
英语必修二unit1试题及答案一、词汇题(共10分,每题1分)1. The teacher asked the students to ________ their books and listen carefully.A. turn onB. turn offC. turn upD. turn down答案:D2. She is a ________ person and always keeps her promises.A. reliableB. unbelievableC. unbelievableD. unreliable答案:A3. The ________ of the meeting was to discuss the new project.A. purposeB. aimC. goalD. target答案:B4. The ________ of the book is to help beginners learn English.A. intentionB. purposeC. goalD. target答案:B5. He ________ his way through the crowd to the front.A. pushedB. forcedC. madeD. got答案:C6. The ________ of the house is very beautiful.A. decorationB. designC. layoutD. pattern答案:B7. She is always ________ in her work.A. carefulB. cautiouslyC. carelessD. casual答案:A8. The ________ of the old man was very sad.A. deathB. dieC. dyingD. dead答案:A9. The ________ of the book is very good.A. editionB. versionC. editionD. revision答案:B10. He ________ the letter and put it in the envelope.A. sealedB. closedC. shutD. locked答案:A二、语法题(共20分,每题2分)1. The children ________ the park when it started to rain.A. leftB. were leavingC. had leftD. are leaving答案:B2. ________ the meeting room, we found the lights were still on.A. EnteringB. To enterC. EnteredD. Having entered答案:A3. She ________ her keys in the office.A. forgotB. leftC. lostD. missed答案:B4. ________ the book, he went home.A. ReadB. Having readC. ReadingD. To read答案:B5. The teacher asked the students to ________ the text.A. summarizeB. summarizeC. summarizingD. to summarize答案:A6. ________ the test, she felt very nervous.A. TakingB. To takeC. TakenD. Having taken答案:A7. The boy ________ the window and looked out.A. openedB. opened upC. brokeD. broke down答案:B8. ________ the news, she was very excited.A. HearingB. Having heardC. HeardD. To hear答案:B9. The book ________ a lot of interesting stories.A. containsB. includesC. involvesD. consists答案:A10. ________ the problem, he worked late into the night.A. SolvingB. To solveC. SolvedD. Having solved答案:B三、阅读理解题(共30分,每题3分)阅读以下短文,然后回答问题。

高中英语学习材料madeofjingetieji高中英语人教新课标必修2Unit1 Cultural Relics单元练习一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the woman live now?A. In New York.B. In Chicago.C. In Boston.2. What do we know from the conversation?A. Both of them got good marks in the exam.B. One of them spilt the milk.C. Either of them got low marks in the exam.3. What was the climate like where the old couple lived?A. It was very rainy.B. It was very warm.C. It was very snowy.4. Why won't the woman order dessert?A. She thinks the dessert is too expensive.B. She doesn't want to gain weight.C. She is afraid of dropping the dessert on her clothes.5. Why did the woman get a new job in another country?A. Because she hated to work with the man here.B. Because she didn't like the culture here.C. Because she wanted to experience a new culture.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. How does the man feel about David's way of sleeping?A. It's effective.B. It's strange.C. It's the best.7. How many hours does David sleep a day?A. Four.B. Six.C. Seven.8. What does the woman suggest at the end of the talk?A. People should develop a habit like David's.B. People need longer hours of sleep.C. People have different sleeping habits.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What is the woman going to do?A. Attend a party.B. Take a holiday.C. Go on a business trip.10. When does the woman plan to arrive?A. Late Friday.B. Midday Saturday.C. Saturday night.11. What is the weather like in the town during the day?A. Cold.B. Wet.C. Warm.听第8段材料,回答第12、13题。12. Why does the man thank the woman?A. She has helped him with his problems.B. She has invited him for coffee.C. She has agreed to see him on Monday.13. When does the conversation take place?A. Before class.B. After class.C. During class. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What will the man do next morning?A. Meet Mr Cooper.B. Visit the national lab.C. Meet Bill Lyons.15. How will the man spend his Saturday?A. He will do some paperwork.B. He will take some rest.C. He will meet some visitors.16. What do we know about the woman?A. She's the man's wife.B. She's a business manager.C. She's a company secretary.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where did the fire probably start?A. On the first floor.B. On the second floor.C. On the third floor.18. When was the building built?A. In 1718.B. In 1782.C. In 1930.19. What was the building used as at the time of the fire?A. A hotel.B. An old people's home.C. A history museum.20. Who is Andrew Bond?A. A newspaper reporter.B. The owner of the building.C. The head of the fire department.二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共15小题;共15分)21. To my great surprise, he somehow managed to s the earthquake.22. My brother is the first student in our class to be s to take part in the English oral competition.23. The magazine will appear in a new d next month.24. On Christmas Eve, the whole family helped to d the house.25. There is no d about his honesty.26. The car is w at least 100,000 yuan.27. The bomb was timed to e during the rush-hour.28. She was Titanic, a ship which was said never to s .29. R the dishes from the table, please.30. His teacher gave him much v advice on his study.31. Up to now, there has been no e to prove that he has something to do with the theft.32. The two sides had a fierce d before they reached an agreement.33. Children have different s of learning: some learn by seeing, some by hearing, some by doing.34. Mary and Jane are sisters. The f is a singer; the latter is a dancer.35. The government holds an official r (接待) to welcome the foreign visitors.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)36. Why didn't you (选择) a better subject for your composition?37. My children, please r (除去) the snow from your shoes before coming in.38. He saw some (令人惊异的) sights at the zoo.39. I (怀疑) if there's anything more we can do tonight.40. I held my breath and (下沉) under the water.41. There is a heated (争论) on these issues.42. You have bought a new flat. Now have you decided how to design and (装饰) it?43. It is said that a (贵重的) diamond will be on show here soon.44. The (设计) of the Amber Room was in the style still popular today.45. He has developed his own (风格) of writing.46. China is a country (属于) to the developing ones.47. That house is very expensive, but I think it's (值) the money.48. The bomb was timed to (爆炸) during the rush hour.49. There is a lot of (证据) that stress is partly responsible for disease.50. A(n) (非正式的) party will be held next Sunday in his home.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共15小题;共30分)51. 父亲是老师的那个女孩被北京大学录取了。
人教版 高中语文必修2第一单元测试练习含答案

3. 文中画横线的句子有语病,下列修改最恰当的一项是()A. 虽然看上去地域较为偏僻,村庄的规模也不是很大,但是眼前的景象却显得优雅别致B. 因为地域看上去较为偏僻,所以村庄的规模也不是很大,眼前的景象却显得优雅别致C. 眼前的景象虽然显得优雅别致,但是看上去地域较为偏僻,村庄的规模也不是很大D. 虽然看上去地域较为偏僻,村庄的规模也不是很大,但是眼前的景象却显得清静无为4. 下列在文中括号内补写的语句,最恰当的一项是()A. 蓝天白云,碧空如洗,群山逶迤,森林蓊郁B. 蓝天白云,群山逶迤,森林蓊郁,碧空如洗C. 群山逶迤,森林蓊郁,蓝天白云,碧空如洗D. 群山逶迤,蓝天白云,碧空如洗,森林蓊郁5. 依次填入文中横线上的成语,全都恰当的一项是()A. 蜿蜒曲折如诗如画闻名遐迩山清水秀B. 连绵起伏如诗如画如雷贯耳鸟语花香C. 蜿蜒曲折美轮美奂如雷贯耳山清水秀D. 连绵起伏美轮美奂闻名遐迩鸟语花香6.“通感”又叫“移觉”,是把视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉沟通起来的一种修辞手法。

【练习】一)填写单词1. By definition the capital is the political and c_______ center of a country.2.Though he recovered from his illness, he r__________ weak.3.The house b_________ to the old man was built hundreds of years ago.4.Heavily as it rained, we were still out in s________ of the missing boy.5. The school building was d_________ by a famous professor in Beijing, whose s_________ many people prefer.6. I sent her a bike as his birthday g________, and she gave me an mp3 in r_________.7. She stared at herself in the m________ and lost in thought.8. They are twins. No w________ I can not tell them apart.9. He was c_________ to be honest. In fact, the e_________he gave p______ to be false.10. We mustn't _____ to know what we don't know. Please raise your questions if any.二)请根据中文意思完成下列句子。
1. 长城是世界一大奇迹。

