等 。因此 ,在 英语教 学 中 ,教 师
在 教 课 过 程 中 除 了 讲 授 英 语 词 汇 、语 法 ,还 要 结 合 课 文 向 学 生
规 则和 习惯 ,在英 语交 际 中出现 的不合规 范英语 或不合英 语文 化 习惯 的畸形英语 。我 国清代 翻译
家 严 复 提 出 翻 译 的 标 准 应 做 到
思路 混乱 ,语 言支离 破碎 ,根本
的原 因 在 于 没 有 走 出 中式 思 维 模 式 造 成 的 误 区 , 经 常 出 现 类 似
“Go o d g o o d s t ud y , da y d a y
历 史和文化 的结 晶。任何一 种语 言都 与文化密 不可分 。文化 的共 性 使翻译成 为可能 ,但其语 言文
2 0 1 4. 0 4文 学 教 育
汉英翻泽 蛉 或英语现象及原因分新
回 刮晓飞
近 年 来 , 随着 各 类 英 语 考 试 对 书 面 表 达 能 力 的 要 求 不 断 提
学过程 中,教师可 以借 “ d o g ”这 个单词像 学生介 绍 中西 文化 的差
高 ,英语 翻译教 学越 来越 受到广
人在一个外语 的环境里 面! 英语
思 维 是 许 多 英 语 学 习 者 都 希 望 达 到的一种境 界 ,因为这是 用英语 流 畅 地 表 达 思 想 的 基 础 。 由于 东
( 一 ) 中西 方 文化 的差 异
语言是 社会 的产物 ,是人类
囝 圜 囝
亚 和欧美 的差 异很 大 ,英 语和 汉 语是 两种区别很大 的语 系, 源语 言 和 目标语 言很难达成完全 的一致, 对 于一个 生活在 非英语 环境 中的 中国学生来 说 ,要做 到部 分或全
开题报告 汉英翻译中的中式英语现象研究
![开题报告 汉英翻译中的中式英语现象研究](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b1a0ae2426284b73f242336c1eb91a37f11132b2.png)
齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报No.2,2021Genera.No.1792021年第2期(总第179期)Journal of Qiqihar Teachers College 一、引言英语是国际指定的官方语言,也是世界上被广泛使用的一种语言。
二、中式英语的定义中式英语,即Chinglish ,尚未收入权威英语词典,它是由中文(Chinese )和英语(English )掐头去尾拼接而成。
但有一些中式英语,已经被英语母语者所接受,如最为典型的一句话:“Long time no see.”(好久不见)起初这仅仅只是中国人说出的中式英语,被英语母语者接受后又收录进英语词典,成为一句英语母语者也会说的一句话。
Rod Ellis指出,中国人在学习英语时,学习者的母语会对学习和使用英语产生消极影响,尤其是对初学者。
比如说,“欢迎您来青岛!”人们会把它翻译成“Welcome you to visit Qingdao!”这是典型的中式英语。
比如说,将“团体售票”译成了“Group Visitor Ticlet”。
开题报告 浅析汉译英中的中式英语现象
![开题报告 浅析汉译英中的中式英语现象](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/944bcf20a32d7375a4178085.png)
Zhejiang University,2007.
Nida, E.A. Language, Culture,and Translating [M].Shanghai:Shanghai ForeignLanguage
Education Press,1993
Nord, Christian. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches
Seaton, B.A.Handbook of English Language Teaching Terms and Practice .London:The
Macmillan Press,1982.
Yang weiguang. Phenomenon and analysis of chinglish in Chinese-English translation.
