ____________ in ____________________.You graduates came to Harvard _______________________________. You know more about the world's inequities than the ___________ that came before. In your years here, I hope you've had a chance to think about how – in this age of accelerating(加速发展的) _____________ – we can finally take on( 应对) these inequities, and we can _____________________.For Melinda(盖茨的妻) and for me, the ________________ is the same: how can we do the most ____________ for the _______________ number with the ________________ we have.During our discussions on this question, Melinda and I read ___________________ about the millions of children who __________________ every year in poor countries from _____________ that we had long ago made _________________ in this country. Measles, malaria, pneumonia, hepatitis B, yellow fever(麻疹、疟疾、肺炎、乙型肝炎、黄热病). One disease I had never even heard of, rota virus(轮状病毒), was killing _____________________________ each year – ________________ in the United States.If you believe that every life has ___________value, it's revolting(无法接受) to learn that some lives are seen as _______________________ and others are not. We said to ourselves: "This can't be true. But if it is true, it deserves to be the priority of our giving."I am ___________________ that we can do this, but I talk to skeptics (怀疑主义者) who claim there is no ___________. They say: "Inequity has been with us since the beginning, and will be with us till the end – because people just … don't … care." I completely _________________.I believe we have more caring than we know what to do with.我相信,问题不是我们不在乎,而是我们不知道怎么做。
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比尔盖茨在哈佛大学的演讲全文如下(双语版)presidentbok,formerpresidentRudenstine,incomingpres identFaust,membersoftheharvardcorporationandtheboar dofoverseers,membersofthefaculty,parents,andespecia lly,thegraduates:尊敬的bok校长,Rudenstine前校长,即将上任的Faust 校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位同学:Ivebeenwaitingmorethan30yearstosaythis:"Dad,Ialways toldyouIdcomebackandgetmydegree."有一句话我等了三十年,现在终于可以说了:“老爸,我总是跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学位的!”Iwanttothankharvardforthistimelyhonor.Illbechanging myjobnextyear…anditwillbenicetofinallyhaveacollegedegreeonmyresum e.我要感谢哈佛大学在这个时候给我这个荣誉。
Iapplaudthegraduatestodayfortakingamuchmoredirectro utetoyourdegrees.Formypart,Imjusthappythatthecrimso nhascalledme"harvardsmostsuccessfuldropout."Iguessthatmakesmevaledictorianofmyownspecialclass…Ididthebestofeveryonewhofailed.我为今天在座的各位同学感到高兴,你们拿到学位可比我简单多了。
butIalsowanttoberecognizedastheguywhogotsteveballme rtodropoutofbusinessschool.Imabadinfluence.Thatswhy Iwasinvitedtospeakatyourgraduation.IfIhadspokenatyo urorientation,fewerofyoumightbeheretoday.但是,我还要提醒大家,我使得steveballmer(注:微软总经理)也从哈佛商学院退学了。
harvardwasjustaphenomenalexperienceforme.Academiclifewasfascinating.IusedtositinonlotsofclassesIhadnte vensignedupfor.Anddormlifewasterrific.IlivedupatRad cliffe,incurrierhouse.Therewerealwayslotsofpeoplein mydormroomlateatnightdiscussingthings,becauseeveryo neknewIdidntworryaboutgettingupinthemorning.Thatsho wIcametobetheleaderoftheanti-socialgroup.weclungtoe achotherasawayofvalidatingourrejectionofallthosesoc ialpeople.对我来说,哈佛的求学经历是一段非凡的经历。
Radcliffewasagreatplacetolive.Thereweremorewomenupt here,andmostoftheguyswerescience-mathtypes.Thatcomb inationofferedmethebestodds,ifyouknowwhatImean.This iswhereIlearnedthesadlessonthatimprovingyouroddsdoesntguaranteesuccess.Radcliffe是个过日子的好地方。
oneofmybiggestmemoriesofharvardcameinJanuary1975,wh enImadeacallfromcurrierhousetoacompanyinAlbuquerque thathadbegunmakingtheworldsfirstpersonalcomputers.I offeredtosellthemsoftware.我在哈佛最难忘的回忆之一,发生在1975年1月。
IworriedthattheywouldrealizeIwasjustastudentinadorm andhanguponme.Insteadtheysaid:"werenotquiteready,co meseeusinamonth,"whichwasagoodthing,becausewehadntwrittenthesoftwareyet.Fromthatmoment,Iworkeddayandni ghtonthislittleextracreditprojectthatmarkedtheendof mycollegeeducationandthebeginningofaremarkablejourn eywithmicrosoft.我很担心,他们会发觉我是一个住在宿舍的学生,从而挂断电话。
whatIrememberaboveallaboutharvardwasbeinginthemidst ofsomuchenergyandintelligence.Itcouldbeexhilarating ,intimidating,sometimesevendiscouraging,butalwaysch allenging.ItwasanamazingprivilegeandthoughIleftearl y,Iwastransformedbymyyearsatharvard,thefriendshipsI made,andtheideasIworkedon.不管怎样,我对哈佛的回忆主要都与充沛的精力和智力活动有关。
Ileftharvardwithnorealawarenessoftheawfulinequities intheworldtheappallingdisparitiesofhealth,andwealth ,andopportunitythatcondemnmillionsofpeopletolivesof despair.我离开哈佛的时候,根本没有意识到这个世界是多么的不平等。
Ilearnedalothereatharvardaboutnewideasineconomicsandpolitics.Igotgreatexposuretotheadvancesbeingmadein thesciences.我在哈佛学到了很多经济学和政治学的新思想。
buthumanitysgreatestadvancesarenotinitsdiscoveriesb utinhowthosediscoveriesareappliedtoreduceinequity.w hetherthroughdemocracy,strongpubliceducation,qualit yhealthcare,orbroadeconomicopportunityreducinginequ ityisthehighesthumanachievement.但是,人类最大的进步并不来自于这些发现,而是来自于那些有助于减少人类不平等的发现。
Ileftcampusknowinglittleaboutthemillionsofyoungpeop lecheatedoutofeducationalopportunitieshereinthiscou ntry.AndIknewnothingaboutthemillionsofpeoplelivinginunspeakablepovertyanddiseaseindevelopingcountries.我离开校园的时候,根本不知道在这个国家里,有几百万的年轻人无法获得接受教育的机会。