高一化学必修二练习卷姓名:___________班级:___________学号:___________一、单选题1.元素周期表里金属元素和非金属元素分界线附近的元素可用于( ) A.制新农药B.制新医用药物C.制半导体材料D.制高温合金2.铟(In)是一种非常贴近我们生活的主族元素,手机、电脑、电视屏幕使用的都是含铟的导电玻璃。
下列有关氮化镓的说法中不正确的是[A.氮化镓是由主族元素与副族元素形成的化合物B.氮化镓的化学式为GaN C.镓原子最外层比氮原子最外层少两个电子D.镓比铝原子的失电子能力强4.下列关于元素周期表应用的说法正确的是()A.在金属与非金属的交界处,可寻找到作催化剂的合金材料B.共有18个族,第ⅢB族含元素种类最多C.根据周期律编制出第一个元素周期表的科学家是门捷列夫D.某元素原子最外电子层上只有两个电子,该元素一定是ⅡA族元素5.已知原子序数,可推断原子的是()①质子数②核电荷数③核外电子数④元素在周期表中的位置A.①②③B.①③④C.②③④D.全部&6.原子序数为x的元素E在周期表中位于A、B、C、D四种元素中间(如图所示),则A、B、C、D四种元素的原子序数之和不可能是(镧系、锕系、0族元素除外)( )A.4x B.4x+14C.4x+10 D.4x+67.如图是含某元素的A→G的七种物质分别与X、Y、Z反应的价类二维图。
下列说法正确的是()A.该元素在周期表中位于第二周期第V族B.上述转化中发生5个氧化还原反应C.稳定性:气态F<气态Z D.A、B、X、G四种物质分别含有离子键和共价键8.下列关于卤族元素由上到下性质递变规律的叙述,正确的是( )①单质的氧化性增强②单质的颜色加深③气态氢化物的稳定性增强④单质的沸点升高⑤阴离子的还原性增强A.①②③B.②③④C.②④⑤D.①③⑤】9.关于下列反应的叙述正确的是()A.由SiO 2+2C Si+2CO↑可推知硅的非金属性比碳强B.由CaCO 3+SiO2CaSiO3+CO2↑可推知H2SiO3的酸性比H2CO3强C.由Na2SiO3+CO2+H2O=Na2CO3+H2SiO3↓可推知碳的非金属性比硅强D.由Na 2CO3+SiO2Na2SiO3+CO2↑可推知H2SiO3的酸性比H2CO3强10.碱金属元素及其单质从Li→Cs性质递变规律正确的是( )A.密度逐渐增大B.熔点逐渐升高C.金属性逐渐增强D.还原性逐渐减弱11.下列关系正确的是( )A.原子半径:Na<Cl B.金属性:K>Na,C.酸性:H3PO4>H2SO4D.稳定性:HBr>HCl12.铋元素可表示为83Bi,在元素周期表中相对原子质量表示为,下列说法正确的是A.Bi元素的质量数是209 B.Bi元素最高价氧化物的化学式为Bi2O3 C.Bi原子最高价氧化物的水化物酸性比硝酸的要强D.Bi元素位于元素周期表第六周期第ⅤA族13.W、Q、X、Y、Z为短周期元素且原子序数依次增大,X原子的K层电子数与M层电子数相等,Y是常用的灰黑色半导体材料,通常状态下YW4呈气态。
(人教版最新)高中英语必修第二册 Unit 1单元测试01

Unit 1 单元测试一、阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题,每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AFrom early times, man has been interested in art. People have often worked together to collect and save the world’s art treasures. Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the Louvre in Paris, France. The works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuries. It is one of the biggest art museums in the world.The Louvre has not always been a museum. The first building was a fort(堡垒). In 1190, it was the king’s castle with high walls and a round tower. It had a moat(护城河)to keep out the enemies. Over the years, the number of buildings around the castle grew. By 1350, the castle no longer needed a fort. The Louvre became a palace home for French kings and queens.During the time of peace, new treasures were brought in. During the days of war, many treasures were stolen, and the buildings were damaged.When Francis I became the King of France in 1515, he brought in many artists from other countries. One of the artists was Leonardo da Vinci from Italy. Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is the best known painting in the museum today.In 1793, the Louvre became a public museum. It is a place where art treasures are kept for everyone to enjoy. Every year millions of people from all over the world come to the Louvre to see the masterpieces.1. Most of works of art in the Louvre have been collected probably by ________.A. the French peopleB. Francis IC. Leonardo da VinciD. people of the world2. Why is it good for the works of art to be kept in public museums?A. The works of art will not be stolen.B. The works of art will not be damaged.C. Artists can study the works of art.D. Everyone has a chance to enjoy the works of art.3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The Louvre is always a museum since it was built.B. All the art treasures in the Louvre have been destroyed in the war.C. The Louvre was once the king’s castle in history.D. There is still a fort near the Louvre now.BWhat killed King Tut? Historians and scientists have long believed that ancient Egypt’smost famous king was probably murdered. But a recent scientific study claims to have found adifferent answer to this more than 3,300-year-old mystery. A team of researchers now say thatKing Tut, the boy ruler, died of complications (并发症)from a broken leg.Tut’s full name was Tutankhamun. He was just 9 years old when he became the ruler ofEgypt in 1333 BC. His treasure-filled tomb was discovered almost a century ago. It was filled with royal riches, including a solid-gold coffin, a gold mask, and piles of jewelry.Unfortunately Tut died at the age of 19. Many experts have thought that Tut was killed by one of his advisers, named Ay, who wanted to be king. But thanks to a major modern science project, it seems Ay is innocent.Researchers set out to solve the mystery of King Tut’s death by using the tools of science, including DNA tests and electronic scans of his mummy(木乃伊). Scientist Carsten Pusch carried out the tests on Tut for the new study. He thinks a broken leg led to the young king’s death. More than 100 walking sticks were found in King Tut’s tomb. This supports the team’s findings. But how could a person die from a simple broken leg?Pusch also found DNA evidence in Tut’s body that shows he had malaria, a disease carried by mosquitoes. Malaria seriously weakens the immune system(免疫系统).Pusch and his fellow researchers believe the malaria and the bone disease together caused the king’s fracture (骨折)to become deadly. Finally, the young king was just too weak to recover. So effects of the disease combined with the bad luck of a broken bone —not a jealous adviser —are likely the real, causes of King Tut’s death.4. It has long been believed by historians and scientists that ________.A. King Tut was the youngest ruler in the world historyB. King Tut was the richest ruler in the history of EgyptC. King Tut was murdered by one of his advisersD. King Tut was poisoned by one of his servants.5. With the help of modern technology, the new study discovered that the king ________.A. died directly of a disease called malariaB. died of complications from a broken legC. died of a simple cut in the broken legD. was bitten to death by deadly mosquitoes6. Researchers uncovered the mystery of King Tut’s death by ________.A. testing the King’s immune systemB. studying the walking sticks found in the tombC. performing experiments on mosquitoesD. applying DNA tests and electronic scan technology7. The passage mainly tells us about ________.A. a different answer to King Tut’s deathB. a famous boy king in ancient EgyptC. a treasure-filled tomb discovered in EgyptD. a team of researchers studying ancient tombsCIn the 1960s, while studying the volcanic history of Yellowstone National Park, Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something that, oddly, had not troubled anyone before: he couldn’t find the park’s volcano. It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in nature —that’s what accounted for all its hot springs and other steamy features. But Christiansen couldn’t find the Yellowstone volcano anywhere.Most of us, when we talk about volcanoes, think of the classic cone(圆锥体)shapes of a Fuji or Kilimanjaro, which are created when erupting magma(岩浆)piles up. These can form remarkably quickly. In 1943, a Mexican farmer was surprised to see smoke rising from a small part of his land. In one week he was the confused owner of acone five hundred feet high. Within two years it had topped out at almost fourteen hundred feet and was more than half a mile across. Altogether there are some ten thousand of these volcanoes on Earth, all but a few hundred of them extinct. There is, however, a second less known type of volcano that doesn’t involve mountain building. These are volcanoes so explosive that they burst open in a single big crack, leaving behind a vast hole, the caldera. Yellowstone obviously was of this second type, but Christiansen couldn’t find the caldera anywhere.Just at this time NASA decided to test some new high-altitude cameras by taking photographs of Yellowstone.A thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to the park authorities on the assumption that they might make a nice blow-up for one of the visitors’ centers. As soon as Christiansen saw the photos, he realized why he had failed to spot the caldera: almost the whole park —2.2 million acres —was caldera. The explosion had left a hole more than forty miles across —much too huge to be seen from anywhere at ground level. At some time in the past Yellowstone must have blown up with a violence far beyond the scale of anything known to humans.8. What puzzled Christiansen when he was studying Yellowstone?A. Its complicated geographical features.B. Its ever-lasting influence on tourism.C. The mysterious history of the park.D. The exact location of the volcano.9. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?A. The shapes of volcanoes.B. The impacts of volcanoes.C. The activities of volcanoes.D. The heights of volcanoes.10. What does the underlined word “blow-up” in the last paragraph most probably mean?A. Hot-air balloon.B. Digital camera.C. Big photograph.D. Bird’s view.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

单元综合复习测试题2套(附答案)Unit 1 Cultural HeritageA卷I.单词拼写1.Much of the ____________(庙) was ruined, but the front was whole, as well as a large hall behind it.2. This gave me a c_________________(线索)as to the source of the problem.3.My reasons were stated in writing and circulated to all ______________(委员会) members.4.She said his death was a great l______________ (损失)to herself.5.The school has received various help from the education d__________________________.(部门)6.It is reported that the f_____________(资金)has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons.7. The overall price level is_______________(在.....范围内) a controllable range and is expected to drop steadily.8. Despite numerous failures, they continued to c________________(执行)the experiment without flagging.9. When you,finish typing, remember to save your_________________ (文件).10.I passed my driving test at the first a__________________________.(尝试)【答案】1.temple 2.clue mittee 4.loss 5.department 6.fund7.within 8.conduct 9. document 10.attempt.II.完成句子1.There _____________I thought my dad didn’t know a thing about being a good father. 曾经有一段时间我认为我的父亲不知道如何做一个好父亲。
人教版高中英语必修第二册 Unit 1 单元测试题(含答案)