OutlineThesis statement: With the further development of economy and globalization, more and more people concentrate their attention on the English translation teaching. Translation as an important device to push forward communication activities, it greatly promotes the exchange between different nations. Chinglish occurs among intercultural communication, which may arouses misinterpret so that severely influences the communication effect. In this thesis, the author attempts to analyze the reasons of this phenomenon, and provides the best possible solutions to the problem.I. IntroductionII. Character2.1 The understanding of source text2.2 The word level2.3 The sentence levelIII. The causes of chinglish in C-E translation3.1 Difference between thinking way3.2 Difference between cultures3.3 Difference between usages3.4 The learning method3.5 The teaching strategyIV. The solutions of chinglish in C-E translationV. ConclusionThe Brief Analysis of the Chinglish inChinese-English Translation[Abstract] Translation is the foundation of English, which is indispensable learning resources and tools to us and is the supporter of communication.With the development of culture, Chinese-English translation is changed to keep abreast with the time. The analysis of the chinglish in the Chinese-English translation has been brought into focus among the teachers and researchers. This is a study of the analysis of the chinglish in the Chinese-English translation by referring to the following five aspects: a brief introduction, character, causes, solutions, and the conclusion. Based on these five aspects, the paper mainly discusses the characters of chinglish from three perspectives: understanding of source text; sentence level; word level. Towards the end of the paper, some suggestions will be raised upon the existing situation regarding this research.[Key Words] analysis; chinglish; Chinese-English translation1.IntroductionWith the further development of economy and globalization, English is the most signicant material for students’ learning and thinking, and it is the vehicle through which knowledge is transmitted. It plays a key role to assure the quality of communication. In recent years, more and more people concentrate their attention on the English translation teaching. Russian news released the world's most popular ten words list 2005, chinglish ranked fourth. As we all know, chinglish or Chinese English is widespread. But it cannot be accepted by English people. Even worse, the misunderstanding severely influences the communication. Faced with diverse chinglish, it’s necessary for us teachers to assess and analyze these characters systematically and suitably in order to make rational decisions in Chinese-English translation. We need to analyze the causes and solutions for chinglish translation so that we can make better use of English.2. Character2.1 The understanding of source textDifferent people have different understandings about text. Text is best seen as a resource in achieving aims and objectives that have already been set in terms of learner needs. Text tend to reflect that how the language may be most properly taught or delivered to learners, and how the language may be effectively worked upon during learning. The basis of translation is truth, which expresses the author’s opinions, emotion, idea, style and so on. As Tytler said, that thetranslation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original. The greatest translator of modern china, Yanfu has a share in his translation experience xin-da-ya. The most manifestation of chinglish in Chinese-English translation is that misunderstand source text that can’t translate the original meaning correctly. Or someone can’t use accurate literate form to translate Chinese into English because misread text. As a result, chinglish will be naturally in the translation and is hard to be removed.2.2 The word level“Unnecessary words are the hallmark,”(Pinkham,2000:2)“Almost every text translated into English from Chinese,(or that has been written directly in English by a native speaker of Chinese) contains unnecessary words.”(Pinkham, 2000:1) There are both formal and informal of context. Misuse of words constitutes most chinglish in Chinese –English translation. Without real understanding of their inner senses, the translator do translating according to the specficial meaning of words and what’s more, they ignore the differences between Chinese and English .Different nations have different thinking modes and cultural backgrounds, and different language have different rules expression. In the Chinese and English languages, there are many expressions in which the words are arranged in different order. The inversion of word order is an important factor to correct chinglish translation.2.3 The sentence levelIn an English sentence, it is acknowledged that the reason should be placed at the end of a sentence. As we know that the result should be stated at the end of a Chinese sentence. So you should use inverse translation that you need to adjust the original sentence structure and expression. Such as, they cancelled the outing because of the rain in English. Because of the rain, they cancelled the outing. The last sentence is a little chinglish. Strunk and white (str unk and white, 1979:23) think of this as a general principle:“The proper place in the sentence for the word of group of words the writer desires to make most prominent is usually the end. ”In Chinese-English translation, some translators misplaced the emphasis of Chinese version in English because of the interference from Chinese. “Chinglish is an awkward mixture in which ideas conceived in Chinese are ungrammatically expression in English.”(He mingzhu, 2000)3.The causes of chinglish in C-E translation3.1 Difference between thinking wayLanguage and thought are closely related. Language influences thought, in turn, thought decides the structure language. The thinking way of western people belongs to analytical type.Chinese people, however, incline to take consider specific details. Although along with the further communication, the distance is shorter and shorter for these two modes, while the essential part of each will not change easily. In Chinese-English translation, the discrepancy should be taken into account so as to reduce chinglish.3.2 Difference between culturesThe generality of the culture made it possible to translate, while the character of its language obstructs the translation. The Chinese students are nurtured by the long-term Chinese language and culture, lacking of understanding for the character of different language and culture, leading to poor information in cross-cultural communication; it is easy to appear chinglish. Take dog for example, it is just a animal in Chinese. However, it means a loyal friend in English. It is clear that Chinese culture and English culture all retain their own trait. So Chinese people and English people living in different areas may have different view of things. Among Chinese-English translation, people have different understanding on same thing to make chinglish.3.3 Difference between usagesUsage is the use of the conventional express, sometime like a Chinese idiom. As foreign language learners are deeply ingrained in the brain for their mother tongue, which may has negative impact on knowledge of foreign languages. And interferes with the correct and authentic foreign language .In generally, we say “study knowledge”in Chinese, while get knowledge in English.3.4 The learning methodWriting, to a large extent, is based on reading. It is said that wide reading and imitation can contribute to the native-like writing. Lacking of background knowledge and accumulation, learners can’t find the corresponding correct English expression to express their thoughts. They have formed the habit of trying to write in English what they would in Chinese and in this case, chinglish is likely to occur.3.5 The teaching strategyIt is evident that good translation takes place only when the learner has access to second language input and the opportunity to interact with the input. The teachers main concern is whether the students will pass the national college English test, so that they don’t shape students’habit to translate, and the way of thinking. They don’t usually create