人教版高中英语必修第二册 Unit 1 单元测试题(含答案)(考试时间:90分钟满分:120分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AJourney Back in Time with ScholarsClassical Provence(13 days)Journey through the beautiful countryside of Provence, France, with Prof. Ori Z. Soltes. We will visit some of the best-preserved Roman monuments in the world. Our tour also includes a chance to walk in the footsteps of Van Gogh and Gauguin. Fields of flowers, tile-roofed(瓦屋顶) villages and tasty meals enrich this wonderful experience.Southern Spain(15 days)Spain has lovely white towns and the scent(芳香) of oranges, but it is also a treasury of ancient remains including the cities left by the Greeks, Romans and Arabs. As we travel south from Madrid with Prof. Ronald Messier to historic Toledo, Roman Mérida and into Andalucia, we explore historical monuments and architecture. China's Sacred Landscapes(21 days)Discover the China of "past ages," its walled cities, temples and mountain scenery with Prof. Robert Thorp. Highlights(精彩之处) include China's most sacred peaks at Mount Tai and Hangzhou's rolling hills, waterways and peaceful temples. We will wander in traditional small towns and end our tour with an exceptional museum in Shanghai.Tunisia(17 days)Join Prof. Pedar Foss on our in-depth Tunisian tour. Tour highlights include the Roman city of Dougga, the underground Numidian capital at Bulla Regia, Roman Sbeitla and the remote areas around Tataouine and Matmata, unique for underground cities. Our journey takes us to picturesque Berber villages and lovely beaches.1.What can visitors see in both Classical Provence and Southern Spain?A.Historical monuments.B.Fields of flowers.C.Van Gogh's paintings.D.Greek buildings.2.Which country is Prof. Thorp most knowledgeable about?A.France.B.Spain.C.China.D.Tunisia.3.Which of the following highlights the Tunisian tour?A.White towns.B.Underground cities.C.Tile-roofed villages.D.Rolling hills.BRome can be pricey for travelers, which is why many choose to stay in a hostel (旅社). The hostels in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that, you’ll often get to stay in a central location (位置) with security and comfort. Yellow HostelIf I had to make just one recommendation for where to stay in Rome, it would be Yellow Hostel. It’s one of the best-rated hostels in the city, and for good reason. It’s affordable, and it’s got a fun atmosphere without being too noisy. As an added bonus, it’s close to the main train station.Hostel Alessandro PalaceIf you love social hostels, this is the best hostel for you in Rome. Hostel Alessandro Palace is fun. Staff members hold plenty of bar events for guests like free shots, bar crawls and karaoke. There’s also an area on the rooftop for hanging out with other travelers during the summer.Youth Station HostelIf you’re looking for cleanliness and a modern hostel, look no further than Youth Station. It offers beautiful furnishings and beds. There are plenty of other benefits, too; it doesn’t charge city tax; it has both air conditioning and a heater for the rooms; it also has free Wi-Fi in every room.Hotel and Hostel Des ArtistesHotel and Hostel Des Artistes is located just a 10-minute walk from the central city station and it’s close to all of the city’s main attractions. The staff is friendly and helpful, providing you with a map of the city when you arrive, and offering advice if you require some. However, you need to pay 2 euros a day for Wi-Fi.4.What is probably the major concern of travelers who choose to stay in a hostel?fort.B.Security.C.Price.D.Location.5.Which hotel best suits people who enjoy an active social life?A.Yellow Hostel.B.Hostel Alessandro Palace.C.Youth Station Hostel.D.Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes.6.What is the disadvantage of Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes?A.It gets noisy at night.B.Its staff is too talkative.C.It charges for Wi-Fi.D.It’s inconveniently located.CYears ago, I could not stick to exercising until I bought a CD called I Enjoy Exercise.I listened to it every day. I bought the CD because I wanted to run in a race and hopefully win!I had promised my 10-year-old son Todd that I would run in a race with him. Unfortunately, however, when that race came about, his left leg was hurt in a car accident. Without him running with me, although I took part in that race, yet I didn’t do quite well in it.While Todd couldn’t run together with me because of h is injury, he never forgot the promise I made for him. He was always asking me whether I would keep my promise when he recovered in the future. So I decided I was going to train and go all out to win the next race. What I needed was motivation (动力). It happened that one of my friends mentioned the CD which he liked very much, saying that he got a lot from the music in it when feeling down. So I bought it and listened to it while exercising every day.It was amazing what happened to my thinking as I listened to it daily. I started to think about the repeated words on the CD—“I enjoy exercise”. Instead of dreading exercise, I was thinking, “I enjoy exercise.”I found out how important words are that we play in our minds every day. I went from a person who seldom exercised to someone who started to exercise daily. Just think how our lives will improve if we reflect on the uplifting and motivating words of the famous works. I have found the positive messages have greatly improved my thinking and then changed my life.How did I do in that race, you might be thinking? I actually won the gold medal in my age group.7.Why did the author take part in the race by herself?A. She would like to win the race.B. She had a good talent for running.C. Her son got injured in a car accident.D. Her son was unwilling to run with her.8.How did the author get the motivation for training?A. By recalling some inspiring stories.B. By listening to the CD while running.C. By getting timely help from his friend.D. By forcing herself into keeping running.9.What does the underlined word “dreading” in paragraph 4 mean?A. Fearing.B. Improving.C. Preferring.D. Taking.10.What message does the author intend to deliver to us?A. It’s important to avoid injury while running.B. The motivating words make a difference to us.C. Parents should get along well with children.D. We can build up our bodies by regular exercise.DLocal officials in Beijing promised to further protect the city's cultural heritage, in particular the narrow streets known as hutongs.Hutongs are commonly found in the cities of North China, but they are at risk. Beijing is currently believed to have fewer than 1,000 hutongs, most of which are near the Imperial Palace. Only 60 years ago, the number was 3,250. In the old districts of Dongcheng and Xicheng, which cover 62 square kilometers, some people will be asked to move out from hutong houses to avoid further damage to the ancient architecture."On average more than 100,000 people visit the Imperial Palace during the National Day holiday. The visitors put pressure on the protection of cultural relics," said Huang Yan, director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning, adding that hutongs should be protected from human damage.The government focused on how the protection plans were carried out and how the management of the cultural heritage worked. Wang Shaofeng, head of the Xicheng district government, said the area has 182 cultural relics, many of which were built asfar back as the Yuan Dynasty (1271—1368). The district of Xicheng has 1.28 million residents in its 57 square kilometers of land. "The most efficient way is to decrease the local population to reduce the possibility of causing harm to the heritage," Wang said."Each community has been required to report the status of its cultural heritage, especially hutongs, and any action that will damage the heritage will be punished," Wang said.No one knows for sure how many hutongs will be left in the coming 100 years.11.How many hutongs have disappeared in the past sixty years in Beijing?A.Less than 1,000.B.About 2,000.C.More than 3,000.D.Over 4,000.12.According to Huang Yan, what is the main cause of the damage to cultural relics?A.Visitors' activities.B.Residents'attitude.munities' behaviour.D.The government's policy.13.Which of the following is a useful way to protect hutongs?A.To attract more visitors.B.To punish anyone damaging them.C.To increase the local population.D.To forbid everyone getting close to them.14.What will happen to hutongs in the near future?A.Only time will tell.B.No one will remember them.C.The number will be growing.D.Hutongs will disappear completely.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

(数学2必修)第一章 空间几何体[基础训练A 组] 一、选择题1.有一个几何体的三视图如下图所示,这个几何体应是一个( )A.棱台B.棱锥C.棱柱D.都不对2.棱长都是1的三棱锥的表面积为( )A. 3B. 23C. 33D. 433.长方体的一个顶点上三条棱长分别是3,4,5,且它的8个顶点都在 同一球面上,则这个球的表面积是( )A .25πB .50πC .125πD .都不对 4.正方体的内切球和外接球的半径之比为( )A .3:1B .3:2C .2:3D .3:35.在△ABC 中,02, 1.5,120AB BC ABC ==∠=,若使之绕直线BC 旋转一周,则所形成的几何体的体积是( )A. 92πB. 72πC. 52πD. 32π6.底面是菱形的棱柱其侧棱垂直于底面,且侧棱长为5,它的对角线的长分别是9和15,则这个棱柱的侧面积是( ) A .130 B .140 C .150 D .160二、填空题1.一个棱柱至少有 _____个面,面数最少的一个棱锥有 ________个顶点, 顶点最少的一个棱台有 ________条侧棱。
3.正方体1111ABCD A B C D - 中,O 是上底面ABCD 中心,若正方体的棱长为a , 则三棱锥11O AB D -的体积为_____________。
4.如图,,E F 分别为正方体的面11A ADD 、面11B BCC 的中心,则四边形E BFD 1在该正方体的面上的射影可能是____________。
5.已知一个长方体共一顶点的三个面的面积分别是2、3、6,这个 长方体的对角线长是___________;若长方体的共顶点的三个侧面面积分别为3,5,15,则它的体积为___________.主视图 左视图 俯视图三、解答题1.养路处建造圆锥形仓库用于贮藏食盐(供融化高速公路上的积雪之用),已建的仓库的底面直径为12M,高4M,养路处拟建一个更大的圆锥形仓库,以存放更多食盐,现有两种方案:一是新建的仓库的底面直径比原来大4M(高不变);二是高度增加4M (底面直径不变)。
必修2 第一章单元测试卷