English-Englishenvironment to inflect students.4.The solutions of chinglish in C-E translationFirstly, In English teaching, teaching should be combined with the text to the students on the social conventions of western culture, historical background knowledge, strengthen students' understanding of English language characteristics, improve the students' English level, and reduce the students' pragmatic failures in the teaching process in addition to the teaching of vocabulary, grammar.Many English learners hope to achieve a kind of state that thinking in English. However, the learners Chinese thinking modes have deeply impact on the way the learners writing English and result in the chinglish. In peacetime memories, therefore, learners should understand the meaning of the words deeply, pay attention to English interpretation, make better use of a variety of ways to understand the true meanings of words.Reading more and wide is the most efficient way to reduce chinglish. On one hand, learners can jump out of the habit of writing in English but thinking in Chinese, and shape a good habit that the English ways of thinking. On the other hand, reading more about English western countries can weak the influence of the mother tongue so that they may choose the right words to express.Teachers should encourage student use an English –English dictionary. Keeping a good dictionary at hand seems to be a good remedy for the misuse of words.5. ConclusionThe study reported here is clearly a very small step in the task of unraveling mysteries of the analysis of chinglish in Chinese-English translation. The study might be useful to teachers to design teaching plan and spare no efforts to adapt the students’ minds into the ways of thinking. The thesis is expected to serve as a guide to the Chinese to English translation and ultimately to benefit translation in quality. Admittedly, what we have discussed in this study is far from complete. Some improvements we want to make in our further research include interviewing teachers and students, comparing the difference between Chinese and western English countries, and conducting a survey, which can make the study more adequate.ReferencesHe mingzhu. writing English the English way- a study of the causes of chinglish . Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000Kovecses,nguage,Mind and Culture.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2006.Nida, E.A. Language, Culture,and Translating [M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,1993Nord, Christian. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained [M]. 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- 220-校园英语 / 翻译研究原文意思,让学习者更加轻松深刻理解其内容。
《哲学:死亡》它是属于哲学领域的一门课程,专业知识非常多而且不容易理解,虽然Shelly kagan 的讲课非常生动风趣,讲授方式深入浅出,但是还是不能够有效地对专业术语进行贴切的表达。
譬如在公开课《哲学:死亡》的教学内容中,涉及到一个单词:physicalism ,它的通用表达意思是物理主义。
那到底把“physicalism ”直译成“物理主义”符不符合原语内容?通过哲学学者的解释,译者最终确定译为物理主义。
《死亡》课上喜欢坐在讲座上,盘着腿,非常书生气质的小老头Shelly kagan ,《公正》课上喜欢抛出问题和询问学生的名字,可以记住每个回答问题学生的看法的 MichaelJ.Sandel ,又或是《幸福课》上那个因为名字里缺一个字母“L ”,因此个头不够“TALL ”的TalBen Shahar ,这些课程教授的性格不管是外放型的还是内敛型的,教授们在授课过程中经常会智慧地将幽默元素融入课程教学内容中。
4. leaning over the bridge is a very fat man.靠着桥站着的是个超级大胖子。
汉英翻译中的中式英语现象研究Study on Chinglish in Chinese-English TranslationAbstractWith the deepening of China's opening up and the deepening of foreign exchanges, translation is playing an increasingly important role. As an important means of promoting cross language and intercultural communication, translation has promoted the mutual learning and communication between China and various countries in the world in political, economic and cultural aspects. There are thousands of people engaged in English translation in China, but unfortunately, because most of us use English to some extent influenced by the Chinese language, a special language phenomenon called Chinglish is produced, which can not be understood or accepted by the readers of the English speaking countries. Even misunderstanding and misinterpretation of what we originally intended to convey has seriously hampered the effect of cross-cultural communication.Chinglish is neither English nor Chinese. It is English with Chinese characteristics. Chinglish is difficult to accept in intercultural communication, because it leads to errors in interpretation and understanding. Chinglish often occurs in Chinese English consecutive interpreting. Therefore, how to overcome the problem of Chinglish in Chinese English consecutive interpreting is a topic worth studying.Keywords: Translation; Chinglish; English-Chinese Translation中文摘要随着中国对外开放程度的加深和对外交流的不断深入,翻译在其中正扮演着越来越重要的角色。