第一章单元测试卷第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每题5分,共60分)1.下列说法不正确的是()A.圆柱的侧面展开图是一个矩形B.圆锥的过轴的截面是一个等腰三角形C.直角三角形绕它的一条边旋转一周形成的曲面围成的几何体是圆锥D.圆台平行于底面的截面是圆面答案C2.如图所示的直观图的原平面图形是()A.任意三角形C.任意四边形B.直角梯形D.平行四边形答案B3.三视图如图所示的几何体是()A.三棱锥C.四棱台B.四棱锥D.三棱台答案B4.下图中的图形经过折叠不能围成棱柱的是()3 32 3 2 3 3答案 D5.水平放置的正方体的六个面分别用“前面、后面、上面、下面、左面、右面”表示,如图所示,是一个正方体的表面展开图,若图中“2”在正方体的上面,则这个正方体的下面是()A .1C .快B .6D .乐答案 B解析 如图所示,将题图折成正方体,可得 2 的下面是 6.32π6.已知正方体外接球的体积是 ,那么正方体的棱长等于()A .2 24 2 C.B.D.2 3 34 3 3答案 D解析 过正方体的相对侧棱作球的截面,可得正方体的对角线是球的直径.设正方体的棱长为 a ,球的半径为 R ,则有 2R = 3a ,所以 R3a 4π 3a 32π 4 3= ,则 ( )3= ,解得 a = .故选 D.7.一个圆锥的侧面展开图的圆心角为 90°,它的表面积为 a ,则它的底面积为( )522C.6D.34aA.a C.B. D.a3a4答案Aπ解析设圆锥的母线长为l,底面圆半径为r,则2πr=l·,故la=4r,由题意知πrl+πr2=a,所以πr2=.58.在正方体的八个顶点中,有四个顶点恰好是正四面体的顶点,则正方体的表面积与此正四面体的表面积之比为()A.32B.23答案A解析如图,设正方体的棱长为a,则正四面体A-B D C的11所有棱长均为2a.正方体的表面积S=6a2,13正四面体的表面积S=4××(2a)2=23a2.2∴S∶S=6a2∶23a2=3∶1.129.一个长方体去掉一个小长方体,所得几何体的正(主)视图与侧(左)视图分别如下图所示,则该几何体的俯视图为()3 3 33 3 3 3 3答案 C解析 由正(主)视图可知去掉的长方体在正对视线的方向,从侧(左)视图可以看出去掉的长方体在原长方体的左侧,由以上各视图的描述可知 C 选项的俯视图符合,C 正确.10.两个半径为 1 的铁球,熔化成一个大球,则大球的表面积为()A .6π3C .4 4πB .8πD .8 3 2π答案 C4π 8π 4π解析大球的体积是 2× ×13= ,设大球的半径为 R ,则有8π 3 3 3R 3= ,解得 R = 2,所以大球的表面积为 4π( 2)2=4 4π.故选 C.11.一平面截一球得到直径是 6 cm 的圆面,球心到这个平面的距离是 4 cm ,则该球的体积是()100π A. cm 3500π C. cm 3208πB. cm 3416 13πD. cm 33332C.3π2333 33222答案C解析设球的半径为R,则32+42=R2,故R=5.44500π所以球的体积为V=πR3=π×125=(cm3).12.一个四面体的所有棱长都为2,四个顶点在同一球面上,则此球的体积为()πA.2B.πD.3π答案C6262解析解法一:如下图,AD=,AO=AD=,SO=SA2-AO2=3.2233∴R2=(3-R)2+.∴R=.球的体积为π.解法二:构造棱长为1的正方体如上图,则C A BD为棱长为2的正11四面体,正方体的外接球也为正四面体的外接球.此时球的直径为33,因此球的体积为π.第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分)二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.设某几何体的三视图如下(尺寸的长度单位为m)6 2 23则该几何体的体积为________ m 3.答案 4解析 这是一个三棱锥,高为 2,底面三角形一边为 4,这边上的高1为 3,体积等于 ×2×4×3=4.614.若一个底面边长为 ,侧棱长为 6的正六棱柱的所有顶点都在一个球的面上,则此球的体积为________.答案 4 3π解析 2R =6( ×2)2+( 6)2=2 3,4∴R= 3,V = πR 3=4 3π. 球15.若干毫升水倒入底面半径为 2 cm 的圆柱形器皿中,量得水面的高度为 6 cm ,若将这些水倒入轴截面是正三角形的倒圆锥形器皿中,则水面的高度是________ cm.答案 616.如图是古希腊数学家阿基米德的墓碑文,墓碑上刻着一个圆柱,圆柱内有一个内切球,这个球的直径恰好与圆柱的高相等.相传这个图形表达了阿基米德最引以自豪的发现.我们来重温这个伟大发现:3 V4 2πR 3S 4πR 2 23 圆柱的体积与球的体积之比和圆柱的表面积与球的表面积之比分别为________,________.答案3 3 2 2解析 设球的半径为 R ,则圆柱的底面半径为 R ,高为 2R ,∴V 圆柱 =πR 2×2R=2πR 3,4π V 2πR 3 3 V = R 3,∴ 圆柱= = .球 球 3∵S圆柱 =2πR×2R +2×πR 2=6πR 2,S =4πR 2,球S 6πR 2 3 ∴ 圆柱= = .球三、解答题(本大题共 6 小题,共 70 分)17.(10 分)一个几何体的三视图及其尺寸如下(单位:cm),求该几何体的表面积和体积.解析 由三视图知道该几何体是圆锥,且母线长为 5 cm ,底面半径是 3 cm ,圆锥的高是 4 cm ,所以其表面积是 S =π×3×(3+5)= 表124π cm 2,其体积 V = π×32×4=12π cm 3.18.(12 分)正方体的每条棱长都增加 1 cm ,它的体积扩大为原来的8 倍,求此正方体的棱长.3 2 3 答案 1 cm分析 利用待定系数法求解.设出正方体的棱长,根据体积扩大为原来的 8 倍列方程,解方程得正方体的棱长.设正方体的棱长为 a cm ,由题意,得(a +1)3=8a 3,解得 a =1,即此正方体的棱长为 1 cm.19.(12 分)如下的三个图中,上面的是一个长方体截去一个角所得多面体的直观图,它的正视图和侧视图在下面画出(单位:cm).(1)在正视图下面,按照画三视图的要求画出该多面体的俯视图;(2)按照给出的尺寸,求该多面体的体积;解析 (1)如下图所示,(2)所求多面体体积V =V-V 长方体正三棱锥1 1 284=4×4×6- ×( ×2×2)×2= (cm 3).20.(12 分)根据三视图想象物体原形,并画出物体的实物草图:(1)三视图甲; (2)三视图乙.2223 3答案21.(12 分)已知六棱锥 P -ABCDEF ,其中底面 ABCDEF 是正六边形,点 P 在底面的投影是正六边形的中心,底面边长为 2 cm ,侧棱长为 3 cm ,求六棱锥 P -ABCDEF 的表面积和体积.解析 先求底面正六边形的面积,S六边形 ABCDEF=△6S OBC 1=6× ×2×2sin60°=6 3(cm 2),S 侧面=6S 1=6× ×2×△PCD CDPC 2-( )2=6 32-12=12 2(cm 2),∴S P -ABCDEF =S 六边形 ABCDEF +S 侧面=(6 3+12 2)(cm 2).在 △R t POC 中,PO = PC 2-OC 2= PC 2-BC 2= 9-4= 5(cm),∴V六棱锥 P -ABCDEF 1 1= Sh = ×6 3× 5=2 15(cm 3).22.(12 分)如图,是从上下底面处在水平状态下的棱长为 a 的正方体 ABCD -A B C D 中分离出来的.1 1 1 13 2 66(1)∠DC D 在图中的度数和它表示的角的真实度数都是 45°,对吗? 1 1(2)∠A C D 的真实度数是 60°,对吗?1 1(3)设 BC =1 cm ,如果用图示中这样一个装置来盛水,那么最多能盛多少体积的水?解析 (1)对;(2)对;(3)由题意知,以平面 B CD 为水平面,可盛最多体积的水,此时 V 1 11 1 1=VC -B D C =VC -B C D = × ×1×1×1= (cm 3). 1 1 1 1 1 11∴最多能盛 cm 3 的水.水。

高中英语人教新课标必修2Unit1 Cultural Relics单元练习一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the woman live now?A. In New York.B. In Chicago.C. In Boston.2. What do we know from the conversation?A. Both of them got good marks in the exam.B. One of them spilt the milk.C. Either of them got low marks in the exam.3. What was the climate like where the old couple lived?A. It was very rainy.B. It was very warm.C. It was very snowy.4. Why won't the woman order dessert?A. She thinks the dessert is too expensive.B. She doesn't want to gain weight.C. She is afraid of dropping the dessert on her clothes.5. Why did the woman get a new job in another country?A. Because she hated to work with the man here.B. Because she didn't like the culture here.C. Because she wanted to experience a new culture.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. How does the man feel about David's way of sleeping?A. It's effective.B. It's strange.C. It's the best.7. How many hours does David sleep a day?A. Four.B. Six.C. Seven.8. What does the woman suggest at the end of the talk?A. People should develop a habit like David's.B. People need longer hours of sleep.C. People have different sleeping habits.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What is the woman going to do?A. Attend a party.B. Take a holiday.C. Go on a business trip.10. When does the woman plan to arrive?A. Late Friday.B. Midday Saturday.C. Saturday night.11. What is the weather like in the town during the day?A. Cold.B. Wet.C. Warm.听第8段材料,回答第12、13题。12. Why does the man thank the woman?A. She has helped him with his problems.B. She has invited him for coffee.C. She has agreed to see him on Monday.13. When does the conversation take place?A. Before class.B. After class.C. During class.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What will the man do next morning?A. Meet Mr Cooper.B. Visit the national lab.C. Meet Bill Lyons.15. How will the man spend his Saturday?A. He will do some paperwork.B. He will take some rest.C. He will meet some visitors.16. What do we know about the woman?A. She's the man's wife.B. She's a business manager.C. She's a company secretary.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where did the fire probably start?A. On the first floor.B. On the second floor.C. On the third floor.18. When was the building built?A. In 1718.B. In 1782.C. In 1930.19. What was the building used as at the time of the fire?A. A hotel.B. An old people's home.C. A history museum.20. Who is Andrew Bond?A. A newspaper reporter.B. The owner of the building.C. The head of the fire department.二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共15小题;共15分)21. To my great surprise, he somehow managed to s the earthquake.22. My brother is the first student in our class to be s to take part in the English oral competition.23. The magazine will appear in a new d next month.24. On Christmas Eve, the whole family helped to d the house.25. There is no d about his honesty.26. The car is w at least 100,000 yuan.27. The bomb was timed to e during the rush-hour.28. She was Titanic, a ship which was said never to s .29. R the dishes from the table, please.30. His teacher gave him much v advice on his study.31. Up to now, there has been no e to prove that he has something to do with the theft.32. The two sides had a fierce d before they reached an agreement.33. Children have different s of learning: some learn by seeing, some by hearing, some by doing.34. Mary and Jane are sisters. The f is a singer; the latter is a dancer.35. The government holds an official r (接待) to welcome the foreign visitors.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)36. Why didn't you (选择) a better subject for your composition?37. My children, please r (除去) the snow from your shoes before coming in.38. He saw some (令人惊异的) sights at the zoo.39. I (怀疑) if there's anything more we can do tonight.40. I held my breath and (下沉) under the water.41. There is a heated (争论) on these issues.42. You have bought a new flat. Now have you decided how to design and (装饰) it?43. It is said that a (贵重的) diamond will be on show here soon.44. The (设计) of the Amber Room was in the style still popular today.45. He has developed his own (风格) of writing.46. China is a country (属于) to the developing ones.47. That house is very expensive, but I think it's (值) the money.48. The bomb was timed to (爆炸) during the rush hour.49. There is a lot of (证据) that stress is partly responsible for disease.50. A(n) (非正式的) party will be held next Sunday in his home.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共15小题;共30分)51. 父亲是老师的那个女孩被北京大学录取了。
高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 单元习题精选(含答案)

Unit 1 单元习题精选一.单句语法填空1.Pictures are scanned into a form of _________(数据的) information that computers can recognize.1.His public ________(形象) is very different from the real person.2.Climbers took cover from the storm in a __________(山洞).3.The museum is open daily ____________(贯穿;从始至终) the year.4.Nowadays people are very concerned about the safety and _________(质量) of food.5.They also hope to _________(进一步地) educate people about the importance of safeguarding historic and cultural relics for future generations to understand and appreciate.6.He represents the __________(观点) of the youth of today.7.I hope our friendship will last __________(永远地).8.Students from different countries are working __________(creative) to protect a temple in China.9.Like so many __________(create) people he was never satisfied.1.digital;2.image;3.cave;4.throughout;5.quality;6.further;7.opinions;8.forever; 9.creatively; 10.creative;二.单句语法填空1.This is the room ________ my grandma used to live.2.The reason ________ he explained at the meeting was not sound. 3.The boy ________ I thought to be honest lied to me.4.This was the reason ________ he took apart the machine.5.My eldest son ________ work takes him all over the world is in New York at the moment.6.Their child is at the stage ________ she can say individual words but not full sentences.7.We have entered into an age ________ dreams have the best chance of coming true.8.The teacher is good because she always tries her best to be the one ________ classes are more active and lively with some stories and examples.9.The watch ________ was a gift from his father was very important to him and he was determined to find it.10.He started out as a basketball prodigy(神童)________ skipped college and took his talents directly to NBA.1.where 2.that/which 3.who/whom/that 4.why 5.whose 6.where7.when8.whose9.which/that10.who/that三.语法填空练习阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
人教版高一英语必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 单元练习 含答案