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同学译为 “ ecnb i eas m o et ” 正确 的 H a es dt b t pcl c r. a o a l o 译文应是 “ ei sm ti f a pcl c r” “ H o e n o s m oet . 把 不三 s h g at o
l y w n su y E gi l ,y u mu tp ti a l me al a tt td n l h wel o s u t f i o s n oot
笔者在教学过程 中搜集 了学生的作业和考试 中的汉 英翻译的句子 , 发现学生 的 中式英语表 现形式 大多体现
在 以下 方 面 。 1 词 汇方 面 。 .
() 1 多余的修饰 成分 。 中式英 语 在 词汇 选 择方 面 常 常表 现为 冗 余 累赘 。 如 , 毕竟 , “ 健康对每个人来说都是最重要 的。 ”有 的同学
译为 “Atr l hat i o evr t s ipr n et f l e h s fh eyu tm o ac e a , l t mo t o eeyoy ”句子中的 “ e ”是 多余 的因为 “ t s 已 vrbd. vr y u t mo ” 经是最高级 了。另外如 :加快经 济改革 速度 ” “ 常被学 生 译 为 “ oacl a epc f cnm crf m” 而 事实 T ce rt t aeo eoo i e r . e eh o 上 , acl ae 本身就包 含 “nraetesedo”的意 “ cee t” r ices pe f h 思, 所以此 句应译 为“ oaclr eeoo i r om” T ce a cnmc e r .在 et f 汉语 中, 我们经 常用很强 的副词修饰动词和形容词 , 用形
参与度。《 翟 }
参考文献: 【】 陈 威 建 构 主 义 学 习理 论 综 述 【1 1 J 学 术 交 流 ,2 0 0 7,( . 3) 【 2 】何 克抗. 建构主义 的教 学模 式、教 学方法 与教学设计 【 北京师 范大学 学报 J ]
国 式 英 语” 的 方法 ,力 图 减 少 汉 英 翻译 中 的 “ 国式 英 语 ” 现 象 。 中 I 关键 词 】 中 国式 英 语 ;成 因 ;文化 差 异
语 言是一种 社会现 象,是人类最 重要的交际工具 ,是进行思维和传递 信息的工具 ,是人类保存认识成果 的 载体。 英语作为对外交流的一扇 窗 口, 向我们展示的是~ 片广 阔的天地和一 一 派新奇的景象 。当能够熟练地用英语 同外 国朋友 交流 ,了解 国外 的社会 、 历史 、科学和文化 ,并取得第 一 资 手 料时 ,我们会真正领悟到掌握 一 语 种 言的妙处 。 但 长期以来,由于受母语干扰 和 影响, 硬套汉语规 则和 习惯, 汉英翻 在 译 中出现 了很多小合规 范或 合英语 文化习惯的畸形英语, 有人称之为 “ 中 国式英语 ( h gi ) 。 C i lh ” n s 随着 中国进 一 发展, 步 与世 界各 国的友好往 来 曰益频 繁, 汉英翻 译作 为对外交往的纽带越来越 受到人们的 重视 。然而 , 在进行 汉英翻译 的过程 中, 我们往往发现: 根据 自己理解翻译 出来的英语 , 虽然词 语拼写和语 法结 构正确, 但是质量不高, 总是觉得不是 地道的英语 : 或者翻 译出来 的东西根 本不能被人接受, 国人根本看不懂, 外 造成交 际误 解, 时还闹 出啼笑 皆非 有 的笑话。 比如 :“ 好学 习 ,天 天 向上” 好 , 被翻成 了 “ o d o ds d dy y G o o uy, a g t a d u” “ D : 给你点颜色看看” 被翻译成 了 ,
重 点 学 习 的 第二 语 言
中 国 自加入 世 界 贸易 组 织 以 来
与 世界
( 一 ) 本 土 文 化 与西方 文 化 的 差 异
的 交流 沟 通 越 来 越 频 繁
英 语作 为 各 国 沟 通的 工 具 也 被我 国 列
作 重 要 的 科 目 学 习 但 是 由 于 中 西 文化 思 想 思 维 方 式 汉 英 语 言 的 表 达 习 惯 的 诸 多不 同 使 得 一 直 以 来说 汉语 的 中 国 人 学
, , , , , , ,
在各个 国 家有 着普遍 的 影 响 力 越 来 越 多 的 国 家 将英语 当成 自 己 国 家 的 母 语 越 来 越 多 的 国 家 将英语 看 成 自 己 的 第二语 言
, ,
在 尚不 适应 或 是不 了 解 英语 的语言 习 惯 语言 习 溃和 思维 方 式 带 入到英语 的 学 习 中 去 了 影响
惯 染
语言是人 类传递信息 的 工具 有共 性 的 同 时 又 因 为不 同 的 民 族文化 有 着各自迥异 的 个性 本土语言 长期 受 本土文化 的 浸
, , ,
近几十年来 全 球 趋 于 稳定 经 济 随 和 平 与 发 展 的 国 际 环 境也迅速 发 展起 来 全 球 范 围 内 国 家 与 国 家 之 间 的 联 系 越 来 越 密切 经 济 往来 也越 来 越 频 繁 语言在沟通各 国 的 过程 中起 到 了至 关 重要 的 作 用 而英语作为在 全 球 范 围 内几乎通用 的语 言
汉英翻译中的中式英语现象导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“汉英翻译中的中式英语现象”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持!Chinglish in Chinese-English TranslationA ThesisSubmitted for Obtaining the B.A. Degree from Foreign Languages Department, Hubei University of Chinese MedicineByZhao DandanSupervisedByLecturer Cheng AiliMay 26, 2011SignatureThe thesis of Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation by Zhao Dandan was reviewed and approved by Lecturer Cheng Aili on May26, 2011.Supervisor :________________( Signature) AcknowledgementsThis thesis was completed on February 26, 2011, and many people have helped with it. Here I would particularly like to thank my respectable supervisor, Lecturer Cheng Aili, for the valuable advice that she has given me in the writing of this thesis. In addition to what she has taught in her spare time on how to prepare and write the thesis, I also want toacknowledge all the teachers in Foreign Languages Department of Hubei University of Chinese Medicine who have provided me with rich information and great encouragement and their efforts to offer me the form and rules. Besides, my roommates should be acknowledged too for their kind and generous help.Abstract: With the development of the economic globalization, English has become an international language used in many countries and fields in the world, especially in international conferences, documents of corporations and internet. In