Unit 1 Cultural Heritage一、用关系代词和关系副词填空1. She and her family bicycle to work, _________ helps them keep fit.2. Kale, _________ sister I shared a room with when we were at college, has gone to work in Australia.3. Self-driving is an area _______ China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line.4. In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Program, one of _______ purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.5. Many young people, most of ______ were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.6. We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, ____ the weather may be better.7. It is a truly delightful place, ________ looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages,8. Opposite is St. Paul’s Church, ______________ you can hear some lovely music.9. The citizens are living in the east protest against the proposal.10. .People should not do things disturb their neighbours unnecessarily.二、完形填空Heritage EducationChina’s Cultural Heritage Day falls on the second Saturday of June every year. Many celebrations are held and all cultural relic protection sites are 1to open free to the public on the day. There is no 2that various celebrating 3 across the country will arouse public 4of the importance of cultural heritage protection and 5the young people to love the fine 6culture of the motherland.China faces a heavy task to protect and rescue its cultural 7.We need to consider seriously the 8of the lack of awareness about cultural heritage protection.9,Heritage Education is one of our main approaches. People cannot 10value cultural heritage if they do not know 11it is important or how to protect it. Over the past seven years, CHP has 12over a hundred educational 13to various groups, such as schools, government offices,14the general public. Many people have attended CHP seminars. Typically, each seminar lasts two or three hours and 15of an informative presentation,16by a longer question-and-answer session and discussion. Each attender with 17knowledge of cultural heritage,18it to be just the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. People often think that the duty only 19to the government. So “Cultural Heritage Day” will be a welcome 20to educate the public on world heritage conservation.1. A. forbidden B. suggested C. made D. designed2. A. need B. doubt C. wonder D. reason3. A. parties B. activities C. receptions D. eyewitnesses4. A. awareness B. knowledge C. affairs D. opinion5. A. inform B. advise C. persuade D. inspire6. A. natural B. modern C. traditional D. artificial7. A. discoveries B. treasures C. relics D. wonders8. A. harm B. record C. meaning D. importance9. A. So B. Instead C. And D. Thus10. A. properly B. simply C. carefully D. entirely11. A. what B. why C. how D. when12. A. offered B. ignored C. insisted D. presented13. A. honors B. questions C. seminars D. rights14. A. as well as B. as much as C. as good as D. as long as15. A. consists B. becomes C. lies D. forms16. A. recognized B. requested C. retold D. followed17. A. professional B. limited C. learned D. required18. A. considers B. understands C. realizes D. concludes19. A. comes B. stands C. belongs D. calls20. A. possibility B. relic C. opportunity D. likely三、阅读理解AIf you think about World Heritage Sites, you probably think of places connected with ancient art and culture, historical buildings and monuments. And of course,many of these are on the World Heritage List (WHL)(世界遗产名录). But the WHL contains a lot of sites that are not so obvious. Let's look at a few of them.Robben Island in South AfricaThis island was used through the centuries as a prison,a hospital and a military base. But it's probably most famous as a maximumsecurity prison for political prisoners in the twentieth century. Nelson Mandela was one of its most famous residents. The WHL says it represents “the victory of democracy (民主) and freedom over oppression and racism (种族主义)”.Borders of France and SpainThis is an area of great natural beauty and the mountains have many interesting geological formations. But it is also an area of small farms. People there still use a type of agriculture that used to be common in mountainous areas of Europe but has almost completely disappeared in modern times.The city of Brasilia ,BrazilBrasilia is a capital city that was created from nothing in 1956. The WHL calls it “a landmark in the history of town planning”. The different areas of the city and the buildings themselves were all designed at the same time carefully. Every part of the city shows the ideas of the planner and architect(建筑师).Simien National Park ,EthiopiaSimien National Park was one of the first sites to be listed in 1978. It is one of the highest mountain areas in Africa,and the WHL calls it “one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world”. It is also important for its wildlife. The population of some rare animals is getting smaller and smaller.1.The passage mainly talks about ________.A.the remains of ancient cultures on the WHLB.the household heritage sites on the WHLC.some of the not so obvious sites on the WHLD.places of artistic or cultural importance2.The WHL has listed Borders of France and Spain probably because ________. A.it shows us past European society through the type of agricultureB.this is an area of great natural beautyC.the mountains there have many interesting geological formationsD.people there still use a type of agriculture that is common in Europe in modern times3.Which of the following sites was listed on the WHL for its political symbol? A.Simien National Park,Ethiopia. B.The city of Brasilia,Brazil. C.Borders of France and Spain. D.Robben Island in South Africa.BAmerican Mark Hough lives near Los Angeles, California. He was just about to start his weekend with an alcoholic drink called a margarita and a dip in his hot tub when he heard sticks breaking and leaves moving in his backyard. At first, he thought the sounds were coming from his neighbor. But then, the noise grew louder. “So I got up, looked over in the bushes and there was a bear climbing up over my fence,” Hough said.After seeing the bear, Hough decided to go back into his home for safety reasons. When Hough looked outside a short time later, the bear had made himself at home in Hough's backyard. The bear had entered Hough's unheated hot tub.“He was playing, having a grand old time,” Hough said. He found his phone and began recording video of the bear's activities.After a few minutes of pool time, the bear got out and walked slowly around the yard. Then it made its way over to Hough's margarita. The bear pushed the drink over and drank it off the ground.Later in the day, Hough was talking to a neighbor when some tree leaves fell to the ground. Hough looked up to see the bear sleeping in the tree. “So he had his margarita, and now he's ready for an hour nap,” Hough said.Hough's video of the bear's relaxing afternoon has been a hit on social media. One Twitter user said the bear is “clearly having a better summer than you”. Other users called the bear a “summer hero”. One called it her “spirit animal”. And one local news station in Iowa suggested the bear's activities would be a great way tocelebrate America's Independence Day.4.Why did Mark Hough decide to return to his home?A.To avoid being attacked. B.To record a video.C.To have a drink. D.To call the local news station. 5.Who recorded the video of the bear's activities?A.Mark Hough himself. B.Hough's neighbor.C.One Twitter user. D.A reporter in a local news station. 6.Where was the bear found finally that day?A.In the pool. B.Near the fence.C.In a big tree. D.In his neighbor's backyard. 7.How did the Twitter users feel about the bear's activities?A.Unpleasant. B.Surprised. C.Horrible. D.Impossible.CPetra may be the treasure of an ancient world, hidden behind a tall mountain. Its beautiful scenery makes it one of the greatest ancient sites still standing today. Common sense says “perhaps there’s nothing on the planet that looks like it”. Without doubt, there’s nothing in the world that resembles it. The rock-carvedrose-red town of Petra is filled with a mysterious charm that had been “designed to strike wonder into all who entered it”.Petra is the legacy from the Nabataeans, a hard-working group of Arab people who settled in southern Jordan more than 2,000 years ago. Admired then because oftheir culture, architecture and complex dams and water channels, Petra has become a UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) world heritage site and listed in the New Seven Wonders of the World.Petra is the most well-known site in Jordan located about 262 km south of Amman and 133 km north of Aqaba. The Dead Sea is 80 kilometres north of it. The steeply rising sides of a long, cool, dark and narrow gorge basically keep the sunlight out. Suddenly the gorge opens right into a natural square covered with Petra’s most well-known monuments, which glows in the bright sun. The ancient city shows the visitors its beautiful look. The town is large and the quality of the architecture is surprising. It leads someone to think about the creativity from the Nabataeans who made Petra their capital.Petra was the top architectural site for more than 400 years until it was occupied by the Romans in 106 AD. It was seen first when discovered in 1812 after being lost through the 16th century for nearly 300 years! Petra has 800 monuments, including buildings, tombs, baths, halls, temples, and streets, which were mostly carved in the pretty sandstone. Petra sights are in their finest in the early morning and the late afternoon. Once the sun warms the colorful stones, you will see the majesty of Petra.8. What do we know about Petra from the passage?A. It is on the top of a mountain.B. It was a palace for the king.C. It is a unique site.D. It was built by the Nabataeans in 106 AD. “Commonsensesays‘perhapsthere’snothingontheplanetthatlookslikeit’.”可推断佩特拉风光的独特性,故选C项。
高一英语必修二 Unit 1单元综合测试卷(含答案)

高一英语必修二 Unit 1单元综合测试卷(含答案)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
AOpera and cinema have much in common: as a matter of fact, they use music, theater, dance and other art forms at once. Cross-referencing and inspiration for each other have led to several interesting experiments.Cinema, connected with opera, is very attractive for a long time. Opera has been used both as a setting and as a subject for cinema. From comic films to action films, opera scenes appear in a variety of genres(体裁). Whatever the film, scenes set in or around the opera tend to represent the most exciting moment in the plot.Cinema is also capable of mixing the visual elements of the opera: cameras can catch facial expressions from close or far, special visual effects can be added digitally, and montage (蒙太奇) can change the meaning of a scene. Far from replacing the operatic experience, opera-based films provide a different, complementary take on operas: they become a genre of its own, whic h has been called the “opera-film”. Adaptation of films into operas is quite a new development of the operatic world. It is, however, a quickly growing genre: more and more film-based operas are being produced. In the same way popular novels were chosen in the 19th century as plots for operas, nowadays composers turn to popular or relevant screenplays to attract the audience.In the future, cinema and opera are highly likely to become more and more closely connected. While opera is fighting for relevance in the 21st century with new music produced, and cinema is slowly losing its leading role to high-quality on-demand TV, the two media can work together to give rise to new forms of art, combining their advantages to create something that can become larger than the sum of their parts.1. What can be learned about opera-based films?A. It represents a new genre of films.B. It focuses on visual experiences.C. It has unique settings and subjects.D. It appears in a variety of genres.2. What can be inferred about cinema and opera from the last paragraph?A. The two should develop their own advantages in their ways.B. The two should cooperate to make something new and bigger.C. Cinema should take the lead in producing high-quality products.D. Opera should work harder to become a new way of art in the 21st century.3. What is the text mainly about?A. The replacement of opera by cinema.B. The advantages of cinema over opera.C. The interaction between cinema and opera.D. The similarities between cinema and opera.BIf there is one thing I’m sure about,it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers.It is not that newspapers are a necessity.Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio.Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday.But for most people reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.The nature of what is news may change.What basically makes news is what affects our lives—the big political stories,the coverage of the wars,earthquakes and other disasters will continue much the same.I think there will be more coverage of scientific research,though.It’s already happening in areas that many directly affect our lives,like genetic (基因的) engineering.In the future,I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do—as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.It’s quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted (传送) e lectronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home.In fact,I’m pretty sure that how it will happen in the future.You will probably be able to choose from a menu,making up your own newspapers by picking out the things you want to read—sports and international news,etc.I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media (媒体).They actually feed off each other.Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers,but that hasn’t happened.What is read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air.And as for the Internet,it’s never really pleasant to read something just on a screen.4.What will probably be in the newspaper made by yourself?A.Sports and international news.B.A menu of important news.C.The most important news.D.What you are interested in.5.From the passage,we can infer .A.newspapers will win the competition among different mediaB.newspapers will stay with us together with other mediaC.television will take the place of newspapersD.the writer believes some media will die out6.The underlined phrase “feed off” in the last paragraph means “”.A.depend onpete withC.fight withD.kill off7.What is the best title for the passage?A.The Best Way to Get NewsB.The Changes of MediaC.Make Your Own NewspapersD.The Future of NewspapersCI have three kids and a great husband and I'm enjoying a career that I find challenging and fun. To the outside world, this feels li ke “success”. But there is still a voice in my heart asking if this is who I truly am. Only in silence do I hear the self and wonder who that person might be.So I booked a trip to find out. I travelled, for the first time, without my husband or kids. I went to Iceland with a friend, who shares an appreciation for wilderness and silence.For six days, we were immersed(沉浸) in wild, raw scenery and real weather—all kinds of weather. Climbing a mountain against rain and returning to a tent for a simple meal reminds you how little you actually need. And how strong it feels to be uncomfortable sometimes.I found silence in Iceland, and time to consider the me outside of career and the me outside of kids as I shared stories with strangers.When I stopped talking and just listened, I became more generous. I learned that choosing to be generous can create more space, more food and more warmth.But I didn't really gain any better appreciation of what I want from life or my job.I suspect the anxiety that drove me to seek silence in Iceland was losing sight of myability to choose gratitude and joy, and to be present in the challenges I set in my career and my family.I came home to noise, rush and love;with no less confusion on who I want to be. I know the answer isn't waiting out there on the top of a mountain in Iceland. The answer is in front of me with every step on my own life's path, and in every choice I make.8.Why did the author take a trip to Iceland?A. To gain a new experience.B. To enjoy family happiness.C. To better understand herself.D. To appreciate natural beauty. 9.What do we learn about the author's trip?A. Exciting.B. Difficult.C. Relaxing.D. Adventurous.10.What change happened to the author?A. She felt lonelier.B. She felt more anxious.C. She became more caring.D. She became more confident. 11.What will the author do in the future?A. Go back to nature.B. Face reality bravely.C. Travel to Iceland more often.D. Pay less attention to her feelings.DHollywood is getting more confident in the recovery of the US film market after Warner Bros’ monster mash Godzilla vs. Kong scored huge box office returns in early April. Meanwhile, Hollywood is also eyeing the Chinese market, with offerings including Universal’s action film Fast and Furious 9. However, they should realize that after the deadly pandemic, Chinese audiences have more interest in movies that tell a good Chinese story.James Cameron’s documentary The Six and Marvel’s superhero film Black Widow are scheduled to be released on April 16 and July 9 respectively, and DC comics has produced a new superhero, Monkey Prince, based on the Chinese legendary Money King. Obviously, Hollywood is hoping to earn big in the world’s largest film market.But looking back to the Hollywood blockbusters in 2020, their box office performance in China was a big disappointment. According to China’s ticketingplatform Maoyan, Disney’s Mulan, DC’s Wonder Woman 1984 and Warner Bros’ Tenet earned 278 million yuan ($42 million), 167 million yuan and 456 million yuan, respectively.Meanwhile, homegrown Chinese films are getting more popular, which can be seen from the box office during China’s Lunar New Year holiday in 2021 and the Qingming Festival. Chinese feature film Sister, which deals with sister-brother relationships, quickly defeated Godzilla vs. Kong during China’s Qingming Festival holiday.Many observers said that Chinese audiences want to watch films that tell a good Chinese story, and the tear-jerking comedy Hi, Mom is a perfect example. The film tells a warm story of a mother-daughter relationship and has grossed 5.397 million yuan as of Thursday, according to Maoyan.Maybe it is because of the COVID-19 epidemic that Chinese people are turning their eyes more toward their own stories. If Hollywood still cannot really know and respect Chinese culture and just randomly mixes some Chinese elements into their films, it will lose a large amount of its fans in China.12.What does the underlined expression in the second paragraph refer to?A.The Maoyan film market B.The US film marketC.The Hollywood film market D.The Chinese film market13.What did Chinese audiences think of the Hollywood blockbusters released in 2020 in China?A.The films earned big money in the box office.B.The films failed to meet the Chinese audiences’ expectation.C.The films defeated these homegrown films in China.D.The films were criticized for mixing Chinese elements into their films. 14.Why is the film Hi, Mom seen as a good example of successful films nowadays?A.It is about a story that makes you laugh and cry at the same time.B.It is about a warm story between a mother and a daughter.C.It satisfies many people’s intere st in a film to tell a good Chinese story.D.It mixes many Chinese family elements into the film successfully.15.How can Hollywood make a change to keep its fans in China?A.Try to base its story on Chinese legendary.B.Mix many Chinese elements into their films.C.Know and show respect for Chinese culture.D.Make the films to solve the mother-daughter relationships.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
【人教版】高中英语必修二:Unit 1 单元测试题1(含答案)

Unit 1 单元测试题第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
AInsects (昆虫) are a very healthy food. They have almost as much protein (蛋白质) as meat from a pig or cow and are low in fat. Eating insects is also very good for the environment since they need less land and water than larger animals.Marcel Dicke, who studies insects, explained in a talk how insects also produce more meat from the food they eat. For example, imagine a farmer feeds a cow 10 pounds of food. Those 10 pounds of food produce about 1 pound of meat for peopleto eat. However, imagine the farmer gives a certain number of insects 10 pounds of food. Those 10 pounds of food produce 9 pounds of meat for people to eat!Eating more insects can also help people in poor areas. Many people can raise and sell insects, which can provide jobs and food.But insects will not replace (替代) animal meat very quickly. First, people in some countries would have to change how they think about eating insects. Many people in North America and Europe eat a lot of meat like beef and pork. But they do not traditionally eat insects. In fact, for many people in the west, eating insects soundscrazy! They believe insects are dirty and dangerous. Insects make them feel uncomfortable.Some people are trying to deal with this problem. For example, David George Gordon wrote a book named “The Eat-A-Bug Co okbook”, which tries to show people that insects can be delicious. Other insect experts travel around telling people about the benefits (好处) of eating insects. But they still have a lot of work to do.21. Eating insects _____.A. is not healthyB. makes people put on fatC. helps protect large animalsD. is environmentally friendly22. The example of Marcel Dicke is given to show _____.A. the high cost of food productionB. it’s quite easy for farmers to raise insectsC. raising insects is a good choice for farmersD. the different ways of feeding cows and insects23. The long way eating insects has to go mainly results from _____.A. their terrible tasteB. people’s old beliefsC. family traditionsD. eating methods24. We can infer from David and other insect experts that _____.A. people can make a lot of money from insectsB. insects should be better protectedC. people should eat more insectsD. it’s dangerous to eat insectsBKhan Academy is a website providing a free education for any person. The website includes more than 4,000 short teaching videos about many different subjects. Every month, over 7 million people go to the Khan Academy website to watch its videos.Khan Academy began with one man named Salman Khan. As a young man, Khan got a degree from Harvard Business School and began to work in business.In 2006, Khan used the Internet to help his young cousins, who lived far away, with their mathematics schoolwork. He drew numbers and pictures on the website to teach them. After a time, he put his videos onto the website YouTube, where his cousins could watch them any time they wanted. But Khan noticed that other people were also watching his videos on YouTube.By 2009, the number of people watching his videos on YouTube was getting very large. Khan decided to make the videos his job instead. So he officially began Khan Academy, providing videos on mathematics and other school subjects.People did not have to pay to watch the videos. But they could give Khan money if they wanted to support (支持) his work. Some people did give Khan small amounts of money, but he was still having a hard time. Later, a woman told Khan that Bill Gates uses Khan Academy for his kids. After that, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation began giving money to Khan Academy. In 2010 Google gave the website money too, wanting Khan to translate his videos into the world’s most common languages. Today, people can see Khan’s videos in many different languages.Some people think that Khan Academy will be the way more and more people learn in the future. Teachers can use it in their classrooms. Khan believes that Khan Academy will never, and should never, replace a school. But he believes teachers and students can use it to make schools better.25. What can one get from Khan Academy?A. Video-making methods.B. Free learning information.C. Any help with the schoolwork.D. A good number of beautiful pictures.26. Salman Khan started Khan Academy _____.A. in 2006B. as a studentC. to satisfy the needs of learnersD. under the influence of his cousins27. What does Salman Khan think of Khan Academy?A. It will play an active role in school teaching.B. It can replace teachers in classrooms.C. It can replace a teaching school.D. It’s the future of education.CThe Tower of London, not a single tower but a large group, was built to guard London.Besides William and Henry VIII, the tower’s history has other famous name s in British history. In 1389 a clerk of works (现场监工员) named Geoffrey Chaucer —author of The Canterbury Tales— oversaw (监督) the building of the Tower Wharf. In 1671 Colonel Blood tried to steal the crown jewels (皇冠上镶的宝石) after overpowering the elderly Jewel House keeper. (Blood was caught but later pardoned.) Today the jewels remain in the tower as they have since Blood’s day.For six centuries this place was also home to a group of animals from elephants to big cats. It stopped being used as an animals’ home in 1835 and its animals were moved to the London Zoo.Today visitors can walk the walls, visit guard towers and see the crown jewels. Guards at the tower, popularly known as beefeaters, not only guard the tower but also give interesting tours that are among the most popular parts of any visit.How to Get ThereTrains and the Dockland Light Railway stop near the tower. Buses 15, 42, 78 and 100 reach the tower, and riverboats stop at Tower Pier. Taxis, bicycles, and foot power are also good ways to reach the tower. Driving is a less attractive choice because of the expensive parking.When to GoThe tower is open all year round, except during the Christmas holidays (December 24 to 26) and January 1. School holidays and summertime are the busiest times.How to VisitAs expected at a place that has seen so much history, there is enough of interest at the Tower of London to keep visitors busy for days. Stop at the Welcome Center for visitor information on everything from the crown jewels to family fun activities.28. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 shows _____.A. the tower was built by famous peopleB. some famous people caused trouble thereC. there were many famous people in British historyD. there were many interesting stories connected to the tower29. Beefeaters at the tower _____.A. have two rolesB. like to eat beefC. seem very seriousD. often joke with visitors30. According to the text, the Tower of London is _____.A. easy to reachB. full of parked carsC. busy all year roundD. a perfect place for a one-day tourDQuite a few years ago, as I celebrated my 25th birthday with a party, I was surprised to receive an unusual present. The gift-giver smiled widely and said loudly, “It’s a nice, strong plant, so even you can’t kill it.”I was well known in my circle of friends as an “anti-gardener” — how was I going to care for this piece of greenery?For four years the plant received little care. I felt guilty (内疚的) just looking at it!As a non-gardener, my offers to look after friends’ houses were met with laughter: “We appreciate (感激) the offer but, really, we don’t want to come home to a dead garden!” It didn’t occur to (想到) them that I just had no interest in having a garden. It was a choice, not a failing.Some time later my husband accepted a job in Belgium. Because I couldn’t throw away a gift, I decided to ask my neighbor to care for my plant.Our lovely house in Belgium had a beautiful garden. Slowly gardening became a part of my daily life, teaching me to slow down and to be happy in the silence of the garden. It was with regret that I left that garden to return to Sydney some months later.Back home life soon went back to normal. Then one day, it occurred to me that I could start my own little garden. So, I went to collect my unwanted plant from my neighbor. I took the plant home, watered it and watched as its leaves turned from a lifeless yellow to a rich green within weeks. Many years on, I still don’t know the name of my first plant, but I do know that as it grows, so do I. It symbolises a change in me when I stopped listening to the voices around me and started to believe in myself.31. When the author received a plant as a birthday gift, she felt _____.A. funnyB. guiltyC. excitedD. displeased32. What did the author’s friends think of her?A. Her anti-gardening was a weakness.B. She was bored with gardening.C. She was a good housekeeper.D. Her dead garden was ugly.33. How did the author deal with the plant before moving away?A. She threw it away.B. She asked for help.C. She left it in the house.D. She gave it to a neighbor as a gift.34. The author’s stay in Belgium made her _____.A. miss her days back in SydneyB. feel sorry for her first plantC. fall in love with gardeningD. become strangely silent35. What does the author want to tell us from her experience?A. We should try to be perfect.B. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.C. We should learn to make clear choices.D. Don’t refuse something you’ve never tried.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