China, with the further development of the reform and opening-up policy and the increasing frequent communication with foreign countries, English has gained more and more attention as a bond to exchange with other countries. As a great many Chinese people are learning English, there appears an intricate problem, chinglish, a language between Chinese and English, which has become a common problem perplexing English learners in China ,so it is essential to overcome this problem. The whole thesis is to discuss chinglish in C-E translation and is developed fromtranslational perspective in three aspects: the influence of different culture between China and western countries on C-E translation, manifestations of chinglish and the countermeasures of this problem.Key Words: chinglish translation reason manifestation countermeasure摘要:随着经济全球化的发展,在许多国家,英语作为一种国际通用的语言被使用在世界的各个领域,尤其是在国际会议、公司的重要文件以及网络等方面。
汉英翻译中的中式英语现象研究A Tentative Study on Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation王金辉1. Please differentiate Chinglish and China EnglishChina English is one variety of English, just like Singapore English, Hong Kong English and so on. In Chinese-English translation, we usually meet some expressions which have too many Chinese characteristics that differentiate us from the nations who write and think in letters. And these Chinese characteristics are established on the basis of culture, tradition, and philosophy, all such intangible human resources. So we cannot find the exact expression in English, then, we only create some expressions according to English grammar. These expressions are named China English. At first, it is difficult to be understood for some native speakers of English who are not familiar with Chinese politics, culture and tradition. But if we give these sorts of translation with some necessary explanations, it will be no more difficult. Chinglish are created by Chinese who are not good at English and they speak and write according to Chinese grammar, culture and tradition.2. Please illustrate the causes of Chinglish with examples.1) Differences between culturesOwing to different customs and cultural backgrounds of the people speaking the two languages, the same concrete images used in the analogy may lead to different concepts and associations, or something meaningless.e.g. (Meeting a guest from England at the airport) I’m afraid you must have had a tiring trip. (您辛苦了) it is proper to say “did you have a pleasant trip?”,”how was your trip?”2) differences between thinking modes.老子煎熬了小半辈子,还让老婆跟着受委屈I have endured hardship for nearly half of my life, and my wife has suffered all along with me.3) differences between linguistic structureLexical deficiency “东西”Habitual usages “得失”loss and gain4)comprehension factor中国经济是个大问题。
关键词:中式英语;思维模式差异;母语的干扰Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation and Possible SolutionsAbstract: With China‟s reform and opening-up policy and economic globalization, Chinese people are communicating with foreign countries in every aspect. English has developed as a widely used language to fulfill international communication, and translation has become a necessary method. However, a phenomenon exists commonly in Chinese- English translation, that is, Chinglish. The translators just rigidly stick to original words, and their translations turn out to be obscure and not consistent with English habits or rules but with Chinese characteristics, which cannot be accepted by English native speakers. Consequently, Chinglish seriously affects the translation quality and our communication with the world, and the international status of our country.This paper is an attempt to study Chinglish in Chinese-English translation. It consists of three parts. Part one describes Chinglish with interlanguage and analyzes the basic causes of Chinglish that are thought pattern difference between Chinese and English and interference of mother tongue. From the aspects of six sorts of errors, part two demonstrates main manifestations of Chinglish in C-E translation with a large number of examples. Part three offers some possible solutions with an aim to reduce or evade Chinglish in Chinese-English