高一英语必修②Unit 1 Cultural relics 练习题词汇及对话20%Ⅰ. 选出可以代替句中划线词或词组的选项:10%1. In the ancient times people used many kinds of objects as money.A. coinsB. animalsC. thingsD. notes2. Remove the dirt with soap and warm water.A. clean the din offB. cut the dirt offC. dig the dirt offD. lift the dirt off3. He Rave the machine another trial to see if it would work.A. motionB. testingC. pressureD. quiz4. Did I really hear someone come in or was it only an illusion?A. feelingB. StoryC. factD. fancy5. Her teeth decayed because she ate too many sweets.A. became oldB. became angryC. became badD. became black6. I have no doubt that you will pass the examination.A. don't believeB. am sureC. hopeD. am afraid7. The snow soon dissolved when the warm weather came.A. destroyedB. reducedC. meltedD. disappeared8. Doctors, scientists, and public health experts often travel to these regions to solve the mystery of a long, healthy life.A. problemB. secretC. difficultyD. worry9. Once you understand the rule, you'll have no further difficulty.A. For one timeB. In the futureC. BecauseD. As soon as10. This weekend party was designed to bring the two leaders together.A. plannedB. usedC. heldD. drawnⅡ. 根据情境及中文提示,完成下面的对话。
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”此农具出现于A.曹魏 B.唐代 C.宋代 D.明清2.《后汉书》载:“建武年间,(任延)诏征为九真太守。
”这段记载反映了当地A.推广曲辕犁后增加了耕地面积 B.开始注重精耕细作提高农业产量C.自然资源的贫乏导致生活贫困 D.农民意识的落后导致生活贫困3.安徽人杰地灵,历代人才辈出。
’”这表明,在汉代A.买田置地是藏富传家的重要手段 B.政府推行“重农抑商”政策C.勤俭节约是为官执政的行为准则 D.土地兼并现象尚不普遍5.《唐六典》记:“工巧业作之子弟,一入工匠后,不得别入诸色”;《新唐书》载:“组之工,教以四年;车路、乐器之工,三年;平漫刀稍(长矛)之工,二年……教作者传家技。
”这表明唐代工匠是A.在私营作坊工作 B.职业世袭C.频繁地更换工种 D.临时工人6.“尺铁碾去瑶台雪,一弓弹破秋江云。
对材料理解正确的是①反映了东汉时期青铜铸造工艺的高超水平②可以窥见普通百姓日常社会生活的一面③造型艺术体现古代的农耕文化和环保意识④说明当时扬州地区已经成为全国经济重心A.①② B.①③ C.①④ D.③④8.杜甫有“锦官城外柏森森”诗句,锦官,三国蜀汉王朝时已设有此官并建立锦官城以保护蜀锦生产,故成都又别称“锦官城”。
下列关于古代锦官和蜀锦的说法不正确的是A.蜀锦主要用于宫廷和皇室用品 B.蜀锦主要是面向市场生产C.锦官主要是监督蜀锦的生产 D.蜀锦代表了当时四川手工业生产最高水平9.清前期,景德镇某御窑厂有雇工300余人,其中圆器头、雕削头等工是“计工给食”,“其余工作头目雇请,俱给工价。
”该窑厂①属于官营手工业②产品主要用于皇室日用③采用机器化生产④产品主要用于朝贡贸易A.①② B.①④ C.③④ D.②③10.《清嘉录》记载:“(苏州)居人有宴会,皆入戏园,为待客之便,击牲烹鲜,宾朋满座。
”这反映出清代的苏州①社会消费出现了奢靡之风②商品经济促进了服务业发展③戏曲的流行丰富了城市生活④“击牺烹鲜”破坏了生态平衡A.①② B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②③11.明清时期山西外出经商者众多,达到“挟轻资牵车四方者,则十室九空”的地步,但是依旧“壮者服贾,老者归田”。
这主要说明A.商品经济占据主导 B.重商主义观念盛行C.重本抑末观念仍影响深远 D.社会逐利风气不断增长12.据《山东东吕府馆陶县志》载:清中叶“本邑男耕妇织,各务本业,大布(俗称粗布)一种输出境外,远销晋省。
”此记载反映出当地①自然经济占主导②农业结构发生变化③商品经济发展④对外贸易发达A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.①④13.司马迁在《史记·货殖列传》中有着这样的记载:“网疏而民富”;“故物,贱之征贵,贵之征贱,各劝其业、乐其事,若水之趋下,日夜无休时,不召而自来,不求而民出之,岂非道之所符,而自然之验也”。
司马迁在这里体现出的经济思想是A.轻徭薄赋,劝课农桑 B.发展经济应该农工商并重C.对私人营利采取一定的放任态度 D.发展商业应因地制宜14.《旧唐书•郑注传》载:“上(文宗)访以富人之术,(郑注)乃以榷茶(茶叶专卖制度)为对。
”材料反映A.唐朝粮食产量大幅度增加 B.封建官府与百姓争夺茶利C.唐朝已放弃重农抑商政策 D.唐朝君主专制的空前强化15.某同学在图书馆查阅资料时,发现了中国古代某地居民的一份职业结构表,据此推断这A.汉代成都地区 B.唐代关中地区 C.明代苏州地区 D.清代的洛阳地区16.明朝范濂的《云间据目抄》记载“松江旧无暑袜店,暑月间穿毡袜者甚众。
”该材料表明当地A.民营手工业超过了官营手工业 B.日益成为江南棉织业的中心C.手工业部门中出现了雇佣关系 D.商业发展突破了官府的控制17.清朝康熙《归安县志》记载:“归安诸乡统力农,修蚕绩,极东乡业织,南乡业桑菱,西乡业薪竹,北乡……业蔬、靛,荻港业藕,埭溪业苎,善琏业笔,菱湖业蚕,捻丝为绸尤工。
”对该材料理解不正确的是A.农业和手工业相结合的多种经营 B.农业生产呈现区域性特点C.此经营方式有利于封建经济的发展 D.该地出现了资本主义萌芽18.明清时期,资本主义开始出现萌芽。
其最根本原因是A.西方资本主义国家的不断侵入 B.腐朽封建制度严重阻碍资本主义萌芽成长C.中国始终没有出现独立的手工工场 D.统治者实行闭关锁国的政策19.“民舍本而事末则其产约(财产轻便),其产约则轻(容易)迁徙,轻迁徙则国家有患,皆有远志,无有居心。
”这段话主张A.民贵君轻 B.重农抑商C.农商并重 D.寓兵于农20.《明太祖宝训》指出,“我国家赋税制度已有定制,樽节拥堵,自有余饶。
”按照这一论断,你认为18世纪末世界贸易中心最有可能是A.西安 B.天津 C.上海 D.广州22.明清史志资料显示:松江府“壤地广袤不过百里而遥,……所由供百万之赋……全赖此一机一杼”。
嘉兴府王江泾镇“多织绸,收丝缟之利,居者可七千余家……”由这些资料,我们可以看出①江南市镇经济繁荣②纺织业显著发展③自然经济开始解体④存在自由劳动力市场A.①②③④ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.②③④23.《吕氏春秋·上农》载:“古先圣王之所以导其民者,先务於农。
’”古先圣王倡导“先务於农”主要是为了A.安边境 B.尽地利 C.稳秩序 D.抑商业24.有学者论:“政治权力型经济在中国历史上表现得最为突出,最为典型。
”这种经济形式在古代中国的表现不包括A.盐铁官营制度 B.“海禁”政策 C.商帮的出现 D.重农抑商政策25.唐代,尚书省之下设有工部,“掌天下百工、屯田、山泽之政令”。
由此可见在唐代A.尚书省是三省之中最重要的部门 B.尚书省是官营手工业的最高政务部门C.手工业行业和种类已经非常繁杂 D.官营手工业在手工业中处于垄断地位第II卷(非选择题)26.(20分)运河漕运关系王朝兴衰。