translation to the largest extent.Key words: Chinglish; thought pattern difference; mother tongue interferenceTable of ContentsI. Introduction (1)II. Chinglish (1)A. Definition of Chinglish (1)B. Manifestations of Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation (2)1. Unnecessary Words (2)2. Rigid Translation (4)3. Misuse of Words (4)4. Incorrect Word Order (6)5. Incorrect Subject (7)6. Incorrect Negation (8)III. Basic Causes of Chinglish (9)A. Thought Patterns Differences (9)B. Mother Tongue Interference (11)IV. Possible Solutions to Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation (12)A. Knowing More about English Thought Patterns (12)B. Accumulating Chinglish Examples (13)C. Doing More Translation Practice (14)D. Adapting good ways in using dictionaries (14)E. Watching more English movies and TV drama programs (15)V. Conclusion (15)I. IntroductionSince English has developed as an international language, study on various English versions on the linguistics, culture and cognition has become an important subject in the international language study field.Scholars home and abroad have been devoting themselves to studying Chinglish for years. Li Wenzhong distinguished Chinglish from Chinese English. He thought that Chinese English was not a hypothesis but an objective phenomenon with expansive prospect and study value, while Chinese English was distorted English and would be gradually reduced or eliminated along with the wide use of English and Chinese English learners‟. On the basis of interlanguage, both Chinese English and Chinglish were interlanguage variations produced by Chinese and affected by Chinese culture, and they were inevitable. There are two causes of Chinglish. First, the misunderstanding of the original and for the second was being not familiar with English characteristics and adopting Chinese collocations and structures. Joan Pinkham, an American professional translator, systematically classified Chinglish manifestations and corrected them with specific analysis.The author of this paper agrees that Chinglish is objective and unavoidable for Chinese English learners but needs improvement. This paper studies Chinglish in Chinese-English translation, discussing its definition, causes and solutions with a large number of examples.II. ChinglishChinglish has existed for a long history, even since Chinese began to study and use English. In the early 1980s, some foreign experts pointed out that some phrases or structures in some published Chinese magazines and newspapers did not conform to Standard English actually. Because it manifests Chinese feature, they called this kind of English “Chinglish” (Ma Xuehong 79).A. Definition of ChinglishChinglish is defined by Joan Pinkham who is an American language expert in her book The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish: “Chinglish, of course, is that misshapen, neither English nor Chinese but that might be described as …English with Chinese characteristics”. It does not conform to Standard English and cannot be understood or accepted by English native speakers, so it is playing a negative role in communicating with English people.In the strict sense, Chinglish is the interlanguage of Chinese learners between Chinese and English. Two of the characteristics of interlanguage are cited: (Pinkham 32) (1)It is dynamic, and full of errors, and is in the process of constant change towards astandard target language system.(2)The learner‟s competence is transitional. It is subject to constant revision, passes through a number of stages, and forms the “interlanguage continuum”.Another feature is fossilization which is defined as a process occurring from time to time in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language.Being Chinese, we generally cannot reach the same level of competence as English natives. Our “final state”grammar is not standard English grammar. Thus, certain rules and items “fossilize”. Typical errors are “he have…”and “she go to school yesterday”, etc.According to the definitions of Chinglish and interlanguage and the characteristics of interlanguage,a conclusion can be drawn that Chinglish is an interlanguage of Chinese learners of English, and is neither Chinese nor English but stands between them.B. Manifestations of Chinglish in Chinese-English TranslationIt has been discussed in chapter one that thought is the basis of language, so the thought pattern difference will affect the transformation of the languages. Translation is a language activity that reexpresses the thought of language by another language accurately and entirely. In this sense, translation should not be merely viewed as the transformation of languages, but also the transformation of thought patterns. Besides, the structure difference between the two languages will also affect the translation. When translating, many Chinese English learners only pay attention to the language replacement, neglecting the differences of thought patterns and structures. Consequently, Chinglish appears. For a clearer cognition of this phenomenon, this chapter classifies it to six sorts of errors that are rigid translation, unnecessary words, and misuse of words, incorrect word order, incorrect subject and incorrect negation.1. Unnecessary WordsA sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentence. It is said that any words which perform no function in the sentence—that is, which add nothing to the meaning—should be edited out.However, almost every text translated from Chinese into English contains unnecessary words. Namely, unnecessary words appear in a large number of phrases and sentences. Unnecessary words are thehallmark of Chinglish. Let‟s see the following examples.(1) 确保中美两国之间紧密的合作关系。
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相同的追求,不同的命运——《红楼梦》中的林黛玉和《傲慢与偏见》中的伊丽莎白比较131 An Analysis of Space in In the Heart of the Country132 A Study on the Cross-Cultural Management in the Sino-American Joint-Venture Enterprises --With Special Reference to Changan & Ford Motor Company133 Th e Death Image of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry134 Wessex Women: Female Characters in Thomas Hardy's Novels135 对比分析英式英语和美式英语的区别136 章回体小说开篇叙事标记语翻译初探——以四大古典名著为例137 从《道连•格雷的画像》透析王尔德的艺术人生观138 论《夜色温柔》中的感伤主义139 动物习语在英汉文化中的异同分析140 A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Spatial Language in Business Negotiation 141 浅议我国民营企业薪酬管理142 《纯真年代》中社会与个人的碰撞143 农村初中英语口语教学现状的调查与分析——以xx中学为例144 英语抽象名词和物质名词的数概念分析145 看翻译中的文化因素146 用情景教学法教语法——马街中学个案研究147 浅析《飘》中斯嘉丽的婚姻观148 小说《飘》中斯嘉丽的人物性格分析149 英语幽默的认知语用分析150 论奥斯卡王尔德童话中的唯美主义151 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中圣克莱尔一家的人物分析152 浅析不同文化中的身势语153 广告英语的修辞特点分析154 论《教授的房子》中圣彼得教授对自我的追求155 苔丝的悲剧命运分析156 《少年派的奇幻漂流》电影中的隐喻与象征手法研究157 从英汉“狗”的习语看中西方文化差异158 Hemingway’s Individual Heroism from Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea159 Translation Strategy on Culturally-loaded Expressions in Prison Break160 On Characteristic Features of the Main Characters in The Moon and Sixpence161 英语中的性别歧视162 简析《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯汀的女性意识163 Maintaining and Revitalizing the Native American Languages164 法律英语词汇特点及其翻译165 《夜色温柔》中主人公迪克人格分析166 英汉颜色词的文化内涵167 从态度系统分析小说《简•爱》的女主人公的性格特征168 A Comparison between Two Chinese Versions of Uncle Tom’s Cabin169 从功能派翻译理论的角度看商标名称的英译170 Error Analysis on English Writing by Senior High School Students171 英汉称谓语中的文化差异172 论学生角色在中学英语课堂中的转换173 简爱性格研究174 浅析文化差异对中西商务谈判的影响175 A Popular Form of Subtitles Translation by Fansub Group on the Internet176 Heathcliff’s Pilgrim’s Passage177 从目的论看英文奇幻文学中专有名词的汉译178 《紫色》中黑人女性意识的觉醒和成长179 中美文化中面子理论的对比分析180 浅析华兹华斯诗歌中的自然观181 论《觉醒》中艾德娜女性意识的觉醒182 Maternal Love in The Millstone183 探究汉英翻译的中式英语现象184 臻于完美的人物魅力——对简•奥斯丁《劝导》中的女主人公的分析185 The Influences of Religion On the American Society186 高中英语教学中的文化教育187 论《紫色》中的性别暴力188 培养元认知策略, 提高学生自主学习能力189 Judy’s Double Character in Daddy-Long-Legs190 A Comparison of the English Color Terms191 《呼啸山庄》中男主人公人物分析192 The Postmodern Story In the Victorian Age--The French Lieutenant's Woman193 功能对等视角下记者招待会古诗词翻译策略研究194 《老人与海》中的和谐关系195 论纳撒尼尔霍桑《牧师的黑面纱》中的象征196 试论《永别了,武器》中的悲观宿命论(开题报告+论文)197 The Inharmonious Elements in The Old Man and the Sea from an Ecological Perspective 198 公示语的功能、语言特点及翻译199 On Women’s Status in the Early th Century Seen in The Sound and the Fury200 论小说《苔丝》中环境描写的作用。